The Brussels Post, 1898-11-25, Page 7Nov, 25, 1Bf►R.
bice VudrtahlP or . Saab and Meehek—Where
the Chief Battles or Vholetimaity one
p'o1R$t—Why Mere Men do Nat came te
Gnash—Dr. '1'itanium> Satellite au gnvUcc
Mon to Oomo Ai'annd Iho Old Gavel
ow --
in despatah Teen Washington says:
Tahuuge preached front the fol -
Lowing text:—",And lean° diggod again
the walls of water, which they bad
diggod In Uco days of Abraham his
father; fol' the Philistines had stop-
ped them after the death of Abraham;
and be called their names after the by wllieh his tether had celled
thorn."—Genesis xxvi. 18.
iin Oriental lands a well of water is
a fortune, If a king dug one, he be-
came as famous as though be had bailt
a pyramid cr conquered a province.
Great battles Were fought for the con-
quest oar defence of.sueh wells of wa-
ter; castle and towers were erected to
secure permanent possession of thein.
The traveller to -day finds the well of
Jacob dug one hundred feat through.
a solid rock of limestone. These ancient
wells of water were surrounded by
walls of rock. This wall of rook was
covered up with a great slab. In the
centre of the slab there was a hole
through which the leathern bottle or
earthen jar was let down, This open-
ing was covered by a stone. When
Jacob, a young man of seventy years,
was courting Rachel, he won her fav-
our, the Bible says, by removing the
stone from the opening of the well.
He liked Ozer because she was industri-
ous enough to come down and water
tbo camels. She liked him beoause he
was clever enough, to lay hold and give
a lift to one who needed it,
Zt• was oonsidered one of the great-
est calamities that could happen ana-
tion when these wells of water were
stagged. Isaac, you see in the text,
found out that the wells of water,
that had been dug out by his father
Abraham at great expense and care,
had been filled up by the spiteful Phil-
istines. Immediately lsana orders them
all opened again. 1 see the spades
plunging, and the earth tossing, and
the water starting, until the old wells
aro entirely restored; and the oattle
come down to the trough and thrust
their nostrils into the Muter, their bod-
ies quacking at every swallow, until
they lift tip their heads and 'look
around and take a long breath, the
wafer from the sides of their mouths
dripping in sparkles down into the
trough. I never tasted such water in
my life es in my boyhood, I drank out
et the.mos,s covered bucket that swung
up on the chains of the old well --sweep;
and I think when Isaac leaned over
the curb of these restored wells, he
felt within himself that it was abe✓-
erage worthy of God's brewing. He
was very careful to call all the wells
by the same names wbioh his father
ivad called them by ; and if this well
was called, " The well in the Valley,"
or " The well by the hock," or " Tho
well of Bubbles," lsaao baptized it with
the same nomenclature.
You have noticed, my Christian
friends, that many of the old Gospel
wells that our fathers dug have been
filled up by modern Philistines. They
have thrown in their scepticisms and
their philosophies, until the well is al-
most filled up, and it is nigb impossible
to get one drop of the clear water,
Thew men tell us that you ought to
put the .Bible an the same shelf with
the Koran and the old Persian menu -
scripts, and to read it with the same
spirit ; and there is not a day but
somebody comes along and drops a
brick or a stone, or a carcase in this
old Gospel well. We are told that all
the world wants is development, for-
getful of the fact that without the
Gospel the world alwaye develops down-
. ward, and that if you should take the
religion of Christ out of this world, in
one hundred years it would develop
into the ".Five Points" of the universe.
Yet there are a great many Mau and
there are a great manyrostrums
whose whole work it is to fill tap these
Ch faction wells.
You will not think it strange then.
11 the Isaac who speaks to you this
•i dig open some of the
'- g'tzesto
olard wells made by Abraham, bis fath-
er, nor will you be surprised. it be
amo old names.
)ells them by the. s
Bring your shovel and pickaxe and
)row -bar, and the first well we will
open is the gloriotia well of the atone-
ment. It is nearly filled up with the
ships and debris of old philosophies
that were wco'n out in the time of
Confucius and Zeno, but which smart
men in our day unwrap from their
mummy-bandagee, and try to make us
believe aro original with themselves. 1
plunge the ahnvel to the very bottom
of the well, and I find the clear water
starting. Glorious well of the atone-
Bientl Perhaps there are people here
who do not know what atonement
means, it is so long since you have
heard the definition. The word it-
self if you give it a peculiar pronun-
ciation, will show you the meaning--
—atone -went, Man is 0 sinner, and
deserves to die. Jesus comes in and
bear's hie punishment and weeps hie
griefs. I was lost once but not 1 run
found. 1 deserved to die but Jesus
took the lances tato his own heart un-
til his chin
til ]rids face grew pale and
dr 1
e onhis
chest, and he had
alp d
isf' i
L n d
sC.rength only to say,, "It i}she
no boat swung round into the trough
of the sea, and would have bnen
swamped, but Jesus took hold of the
r battle, and must
rat¢. 1 was net ht0,
pieces had not, have been out
! r p
tcleth on the whit
night-&i,ll, be who r
horse. arses into the fray, '.t'.11at which
lnust have been the Waterloo of m3
defeat new became the Waterloo of my
triumph, because Illecher has come W
tel save hspbltionI expel tton I Ph
I hied ma for high treaaan agates
God, and found me guilty. Tho angels
of Gad were the jurors unpancled in
the case, and they found mo guilty ; .1
was naked what I bac! to say why den -
tenet: of eternal death dbould nut be
pronounced upon me, and I. bad noth-
ing to say. 1 stood ou Lbe scaffold of
God's justice; the black cap of eternal
death wan about to be drawn over my
eyes, when trent the bill of Calvary
One came. Ile duelled through the
ranks or earth and heaven and hell,
1 His *cLrineote were
d volt I a
lie rode 1
1I o Y b
his ace was
dyed with le blood,R
el ", h
dabbled with
blending, his feet werec a lad
gore, end he cried out, "Savo that man
from going down to the pit, 1. am the
ransom," and be,threw back the coat
from hie heart, and that heart burst
into a crimson fountain, and he drop-
ped dead al my feet; and I fell of his
hands, and they were stiff; and I
fell of his feet and they were cold ; and
I felt of his heart, tend it wart pulse-
less; and 1 eri0d, "Dead!" And an-
gels with excited wings flow upward
amidst the thrones, crying "Dead!"
and spirits loot in black brood wheel-
ed down amidst the caverns, crying
"Bead!" Jtxpiation I expiation l
Cowper overborne with his sin,
threw himself into a chair by the win-
dow, pinked up a new Testament, and
his eye lighted upon this, "Whom God
bath sot forth as a propitiation
through faith in his blood;" and in-
stantly he was free! Unless Christ
paysolu• debts, we go to. eternal jail.
Unless our Josepb opens the king's
corn crib, we die of famine. One sacri-
fice for all.
A heathen got worried about hie sins,
and came to a priest and asked bow
he might be cured. The priest said
"It you will drive spikes into your
shoes and walk five hundred miles you
will get over it." ,Jo he drove spikes
into his shoes and began the pilgrim -
ago, trembling, tottering, agonizing 0n
the way, until he came about twenty
axles, and sat down under a tree, ex-
hausted. Near by a missionary was
preaching Christ, the Saviour of all
men. When the heathen beard it, he
pulled off his sandals, threw diem as
Lar as- be could, and cried, "That's
what I want; give me Jesus 1 give me
Jesus!" Oh, ye who have been con-
victed and worn of sin, trudging on all
your days to reap eternal woe, will
you not this mowing, at the announce-
ment of a full and glorious atonement,
throw your torturing transgressions to
the winds? "The blood of Jesus Christ
oleanseth from all sin ;" that was the
very passage that came to the tent of
iledley Vicars, the brave English sol-
dier, and changed him into a hero for
the Lard.
re neither poor nor needy! I have,
wird Christian men in prayer -meet-'
ngs lied elsewhere to}lt as though
here were n0 very great radical.
hinge. before a man becomes T
a Cbriclien. All he ham got tel do ie
to stop swecring, clear him lhroal a
few times, take 41 good wash, end be
is ready Inc heaven] My friends, if
every mon has not gone astray, and it
the wbnle taro Is not, plunged in sin
and ruin. then that Bible is the great-
est fraud vr' t a - o• .r
c , ul o ) tnauLad for, fa nn be-
ginning n t �. to end. it dela forth IbaL they
are. Now, my brothers and aidters, if
a man must. be born again in order
10 13033 the kingdom of God,.and if a
man ie absolutely ruined unless Christ
check hie course, why not prcclatm it? 1
There must bean infinite and radical
change in every man's heart, or he
can not come within len tboasand
miles of heaven. There must be an
earthquake in his soul, shaking down
les mins, and there must. be the trum-
pet -blast of Christ's resurrection bring-
ing him up from the deptbs of min and
darkness into the glorious life of the
Gospel. Do you know why more men
do not come to Christ ? It is because
men are not invited that they do not
come. You get a general invitation
from your friend: Come round some
time to my bowie and cline with me," j
You do not go. twat he says, "Come
around to -day at four' °Week, and'
bring your family, and we'll dine to -1
gather." And you say, "I don't. know.
as I bane any engagement; I will
some." "1 expect you at four o'clock,"
And you go, The world feels it is a I
general invitation to come arounctsome
time and sit at the great Gospel feast,
and men iia not. come because they are
not sped illy ineiced. It is because
you do not take holt! of them and say,
"My brother, come to Christ ; come
now—come now 1" How was it that in
the clays of Daniel BOW, and Truman'
Osborne, and Nettleton, so many thou-
sands came to Jesus? Because those
good men did nothing else but invite
them to come. They spent their life -
Lime in uttering invitations, and they
did not mince matters either?; Where
did John Bunyan's pilgrim start from?
Did he start from some easy, quiet,
cosy place? No; if you have read John
Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," you
know where he started from, and that
was the City of destruction, where ev-
ery sinner alerts from. Do you know
what Livingstone. the Seotrh minister,
was preaching about in Scotland when.
three hundred souls under one sermon
came to Christ ? He was preaching'
about the human heart as unclean,
and hard, and stony. Do you know
what George Whitfield was preaching,
about in his first sermon, when fifteen 1
souls saw the salvation of God? It was.
this: "ye must be born again." Do
you know what is the last subject he
ever preached upon? "Flee the wrath'
to come." fat I that the Lord God
would come into our pulpits and pray-
er meetings, and Christian circles, and
bring us from our rhetoric and pro-
found metaphysics, and our elegant
hair -.splitting, to the oldfashioned well
of Gospel invitation. There are enough
sinners in tbis house this morning, if
they should come to God, to make joy
enough in heaven lei keep jubilee a
thousand years. Why not come? Havel
you never had a special invitation to
oome? If not, I give it now; you, you,
You, come now to Jesus! why do you
try to "cover up that cancer with a
piece of court -plaster, when Christ, the
Surgeon, with his scalpel, would take
it all away, and it would never come
again? Do you know that your nature
is all wrong unless it has been chang-
ed by the grace of God ? Do you not
know that God cannot be pleased witb
you, my dear brother, in your present
state? Do you know that your sinful
... rYs�oxw
,Around this great well of the Atone-
ment the cheat ;battles of Christian-
ity are to be fought. Ye Bedouins of
infidelity, take the other wells, but
do not touch this. I call it by the
same name that our father Abraham
gave it—the Atonement. Here is
where he stood, his staff against the
well -curb, Here is where be walked,
the track of his feet all around about
the welt This is the very water that
with trembling hand, in his dying mo-
ment, he put to his lips. 0h ye sun -
struck, desertworn pilgrims, drive up
your camels and dismount' a pitcher
of water for each one of you, and I
will fill the trough for the camels. See
the bucket tumble and dash into the
depths; but I bring it up again, hand
over hand, crying, "Ho every one that
thirsteth, Dome ye to the watersi"
Now, bring your shovels and your
pickaxes, and we will try to open an' -
other well. I oall it the well of Chris-
tian comfort. You have noticed that
there are a good many new ways of
comforting. Your father dies. Your
neighbour comes in, and he says, "It
is only a natural law that your father
should die. The machinery is merely
worn out;" and before he leaves you,
he makes some other excellent remarks
about the coagulation of blood, and the
difference between the respiratory and
nitrogenized food. Your cbild dies,
and your philosophic neighbour comes,
and for your soothing tells you that
it was impossible the child should live
with such a stets of mucous mem-
brane! Outl with your chemistry and
physiology when I have trouble, and
give me a plain New Testament) I
would rather have an illiterate man
from the backwoods who knows Christ,
talk with me, when I am in trouble,
then the profoundest worldling who
does not know trim. Tho Gospel with-
out telling you anything about. mucous
membrane or gastric quite, or hydro-
chloric acid, Domes ' and says 'All
things work together for good to those
who love God;" and that if your child
!s gone, it is only because Jesus has
folded it in his arms, and that the
Judgment -day will explain things that
are now inexplicit1de. Ohl let us dig
out this old Gospel wall of comfort.
Take away the stoicism and fatality
with which you have been trying to
fill it, Drive up the great herd of
your cities and anxieties, anct estop
their bleating at this cool fountain!
'Co tilts :veil David came when ha lost
Absalom; and Paul, when bis back was
reel and raw with the scourge; and Dr.
his 1
Young,when clot hLer died; and
Latir, when the flames of martyr-
dom leaped on his track; and M'Kail,
whenhe heard hhe r nL
t d knits al arpor ng
for his beheading; and all. God's sheep
in all the ages.
For Co ►ld Health
After one of Napoleon's battles, it
was found that the fight had been so
terrific that, when the muster roll
was called of one regiment, there were
only three privates and one drummer -
boy that answered. An awful. fight
that! Ohl that Christ to -day might
mime so mightily dor the slaying of
your troubles and sorrows that wbsn
you go home and call the muster -roll
of the terrible troop, not one -not one
—shall answer, Christ having qualched
every annoyance, and salved every
gash, enol. wiped every tear, and made
complete extermination.
Now, bring your shovels and pick-
axes, and we will dig out another
well—a well opened by our father
Abraham,. but which the Philistines
have .filled up. It is the well of Gos-
pel Invitation, 1 suppose you have
noticed. that religious address in this
most .art bas gone into
for the mot
day. v p
t end assn part,
You kno
the abate aC y W
r" is almost dropped
r "sinner" M word th v o 0.P
out of the Christian vooabuiary; it is
notP1: cite io use brat word
thought h I
novo. It is Methodistic or olcl-f•tsbion•
1 men that the
want to tel
e . 1f y
O are
- � moat alb lh
are sinners, you y Y
a spiritually erratic, or have moral do -
netts, or they have net had a proper
, spiritual development; ailll I have not
heard in twenty years that old hymn,
▪ "Come, ye sinners, poor and needy."
e In the first place, they are 1101 sin-
t 01335, and 10 the Mooed place they
aka the Boot Medlolne That
Money Can Buy.
¢a1Dp, Ouros, Merit, All Point to need's
[temperate as the Beet.
You must Wive pure blood, if you ex -
peel. have • od health, This isnum
e L to a: o rs hon t This s o,
1 1
o her thing i,; Imre, �"Jr b i b and
Ant hnl e es 1
purifier .isHood's Barsn al'iIle. '!"his fact
exts upon the basin of absolute proof,
rho sales of flood's Sarsaparilla are un-
equal]. id. .Its merit is unquestioned.
is cures are often accomplished after
other preparations have 'failed to do
any good.
Therefore we are Ifuetified in urg-
ing you to take Hoods Sarsaparilla in
preference to all others if you have
the slightest symptom of impure blood.
Mood's Sarsaparilla cures scrofula, melt
rheum, boils, pimples, sores, catarrh,
malaria, dyspepsia, and all other trou-
bles caused or promoted by impure
Hood's Sar aparI l:�:
le Cannda'a Greets+r• Msdiai••o, 81 ; riz for$b,
$'capered only by O. I. NAT Co.,Lowoll,Mnss,
Hood's Plus net IINT, ioualyy with
!food's Snr.aparllla. Ybo.
condition excites the wrath of God?
"God is angry with the wicked every
day." Do you not know that you have
made war upon God? Do you not
know that you have plunged your
spear into the Saviour's side, and that
you have punctured his temples, and
spiked his feet, and that you have
broken his heart ?
0h 1 is this what he deserves, you
blood bought soul? la this the prima
you pay him Inc his long, earthly
tramp, and hie shelterless nights, and
his dying prayer, and the groan that
made creation shiver? Do you want
to drive another nail into him? Do
you want to stick him with another
thorn? Do you «ecu to join the mob
that with bloody hands smote him on
the cheek, crying, "His blood be on us
and our children forever!" Oh your
sins 1 ani! when I say that, I do not
pick out some man who may not have
been in a house of worship far for-
ty years, but I pick out any man
you choose, whose heart has not been
changed by the grace of God. 011 your.
sins! I press theta on year attention
—the sins of your lifetime, What a
record for a death pillow! What data
for the judgment day 1 What a cup
of gall for your i ips I Look at all the
!sins of your childhood and riper years,
with their forkerl tongues, and adder
stings, and deathless poignancy, un-
less Jesus with His heel shall orusb the
serpents. You have stinted against
your Geri; you have }sinned against
Jesus; you have sinned against your
grave—ay, you have sinned against
the little resting -place of your darling
child, for you will never see her again
unless you repent. How can you go
to the good place, the pure place where
she is, your heart unpnrdoned? You
have sinned against a Christian fath-
er's counsel and a dying mother's
fire. Maury Gifford, of 1Lantvlllo. Proves
the Patna 01' Dr. Williams' Pink P1115
• 1n. this cos oUtten.
From the Acadian, Wolfvilie. N.S.
The case of Mrs. Henry Gifford, of
]:Kentville, who some time ago was
oared of a distressing malady through
the medium of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, is of peculiar value as illustrate
ing the rapidity with which this re-
markable medicine operates. A repre-
sentative of the Aoadien who called
upon Mos. Gifford, the other day to eli-
eit information, conoarning her cute,
found her to be a very intelligent
lady, and a hearty edvooate of the use
of De. Willi/ens' Pink Pills. Upon
learning the object of his call airs.
Gilford expressed herself as pleased at
the prospect of ]!coving an opportun-
ity to give publicity to her remarkable
mire. "I have !,old all my friends about
it," she said, " but have often felt that
it wits my duly to have a statement
t a
of my endo 0.0 inhe p
bed P
Three years ago this spring my sys-
tem was in a badly run down state.
In this condition 1 was attacked by
a heavy cold and an enlarged tonsil of
great sire and extreme psinfulnesswas
the result. 1 er 9 weary months [•was
unable to tarn ley bend rind my health
became teeth that I could not exert
myself in the least. Several Physicinns
were 0onattIted, hitt witbout the slight- I
est: lcenefit. The swelling Was fluffily
lanced but the operation only aggro -
voted. the matter asemy blood was so
impoverished that the incision did_ not
heal but developed intint(*)a rennin SOTO.
Desency seized me and at tams I
almost, :visited that I was dead. Al:
last by a happy chance I was advised
to use Dr. Willtems'PinkPills, After
using a few boxes the. swelling dis-
appeared and perfect health and buoy-
ancy of spirits returned. Since thai:
.licit coh-
Lime airs. Gifford Iles had imn
fidenco in Dr. Williams Pink Pills,
and has used them for any physioel
disorder of herself or children with
the, same happy results,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create new
blood, build up the nerves, and time
drive disease from the system. in hun-
dreds muses they have oared after all
ds f ve
arbor medicines lis d failed, 010s
581:0 -
the that they arm anuirvel
among the triumphs of modern med-
leal science.. The genuine Pint
aro sold only inboxes bearing
the full
trade mart Dr, Williams'Fink Pills
for Palo People." PIotrot yottrself
i )
£trinehnpnsllion by refusing. any pill
Unit does not bear the r'egi•sterecl trade
mark expend the box. If in doubt
sone dlroot to the D. Williams' Med-
thine Co., i#rockville, Ont„ and they
will be mailed toyob post paid at '8Oo.
a box, op six boxes for $2,Gp.
Ordinary articles or consumption
have a bad effect upon the body if
uses to excess. Not a few men have
bad their eyesight permanently affect-
ed by smoking too much, and the deaf-
ness of a very noted man of letters is
to be traced to the foot that he had
been for years a tea drunkard. That
snuff may produce paralysis is vve11-
Icnown, but it seems almost incredible
that a man may go mad through con-
suming too many eggs. Nevertheless,
there Ls no doubt that to eat too many
of them produces a kind of nervous
excitement which may lead even to
murder. Too much beef for a weak -
brained boy tends to make him an
idiot, and the number of men wbose
mental vigor has been snapped by con-
stantly drinking strong coffee is ex-
The throw:room of the Sultan, at
Constantinople, is a goi'p.e.aus sight.
The gilding le unequaled by any other
building in Europe, and from the ceil-
ing hangs a superb Venetian chande-
lier, the 200 lights, of which make
gleam like that of a veritable sun. At
each of the four corners of the room
tali candelabra in baccarat glass
aro n luded, ais the throne a a Lugo
seat covered with rad velvet, and hay.
ing arms and back of pure gold,
If 3'310 are troubled with Catarrh,
13ranchil18, Irritable '1.Trroat, &e., send
for sample bot (le of Their famous pre-
paration and inhaler, pre -paid. It is
neither a snuff nor a wash nor an
ointment:, but a pleasant remedy which
is carried by atmospheric air t3 every
hart of the, throat, lungs and nasal
passages and guaranteed to be an
absolute cure. Address. N. E, Polson
& Co., !Kingston, Ont.
Stone 1n the bladder ,Inde lire Miser,
able—A Surgical Opernelen nit the
General HIIIpltal Paling ie Relieve
Her—Dodds' Kidney Pills
Cared Her.
Toronto, Nov, 1.4.—airs. Ellen Fox, of
No. 3 St. Matthias St„ this city, is a
lady, well-known, nnl highly esteemed
by a large and constantly increasing
aequaintancieship. For a long time she
was a victim of ill -health, which pre-
vented her from performing her social
and domestic duties, greatly to the re-
g '
gret of her many
Now, however, sheis enjoying the
most robust health, and t:he story of
h r-
t, 1 ,chesoCt the t he ul
how she esc pod m
ease that hold hoc a violin is ma mual-
ly interesting, affording, as it does, one
other iris:hu t+e of bow a famous rem-
edy Dodd's Kidney Pills — banishes
suffering, wipes out disease, and, brings
health, strength and happiness to ev-
ery home wherein it is used.
Mrs. i'ox writes of her c'etse thus:
"I endured agonies that: neither tongue
nor heli can dee5t'ibe, and t.hatt zincked
my body night and day. 3,y trouble
woe Stone in the Bladder.
"I was, for a time, under treatment
at the Toronto General. Hospital, but
no relict was afforded me, much Less al
cure. I underwent a painfulslugienl;
operation' but still my disease con-'
United to grow worse and worse.
"My sufferings were simply awful,
and at times were enough to turn the
brain. I bad almost abandoned all
belie of ever getting better, when 1
:V0.8 persuaded to try Dada's Kidney
Pills. I got relief from the very first,
anti a continued use of this
latt moilclno cured me absolutely and
0.oa y
'feotl . S
can never ever be thankful
release, iah loo
enough for my wh wasc
whols"y lland solely to Dodd's Kidney
Kidney Pills have vo cora
d thou.a
sands of MOOS o StoneIn heBleeder,
1 er
and of Gravel. y They have leaver fai
to cure.
They are the only positive
and unfailing Mire for these (Became
Price fifty oents a, box, at all drug-
gists, or, by mull, on receipt of price;
by mire Dodds Medicine lo., Lineited,
She—Is your wife talkative still?
Ho—No, but she's still talkative.
Tidos Lnsetive aroma Quinine Tablets. 5,111000.
islets reload the moony R It fells to aero. 10.
Most youngsters of the present day
learn so rapidly that it is almost im-
possible for the high schools to keep
up with them.
"The Leamington Courier" in an
agricultural article in the issue of the
2711 August, this year, headed "The
Wheat Yield and the Phosphate Base,"
after disco sin; at considerable length
the necessity of bone strength in Um
straw as well as in the grain to give
the crop stamina to withstand boister-
ous weather, eays:—" We have repeat-
acly culled attention to this, and laid
down the law, that egotist phosphatic
heart is the founclation of all agricul-
thre. We have bail the opportunity of
examining very many fields, and have
in every instance found, that the
lodged crops were defective." They
then refer to a entire•ble 3,1101:oratioa
of their theory in the Plestow Farm,
Birford, where mfr. E. L. Ireland Bly-
the had phosph•tted loamy rfthe fields
with Alberts' Thomas -Phosphate POW -
der, with the result that the wheat
was of most excellent quality, and:—
"This erop is five feet high, not a
patch being beaten down by the ter-
rific storms it has lately been sub-
jected to. illi'. Blythe has so convinc-
ed himself of the merits of this ma-
nure, that he is increasing his applica-
tions of it all over his farm, both on
grass lands and arable. On Monday
we ware at Bearley and Mx. Joseph
Hawkes informed us that he was going
to use it m1 his grass this autumn, and
one always concludes that when we
have him on our side we are not very
far wrong."
Parishioner—Doctor, when are you
going to preach your sermon to I:he
wheelmen 3
The Rev. Dr. Fourthly—The first
rainy Sunday.
IHe—Why did you fail to Fecognize
me on the street to -day?
She—I didn't see you.
Ha—That's strange. I saw you
She—Ob, that probably accounts for
it. I never notice a man in that con-
$100 Reward, $100.
The render@ of (Mannar will be pleased to
learn that thereis al least one dreaded !Leone
thnt stew andebas thee isen able to Catarrh. Hnllin all h
Cure le the only prait'dve curd now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con-
sttnttonal disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. 111110 Catarrh Cure is taken In-
ternally, noting directly upon the blood end
mucous surfaces of the velem, thereby des-
ing Lha patient foundation
by buildinand giv-
g up .he
constitution andmeeting nature in doing its
wortc. The proprietors have so math faith in
its curative powers, tont they over One Hun-
dred Drillers for any ease that it fails to cure.
Send for lice of Tesidmonlels,
Addieee, F. J.00130N1Y Ss00.,Toledo,
Sold by Drug pints, 7fic.
Hall's Family Pills aro the best.
W. P. C. 046
D AIMON CASINOS —glee Importations finest Enrich
?Sheep and American Rogg Oaelar¢i—reliable goods Al
p(gh9 Fleas. PARK, BLAOILWELL k 00., Toronto.
CINE OIL 1IXPEiNSI0 to ilia 1120 :T 1)I8-
until/ADD 9l'OMACfi, LT)N6li, NERVES,
FOOD Which BAV1081147AL11)5 and
o whose and
also ltea:•a Emcee sfnlly In-
elated 311 of Ailments and Det .10, have when allied all other treatments, vt 0µ0 ti ween
all abhor Food le rejected, naves dU times its
soot in medicine.
aalon100,000 ANNUAL CURIOS of Conetlp-
, Flatulency, Dycpepzla, Indigestion, don.
eumptlon, Diabetes Granohitte, Influenza,,
Coughs, Asthnta,.Cntarrh, Phlegm, Diarrhoea,
Nervous Debility, Slooplosonose, Despondency,
U BARRY and Go, (Limttedl 77 Regatta
street, London, W., aIle in Paris 14 Rue
all Grocers,Oltomists
and� Castiglione, et
Stores,Sent Carri g thr ee„ e„ 50 Oa:
BARtiiX S .R®VAta,EIOTA IsISCUI Td lin tiers,,
Is. 133. and Os,
Remember ME NAME-
The best and most economical. Excels in every quality,
Lead packages. - - 135, 40, 50 and hoc,
taiefillMydaleithiaidMfiglaNtNtyYJlANAIbYNJdt°t'r(Yflawferideffena taleffrvrreforernrrrrrrrrnrrerreg
tiara this valuable Watch, Chairs and Charm by selling twenty Topo+n
Scarf Pine, nt Maas each, Send your address end we forward the
Pins and our Premium List postpaid. No money required, These Pins
will almost soli themselves, for the Topes has all the brilliance of the bast
diamonds, and has never before been off red at anything like this price. Toe
Watch is neat in appearance. thoroughly well mode, and fully guaranteed.
Unsold 51000 may be returned, Mention this paper when writing.
T118 00N PIH CO., Freehold ldullding, Toronto, Ont.
619101!10 04608.
Claeoides your papers In bull.
MFC. 00., Limited,
qqpJpq'a"1, .
hall!± i�t.
The Reld Bros. Mfg. co., r BILlaexn
1'A ILEB and BOWLING ALLEYS. Phone 1)03, Bend
for Oate,ogue. 317 Elm 8t. West, TORONTO.
L. COFFEE & CO„ Sot.bll.b.d 160
team 4031.91 Beard or Trade 1141Misidf.
Tatayaa Frames dorm L Cum=
We give tills nee
watch, and els .w
ebein and charm ger
selling two deerie
Levan COLLAR Be'r-
'roes, .t Rids. each.
Send your address
and we forward the
Buttons, postpaid,
Lnd our Premium
ist. No money re..
qulred. Sell the But-
tons among your
friends, turn the
money, and we send
tbo watch, p epaid.
.4 genuine Amencoo
watch,. gn0reeteed a
good timepiece.
Mention this paper
when writing.
so Adelaide 8t. B.
Toronto, Out.
EE Watch, Chain
and Charms.
TIME -KEEPER, for selling two dozen Lever
Collar Battens for us at to cents each.
Send your address on a post card stating that you
wish to sell Goode for ue, and we w•11 fiend the two
dome Butte us to money, 80.40, by mall, post-pila. x hen sold
WATCH, OHAtN ands HAR32, wwitl he*13 d you
Remember thle Watch Is Stem Wind and Stam Set
and far superior to the watches that wind and set in
the BACK i100 a CLOCK that are being Moved by
others for gelling the saran number of Buttons.
State PLAINLY Poet Mice address.
, Oil .
AXES, Solid Steel, 50 Cents Each.
Hammers 25c each
Violins s1.5o, $a.5o, $3•So
and $F•uo each.
Lance -Tooth Saws,
One o1 the. 1oateet and most perfect
saws made, aver)' 50c pacer
scan' guaranteed only.. tt
Mouth Organs :14e'8t°.:r5
snob. Our a5c and 5oc Mouth
Organo aro post-pnld at the
166 and 168 King St. East, Toronto.
One 3 -cent stamp vrTft ret yrtt a
TAmmERERstee tree sample of Catnpana'- Raltaa
Balm,thebcgt prrparatioafornll
hoop of skin camped hands
r»m s pp
Doty lnn[luamu 910 Oauadn for the cure of prMee. The Hutchings Mudlaloe Oo.,'larahto.
rl� y phase of mooch delict. Established in Toronto, 1890. Ogre uaranteed. y ITTLE GIANT TYPEWRITER—A really nrnatlr•al
OHVROR'S A11T0•VOOE INSTITUTE, F mrtohlno and note mot•e•G+y. Priori ottvm'ed
0 Pembroke 8t., Toronto, Caned¢, $1.26. Agouts wanted. The HOWELL 110010
COMPANY, 20.18 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto._
Wm. Millar& Co,
Mnnulaeturers 00 Shen
Oases mem Store, Bans
and Motel Fixtures, Jam
eters', Draggl,ta' and ell
kinds of Interior Fittings,
British Plata Mirrors, km 19 to 03 Alice SL, Termite.
COlrohlloll Line Steamships.
Montreal cod Quoboo to L1, r1root I mtnmer. 1,or(te
sod Snob X511, eeran ot0ame�[pe 'Labraaddor' V1A0
louver' • Dominion Soo temtsn,' Cabin,
Snppertor accommodation ler First Oobin, Soo•
and Cabin and Stearngo Passengers. Bei of
vantage—First Oabie, 800,00; moennd -011035,
8911 Steerage 092.20 and up wards awarding to
steamer and berth, For all ppformation Apply
to Local Agents, 07 DAVIT 500et4N00 & too,,
Oon'1 Agents, 17 M. Snorament50., Montreal.
111 erior TeaIl others.
*lc': Four Do I tars
Complete, '1'o be had only from 0/,
JcOsU1Ooi'8, 51 Queen 8t. 10., Tereu .
801111 stamp far amnia and enema+
of cloth before buying elsewhere,
4, lizelirtr
.. Q,1* -- 113
��t7 ,G' y'/a.�
itr' i
TORONTO cufllNO SCHOOL offers spaces/1
Inducements to Tonna men dosirone at
toking up Gutting. Full pertloulere on appU
oatloa, ssa Y0N06 OT., TORONTO.
Mills, Mills t. Halo%
Bctrrisaere,et a, reutovoe
to Weole Ridge,, Rich
mond 8t. 3'., Toronto,
Speech impeolil'11;entii of may natnr7
l1,, oucnaa001
oorso. Commit alnuali0ad )7 511 o,,oncr,,vim wasi5p
„s perdu% xtnnmn ter, authha1 oorod many woo lnat
d olearvhere, W. J, Arnett, Ai.A., aortia, Ohti
iNERALS TESTED Wrltotorpiaear
MILTON H10R+10Y, 31. A. So,„,
15 St, Saeramett 81, Montreal, Qua.
IF sneers any APPLES, SLITTER, 8008 or POULTm
to ship, Alp them to
The Dawsoq Commission Co., Liltlitedp
UCeas.esss•bo. ..
.'1 •
Beal Oommerminl Sohl o , to the Province' enter new t
wawa 7330 W. J. ELLIOT% ISrincipal,
THE iiiflUMP11".'
water and talon down, On
be donned, nested, sus
oasmell meet. A ourdeniers Mr
them, domtlnotoredby
G. B. CLAY t
A ddd
1 c8t.1Y.
r u
scarab -
shoot t
7 Q O I^ O soli 101111 wolf!.
atln NO s 'r3. In D1ae
li tt q gy(py,
B80 TE BT As sot A ,, we alt 1'.
d eY OYaora. 1 v y
Iloobit4.and ITlgh eehaefa,Tme i1enit Romd„g Falt, YPt k,
Ona,,�r :Ate:
ROOFINrtImo.E imno NOn Olsy, 0r-..
rt,,atO te, dohob minions). Metal Odra de •
ies,ete, E'tlieetoo tutnhbad Cor neer begin ate Of [(.
tents mato A,iIMld.1lWldmOrOt, haneli.
p _
nnryry�� ��tt At` i ee,
aI,U�U OA�OUB Adslsllde WI m td, TaroA
I , , rile