HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-11-18, Page 51 Nov, 18, 1898 9 Otte of the problems of the present day tnerehandielug is t "How Best to Ad. vertioe 2" A store that does 'lot advertise Oau006 prosper. We have tried many different ways end wo have fonnd the best of all is to give the people great big press. ed down and rennin;; over value for their money, and when they get home they are HO pleased with their purchases they tell their neighbors end show them the goods, toil i6 sets the people tabling about this store. Wo quote a few prices 60 give you nn idea of the values we are olTering this week Flannelettes in Panay ntripos and checks, worth 5o, for 31o. b'hucnelettee, whin width, in plain Blne and Pink and fancy otripee, worth 8o, for 0.",o, flannelettes, extra heavy, in Ftutay Kuiokorboolter effects, wide width, worth 10o, for (l.o. Ladiee' Union Vests, long sleeves, heavy and warm, worth 250, for 20e. Ladies' Wool Vesta, long sleeves and shaped, with drawers to match, worth 80a, for 25e. A special lino of heavy all -wool Tweed in four patterns, worth 75o, for 50o. Heavy Wool Frieze Uletere with slash pookete, $•inch storm oollar, glass from 37 to 41, worth 35.50, for 04.50. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS HERE FOR Shorey's Celebrated Ready-to-wear Clothing. We carry a full range in suite for men and boys. Ask to see Shorey's ali.wool Frieze 'Miters in four shades, with high storm collar and tab, slash or square pockets. Rigby Waterproof, sizes from 80 to 44, they are rattlers, and superior to any $8,00 Meter in the market, because they are waterproof, end our prioe le only •$0 76, When in town drop in and sea us. We will be p'eased to show you our goods, thyougreat an special lines we whether want to buyor not.We oan shore you a ea m g Y have ve no roam to mention here. WKINNON 8 CO, BLYTH. LS! SAWS.—A. Cross Cut Saw complete for $2 50. AXES. ---Your ohoica from 50o, to $1.00 t Blood's from OOa. to 850. ; Wellandvele Mfg. Oo'e heed made inlaid steel, Daimons temper, 161 00. HOME. COMFORT,—A 5 drawer White Serving Machine, modern attach. menta complete, for $28 00. SILVER SPOONS,—A 1 Silver Tea Spoons $3.50 per doz., heavier than Rogers' A 1 goods at $5 00 per doz. Ladle's don't miss this bargain. A 6 oz. bottle of Sewing Machine Oil for 10c. RAZORS.—From 750. to 01.76. Our Razor the "Perfection" is all that ite name Implies. Prove this by trying one. CUTLERY,—See our Knives and Forks at $1 25 per doz. Be sure you see our White Handled Tea Knife, hand forged blade, at $3.50 per doz. COW CHAINS.—Two honey Chains for 85c. LAMP GOODS.—See our $1 Lames. flanging Lampe from $1.75 to 06.60. Silver White American Oil, 20c. per gallon, SILVERWARE.—Watch for our Christmas Goode. t Wood tnlien in trade. Cash for hides, sheepskins and furs. cKay & Coe And 7 OVEHCUIATS CLOTHINRI There is a certain principle in the affairs of business which must be lived up to in order to attain any degree of success RE LIILI T Yr It shows itself plainly in every Garment in our establish- ment. It's not a matter of egotism on our part but simply a calm and deliberate statement of fact. Many years of careful study of the wants, customs and necessities of men and boys has whetted our knowledge to the keenest edge and placed us on the vantage ;round which we now occupy in the Clothing trade. Every garment that lies on our tables bears evidence of it. Our Tailor-made Suits Ovemoats Are the nobbled that can be turned out and are always reliable. You'll know them by the.ctit. REVERSIBLE COATS. You should see our Reversible Teamster's or Hunter's Coat. Leather on one side and Corduroy on the other. You can wear it either way. UNDERCLOTHING, In this lino we are showing some special values in Men's and Boys'. Any desirable kind from the high grade to the low can be got here. FUR COATS. Our Fur Coats are great value. We never sold as many at this time of the year sew() have this season. It's quality and price that makes them go. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Our snick is very large and prices right, We can supply you with Fur or Cloth Caps, Gloves, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties and Suspenders. It will pay you to take a look through our stock before ,yoti purchase any of the above lines. r!ALLwAY, Clothiers and Furnishers...e,,..., " t511'll. CCti . lar+1; r t•atv0 . flu tended for last week.) Wanted, ---•A Butcher, Our station is still piled up with apples. The weather on Sunday was beautiful 19 beautiful weather means having the air filled with the bountiful, So were the reeds. Mists Itoss, our popular dresemtker, hag retired from husineee. Miss Sawa non ham opened out in the same line no our ladies oanoot plead "nothing to wear." ltiz'rnnutm'r COMM.—The Qcarterly religions service? in connection with the Belgrave Circuit were held in the Beloit ahnrclt, L, 1'Vawanosh on Sunday morn. ing, The disagreeable weather prevent. ed Mende from a distance, only a few venturing that far. The service sena one of profit, The °Metal meeting was held ;n Belgrave, Monday afternoon when a large attendance of oflioials handled the business. Th0 finances were found to be in good shape. It was ordered tttab in future a sacramental eervioe he held at eaoh appointment, each quarter, instead of the old praotioe of a central union eervioe, The Alma ootiege appeal was recommended to the members and ndhe% ante of the circuit. • -- `� r0(3. :3�t < Some 0 talk of another barber oho start. ing up in Atwood. Wm. Ha'penny, of Trowbridge, is learning blaukentithiug at D. Ewen'e Brueeele. The Y. P. B. C. E. and choir, of the Presbyterian ohuroh, purpose bolding a "Klondike Social" in the basement of the church on Thanksgiving night. Iu the County Council olnotion for the Logan and Elma district, the names of 0. H, Merryfield and ex -Reeve James Dick - eon are given SS the most prominent be. fore the electors. Mr. Bennewiee ie dropping out to contest the Logan Reeve - ship we understand. A Citizen's' Committee, headed by James Perguoon and W. R. Erskine, have had the drain on the West aide of Main street opened up and enlarged con. siclerably, permitting aueighleioah tile to be laid moat of the way to its outlet in 'the Hanna drain at the Coulter culvert. It is expeoted titot the cellars on both aides of Main street from Rogers' °oruer's to the railway track will now have a proper and sufficient outlet. This work was done by Jae. Prieto, and done well. A meeting of the Directors of Elma In- sur'anoe Go. was held at Atwood on Tues- day, Nov. 1st. Applications for ineur. thee were received and accepted amount. ing to $86,850. The following olatme were adjusted ; Thos. Newbigging, one sow killed by lightning, 310 ; James Guise, two Sows killed by lightning, $20; George Pieher, one ram, three sheep and five Iambs, $30.00. 'On motion made and carried, it was resolved to levy and col- lect 8 per Dent. on all premium notes in fordo on the 31st of October. Meetingad- journedtill the 6th day of December next. Lea eltaitow. John Benuslt has moved his churn faotory to the building next to the Senti- nel office. The Council has had to substantial atone foundation put under the large smoke stank on the waterworks plant. The County Council has decided that the oounty as a whole, shall keep the in- mates of the House of Refuge, without any reference to what looal muuioipatity the indigent may go from. W. S. Holmes, of Luoknow, the apple king of this district, was in town on Wednesday and Thursday of this week shipping 3 oar loads of apples. Mr. Holmes paid out over $1,500 for apples here on Wsdneeday. The handsome new Presbyterian church at S6. Helene will be opeued for divine eervice on Sunday; Nov. 20th, when sermons will be preached at 10 o'olook a. m. and 7 p. m., by Rev. W. A. J. Martin, of Guelph, ani at 2.30 p. m., by Rev. W. W. Leech, of Whitechurch. On Monday evening a fowl supper will be held. Daownun.—The following artiste on the death of Robert Robinson, brother of Fred. Robinson, of Luoknow, is taken from a Butte City, Mon., paper :—"Robs. Robinson, a carpenter at the Green Mountain mine, was drowned early Sun. day morning in the plunge at Thoroton Springs, about O miles West of this pity. As soon as word oould be brogght to the oity, the Ooeoner was notified and about 4.83 o'clock the body was brought to this city in charge of Undertaker Sherman, and later in the day removed to the fancily residence In the rear of 632 East Broadway. Saturday evening about 10 couples, young and married, congregated at Mr. and DIrs. llobineon's home to spend the evening in social converse, The party concluded to drive out to Thornton Springs tot have a dance. About 1,30 o'olook, after supper, te dozen or more of the men repaired to the plunge to enjoy a swim. The pool is about 40x 20 feet and 5 or six feet deep. There was a dense steam arising from the water, and one could not distinguish another the length of the plunge. The men were en. joying themeelvoe and having a right good time, when Geo. Nevin, brobher•in• law of Robinson, asked "Where is Bob?" meaning Robinson. Mr. Robinson, like his companions, ran from the dreeoiug room and dove into the plunge. That wan the last teen of him, although no etteution was paid to him, as all had entered the pool in like manner. When Nevin asked where Robinson was, the others naturally began to look about, and nob seeing him, the eoarob began in earnest. His companions dove to the bottom in several places, and Jn.o Wil. son was the one to make the terrible dis. oovery that their companion was drown• ed. At first i6 was thought that the Mari could be revived and every method sug- gested in euoh oases was applied, but life was extinct before the unfortunate man Was discovered. Mrs, Robinson, upon being told of the sad event, was pros. tratotl with grief. She olung to the cold form of hoe husband and was inoonsol• able. Marne on the dead man's fore. head lead his oompanione to believe tlmh lie etruok the bottom of the pinnge with took force as to Stun him, and' rendered himiitoapable of sustaining himself ander water. If he had arisen to the eurraoe no notice would probably have boon talc. en, tie the men were denudating about, outttng np in every oouoeivat;le way, and an unooeseioua form bobbing eboltt on the thaws would attrant n0 more than 1'i E 1RUSuE14S POST peeing natio. Mr. Robison bad lived in Butte for 10 yeara. He bad no im• mediate relatives besides a wife and a buy 4 yeara old. Ile wee born in Toren. to 115 years ago. The funeral service's l were hold at bis late home, 632 Leet Broadway, at 2 o'olook Monday after• noon. Thera was a great outpouring of the friends of tate dooeaeed, who followed hie betty to the grave. The eorvi000 at Otto hotno were very einipie, A Targe number of doral offerings were sent by sorrowing friends. Burial was in Mount Modal; °amatory, .)f...1 et r ee vv tel. The I'lvangelietio Hort/lees are being con- tinued in the Baptist ohnrch with nnabat. interest. Cottsotor Tebborner glees offtetal notice that taxes must be paid by the 14th De. cumber, otherwise 5 percent, will be add. ed. T. E. flay arrived home Tuesday of last week after over two months' absence with a surveying party North of Sud. bury. Geo. II, Draper, barrister, who reoent- iy opened an office here, left last week tor Rat Portage, where he has entered into a law partnership. Norman Williams, B. A., son of Rev, Dr. Williams, left Listowel on Tuesday morning of Net week for Pasadena, Cat., where he enters a legal firm of large prao• flee. The stook of McCaw, Kennedy & Ca, Drumbo,general eral merchants, of $ 7 00U , was sold at Toronto to MoGillivar . Granb ,@ Co. of this town, for 02o on the dol lar. Mischievously disposed youths have been taught a lespon whiolt it is to be hoped will have a salutary effect on the boys of the town generally. A number of lade have been up before P. 51. Terhuoe and fined for wilfully destroying property on Ilallowe'en, and the parents of some other lade were called upon to settle for damage to freshly laid graoolithio walks of private parties on Raglan street. Lewis Bolton returned to town on Monday evening, of last week, atter spending the Summer in the Yukon. A portion of the time he spent in survey- ing in the Lake Bennett district, tubae. gneotly going on to Dawson, where hie eon Eleworth is toasted. Mr. Bolton has been over six weeks in reaching home, having left Dawson in September, and is looping somewhat thinner after hie long and tiresome journey. At the regular meeting of Oonrt Listo. wet, No. 519, 1, O. P., the following officers were elected for the enening year: Court Deputy, Wm. Spears ; Comb Phy- sician, Dr. Dingman ; Peat Chief Ranger, B. Witter ; Chief Ranger, Hy. Maloney ; Vioe 0, Be, D. McMinn ; Roo. Secy, O. H. Berger ; Pin. Beo'y, J. E. Allen ; Tress , N. Krotz ; Ohepalin, V. 0. Bam. ford ; B. W., A. Olemenehew ; J. W., A. Conine ; 8.13., 308. Stookford ; 3. B., M. Bell ; Auditing Committee, R. Mo. Millan and A. St. Geo. Hawkins. Rev. 4Vm. Cooper, B. A., bae tendered his resignation as pastor of Knox Aural! in this town. At the meeting of the Presbytery, held in Stratford on Monday of last week, Mr. Leitch, on behalf of Mr. Cooper, who was unavoidably absent, laid that gentleman's resignation on the table. The reason assigned for this step was that Mr. Cooper wished to pursue his studies abroad, and he desired hie' resignation to take plaoe inside of one month. %V in_ is am. Up to Monday, the Collector had paid to the Town Treasurer, $767.57 of 1898 taxes. On Monday, Murphy shipped 2 care of lambs, and Campbell one car of lambs, all to Buffalo. Messrs Elliot of the brickyard won a good number of the fowl shot for at Mc- Ever's shooting match in Onlrose last week Bar.risters Diokinson and Vunstone were in Goderioh part of last ween in connection with the ease of Hunt vs. Coad, which termivabed with verdict for pladn. tiff . Some Luokuowites made to show of themselves on our streets ou Sunday last. Their specialties seemed to be profanity, and trying 00 walk a plank. Don't do it again boys. Pionso,r,ws.—Bev. W. Pocock and wife. have returned to Hamiltou.—According to the Clifford Express, Mr. Roueton of Wiugbam, is thinking of opening out a photo gallery in that village.—J. M. Rob. erto, of Dungannon, was in town collect. ing for the Wawauoeh Insurance 00. of. which he is manager.—Mrs. Helm return- ed on Friday from a visit to friends iu Forest.—Harry Ansley, of Cliutoo Col- legiate, spent Saturday and Sunday at Homs.—Wellington Kerr spent Sunday in Olinton.—A. MoKto , of Teeswater, spent Sunday in town.—A. Fisher, of Paisley, and daughters, Misses Maggte, Katie and Flora, were guests of P. Fisher on Sun- day last.—Wm. Webber had an operation performed ou Monday forappendicitis.— T. and Mrs. Leslie left on Friday morn. ing to spend the Winter in Listowel.— Harry and Mrs. Green left on Saturday for a few days visit with friends in Exeter before leaving for the States.— Rev. Mr. Danemore, of Iowa, a Tooker - mufti) boy, is visiting his Hiroo friends. —Thos. Bell was out on Tuesday after his nine weeks' illness. BONED no Evriax.—Tho case of Scott vs. Itarehaw has been engaging the atten- tion of the Owen Sound Assizes. It is an action for libel brought by Soots, and arising out of the popularity of C. P. Smith, a bank olork, formerly of the Bank of Hamilton, Listowel, but now of Wiugham. The plaintiff had some trouble with the banker end finally had one of the batik eterlte arrested for filling in a blank ohegne. He hall signed a ohequo in blank, but had crossed out hie name and throwetlto paper an the floor of the banker's offloe. The olork, he said, filled it out for $1,600 and charged. hie account with this ' amount, The magistrate dismissed the charge of forgery, bot Oho clerk, who' had been tranoforroct to Listowel, stiffened the in. dignity of an arrest there and a journey to Owen Soundia a constable's charge. Being a very popnlat young man, on the evening of ltte acquittal a tomb light pro- oossioa, ]leaded by a bead, paraded the Worsts in his houor, past A2r. Soott's House. Iu the procession was the effigy in question, and Boma of the boys sang "We will hang old Scott on a sour 'apple tree." A motion of noa•ouit was made on the ground of eo publication shown and no connection with the libel. The ease was dismissed rte to three of the defendants, who were not shown to have been present, but the court held that a prima Tania ones was made out against the defendants Harehaw and Dowding, who admitted in their examination thee they wore prosect and Look Dart in the procession to honor of their friend, !Soalertn. Does Maud Fowler went to Toronto, to resume her studies at Bishop Strauhan's sohool. Geo, Murray line bought all tho tele. graph poles between Mitchell and Clinton, and commenced work at them last week, Mr. and Mrs, Durward Lely, renowned in reoitale of Boot6ish song and story, will present their entertainment here on Wed- nesday evening, Nov. 28rd, The Ladies' Aid Booioty, of the 14letlto. diet ohurgb, will bold their annual thanks. giving dinner in the feature room of the church on Thanksgiving day. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Thomas' Church at their weekly meeting held in the school room on Toeedayafternoon, of laet week, packed three largo bales of clothing which are destined for the use of the Indian abildren in the mission eohoots of the North West. The town oounttil met on Tuceday even, ing, of last week, Mayor Gunn, presidieg- There was a notioeable leak in the attend. ante of the members. This meeting was specially convened for the purpose of taking action anent the Silver Creek water diffoully which Lae recently de- veloped between Charles Wilson and the town, he having leaned a writ restraining the 0000ifrom obstructing the f ow of water ee the waterworks 00109 the dam. ing back of the stream on his property. After ooneiderable discussion e. resolution was adopted agreeing to (submit the gaee- tion of damages to arbitration in the neual manner, To this Mr. Wilson de- mure, wanting not only the question of damages sustained in the past adjooted, but also the removal of the obatruntion in the creels in order that no further loss ba sustained. Apparently the end is not yet. Osrxmgr: —On Monday, of last week, their died at hie father's residence here, &tome DeCantillon. The deceased was a young roan unmarried and about 32 years old. He was born in the township of Mo- Killop, and Spent the greater part of his life there. Some years ago be went to Cleveland where he had a good situation, being a young man of sober indoetrione habits, and made many friends where. ever he went. In July he came to his borne here, Loping to regain his health, but he gradually sank until death relatifs. ed him from his sufferings. In hie death another one is added to the ever 100r000- ing number who have fallen viotima to that dread disease, consumption. De- ceased was a oonoistent member of the Roman Catholic church, from whence the funeral took plane on Thursday morning to the Iriehtown cemetery. The eym• pathy of the community hi extended to the bereaved family and friends. The Queen's Hotel and several business houses at Deloraine, Man., were destroy. ed by tire. James Leckie, president of the Mercer. tile Fire Insurance Company of Waterloo, died suddenly Friday night. t { REN{1 SYS Eop Thanksgiving Day, NOVEMBER 24 —1898,— Will Issue Return Tickets at Single First-class Fare Between all stations in Canada ; and all sta- tions In armada, to and irom Detroit and Port Huron, Mich.; front all stations In Clan- ada to Suspension Bridge, Niagara Pails, Black Rook and Buffalo, N. Y. Good going all trains November 29 and 24, Good returning from destination not later than Noyomber 28th, 1898. For all iofotmatlou apply to Grand Trunk Ry. System Agents. J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels. GEO.ILEYD, " Ethel. The Standard Bank of Canada. ;1 oney Orders For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under issued by this Bank, payable at par at any chartered Bank in Canada, with the exception of Branches in the Yukon Die- tr106. RATES Under $10 . $0.08 x;10 to 20 0.10 20 to 80 . . 0.12 30 to 50 . . . 0.14 M. M. BRENT, AGENT, BRUSSELS. Despise not My Adlet... . No man is the only wise man in the world and no store is the only perfect etore. I do not expect to seoure your custom by chance bat by Pair Dealing, nave a full stook of inter Dress Goods and Trimmings, Wrapperettes, Flannel - atter, Flannels, Cottons and Oottonadee. Underwear fnr Ladiee, Gents and Children. GROCERIES. I have a full line of Choice, Fresh Groceries, Special valuce in Tem atid Coifing' and Canned Goode of all kinds, A11 goods sold at very olone prleoe. J. G-. Skene. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. "Thele Juvenile." A boy's shoe. Thtitt to protect growing feet against distortion. otttst foot -ills are acquired by wearing ill -shared shoes in youth. Laced and Oxfords; inehapes "Foot-form"and "Dandy" ; widths, I) & E. Boys' 01008, 3 to 5-.;;; Youths', 13 to 234; Little Ten's, 8 to 12X; Stamped on the soles $2.00 and Goodyear welted; $2.50 per pair. OATAI.oaut Fart, "The Slater Shoe." Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent. BRUSSELS PUP WORKS. I wish to inform the people of Bruesele and surrounding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Basin?? of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prioee. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or reeidenoe or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after, I ''Ordure taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Gomer GreeD., MILL STREET, • BRUSSELS. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles 00n. — - North Shore Piffle and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing rills Also Doors attd Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, NEW utdlier Shop I The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the MALE ELCCKI BRUSSELS, where he will keep constant ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold. at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. S. ITTALXEIIJ. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. CAs$ PAID FOR HIDES. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is ouceesefnily used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, eteotual, Ladies ask your druggist for Cook'. Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and Imitations ate dangeions. Prise,No, 1,31 per box; No. 19,10 degrees etronger,b9 per box. Ito. 1 or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two 8 -cent slamps, The Cook Compaay,Wlndeor, Ont. p 'Noet. 1 and 2 sold and recommended my all responsible Druggists in Canada. Nue. 1 and 2 sold In Bruoeale by G. A. DE.DMAN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician. High Grade FURNITURE .,.AT LOW PRICES.., • We are Carrying a tretneudouo stock of furniture. Such a variety to select from yeti can't find elsewhere in the county. Whatever yeti want, your wants oan be 'suited here. • —The bargains we are offering in ..CHAIRS.. is the talk of the countryside. Our stock runs from the ordinary kitchen chair to the most luxurious parlor chair, finished in the newest styles and with most fashionable materials. —In Rockers we have a very taking line with Cobbler leather seats, oak or birch, Mahogany finish, and in Arm and Easy Chairs we show a fine line. —Our Furniture is High Grade but our prices fit the pocket of the public every time. A specialty made of 'Upholstering.. Your old Furniture made as good as new. PICTURES and PICTURE FRAMING. —A. large and well selected range of Pictures always kept in stock. Also a large quantity of Moulding for Frames. If you require anything in this line call in and make your selection. UNDERTAKING. —A large stock of Coitus, Cas- kets, and other goods pertaining to this lino always kept. Personal .attention paid to Embalming, and prices lower than any place in the County. —Pianos and Organs, the best it in the market, sold at rook bottom The Strength prices. of our pooitiou as the leaders in the fur• 'Attire business resin the fact that the • BIG VALVES IN maximum quality and Otto minimum' WINDOW SHADES. price always go together. Rn LEA T H:it's I CA lirl le. ,