HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-11-11, Page 8DONT ABUSE Your Eyes by not wearing Spec. taolea when you require them. DON'T ABU$1 Your Eye by wearing Speotaotes that do not suit you, DON' 7 ABUSE Your Eyes by wearing an all• fitting frame. Don't abuse your eyes but oome and have them proper. ly tested free of oharge, and if glasses will help you we can supply them much lees than nanny pay for those that may possibly be a positive in. jury to the eight. Remember we 8t Speotaoles soientilioaliy and have them from 86o. per pair upwards. Beware of Pedlars. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller. GRAN© TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. e, & B. Trains leave Breesele Station, North and Sonth, as follows: GoINGeooTH, GOING NollTH. 6xuress...,.. 7:16 a,m, 1 I Mail •10 pan kited a:45 a,m. Express :J(14 Revs Items, A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Fete Library. BEAD page 3 this week. Avarxon sales are lively. WOOD is scarce in town. A LITTLE tenth of Winter. Emmen Division Court on Deo. 6t11, THANKSGIVING Day Thursday, 24611 that. SCHOOL Board Friday evening of this week, • ADVERTISE your strayed stock in THE POOT, THE Winter's delivery of coal for Brus- selites is about complete. Doa'T forget that 57' will be added to all taxes unpaid atter Deo. 1411a. GEORGE BEST was away to Toronto last week with a oar load of eattie4 BRUSSELS oheese factory closed a sue. oesefnl58a8an On Saturday of last week. PIANO and organ agents are not letting the grass grow tinder their feet in this vicinity. A LOAD of Canadian Foresters went to Walton on Wednesday to assist their brethren in the initiation of a number of candidates. A GOOD Dont of gravel has been put in yard and sheds adjoining the Central Rotel this Fall. Jona WRIeHT was installed as janitor of the Methodist ohuroh and caretaker of Brussels cemetery last week. A emu Bell, upright piano was sold by It. Lealherdale to Jae. A. Stewart, f ,r. mealy of the Standard Bank here, now a resident of Toronto. HARRY JAMES has been quite an entbos- iastio supporter of lacrosse and base ball in Brussels and his removal to Blyth will be regretted by the base heitiets. ADVT. of Meesre Ewan & Iones reoeiv- ed too lots for this week's issue. They are booming the sale of cutters and eleighe now. Call and see the fine new stook. A MEETING of the County of Huron Clerks Association will be held in Clinton on Wednesday, 16th ;net, when business of importance to evsry Clerk will be oon. eidered. EDWARD MOLE, of irlancliester, is sp. prentioed with it. Mainprice at the Elec- trio Light Works to learn the science of handling the lightning. He will be here for a year, H. E. MADDOCK, formerly of Brussels, has purchased a fine residence in New- market and evidently intends making that town his permanent home. He has a fine business and we are pleased to hear of his 8uooess. Tun POST reoeived a copy of the ballot in the State and 0o. election in North Dakota from A. Reid, formerly of Brus- sete. A man requires a good education and a level head to steer clear of blunders in marking ouch an enormous ballot as they have. Election was held on Toes - day of this week. Timms wanted for repairing plaster in Town Hall, kalsomining the walls and ceiling, and frosting the lower half of the windows around the stage. The lowest or any tender not ne0eesarily s000pted. Tenders will be reoeived up to Tuesday, Nov. 16th, at 1 o'clock. Any other in. formation may be obtained from W. H. Kerr, Geo. Thomson, R. Lealherdale, Property Committee. LtADLE To Heave FINE. --We have been asked by different people to state the law concerning the giving of intoxicating liquor to parties when prohibitory notioe has been served by the License Thepeet- or. The law ie that tiny person purebas. ing or giving liquor to suab parties either 10 or oat of a hotel, in the riding, is liable to a penalty of not leas than $25 and not exceeding 560, There are a few 0aeee of this kind in this locality, and the law is quoted so that offenders cannot plead ignorance if they are brought to task for it. THE BRITISH EMPIRE PICTURED.—Last Saturday's Toronto Globe says ;--"The pupile of the Lanedowne PubllO School, with their parents and felande, Crowded Broadway Hall to the doors last evening at their annual entertainment, when Frank Yeigh presented hie illustrated lentula on "Britain's Girdle of the Globe." The fine stereopticon viewe illustrating the poaeeseione of the empire around the world delighted the audience, and won many a hearty round of applaase. The route took in the Britieh Iolee, Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus, Egypt, I011a, Auetralia, South Africa and Oenoda, ending with a View of the new Canadian flag, Saab an entertainment is an invaluable geograpb• heti and object lesson for old and yenta, A sabatantial sum woe netted, with which %be Sohool will pneo11888 tome needful apparatus. Inepostor Hughes anted as Ohairman," Mr Yeigh will give the same 10061.10e in Brussels Town Hall on Thureday 8760609, 0f next weak17th ;net. in oonneetien With the Citizens' lIntert,lnm0nt Coarse, WHAT about a foot ball olgb ? IIEaso Mr. Yeigh on Thursday evening, NEST Hetes Fair on Thursday, Deo. 1st. Bnuasgrs Orangemen did not celebrate the 6th of November this year, 26 CASS of epples have been shipped from Bruaeels station this Fall so far. A OOLUmos or 80 of local hews may be read on page 8 of this issue. Also Die• %riot news. Bead it, STocn of Bill heads, envelopes letter head deo. on hand at Tun POST, Get our figures befor ordering, llmosmIIKE social in the Methodist aburoh on the evening of Thanksgiving Day. Good program,. refreshments, &a Tun plan for the Yeigh illustrated lea Aire next Tbureday evening on "Britain's Girdle of the Globe" to filling up rapidly. Cali in at Fos's drug store and get your seat. MESSES BACKER & VAN8ToNE have pur- chased the brick church, latterly occupied by the Salvation Army, John street, from John Wright. They own the adjoining lot South of it where the Maitland shat. ing rink stood. "There were some leaky people Who were so very Blow, Some grog they did tackle A short time ago, Bat sow they are in sorrow, For Do more they can get ; The cash they'd better borrow, For they havn't settled yet," —Shakespeare. THE work of renovating and improvjng the interior of the Town Hall is in prog- ress, Halsomining ; new curtains for stage ; windows around stage frosted ; and an incandescent ohardelier placed so as to light up the platform instead of oil lamps, The work is really a necessity and has been on the prospective program for eome time. DIED.—On the 23rd of October Mre. William Short, of Preston, sister to John Wiemer, Brunets, died from the effects of a runaway accident, which took place about a year ago. Deceased was 40 years of age. There was a large fnueral, Rev. Mr. Edmunds conducting the service. Four brothers of Mrs. Short and the Cress Bros. were the pall bearers. In- terment was made at Blair. Ductire ARE You OUT?—A 60gple Of oar busiue$s men learned a good lesson a few weeks ago and that is that dock legs are not long enough for pump handles, nor yet the oarease St for apple butter. The prospects for a hard Winter are sure when skeletons are picked up already. The one man looks as if the feast bad agreed with him, but the other looks rather worm•eaten since. At the same time I want to return thanks for the favor done, as I bad bean ordered to do away wlth the dunk as it was dis- eased. CITIZEN. G, T. R. None.—Better time is being made by the afternoon train of late by sending car lots of weigh freight to eaoh station and leaving the oar instead of waiting to unload.—Among out -going shipments during the past week were :— Baeker & Vanetone, a oar of baled bay, a car of peas, 2 cora of wheat, and 3 cars of oats ; R. Graham, 3 care of oats and 3 oars 01 wheat ; Enterprise Salt Works, 7 oars of salt ; J. G. Jones, 6 care of apples ; R. Ferguson, a ear of eattle.— Seotion Boss McKenzie is able to get about again after his typhoid siege, and will resume work in a day or two. Win. Heist is not making the progress expect. ed towards convalescence. Co. COUNCILLORS.—The fleet two year term of the Co, Goanoil under the new provlelOn is drawing to a close and next month nomination drty will come roand. A number of changes will no doubt be made in the personnel of the Connoil for the next term. In this Division, which is No. 6 sad made up of Grey, Morris and Brussels, both of the Co. Couuoillore will retire, Mr. Hislop on account of his higher honor of M. P. P., and Mr. Mooney owing to bis intention of spend- ing some months in the Northaweet next Spring where he has parobased a large farrn. This will of coarse necessitate the election of two new men. While there has been very little election talk ae yet the names of the following persons leave been mentioned Reeve Straohan and ex•Deputy Reeve Bryan, of Grey ; Reeve Bowman and Andrew Sloan, of Morrie, and W. H. Herr, of Bruseela. Nomination day, which will be on Mon• day, Deo. 19th, will establish who are in the field to stay. Messrs, Straohan, Bryan and Herr were members of the Co. Council under the old regime, Mr. Straohan being Warden for a year, The Co. Council'now consists of 16 members. A December session will be held, The election for Co. Councillors, if one is necessary, will be held on Monday, Jan, 2nd, the same day as the Ainuicipal oleo. tions. Meagre. Mooney and Hislop ab• tended to their duties faithfully daring their iuoumbenay but for the reasons assigned above will not seek re-etestion. FREE Lln a:mt,—We believe the Coun- cil did a wise thing in taking hold of the Publics Library, and thereby changing it into a Free Library. There are many good reasons which can be given for this move among which the following are not the least :—All lihrariee in the Province are being rapidly converbed into free libraries, and there is 0816ainly muall more jaatifioatioo for the expenditure of any munioipel money for a library that ie free to every citizen in town alike than for the library used only by the 100 or 125 who pail the annual fee under the old oontre!. The Government prnotioal- ly pay alt expenses incurred for the per - abase of books and psriodioal literature, the grant being 1250 a year, The im- portance of the library as a twang of young people oontinnIng their education niter leaving school re great, They world And here just the class of books needed for continuing this reading, books whioh the great majority of them could obtain in no other way. A public free library is just as important, in its way, 00 soboole are, and can be mniotained, owing to the liberal policy of the Govern men%, at a vent' trifling expellee. A notable result of the free library eyetem is that a better alase of books are oirou. lated, the proportion of flatten read being reduced very largely, in gems oases from 10 to 40 per cent. Where libraries are made free the number of readers Is in. creased about ten times, The only ex. pence is the way of membership will be the perehase of a members' card, on which the boolto taken oat will be mark. ed, ending about 6 or 10 mento, acoording to wbether it represents 25 or 50 books, A meeting of the new Board will prob. ably be held next week for organization peep:Nee and the purohase of new bootie. NOn.residente of the municipality will be enabled to retain membership along the same lines es 11er06ofore, THE. Bill.188.1$L>41 PO$T Tito flooring of the iron bridge over the Maitland reoeived some neoeesary re. pairs this week at the hands of P. Atnent, Conso,LLnn LeATrinnnALN disposed of bia thoro'•bred Joreey cow to Tlwa. Davidson, of Grey, fur 552 00, and the heifer calf to Jno. Taft, of Brawls. "Britain's Girdle of the Globe" 'Ilium, day evening of next week in Brussels Town Hall, No one should rniea hearing Mr, Yeigh and eeeing the magoifioeut Hole lightvievs. Phan of Hell at Fos's drug store. SOCIETY no union, --On Friday evenlnf, of next week, 18.6 hist„ the A. O. U. W. of Brussels, will give a eoolal re -anion ii, their Lodge room, A musical and liter cry program will be rendered and re. freehmeote served. 'A good time is ex- pentad and all who attend will go home pleased, Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Ahoy preached from the test "Not every one that eaith ttnto lIfe Lord I Lord i shall enter into the kingdom of heaven," and in the evening it was "Re said unto thein give Alsop, for the maid 18 not dead but aleepeth ; and they laughed flim to thorn,' BRITAIN'S GIRDLE Or TUE GlosE,— Bev, R. Douglas Fraser. formerly pastor Pres. bytatiau church, Bowmanville Yeigb's pialure lecture on "Britain's Girdle of the Globe" more then fulfilled the high expeotatinns entertained, The views were magnificent—the beat we have ever seen here, whilst the lenIure it. self was clear, concise, entertaining and at times eloquent. The two bours slipped sway as by magic. Even the youneeet children were kept in close ettenti,n. The lecture is a One lesson nu love of Queen and Country and should be heard widely throughout Canada. Town Hall, Bale Bela, Thursday, Nov. 17t.1,, Sousa Evermsa,—Thursday evening of last week the young people of St, John's ohuroh held a social evening in the Sab- bath Sahool room. The following excel- lent program was presented :—Solo, "If the waters could speak as they flow," alias N. Campbell ; reading "Out of work," Mrs. James ; solo, Miss Etbel Campbell ; instrumental, Mies MoLauah- lin ; solo, "The water mill," Mre. James; reading, "Keeping the De'il out," Rev. Mr. Abe}, ; solo, "The baby on the wall," Mrs. James ;reading, "The leper," Mise Watt ; solo, Nora Kendall ; solo, "The Midehipmate," G. 8. Rogers. The obair was occupied by G, S. Rogers. Refresh. ments were served at the 0000lusion of the program. Regret was expressed over the expected removal of aim. James to Blyth, ae she has been a faithful and energetic worker in the Young People's Society, choir and ohuroh work general- ly. The good wishes of the noogregation will go with her to her new home. ROOT COMPETITION: Eaah year East Huron Agricultural Society offers prizes for the best 15 yards of drills in an acre of mangolde and turnips in this Riding, the oompetitore to he members of the Society and contribute 60 cents addition- al to oover expeneee of jndgiog. D. Stewart, Secretary of the Sooiety, has always made the awards. In doing this be polls 3 yards at 5 equa-distant points diagonally across each sore, and then weighs the total, so as to geb at the average. There were 6 entries, the nun. ben being smaller them usual, owing, uo doubt, to the poor outlook for Drops in many places, The prizes were awarded as follows :—Maogolde,—let, Jas, Speir, Morris, 239a pounds ; and, Robb. Nichol, Morris, 198 pounds ; 3rd, John MoKin- non, Grey, 194 pounds ; 4th, Geo. Robb, Morrie, 180 pounds, Turnips,—let, Wrm, Robb, Morris, 149,7 pounds ; 2nd, Robt. Nichol, Harris, 131 pounds ; 8rd, Jno. McKinnon, Grey, 116} pounds ; 4th, Wm. Armstrong, Grey, 110 pounds. People We Tall; About. Mrs Jas. Walker has been ill. Joe McKay is laid up with a lame hand. T. R. Thomson was in town on Mon- day, Miss Jennie Grieve has been ou the sick list. Mre. John Tait was at Listowel this week. Miss Georgie Howe is home from Heepeler. Mre, S. Beattie visited in Clinton for a few days. Wm. Mooney was away on a holiday trip Eastward. Mre. Downing has been suffering with an attack of lumbago. J. C, Took is in oharge of the Brussels. Seaforth stage this week. A. Emig, formerly of Brussels, is visiting in town for a few days. Bob Leokie, of Toronto, is visiting his grandparents, Jae. Oliver and wife. Jas. Oliver is able to get about but is not bragging very mnob about his health. Barrister Sinolair was in Goderieh for a couple of days this week on legal brei. noes. The Misses Scott left for Petrone, last Friday morning where they will visit for a time, Chas. Muth and wife are visiting rata• fives and friends in Logan township, Perth 00. Mrs. A. Currie, sr., has returned from a visit with old Mende ab Harpurhey and Seafor 113. Harry Jamee takes possession of the Commercial Hotel, Blyth, Tueeday of next week. We omitted to mention the return of Will. Forbes from Manitoba where he spent several months, Hilton Hunter, who has been on the Atwood Bee staff, has taken a situation with the Palmerston Spectator. Jomee Irwin and family have moved back to Braaaela from Inman. It is 2} years einee they left town. Ira Gerry bas joined the Methodist Sabbath echool orollsAtra at Seaforth. He will play a late on which be is quite expert. Rev. Mr, Allin baa bean appointed delegate to represent the .L1 pworth League at the Convention to be held at Irinoar• dine next week. Mies Maggie Backer and Master Harry, both of whom have been under the care of a physician, are makingg favor- able progress we are pleased. to state, A letter from Jno, Smith, oartinge- tnaker, formerly of Brussels, now of Winnipeg, says that be is well pleased with his position and the tatty in general. Reg. Fletcher, who went to Chicago a few months ago, hag joitled the choir of Graoo ohuroh and ie evidently trying to make himself useful in the Windy city, A. R. Smith, of Smith ab McLaren, made a business trip to Toronto and etruok a snap 3n Onside, worsteds and saga at R. Darling & 00'5 stook taking sale, We. Will, Mose, of Corrie, formerly of Bruseela, hoe been 611 but is quite better again we are glad to hear. jay nobioe in another ooltimn it will be observed that Amen Ilru'greaves, father to Ino, Hargreaves, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, 11.'1 00 Nnv. (Ibh, egad 70 years, Mise A11010 Slonrmon Is home front an enjoyable holiday with relat1vee and friends at Torun to, Stouffvillc stud other places. Mre. Slommon is not back yet flan Manilobo. Mies Lnoy Webster formerly of Brits• sets,, has joined the matrimonial ranks in Dakota, We did not learn the Hama of the fortunate gentleman. bliss Webster is a daughter of Joseph Webster. Will. Brydon arrived back front Mor. den, Manitoba, whore he has been for the past seven months, on Monday of this week, Ile came by boat to Owen Sound and had a very rough paesage on Lake Huron. Last' Tuesday George Best, of Brussels, had the misfortune to have the thumb of his left handl badly smashed while assist. ing in potting Op a windmill at the farm of George Kelly, Morris, By a slip his thumb got the blow from a hammer in. stead of the spike, It mite a pause or Considerable pain to Mr. Best. The Fenton (Mash.) Courier of Ootober 20th, apeake of a former Brneselite, a eon of Arthur Viel, as follows :—"Harry 1M, vial left yesterday for Delphos, Ohio, where be will engage in buainee , having purnhased a tine dental oflioe an that flourishing city of 6,000 inbabbt,ur'e, Mr. Viet ie a graduate of the dents• depart went of the University of Michigan, at the top of the ladder In his profession, and a young man of good address and exemplary habits. Many Fenton friends wish him success in hie new field of labor." TEA Poo feels quite safe in saying Harry's old friends here won't do soy crying over every stride he mattes iu the forward march. Business Locals. FEATHERS wanted by R. Leatherdale, Brussels. Como arriving this week at Stewart's Mill, Benesale, dry American. Wa,taoty shades in large variety and at low prices at R. Leatherdale's. Ooaa, hest Amerioan, yellow, for sale at Roes' mill. Close prices for cash. Jun reoeived a oar of oatmeal to ex. obange for oats. Baelter & Vanetone. ALWAYS take the G. T. R. when you oao. S.S.S.—Soenery,Safety, and Speed. A maw baby oarriages will be sold abont cost to save carrying over Winter, R. Lealherdale. WANTED. — Choice butter 17 cents, dried apples and poultry. G. E. King, Wiugham. COMFORTABLE 11011Se and good lob for sale on Alexander street, Brussels. Ap. ply to Jas. Walker. OYSTER season is here and W. A. Oriels is prepared to supply the public with Booth's best brands from Baltimore. W. A. MIME ie still doing business at the old stand where may be found bread, oakes and pastry. Fruits in their sea- son. BoGonsT kind of bargains in pianos and organs at 11. Leatberdale'e. Agent's profits given to oustomers. Orll and see before yon buy, T. MtGeneen has a quantity of saws for sale 01 will exchange for saws that are ont of order. It is olaimed these saws will out more timber with lees filing than any ether saws in the market. T. McGre- gor, saw gamines: and filer, Queen St, East, Bruseela, Ontario. A PRICELESS Dzscovnar,—"Soak and Swab" is an infallible, painless awl non. poisonous remedy for the pure of Canner, Oaitilaginoua Ulcers, Sore 'Throat and a variety of skin diseasee. It cures 0an0er in any part of the body where the liquid can teach it. Send for circular giving inebruobione how to apply the liquid. Sold at 60e. per pint and 30o. per half pint bottle. MoLzon's Lanor,'roit,, Gode- rioh. tWBold by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels, 6-tf Two Montreal girls, aged ten and six. teen years reapeotively, have been arrest. ed on a charge of stealing diamonds vale• ed et $400, The books in the Piotou Street Sohool at Hamilton, where the pupils had suffer- ed from diphtheria, have been burned and the room fumigated. SOlw,N- SmiTH.—In Elma, Nov. 2nd, 1898, the wife of Mr. Henry Smith of a son. Brown.—In Ternherry, on Nov. 2nd, the, wife of 176r. Leonard Brown of a eon. sx.e.23:szxo 3D. DUNo,twaoN—DI1NOANsoN: On Nay. 2nd by Rev, Mr. Clark, at the home of Mae bride, Mr. John Dunoaoeon, of Grey township, to Mies Aggie Dan• oauson, of Wentworth Go. HAEms—GRIMoLDoY,—Ab the Methodist Parsonage, Walton, ou Nov. Obh, by Rev. A. C. Tiffin, Mr. Rion. A. Hates to Mies Eliza Joos Grimoldby, both of Moli:ilinp township. =ammo. Momin,—In x aa- Momin,—In Elmo, on Nov, and, Mre, A.nn Moore, wife of Mr. John Moore, and aunt to M. 11. Moore, V. S., of Brun. sots, aged 64 years and 4 months. Meas.—In Riverside, Oal., no Ootober 28rd, Roteell Parker Uioks, son of the late Andrew Hicks, of Exeter, and oepbew to Rev. G. H. Cobbledidlt B. D„ of Bothwell, aged 17 years, 6 months and 11 days. SHonr,—In Preston, on Oct. 23,d, Mrs. Wm. Short, meter of John Wiemer, Brussels, aged 40 years. IIAROnaaves.—On Nov. 6th Jas, Her. Greaves, aged 70 years, father of John and W. A., Hargreaves, bf Hargreaves Bros,, of Toronto, for, nterly of Brussels. 33.13,3 - Vali Wheat 135 66 Barloy,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 83 87 Peas 57 68 Oats 91 26 Butter, tube and rolls ,., 12 14 Eggs per dozen ......... 13 14 Flour per barrel......... 4 00 4 00 Potatoes (per bus.) ,,.,., 50 60 Hay per ton 6 00 6 00 Ilidee trimmed......., 7 7a Rodeo rough 6 6 Salt per bbl„ retail 1 00 00 Sheep skine, each 80 76 Lamb shins emelt ..... 25 25 Hogs Live 8 70 8 75 16 11 Apples (per bag) .,,,,,d, 50 75 WOOL ,,.. )ST.1ND,4.11.7) I rQ,1V1s" 01! 04✓Y'44.D41, H w.e: r3T1xe0-Z1u 5.e7m, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (Ono :Million. Dallaro) 51,000,000 fttafli RV'fi FUND , . - 5000,000 eigeneieeIn all principal potatte fat Ontario, pudica, Manitoba, United States ,6 llnptand, earmszcza R.aa dv rm. I A General Banking 13usiunue Traneaoted, Farman" Notes Diaoonnbed. Drafts Teem d fuel Oolleotione made on oil points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards, 5350140 ATTENTION GIVEN TO TEE OOLLaoTIoN Or FARMERS' SALE NOTES. Every faoility afforded Ouatomore living at a dietanoo. 1M. M. I31RENT, Iowans. .A.vCI'XO11' F-.eix,aa. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 10th. ---Farm stool; and implements, at Lob 28, Con, 2, Grey. Sala at 1 o'clock. T.111. Hay, auo. Mrs. John Luoae, proprietress, FRIDAY, Nov, 18TH.— arm stock, Lob 28, oon, 13, Grey. Sale uureeerved, al 1 o'clock. Hugh McNeil, prop. F. S. Soobt, auo. T0ES0AY, Nov. 22r;n,—Farm stook, implements, &o. Lot 26, oon, 6, Morrie. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Harry Finn, prop. F. S. Scott, auo. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. A HUNTER, LICENSED AUO- 13-. T10NEEn. Money to loan. Farms to sell, VOUNG GRADE COW, PAR• Row, for sale, owning .0 veare, 1tOBT. EENDERSON, 10-tf Brussels. ri3OR SALE Second -baud ten horse -power boiler and 0-horse-ppowe., ongln0. Apply at 14-tf BRUSSELs 013E218I0 FACTORY. FOB SALE. — ONE YOUNG borne, 000110100, coming throe years old. Also one brown marc, 7 years old• well b rake. B. GERMY, Brussels, 18. IFOUSE AND LOT IN EPIIEL inr 8,018, known na tits Noniswortb house, will be acid cheap ae proprietor e. going bttoln to his farm. Possession at Daae, For further particulars apply to tf- 1VM. POLLARD, Ethel. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Mill abreet, Rruasola. The house {a a comfortable one, well Mod no, with sellar, hard and soft water, &a. There is slim a good stable. Fruit trees in garden : oyer one-quarter acro of laud. Por price, terms, dos., apply to V. FINN, Proprietor, or W. H. KERB, of Tam Pose% 18 -ti QTRAYTi1D I'R011I LOT 12, CON. kJ 8, Morrie, on Friday Nov. 4th, an aged mare, bay roan, was a little stiff on nue hind leg ; a roan mare colt taming 2 years ; and a sucking horse oolt, blank in color. Any in- formation lending to their renown.), will be thankfully reoeived end parties laid for their trouble. Send word at once to WILLIAM JAC1(LIN, Bluevale, or TUE P5sT, Brassele, 18 - POULTRY WANTED, The highest market prise, in cash, for poultry live or dead. Tho form or must not be fad the evening 'before nor the morning of delivery, and the drowsed tluultry must not he drawn. 5. G. J0N36S, Walker's Bubohor Shop, 17-tf . Brussels. 6 ''lII0R0' BRED I3RONZE TUR 00108 for sale. AIRS, 300,160010, 17.9 Go,,.t1,Mortis. REMOVED. 60, 11. 510011E, v. S.,bae removed 1110 ofllce and reel Canoe to the property roe ontly Pnr- ohaeodl by him, opposiboD, Ilwates resldonoo, Northwest aor0or of town Park, 'lloeolts are reinreed for past patronage and a eon• ttnnanoe of favors asked, 12.4 M. 1I. M0012E, V. S. TEACHER WANTED. A undo teacher wanted bolding let or 2001 class oertillcato for S. 8, No, 1, Grey, duties to 0omm0000 nu San, erd,1503. Applications stating salary, 40., will be received up to 0 p. m„ on Nov 1511,. They shout bo marked as applications, addressed J0I7N GRANT, Bea, -Treat„ 17.2 Braaaela r, 0. TEACHER WANTED, !Coacher wanted for U, 8. S. 270, 12, Grey and Alollillop 1 mato or female, holding 2,10 or 8rd olaas aerbidoate, dative to begin on Jan. Ord, I600, Appitoations reaofved up to Noy. 141h, at 2 o',lnck 7. m. Et:ulnee testi- monials and aldress 13, FULTON, Soo, Treae„ Walton P. 0. 17.2 ;OAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undoraigned wilt keen for servle° on Lot 2, Con. 8, Grey, a Mere' bred Improved Yo11tshire Boar bred by Mr, J. E,13retbou•, Burford, Oxford Oeu"ty. Pedigree may be 5050 ou a miloation. Tereus, 81.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege to return If necessary. JNO. SPRACHAN, 17.0 Proprietor, §, ?i11NA',r. IF YOU WANT TO TRAVEL NORTH, SOUTH, EAST -�0� or i-� I V Y RST TAKE THE ----..a2" GlIA D a6 da3J t^T E All information from G,T.R, Ageobs. J, N, KENDALL, Agent, Brussels. GEO. HIND, " Ethel. Nov. II, 1€398 Cur Kidney Pills have feet with the very best of success since we introduc— ed thein some time ago, They're a great boon to all suffering from Kidney Trouble. 25c, per box Try . Thein't#• ' AT--'� Fox's Drag Ston. REAL ESTATE. Ti'ARM P011 SALE.—THE UN - A. DEREOGNED Offals 1,16 One 200 Dore far being Lots 27 and 28, Si poo, 8, Morrie, On the promises aro 2oomfortablebowies and 8 barns, two orabarde, wells, 40, 166 cleared, balance bush. Farm 1e only 2 mhos from Walton village and 4,7 from Brussels. Possession could ba given in 2 mouth s alter sale, For further partiouiare as to price, terns. 40„ apply on the promises or if by letter to Walton P.O. JOHN LAWSON, U.11 - Proprietor, TIACRES P'OR SALII.-150 ACRS Consisting of the South k and South i of the North 4 of Lot O8, Don .2, East Wawa - nosh, This is an Oxoollent stook farm, being woll supplied with good Gyring water, Itis situated about 3 mhos from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo part of It is under grass. Buildings and fences are in a fair state of repair. Easy toms of payment will be given. prof- all information apply bn 11•tf G, F. B LAIR, Barrister, Brussels. GOOD FARMS FOR, SALE.— Tho undersigned offer two 100 ante farms for Cala at reasouable prices. The I"te aro Nos, 10 and 11 Con, 8 (Suuebiue), the sideroad between th01n. Good brier house and harm on lot 11, and house and 2 barna on lob 10. Orchards and all necessary conven- iences. Well watered and suitable for grain or grazing. 100 aurae now in grass. Will be sold either separate or together to suit pur- chaser, Terms of paylnebt reasonable, Im- mediate possession, For f urtber particulars apply to J05E316 OLEGG, Brunelle P. 0., or R. L. DICICIN SON, Barrister, NS/Ingham. 116 CENTRAL 151 .A. Commercial" School of the highest grade. Students admit- ted at any time ; moderate rates ; board cheap. Beautiful Catalogue Free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. S II & THY is it that so many careful dressers wend their way to this store for Ready- to-wear Clothing ? Why is it that they continue to come in inti easing num- bers, not only after Clothing but after Clothing Needs of every description ? There must be Bonne reason for it and if their reasons are not evident to you make investigation just for your own satisfaction and subsequently profit, • Where, outside of this store, will you find such a comprehensive stock that satisfies the demand for all classes ? ' Where, another so free from unworthy and undesirable goods ? Are you always sure of getting your money back if not satisfactory ? That's our way of doing business in Clothing, and if it appeals to your judgment we invite you to call and ese —Men's good strong Tweed Over00 - coats for $2,50 and , tJ,5 —Men's good Frieze Ulsters for — Men's Froize Ulstors in Dark Brown Claret, Fawn and 131ac11, fancy check lining, good trimmings, large storm collar, Half belt on back, $6.80, $6.75, $7.751 and ^� 0^ 3.t0 9.00 S l[en's Ileavy Pull Cloth Work- ing Pants, special ,.. —Men's Beaver Overcoats, cloubie breasted, heavy, . .,, —Young Men's all wool Beaver Overcoats, pure Indigo dye, silk stitched edges) best Italian lifting, cut and made in the most fashion- able style, $8.50, $10.00 and .,. 1.35 5.00 12.00 Don't misunderstand us. We don't say ours is the only good ClothinggStore. W hat we claim is this, and we think we can convince you of it if you give us the chance— Ours is the best for the money that you will find, Come ansee.