HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-11-11, Page 3NOY, 11, 1898
�/�' ONE TO LOAN AT G PEA�1.1. Oout, Ir, B, SUOTT, lirussols,
r • Theurer ofMarriage L1 00808, 011lao
at. hie Grocery,Turuberry, street, Bruesele,
* Tamarind Artist.' Shop—Next door
south of A; M, 1faKay Sr Co's hardware Store,
Ladle Wand ohildreushair cutting a 01/801(8111)
.--TEACI1E 1 0E—
Issue, of Marriage Licenses,
OFnIOE AT JRw1Ln1 1310RE.
ta'No Witness Required.
T. FL1;7,'"CHER, Bruesols
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Pubit0
investedoand to loom. 0011Insuranee 0011one mt. ade
(Mice in Graham's Block, Brussels.
Ii1 • S LSCOy T AS ANtoll orRttor AUCTIpriION-
ee, to
better men, in ass Mule and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in least Huron
or he won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can 'nlivays�be on ged at this oTee
or by personal ape
Who bee bed 25 yeare experience as an
Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to ill
health, has again takon out license and Is
prepared to Dates may
be arranged at Tun Pos'r Publishing Hoose.
JAS. STIIJAiOlunoer.
CI • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
Manner. Partioufar attention 00111 -
potent d
to veterinary dentistry, Galls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge 'rurnberry st„ Brueaes.
' • MolloSiItNLonAvaIyRau, oBerARaIrSyTPEnR
&o. Of 08.__Vanatone's Block, 1 door
north of Central Rote Solicitor for the
Standard Bank.
Solicitor, So. (late of (!arrow &
OWoe ever
Mee,aeric )
P111100 wSo Smith's
&Smith's 8. ,47
Money to Loan.
• (Formerly of Cameron, Reit &
001, Ofce-1 M01Ilon 61., cOpposite Coli
borne Hotel,
M. D., 0. M., Trinity University Fellow Trin-
ity Medina! College, Member College of Phi,he
edema College of Phyysiicians and tLicentiate
of Midwifery,Edinburgh. t Telephone
N 0,19. Itesidnee, Hull St., 13r11600Is,
M. Dr, 0. M., successor to Dr. A. MoXolveY,
Licentiate of Royal College of Pb eioiaus
and Surgeons Kingston ; Member of the 001.,
logo of Pbysioiave and Surgeons of Ontario,
Diseases of women and abildren a specialty.
Eight years' experience, t•Ofn tie and res-
Kelvey,Turubat � y street Brussel•s yDr. 25-o
M.B., M.D., M. C. P. S. 0.
Special attention given to diseases of the
Throat and Lunge and dlaeases of Women
and Children,
111110101018, SURGEON 0101) 00000011E00,
1st Class Honor Graduate of the 'Universi-
o Queen's(Kingston),
i Medica
tae oiT lull 1,Q
t Yl
• Fellow o
"rima Medical College m ,
audofl y
' i Madlly8 College an[t
member of the
Tiiu ty g
i ns and Surgeons of Ontar-
of Physio ap g
io, Yost Graduate Course in Detroit and
Obioago,1e00. Special attention laid to die,
eases of Eye, liar, Nese and Throat, and die-
eaoeoof Women, I: "Ooveultatlon In inng-
lieb and German. Telophono at roeidenee.
The undersigned win keep for eorvteo on
Lot20, oou, 0 Morris, the thero'-bred Im-
proved'Yorkshire Boat, "cal[ Lodge Loag-
follow," No, 2480, bred by 3.10.IIret1ous, Bur-
ford, to which a limited number of solve will
bo taken, Terms, 91,00, to be paid at time
of BOrvio0 with privilege of returning 1f u00-
A number of ohoioe young sows for eale'fer
breeding purposes wnioli will be sold at
Wein tc suit aha times.
01- I1OST, NICH06, Propriotor.
Ifgforc. After. 'Wood's Phos, -i
The Great English .Ramada/,
Sold and recommended by al
gists in Canada, Only regi
able medicine dte0ov0re ,
pottage, puaratiked to one a1
terms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of Ones
it et0080, Mental Worry, 3000601100 rise of To.
robot i
bocce, or e 6ttnmla 810, Mailed on P
'prise, 030, ani o tt, etre fA, Ons tail,resa.
tfz tcild cu,'a, pi'ampvillets ince to 0118 nddroas.
Tho 'Weed Company, Windsor, On8
Bald iR 1 rrttoBlerdO`
Rent a lfoit ',
Solt 11 Iietise,
Scours n Strvunl,
Or, is I9t(1,
Buy, Sell ar Neeur1
Anything„ ie
To Ilse the
A®S. a'W�'ord.'t
Doi C iD' tom.
Soo Toio Pon clubbing offer.
Nov, 17th.
No AUCTION sale within a donen roiled Of
Brussels own be properly and fnlly ad,
vertioed uulees a uotioe of it appease in
Tito PoeT. Wo give snob police free to
all who get their bills painted at the
office, Those who desire to get their
Me printed elsewhere may hove a notice
in TIE POST for 50o. for six lines or
under, and ten ciente for eaoh additional
GODEe10n STAR BASS: A protest should
be made by our town oounoil martin the
manner in which the morning mail Der.
vine is being handled by the Grand Trunk
00. The train is due here at 10.50, but
the average time of its arrival i0 from
12.30 to one o'clock each day. Either as
a mail, or for passenger accommodation,
the 1001(1 ie now useless.
Tnu1laDAr, Nov. 17th, is the date of
Mr. Yeigh's illustrated lecture "Britain's
Gird a of the Globe," Town Hall, Brussels,
in oonueotion with the Citizens' Course.
Plan of reserved Beate will open to sub-
scribers at Jae. Fox's on the morning of
Monday, 7111 Nov. The lecture is A 1
and the fine lime light views the beet
- A Sovloit WINTER Co01rN0.—All the
indloatione on which great reliance is
always placed point to a long and severe
Winter, says the Albany Express. In
the first plaoe there is the goose bone.
For the first time in eight years it is very
wide and nearly all white, wbioh is a
sure sign of early snow, deep snow, and
snow of long duration. Then there is the
ragweed. It ie unusually tali. Thug
does nature provide for the feeding of the
non -migratory birds when there is to be
deep show. Moreover, examination of
earn husks has diseased that they are
unusually heavy, That is another sign
of extreme -oold. The woodchuck, fur-
bbermore, corroborates the other evidence
with fur of unusual thickness. That is a
sign that never fails, even when others
do. Lastly, there is to be considered
that there is a surplus of temperature
which will have to be wiped out by a
corresponding deficit. These indications
ob skeptical and
in a even the mo.
will cony o
wise provision for
them o make 5 C
iuduaet p
int r that have
severest W a s
one of the v
been experienced in a long time.
AN E1110San118 EVEN180,—Tho Strath.
roy Dispatoh, of October 12th, gives the
following interesting account of a roman -
Mon teudsred Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Oluff,‘
formerly of Brussels, on their arrival at
Strathroy where Mr. Oluff has entered
upon the incumbency of St. John's
church;—The reception tendered Rev.
W. 0. and Mrs. Clnffby the congregation
of St. John's church, in the Pariah Room
on Friday evening, Oot. 7111, tvae an nn.
Qualified suooese, and a particularly
pleasant and enjoyable time resulted.
The arrangements were most complete,
every little detail seeming to have reedy.
ed careful consideration, and ware in
charge of the Ladies' Aid Society, assist-
ed by the ladies of the congregation.
The rooms were prettily decorated with
bunting, flags and flowers, the national
colors of course predominating. Early
in the evening the members began to as-
semble, and by 8,30 the rooms were over-
provided. Mr. and Mrs. Oluff arrived a
few minutes after 8 o'clock, and while
the receiving was going on in the mein
room, refreshments were being served in
an adjoining apartment, which was also
prettily deoorated. This interesting part
of the proceedings was followed by a pro-
gram of vocal and instrumental music,
arranged by F. W. Tanner with his usual
goad judgment. Soleabions by the
orchestra, composed of Mise Stevenson,
George, Fred, and John Richardson, was
followed by a solo by Mies Hoare, a
piano selection by Miss Fawcett, and a
vocal number by Mrs. Wildern, of Lan.
don, all of which were well rooeived.
"Hearts of Oak," by L. H. Dampier was
enthusiastically encored, and in response
he smog "The Red, White and Bhne,"
the audience joining in the ohorue. Miss
E. Wright sang a solo in good voice, and
present with a
A McLellan delighted ed all o t
g P
] nitnent
' aI solo,with
lane ncoon a
Ica o w p
Tanner, atter which M
b Mrs. .Cann r,
Wildern contributed another sola in
capable style. Rev. Mr. Oltlff gave a
abort address', expressing pleasure at
meeting so many members of the church,
thanked them on behalf at himself and
Mrs. Cluff for the kind manner in which
they had been received, and hoped that
the friendly relations might long, eon-
time. Ile was pleased with the 6videnae
of loyalty displayed In the decorations,
and with the manner la which the
patrons souse had been received by the
;baleene. Our duty to our ahurob, he
said, meet fleet importance, then carne
our duty to our country. Mrs. Wildern
played a piano sole in geed style, and
wan followed by a 0010 by MC. Wildern,
who is the possesso1 of an excellent bags
voice. It was highly appreciated and
heartily moored. 111x, lbIcLenan's' flute
solo, with piano accompaniment' by hire.
Tanner, wa0 well received. At the 0oh-
oluefon of the program proper Rev. Mr,
Cluff read a note which had bean planed
in his bands, roqueeting Mee. Tanner to
play "Nearer My God' to Thee," with
variations, which Mrs. Tanner kindly
complied with, "God Save the Queen"
brought tho proeoedinge to a eine. We
might add that theao0ompanimentO dun•
ing the 000018ggwere played by Mrs. Tan-
ner and Mise Stevenson. While. all non.
canned art deeerviog of great orodit foe
the happy t0rmitabion attending their ,
efforts, par tioulltr mention should be made
of 11Ir8. (Or.) 1,iud0ay, Pr00id0133 of the
Ladies' Aid Hu3i0ty, to whose uulleiug of.
forte we attribute unroll of the 0u00800.
Soone of
n Yl,- h O
111'11 list .11119 Amor. it ..( 1,1
OOpi06 ca'l'm Pon are r1 mailed by sub -
Heritage t0 Mende ab a di00an00. The
p00tege is 52 bents 1t year, if mailed reg-
ularly, Ifo worth at leeeb as much
again to loop up wrappers and atleed to
the mailing, isn't it ? Then perhaps you
forgot to mail the paper unbn it becomes
stale, It only costs a dollar a year to
hove ns 00na Tn0 PORT regularly tram
the 01110e 01 publi0ation, Have the
Damns of your absent sone and dame -dere
put on the (fat, slid save money, trouble
and irregularity. Remember We better
than it letter,
Alex 00 TO DSTIMIT,--The 060850
(Mich.) livening Argue has the following
lonoerning a former rector of Exeter 2---
"11ev. E. W. Jaunt, rector of Christ'Epis-
copal shore,! of 11185 oily, hue been ex•
tended a call to become rector of St.
Pent's Jipisoopal 011ur011, of Lansing.
The oall mine as a 0nrpris0 to Iiev. Mr.
hunt. Ile occupied that pulpit as a sup•
ply last Sunday, hawing had no provioug
Intimation that a call wuald be given
him. Hie sermons were such masterly
s000ee0ee that the vestrymen of the Lan.
'ring ohur0h unanimously avoided to in.
vita the Owosso rentor to their church,
The church bas beeu without a raptor
for some time. Not Duly has Rev. Mr,
aunt this flattering prospect before him,
lint he has received an unofflofal oall from
a prominent Church in Detroit, and i0
told on good authority that he will be able
to tape his choice between the two, with
a possible preferenoe for the Detroit
parish. Jibe outlook i5 very llattoriug
for Mr. Hunt. The vestryman of Christ
cherub aro opposed to his resignation,
but it will likely be handed in next week.
During hie two ye/ire and a 13018 residence
in this oily, 11e bee done, a good work
for his church and for the atty. Hie out-
side wont has been directed especially to-
wards the poorer population of the any.
He has many f1iend8 who will regret his
departure from the Owosso parish.
O,vosso was Rev. Mr. Aunt's first parish
in the United States, Exeter, Ont., being
the appointment last before owning
here." Mrs. hunt is a daughter of J. M.
O'Conner, of Brussels, and is well and
favorably known here. Tug POST wishes
them continued prosperity.
The following is a list of new books
placed in the Pnbiio Library during the
past few weeks ;—The Neer do -well, by
A. Swan ; Tho Workers, Wyckoff ;
Penelope's experience in Soottend, Wig -
gine ; A girl of today, Adams ; This
little World, Murray ; The heir of Fair.
mont Grange, Naober ; Folks from
Dixie, Dunbar ; The day's work, Kip.
ling ; Quo Vadis ; At the Blaok Rothe,
Rand ; The Falohion, When Valmond
came to Pontiac, The Trespasser, The
trail of the Sword, A Romance of the
Snows, The translation of a Savage,
Pierre and his People, Parker ; A Chance
acquaintance, Their wedding journey,
Howells ; The incidental Bishops, The
ohoir invisible, Allen ; The mutable
many, E. Barr ; Salted with fire, Mac-
donald ; The girl at Cobllnret, Stockton ;
The indisa'etion of the Duchess, A.
Hope ; Simon Dale, A. Hope ; Illumin-
ation, Frederic ; John Splendid, Munroe ;
The Rajah's second wife, L•(f11 ; The
'Minister of State, Stewart ; By right of
Sword, Mnrohmont ; The mighty atom,
M. Craw-
fords vola,
M. relli • C
oi•leou 2
Co ,
enol Castile •
• de of J
; The
' ZolaThe
PeteStirling, Ford ; Pari', ;
real Chinaman, Baloombs ; The ready
rangers, Munroe ; Tho land of Evange-
line, McLeod ; The story of A B.,
Waterloo ; Courage true hearts, Stables ;
Captain Courageous, Kfpliug ; In free-
dom's cause, The lion of the North, Tree
to the old flag, Plenty ; Life of Sir
Isaao Brook, Bead ; Terniug points in
successful careers, Thayer ; Our living
Generale, Temple ; Life of John Cabot,
Beayley ; History of the Union Jack,
Holmes ; British Battles, 4 vole., Grant ;
How Canada is governed, Bowmot ;
Making of the Empire ; Deeds that won
the Umpire, Fitchett ; The ideal life,
Drummond ; A man's value of Sooiety,
FIillia ; Titus, Kingsley ; Ia His steps,
Sheldon ; Crucifixion of Philip Strong.
Cir,• eV.
Solemn, RnronT,—The following is the
monthly report of S. S. No. 9,
Grey, for the month of October. The
names are arranged in order of merit :--
Sr. 4th.—Lawrence McNaught, James
Mann. Jr. 4th.—Ella MoNaugbt, Hattie
Fraser, Russel Robertson. Sr. Srd.—
Ethel MaNatght, Norma Sperling, Willie
Harrison. Jr. 314.—Olive Oliver, Nellie
Harbottle, Willie Mann, Frank Harrison, the address, and Mien Maud Carr made 1
Sr. 2nd,—Harry MoNaugbt, Wilber the presentation. Mr. Hamilton replied Fire ce Life Insurance Written.
B Norman MoNaugbt Henry Mo• l fittingly to the address, and the oompany
Kay, George Mann, Willie Mann, Wesley
(1IoKay, Willie Hanley. Jr. 2ud. Robbie
McVay, Katie Harbottle, Maggie Mann.
Part and.—Winnie MoNaugllb, Myrt'e
Sperling, Catharine Brown, Alfred
Meehan, S1', Pt, lab,—Willie Instep,
Fergus MoNau"ht, Ella Bray, Rae Roes.
Jr, Pt. lst,—Alex. Mann, Olive Brown,
Roy Cummings', Myrtle Cummings,
Miss 111181 J. Is01OTN1t,,Teaoher.
Solon Itl roar.—Tho following shows
the ola,sitloaciou and etanding of the
pupils according to the resent promotion
examinetlon is H. H. No, 10 : --Hr. 4011,—
Ethel Hparliag, Sara Buttery, Adella
Jr,481L—Rod, A.
rBa or, , 4 1,
l Bother k
0olFay, Arthur llydo, Carry Gass, Maud
Iiathwoll, Jr, sed, --Flo. HollonbOok,
Percy Baker, Wilbert Divans, Curtis
Bothwell. Sr, 2nd.—Fanny Baker, Nell
Gaulle, Gortie Iiollenbook, Lynn Evens,
Fromm Baker, Eardley Buttery, John
Campbell, Arthur Henry, Jr, 2nd,—
Fred, Pfokrell, John Buttery Oliver
Piollroll, Robert Fogel, Wesley Boyle.
Hr. Pt, 200.—Johnni0 McCurdy, 'tarry
Ward, Percy Spei188, Clam Ritthwoli,
Tommie Ward, Jidward Hpeiran, Jr,
PG, 2nd.—Luonna Taylor, Arthur Den.
plan, Eliz.tbeth MoKay, May Oxtobv,
James Coatte, Roy (tetchy, Cela Rath -
well, Roy Taylor. PO let,—Andred
Doull, Grady Spleen, Chester Baker,
Jessie Campbell, Luella Henry, Robert
kiolirell, Peroy Ward, Herbert Neabel.
R. BAIO0, Teacher,
1ternm ole 8. 8, No.4,—The following
i0 the report of S, S. No. 4, Morrie, for
the month of October :—harm 1I, total
900—Norah Maunders, '718. 1'. S. L.,
total 800 —Ida Mooney, 495 ; Richard
Cardiff, 431 ; Milton Sharp, 398 ; Willie
Oloakey, 848 ; Lulu Davis, 296 ; Jomee
Innis, 181. 4th, total, 750 — Clara
Mooney, 587; Bertha Sharp, 1186 ; Bertha
Niohol, 492 ; Mabel Niobol, 484 ; Robert
Mooney, 980 ; Carrie Speir, 848 ; Minnie
Mooney, 342. 3rd, total 600 — Lizzie
Davis, 480 ; Everett Walker, 895 ;
Minnie Walker, 314 ; George Davis, 229
Donald Innis, 214. Sen. 2nd, total 450—
Laura Oloakey, 387 ; Pearl Sharp, 834 ;
Lizzie Speir, 328 ; Terra Forsyth, 502 ;
Aunie Nichol, 990. Jr. 2nd —Peroilla
Manning, 288 ; Ada Mo0utoheon, 274 ;
Frank Niohol, )r., 202 ; Frank Niobol, sr.,
1 -1st; Harold Speir, 109 ; 011ie Walker,
5(i. Pt. 2nd, total 250 — Lorne Nichol,
170 ; Earl Bernard, 156 ; Carrot Innis,
101. Jr. Pt. 2nd—Bennie Walker, 124 ;
Genie Finn, 80. The following pupils
have been promoted from Se. era to Jr.
4t11—Everett Walker, Lizzie Davis.
From Sr. 2nd to 8rd — Pearl Sharp,
Laura Oloakey, Lizzie Speir, Annie
Nichol, Tena )! oreyth. Honor standing
for the month—Norah Mauodere, Clara
Mooney, Bertha Sharp, Lizzie Davie,
Laura Charley. Pearl Sharp, Lizzie
Speir, Lorne Niohol. Average attendance
for the month, 87.
J. D. E. Mane, Teacher.
Yin_ la tam.
(Intended for last week.)
BURNED 0011,—A dispatch from Port.
age -la -Prairie reports the destrootion by
lire, of the Review Offioe. The Review
wee published by Halpin & Oornyn, the
latter formerly of Wingbam. The fire
got considerable headway before it was
discovered, and both building and plant
were destroyed: The loss on plant is
placed at 82,000 ; insurance 91200.
Ivan MoIndoo has retained to his home
in Fresno, California after a visit with
frielids in Wiagham.—Jas. MoGuire has
removed hie office for the Canadian
Express and Division Court to his build.
ing opposite the Maodooald blook.—Mr.
Davis, editor of the Mitobell Advocate,
accompanied by his daughter, spent Sun-
day last with his brother, 13. Davis of
this town.—Mr. and IYIrs, S. Kent re.
to last week
turned from their wedding tour as
in ham.
and ars now domiai'ed in W g
Court Maitland 0. 0. F. was invited to
attend the funeral of Bro. Evans of the
Gorrie Court on Saturday last, but on
account of the bad roads, few, if any,
went.—W. G. King has returned from
Romeo, Manitoba.
PIE5ENTOT106.—Kindly, thoughtful sate
on the part of a congregation when part.
ing with a pastor, linger long and pleas.
antly in the memory of the recipient, and
cannot fail to have a reflex -influence for
good on those who contribute. These
thoughts vim to the editor, as he reports
a very pleasantgntllaring at the residence
of Mr. Pelton on Shuter street on Monday
evening of tbie week. The late pastor of
the Baptist church, Rev. J. Hamilton,
having rooeived a call to Palmerston,
leaves thio week for his new field of labor,
and a large number of his friends assem-
bled to say farewell, extend their good
wishes for hie future moons and present
him with a tangible evidence of their Money to Loan on Farm Sec11r-
t Aftrefreshments,P Fisher,
John Bickel, the mermen of the Royal
Art union at Montreal, has been aunt -
monad on the charge of keeping a 00M.
M011 ganiblinll house.
The Lennox Liberal') have nominated
da B or
n t f
t ad1
rt as air o
3 '' A w h h
J la a
1 . ,,
the Legislative AsOembly and the Con..
sorvative oboige Is Dr, Newham.
A reer•0nd collision took place at Pads
between a freight and a cattle train.
Driver Bothwell was seriously hurt, and
a number of oars were *imaelled.
Tho Merchants' Bank purposes open-
ing a branch in Alvinston shortly. It
will be under the seporvioion of Mr.
Waterbury, anthem of the St. Thome
branch, formerly of Mitchell.
Brussels. Cider Mill and
Apple Butter Factory, ' Mill
Street, has been overhauled
and is now ready for aper-
Fetch on your Apples.
Terms Reasonable.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Geo, Edwards, • Prop,
Lumber and Shingles
Fleet class Cedar Shin les,
91.60 per square
Second-class 00
Maple Flooring 910 00 to 916 00
Ash, all kinds 10 00 1.6 00
Pirie • 14 00 18 00
Custom Sawing and Planing
done on shortest notice.
Bills cut to order.
You will find the prices right
at the Ethel Saw Mill.
• S..S. OOLE,
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyepepein, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, LiverOomplaint,Near-
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Daum,
en ral De-
bility. and G e
ale Irregularities
bflft .
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold b Jae, Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Real Estate 86 Loan
esteem. mil After i it at the Lowest Rate
woe called to the ebair and addresses were 3'
delivered by the chairman. Mune.
of Interest.
Chapman, Wellwood, Kelly, Rev. J, Freed
and orhers, all testifying to the regret l Money Loaned on Notes and
felt at parting with the finest of the even-
ing. A purse of 922 was then presented
to Mr. Hamilton, W. J. Chapman read
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
ray, o
Soma BNroive.—Tho following is a
of the pupils of S.
e standing u
1t of th to
neo gpP
month of Coto.
o. .l Grey, foe the o
bar. The names of those obtaining Ices
than 40 per cent. are not published.
Honor standing is indioated by a *.
Fowl 2—Total 545.-111. Bielby, 868 ;
J. Crerttr, 838. M. Bielby, highest in
salines, history and grammar ; J. Creme,
highest in Arithmetio ; equal in Latin.
Leaving class --Total 210.—A. Calder,
151 ; L, Blake, 103 ; A. Switzer,154. A.
Switzer, highest in drawing, Algebra and
Euclid and composition ; A, Calder,
highest in history. ' 4111 'rinse—Total
400.—V, Armstrong*, 832 ; G. Bielby,
209. Sr, 8rd—Tota1 800,—D. Davfde00,
180 ; W. Switzer., 225 ; G. Blake, 154 ;
A. Dickson, 163. Jr. 8rd—Total 400.—
B. Hollinger*, 819 ; F. Davidson, 180 ;
N, Blake, 272 ; B. Davidson, 222 ; 1315.
Bedford, 215. Sr, 2nd—Total 400.—L.
Dickson*, 809 ; T. Dielby, 181 ; G. Dark,
9130 ; W. Stevenson, 195 ; 3. Rands, 268 ;
M. Rands, 289, Jr. 2nd --Total 250.—
M. Dark*, 281; B. Dark*, 198; M. 'Reg -
god 124; A. Gordon, 142,, 1r. 1st—
Total 125 ; W. Whiting*, 111 ; L, Blake*,
105 ; J. Stevenson*, 115 ; L, Grant*,
117. Jr, let—Total 125.—Jus. 1)iolteon*,
102 ; John Dioheen, 88 ; 13. Stevenson,
89 ; A. Dark, 78. The following pre•
nsotionswen made 1—To 4111,D.
son ; to sr.8rd, J", Collinear, er, E. Blake,
Bedfoed ; to jr. 8rd, T, Bielby, W.
Movement, L. Dickson, J, Ronde, M.
Ran(0 ; to sr, 9nd—M. Dark ; to jr. 9nd,
separated feeling that they had spent a
very pleasant evening.
RE•oiENINO.—The Catholic church in
Wingllam has recently undergone a
thorough renovating process, the roof
has been re•shinged, a furnace placed in
the basement, the interior of the build.
ing plastered and painted, the altar im.
proved and new carpeting laid, making
the church
o elle attractive
and sentrt•
able. Ro.oponing serving were held on
Sabbath last, Right Rev. D. D. O'Connor,
of London officiating. High Man
'other M
was oeleb d at 10,60 by r
b a don•
This a followed
Keown. Th w s y
firmation service. Two candidates pre.
'anted themselves for Confirmation and
were examined and 0arefully lnetrnoted
at ooesideroblo length by the Bishop.
His Lordship 0learly explained to the
candidate' the neoeseity and nature of the
Ave sacraments held by the Church to be
necessary to eapply the spiritual needs
of her children, viz,—baptism, oonf)rma•
tion, penance, absolatiou, and the Mass.
He oleo referred to the sacrament of
marriage rendered neo005ary to mania
relation to the family, and that of ettreme
auction as a preparation for death. The
candidates were then oonfirmed. In the
evening there were vespers, followed by a
Sermon by the Bishop, Nobwithetanding
the very unfavorable weather, the attend-
ance ab both services was large, every
available 0eat being oeoupied. The chole
wag %striated by Mies Donovan and J.
Duncan, of SOaforth, formerly of Wing.
ham. In the morning the latter sang
"The Holy City," with good effect. The
offerings amounted to a little over 975.
The day's sorviee0 were interesting and
H. Salter) of 001 aw
1 a 'ar
and robbed In broad daywas light by three
men at Cedardale. The pollee have
made throe arrests in oonncotion with
W. Whiting, . W. 1I. H'TRWART, Teacher., the caro,
Special Attention given to
Office over Deadman'e Drug Store,
Don't go there for money when
you can make it at home by buying your
Soots AND
A'P Shoes
Geo. M. Mitchell's
Cash Boot and Shoe Store,
110,10 naw ft full stook of Ready -Made
Boots and Shoes of all eine from infants
up, at lowest prime possible,
A11 Rips repaired Free of Charge.
Please can and get 711008.
N. B.—Repairing of Boots, Shoes and
0Lrnees promptly attended to,
i tchcll
Proprietor, Ethel.
10,000 Bushels
We are prepared to pay Cash
for any quantity of apples deliver-
ed at our
30 cts, per bag will be paid for
the run of the tree as shaken off.
25 and 20 cents per bag for
packers' culls and windfalls; ac-
cording to quality.
Very small'apples not wanted.
Don't delay but deliver your Ap-
ples as soon as possible.
Mahlcr nos.,
111111N0— co.
returns her thanks to the Ladies
of Brussels and vicinity for their
patronage at the Millinery Open-
ing and solicits a continuance of
their favors.
A Specialty made of
Mourning Goods.
Dress and—""111p.
Mantle Making.
Special attention given to
this Department and Satisfaction
Latest Fashion Sheets.
Stretton Block, Brussels.
Call and see our
stock of
Wool, Hides, Butter and Eggs
taken in exchange.
Carding, Spinning,
Weaving, Knitting, etc,
Promptly attended to
at the
n you
are losing
conclude And then throw away able paper before y y
good money by not buying your DAIRY SUPPLIES boom us. We are
prepared to supply every person with Dairy cane
Pails, Milk Pane and Tinware off all kinds at prices a000rding togeality.
.....„.10,Graniteware of all kinds._
HARDWARE Having pat in a stook of Spades, Shovels
1�I a Forks, dee., of the Best quality we eoiio
your Patronage.
Paint Your House With the best weather and water
proof Paint in the market. We soli it.
Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order.
The best line of Cook Stoves to choose from.
Eavetroujlair2,j and Repairinza
promptly attended to._ ,000-
N. B.—Wait for our wagon, it Will 511,11 on you for your truck in a
g 1
few days.
Wilton &Tuxnbull