HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-11-4, Page 10THE BRUSSELS POST
Noy, if, 1898
$100 fay 331-3c.
On our Bargain Table this week
will be found a large variety 09 Fiend
Sutuhelo whiah we purpose selling et
k regular primes. Take it look and
see if you can afford to do without one,
Anothex Lot.
Another lot of Well Papers are
here, this time from a Toronto man.
ufacturer, and if anything they are
even butter vaine than the former lot
which came from Montreal. 'We
were wishing today that more oould
be bought at same pride but it is too
late now. We autiaipated, however,
the advanoe is prices and bought
largely. You oan make no mistake
in leaving your order with us for
anything in our line.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
800700668 EXTENSION w. 0. & 0.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows';
express 7:10 am. Mail - 2.10 p,m
Iftxed 9:90 a.m. .Express 10:10 p.m
ACR.1 .CtU ftC91ts.
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
INDUN Summer.
Amiens are out of season,
A. 0. U. W. this (Friday) evening.
Tlutxxservnao Day on November 24613.
Bevesees Council next Monday even-
WHEno do your boys spend their
evenings ?
BRUSSELS school Board Friday evening
of next week.
SATURDAY of this week will be the
eventful "5th,"
RABBIT and partridge hunting is the
prevailing sport.
SAME, CARTES ie putting a new shingle
roof o0 his cottage, Mill street,
Tan supply of soft wood at P. Ament'e
mill has been sold out to the last cord.
BRUSSELS monthly school report for
October may be found on page 4 of this
READ the account of the Goderioh
Township Homoeide on our supplement
this week.
Some new fencing will be necessary at
the Grey Branch Agl. Park before
anothor Fall Fair.
0. 0. F. next Tuesday evening. Two
initiations expected. There should be e.
good turn out of members.
IN A. Streohan's ooreet advt. in refer-
ence to the "1898" corset the sizes should
read 18 to 30 instead of 18 to 20.
SOME of the 'lightning" ,youths have
had to put np a dollar apiece for damages
done to a Light wagon on Hallowe'en.
KLONDA6E Social will be held by the
Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church on
the evening of Thanksgiving Day. Good
program in preparation.
THE street watering cart is off duty for
this year. Robert Henderson had a busy
eea80n keeping down the dust owing to
the long continued dry spell.
FRAISE YErGE's illustrated lecture on
Thursday, Nov. 17th. Plan of hall at
Fox's drag store. Everybody should
hear Mr. Yeigh and see his splendid col.
lection of views.
RESERVED seat plan for Frank Yeigh's
fine lecture "Britain's Girdle of the
Globe" will opeo at Fox's drug store next
Monday morning. The lecture will be
given on the 171h.
THE youth and his assistants who
went to the trouble of muffling the clap•
per of the town bell last Monday night
may not think it very funny before they
get through with it.
GOING To BLYTH,-Harry James has
leased the Commercial Hotel, Blyth,
from John Emigh, and will take poeeee-
eion ma Nov, 15112, Mr, James has been
assisting in the American Hotel in this
Mace aim he gave up the Revere House.
The Blyth people will find Mr. James a
straightforward gentleman and a worthy
Soave Pu6PErtvs,-7. C. Tuck, of Brue•
eels, was a competitor in a prize pump.
kin show at Seaforth recently. Jake's
pumpkin was a good one and weighed
647* pomade but this woe not big enough
to win ae the beet weight was 86} pounds
and in the 10 prizee awarded the lowest
weight was 70 pounds. There were 28
entries and J. S. Roberta, who Bold the
Beed and got a pumpkin from each nom.
petitor, should have pumpkin pies three
times a day for the next year.
BOARD or HEALTH, -A meeting of the
Board of health was held on Mouday
evening in the Council Chamber. There
were present, Rev, R, Patti, chairman,
Alex, Stewart, the Reeve, Clerk, and In.
specter MoLanohlin. After the minutes
of the last meeting were read and passed
the Inepeotor's report was presented and
accepted. A general oonferenoe followed
on the work of the Board during 1898
and eome neoeesary things to be done
yet. The Chairman and Medioal Health
•--Officer will present their, reports at the
first meeting of the Council in December.
PLEnreOITE ExEOuTIvE.-Last Satnrdey
morning a meeting of Least Huron Pleb.
iseite Executive was bald to wind up the
bueine0e of the Association. It was de.
oided to continue the organization in tbe
'Riding and to oall a Convention on some
Suitable date to elect officers, &o. A
financial abatement will be published
shortly showing the receipts and die.
bnreementa in connection with Baia
Huron in the recent campaign. The
following resolution wee passed by the
Executive, a copy of whioh was forward-
ed to Alex, and Mre. MaLanohlin ;-
To llfi•; avid MIs. d, li2cLaua1ilift ;
We, the Executive Committee of Pro-
hibition in Dad Huron, personally and
us a Committee, desire to expreae our
deep and heart-fe16 sympathy with you
in the great lose sustained in the death of
your only Son who was a member of thio
Committee, and We pray that grace may
be given to eustain and comfort you tinder
lunch a sore bereavement,
Sreneua, made for title season of the
.PJAS. BALL201078E'e new bakery 18 ran•
ning now.
G001, 1100804 to rent ere a 070000 arti0le
in Brussels.
Item; Tile Poet elnbbinw off .,r on page
8 of this issue.
°Arne, sheep and hog shipping still
booming et Brussels elation.
SEVERAL items of interest orowded out
this week. They will appear in the next
A New fence will be put np in front of
the residence of the Miesee leelly, Turn.
berry etreet.
It. MAINPar0E is talking of fitting up an
out -door ekatiug rink on the tot adjoining
the power house.
TOoasnAY of thio week was the mouth.
ly Horse Fair. The next Fair will be
held on Thursday, Deo. let.
Someone eobe donated Tit Poer P®bli8h-
iug House a door mat last Monday night.
The owner may have it by calling.
WEernee Star Lodge, No, 140, I. 0. 0.
F. Brunets, is considering the advise,
bility of purchasing a new regalia out$°.
Was. Rose & Sox, the Electric Light
Works; and the Enterprise Salt Works
are using coal for firing owing to short•
age in wood supply.
P. ANENT was awarded the contract of
the new briok Presbyterian church at
Belgrave. The work will be done next
season. There were 7 tenders.
J. D. Roxmr.»'e representative ie push•
iug tbe sale of lire engines with favorable
prospects. There are three new engines
nearly oompleted at the Works here.
TntNxe.-Last weelt we mailed a large
number of anoounts for back subscriptions
to Tan Poer, in some oases money long
due. We are very thankful for prompt
respooeee and will feel grateful if all will
make an effort to square up. We have a
number of heavy payments to make at
this season of the year.
LAST week at the Canadian Foresters
Court, Brussels, there was an animated
debate on the eubjeot : "Resolved that
all aseeeement Sooieties should take the
actuaries' figures ae the basis of their
payments." The affirmative bad W. H.
Kerr, Wm. Blaehill and Jas. Sherrie to
champion it while the negative was
valiantly npbeld by George Rogers, Jno.
Wilbee and Walter Smith. The chair
was taken by I. 0. Richards who decided
in favor of the affirmative. At the meet-
ing of the Court on the last Tuesday of
November another debate will be held.
PROMPT SETTLEMENT. -1 wieb to return
my thanks to the Oonfederation Life
Aeeooiation, through their agent, W. H.
Kerr, Brussels, for the prompt and antis.
factory settlement of 52,000 life inenranoe
held by my son, Thos. A., who died on
Oat. 7th in that company. Lettere of
administration an
pration had to be issued by the
Court, owing to the absence of a will.
These were forwarded by Mr. Kerr to
Toronto on Monday last and a obegoe for
the amount was handed to me Tuesday
afternoon following. It is seven years
since the polio), was taken out.
Administrator, Brussels.
remains of the late Mrs. Robt. Dickson
were brought to Brussels on the after.
noon train last Friday and were taken to
Melville ohuroh where an appropriate
eervioe wee conducted by the pastor, Rev.
Jno. Roes, B. A., assisted by Rev. S. J.
Methodist minister. Interment
WAS made in the family plot in the Bras•
eels cemetery. The pall bearers were :-
Geo. Crooke, W. H. MoCraoken, Alex,
Stewart, Jno. Mooney Thos. Strachan,
and G. A. Bondman. Numerous and
beautiful were the floral tribites from
relatives and Detroit friends, Mre. Sher.
wood, Mre. Pomeroy, lire. Rae and Mrs.
Alex. R. Stewart being epeoially worthy
of mention among the latter. Mre.
Diokeon's maiden name woe Jane Ann
Grant. she being the eldest daughter of
the late Peter and Isabel Grant. She
was born io Piotou Go., N. S., and name
to Stanley township, Heron 0o., in 1832
or 33, where she resided until her mar-
riage with her now bereft partner, Robb.
Dickson, 00 Aug. Brd, 1848. He took
hie bride to hie home in Roxboro' and
lived there until 1885, when Ifr. Dick.
son purcbased 173 sores on the 12th 000.
of Grey Township from Wm. Squires.
Here the family made their home until
they sold the farm and Mr. and Mrs,
Diciseon moved to Brussels. Three
years ago they went to Detroit, where
the subject of this notice passed away.
Mre. Dickson was the mother of 14
children, 0 of whom are living, viz. -
Arch. G„ of Detroit ; W. B., Jas, and
Robt. M., of Langdon, Dak. ; Jobn, of
Cartwright, Man. ; Harry, of Crystal ;
Tbos., of Eeoanaba, Mich. ; Mre. Warner,
of Plato/00d, Aaeinaboia ; and Mre. Kel•
ly, of Detroit. For about 4 years de-
ceased was ailing, nervous trouble and
oatarrh of the stomach being her ail.
menta. Mre, Diaiseon was a kind.heart•
ed, motherly, neighborly woman, who
enjoyed the esteem of all who knew her.
During her illness she patiently and nn•
complainingly bore the pain and died with
a trustful assurance that all was well. The
remeine were accompanied by Mr. Dick.
eon, and bie sons Arch, and James and
daughter Mre, F. W. telly ; Peter Grant,
of Oleveland, and Mrs. Spence, of Gode-
rioh, brother and sister to deceased.
Among others who attended the funeral
we noticed Simon Grant and wife, of
Grey ; Wm. Grant, Of Clinton ; Poet -
muter S. Dickson and wife, of Seaforth ;
Barrister Diakeon, of Blyth : Joo. Scott,
Mrs. Brown, Arch., Jaa, and Joseph
Scott, and Jae. Somerville, of Roxboro' ;
Aroh• Somerville, of Winthrop ; Ar.
Loohart, of MoKillop ; and Mr. and Mre,
Douglas, of Wroxeter.
Mre, J. J. Gilpin hae been 111 this week,
Dr, Kalbfeieoh is able to get down
town again.
Ar. Walters, of Lletowel, spent Sun.
day in town.
Wm. Thomson was off work owing to a
disabled hand,
D. M, Soot° was in London for a few
days this week.
Barrister Blair was in Goderioh last
Friday on legal baeineee,
Jno. Downing has been on the sick list
this week with cholera morbus.
E. 0, Lowry has not been enjoying
very robust health for the past few weeks
but we hope he will canting to improve.
Walter nose and family have moved
into town this week from Morrie. We
wish them many prosperous yeore in
Bra wens.
Wm. Newsome and wife have been
visiting their daughter ab Chiango, Mre.
Newsome arrived book la81 week but the
former will extend his vieit until Cbriet•
ROW. Thomann, cooper, has been an
the eiek list in Stratilroy, but is improv
!ng nicely now,
Mrs. John 0, Halliday is resting a little
easier this weals although there 14 n0 vary
Marked inlprov0oleut in her emelition,
l,. S. C'o7per, formerly of Broseele,
was in town last Friday. Be le now on
1128 road IS the representative of the well
known Goldie c¢ M0Onllongh firm, of
Mre, J. S. ielaals, nee Miss lime Dor.
meek, formerly of Brussels, who is now
visiting et Langdon, Dakota, le the
proud mother of a baby daughter. Mr.
Bleak% headquarters are still et Labra.
Mies Lizzie Leatherdale hoe been
quite ill during the past weep wttb
asthma and bron0hitie but is making
favorable progre.s now we are pleased to
stale and will soon be able to get about
as usual.
Mre. D. Ferguson has returned to her
home on Alexander street after keeping
house for her son, D. M., in Stratford.
A little bird eve a new housekeeper will
shortly be inahtllod but then you cau't
always believe those little birds.
b`. Palmar and bride, nee Mise Ruth
Robertson, who were 001011ed at Belle.
ville on Wednesday, are spending a por-
tion of their honeymoon et J. G. Skeue'e,
Brunetti. Mr. Skene is an unole to the
bride. May bappinose and prosperity be
their portion.
Harry Stephenson, who hoe rendered
faithful and accommodating service es
stage driver between Brussels and Sea.
forth, has gone to Wingham where he
will work for Jae. O'Leary, formerly of
this place. Tom MoLeuohlin is hold-
ing the ribbons since.
Dr. Monroe, of London, name to Brns•
eels this week to assist Dr. Kalbtleleoh
with his practice until hie health is fully
restored. Good progress is being made
toward aomplete convalescence. Dr.
Monro is au experienoed and competent
physician and is lately from Toronto
General Hospital.
Thos. Thomson, who has been the
representative of D. D. Wilson in the egg
and butter business at Listowel during
the past Sommer, intends taking up hie
residence again in Brussels and will eon•
tinue tbe some route, Mrs. Thomson
and eon have come to town this week.
We welcome them back to Brussels.
The Misses Scott expect to leave Brua•
seta the close of this week for Petrolea.
Mies Scott will visit there for 2 weeks
with her sister, and then go on to East
Saginaw to see her brother, and from
there to Higginsville, Missouri, where
Rev. A. Scott resides. Mica Maggie will
sojourn at Petrolea for a time.
Chas. Urquhart, who bee been cashier
in thetanda
S rd Bank here for theset
two years, left for Toronto last Tuesday
morning. From there he expects to go
to Chicago to take a position. Mr.
Urquhart was aoompetent hand and very
accommodating to the•publia. His sin.
oeesor is Mr. MoOlelland, of Forest, who
arrived in Bruseele o11 Tuesday.
Jno. Putland and family, of Bluevale,
will return to Brussels next week as Mr.
Putland has entered into an engagement
with Jno. Ament, of the American Hotel
here, to take Harry James' place. TEE
Poer welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Putland and
obildten back to town. Wm. McGuire,
of Wingbam, has purchased the Bluevale
Robert Sinclair, brother to Beer•ieler
Sinclair, Brussels, has jnet returned to
Vancouver from the Klondike with 940,-
000 received for the disposal of share
in a gold mine of French Creek. M. H:
Sinclair, of Los Angelos, Oat., is also baok
from the same golden paradise with fine
prospects of a mine in whioh he if inter-
ested. He is also a brother to our toivne-
man. We are pleased to bear of their
good fortune and will next week give a
fuller aeoount of Mr. Sinelair's views on
the Klondike.
Next Sabbath the monthly servioe will
be held in the Be C. church, Brussels.
"The Good Fight" will be the topic
of Melville Endeavor neat Sabbath even-
A social evening was on the program
of St. John's Young People's Society on
Tbureday evening of this week.
The annual distriot Epworth League
Convention, of Wingham District, will be
held ioth°Methodist ohuroh, Kincardine,
on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov, 16th
and 17112.
Next Sabbath the regular quarterly
Communion eervicee will be held in the
Methodist church here. Fellowship
meeting following the preaching in the
morning, and the sacrament at the close
of the evening servioe.
At the Mission Band in St. John's
ohurob, Saturday afternoon of this week
a debate takes plane on the subject,
"Whioh does Africa or Opine, present
the more favorable prospect for evangel.
ization 7" Lorne Pringle and Garf.
Vanatone are the captains.
Psalm 105 and part of 8th verse, "He
hath remembered His oovenant forever,"
was Rev. Mr. Abey'e text last Sabbath
morning and at the evening servioe
"Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the
Obeid; is born of God." Mr. Abey is a
faithful expounder of the Truth.
Eosin SOCIAL. -The Sewing Cirole in
oonneetioe with Melville ohuroh W. P.
it. S., gave a Honey Soolal in the Sala.
bath school room on Thursday evening of
last week, which resulted most pleaeant.
ly. Rev. Jno, Roes, B. A., ocoupied the
chair, in hie customary elilicient manner,
and introduood the following well render.
ed program after the opening exeroieee :-
Solo, "Flee as a bird," A. Roes ; Plea for
India, Miss Annie Roes ; addrees by
Reeve Strachan, of Grey ; instrumental
duet, organ and guitar, T. A. Hawkins
and A. Rosa ; "Japan," by Mise Jennie
Forbes ; quartette, "Somewhere," Mia.
See Crooke and Stewart and T. A, Hawk.
ins and J. Ei. Cameron ; "China," by
Mies Jean Bitable ; remarks, by W. 11.
Kerr ; solo, "Shall you shall I 7" Mise
Lizzie McLennan ; "Africa," Miss Mary
Rose ; address, by Arob. Hislop, 111. P.
quartette, "Over the ocean wave,"
Misses A. Rose, J. Ritohie, J. Forbes and
A, Ross ; address by Rev. Mr, Abey.
The young ladies who dealt with the
various mission fields appeared in awe
tome representative of the oonntry
spoken of, and did their part excellently.
An abundant anpply of edibles WES
served, in which honey, a gift from G. A.
Deadman, formed an attractive feature,
On motion of G. F. Blair, seconded by A.
A, McKay, a vote of thanlse wag pegged
to Me. Deadman and those who assisted
in the program, IJ'inanoial p00060 8
$18.00, which will be expended in the
p000baso of material to mentifaoture
elo1hing out of for Minion fields,
Emmen LEAnn1.--Tho following of.
Deere were elected in ommeatiolt with the
Epworth League last Monday evening :
-lion. Pres., Roy. S. J. Allis 1 Pres,,
Mies M, Moore; 1st 1'ioo•Prea., Mies 11.
le. Kerr ; end \'ine•1'roe„ 1llioe Laura
Peohlee ; ild \'a o nee., 11Iies JOanie
Howe ; 4th \leo-free Mrs. Dobeon ;
See., Wee Carrie Bingetotl 1 Cor,•Seo.,
Mies Minnie MoNanghton ; Troae„ plias
Tllnrea Gerry ; Urgaltista, Miss .11, DRS
and 91icn Ella Ainley.
"For tbie is right" was Rev. S. J,
Allln's text last Sabbath morning, I1e
field there ie n moral elanderd of right
and wrong and God sets this etaudard.
The oduoation of the conscience in doing
right and 11100 the danger of half truths
were clearly pointed out. Early training
was shown to bo of great value in the
future well being, In the evening "Pull-
ing them oat of the fire, "Jade 23rd
verse, was the foundation of a good die-
ticians taking fire as a similie of sin.
Last Sabbath was the 10th annivere,
cry of Rev. Jno. Ross' etmoess9111 pastor.
ate in Melville ohurob. Hie sermons
were after the oharaater of those preach-
ed on other anniversary ooaaeione, indi-
oatiug the work and office of a minis.
ter. The morning text Was "There was
a man sent from God whose name wee
John," three leading thoughts being
amplified relative to Jolnt the Baptist as
a preacher :-(1) Hie native talent; (2)
Hie ed00ati00 ; (3) Endowment of the
Holy Spirit. Mr, does reviewed 1b • year
of his pastorate and called up the vile ions
subjeote dealt with on the past n'i iver-
series. In the evening the subj•et was
"John's preaching." It was (1) Pa bring
home the oonviotion of sin ; (2) To lead
to repentance ; (8) Pointing to Chriet.
Melville church and ite pastor enter
upon the 20112 year of their ohurob work
under very favorable anspiaes that pre
sage success and odvenoement.
Business Locals.
Ir you are out cf potatoes oall on J. T.
Ross, grocer.
CHOICE car of potatoes received. See
thein at J. T. Ross',
SEE our men's hand made long boots,
extra value. L 0. Rioharde,
Coax arriving this week at Stewart's
Mill, Brussels, dry American.
Oon6, best American, yellow, for sale
at Bose' mill. Close prices for cash.
Remelts in Harness, Boole and Shoes,
cheaper than ever. I. O. Richards.
Jose rooeived a car of oatmeal to ex•
change for oats. Backer & Vanetone.
ALWAYS take the G. T. R. when you
oan. S.S.S.-Soenery, Safety and Speed.
LAUGH and well selected stock of horse
blankets of all kinds
at J. Donaldeou'e
WANTED. - Choice butter 17 dente,
dried apples and poultry. G. E. King,
COa1100TABLE house and good lot for
Bale on Alexander street, Brussels. Ap-
ply to Jae. Walker.
WE have now our winter stook of Robes
and Blankets and oan give you better
value than ever. I. 0. Riobarde.
OYSTER season is bere and W. A. Crich
ie prepared to supply the pnblio with
Booth's beet brands from Baltimore,
JNo. DONALDSON has just received a fine
stook of rubber and woollen ruga, robes,
&a. Call and see them before ordering
W. A. OBIOE is still doing business at
the old stand where may be found bread,
Oakes and pastry. Fruits in their sea•
WH are sole agents in Brussels for the
the celebrated Saskatchewan Buffalo
Robes, the best Robes on the market,
I. 0. Richards.
Po'rteroEs,-7.T. Ross bas juet received
a oar of choice potatoes which be will
offer to the pnblio at reasonable figures.
Call and see them.
Dc Yon EAT POTATOES ?-Jas. T. Roes
has purchased a oar of No. 1 potatoes
and is now ready to serve the public at a
living prioe. Don't buy until you see
T. AoGnEcon bas a quantity of saws
for sale or will exchange for saws that are
Ont of order. It is claimed these saws will
out more timber with lees filing than
any otber saws in the market. T. MoGre•
gm•, saw gummer aid filer, Queen St.
East, Bruesels, Ontario,
Beane Awn Esos.-R. Thomson begs
to notify the public that he has moved
hie egg and butter emporium to the Gra-
ham block, next door to Pox's drug store,
Brunie, where be will continue to pay
the highest market price for eggs and
butter, Large guru titles of roll better
wanted, R. Taoslsoe, Brussels.
A PRI0ELEee Drenovnix.-"Soak and
Swab" is an infallible, manliest; and non-
poisonous remedy for the ours of Cancer,
Cartilaginous 'Ulcera, Sore Throat and a
variety of skin diseases. It cures cancer
in any part of the body where the liquid
oan reach it. Send for circular giving
inetruotione how to apply the liquid.
Sold at 60o, per pinb and 80a. per half
pint bottle. MoLHon'e LABORATORY, Gode
rioh. 'Sold by Jae. Fox, Druggist,
Brussels. 5.1f
Dr. G. H. Cooke, of Thorold, was
found dead in bed.
Samuel Morniogetar, of Dresden, Dom.
mitted suicide by shooting.
Sanaa Sargeant's planing mills at Lou-
don were burned, the loss being plaood at
Ore eltipmente from Roseland amount.
ed to 4,416 tons last week, exceeding all
previous reaord0.
Joseph O. Warrington, one of the
largest cheese exporters of the country,
has made an assignment.
At St. Johns Mo111lan'e old•oetablieh-
ed printing and stationery eatabliehmest
was destroyed by fire.
A. young Londoner named J. Td. Gren•
fell fatally shot himself at Detroit. A
bottle of morphine was aleo found with
1332 t7•S_12:17a3 .v2A17ni TE,
•9'all Wheat (35 07
Barley, 33 37
Pas 57 58
elate 24 25
Button, tube and rolls ,12 14
Eggs per dozen 113 14
Flom! per barrel 4 00 4 00
Pototoee (per bus) 60 60
Hay per. ton .,., 5 00 6 00
IIideo trimmed 7 7}
Hides rough 5 6
Solt per bbl,, retail,,,., 1. 00 00
Sheep skins, moll .,..,. 30 75
Lamb eking nolo ..... ,,25 26
Hoge, Live 3 60 3 60
(pet bag) ......,, 50 60
Sl ,1 APD, -Linn) 17.4,.N'.,�.1 0.1? 0,:I.31Xi1),:1,
CAPI'T'AL PAI1) 11P (one Million Pullers)
RESERVE 1', 1 1 ND 9,600,000
elper111100 in all principal pointe i71 Ontario, Quebec, Man'itoba,
p1"-, axc7S 1 XAR.
A General Banking 13001,00.4 Trananotod, 1 nrmora' Nates 1)iaoouutad,
Drafts Issued mud Colleotione made of all pointe.
Intereet allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards.
Every faoility afforded Oaetomere liviug at a dietanoe.
M. M. BRENT, AleseaEil.
haled States ,OEngland,
Parren.-In Morris, on Oot. Bleb, the
wife of Mr. 1,, J. Pepper of a daugh-
RAD-Kpnnl.--In the 11, C. ohurob,
Logan, on Wednesday, Oot. 20th, by
Rev. Father Downey, Stephen, Mr.
111. Ran, of Grand Rapids, Bitola., to
Mies Minnie 0., second daughter Of
Mr. Michael Kuhr , of Atwood.
Lenmew-Hroxasiot.-In Booramento,
Oslilornia, on Oat. 20th, Mr. James
A. Laidlaw, to Mise May Estell
Hickman, of Sacramento.
LowoY-ANDERSON.-At the reeidenoe of
the bride's parents on Oot. 27th, by
Rev. J. B. Kennedy, assisted by Rev.
D. Rogers, Mr, J. Howard Lowry, of
Carriok, to Miss Ettlila Almada,
second daughter of Mr. Richard
Anderson, of Howiok.
WoODBURL I,t Grey, 011 Clot, 30, Agnes
Lynd, relict of the late Thomas
Woodburn, aged 91 years, 11 months
and 2 days.
BIronoo.-In Fergus, on Oot. 22nd, Wm.
Ritchie, aged 64 years,
.P ST0Tx0ST sAx,a-
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 9th. -Farts stool,
implements, &se, lots 82 and 33, eon. 18,
Grey. Sale unreserved, at 12 o'olook.
Isaac Aattbews, prop, 1 le. 8. Scott, auc,
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 16th. -Farm stook
and implements, at Lot 28, Oen. 2, Grey.
Sale at 1 o'clock, T. E. Hay, am, Mrs.
John Lucas, proprietress,
7000EER, Mosey to loan, Farms
to sell.
rase for sale. FIRS.;M0.1201311,
17-8 Cou, 0, Morris.
Bow, for sale, owning 9 years,
15-tf Brussels.
Second-hand ten horso•powor boiler
and 0 -horde -power engine. Apply at
ED for Svintor mouths to assist in farm
work, WM, HOLT, Lot 0, Cou, 1, Gray, 1011
3i for sale or to rent on favorable )Orme.
If you 11avo anything in tins nue to moll or
buy, or to oxohango apply to JOHN IlAN-
SUL,D. Ethel P. 0.
for 31115, kuowu It
the Fomsworth
house, wilt bo BAT ohoap ne Possession
l8tor e.
ba011 t0 hie farm. Poeeenslon at 0005,
For 0161181 partioulare apply t0
tf- WM. 1 OLLJ RD, Ethel,
Natieo is hereby given that application
has been made for the transfer of the Hotel
license hold by John Putlamt.Bluevale, to
Wm. Meguioe, of L ietowuJ, who has leased
tho Hotel, JNO.lt, MILLER,
License ltispeet01',
17.2 East 1i1 ding Huron,
A mato teacher wanted bolding let or 2nd
class c ertiaoate for S. S. No, 1, Grey duties
to eomuionoo on Jan. 9,0,1800. Applications
Stating salary, &o., will be received up to 11
p. m„ nn Nov 10110. They snout bo marked
as applications, addressed
3011N GRANT, Soo.-Treas.,
J7-2 13russel0 P. 0.
Teaohor wanted for II. S. S. No. 12, Grov
and 111oIiillop ; male or female, holding 2nd
or 8112 oleos certificate, duties tobegin on
Jen. 8rd,1000. Applications received up to
Nov. 14th, at 0 0', look 9. m, Enulose testi-
monials and address H. FULTON, Soo:
Treas., Watton P. 0, 17-2
The highest market )moo, in cash for
poultry live or dead. Tiro former must not
be fed the evening 'before nor the morning
of delivery, and the dressed poultry must
not be drawn, J. G. 7024115,
Walker's Butcher Shop,
17-tf Brussels,
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 2, Oon, 8, Grey, a thorn' bred Improved
'Yorkshire Boar, bred by Mr. X,10.Brothonr,
B urford, Oxford County. Pedigree may be
seen on application, 780028, S1,o0 to 1,e paid
at time of 801,150 with. privilege to return it
necessary. JNo, 8TRA02AN,
17.4 Proprietor.
Overcoat clays are
here and the earlier you make your
selection the better your
, chance of getting exactly
what- you want.
are frequent at this season of the year. Don't
go:with:wet feet, Don't catch cold and rain your health.
Stop in and get a pair of Granby Rubbers. Smith &
McLaren are Sole Agents in Brussels for
Granby nubbers and Overshoes.
mR l .
We have it -Ni -
Fox's Drug Store.
M. H. M 002113, 7. S., has removed his olllce
and reel donee l0 the property re0entlypur-
chnsed by him, opposite 0, EEwan's residence,
Nortll•west cor00r of tows Park. Thanks
are returned for past patronage and a eon.
Untie oe of favors 031100, 12.4
01, H. MOGR17, V. S.
TOE POST and Weekly Globe $1 50
" Western Advertiser,1 40
Weekly Mail -Empire, 1 45
Montreal Witnese 1 05
Daily News 1 80
Weekly Sun 1 35
Montreal Star 1 80
Farming 1 65
i;PTT0LiihER, t:: B11U8SEL8.
111rr' ,,II 'fi
,I r
A Commercial School of the
highest grade. Students admit-
ted at any time ; moderate rates ;
board cheap.
Beautiful Catalogue Free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
"Eudora" eh s th
10 softer, richer,
with greater width and weight than any Henrietta.
Ideal in the richness of its surface glow and drap-
ing qualities. It is the perfection of a
Black Dress Fabric
It wall not grow rusty -its dust -shedding qualities
ahtts n d
uusurpsesodreabsolute. in Mateits wolontingiservioeelicacy, of Silktexture-
Wrapped e1 the varl3iehed board, _"Priestley"
stamped 011 every fifth yard.
The improved Henrietta
Sold by Dry Goods Deniers Everywhere.
Solo Agents in Brussels for Prie;stley's Dress floods.