HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-10-28, Page 6f _ spy( Rryq ,ryq B T • I`A POST.
OCT. 28, MR
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are affected. Nearly all affected ani- �- -'-"-"•""-""-"�'"-""'-"•"'-`�•'"'"�"""-"-'""-" ."""'^-'-^'•
": y a�-c--o-+r ♦-a-®-®-♦ P w isYiod gaunt, oaten lot all f ecce a �R A (j p ANTICS.
In the burying ground of At°hinson, HEALTH. y {
j. three dta wit -bin an° and ono -half k e- 1 hawk flew down tram ane of the tali SOME ,( LCUHOLIG €iNTICs A g @�+,(-'� 'q•`A qm
+,. ��NTS theca days from the time o£ attack, '�J g� �t ♦ i In Cho United States, amarbla mane.
,; Medical, treatment of this diaeaso Young Folks. I trses.oar by, and bore off the plucked ment sewers high above its neigh- w, .. �.�
THS FARM,, bolus, It is colossal in size, vrl)ita as 3lLAIN AND Nl'.ItbrP FOODS,
may at present be oonsider, tee abso- bird, Xnater Monkey was very an- INCIDENTS WINCH SHOW THAT snow, and exquisite l.0 dgize, and Las
lately useless. The only practical me- gip• -0-o-♦-♦-♦-®-®- -♦-♦-� cry. He Shook his fist at the hawk, An I;Izt
thod at deafen witb the disease is to A O'k1rLDIS POWER„ which took a seal on one of the Ilinbs WINE DIVES OUT THE WIT. been °rooted by a lady to tbo memory g1}sh food Specialist says 14
a SEEPING A FJ;W SHEEP. g of her departed husband, By ardor of spanking Cf Che pooul{avities o£rarioos
pravbnt it. Beeping animals away not far oft, and began to eat the part- speak that;
,,., Every farm should have its flock of train infected ranges at, parts of rang "'T. S. Arthur tells us somewbare of ridge with great relish, The owner of Onoer• @rraics at oto ®e)•atee$ er alit, Hue- front�widmv the sculptor has chiselled
rl. sheep, just alta same as the flock of os is an absolute protection. Sometimes th'e power drat rests iu a'g'enL•]O hand,' Eha chateau gasv Lha sport, for ho was ahanaunu natr•l lrrrrn(tmsness rn ua apex to baso a marble anake of Blanahed almonds give Lha highex.
poultry, for home use, It costs little this is impossible, and then protective ;gelated in his travels, he Ballad at a sitting in it grape arbor, and crept up Lcilterinrs Aspect, many Coils, whose frn'kad tongue, exec nerve, muscle and brain J:oud; no hea6
p l'^ Inoculation must by resorted to. It is to wntulx L.ha and ,t It. The monlce pnot.ixg, and Storey eyes, never or waste.
more.. to food a lamb that will dress a ;veil -known fact that vaccination or farm -house, He was grakted. first at the Y Tho drinking of alcoholic liquor has Closing, era a consfanC warning Ln al]
door L Picked the other partridge, lnitl it. on \lraluuts give nerve or hecto food)
twenty-five pounds, during the sum- protective inoculation prevent$ almost y a huge dog. As bo was about the ledge in the Same place, and hid be- produced massy whimsical costes in who loop upon it olid read the a of (ba mucosa, boat and waste,
entirely Cho appearance of the dis- to retire with fear, a alender those who gralna apse the Polished tit last
of the
mar than to Paed a fowl weighing two girl ap- hind the window -screen on the Inside, partake of it. bhp writer Groan water grapes are blood -purl.
;ease, 0 The hawk was caught grallltP ltaaa shits drink, "at. laai bltetb
pounds. By good management, says a _ pared, and with agently voice Com- ght la this trap, has lately Leen gathering [nforina- Lilcc a serpent and Stingoth like un tying, but CL little food value; rojacq
writar, a Score of ewes may be fed Intended the dog to go into the bouso;, for whan it flow down after the part- tion concerning the ways and whints adder," pips and skins.
MANURING PASTURES. ridge, out reached the monkey, and Blue grapes aro Pending and Mood
through the year at no more Cost than The vo{oe at once controlled Clio animal. of liquor -drinkers, and in this article----r-o
caught the thief. In a moment the
Apply manure to Pastures by spread- 'tlho is there?' plaeag on record same results oY his Purifying, Lon rich for those who suE
;will bq repaid by the flaeco. Thus the growled arroiae train hawk's nark lira„s wrung, unit the mon- FALL PUN, for from the Jivor.
Iambs cost nothing because they need Ing it on the surface and It greatly within, and Arthur was told that bo key Boon had the hawk plucked. researches, says London Daily Mail. --- Tomatoes, higher nerve or brain fooct
atimulatea the growth of the, grass, could not remalia overnight, Takia t It was a dreadful! hot August tit- and waste, no heat. They are thinnin
no (coding until they aro needed for ght, Th'e girl's g ba taro birds to the cook, y Chti a )
the monkey handed sham o, him, as if
11 io-Rafor a how long will I and stimulating, e
Tfiy casual observer may conclude Land soon rested an Iter father's arm Lernoon, and the demand Lor liquid Lava to wail for a shave? Rarhax-Oh, g. Do not swallow slit,
most, except the little grass they that the extra grazing thus furnished la any, "Here co your two partridges o e q
8 B and agenda voice spoke afew lander about two ycaral Akins,
get. This may not be thought. to cost matter,i. The cook thought Lent one souls of a bore strongly do an the your son in the history of tllo Y g
anything, for a very pour grass field is the sola gain. Such a coualuslon is words, when LLa rough votes modulated of the hi.rds looked queer, but he aervgcl souls of men. 1�'anderin down b Lino Is tip y Juio fruits give more or lase the
a mistake, Sas Thos Shaw, RgoL and the stranger g y e guass ho is, Sao's usual- ill nerve or brain, and some foo,
Y pro- them on t]rI liable, The owner of the dark a as? I
it must be that will not keep four or gat was maite welcome• harbour at Ramsgate, where the { muscle food and waste, no CoaL'.
duction in the grass is increased pro- Several times in the course of the at house shook his head whoa be saw E {cleat hxaatC of wind could be fait, yup most o' Llte eight, APploa supply the higher carve and
five sheep to the aces, and there is, the dish, and telling the cook o£ the a J'ud a -You Pay CLS defendant LP g
nearl aIwa a soma run -cut meadow Portionately with top production, This ening was the {rower which rested in trick, laughed heart a strange sight mat the Sze. A blank g Y Muscle food, taut do not give Stay.
Y Y means that there is great increase in g y' g g g ed and whistled to the dog. Whatfol-
that will keg the sheep during the g that slander girl's band and voice -Y Object wets seen slowly, yeL surely, lowed? Intelligent witness - The rlog.highest
P g fertilizing matter in still in the roa- Clearly manifested. As morning dawn- j bruin food, afford
heat and waste, bull
summer at really no countable Dost at Y HONOR THY FATHER. climbing UP the mast of a yacht. On Tho Bind Lady - So You are a her
dily available form of vegetable plant ed and Arthur was about to de te are not muscle loading. They should
all. A lamb of twenty or twenty-five food. A eta Once upon a time there lived Liu old nearer view it turned out to be a of the tented fiald4 Weary !Veltane be avoided by those who suffer from
pounds dressed weight, if of the right the farmer informed him that he could weal -known butcher, hailing from a-Yessum iI was one of the best in the the liven•,
11 8 g man, who was t,0 vary old that he could g ,
The benefit from the manure comes ride.to the town. The offer was glad- Midland cit circus at one time. Oranges are refreshing and feeding
brood, is the best eating in existence hardly walk, His knees shook under Y, andoavouring to got
'The Shropshire I think the beat breed back in the form ,if aduplicate or at ly accepted. As they took their seat hum; he could sets IRLIe and hear lass; fresh air from an elevated position. IDah's a Long o' as}lin' fings by dab lint are not good if the liver is out oto
least a two -fold harvest. The first in the buggy, however, the horse, a The comical ns wren names i❑ itis wort', said Uncle Order.
for lambs, but the common native and he had last all his teeth, peat of'the casco may B
benefit is in the form of increased be Imagined sheep having some Merino blood, arose- rough -looking Canadian pony, Stub- Whenbe sat ata tablehe could hard- g ed when it is stated that the Uben• Lots o' folks call plain laziness Green figs are excellent food.
grain production. Should the pasture bornl e r Dried figs contain nerve and musel
ad with the Shropshire ram makes as Y refused to go. Tliia tarme ly hold the spoon, he spilled his soup man weighed full twenty stung, is Lakin' aara'o' doh health. g o
good a lamb as can be wished. The pre- be plowed up and sown to grain, Of jerked and whipped the, horse, but all P P y Arthur -Aro you sure she loves Ou? food, Leat, and waste, but are bad fon
on Lha table -cloth, and some o£ it oft- vary clout, and at ordinary times is y Y the liver.
course if the pasture is apermanent to no affect, the most Sedate of mortals. Ile was a Jack -Yea: When I told her I bad no All stone,fruils are considered to be
sant summer I am killing off the mals an inn out of the corners of his mouth,
one, the second benefit will not be, "A stout lad non, came out into the victim of the tem money to marc on, Fibs asked me if
lambs of a Clock of about thirty owes '•Chit, made his son end daughter-in-law, PkraLure-and the Y injurious for Lhasa who suffer from the
Y of the common stock which coat ma a
Forthcoming otherwise than in the road, and, CatchingDick b the bridle, with whom he lived, very much ashram- flowing bowl I couldn't borrow some, liver, and should be used cautiously.
foam of increased productsvity in the Irked bim forward, usrn Mrs, Howes --I don't know what we Lemons and tomatoes should not bel
Year ago $1,d0 a tread. n'Le smallest j g ate the same ed of him; so they put the old man in A WELL-,SOASED SOLICITOR,.
pasture for a longer term of r ars going to do. There is not a thing used in cold weather; Choy have a ChiaK
1.lamb has dressed over twenty pounds, A g years• time the customary language on such a acinar be the stove, gave him his A November night, dark, dreary and ]o the house to eat. Uncle George - ning and cooling effect. ,
and just now than are reaching thin- Applying farmyard manure thus, is occasions; but Die kmeL this with tn- Toad In an earthen bow•!, and would not damp, and wayfarers hastened home- You might take boarders. '
certainly one of the most profitable creased stubbornnt+ss;planting his fore- let him come to the table, He looked ward with all speed along the stre9ts Schoolmaster g y
ty, So tar the lambs have not had ways to which it can be applied, and for feet mora firmly, and at ¢sharp angle at them sadly tee they ate their dinner, of a residential (enlorin boys' dor- HOW TO h1 :L i' THE FIAIIb•
over 25 tante' ,north of feed that has quarter of London, mitory)-1Vlrat aro you dein A luxuriant head of hair Las been,
several reasons, it is, all things ennead- with the p gout of
coat money. 1i'httn sucking, as Gaon ground, The impatient boo but Le did not coiplaiu, where after nightfall pedestrians are bed
'his time of the night, D•lurphy? and always will be, one of the moat,
as they would eat, they gut a handful Seed, the most convenient way of ap- now struck the pony on the atria of his One day his trembling fingers let the few and far between. Through the Murphy -Oh, more, I got out to Luck
'plying it, It can be drawn at any bead with his Clenched band, and Jeri;- bawl fall to the floor, and It was brok- darkness a human figure wits dig- myself in. lmfartant ornaments of fominin♦
` Ct a mixture of cottonseed meal, bran, beaus
and corn meal, and after a few days, season of the year that may be des]r- ed orually at Cble bridle. It. availed on. HiS daughter-in-law scolded him carded tardily progressing in Lbe gut- wholly; Yaws, sevewal years ago I Y
ed. The time when it would be least nothing, however, Dick was not to be fox this. He made no answer, and on- Women, as arulo, know ver.v little
would lin always needy on hand to wrought upon by any such arguments, ly sighed, Then the bought bim tt tar fall deeply In love with a girl 'but she
i ski Into the feeding advantageous to apply, such afsual- Y A closer ins wejsOted me -matte a we about the earls of the hair, with the
p g von where they "'Do not rho go, John,' said a gen- cheap wooden Local, and mads Lina eat vection revealed LLa fact gulag foal of {zee is the season when {t cannot usual- its voice, The boy obs me.
gut their feed ecce a day without itis- obeyed the touch out of that, that the figure belonged Loa wall Molly -And you never got over its. result LLaL they have not such at.
ly be drawn, Chat is when the grass at bar hand, 'Poor Dick,' said the mald- A few days after this they found known Solicitor, who was temporarily The Occasion. -I Cold the boss just tractive looking heads as they Should
grass a from Lha e;vaa. Since the is grow} on, as she stroked his neck lightly, or their little son trying to whittle some-
graas came, they have had no feed ex- vier that
in the spring. Softly y g under lbs impression L'hat he was what I thought of Lim yesterday. have. A Lin® Lend of Lair is supposed
g The much labor drat is then on hand Y Patted {L with the Ihildlika thing out oP apiece of wood. P Y PL
Dept an occasional scattering of corn Land. Than, speaking to the pony, the "1trLat are you doing, my Loy?” ask- climbing up his own sLairoasO in the That moat huve taken a lot of nerve. to be asign of vigor unit health,
forbids the drawinu• of manure. It may stubborn little creature, turnip his ad the father. night, and Intent upon not disturbing What was the occits{on? He raised my The hair, to be kept in good condi-
glvan to chs flock to keep them tame g rblar' tion, should not be irritated b
t and easily handled, The, dressing Ct 9t, applied with great advantage in the head as it to Selo the hand whose mag- 'I am making a bowl for mother and the slumbers of his wife. His hands Y• y too
! y g late autumn and during the winter, power be could not resist, starts ou to sat out of when You grow old Give Thom Credit. -There's Dna vigorous uldalmt b irrit is as mtoo
t the iamb in these warm days is u Simple when the surface. Cf Lho land is suffi- u on his journey as freely as if n° Pike grandpa." were on the curb, and he was pulling
l good tiring about these conceited poo- difference {n the Quality matter, One is picked out from the cientiY frozen to sustain aloaded wa- silly crochet haclaver entered his stub- The pian and his tv{Et, looked at eacH himself along on his knees in L•Co y of the hair
PIS. Wbat'a that? They don't come as there is in the akin of the face,untl
flock, brought up to the barn for the gen or 314d. Tbare are no seasons of born brain. other in Silence, and then their oyes slush of the gutter. A night's sleep, around Lind wear you out because
the year when the farmars have so "'What aw•onderful power that hand filled with tears, however, brought him buck to sane- they've got the blues, it Heads [ha same careful and aystom
purpose, in the evening, so that it may mach leisure for drawing it, and they POSSe5ge81' said Mr. Arther, speaking After that the old grandfather u1- ata° attention Lo lose 1 g
be Immediately put in a stall by itself can then apply it in the fresh form, to his companion as they rode away. ways ate at table, and was never Scold- tress and soberness. AliBs Sheafe-Ohl just look at that P t as its ou tit
without any driving from the field. It is greatly advantageous to be able The farmer's Countenance 1{ghted itp ad when he Spilled his soup. This reminds one of the episode in wheat rising and falling in the breeze, to be kept
The rest of the flock goes back to the to apply manure in the froph form, not with earpris" and pleasure as he re- the life of a well known resident of
g good! Everybody and - ---• - goo beautiful it is. WTs. C1Lyman - Taking care of it one rvaelt and as -
attar only because 1l. is convenient t but be- piled, `She's
p getting some salt or a cause it is also economical. It is scone- everything loves her: Brixton, who Las a weakness for pub- AL, but you ought to sea it rising and Matting it the next will do no goad
handful or two of Corn. In the cool of mical beoeuge the work can be done "Indeed there was the secret of her GAME IN A TRUNK. Iic dinners. As he boarded the last failing in the Corn Lxchange, whatever.
the morning, the lamb is dressed, and, when labor is cheapest. it ja econo- power; the quality of liar soul was — tram, -car his heart bubbled over with Before we were married, you used to Some woman's hair is fine and silky,
before breakfast, is ready,the meat is mica! because It precludes the neces- perceived in the impression of her hand llat Ile Alight !Aare Worked His Game Sinnwrit° me three letters a da d bristly, but
Lumen kindness, noi.vvithstunding Lia Y• Did I while otbers is coarse an
hung up in the collar. a tackle airy for Candling the manure twice as gran by dumb ixrutAs. !Oven so ,an lhC l/r,r as (.neat. legs seemed cat to be an integral part xeaily? Yes, you did; and now you geL whatever the hair may be, it requires
of dressing is thus: A block and tackle w^hex it is cumpoat.ed in Che field .,r magic Lough and Lhe gentle tones roa- Two well-dressed man from Poria angry just heCausa I ask you to write equal nttenLion,
j is hung under the roof of the shed piled and turned in the yard, It is ere- Leal the boy, In Candling or correct- drove up to the best hotel in a country of his anatomy, but were dysirous to an a little bit of a check,
between a doable corn crib. A thick ngm[cnt sines it precludes the neons- Ing him, sea that moray Seasons jus- town in the department
act 'without his controlling authority, 'rho scalp, like the pores of the face,
k gitY of baying manure sheds, and LL tire,' and that love las mingled w1LC P tment of the Euro Mrs. Taddails-LaC,s seal Susie Dim- must be ka y
hardwood plank beach eighteen inches is economical because it re a short time ago and en n ed a double- FIe was the solo occupant of the oar, A6 olefin to ba [n a health
Cigh is used to lay the lamb an. one prevents Hoar- firmness." g g g p1{ug is about twenty years old, isn't Condition. When it Is dr
.single stoke of an ase beheads the lamb-- with the exception of another man Y and Lard
g lylLllm•aFteeoo� fertiltiy, bedded room. They deposited n very she? Nies, �tiilfleg-Susie Dimpling it requires uatow•{ahing Ironic, Same
which then iStottrlly deprived of sense Y objected that manure will AGLTSTUS ANDERSON AT ANDOVBR, heavy Crank in a corner and then dozing in the Par corner. A few min- ,went peoples hair, niter, bei T
and struggles scarcely at all. fha waste by leaching when applied upon utas later a lad yl Susie Dimpling will never see ng washed, vv{L
gg rL frozen surface, d when the snow•Augustus Anderson's Aunt Abb{s an- went out to Bae the Cow n, Calling the Y entered the vehicle, twenty again if she lives to be eighty. I dr more quickly Lban others, It is
h{lid legs are solaced downed, the Cam �p xiously awaited Augustus's arrivat al.' landlady, snit our friend, although li good for it t, be too dr so when
and the hock joint is severed, the ends is on the ground. The objection is not y, a cvtdoty, that the would B quer-laden, CCose Loving Girls, -rNa}1 - SO, j no y
tvaS the p , ,.his is the Casa, be sure find use a
of a gambrel stick :Lie poi through the well taken emeept when 3t is appplied Andover. Aunt Abbie annually asked return at night. But night Came and pink of oliteness, and he rose and Jack are really engaged, are you? ton{°.
loosened sinew, and the cnreags is on Lilly surfaces or on }and Sut)ject Augustus, and Augustus always no- the Iwo men did not come lark at the somowilat unsteadily to his feet and Bess -Yes; we have decided to enter Many people differ about how often
hoisted b the tackle La the right to overfluw in the sprin , All ex- said, "Madam, }ease take m'soat- Into a lata
Y g rerionce, on this uestioil pints to oepted, and autumn after column, ter- time specified. The landludy waited, P partua ship. Nell - And the hair should be washed. There can
height for dressing, By this time the 1 q Y rived , Andover as arran Irl, much sur
' Iamb is quite dead and has bled dry, Cho ConCluslon that there w111 be but 6 prised, and kept her estate_ ear's full -I'll stand." Vainly the lLdy just think of it-Juek will be the sit.- I be no rule about It, as every head
It is skinned carefully, keeping the little waste from leaching when man- Augustus arrive° and noxiously ask- lishment open after the usual bour for elt°mPted to prove to him that the dnt partner. needs different treatment. For in-
ure is thus a h les, tho fair young girl went Cn, wa I Stan"", some people wash their hair
meat clean and from contact with the pp ed. The great growtC ed Aunt Abbin about apples. Aunt Ab- closing, This was soon ohservod by tram was almost empty. How far ad- ono° a month only,
wool; the fore legs are out off at the of the gross the foliuwing season points die answered, "Aye, Augustus, apples the local voti�d he must Lave been in hiS de should
engaged, but I do not think I' that. unless Llxev i%a h iIt onchea a Bfind
z t
knee joint. It needs no washing ex- hi the dn. To
which the leaching gendarmes and on duty, tubo en- ons to Bacchus I hould have accepted him it he had I night, it looks dirty Lind Peals uncom,•
Sept a pailful of °,lit water thrown Las taken. To Ce able thus Yn ap_ are abundant." Augustus ate an ap- tared the hotel and reminded the pro-
f over it inside and outside. This clnsas Aly manure is agrees matter. 'there ale, and Aunt Ablaie asked Augustus's prietrecc,L the Jaoa that the curfew, A DRUNMEN DOCTOR. nal. proposed in such a delightful scan-' fortable, Ilairdrossers generally ad-
v A certain London doctor, known to car. What did he say? He asked if I vast oven amonttt, but If your hair is
Lha pores of the skin and roue the it out- T r lose from leaching in the Yard, assistance about arranging asters. or its modern substitute, had tolled the writer, is one of the ablest mai- would permit him to add an engage illt'tY before that it should ba wash -
a sheet is pinned around {t and There i uo undo y rapid an from de- Augustus assisted Aunt Abbit; about the knell of parting do and that it ber:s of his meat -ring to my collection, ed, as asnal that: is not kept Olean
Lha braalrPast hell calla just as
LLa composition unduwastoly rapid anti exees- p g Y, profession, albeit his ono P P'
sive, and there is no waste from fire anything asked, and Aunt Abbie ai- was full time to extinguish lights in weakness is being too partial to li nor, Close Observers, -Jack - Lot's la oanssot do the hair any good.
work is Lintshed. After breakfast, the g g c play I
meat Is taken to the cellar or any fang• ways appreclaL•+d Augustus's amiable all tons and cafes. The widow sa. a Propensity which has more than house, I'll be the father; and ou'}i be , E'a'r bull', uuleas washed frequently,
once put him in strange situations, He the mother. Y generally has asticky, greasy apt) `
otter desired platin and the liver, milt, - acts, She was {valLing for two man who, had has often straggled home with diffi- POliy- yes! and I'll cons ' encs, w Moir is anyth{ng but beautiful,
heart and tongue, are served for din- gg
mar, or for a Small family, with a little COLOURS OF THE OCEAN. Aunt Abbie'g eaters artistically ter- loft a big' trunk behind them, This catty and got inside his own door, to you and ask you for money to I --^
-- i ranged, Augustus asked Aunt Abbse caused the gendarmes to reflect a lit- where he has calmly laid himself down, buy a new drew. Jack - Yes; there FOR CAREFUL REFLECTION.
good masts bacon; 'be,,,, will Make two 111"'I •sling Resagta at Weent Ga•maa drutvn the door -mat over him and You gol ChaL's just yowl You always
good ed cle. If the head a e anelded and about afternoon amusements. Aunt tie. One of them, well versed {n trim- Slat leant to do Somethin long,
blues are often dispelled by a
scraped clean, it will make an axcPl- obsertmtrnu. p peacefully until morning has g Lo ratxe a fight. g, gnieb nap.
lentil soup and meat for the next day, Aondknt ❑f the Lon- allowed zlugusLus any agreeably ival annals, suddenly remembered the brought Lhe milkman and the maid- (-Tattle-Then wo want Co SOoLland.
The Berlin corres amusements appropriate and attain- Gouffe case, He also tbought of the servant to wake him. IIe Cas fallen IL is Cultivate aClieexLul disposition {f
The quarters are separated as soon as dou Daily Ma{l writes': Of late years perfectly wonderful the way
the carcass is stiff, and put into the LLe attention of savants Lag haen di- able. young stamp oolloctor who was mile- asleap while sitting beside the bed of the talk Cho dialect. Cllnola Geo You wish to retain ayouthrut apVaar-
refrigerator, where the meat will keg) 1 Augustus ardently admired Andrew tiered {n Paris afew years since, nad a patient, and has sant whiskey out Y George, once.
1 rented to the Investigation of the • in medicine bottles instead Of the pro- 1VhY wonderful? Hatt{g - I should
well until it is used, 19 a shee {s P , Plenty of outdoor exercise and suffi-
p g � Arnold, architect, and also Andrew's whose body was thrust into a trunk. ase Proscriptions. drink they'd forget now and than drop , i L
dressers and, its it should, milks farcy "Planeton," under which name the red . into En a en sleep are conducive Lo health and
or more pounds of meat, {his may rail- and ye!{oty coloring 0E portions of the adjacent anLiqurtte.d abode. Augustus's Anxious Lo spqura all CLa credit of a Our friend evidently Colds LLa v]atN eitin Burns or
often do when I'm r°- beauty,
attention amused Andrew, discovery which might lead to promo- of old John Tubb, the Winchester g playing golf. i y,
dily be divided with aneighbor who service of the ocean is known. All the horse -dealer, as anunciaLed In the fol- I'd like to, lady, said Meandering I Let all the tar possible LnLo the
is his t the lama thing and. divides Augustus accompanied Andrew tion and glory, the gendarme learned y, The anecdote is Nfiko, but it's impossible Sleeping zooms through the sou
is his tura, s fatted calf may be oxped{tions leaving German ports this lowing delicious star p for me to . uuor
` y, p pay special around Andover, asking about arch{- in criminal logia asked the widow to relaLed by a well known sporting jour- clean dem rugs on ds terms o months,
managed in the same way, at rao- Year Lave instructions Co Lecture, and Andrew accommodatingly let him see the trunk, and told big Dom- nalisk well known to Tubb. "One tine you, offer. Thinking lass of
I • tically no cost. attention to the matter, and ordinary day I found him on the, Hambledon YO11 said you were willing to work, g Yourself Incl more
answered all Augustus naked. paniou Co wait for Lim al. the bar' or Hunt race course, plainly the worst' Yps'dn• DuL me an' Pete berg has or- I about other people will Cultivate re -
are encouraged Lo china- As afternoon advanced, Augustus buvette of the hotel, The landlady markable
BLACKLEG AND TiOR' TO TREAT IT Lots all particulars regarding any ap- accordingly left ill ma.n Io Lhe room for drink, an indiaCment to whiab he ganized do carpet -ligators' union, an, Goad nrLLura:
again arrived at Aunt Ak)big's abode, It would be tviSn Co ovetvoma the
Blacking is an infectious disease of PeurElnce of lbs phenomauon that may and he began to gauge the weight of Plsaded guilty upon my expressing n hour ba fLee Nvorks o EniCFi hiefinernbsrdan $�
torus under their notice. In the Ger- and Andrew's and Augustus's appear- the big box, when suddenly the lid astonisbment at what I sate. Pax not membership. prejudioa against oliva oil in foods, for
cattle, produced by the blaokleg bncll- anon allayed Aunt Abbio's anxiety flew up and out jumped it wiry little drunk, cap's,' he replied at once; 'not — ____ this article possesses much healthful
lus, a faaultativei parasite, which lives man "Yates on HYdrographys and about Augustus's absence. man, who brandished a big revolver drunk -only as every gentleman Should MOTOR VEHICLES, value,
tend propagates in the soil of Intact- Maritime Meteorology," Herr H, Hal- In bis right hand, '.Cho widow scream- be -free from the cares of Che world;" ' _
Augustus's abstracted air attracted ed and, the gendarme was Lamporarily HE KEPT THE; CORS{S. r Avoid all .patent nostrums for beauti-
ed districts and in bodies of the dis- termana, of slit, Naval Observatory at Aunt Abbie's attention, and Aunt Ab- ill Vown off his guard, but be Soon pull- soar SEyre rntrrlded Lim krnticnleu ig7t11 fyiho i:Le. skin, Frequent bathing eased animals. Certain kinds of Boil Hamburg, recapitulates the Present his asked about Augustus's afternoon ed himself t.o o her and F In January last Lt train was wrack- illrrelaas vAir ill a tic wholesomethedill,' are all u, g and a
state of knowied eon the sub'ecC, from amnaemenls. Au ustus's animated ac- the g grappled with ad on the Pacific slope. Among the Your r complexion
are very favorable to the existence of g j g person who had been acting Jack- cars smashed were five loaded with A'recent parade, of about 100 motor
material supplied by learned and un- count amused Aunt Alibis, also Angus- inptho+ box. The other Humnu ntanitiner
this germ, and such Boit when once in- gendaime, California wine in casae and barrels, cars Ili London exhibRact all the Int- y never voters OUL
learnad min, tus's anxiously asking about necom- hearing Che landlady's shrieks and the Th a broken and unbroken bottles and from tt reasonn•ble amount 0f
footed usually romaine so permanently A+:curding to these authorities, most Ponying Andrew Arnold around And- scuffling Overhead, was soon on the barrels of wine were scutterod hare, °sl. and best devices in tba line of hard.
and constitutes the source of the dig- of whom are officers of ships in some over another afternoon. Aunt Abble scene of action, and helped his cc] there, and everywhere for a .,,it
borgeloas vehicles, and mSny new de �POrlcs lint hard war9t Wit )lout reel
ease in animals, Although infectious, way connected WILL. the German Naval amiably assented. to manacle the mysterious signs brought. � 1s stucidp,
g Aunt Abbie's assistant, Ann, arran o Person n who able distance, fully two hundred g ghC ,ver €ram the cue on Onions LIrS all contagious disease; La, the disease owes Observatory, the reddish coloring of g had jumped out of the trouts and to tramps got on the tacit of the liquor, enL were seen for the first time an excellent addition 1,0
Lha ,eean is of more frequent occur- kd an appetizing array. Augustus's take trim to the lock-up. There the and for several days they held high English roads, Lighter modos 1:ha sluing and surnntar diel; if one is
its existence to an infaoting prin- renae than the yellow. Both colors UPPaLite aPPeased, Aunt Alibis arrang- fellow refused to give big name or to carnival round Cho spot. No reatrla of con- thIli tm
eiple, the blackleg germ, but adiseas- occur cost frequently Ill Clio South ad Augustus's attic apartment, and say anything about bis companions, cans were placedth o$ their unhal atxuction war° especially noticeable, r, to anarifina lies friends in a
Atlantic, but always at a considerable Augustus agilely ascended. who ars supposed t0 have returned to'revels, as Cbe scene of Lho acoidqut and Some of I:he turnouts stand campas- good Cause.
ea animal does, not tthy onL the die- (]stance From each athor, -- Paris, leaving him to plunder the tan was ire a dogolaLe part of the country, ison with fil%L-clnss vac I '.Coo maxty people mrslake Careloss-
ease directly to a healthy one. Healthy i11e yellow Clients arI found ! Aunt Abbbi and Ann awoke, and, when its owner and her servELIAS were Several years ago t,Itare lived, not Lorras and, uses foe indigestion, im )orfacL
pr{n- Au brougJsnms. One rax• in purCicnlar, r l breaih-
animaIs become diseased when the capably in�1Ca tropical unit sub-uopi-; Augustus, already awake and atL{red, asleep. many milds from the Lown of Lough- wh{ah has earned far [ ing and luau of exercise ore. Lo
germ enters awounct in the shin or Oal western parts of the ocean, nut I appeared, After Aunt Abb{e, Augus- t teal[ lite sohri- biome
Lus and Ann ata, Augustus ancom borough, a vicar, who, though same- tot' many weak storeachs.
mucous membrane of the body. Such far from land, The rod ttaots which Pani- -_ V� whic of the earned
fsir It carIl by rea-
are o(1 Aunt Abbie around, admiring TRtID-ENDOUS RAINFALL& what eccentric, was not easily Imposed ,an of its adaptation fox, n.I ,;",Iisis,al;-
wounds can easily ha oval-
ea Lha probably ,, caused. al animals rebel_ g all upon, On a particular Oeattsi;h lie and p - ,-"-
leg� while roaming over the raatahns Cd la the "Clio burealig" and "Limo_ Aunt Abbie's arrangements, assisting; A recent remarkal)1g rainfall of 3l.- several of. the chilC local m itrneted not LiCCIe aCCe'a10I 1.l. 1S A 1'rIfl�11 810ASON,
Atint Abbie and Ann, and anxiously;76 incline in LwenLy-four• hours which and lauding din } an of lightIsheered by a bath chair handle, which It, northern Rusf
or at this mouth while grazing, oina artica." The food of the whales g ter together al. flea to kept sJ.r Ltl )rased u5,riit nlontlt of Onto, chn,racter{atle symptom of this in i,jre Arotir, glias, are found in the awaiting afternoon, Aadraw Arnold,:occurred in northern Ceylon, leads s village in.n. II: ocrurrad l.0 one 8 Y 1 down when bet' {v obet,aetorized by
and additional advenCiir s at Andover, i eorreapondonG Of Nature to recall other art LJ)at the L.ffatP would o€ slit, Lures so re.-
disease, and by which at{one it can us- souCbern latitudes of LLC Al lanae, p y w u d not baa running, but if the pressure Is roliev- markable thaL it tS reCknnt d as a fifA11
wally Cg a•eeognized, is the appearance where Lbe inflection is felt of Cho cold, r0OOrdS of heavy rains. The greatest Paying one to "mine hast'," and mug- e<i or the beadle is turned. in wide and season, doming boi.w0un autumn
of large swellings on various parts of currents tram Cape Hurn, Ir raintalt known occurs, it is I eased to him to char e 6 areata) fashion, it rung off the press- wrntOl', called the m t n4
blaeldl g is, Strictly Speaking, not a It is, however, goinew•hat, remarkable THE VIONIIFY. AND TTIE $A« } , { t9 g an extra bot- t•agpuLnya season,
said, to the phasic, Hills is India, IC t1a or two of twine on the Nisi, by waq Insteps in, and the motor ttutolnat{oally It in neat9.y coincident. in {:iruP w it.l1
Cho body, usually on ,r near t]io up- that no reference is mode in any log ' Thera livid in the south of Prance a amounts to 000 in°hes, or So feetl On of malting It up. "Ali," said the land-. our .Indian suntrnCe, haL Is
This motor bicycle was also r°) mors: rte.
per portions Of the lags, and. never ba- to the appearance of red tracts; in the i man of wkniLh. tubage eLaCkau, or noun- done orcaaion 21-2 £ICL of rpLil fall in lord, with rngreL In his Lona, "Chat p �o- gulag to its oat;urrenaa, and lasts
in the procossion,-a neat little or. Tho word „ Sts s°rig'
low LLa' knee or heels Joints, The swat- sea to Lha irmmrdiat.o neighborhood of 1 ts'Y Pince of raaidenne, has around it the l�hn<.ui Halla every twenty-four might he (10110, but the vion.r puts every ia.spulnyn, Joys lYLr
aabrytin size, lilts are always Cape Born, The yellow tracts are eu-� v !)ours For five auaaogBlve days. K ural. cork in his ponkoC, as a cllaalc to machine, hardly distin uisbable from 'Pravor-liattye a recent y
sty salt trees. The cook the ohal:ean tar has been drenched with 33 inches Recount P Llt° gg Traveller iq
o ms y p g by ordinary safety y pet o ox,iopL 1111881a, ola.1means ' tha seParaf inn of the
he presence of gas that has orally ascribed by captains to p0 tan ,
C011eaLad in Lbs tissue meshes haukaCh or tluwein water -plants, while the red ; has a m0nitny-a pert tallow, who of rain in 20 hours, and Genoa with 00 POSTING v by Ila addition of a tiny petroleum on- roads. curtn the
47II t1f PUBLICLY, { g gnns,u bonx'ing
blaeltle lran111i 918a product °P. LLe tracts aro ,flans drsarib,d as being ,tacos ever so many tsirks, '.t'Co mon- ih°Cas {n the same length of time. R nF afCttoltod to the handle berg,whinlr Lhis name' the country is i
g hon the hand Is caused by the presence at small' tion kap often helps the cnOlr to Pluck lite A kind of, prohibition law is i7 force IS jollied up by an endless band t°' owing to the thawing mist&sut;ble,
1 "-_ •- in manysmall German Ccwvns, Persons the front whool, so 1haL it is least a ErOste and Llt ) g °€ 111° first;
Passed over t iese swellings a eharata mals, aunt ns shrimps, floe-1abSLerS, feathers from fowls. One da the AN ES'CTMATE, who neglect Chair families owing to front tirivw n d. a flocking of Clio Streams
terlatio Crackling sound 1s produced, etc•, It has also been noted that the Y 1 g n SLOerer, ,I orflin-lwlth broken ice. The land resgn
'whan Indeed with a knife it btoorl red tracts are usuallY accompanied b � gave this monkey Lwq partridges Lo ; drink, or who are fret{uonCly sun in cry use i:he odals oda be used as boo a Lta nbloa
Y y , P g Ilidn't you say that: Mr. Slriflnlekel's through c]rankannaag, ore not allowed rests but the L q gmir'e, and even the governul nt
fluid with a d{sngresablO and sink- whales and immense floCky of b{ids, pluck; and the rn,nlrny, seating hien-:ltnnc+sty was prnvarb[nl? nsJtod. Lha C l 1 " e Pktr°leum olio be Switch- postal Service is aus)o
en{ng odor is discharged, cPress 1)ullo• which {s seldom the ansa with the e}_ I Dun man wzt.h L.ha wOrrJod )colt. o buy lquor, Their names are {mint- ad off, and the machine driven by pod= olonth. 1 lid°cT tar. a
tin Kansas exper Stu,) the Y self in an open window, want to work. young ed in the drunkards list published al. and aha{n iho crxdinar wn.
PrinClpa} Ioty CraoLg. bZnr,}t is expected Pram Yes, answered i.be Skeptical person, Y at Lha -.-....,.__... i, -..-•_-,_-,1.
general aympl:omr of i'.ba disease era ehtS year's scions{fin mar{aims espy- TIP bad picked the feathers from o)le you sea, I d,n'I: t,nlie gp 1 periodir>,ally by t.ho police, and drink xi(1er'0 pleasure, and the Meta
v yup rrtn put, iyvc+ Pow- l lA new fad in Chu use of Scows is
lees of appetite, high Laver and lame dations towards s,Iv[ng LL.a.myatary of oC the partridges, call p1a.0ed. LC nn Lho tory faith ill half tbOse ProverbsP grllnrs aro Itable to heavy pennlLles if 'ter rPatorOd whan n. atgn hill no
P baS to tad Jn 1%ussra. To grvP file manna
hASN when the musaiteo of the legs the wonderful appearance, 1 Hulce lodge nf. Lhn rvtndow oil:h a aaL It easily comes to a Pinch, when t})a,y ,yr;l{ t}te'rr mixtures to LTt°sq mon- bk ovara,rd Camp mt, i:lite motor LriW lenity an acre(lable odor, any rlesitLbtu
darted in the list, eyala w°igha .J)anI 65 pcuhds. . I floral asSenao rs in,jeCtad all the veinu,