HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-10-28, Page 5Om 28, 1898 BUSINESS CARDS. 1\,tONET TO LOAN AT 5 PER Yl cont, F, $1, SCOTT, Bxuseela, $, MaORAOKEN, IssurorofMarriage Liuonoo0, Pelee at 3118 Grocery, Turnborry street, lirueoels. P N. BARRETT, .1.v• Tonsorial Artist, Shop—Next door South of A. Itf, McKay & Co's hardware store. Lodieo'aud chlldron0 hair cutting a speolalty 11)IANO OR ORGAN. 1. til 1 O. L. Mie, Jean MoLnttor, oput n M. ry of Musical D gator of the Conserv- atory °tor o1 Mvolo Hamilton, Ontario, is 11 r peed 0 give an. Bpaols to pupils on either tlono it ,orgaL 0000 gi attention her given to es of p e or at iven borne, 4 too homes of penile or at tenohare Homo, 44•am ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 100011ANem, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER 1 Issue) of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEwaDnY 510108, DSrNo Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels o,L X. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth h D (vision pour Co, Huron. yonger, Notary Public Land, Loan and In Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collections muse Chloe in Graham's 13 lock,Brueeele AUCTIONEERS. Ill S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- -a: • nun, will sell for better prices, to better mon, in eo0 time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in � Duet Huron ud or can always be arranged atthis oollioe or by personal application. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, t) • Honor Graduate of the Outeri° Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all petoasee of domesticated nt manner. Partionlar imalattention paid tendveterinary to0.onipromptly 0i$o ed Infirmary—Feardrs north of bridge '1urnberry et„ Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. N% M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER Y • 9oliaitor,Oonveyancer ,NotaryPub• nort&o. Central B000 ns'' Sollicitor for the Standard Bank. G . F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o. (]ata of Garrow & Prondfoot's Mice, Goderi011.) 011100 over Gillian & Smith's Bank,Brueeelo. dy Money to Loan. M• G. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & 001. Oillcon Hamilr ton St., 1oOppossitee Col' borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D„O. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Medical 0011080, Member College of Phy- 'defor a and Sergeant', Ont. Licentiate of the ofoyMidwiferyy,ofPhysicians dinburgh. and 'Teloph no N0.14. Residence, Mill St., Brussels. E. T. SNIDER, M. D„ 0. M., suimea0or to Dr. A. kleKelvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgaone of Ontario. D toomes of women and children a specialty. Eight years' experience. E5r021000 and res- idence that formerly occupied by Do. Mo. Ka1yoy,ilurborry street, Brussels. 25- J. M. ARMSTRONG, M,B„ M.D., M.O.P,S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, A000110HETJR, ETC. Special attention given to diseases of the Throat and Lunge and diseases of Women and Children, RESIDENCE—WALTON, ONT, DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, 1HYara1AN, BURGEON AND Aa2OU0HEDB, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS. - ONTARIO. 1st Class Honor Graduate of the Ubivorei• ties of Trinity(Toronto), Queen'6 (Kiugetou) and of Trinity Medical College; Follow of Trinity Medical College and member of the Odlege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io, Poet Graduate Course in Detroit and Ohleago,1800, Special attention paid to dis- eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dia. mum of Women, Ca•Consulbation io Eng - Bali and Gorman. Telephone at residence. BOARS FOR undersigned will hasp for siron Lor C ,Con. 8, Gra them' Td improved re boar andaorobedmaybe Dog • lisp Berkshire hog, Pedigrees may be soon on appllaation, Perms, 01.00, to be paid at Ewe of aervioo, with privilege of roturniug it neeeesary, ARTHUR SMITH 40.40 Proprietor, BULLS FOR SERVICE.—THE undoroignedw111 koeln for aervioo on Lot 30, 000,15, Grey, the tboror bred Bore- ford bull •'?latero(' Alan one' brad Der- ham bull. Both aro oxoaptlboually One 011 - fin ale, Terme, 01.00, to bo paid Jan. 1st, 1802, with privildOpo of returnilag If necessary. 41.4 OLIVER TURNBULL, Proprietor. Before. AA 'W`ood's Phobphodlne, The Great Tinaglish Remedy. Sold and recommended Only roll al able 8medicine Canada. Ve els. r810 paohages gnoranteed to cure all 'arms of Sexual ) Weakness all effects of fillip' 0x0000, Mental Worry, j',xoos0ive dee of 11'0. ba000, Opium or Stlmulante, Mailed on receipt. If price, ono package $t, six, $0, 0,3, )0310pieasq 9x feted cute, Pamphlets free to any address, Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont gold In Bic tools by ei. A, DBADMAN, Druggist, 13ooltsellor & Optician, 30l: x x 0 at,l"TCt C.E135. Fall wheat and pastures aro In splen• did condition. Remember the Hallowe'en Supper in the Mothodiot ehuroh on Oot, 8101. The "Temple of Fame” will be repeat. ed, by r oquoot, the last of this month. Ed. Robertson arrived )tomo from Dakota to spend the Winter with his parents in Luoknow. During the past four weeks no Less than 911 hogs were ohipped from the Luoknow station to the Toronto market. J. Little )tae recent) urate W.i y sed a purchased colt bred by Alex. Lenton, of Sparta, Ont. By {.}old kung 2 12),, dam by El- more, grand dam by Clear Grit. t.iNiYp�•t�l. Dr. A. II. Nichol has been eeriouely i11 with peritonitba and continues quite low. Roy Hemphill, the victim of the shoot- ing accident, continues to improve and is likely to recover. Mrs. (Dr.) Ellie, from the Northwest, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Gabel, Inkerman street Beet. A. B. George has received n shipment of 8,000 lbs. of broom corn, and is filling an order for 200 dozen brooms. The anniversary oonoert of the Menlo. diet Sunday school is fixed for the even- ing of Thanksgiving day, Nov. 240h. Rabbit hunting is a favorite sport just now. Aart of four or fiv e droveou t P Y on Mondayof last week and ba ed 22 rabbits, anseveral partridge°. gg Thera is considerable eiok❑ess in town at the present time, and some oases of fever, the latter being attributable, so re- ports save, to bad drinking water. The girl pupils in TYING Draper's olase entertained the lady teachers of the Pub. lie school with a five o'clock tea in the reception room of the school on Friday afternoon, 14th inst., after eohool was diemioeed. Both teachers and scholars spent a very social boor. Wm, McKeever has returned home from his trip to the Old Country with a eh,pment of cattle. This is the second trip Dir. McKeever hes made this season. He Bode it more profitable to look after the sale of his ()utile personally, than to trust to °ommiesion men. The return passage was a rather rough one. .r&'twootl. G. A. Anderson has been re-engaged as Prinoipal of the Atwood Public eohool for 1890 at a eatery of $4611, a slight in0reaee over hie present salary. The Methodist friends have purchased a new Berlin cabinet organ, paying there- for 8100 including the old organ. No regular organist has been appointed eince Mies Harris' removal to Brandon. John Love, er., has just returned home from a pleasant visit to hie daughter, Mrs. John J. Heeley, of Bangor, Mich. He brought home with him a fine sample of peaches grown by Mr, Hersey, picked from a peach orchard oont•ainiug 8,200 trees. The stores have thrown out the aoely- lene gas, under the Zieman contract, owing to the light furnished not being oatiefaotory.. It appears the extensive piping connecting the various stores with the big generator in Zieman's store clog. gad with soot, hindering thereby the Sae free access to the burners, and (muting a continual Bickering of the 133360, much to the annoyance of the shop keepers, with the result that they threw it out. Some of them will put in individual planta, while others will return to the kerosene lamps. Drgn.—We are sorry to have to ehron- idle the death of Bert, second eon of Rev, and Mre. Ball, of Kirkton, formerly of Atwood, whioh sad event took place on Saturday morning,16th, at 6 a. In. The immediate pause of death was brain fever, but we are informed that he was never quite well sinoe his attack of scarlet fever in Atwood. Bert was a bright little fellow about 14 years of age, and had many friends hereabouts. The funeral on Monday was largely atteoded. Mr, and Mrs. Ball have had Considerable sickness in their family of late and much sympathy is felt for them by their wide circle of Atwood friends. Goderioh. Jonathan Miller has sold his livery business to Jae. Hays, of Seaforth. The breakwater along the front of the elevator is being flubbed off at present and the snubbing poste plaoed. The dynamo by which the elevator will be lighted has not been installed as yet, although the motor to drive it is ready. Edward Farr, eon of Jae. lfarr, East street, has been in the hospital at Strat- ford for eome time with an attack of appendicitis. He is now getting along nicely. Fred, B. Holmes recently purohaeed the old Hawley building at the dock, and during the past week oontraotor MoLaren has resnoved it to the vacant lot adjacent to Lee's warehouse. Mrs. Gundry and family, who spent the Summer at Trndgeou place on the Maitland, have moved into town again and are occupying the late ex•aheriff Gib - bone' plaoe, which they have leased for a year. An apple tree at the corner of Toronto street end Britannia road whioh tvae overturned—probably by a storm—some years ago shows remarkable vitality. With the greater part of the root stick- ing up fu the sir the tree annually puts forth its leaves, and thio year hag a con• eiderable orop of Baldwins as large and well•oolored as one would wish to sea. A letter from Mies Chute, the late or- ga❑iot of North street Methodist church, to to friend in town tells lot her appoint- ment as church chole direotor and organ. iet at Asheville, N. 0. Mies Chute re- ceives in this connection remuneration to the amount of 9600 per annum ; this in addition, of oouree, to her salary a0 in- structor at tho Asheville College for young ,women. Mies Chute writee that the oollege ie very nicely fnenished and has beautiful ground(). She likes the Southern people very mnoh. Work on the new walks was oommeno• ed last week, Alfred Connor, of Winne• apolie, who built the elevator chimney,. having the contract, The portions of the Square to have 111e new walks are : The McLean and Tilt blook, the old Orabb blook, 180 feet on the South aide of Emit street, 106 feet on the North:eaet Mk of Kingston street, all of 11 ft. 6 in. width. There will also be a now walk On the West aide of South etroet, a distanoo of 40 it. and 10 ft, wide. The 80timated oast is (722, Of %AAMoh tho town's share it 9180. The work is under the supervision of street inspector Reid. THE BRUSSELS POST A Fenoom (devotee to be run by steam will bo placed in the elevator and will bo run up between the winding 0lairtvay. The lift le 4 ft, x 6 ft., and will bo uoed for light freight as well 100 pae80ngees, The County j'til has two inmates— Helen Bowler, of Aohleld, a woman of unsound mind who le awaiting removal GO en asylum, and Maloolm MoOoolt, of Stephen, who was sunt up last weak for thirty d aYoU YCharles Eil bar, J. P.,for triennium injury to property. 'orUwieh. Tax-oolleotor Wiggins was malting hie usual reunite i t I u thisicinit William Wancey, has left here for Torontoer h w e he has secured a job in a furniture (eatery. Louie Hooey has ordered his stook of hardware and expects so open out for business in the Arlington block about the first of the month. The Christian Endeavor Sooiety of the Presbyterian church of this village in- tend holding a box aooial at the residence of Thos. Gibson, on Friday evening, Oat, 28th. Evert, the four year old son of Wm. Brearo, died at hie home in Oanmore, N. W. T. on Sept. 80th. Mrs, Breen is a daughter of Wm. Spence, of the 4t11 con„ and in company with her husband anti eon visited here for a couple of months this past Summer. The Directors of the Fordwich Free Public Library met, and among other business traueaoted,they decided to have the library removed from it o sP resent. quarter to A. FVyrnose, hall above the Postoffioe by the 1st of November, the present plaoe in Wade Bros.' store being too smell for the large number of new books wbioh are to hand. William Wat- ters hits been appointed librarian, and the library will be open for the changing of books on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday eveninge of each week from 4 till nine o'olook. The advisability of starting a reading room in connecting Wav also dismissed, nod the 'Direotors wish that all those who would Tike to see a reading room started and are willing to pay it fee of 25o. per year, would kindly leave their names with the president, A. Wynees, or any of the directors. Onrr.—The remains of the late Agnea Wilson, wife of Dr. J. 0. Hutchison, of Whitovale, were brought here on Monday afternoon of last week via the C. P. R. and interred in the Presbyterian Deme. tory. Deceased had been ailing for some time with an abscess and had undergone an operation, but her system was not strong enough to revive the strain and rhe passed away early Saturday morning. Deceased, who was a sister of Matthew Wilson, of town, lived in this village in her girlhood days and was greatly beloved by all who knew her. She leaves 0. lou ing husband, two children and four brothers to mourn her loss. The bereav- ad relatives have the sympathy of this vicinity in their rad affliction. Dr. Hut- chison with his two boyo and George Wilson, who has been living with them, accompanied the remains. The Dr. re- turned home on Wedneeday morning, but George intends remaining Isere for some time. 3tirroxeGer. Mise Jeau Davidson has secured a sit. nation as milliner et Bayfield. Mrs. Thome Sage, who has been visit- ing friends in Wiohigan for the past month, has returned home. Richard Miller, of Toronto, Junction spent 0few days in town, visiting hie mother and renewing old acquaintances. Allan Rae left for Toronto, where he has eeonred a situation with J. W. Sand• arson formetly of thi0 plane in his grocery store. Dire. George E. Dane, of Hamilton, eo- eompanied by her daughter, Margaret, is at present the guest of her mother, Mrs. William Sanderson. A, M. Book bas sold the plant of the defunct Maitland Observer to Mr. Ritchie, of Cobden, and the press eta., will be moved at once. Alex. Campbell, who has spent the Summer months in Manitoba, has re- turned home. He looks well and reports having had plenty of work. B1axonE AND Foos BADr—Owing to the bad state of the roads, which result. ed from the heavy rain the day previous, and the unfavorable appearance of the morning of Wednesday, Oet. 120h, the crowd whioh attended the sports in Wroxeter on that day was not nearly ea large as was expected, and the under- stand that the 00001910 were considerably less than the expenditures. The trap shooting prizes were contested for by a number of good shots. Messrs. Rose, of Brussels, and Hammond, of Gerrie, divided let and 2nd money. The bioyole track hoe been refitted and was in good ehape and the races were good. The fol- lowing is a list of the winners in the various oontest0 ;--In the two-mile amateur rage Allan Rae took first money, Juo. Brawn and, Arthur Robinson 8rd, and Charlie Elliott, 4th. The first three are residents of Wroxeter and the latter of Wingham. There were five entries in the 5.mile professional race, and they finished A. Malvor, of Goderioh, 1st ; G. and S. Elliott, of Wingbam, 2nd and 8rd reepeatively, J. Brawn, of Wroxeter, 4th, and D. Molvor, of Goderioh, 6th. This rain was the least exciting of guy, A. Maher taking 1st quite easily. The l high as rut mile race, w w n in heats, was keenly contested. In the first heat G. and S. Elliott, of Wiegham, took let and2 nRobinson,t and, and A. Rof Wroxeter, W 3rd ; 2nd heat, J, Brawn, of Wroxeter, let ; J, Beswitheriok, of Goderilth, and ; and A. Rae, of Wroxeter, 8rd ; final heat, G. Elliott, 100 ; A. Rae, and ; 0. Elliott, 8rd. The Football match was between Fordwioh and Mildmay teams and an exciting midrib was played, The Ford- wioh team lined rip as follows :—Goal, L. Mahood ; backs, J. Brawn and A, Robinson ; half backs, W. Orr, S, Bicker and J. McLeod ; right wing, A. Rae and J. Bartley I left wing, B. Cools and A. Rogers ; oentre,F.Farrell. With the exception of the goal keeper the Mild. may team was the same as played against Fordwioh on Labor Day. Fordwioh won the toes and played with the wind. Be- fore the boys were rightly awakened Mildmay gored, and in about 15 minutes they floored again, and the Mildmay captain was beard to ray '!We can play these fellows all night." As three Of the Fordwioh team had taken part in the bioyole ramie they ware hardly in condi. lion to play, but the stiffness of their limbo began to wear 05 and the game became more lively, bat no further storing was dorso during the fit'at half, On eominoneksg the s000nd half Bartley mane baolt and Brown wont forward. The ball now remained its Mildmay ter- ritory5 and after 15 minutes hard play Fordwioh tutored their prat goal. It woo now beginning to got dant, but the play kept on and in about 7 minutoa more Fordwioh again scored. Mildmay now retested to play any longer, saying It was too dark, quite forgetting their captain's words during the fore part of the game. After a few minutes spent to arguing play was resumed, but neither side owned and the game was decided a tie, with two R each, goals ea Nota°.--•MOIvor made the five milee in 18 minutes and 45 eeoondo, W.115. Sinclair, of Brussels, presided over; the bioyole races.—Jaolt McLeod roomed a nasty Wok in the fano from one f his oplayers.—Geo, o t wnPaulin refereed the game in a satisfactoy and man- ner.—In the heat of the half -mil z h 2 e race Beswithorio(c fouled Rae and the latter fell, but both were allowed to enter the final,—Two sports came all the way from Hamilton, but some how failed to race. 3c4'ea1or th. There are 800 barrels of apples at the depot awaiting shipment to the Old 000 n try Jae. Haye, of this, town has purchased the livery etable of Jonathan Miller, Goderioh. Dr. Burrow's' new residenoe ie Dearing completion. It is to have both aoetmlyne gas and eleatrio light in it. The Bee -forth purling olub is placed in group 16 for the Ontario Tankard. The other clubs in the group are Guelph, Union, Goderioh, Walkerton and Forest. N ire. M. Campbell was seized with a severe attack of hemorrhage of the lunge whilst walking along John 0t., on Thurs. day. She was conveyed to her home and now lies in a critical condition. The following were sleeted officers of the W. 0. T. U., for the coming year President, Mrs. (Rev.) Russell ; vi0e- presidents, Mrs. M. B. Smith, Mrs. J. Stewart, Mrs. le. G. Neelin • car -sec., Mre. Coulter ; reo.-Deo., Mrs, M. Y. Mo - Lean ; treasurer, Mr0. G. B. Scott ; superintendent of relief, Mrs. T. 0. Kemp. CunaNG.—A. large and enthusiastic meeting of lovers of the "roarin' game" was held in the Commercial Hotel, Sea - forth, the other evening, when the curl- ing olub was reorganized for thelooming season. The following officers were appointed :—Patron, James McMichael ; president, W. K. Pearse ; viae -president, W. Arnett ; eeoretary-treasurer, John Weir ; representative committee, T. G. Williamson, 511. Morrie ; managing com- mittee, T. F. Coleman, Geo. Patterson, F. W. Twaddle, J. M. Beet, R. S. Hays ; skips, A. Wilson, E. C. Coleman, W. K. Pearce, F. W. Twaddle, D. D. Wilson, J. S. Roberts, J. Turner, W. Pickard, W. D. Bright ; honorary members, J. Lyoo, J. Aird, R. Logan, M. Morrie and J. 0. Laidlaw. Clila toll. Dr. J. W. Shaw's name is mentioned as a candidate for the Mayoralty. Dr, and Mrs. Graham, of Toronto, have talten up their residence in town. We welcome them to Clinton. The annual Winter show of the Enron Poultry Association will be held at Clin• ton towards the end of January. Some time ago the council deoided to extend the hydrant system, which bas direct connection with Fair's pond, to a point near the poet office, and also to the corner North of the mill. Clerk Coate says that the recent Bale of the town debentoree at 8}, is the beet sale he ever heard of for a town of this size. So much more credit to the town authorities, who carried through the traneaotion. The oontraat for heating the Stavely Memorial Hall Hae been awarded to Har- land Bros., who are to put in a furnace, make all the necessary oonneotions, registers, An., and do all the work aesoci- °ted therewith, for the sum of 9148. It is reported that the following per- sons will contest the County Commie- eiouerehip for this division at the next eleotion 1-3dhn Oox and John Beacom, Goderioh township ; S. S. Cooper, Olin - ton : Jae. Snell and A. T. McDonald, Hnllett. Rev. Dr. Henderson, Assistant Mis- sionary Secretary, will preaoh Mission• cry sermons in Rattenbury street ohuroh on Sunday, Deo, 18th. An effort is being made to secure Rev. Dr. Dewart for On- tario street for the same Sunday, and in- terohange the two men, Mise Soanlin, of Queen street, was holding a large door partly open, when the wind threw the door wide open, and ehe fell forward several feet, striking on her forehead ; she had put her right hand out to protect herself, and had the mitt - fortune to break it at the wrist. Daring the meeting of the Ticket Agents' Association at Ottawa Mr. Dock - rill, travelling passenger agent O. P. R,, was presented with a handsome gold watch and chain, W. Jaokeon, Clinton C. P. R. agent, snaking the presentation on behalf of the members of the association. Bond Ltwraeon has entered the House of Refuge as an inmate. It certainly cannot be said that his misfortune is due to liquor, for he has been atotal abstainer for years, and a most respectable member of society, but having no means and be - mg too old to work he wisely avails him- self of a home that offers every comfort to all who have the misfortune to be poor. A. COUSLEY Real Estate 86 Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate . of Interest. Honey Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire t Life Insurance Written. Special. Attention given to Conveyaneing. Al COUSLEY, Offing over t0eadmas'e Drug Store, aRt s$iilI s. IMPROVED y'ORKSH/RE BOAR FOR SERVICE. ilio undersignedwlll keep for eerviaa on Lot 2n Dome, Morris, the tharo'•brod Im- prove, Yorkshire Boar, 'Oak Lodge Long- fellow," No. 2480, brad by J.D. Brethous, Bur- ford, 00 whioh a Moiled number of sows will be token. Terme, 01.0,W be paid at time of eervlee with privilege of returning If nee - 0013003, • A number be 0 m r of choice young sows for sale for prices tg uit ltDh ate which will be told at prices to suit 4100UT QNICHOL, Proprietor, DER MILL Brussels Cider Mill and Apple Butter Factory, Mill street, has been overhauled and is now ready for oper- ation. Fetch on your Apples, Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Geo. Edwards, • Props Lumber and.' Shin les FOR SALE. First aloes Cedar Shingles, 91.60 per square Second-olass 90 Maple Flooring $10 00 to $16 00 Ash, all kinds 10 00 16 00 Pine 14 00 18 00 Custom Sawing and Planing done on shortest notice. Bills out to order. You will find the prices right at the Ethel Saw MiII. S. S. COLE, PROPRIETOR, ETHEL. McLEOD'S System 11fo21ovator —AND OTHER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur• algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con - gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danoe, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, CODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold b Jas, Fox, Druggist, Brussels. OWE ilk CO. Call and see our stock of Blankets, Sheetings, Flannels, Tweeds, Yarns, Etc. Wool, Hides, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, etc , Promptly attended to at the BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL. 1 Don't go there for money when you can make it at home by buying your Boots AND AT Shoes Goo, M. Mitchell's Cash Boot and Shoe Store, ETHEL. have now a full stook of Ready-made Boots and Slides of a110ize8 from infants ep, at lowest prices possible. All Ripe repaired Free of Charge. Please oall and get Prioee. N. B.—Repairing of Boots, Shoes and Harness promptly attended to, GOO. 111, 1VIztolie11 Proprietor, Ethel. Every day a bargain day. Bu Shoes 'when you need them, oN needfor rn1flogti11a' nrgaiu" Q day to buy daces at n fair price it you itI '0 wear "Sl�tt,'r Shoos." Always tiani-e tree^ proportion of In. leather, — - P po r vol�•in n "^ e r a sL t lI P and profit, uni- form year in, year out. A � No premiums to pay—no cut prices to waitt or '� off` steady, , ile a iia lc Y Y. pn b money's t tit •tr ' s as htanda aboveboard, ebony S a guaraoteed by the makers. Goodyear 'welted, Nome and price, $3.0o, $4.00 and 65.00 per pair stamped on sole, "The Slater Shoe." CAT ALOOUL FALL. Zr t. T,R- i Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent. BRUSSELS PUMP WORKS. I wish to inform theeo le of Brussels P P and surrounding district that I have par - chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prime. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. Mt—Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Goner Green, MILL STREET, • BRUSSELS. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND- — North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing' Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terve on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Boildinge. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, lel E W nidlier SVop 1 The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the En: 814 BRVSSBZS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. .A. share of public patronage solicited. S. WILLICE11. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. its GASH PAID FOR HIDES. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Boot Com- pound. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and mitations ate da❑geions. Prise, No. 1, $1 per box) No. .8,10 degrees stronger, $s per box. No. Lor 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 2 -cent stamps, The Cook Compat•y.Windeor, Ont. tar Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all reeponeible Druggists in Canada. Nos. 1 and 2 sold is Brussels by G. A, DEADI.IAN, Druggist, Bookseller . Optician, A Golden Opportunity for Fall Shoppers We have exceptional values in Dress Goods in the following lines :--- -Venetian Two Toned Satin Cloths, Serges, —Crepons in new effects, Braid Effects, lienriettas, —All Wool Tartans and Plaids and a full range in Plain and Mixed Suitings. —0 -- For Dross Trimmings We are showing the latest Novelties in —Fancy Velvets, Silks, Satins and Silk Braids. We call special attention to our fine range of BLACK DRESS GOODS. Q TR DON'T READ THIS AD And then throw away this paper before you oonolnde you are losing good money by not buying your DAIRY SUPPLIES from us. We are prepared to supply every person with Dairy Cana Pails, Milk Pane and Tinware off all kinds at prices according toquality. ,ankGraniteware of all kinds. Assm. HARDWARE• Having put in a Stook of Spadee, Shovels Forks, 40., of the best quality we 861)0 your Patronage. Paint Your House with the best weather and water proof Paint in the market. We sell it. Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order. The best line of Cook Stoves to choose from. Eavetroulltin3g and Eepairine promptly attended to.,r„/14 N. B.—Wait for our wagon, it will call on you for your truck in a few days. Wilton