HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-10-28, Page 34 Or. 28, 1998.
Interesting Items About Our Own Country,
(treat Britain, the United states, and
Ail Parts of the (tIebe, Condensed and
assorted for Easy Reding.
Typhoid rover is still epidemic. in
Dawson City.
Mr, Thomas Cowan, postmaster of
Galt, is dead.
Nova Scotia gave a majority of 29,.
100 for prohibition.
Over 150 gano.blo'e were arrested re-
cently in Dawson City,
The Yukon river is now reported Lo
bo closed to navigation.
The Province of Manitoba gave a ma-
jority of 9,291 in favor of prohibition,
The assessors' returus at London
show an increase this year in the city's
population of 400.
London's city hospital treated 874
persons during the year, The total ex-
penses were $15,841.
Twelve Pinkerton detectives are en-
gaged in the Molsons Bank robbery
case et Winnipeg.
Twelve Pinkerton detectives are em-
ployed on the Molsons Bank robbery
ease at Winnipeg.
It is reported at Victoria B.C., that
gold quartz has been found near Ska-
guay, going $1,000 to (be ton.
John S. Douglas, a Winnipeg Insol-
vent, has been sentenced to jail in
Montreal for three months for defraud-
ing his creditors.
Thomas Kent has donated to the
London Hospital Trust $1,000 worth of
paid-up stock in the Dominion Savings
& lnvesement Society.
There was a big volume of traffic at
Sault Ste. Marie in September, over
throe million tons of freight passing
through the onnals.
1l1r. le. R. Liughanr, the well known
cattle king and speculator, of Belle-
ville, Ont., has left for Delagoa Bay,
Africa, where he has large interests.
The liquidator of the Commercial
Bank at 'Winnipeg has declared afur-
ther dividend of $5 per share to the
shareholders, making 911 per share so
far paid.
There has bean a decided improve-
ment in the export lumber trade of Ot-
tawa during the past few weeks, and
large quantities are being sent to the
American market.
The Licensed Victuallers' Association
in Montreal claim that Quebec's ma-
jority against prohibition will exceed
90,000, more than cancelling the vote in
all the other Provinces.
The Government has dealdela to coo -
mute the sentence of death passed up-
on an Indian boy named Samion at
Earnloops for the murder 00 a trader
named .Elkins. Thera are many miti-
gating circumstances in the ease.
Mr. J. R. Booth, president of the Can-
ada ALlanlic Rachvay has informed a
-...-,..,. _deputation of employes that the com-
pany Is not in a position at present
to increase the wages rates.
Of a party of five French Canadians
who left St, Boniface, Man., for .Daw-
son City last spring, three are dead,
and two were lying clangorously ill
with typhoid fever in Dawson hospital
when last hoard from.
Ottawa's total assessment this years
is $28,713,7.25, au increase of $825,700
over the previous twelve months. Tho
population has inerea8ed 1,850, the
oily now having a total population of
Merlon Brown, the one -legged tramp
arrested in Washington Territory on
the charge of shooting P. C. Toohey
at London in ;lune last, was returned
to London on Sunday in charge ob
Masons of Dawson City have petition-
ed the Grand Muster of the Grand
Lodge of Manitoba for a dispensation
for the organization of a Masonic
lodge. !I'he Grand. Master has recom-
mended that the dispensation be is-
sued -
Mrs. Niles and her sol were driving
from Msrritton to St. Catharines when
their horse banked the buggy over the
high bridge at the Linooln Paper Mills.
The horse was drowned, but the oo-
oupants escaped by jumping.
The Royal Canadian Humane Society
et Hamilton has made awards to Fred-
erick Belyea, Blue Reck, N.B.; Theo-
dore Elate of Drayton; G. Glenton,
Sydney, C.B., and to John G. Edwards,
of Township of Walpole, for conspicu-
ous heroism in saving lives.
The Imperial Defence Board u.re ex-
amining the strategical pointe in and
around Montreal. Range batteries, it
is said, are to be oonstruolecllonMount
Royal, works emoted revering the ap-
proach to the oily by the river, and
5. line of forts covering the strategical
points on the frontier.
Miss Mary Allan of Hamilton made
a wonderfully plucky attack on a bur-
glar who entered her room in the
night. The intruder knocked the
young girl down once and struck her
again with a stick, but she managed
to drive him off.
Au immense tract of country has
been burned over by fire in Lhe Eya
Hill district., Saskatchownn. The
stables and cattle sheds of 'Phomas
relicts and .P. Paynter were destroyed,
as well res the stables om the ranching
tract of the Indian Department,
Winnipeg Wheels have requested
'the Hon. Sydney Fisher, Minister of
Agriculture, to assist: them in tests for
tuber'oulesis in cattle, in aonneetion
with the city's milk supply, the('clanger
in that 001100atian having teem urged
upon the Ottawa authorities,
Jake Gaudeur, the champion Oars-
man, figured in a wise 01Osgoodedilall,
Toronto. Hie former partner in a
hotel business at Rat Portage applied
for ran injunel.fon restraining Gemcl&
dour, from eont:intting the business,
also ai'lr.i•ng that a receiver be appoint-
ed. lite application was refused.
The reg'itlaticns for the diuposiLi.on
of (Merle mining claims on Dominion
lends in Alani.loba, the Territories and
the Yukon have been amended to pro-
vide that. the Minister of the Interior
may grant lesntions for mining cop-
per in the Yukon, each location to con-
sist of en area not exceeding one
hundred. and sixty aeree in a square
Week, the boundaries lying east, west,
north and south, and not more than
one biotite to be granted to the same
party within ten miles, The grant
contains no rights to any other min-
erals: The royalty to be paid to Cho
Government. on the gross oulput of
copper shall not exceed, five per cent.,
and the Minister of the Interior Is ern -
powered to snake regulations for en-
euring the development of sunk areae
(111(1 for the payment of the royalty us
he sees fit.
Mine, Albani will visit the Queen at
Balmoral, October '20,
The Duchess of Marlborough, former-
ly Miss Cnnsuela Vanderbilt, of New
York, gave birth to a son in London
It is reported 1c. London that Mayor
Andrews, of Winnipeg, has gone to
Edinburgh to try to induce eajlitalists
there to invest in Winnipeg bonds, he
having failed in London,
The man Woodward, who was arrest-
ed in London last week on suspicion
of having desecrated the grave of Wm.
Penn, at Jordans, Buckinghamshire,
has been liberated upon a medical cer-
tificate, showing that he is lrrespon•+
Bible for his notions,
Michigan raised the greatest crop of
wheat in its history this year, over
thirty million bushels.
The United States wilt colleot ton-
nage tax on British yachts visiting
American ports after April 1st next.
Several of the largest United•States
railroads are planning to move for a
reduction in sleeping car and chair
oar rates.
PolIoeman Mikleelson, of Chicago,
shot and killed himself on the grave
of his wif in Mount: Olive Cemetery
there, on Tuesday.
The People's Telephone Co., of New
York, has been incorporated with a
oapital stook of 95,000,000. It will
operate in the United States and Can-
The Eldridge geological survey par-
ty reports at Seattle the dlsoover'y of
a mountain peak In Alaska, which is
the highest in America, being 20,000
feet, far higher than Mount St, Elias.
Seventeen sailors killed and 84 ons-
ualiiies all told, was the total loss of
the United States navy during the re-
cent war, Tho figures have just been
compiled at the Navy Department at
Miss Shade was uceidentally shot by
a young man named Corcoran, at Car-
lyle, Ill., on Monday. Corcoran thought
he had !tilled the girl, and then put
the revolver to his head and blew hie
brains out: The girl will live.
The Rev. Dr. Alexander Connell,
chosen as the successor of the late
Rev. John Hall in New York city, is
a brilliant pulpit orator, 31 years old,
Seotcbman by birth, and is now fill-
ing the pulpit of the Regent Square
Presbyterian Church, London,
The private bank of Jacob Denhud-
er, at Zeland, Mich„ was broken into
on Tuesday morning and the safe rob -
bel of ten thousand dollars. The safe
was blown to pieces by dynamite. A
storm was on at the time, and the re-
port was token for a peal of thunder.
The yellow fever situation through
out the State of Mississippi is assum-
ing grave. proportions. Three inter-
state railroads have practically sus-
pended business, and several short
lines are on the verge of a temporary
shut down duo to the lack of trade,
Twenty thousand or more people have
hurriedly left the State, and are now
refugees in northern cities.
Caloutta has been officially declared
free of the plague.
The German Aretio expedition has
returned to Norway. They report no
twice of Andree.
Russian newspapers suggest arbitra-
tion between England and France in
the Fashocla affair.
The Swedish Naval Board will ask
the Government for $3,752,000 for ex-
penses of the next two years.
Admiral Sampson is extremely ill in
Havana. He has been constantly fail-
ing, and is unable to do any work,
Reports from Yokohama say that
three Ohinamen,said to have been en-
gorged in the conspiracy to poison the
Emperor, were hanged. October 10.
A rising of natives in the New
Hebrides has been reported. Tbe ap-
pearance of a warship, however, put an
end to their warlike manner.
Tho bodies of two victims of the
Bourgogne disaster were washed ashore
on Sable Island two weeks ago. There
is no means of identifying the mean.
It is reported at Madrid that oe the
700 Sisters of Mercy sent: to the wear
100 perished, 300 remained in hospital
service, and 300 returned with the siok
Ex -Queen Liliukuland, of Honolulu,
is about to visit Washington to seek
percuniary redress for the loss of re-
venues from her orown lands, owing
to the annexation of the Sandwich Is -
lends to the United States.
General satisfaction is' expressed at
Berlin over the curtailment of Lin-
peror William's journey to the East
by nearly a month, through the omis-
sion of Egypt from his itinerary. it
is semi -officially announced that he de-
sires to got back to Berlin to open the
Reichstag in person.
Tbe Austrian War Office has boon
oxperimenting with automobile trans-
port wagons and gun carriages. The
experiments proved highly successful,
and tt is said that wagons and gun car-
riages of this character will be adopted.
by the military authorities.
The United States generals at Sta-
ting() de Cuba are considering the ad-
visability of establishing a quarantine
against infooted ports. There is no
yellow fever at; Santiago.The death
rate in the city is now fifteen
per day, which is considered, low under
the ciroumstanoee.
Owing to Ii:luly's financial straits, the
'Sinister of Marine, Admiral Dion.ne-
varo, has renounced the sweeping na-
val programme involving the expendi-
ture of 540,000,000 lire and will be sat-
isfied with a naval credit -this year of
28,000,000 lire, A Ministerial crisis
is thus averted, It is expected that
the budget for the current year will
show a deficit of 17,000,000 lire,
Every year about 280,000 conscripts
are added to the Russian nrmy. In
tunes of pence it numbers 1,000,000 men
and is the 'largest standing' artily le
'' lleseh11l'e Kingdom Foretold." Ise. 71,
1.50. lioldmt Text 1804 I ('9,
Verse 1. A rod. A new shoot, The
stem of Jesse, The stump or roots,
and therefore this rod is the beginning
of a hew tree. Jesse was the ances-
tor of David. A branch, The Habrew
word here used is nalzer, which olosely
I'0senfbl08 in sound our Lord's geogra-
phical surname, the Nazarene. Grow
out of his route, "Out or, his roots
shall be fruitful" Strangely enough,
the word rendered "fruitful" is the
word from which "Ephratab," another
name for Bethlehem, is derived. When
these words were uttered the tree of
fosse was not yet otat down,
2. This verse describes the character
of the king who has . just been spoken of
as a branch from Jesse's roots, The
Spirit of the Lord, The spirit of Je-
hovah, Shall rest upon him. Clothing
him like a garment, Now comes a six-
fold analysis of the Holy Spirit which
has made a deep impresslon on all ages
of Christendom. It has been repeated-
ly compared to the golden candlestick
or lampetand of the temple, which was
a golden shaft with three pairs of arms
proceeding from it, and which was pop-
ularly understood to be emblematic of
the divine nature. The golden shaft
here is the Spirit of the Lord, and his
perfect fullness is shown by 'the pairs
of graces now named—wisdom and un-
derstanding, , . , counsel and might,
. . knowledge and of the fear of
the Lord. That is, intelleotual and
moral clearness, right conclusions and
the ability to carry theme out with en-
ergy, acquaintance with the will of
God and holy reverence,
8. 00 quick understanding in the
fear of the Lord. The Hebrew word
is also applied to "sent", and crilios
divide as to whether the meaning here
is quiok apprehension, perspicacity of
mind, or great delight, an allusion to
the hound or to the scent of flowers.
Another translation is, "He draws
breath in the fear. of Lhe, Lord," whioh
is the most expressive definition of
sinlessness, that sanlessness which
is the attribute of Christ alone. He
shalt not judge after the sight of his
eyes, neither reprove after
the hearing of his ears. The imagery
here is so daring that it should be ex-
plained with profound reverence. He
has a scent for good. things. He will
not depend on his sight or his hearing
or his intellectual judgment, but all
his judgments are in the fear of the
4. With righteousness shall he judge.
Judges 111 the l8ast have been in all
ages corrupt, but this man cannot be
bribed or terrified, The poor are ig-
nored by too many oriental judges,
"When thou guest to a magistratef
take a gift lin thy hands;" but the poor
have no gift. The meek. "Who use no
adroit or eloquent words to win the
ear,"—Bannister. The earth. The hu-
manrace. Tho rod of his mouth. The
words of his mouth are like arod. In
another place they are compared to a
sword. 'Cite breath of his lips. A poe-
tic phrase, for his judicial sentence,
5. Girdle. A belt liy which the out-
ward loose -flowing robe was confined
during active labor. One's habits are
often represented as one's clothing.
All the character oC Lhis coming Otte
was kept together in consistency by
righteousness and faithfulness.
5-8. All the ferocious animals of
Palestine are bere mentioned; each
one is ooupled with the domestic ani-
mal which is its natural prey. Our
Lord speaks of the way in whish wol-
ves harried sheepfolds. Little kids
could run out along preoipioos where
no beats of prey could follow them
but the leopard, which can keep on
its feet litre a eat. In the East hay
is not used as an article of food, but
oxen are fed with ohoppod straw. On
Cha hole should be "near to the hole;"
the playground of the babe should be
close to the den of the (Wp, Exactly
which of all poisonous reptiles are
meant by asps and c0ca1riees is not
certain. They were fabled to poison
even with their breath. Power over
beasts was greatly coveted in the an-
cient East, and charmers were :re-
garded as supernaturally gifted. To
prove their power with the gods
Egyptian priests played with serpents
and ,crocodiles. But in the happy
time that wee coming moll wisdom
and skill should be given to the lit-
tle Cbitdren.
0. They. The evil beasts and the
civil and moral forces symbolized
by them. My holy mountain, The
mountain land of Judah, and symboli-
cally the redeemed world. No com-
ment can make the last part of this
verse simpler or more beautiful Than
the word0 themselves.
10. .in that day. The time oC which
the whole lesson teaches. The Rte.
vised Version of this verse is a great
improvement, A root of Jesse, From
which the "branch" of verse 1 has
sprung. Shall stand, "Standeth." An
ensign of the people. A. standard of
the nations. The Gentiles. 0'he na-
tions. His rest shall be glorious, Itis
resting place shall be glory,
110 '0'111 Elva Ills Daughter, Lady treats-
eton, a 'louse In 1,01111011.
A clespatah from London, says; --The
Chronicle says that for the ptlrpo80 of
marking his satisfaction with the fact
that his daughter will be the first Am-
erican Vicereine of India, Mr. Levi Lei.
tor, the father of Lady Kedleston (Mrs.
George N, Curzon), will present to her
o residence in London.
The piece will not be oocupiod by
Lord and Lady Kedleston mail the
forma's term of of0ioe as Viceroy of
India expires, although it will be at
his wife's disposal if she visite Eng-
land while read. Kedleston 10 in India.
;tumour's 8eI ',tie for Pally llellvel'y of
A despateb from Cblcago says,—Tbe
most elaborate Rebottle for furnishing
the people of Great Britain with
American dressed beef that has ever
been attempted has just been inaugu-
rated by Armour and Co., the packers
in the form of a daily service of dress-
ed. beef shipments from New York to
London. This eerv1ee will tarnish
American beef to the English mar-
kets direst from refrigerator curs,
without the intervention of wholesale
houses or special agents.
Refrigerator apace in vessels of sev-
eral transatlantic sLeamehipoompanies
already has been engaged, and suf-
ficient room will be chartered in this
manner to furnish the daily service.
Arrangements have already been per-
feated with the While Star and Can
nerd lines, and within a few weeks
hundreds of tons of American beef will
e rushed morose the country to the
seaboard, and from there by fast
steamship to England.
Preliminary arrangements for the
gigantic enterprise wore completed in
England several months ago by Ar-
thur Meeker, export manager for Ar-
mour and Co., and since then the pre-
parations for inaugurating the service
have been berried on so quietly that
the news bas just leaked out. A num-
ber of the firm's oldest employes, both
from Chimago and the New York of-
fices, have arranged to locate perman-
ently in Grant Britain, and the finish-
ing touches to the deal arra being giv-
en by J. Ogden Armour, who is now
id England.
Run Down At Last and Caught by the
O11leers or the Lew.
A despatch from Victoria, B. C., says:
During the past fortnight terror has
been maintained among residents of
isolated points on the East -end island
by a sloop manned by four whiskey
pirates of Puget Sound. Not a point
touched has escaped robbery. Little
Qualicum and Beaver Creek suffered
most severely from their depredations,
and the booty Includes watches, dia-
monds, and gold rings, chains, brace-
lets, brooches, provisions, furniture,
bedding, and even the new clock and
fittings of the Public school.
On Monday a steamer 105.8 employed
by Constable Anderson, of Union, and
the pirates were run down in the gulf,
As they have held up three or four
fishing sloops, It Is possible that, in-
stead of robbery, charges of piraoymay
be laid against the gang of rascals.
79m Czar's Peace Conference to Be held 111
SL Petersburg.
A despatch from Vienna says:—
ays:Trustworthy information which has
just reached Vienna from St. Peters-
burg is the effect that the confer-
ence of the nations to meet at the
Czar's desire, for the discussion of plans
looking to a general disarmament of
the European powers, will be held in
the Russian capital early in January.
It is intended that no ulterior purpose
in the mind of any of the rulers who
shall be represented shall colour the
deliberations of the conference, and by
the express orders of the Russian Em-
peror members infringing upon this re-
striction will he excluded from fur-
ther participation in the convention.
The problem of universal disarmament
then will be treated alone and from
a strictly humanitarian point of view.
The precise date of the conference has
not been fixed, but it will be decided on
the return from leave of absence of
Count Muravieff, the Russian Minis-
ter for Foreign Affairs.
01110 11101 Ecp11'ee From Hydro.
A despatch from Akron, Ohio, says:
—Clara Enstrom, the 18 -year-old child
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Enstrom, 128 Liv-
ingston street, died on Sunday night
in horrible agony. The doctors pro-
nounced her ease one of well-developed
hydrophobia. August 28 last the
girt was attacked by a large oat,
which bit her on the leg between the
knee and hip. A doctor dressed the
wound, and it was learned later that
the me had been bitten by a dog sup-
posed to be mad. On last Thursday
evening the first symptom of the mal-
ady presented itself. She grew rapid-
ly worse, and the last few hours 00
the unfortunate little girl's sufferings
were pitiful in the extreme,
Aecldent '(0'11130 Tearing Down n Eradg
at. Kat Portage.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:—
While engaged in tearing clown the old
Government bridge across the west
branch 00 the Winnipeg river, Rat
Portage, the structure collapsed, and
six men were thrown into the rapids,
All escaped unharmod after a thrilling
experience in the rushing waters,
J. Keating, night janitor in the Post -
office here, dropped dead while at work.
Hies About Seger, or ialeblta, IDtes with
A despatch from. Wichita, Kan., says:
Alma Seger, a pretty snbool teacher,
was bitten by an ant on the fade on
Thursday: She went lnsane in a few
hours, and diad of hydrophobia late
Friday afternoon. Miss Seger was at-
tempting to open a window when the
ant ran out oe a hole and bit her, It
was of the big red species. The phy-
sielans say the ant bite caused her to
go insane, and she died in spasms,
'Pena Story of lass nod Itetributtou In
Central America -Sow Ills Enemy stow.
ly Eaten to death by Blank Ants,
Senor, were you ever in love? Did
you ever Inve a woman with your
whole soul, and have her torn from
your learti have you stood in the
cornfields and seen your Inane burn-
ing, and you too far away to reseu0
your loved ones from D.Speniard's ode
You ask why I act silent. The ex-
perience 1 endured two years ago
would shrivel the heart of any man.
You shall judge,
My father's catoLal and millet were
the largest in the department, Pe-
tronia's father was the Judge of Let-
ters. I had no rival in the village; and
she, she was fairer than the sunlight,
and she loved me. At belle and hall,
procession and fiesta she was nay com-
panion. For her I wove mantles of the
skins of the Zuetal. For her alone I
gathered the ripest fruits, the loveliest
flowers; for her I lived,
We were on the eve of marriage. It
was to be the event of the entire year.
And a dastard Spaniard, violating
the treaty between our tribe and the
Gautemaltaoas, raided the village one
day when we were in the milpas on
the hills. I beheld the houses burning.
Blew a 'tremendous blast on my horn,
flew on the wings of the wind to my
beloved. Qum 'asthma I She was gone.
Gone in the arms of that Spaniard half-
1 could not stay at home, the objeob
of pity and commiseration,
t•took an oath to avenge Petronia.
Did I keep my oath? Transito's oath
Disguised I followed that Spaniard,
a lieutenant. Dressed as a maze, arm.
ed only with a machete, I Lurned from
the desolate village sick al heart. 3
traced him. I shadowed bim every-
where. I starved, suffered every agony
of body and soul, But I followed him.
I had no money. I did all kinds of
menial work. I was- in danger of be-
ing betrayed. But it did not deter me,
Jietronia's face urged me on. And the
day came, though God knows it was
long in coming.
He (the Spaniard) had a furlough
for a hunt. In that early evening sil-
ence he took his post where the game
must pass in its flight.
Quiet as the night itself, I crept up-
on bim. ,Darkness was upon us. The
valley below was dim and shadowy.
How my heart beat, how my blood boil-
ed and my grip tightened on my ma-
chete I
Slowly and stealthily I crept upon
him. The distance lessened, Only a
boulder of lava separated us.
How I feasted my eyes upon him in
the twilight I Tbis villian, calmly
smoking his cigar—how little did be
dram his fate 1
1 was upon bim like the whirlwind
whioh sweeps the pines from the moun-
tain sides. I pinned him to the earth.
My knee was on his throat. He made
no noise. Only my machete talked,
Bound hand and foot, thrown across
the back of his mule, we travelled
inward Chosnigua. Wo paused in the
jungle beneath the shadow of the
mountain on which Petronia's borne
once stood,
Then I questioned him,
It was as I thought. Petronia had
She had jumped from a cliff rather
than bear it. lily Petronia.1
And that devil! Was there any fate
too cruel, Senor?
Close to my prisoner was the path
of the hormiga coloredo (army ant),
the largest and fiercest of things that
crawl, Millions of ants were passing
and repassing, Their path was polish-
ed as a floor. Here was my revenge!
I battled with the hormigas long en-
ough to set a strong post in their
path, I stripped him. Bound him to
the post, his feet in the path.
The ants, already impatient at the
obstruction, swarmed black and n.n-
grily. I let him scream. Ayel I glori-
ed it the sound.
For every scream there carne an
echo, Every echo was her blessing, I
etoen and gloated over my victim as
he writhed beneath the bites. No eight
could ever thrill 010 so! His 00100 evaa
Every bite of the hormiga draws ,r
drop of blood; tears open a tiny piece
of skin, One dohs net die fast that
way, But he surely dies.
All day long I watched him. I tor -
go': to eat. I forgot. to breathe,
Bow sweet that sufferingl I did not
rise when the shroud of ants left no-
thing' of the man visible but the ouf.-
lime. t stayedthere until 113e ropes
were gnawed away and a few whirr'
bones remained.
Warr Petronia. avenged, Senor ?
he co rises of limbic. Ilan and Nee, ea reli nl.
Im aka 1.151'!.
A dospatoh from Niagara Falls says:
—Friends of Wm. Divine, of Hillsdale,
Mich„ are at Niagara Fells searching
for him, and it is feared that he lee
committed. suicide by going over. the
Falls. - Hie son, M. L. Divine, says
he can give no reason why his te-
ther should take his life. He saw
Min last on Thursday. In a let-
ter from the Falls, he sent his reedy
money, saying he would have no use
for it, and that by the time the letter
roaehod his wife he would be no mol'o,
The body Of. Charles Wickes, 1110
painter who felt off the upper goal
molt bridge, on Sunday Oat 2nd, was
found on the Canadian side. It was
identified by Mende of the dead man.
A report reached Niagara Valls on
Wednesday that a body of a coloured
man had been triton from the river
near Queonston. No negro hes boon
reported missing thereabouts.
gen and Women in all Walks of Life Tell of the Remarkablo
Cures Wrought by South American Nervine 'Tonic,
Newspaper odiaore are almost as
soeptical as the average phyeioian on
the subject of new remedies for sick
people. Nothing short of a series of
most remarkable and well authenti-
cated cures will inoline either an
editor or a doctor to seriously consider
the merits honestly olaimed for e•
Hundreds of testimonials of won-
derful recoveries wrought with the
Great South American Nervine Tonio
were received from men and women
all over the country before physicians
began to prescribe this great remedy
in chronic oases of dyspepsia, in-
digestion, nervous prostration, sick
headache, and as a tonic for build-
ing up systems sapped of vitality
through protracted spells of eiok-
During his experience of nearly a
quarter of a century as a newspaper
publisher in Paris, Ont., Editor Clol-
well, of The Paris Review, has pub-
lished hundreds of columns of paid
medicine advertisements, and, no
doubt, printed many a gracefully -
worded puff for his patrons as a
matter of business, but in only a
single instance, and that One warrant-
ed by his own personal experience,
has lie given a testimonial over his
own signature. No other remedy
ever offered the public has proved
such a marvellous revelation to the
most sceptical as the South American
Nervine Tonic. It has never failed
in its purpose, and it has cured when
doctors and other medicines were
tried in vain.
" I was prostrated with a particu-
larly severe attack of ' Le Grippe,'"
says Mr. Oolwell, "and could find ne
relief from the intense pains and dig.
tress of the malady. E saffered day
and night. The doctors did not help
me, and I tried a number of medi.
cines, but without relief. About this
time I was advised to try the South
Amerioan Nervine Tonic. Its effects
were instantaneous. The first dose I
took relieved me. I improved rapidly
and grew stronger every day. Your -
Nervine Tonic cured me in a aingid
The South Amerioan Nor'rine
Tonic rebuilds the life forces by its
direct action on the nerves and the
nerve centres, and it ie this notable
feature which clietinguishee it from
every other remedy in existence. The
most eminent medical authorities now
concede tha t fully two-thirds of all the
physical ailments of humanity arise
from exhaustion of the nerve forces.
The South American Nervine Tonio
acting direot upon the nerve centres
and nerve tissues instantaneously
supplies them with the true nourish-
ment required, and that is why ite
invigorating effeots upon the whole
system are always felt immediately.
For all nervous diseases, for genera
debility arising from enfeebled vital•
ity, and for stomach troubles of every
variety no other remedy can possibly
take its place.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Kowa Sergeon t•lioler Wiped rho ['31591,111!
A new parson who joined at alarge
home station was most anxious to im-
prove the general conduct of the par-
ade'ser'vice. Amongst other things, he
decided to adopt the eastward position
during the recitation of the Creed.
Only the color, who ill a garrison
church are those members of the band
whose instruments are unsuitable for
church mu.=io, would be affected, as
they alone oecupiod side pews. There
was no aggrieved parishioner to con-
sult, and the matter could be easily
arrauged at the weekly practice. ,But
the chaplain was dieappointed. The ef-
fect, however much as it might have
satisfied him es an ecolesiastin dis-
pleased 1111013011, soldier. His idea was
10 repeat the first two words himself
and make a pause; then, as be spoke
again, the choir were to turn as one
man and proceed with the declaration
of their Convictions simultaneously.
But from the chaplain's poiut of view
the rehearsal was most slovenly, and
he confided the fact Le the sergeant -
major, on whom he was paying a call
next day. Then the sergeant -major ad.
Vinod. "If 1 might suggest, 'sir, 1'd
just let things be 'as you were' this
Sunday, and I'll step up next practice."
'rhe chaplain gratefully aoqulosred and
at the next 900011ec the sergeant -major
acoordingly etopped up. No• possible
eil'anrnstanems or sot of condition, can
eradicate or even dull the military in-
stints of a sergeant -major. He had
a short conversation with the chaplain,
and j hen a880essed the choir. 'Now,
men. The more sound of his voice was
electric..' No little band boy now toiled
on the 'obeli desk. The third fingers
of the hands were on the seams of the
trousers and the beide erect. Even
the man struggling with the bassoon
sat to attention. The sergeant -major
proceeded. "When you 'ear the 'sly
man arty '551. ',glove' not a move—them
words as only cautio4ary; but when 11e ,
starts on 'Gord the Father,' round year
go on y01' 'eels." Then to the chaplain
--"N ..1, sir, you try." The chaplain
wee wise enough to nolo that the
soared words had been uttered and re-
ceived in perfect good faith and with-
out a semblance of profanity, so he
thanked the sergeant -major and
"tried" forthwith. Success was in-
Remarkable Double Wedding Takes Phare
Ina Small 4(1114) Town.
A despatch from Springfield, Ohio,
says: A. remarkable wedding took
place last evening at the home, near
Wilmington, of Mr. and Mrs, C. 0. Mc-
Kee, when Twin sisters, llisoes Ada and
Alma 01.'dee, were wedded to twin
brothers, \C ill inm and Frank Brindle.
The two brother's look so muoh alike
that only relatives can tell themepnrt;
liltowise the sister's.
Melt field ID1seerrl'y Reported Not Far
From Shoguns..
A despatch from Victoria, 13. C.,
says: --News 'is received here of the
finding of gold quartz at Skaguay go-
ing 91,000 to the ton. Tho news comes
from a very reliable source, aunt al-
though 1116 exact location is not made
known, itt is within a very short die,
tante of the Gateway City.
N1111s41111. 10 i9'rcta'rr Australia mi It•
ta'netton Air Miners.
A despatch from Perth, Western
Australia, says: -11. le reported that a
wild rush is tieing tnrtdc to the nese
diamond mines at. Nullagine in rho
north-west !art of Western Anal villa.
The full name of the Sultan of :cr-
neti, who ree:'.ived the Order of t Ire
,I,ior et Nasse ut. Queen \Cilhclmiu.r's
00ron'(tion, is 'i'adjul i,iar„ui Mud ;la l-
illohillhantn Si:u'l.lul 1tulkt Anlirrad-
din iskendor 'Ltnrauurns1 (1i11131tha1-
w'aminaltuliiin Sjni1 Datra Ajah
linr Itasidhinktanlr Sudilrja,