The Brussels Post, 1898-10-21, Page 8Our New Wall Papers By the time this advertise - anent appears some of our new stock of Wall Papers will be here —and better values than ever before, We bought just in time, however, as prices have advanc- ed in many lines since. There is a pleasure in showing NICE GOODS AT LOW PRICES and we are confident there is nothing better in Wall Papers for the money. , G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 202085115 EXTENSION W. G. & R. Traina leave Bruesele Station, North and South, as follows: GOING BOvT31. GOING NORTE. Semen 7:18 a.m.I Mai) ............2: Mated 8346 B.m. Express 10:20 p,a tax fora.t Bas Items, A ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. BELOAO. HORSE Fair. MUDDY roads. AN000sn wedding yet, FALL moving is at hand. THANIUGIVING Day Nov. 24th. A. 0. U. W. on Friday evening of this week. $1.00 in advance gets THE Pose until close of 1899. B. Gann, Tax (balloter, has oommen. oed hie ditties. Now is the time to advertise your strayed stook. Bauman bhee60 factory will continue to run during Ootober. BRUesEL8 is a greab shipping point for borne, cattle, sheep and pigs. ORGANEND ALLAN, of Alliston, is here to give the A. 0. U. W. a boom. MONTHLY Horse Fair at Brussels, on Thursday, Nov. 3rd. Don't forget it. THE open season for quail commenced on October 1516, but no quail may be sold or purchased. Madame of 1898 free to all uew sub. scribers to TEE Pon eubsoribing for 1898. Don't borrow any longer. GET a ticket for the Citizens' Enter. teinmeut Course. Four first-class con- certs,reserved seats, for only 91.00. THE Board of Health will meet. on Monday evening, 81et inst., to receive the IDepeotor's and Medical Health officer's reports. HuNTEEo' excursion tickets on the G. T. R. will be good from 0a8. 20th to Nov. 1st, going. The return fare will be the nominal single fare. Tickets good to re. turn up to Deo. 14th. THE proposed sale of the Atwood Bee and the removal of Editor Pelton to Aylmer, Quebec, as referred to last week, was not consummated and Bro. Pelton will continue to gather honey from the Bee aa of yore. TES funeral of the late Mrs. Swindon passed through Bruesele on Wednesday afternoon to the cemetery here. The re. mains were brought to Brussels on Tues. day night's train from Michigan, where the old lady has been residing. A 0RL`7E and all the ne0essery attaob• meats has been purohated by Messrs. Johnston & Ooohrane for use at their marble worke in this plaoe. The hoist- ing apparatus did duty at the new Perlia. ment iBuildings at Toronto when they were e pains erected. e d. ANOTHER BAI:ERY.—las, Ballantyne, grocer, who has an oven at the rear of his store, has deotded to open up a bak- ery, and with that object in view has en. gaged Wm. Grewar, and in the coarse of a week expeotsto be turning out bread and cakes, He will pat a delivery van tills y 1oMturOe travel `alnewr Mae subject, $�Imf on GOOD BOBBERtoo. _ penal Canada," was well chosen and a Cocker paD elDthat iee0ente Land idahas treated in such a manner as to delight the andienoe ; indeed it moot have given a new idea to all persons of the extent and senio wealth of the Dominion. It would make an excellent lecture for presentation in Great Britain, as an aid to immigration, and world else make a valuable means of entertainment, Dom. biaed with edn0ational advantage, for our sohool children or High sohool pupils. The views covered the outstanding features from Newfoundland on the East to the Paoifio cities on the West, and provided nob a variety a8 to bold the at- tention of the audience till the very last. One cannot imagine more beautiful pictures or ones more artetioelly pro• duoed. Mr. Yeigh'e lecture was ably rendered combining the essence of in. formation with a touch of anecdote, and legend and history. The reading of the story of Evangeline, with pictorial and musiaai ROOODI Oniment, won pro- longed applause, 08 did the rendition of two Frenoh-Canadian ohaneone by R. 3, Dilworth. The views of the Britieb Columbia rnoontatns and those of the Lake of the Woods, Kootenay and Yukon gold flelde were further features of the enjoyable program. The idea of protest- ing tunnels of Canadian oitio5 at an early stage of their existence and 08 at present proved to be an interesting way of meas. tiring theft growth. Taken altogether, the moving panot5me, of coast and sea and lake views, of our great rivers and woterfells, of our historic °entree and cities, of our Ontario farms and Manito• ba wheat fielde, of the mountain's and cities of the West, made one feel indeed that our country is impala] in its sone and extent, and in its promise for the future, The Eton, Goa. W. Rose, Mile. ter of Education, inttodieed Mr. Yei rh in strong terms of commendation for the petri0884 and odq°ati°nal work be was doing in exploiting things Canadian, HE 13PVT_TSb'ELS POS T Oc.', 31, 1898 WArcui out for Frank Yeigh's date. Three licensee and eotlpone may be ob• He's worth going miles to hear. Gained frons Barrister 8 Desai.. lean Huron Fall Fair prime will he paid at the Town Hall, by Treasurer Stewart on Stiturday afternoon of this week. 1 oti A 1 On n ItE MA III P. N. G, was e 1BOtOd Noble Grand of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. F. Brussels, owing to the removal of Jno. Smith, bbe occupant of the chair, to Winnipeg. The Degree Team is being shaped up for the Witter campaign and new blood continues to be added to the membership roll, LAST Monday Thos. Bridwell, who lives near Clifford, was in Brussels. Ile has leased his brink residence and lob to Walter Tunis, of Meesre, Ewan & Innes, who will move shortly from his farm on the 580 of Morris,, Mr, Bradwell had several offers regarding the pfrohase of the property but declined to sell in the meantime. G. T. R,—In addition to large ship, menta of apples and gait this week there was forwarded 2 oars of oats and a oar of wheat, by R. Graham ; a car of hogs, by Messrs. Clegg & Dames ; a oar of cattle and a oar of lambs, by Geo. Best ; a ear of Iambi by R, Ferguson ; 1 oar of lambs by Ino, Roddiok ; and 8 decks of hogs, by Beaker & Vanstone, The latter firm will also ship a double deok on Saturday of this week. HORSE Baeu.—A matched race is tallied of between Stratton Bros, game pacing stallion "Guy," of this pleats, and "Sadie D.," of Wingbam, who was here on Fall Fair day, The Wingbam man wants mile heats while Stratton Bros„ owing to their horse being very fat, ask half mild. The horses are closely matched but on the half mile it is quite likely "Guy" would show the mare hie heels, The "patchy" weather win probably forbid any testing this Fall. "What I do now ye know not but ye shall kuow hereafter" was Rev. John Roes' text last Sabbath morning. The main divisions were: (1) The present mystery ; (a) mystery in God's doot. rines ; (b) mystery in God's doings ; (o) myetery lu God's dealings. (2) The future solution ; (a) by the exorcise of faith ; (b) by acquiescence ; (o) by joyful waiting. The reverend gentleman die- ooursai with equally good effect in the evening from the words "Behold I stand at the door and knook, &a.," considering it from the two standpoints (1) The pic- ture of the sinner ; (2) The portrait of the Saviour, JAS. MOLADOHLr5 PASSES AWAY.—Last Sunday JamasMoLnuolllin, of Wingbam, formerly of Brussels, passed away from time in his 58813 year. Cause of death was ossifloatiou of the lining of the stomaob with which he had suffered for about 2 years. Deceased was born in the Go. of Renfrew, township of MoNab, and was the 5th son of the )ate Thoe. Mo- Lanoblio, who died 47 years ago. He served his apprenticeship at shoemaking in Brussels and continued to reside here until 1882 when be removed to Wingham going into business with Mr, Haugh. In the neighborhood of 32 years ago be wa8 married to his now bereft partner, Miss Mary Connor, of Harpurhey, and she with two sons, Frank, of Detroit, and Gus., of Wingham ; and Miss Maggie, of New York, survive. A daughter was buried in August 1871. Deceased 100s a Presbyterian in religion ; a Liberal in politics and was also a member of the Canadian Order of Foresters and the Sons of Subtend. Jas. MsLauohli0 was an honest, straightforward man who en• jeyed the esteem of all who knew him. The luueral took place to Brussels came. tery on Tneeday afternoon. It Was in- tended to have had a procession of the two Societies bat the rain interfered, Mr. MaLauohlin was a brother to Dom 000, Thos., Alexander and Neil MoLauoh• lin, of Brunie and locality. Mrs. Mo. atm 3n an amt y are sympathised with in their bereavement, Rev. D. Petrie, of Wingham, and Rev. John Ross, B. A., of Brussels, conducted the service. There were 10 members of the 0. 0. F., end a like number of the S. 0. S., from Wingbam, and a number of both Orders from Brussels in attendance. H 3, N. Esti, ,L found the Jersey calf he had advertised in Tin POST for the past two weeks by the advt. G. A. Dmoiti l]0. a . N has h o carpeted the floor P o of i drugstore ora w ith since m ' sum kin & g quits an improvement thereby. Tum electric light near the AmerIoan Hotel will be moved 10 or 13 feet North of its present positon B° LAS to render batter service on Mill street. MAOmIAN.—Adrien Balza°, a magician and wonder worker, will give an enter. tai0ment fn Brussels Town Hall ou Wed- nesday evening of next week, ander the suspioes of the I, 0. 0. F. VOTERS' LIST COURT.—Wedueaday fore. noon Judge 11laeeon held Voters' List Court in the Town hall, Brussels. The Liberals appealed to add 7 names and euooeeded and asked to strike 8 off, au. oeeding in 7. There were 11 Conserva- tive appeale to add, 6 of which were granted and out of 0 appeals to strike off 3 were granted. Lawyers Blair and Si0. °lair, of Brussels, and Dickenson, of Wingbam, attended. Judge Masson does the straight thing in these courts and de. serves oredit for it as there are oases where a Judge's political bias outs quite a figure. TEAT JACa KNIFE Terex.—We had a call from William Bennett, of Grey, this week. He nays the ohap who got his 910 on Fair day told him be would return it if he would come with him to his reei- deuoe. Mr. Bennett agreed and they struck off together and walked • several blocks. Mr. B. was pointed out a corner house as the resideooe of the thief, and before he had time to get out of the way the young fellow dealt him a blow and then made off. 111r. Bennett followed calling "stop thief," and somebody stop. ped the fellow until Mr. B. came up, when be tool. °barge of him and took his men to the Queen's. It seems the start of the story was a bet over an old trick of opening a jack knife. Mr. Bennett thinks the oorporation should maks good his 910, but the oorporetion thinks dif- ferently. MATRIMONIAL,—The Durham Review of last week gave place to the following news item of interest to Brusselites :— On Tuesday evening last, a quiet wed. ding took place at the residence of Thos. Whelan, Lower Town, the contracting parties being his daughter Mise Emma, and Chas. Urquhart, of the Standard Bank, Brussels. The. ceremony took place in the presence of immediate re- latives, Rev. Mr. Ferguson tying the nuptial knot. John Whelan anted as groomsman, while the bride was support- ed by her sister Miss Maud. The bride was bastefnlly attired in silk, (the new shade, ashes 0f Roses,) and looked lovely as she entered carrying a boquet of white flowers. The ceremony over, a splendid wedding dinner was partaken of, and amid many good wishes the happy couple left on the evening train for a tour in Eastern Ontario. The Review sends after them editorial rice, and to our lady Muds at home we may whisper that a disinterested lady's opinion of the groom is that he is a "good looking, splendid fellow." GOLDEN WEDDING.—The Drayton Ad- vocate speaks of a brother and sister. in-law of E, 0. Lawry, of Brussels, as follows; •-A very pleasant event took place at the residence of Ur. and Mrs. ParkerLowry,12th Ooneeesi0n Maryboro, on Tuesday, 4th October, it being the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of their weddingday. Among the guests present were: Mrs. Thomas Simpson of Orangeville, sister of Mrs. Lowry, who was her bridesmaid ball a century ago ; Mrs, J, Wilcox of Toronto, another sister ; Mr. Richard Walker, a brother ; also Mrs. S. Reid, of "The Maples," Gera- fr0xa, a nieoe of Mra. Lowry. These with members of their own family, spent a very pleasant day. There were five persons present who were at the wedding fifty years ago, when lir, and hire. Lohvey were married at Guelph by the late Rev. Dr. Bredin. They were the recipients of many valuable and useful presents. Mr. Lowry is w descendant of the great Earl of Chatham, and Mrs. Lowry is a re- lative of Sir U. Oresswell, England. They have six children ; one son and two daughters are in Manitoba ; the other son and two daughters are settled near their parents. Fnaloc 'FEIGN Oo5ING,—This gentle. men will visit Brussels in the month of November ander the auspices of the Citizens' Ooures, and give one of hie cele- brated illustrated lectures. The date will announced be n ext week. Last Friday's Toronto Globe speaks as fol- low of Mr. Yeigh'e lecture on "Imperi• al Canada," :—"Association Hall held one of the largest and most representa• tive indium in its history last night on the occasion of Frank Ysigh's fifth an' been taught various tricks; such as fetch- ing hie owner's slippers, &o. The dog has carried oat tbie feature in a wider oirole and oao0sionally curiae to M. Ilalliday's home articles of more or lees value. One day last week a pair of rub- bers', ladies' size, were brought home, and as Mr. Halliday did not know from what point of the Oompa55 they came, he left them at THE POST to be claimed by their owner. They proved to be the property of Mrs. Wismar. FROM DAUPHIN.—R. C. Sperling, for. reedy of Brussels, writes THE Pose ae follows :—Dauphin is improving very fast. We have 4 elevators, a store house and a grist mill to handle the grain, The Drops are good, wheat running from 26 to 40 bushels to the acre, and more in some places. Vegetables are a good Drop. There are three ohnrahes building here now, two of them frame and another brink. The contract has just been let for a 93,000 school house to be completed this Fall. There bas been a lot of building all Summer. Mr, Spar. Sing says he le likely to be there alt Winter. LOWED AT LANGIION, DAxOTA,—Tho Langdon paper speaks of two 90ntleme0 well known in Brussels as fellows 1-11, M. Dickson, of Detroit, Mich., a brother of J. G. and W. 13. Dickson, who came 80 Langdon some time ago on a visit, has decided to enter into a partnership with W. B. and practice law io Langdon. The new firm will °soupy oommodiou5 guar. tern on the second geor of the Allert. Winter Wok, and will undoubtedly have a very lucrative pr0otfoe, Mr, Nekton is a graduate of the Detroit Law School and sine hie taming .here hag made a large number of warm friende, who will be glad to learn that he hag decided to remain, L hl' df '1 Business Locals. Le you are out of potatoes call on J. T. Ross, grocer. Jun received a oar of oatmeal to ex. change for oats. Beaker & Vaoetone. A GOOD opening for an eoterprieing dress maker. Rooms over Mrs, Kirke, A ALW Ye take t he.T G .R.when you n. B,S.S.—Soenery,Safety, and Speed. ed. LnsGE and well selected stook of horse blankets of all kinds at J. Donaldson's Brunie. WANTED, -- Choice butter 17 outs, dried apples and poultry. G. E. King, Wingham, COMFORTABLE house and good lob for sale on Alexander street, Bruesele. Ap- ply to Jas. Walker. OYSTER season is here and W. A. Ori°h is prepared to supply the public with Booth's best brands from Baltimore. JNo, DONALDSON has just received a fine stook of rubber and woollen rugs, robes, &o. Call and see them before ordering elsewhere. W. A. Onion is 88811 doing business at the old stand where 20031 be found bread, cakes and pastry. Fruits in their sea- son. POTATOES.—J.T. Rose has just reoeived a car of aholoe potatoes which be will offer to the public at reasonable figures. Call and gee them. AocopNTs DUE OCT. 1sT.—We've ren- dered our accounts. Kindly cell in and settle, It's e, pleasure to do business with prompt pay. Smith & Mariann. Do You EAT POTATOES 7—Jag, T, Rose has purchased a oar of No. 1 potatoes and i8 now ready to serve the pubiio at a living prion. Doa'b buy until you see them. BAE202 & VANSTONE have just received one oar load of potatoes. Fermera wish - fog to get potatoes now i5 your time t0 get them from the oar, 'These are gist. class potatoes. Bayne & Inns have a few Ara•oiase new baggies on hand which will be sold cheap so a8 to clear stook out to make room for cutters. Also road carts, new and seoond hand, at big reduotion8, A PRIOELEs8 DrsoovEix,—"Soak and Swab" is an infallible, painless and nen• poeonous remedy for the pure of Oancer, Cartilaginous Ulcers, Soto i;br0at and a variety of 881n dieea8ee, 31 cures cancer in any part of the body where the liquid nen read) it, Bend for oirouler giving inetrhatione how to apply the liquid. Sold at 6110, per pint and 80o. per half pint bottle. MCLEon's LABon,ATofY, Gode. rich. la' Sold by Jae, Fox, Druggist, Brussels, 11.tf CumeS oar of potatoes received. See them at J. T. BOSS', HAIR J 1E5SING,—11'Lrs, Taylor wishes to inform the ladies of Brussels and vicinity thatle will alit Uq hero for the next two welts i ' 3 3 w c 0333 3 hair tntoftboh hair a b l iu 1 r ge, Also shnu3lo, hit„ TIoure from 5 to 8 p. Sati [ a°tau a guaranteed, A call solicited.1 A I mien left at the rgeidenaa Of Watson Ainley will be promptly attended to. Mne, "IAYLou, nieisscle Sebotll Beard, P110 regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board was held in the Board Boom on Friday evening of last weal., All the members present exoept Jos, Turnbull, The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetinge were react and approved. An account of 11, Cousley, $10.40, for teaching, sons presented and it was moved by J. G. Skene, seconded by W. Blashill that it be paid. Carried. Moved by A. Cousley, seconded by W. P. Vanstone that Geo. Herr be allowed a rebate of 85 cents per month of bhe swllool foes of his children, that being the amount of his school taxes in Brussels section, Carried. Board then adjourned. Romeo Creek, Stratford, is to be clean• ed out. Stratford ohuro1es want a visit from Hunter & Crossley. Mrs. Kedwall, of Sebringville, fell and seriously injured herself. Fall wheat has grown too 0,,,t near Mitchell and farmers don't hell kuow how to set it back. Some have turned cattle in, while others are tanking it back with a mower. Miss Wbitworth, of St. Morys, has been elected to succeed Mies Lottie Wiggins as superintendent Of junior work for the Ontario 0.E. Union. The dismissal of the North Perth elu- tion use with wets is nob only a com- plete vindioation of John Brow°, M. P. P., bob of bis leading supporters. Mr.Davidson is aboat to have an acety- lene gas plant installed in the IIioke House, Mitchell. Several other besiness houses are talking of having Own put in. • =cram.. LoTT; In Brussel., on Oot. (ith, the wife of Dlr. Geo. Lott, of a daughter. 0.1usnoti.—In Oranbrook, on Oct. 8t13, the witeof Mr. Allan Cameron, of a HOU. Mxcuxs,—In Morrie, on Ont. 0th, the wife of Mr. Wm, Miollie, of a Baugh• ter. Ere/sm.—In Morris, on Oct. Oth, the wife of Mr. Ed. Nichol, of a son. ELLreer.—In Turnberry, on Oot. 13th, the wife of Mr. Samuel Elliott, of it son. McLs.N.—In Wingham, on Ootober 10th, the wife of Mr. John McLean, of w son. UEQIIHART—WOELAN,—At the residence of the bride's father, Durham, Tues. day, Oct. llth, by the Rev. 3'. Far. guson, Mr. Ohms. Urquhart, of the Standard Bank, Brussels, to Miss EmmeWhelao, of Durham. smeem. Joni:nos.— In Wiugham, on October 14th, Sara 3, Johnston, aged 86 years. McLAuormig.—In Wingham, on Satur- day, Ooh. 15th, James MoEaocblin, aged 67 years, 8 months and 9 days. ScorT: Io Wroxeter, on Oot, 15, David Scott, aged 79 years and 5 months, SouLLDON.—In West Bay City, Mich., on 008. 16th, Dorothy, reliot of the late Nathaniel Smalldon, formerly of Grey townebip, in her 84th year, .a.17CT0.02.7' TUESDAY, OOT. 26th.—Fenn stook, im• plemente, root Crop, ova. Lot 24, con. 5, Morris, Sale, unreserved as proprietor bas leased farm, at 12 o'clock noon. Walter Innes, prop. ; F. S. Scott, nuc. FRIDAY, 0cT, 28th.—Farm stook and implements, South half lot 19, oon. 7, Morrie, Bole at 1 o'olook, David Max- well, prop, ; F. S. Scott, sac. WEOSEso2Y, Nov. 90h.—Farm stook, implements, &o., lots 82 and 33, 00D. 18, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 12 o'clock, Isaac Matthews, prop. ; F. S. Soobt, ano, m •cros.122L.S s:ez,.o..R3.:ET02, Fall Wheat 65 66 Barley. 30 35 Peas 55 Oats .... 2425 Butter, Lobs and rolls ... 12 14 Eggs per dozen 113 14 Flour per barrel 4 00 4 00 Potatoes (per bus.) 60 60 Hey per bon. 5 00 6 00 Hides trimmed 7 7s Hides rough 6 5 Salt per bbl., retell..., 1 00 60 Sheep skims, mall 30 75 Lamb skins each 26 26 Hoge, Live 3 80 8 90 Wool 16 17 Apples (per bag) 50 50 MAs00, Ont., Oot, 18.—Cheese-14 factories boarded 4,085 boxes ; 837s bid ; no sales ; 0 buyers. TORONTO, 000, 10.—Wheat — The mar. ket is motive and higher on a better ex• port demand, and email deliveries. Red wheat is quoted at 67o and white at 66o West today, and goose at 6flo to 700 West, Manitoba wheat is firm itt 804o for No. 1 bard, Toronto and West. Flour is quiet ; oars of straight roller in barrels ata quoted ab 93 20. Barley i5 steady at 46o for No, 1 East and 44o West, Buck- wheat firmer at 84o to 850 West, Rye i5 firm at 440 at 45o West, Corn to firmer for Ameriaao at 400 to 410 here. Oats are firmer at 260 for whitellaet 25o West, Peas are nano and higher at S6o to 67a, North and West. Eggs are not pleat', fol, the demand is good, and the market 18 firm for strictly fresh gathered, and 14o to 16o for held fresh. Butter-.-iL'he reoeipts of dairy tuba are small, there is a good diamond, and the market is firm at 15o to 100 ; inferior is quoted at 110 to 12a ; dairy pound rolls are quoted et47o; 0reamery is etoady at 20o for pointe, and 18o to 19e for peaked. Tonooso, Oot. 18,—There wag not mo0h Of e, run et the Western battle market today, the total deliveries amounting to 65 loads, aomprieing 950 Olney and Iambs, 1,350 hogs, and the 11558 battle. The supply was about equal with the demand, and business Was fairly active though there was no advance in asfdiIAA 11ksnrgTh ableavaeS axe08'eboningto ST,.IXD,flZi'..lD B4XIC O C4NSI.D„l, TST.6.�02 5500220 le72. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO . r, CAlli QL PQIA UL (One Million Dollars) • 9] 000 00R SLtVC FUND 9900,000 Apeneies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States ea Bitglasid, 'dt?C +sr"asozzcs BSi'aJ cis. ; A General Banking Businose Transaobed, Farmers' Notes Dl000anbed, Drafts Iseutd and Oolleotione made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards. SPROIAL ATTENTION 0I025 TO TEE OOLLEOTION OF FARMERS' SALE NOTES, Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance, M. M. BRENT, MANAGED, shippers, and gave the market a heavier tendency. In the export Zine dealers were quoting from 94 to 94.25 per cwt, for choice stook, For 130o11er'e cattle the market was steady, although buyers are looking for a drop in prices. The best stock was quoted at from 93.75 to $4 pot owt., with medium animals bring- ing aio per pound, The market for sto0lcers 1008 quiet ; dealore are quoting 93.25 to $8.50 per clot. The market, for sheep was easier owing to the weakness in the old country market, The best shipping sheep quoted at 98.40 per cwt. Bucks are quoted at 92.75 per owt. There was a fair run of lambs, and prices were unohanged at from 4o to 410 per pound. Calves were quoted at from $3 to 910 per bead. The receipts of bogs Were represented by 800 bead. Notwith- standing the light run prices were easier. The beat selections sold at Oto per pound, and light animals (under 160 pomade) 4o. Milch cows, 920 to 946 ; export cattle per cwt. 94 to 94.26 ; export bulla per cwt,, 93.26 to 93.60 ; butchers' cattle, choice, per owl., 93,75 to 94 ; butchers' medium cattle, per owt., 93.50 to 93 60 ; stockers, 93.26 to 98.50 ; 'sheep, 92.75 to 93 40 ; Iambs, 94 to 94.25 ; calves, 93 to 910 ; hogs, best selections, 94 25 ; light, 94 ; tbiok fat 94 ; sows, 93 to 98.25. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ® HUNTER, LIC.ENSE.D AUO- ls. TIMMER. Money to loan. Farms to sell '1 7 PIGS, 6 WEEKS OLD, FOR l sale. Apply to WIT. TURNBULL, Lot 7, Con. 15, Grey. 15-1 YOUNG GRADE 00W FOR earn. Giving milk, and will calve in February, J. N.l 2NDALL, Brussels YOUNG GRADE OOP GIVING milk, for sale. Will come in next Spring. 110BT, HENDERSON, 10.81 BritssolS, COMFORTABLE HOUSE FOR sale or to rent in North Brussels, Im- mediate possession. Apply to BARRISTER BLAIR or W. H. li;ERIt. r pOR SALE S000n8.1i ud ton horae•power Boller and O'horse•Igtowe,t engine, Apply at 14.11 BRI3SBELB CHEESE FA000RY, SPEOTAOLES OF ALL KINDS fitted to correct all failures of eyesight, and your eyes tested free by latest optical methods at DIVISION COURT OFFICE, Brussels. THREE HOUSiI1S AND LOTS .L for sale 0r t0 fent On favorable terms. If you have anything iu this line to sell ot. buy, or to exchange apply to 30115 NAN- SITLD, l7thel P. 0, MRS. PEARSON DESIRES to lease her house and lot on Church street. Possession oan be given ou Nov. 1st. For other particulars apply 0u the premises to 14.5f 50302. P17ARSON. r_TOUSE AND LOT IN ETHEL for gale, known as the Ilomswocth house, will be sold °been ae proprietor is going bask to his farm. Possession et once, For further particulars apply to tf• WM. POLLARD, Ethel, ITRAYrED ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, Lot 10, Con. S,Gruy on or about July 15th, a yearling heifer, gray in color. Owner is requested to prove prop- erty. pay expenses and take her awayy. 14-4 JNO.LOwn. CAPT, J• STRETTON, Wbo has badY 2r yearsexperiencequit wig. n as ry t health, hal again who had to quit owing o i 5 epared s n dalton outt license and is prepared tot oondnot guaranteed. ed reasonable y brms Bad factionat THE 0812 l' ted, Dates , be arranged at THE k/28. Publishing House, JAS. STRETTON, 1-8f Auctioneer. %,'1TRAYED ON THE PREMISES 11.7 of the undersigned, lot 28, con. 0, Morrie, 2 ram lambs, one has blank Moo, both long tails. The 01,7110t i5 requested to prove property, pay 0xp811550 and take them away. Strayed from tbo game lot 02•year-old ewe and a lamb. Bosh )narked with tip of 216128 oar. ' Information leading to their recovery will be thankfully received, 15.4 JAB. SHARP, Brussels P. 0. FEMALE TEACHER WANT— ED for School Seetiou No, 2, Grey, Soeond or Third.olase Certificate, Duties to commence January 1808. Applications re. cawed u to Oat. 22nd, 1808, 7 p, . Mark Tonder for 20 or school. Address, ALEX. STEWA100, sec,-Troas., 14.2 Oraubrook, Ont, • REMOVED. 11L,13,1000RE, V, 8„has removed hieollloe and residence 80 the property recently pur- chas4d by him, olp00ite D, Ewan's residence, North-west corner of town Park. Menkearo returned for past patronage and a eon. Mumma Of ±120018 asked, 12.4 M. H. MOORE, V. S. REAL ESTATE. L'.Ao �uei170C ofS u REol .—luths 0 tACR ES of the North 1 of Lot 88, Con .2, East Wawa - nosh. Thio is an excellent stook form ,being well Su plled with Good OD slug water. Itis latatoo about 8 201125 331.01116170 thriving Vll- ge y h. A itrge part of itis under grass, ]tui dingo and femme are in a fair mate of repair. Nagy torms of payment Will be (Nen. Far all information 011012th 11 -ti 82,12, BLAIR, ]1ar19sbor, Brussels, GOOD FARMS rola SALE.— Tho untlerslgned otter two 109 acre farms foe sale at remonall)e pagoda, The lets are NMI. 10 and 11 Don. 0 (Su00hteee, the 5lrleroad between t)Mom. Good brick house and barn On lot 11, and bongo a0d 2 hornet/la lot 10, 010hard8 and all neeeosary oonven- ioneee, Well w080red and imitable for grain 01' gracing, 100 aere5 now In grass, Will be sold either seperato or together to stilt pat'• (Maser, Tome of payment reosonablo. 3m' madiate 1t3005es51011. Per farther partoulare 11T, n1y io JOBEFH CI 17GG, Bruegela P. o„ 00' 7i, A101iXtISON, Barrletor, Wingbam, 111 FARMS FOR SALE.—'111E UN- eale and to reit, easy tarme, 18 1 wnships of Morris and Grey. F 8, SOOTY, Brussels FARM FOR SALE.—THE farm ,eing UN— mammon s 07 afers nd 228, 0is 86 Con. 8,2200store On the promisee are 2 eonifortab le houses and 8 barns, two orchards, wells, eat, 185 cleared, balance bush, Farm is only 2 miles from Walton village and 4t from Brussels. Possession could be given in 2 months after sale, For further particulars as to price, terms, Lo., apply on the promisee or if by letter to Walton P.O. 30715 LAWSON, 2.81 Proprietor, BOAR FOR SERVIOJI.—T1-XE undersigned will keen the thorn' bred Yorkshire boar, "Dan,” for service, on lot 21, 000,11, Grey. Pedigree ma • be seen on application. Terms, 70 couts,with privilege of returning if necessary. 14.2 Wal. 8011NO0E, Proprietor. Notice to Creditors, Pursuant to Chop, 120, Seo, 88. R. 8.0„ all parsons having chime against the estate of DENNIS HO3A10D, late of the Village of Beatsele, in the County of Huron, deceased, are required to deliver Se Ithe undersigned, agent for the Executors of the deceased, on or before the 12th day of Novemller,1608, the fall Particulars of their 0101025 and securities (if any) hold by them, duly verified. And after the said 12th day of November, 1898, the t;xeenters will plooeod to distribute the estate amongst those entitled thereto, with regard only have ov the nalaimerace of which noticeex. shall thou ave boon received, and the ex eautors will not be responsible for the assets of said agate, or may part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not then have been received. A. BUNTER, Brussel a P.O., ABrussels, Oo6.18, 1303. ut for Ex161°is, Notice to Creditors. Pursuant to Chao. 129, See. 88, R. 8, 0., 011 np arsons having claims against the estate of 308EPH F1RAIN, sato of the Township of requi required odeliver Countyto of eeuundersigned agent for the Executors of the deceased, on or be- fore the nth day of November, 1898, the full partioulare of their olalm5 and securities (if any) hold by them, And after the said 12th day of November, 1898, the Executors will urooeed to distribute the estate amongst those antacid thereto, with regg1ard only to the been iaims re eived,vaul tnotice antors will not be responsible for the assets of said estate or any part thereof, to any person or parsons of whose claim notice shall nob thou have been received, A. BUNTER, Brussels P.O., Brussels, Jot. 18,1808 gent for Executors. A FHLD Wlld a !oke1 Can safely be sent to us for anything kept in a well-managed drug store and get precisely what was sent for a1]d at as low iL price as could its father or mother. We want the children's trade and. your trade, and believe that our "quality of goods and prices merit it A T-'�' `ox's Drug Store. Notice to Creditors, IN TIIE MATTER OF TUE ESTATE OF MOM M. FEAR, OF TIM ''OWNSN5P 01' MIORRIS, COUNTY OF EU1to2, FAIIMEll, DECEASED, Notice is hereby girth , pursuant to Oban - ter 128, R. 8.0., 1897, that all creditors and other persons leaving any claim or demanO, against the estate of Samuel M. Pear, of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, Who Bled on or about the Twentieth day of May A. D.1838, are requir- edon or before the Twenty-ee(ond day of October, A. D.1898, to send by post i920- patd,) or to deliver to Lydea Ellen Fear and Geo. Jackson, the Ex0Otttora of the said astute, or to W. M, 8inelatr, of the Village of Brass010, in the County of Huron, Bolloitor for the said Exeoubors, their names, addres- ses and o0oupatione, with fol) partioul1rs of their claims, a statement of their a0oounte. and the nature of the securities (11 any) hold by 00020, Aud 000105fs hereby given Gnat, rvitel' 00011 last meet((ouod dots, tto said B re will 80005oo detrlbutn the as - Bette tts ofof the stid deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notes shall have said Exec: n utors t willinot be liable for too the assets, or any part thereof, to any person or 115r5ou5 of whose olaim notice !Mall not have been received at the time of such dis- tribution. LYDEA 13LLEN PEAR t Executors. GEORGE 3A0II802 ! Dated at BrOussels tlhiis Solicitor for -of iOslo bel' A. D.1898. Graduates Great Demand CENTRA! _u1�r�lx 9 € JJ . 4': . s ( T N,. :/ Strat1'�1ra ' i., h I ra, Enjoys an ENVIABLE (REPUTATION for SUPERIOR WORK. Enter any time. Free Circulars. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. russets vaporator 10,000 Bushels LE WANTED •We are prepared to pay CASH for any quantity of Apples delivered at our Evaporator, Brussels. 30 cents per bag will be paid for the run of the tree as.Shaken oit', 25 and 20 cents per bag for paekersl culls and windfalls, according to quality, Very small apples not wanted. Don't delay but deliver your Apples as soon as Possible, ahler �;' « rosA, BRUSSELS.