HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-10-21, Page 7OCT, 21, IS98 THAI .BRU0REiL8 POST. 7 ry� y [I GOD'S er the tinklingof the hell of the Scotch 'not Ott this, for Ills hour Is coming r _ SOAP AS A DISINFRCTANT, y / q fop � g NAROI1OF GODS 1.1jo,4 LE. I Writ. Your 1MIQ child may be aleep- ; when all who are in their graves Simi, �r�a � ,, ,., D Y'�1 l 9V II��o ",0c � r ""6 Ing on the vorgo of the flowering;Game fort,lx." 'rho other Swarthy luta- In the Fall Results of Route I:eiortrnerI tlnrrled Out western prattle; yet Gar] will gather , Huge IS this: '"I'he herd Shttll. descend by 0r. ite111101 1'• ar Q �� " �f orf n,'� l THE REV. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES them all up, however widely the dust I front Ueaven with a. Hhout:, and lila -- fiho use of. soaps containing n rllssn- L �'d' ella ""�" ,a$' l`�°'`, Tea AN INSTRUCTIVE SERMON. may be scattered. Nevertheless, it is voice of the arrh:ungol, and Ille'trurnp Your tleaith Should be Carefully . Pleuaant to think that we will be bur- + of God, and the dead in Christ Shall Guarded. Keep the Blood Pure, feolant of son, kind hay beooma so You are missing a great pleasure if you are not one of the maaywho enjoy (his TtI — ied together, When my frlther shied, , er}aa first," Oh, there will he such a There is danger of malaria, fevers, general that: observations an the prat A Clutter Front tit(, IteavelklY Fa6bl" and wo tools him out and put him Ih.Ing as it resurreation. g LEAD Pt,�C)CAGI?S - 25,. 40, eo and Gnc. Clusterorp2opes,aClusterOtt l'rlliIII'ta' down in the, graveyard of S'omerv)Ile] 1 1'ou ask me n preaL sari questions sodden colds and nit pars b Make not ll to of such erect. Dr, 1 eat_ ew, r..,. ,., a Y your blood rich and pure by taking tint fort to )pti of Interest. IIe. Tlleilh a t7ustep or Chrtstian VousrdatIOII it did not Seem so sad to leave him I I cannot answer abnllt this reSurrer,- 11oud's Snrsapntilla, and you need offer d ubl s ed the to- SEND poll PRIOR LIST. 7Ilepar•t(Ol I±rieuds-.Yo Nytullatny \TIOt thele, beeauae right bOHido him rwae Atoll. Yon tin Tot' inft.tnve,: "If a G r h.AR r.ae[llly It I h y � Bh � Y• not fear these daligars. flood's Sar- ,J modern sp°rltuatlsrn-iritere ATill lea ;I , my dear, -good, old, beautiful, Chris 11nan'm body Is conslani ly eirotging) saparilla has wonderful power, to stren- sults of some experiments carried out ; rp ltesua•eetloo. Lina n1ULht1r, and it scorned, its It elle ! and every Heve3ith year hr ham un en+ gthon and .fortify the ayatem. It is by him with the various kinds of sotip, ' . ae? ,.!,aid: "I was tired and I mine to tied tires new body, and he lives on to ., A despatch from Washington says:- Y unequalled for purifying. et gently buying for object La rletei'minu their tai ry " �M x r; preached f of 1 folIIII a little i early. I nm gin" you hays seventy years of age, and tin has hent and vitalizing sig the blood. TI gently or- Dr. Talmage pretlLh l r n I re , acme; it seitnls «s of old." Oh, il.' is ten different bodies, and uC the hour tunes fhe si.nmarh, creates ,good nJ value as tnivrobicides. Ito used lite "`gsr+f Ing text: ":And they citrus unto the i a coslsoliltion to feel ILL ryhon mou i of his- death there is not a par*retie of peCite trod invigorates every organ. It dinary mottle soap, white almond scall i�e�j' �.µ ;, n',, �;a�'^�,�>rT'1l brook of Esohol, and nut down from come, and with Solemn trend carry ; flesh within hint that was °here in is just what is needed at this season, perfumed rvll.h nilrubenzina, and hard �' T: s f" you out to your tasting-plllc6, they till, days of n11]Idhoud.-••in the resnrrec,- thanoo a hralleh„witU one cluster of will open 'III oto through which Some tion, which of the len bodies trill enmo Potash scop, He found chat these B 9r�.r gropes, and they bare. it between Lrvo of ,your'irionds 11nva u4reudy goner and Imp, or will they all. nrIRS ?” Sou sty : rP soilPs wets very inimical l0 the cholera wards. Revolvers St.2b upon a staff," -Numbers xiii, '23. through which many of your friends! "Suppose, a. man tilos rind his body is patrilla mio'ube, a 1 per cent solution killing Orm, It Loading shot nuns 04.00 up , The long l:ruclga of i.ha .I'Hraelitealwill folia"', (yleaping under the sama'aontlez'erl iiI the dnaG, and out n[ that InCunadtisaroatastl4adtnlno, 81;slxror$5. them du ,short space of time, while m $1.600 to $2.00, We nonbpoy revolvers nt this price, roof. at. Just sleeping under the$time dust. vegetables grow, find men Cut Yropmre OnybytLLIIondd,Co,d,owen.Maps• a 5 per cent solution of the otaah � d Since and SIX Hest A"orBlts ons $1.60-potri ld nnywhom is across the rvlidoruess, rvtls utmost and- _ - - p ri yA cho nnmtatnn}or. sa.00. sod. 7'l1a autumnal flower, t:hataarofa.'t tesn!agtnhles, and cnnnibles star r tlut a tI)IaKcislpia n25o heap k!].led theta ]n five minutes, We ,_,_,�,_ � WILgINS&Ce., 100a lob Hing Dt.:East, Toronto ad. They. had routs to file borders of Itncroas your, grave w111 clrtfL S l Often and ant, them, trod catint HOOC� S p11�S gr p , d that -` - - - - the promised Infill. Of the six lion theirs; the bird -songs that drop on Ihells fight with cannibals Until at. last »a_ __ _._. ...__ are, therefore, at liberty to infer Xa g r v rfi�r„fjp, xte,n•� tvC�lojry�;r iJ� , ,T dred thousand adults who Started from A g 1 r,,Ela c lZf�`176>'l'x' $� a:lw" 'wlmI I��a�� %, z��'i ! (hair mound will den on pours; and' shall he a hundred men rvixca as ]n rvashin .the bands st1'ength r•' s.+Ud ;���� , ! then, in Starless 'winter nigbis, when Shall have within them some parGriny carries u a yellow flower.. Another, Egypt for Canaan, how many do you P of the soap solution is never less than Idle wind acmes howling. through thn that, HLnrled from the den.d body first seer[ platnted comes up a white fla"•er,I :�' r� m• lspre�0tninent[yth'eMaga• suppose gut there 1.Ldva hundred III gorge, you Will he Company for eueh named, coming tip through the Vega- Why? Why that: wart on your fhi- 5 alad may go as high an 45 per cent ,,� zine of Paslllou, Culture, sand? Oh, no. Not two hundred thou- 001•el•„ The child Close up .to .the, (able, through thn first man who ata gent? Tell me why some cows have this method of disinfecting Ills hands, ,: Woman's Words and sand, our Dna hundred Thousand, nor,' bosom of t.Cs mother; The husband and It, rind through the cannibals who af- burns, and other cows have no horno. ` an well as the clothes, etc., is fairly aWr Recreation, theCgnadlan wife ro-married, on their, Iles !tic arc- iCrw:trdS me hon, an i there be, roue \;'h rsUrn two obst.rLe10H strike caths, fifty, nor `twenty, nor ten; but only ramant: of the dust, Brothers and sis- ih:m It hundred men who have rights y' trustworthy. Much stronger solutions "I' edltlon help Identical with that published b the i3utterick Publishing Co. 6 other in the air, do you bean the per - ,S P Y g two men. Ob, it was a ruinous march tern, who used in sport to fling theal- in lhn parCirles of that hotly -in the pussinn? What is that subtle energy are required, however, to destroy too (Limited), New York and London. It contains upwards of 125 .PAGES A that God's people made; but their abil-- selves on• the. grasa, now again re- I resurreation how Iran they ba aasorted that, solves u. solid in a crucible? bacilli of typhoid, thf, colibacillus, ate., MONTH, including a number of Colorcd and. Lithographic Plates. eliciting tittle by side in the grave, m ; when Ill. se paxticies belong to Them What, makes the notches on an oak- dren were living and they were on the not less than 10 per cant. being auffi- Of all Family Magazines it Is the Great Caterer to Domestic Needs, and can long,flockit sunlight sThen through the ; all ? Who will si all? You say : leaf diWhit.0 from any other kind of elent, None of the soaps experiment- �: He recommended for cheapness, usefulness, beauty,• freshness and utility, match, and now that they Had tomo long, lithe. wino"•s. Then at the tram -=!;'Pliers is a, missionary buried in lent? Whit. 'makes this nrunga-blas- up to the borders of the promised land, pat of the archangel to rise side. by Greenwood, and when be was in China Som, on I his plul.fornl, different from ell with appeared to have any effect ° , I side, is a Brig themselves from tha dust be hast his firm nm lufated-in the re- SuaPRICE: eN ��i± OO Y sr Co 1 they wore very curious to know what I 1 that rose'. How can the alm]ghtincsss on the Pyogenic microbe. The practic- Parse; aI7�— Year coPres; B�"i. �e��i01 kind of a place it was, anti whether it of ages. The lease that were ghastly surrectiun, will lhrtt fragment of the wh]ely rides on the tittles of the hes- cal result of Chess investigations is and fixed wbon you sary them last belly fly Hixteen thbtisand miles til yen, find room to turn its chariot nn that it is always preferable to ties would be safe to go.over. So aseouk- all aflush with the light of Incorrup- join the rest of (he body?" )'Oil HILY: i.the tuft of it heliotrope? Ex Iain In art is sent out to reconnoitre tion. The father lookin I P soap and in for first of all, solution s TGX 7�� Ing party � looking.around on ' ,,Wilt it, not be rl'vary difficult thing; i:hosa: Carr you rho fir? Than I will the hands in the disinfectant solution � �1J� �3���IbQr ���b��' 'r're �+��'1� W,r81��d4r �Il�b�r find the examine the land, and the his children, and Saying: "C'oine, come for a spirit coming back in that clays not explain the resurrection. Yon ex- Y P afterward. This is an Important Dint &&,, my darlings, this is the morning of to find the myriad particles of its own Jain one half of the common m9ster- P P Y and comprtseee variety of matter of ribed,pasdd freshness and rhnn». The present are the come back .1)1•ib,ging apea]men8 of its P , which mOrlta to U0 generally made pand hig+l dog are merit. exhaustively orr Earl and the by Cary mut Itonod Pr features ,re of the 'tl1e. i'eaIIl'r'e04i011," Mrs. ,4`.hgOLLCDP.y (burly, rvllen thtry neap )lilwP. 1.,Cen seat- tea of .every -day life, and 1 will ex- kn01Vn, � llsuni high dogma of merit. Made on Earth s story by Cornelia .ltwnnd Pratt tylrinee the lave growths. I was, some Lime ago, in a wrote beautifully, with the tears and terod b the winds of overlaid 1, that Wooten nherl.11 for ahome they can cast their on•n. The College stories,( i Nm,ny Yincent Y t S plain fl.11 l h . - myRi eries of the, incur-! htr•tlelland, the scenes of whish are laid fit retailer, reveal much of rhe agni"eance of 001100 ' . I luxuriant vineyard. The vine -dresser blood of. her own broken bear,; whole generations of the dead -look- return. You cannot answer me very WARTS 1 WARTS I i WARTS I i r irit and ,rodent ties. la the series on. Tho com,non Ills of Lite, by Dr. Grace PwIthma hurl done his work. 'Itis vine had clam- i Ing for the myriad particles of its own tiRpp r t bed while there are a b u a i _ .Pluto questions in regard to OTdlrtaf9 -^' Alurrny ap�,rara a ixiper on obesity that w111 prove of gu,and fie wall as partlCulnr Interest, The '71,ere was n shaded chamber Y t o st fid In 1 I It ed to so that' The woods n.re, full of an 1 who artele in t,¢ po n fir srrles nn Amateur Photo rapIt •, by Hhurint If ball, deals spaa!fleally - pp RR )) bered up ands read its wealth all over P the arbour. The sun and allOwar had, Watching ' ,A silent Watchin band, - OIl a low couch a sufferin child B affairs. um not. as a I p. p e, lion' other spirits doing the same E g I I tenant explain (orb earl the judg- have warts noel who foolishly UClinveAla.Xit thiel and all the asaortineat to bol B. F, Itis resurrection. .0 simply That a remnlly cannot be found rv)lirh he % Witt, Toning. EleanorGearg¢naontribntesaaotlier auholaidy chi lar ¢tpnwtiutlieea all lit rtil, mViinoan dalfor the The Wmman'n Prasx aseoointlona of the en,u»ry R,rniali mntbrial forthe Qclooreion Lathe Voic¢. a tri al lh+ut!ng Party, by js of the ., Country y h,dnor J� mixed a sup which the vino drank tin- Grasping Uer mother's hand. men noel made within Dna tiny?" 1'uu say:' "If them facts, Cremendous and rv}ll pnilnlnssly remove t.haxn, Sne1z entartnhlmnnt. regdnr ,triers nn In,d> women rv»dt'I»h Lfe, by Ilalm, 11, lwlnalow, In nh•ls' Jurereeta and accept as a hundred and fifty into n+ ]rosy they ne<npnuuu,, by L.»ayette u¢Lmvn, will be fuundnnumber of nttrar.Wre yngecationn. tn exa�t- til with flushed shook it ht slumber- s Y But stet the grits p and stl'ng$le, taco go infinite. people lrlo not. what are I place of evening atlCei'Calntrent, arid, Jlle£afe the rP.Hltrl'ECIiOn ladies p1a0n, tit king nbOUt, ilut Teadel'R may 'bo lent �,.nr1PP. of IJ¢unchnlrt RuhJecis !s rmlroQlril.In Rolls nod Innev IU•end, A'fhnuksgiving Dicnu �y ]logit adl,aud iwuaainthe liitrhen; and the regnlnr deparnnerds: Soc!a101+sennncce nondurle Ing in 1110 light, C1n91Cr, against Itis \\rich shuddering lip? she cried, lease ,of1]0.tS and overcoats 1Il thOl The sure that`. til+•Ire appllcntlona of Pul'- everything will be H1IFnt. H '�" by tines. l`ndwnln,ler J¢nen, The Ten•Tnlrl¢lty :tlw. N,theeslmnn, pnnr3'v+tteb: old Pmhrnidery �'s" Cllaek Of cluster. .The rinds of the Mother, oh', dearest mother, hall, when they come back it is almost I soleums and the labyrinths silent. Tho nam's Corn Extractor, Will 'knot'ir___00 ••-+�^ "^�`^' Irc Emn,a Hny woad, The 1»tiaramaker, :lhlhnery, Lnne-3lalttog, �"� OroeLaiug, Iiuittin TnEting, The Lntrst Aoohe, etc., ore ae grapes 'seamed ,)moat. bursting with, Bury me by your side.' impossible got1 graveyards silent. The cemetery sil- tea ed higherhave er k acne avhate , i8__ � O Gents cumpinte m,d var;¢rSae the most insud;oua could daaltt.. the juice. in the warm lips of the ant- Only one wish she uttered, ds life was ebbing fast, ofor tllthemt great I Nye ore ]k- g g ent save from the plashing of hoofs n deal of perplexity. And yet you telll,and the of wheels as the last. ing about. SomaofthePafternauhich umnal day, >Dd it seemed as if all you Y , Shap by my aide, dear mother, grinding ma that myt'iatl mgriods of epi rite .in -��. funeral Procession comes in. NC breath ratnfl rrputart+f J r toe. Trot DnwHraron may be ordered through the Newsdealer or La had la local Hult¢rick Pattern Agency, be had to do was to lift a chalice towards And rise with me at .last.'" e last auncia w 11 come. and find my-: of air disturbing the crust where Per- 11i 0I):ERATION• each, cox ,for the s y, or may obtained direct y aeon, apiece tin ruifnmbrs by the cluster and Its life -blood -would be- to Oh, yes, we want to be, buried to- r y tads, and myriads of.. I bodies." Have you any mora , ueslions sePolis stood, .and Thebe,, tend Baby- I I'd like to hear your definition of l long lnenrn"it" nt a»v ,j'.cy addressing jar the erste @f Bnttr,vcvk t1 I p (+t1 �7 Sin. drip away. But, my friends, gather. sweet untelyPe of evorlast 1pu. NO winking of the a ,lids : to ask? any toe's difficulties to au r I y moderation; said the skeptical. man, I the Parlern"a a.fIls t- TILE DELINEATOR PUBLISHING CO. DELINEATOR in these rigorous climes, we knownolh- ing residence in each other's compan- P• gash? ,troy, snore mysteries? 131" 9 closed in darkness. iI0 tit he h l- to whom Mr, Bence Uad been orating. I i feet that Unca bounded the hell -side. ; \;cell, l am a moderate drinker mp- L1lem ternCheck jram theionShi saptrnrUer, ()c+taper 01 TDIu)oTo tLenrued), I ing ubouC largo grapes. Strube states When the down into on? AgaiusC a rr liol0 l Lttallon bra openin of the hand Chat once g I to or Novanrbor that in Bible times and in Bible( lands wrecker want of scepticism f will march Lhesn two, self. always save out enough I l k I (h fl r out of the edge of DELINEATOR 33 Richmonel St, West, TORONTO, ONT. the cabin of tho.lost steamer., hefound champions: " Blarvel not at this, for'. p uc ec a owe . pay still fare home. there were grape -vines so large that lila mother and the child in each other's ! the wild wood. No clutching of arwords -,, 2 -�� -s ^ane W ^ERR itis hour is coming when all who. are, cR��Cad e��Cr �"Ssf 3di�ail it took two men with outstretched firms. It was sad, but it was beautiful, in their graves shall come fort by the men who went. down when Per- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. arms to reach round them, and, Ito says .% fid it ivas appropriate. TogeLUaz '".E'ba Lord shall descend from heaven Ista battled .and !tome fell. Silent, III Lnsative Brotna Qninlne Tabi.t.. A11y7mg- there were. oluaCers' two 'jn they went down. 'Together they will With a shout, and the"volee of the and frouta river to t:o ch i river. 'rho clsem gist, room, thn mouevRuraue co Oncw Sao, wise. One un earth. One ]n heaven. archangel, and trump of God and the Singing A (1'flELlt VERDICT.- DESKS length,ok t\vine itis IangtU. fi trio the Is tiers nal somatLing cheering in all, dead ixt Christ Shutt rise first." :tui B ng the same old tune. The. lakes JFIN elbow to I..,the tip QL.the long Linger, this thought, and something to impress hushed a sleep in the bosom t the II .� upgn us the idea that the departed ase 1 stick h, Cent, two passages. \i'ho'same grant hills. (No hand disturbing i Upon the Isle of Dlnn, where sheep- A.nd Achaious; d\walling in those lands, are oars et --cur's for ever? art ihon, oh, fool, that thou tepliest the gate of th long -barred sepulchre. aLacting is evidently a serious offense, Everybody Noede Them• We Rave tilos for e Y I against (rods Wath he promised. and Jahn Dixon. was reliantly sentenced to Ev'rybody. tells us, Lhat. during the- time_he,was Bill; I conch you again• Willi the shall He not do ht v Ilath he. tom- All the nn Lions of the dead, motionless e side i three ears' im nisonmrnt for it. fibs The OFFICE SPECIALTY MFC. CO., (Llntlte8) smiLLen with fever one grape would fact of your: present acquaintanceship, tnanded, and shall Iia not bring it to Qp thedjlljjyn "winding through lhahrnugH exact words of the jury ryas "Not ToIZONTO AND NEWNIAHICHT, OXT. Slake his thirst for the whole day. No arta communication with your departed; pass? slave you not confidence Ili. Ili,' if the. valleys, far out in the caverns having Satisfactorily licoountea to the friends. I have no Sympathy, I need oma] oteres? If Ile could, in the first" Y minds of the jury lot' the n wonder, than, tial in (.hese Bible times not say, with the ideas of modern lacap build m bed after it is torn i across the fields, deep down into the I f the Shea S eve find the risoner bull-VSu��I�f A 6" Gtr,allp000f cloth two men thought, Lt worth their while spiritualism; but who.L I mean 1s the p y y' o coral places of the ocean depths where o 1, prisoner g to put their strength together to car- theory set forth by the apostle, when down can He not build ]t again?Leviathan sports with his fellows -! ty,' What puzzles the lawyers is this: `Oh." you say; I would, believe Can: a man be legally jailed on such�1Ir�,E a x down Dna cluster of he aaya: "\Ve tire surrounded by a avorywhere, Inger above lager, height Oamp eta. To be had only n'om ae, 1 grapes Tram that if you would explain it. I ami - a verdict? the promised land. great cloud of witnesses." Just as not. disposed to be sceptical, but ea- above height, depth below dell lx n0REHiF, Ili ,luoen St. h., Toron o S- till st, ra , farcircularand am 1 in the ancient am philboatro there Pdandl dead! deaill Out in the twinkl- L , o 1 s p,o But this ntornin I brio [ plain ]tmv it. can he d0ue." 14I,y brother, of cloth bCfore buying alsewhere._ g g you a larg- wore eighty of One hundred thousand tug of an eye, ate quick as that, as Itis ;, e s ,_?' R -- - er Cluster from the heavenlyEsohol people looking clown from the galleries you believe a great matn,Y things you archangel's trumpet comes pealing, 11 i i (7 S upon the combatants ie, the centre, no, cannot explain, You believe your mintolling, reverberating, crushing across jj , B {I ABY �}1 bt°6"RgrR° ¢aer�t �®�a W't�t� -a cluster of hopes, a cluster of pros- soya Paul, Chore is a great boat of acts on your body. Explain the pro -;continents and seas, toe earLU wl(d F .; = k" T, d,u allDancuN, l.!•o., No Gaotiogb•at, pacts, a cluster of Chr}slian console- your friends in all the galleries of fila cess. This seed planted comes up it give one.£earfut shudder and the door TORONTO, out. THROAT blue Ilowas. 1Linlpther seed planted g THE CORNIFED PHILOSOPHER. ¢:pr i��O� tions; and I am expecting that one sky, looking down upon your earthly of the family vault, without. being on - of it will rouse up yowld appetite struggles. It is a sweet, a consoling, -, looked, will burst open; and all the a: tl g I SPECIALlsT for the heavenly Canaan. Daring the A a scriptural idea. With rving`of angel, - graves of the dead will begin to throb It is all wrong, said the. Cornfed ®•a�I",%Q,� eitxth and ]Yeaveg are in constant tom- +X anti heave lilts the waves of the sea; Philosopher, to say that a woman can m _ ___ ��_- pust summer' some of this congregation nlunioati0n_ Dees not itis )3dble aa9: 12 �iall� �� Medicine �lii� the mausoleum of princes will frill matte a fool of a man. She merely Be- have gone away never to return. The, "Are they not sent forth as minister- into the dust; and Ostend and Sebas velops him. , m s ip, u ^'ri,;+�17 aged have put down their staff and ing spirits to those who shall be heirs topol, .and Austerliz and Get:tys- — t r.r 2 \ y ,y Luken up the seopLre. •And:'1Hc dear of salvation.?" And whon ,ministering WHICH HAS MADE A WONDERFUL burgh, stalk forth in the lurid air; Tharo le more Catarrh ie, Lht^s:ctlon of the A s splrihdooime down and sea us, do they and the shipwrecked rise from Itis leap, eonntry than all entice dlaenaos pub rageth or, children, some of them, have been atb- not take some message back? It is im- P.EPUTATIO14 THROUGHOUT their wet locks looming above the bCl- g g B xnd anti) thn lu.t tau• years was suatioaert to aced do Christ's arms. He found this Posisble. to realize, I know, the idea THE WORLD. low; and all the land and all the flea ba lneurable, Fore reatmany yearn doctors - wo'Id too rough a place for them, and Lhat there is such rapid and perpetual become one moving mass of life - all p,run:uneodit•t )nrr, digease, and proscribed lea! rain rilea. ami by Constantly toiling to ®danornch+ran i:ntereommunicatdpn of earth noel hen livery Cnrr 1'nU°lshrel is AnvrRl.tgn tett by generations, old ages with Upturned rare will lural t•eatment, protouno•d iC in• Tnt3 ls�ld Bros. INfg. CoC., or BILLIARD HOi H0 has gathered them in. And oh, van; but it 78 n glorious realit.g. You countenances, —some kindled with curable. Sulence, has nrnaCn e+ta••rh to be a TABLES and BOWLING ALLEYA. Ph ano 1303. Send' Ites ponsiUt • Ye v L , 1 A nl /el•— I ! l TUC Attvax'I.ISCr• how many wouuuett souls there ore- take; a rail train and ,the train is ]n Blas Looked. Into and (avec olelow the rapture and others blanched "illt eon«iiinrionnl it reotment. iHH ll x'OntarrhgVitrea for OaEslogue. 267 King at, West. 70RONT0. 'fall motion, and another train from despair, but g,zIng in one direction, c nnnf 10GRI by F, J, Cheney tv Co., Toledo, mOUnt18 POT Which this World 'offers n0 !'arilenlneq fit' One a,r Tilega t'urpS. L Ohio, is the only amlat{tn}dnnal caro en the medicament, find unless from the Gas- the opposite direction dashes past you neon Dna obirct, and that the throne l pal of our Lord Jesus Christ there shall so swiftly that you are startled; all From the Advertiser, Hartland, N. B. of rosurrectionl market, It is taken Int,ramly n doses tiro wu.,y between hexa and heaven is The Advertiser' 'has Come across still i On that day you will gel back your ,I0 drops to a tcn.sinmeful. It acts directly on t[ati N come fi consoladon, there will lr_,no. , t ha Voodandmurous Rarf Coit of the eyttem. Consolation at all. filled' with H.he up trains and the down another instance of the romarkable Chrishdn dead. There is where the They Giver one hlmdrs(I dooms for say case it traits-spirlts coming -spirits going- curative powers of the famous Cana- comfult comms In, 'L'he will toms u falls to aura. Send tor. olr,.ula]•s and tosli• I have thought, therefore, Iwould P y P X� �� ���� not be doing m duty unless from Gbd's coming,, going, couling, going. That than remedy, Dr, \)rilliams' PIttk Pills with the Same hand, and the same _montale. Addrasa, 1 Word Y Y friend of yours who died: this summer- for Pale People. Mr. William-Todlie, ! foot, ?Incl the same entire body; but vnld by D n%R�4sJ. ,E7ac 00.. Tolado,.0. condolence T brought a cluster of. Christian do you not suppose he told all the fam- condolence Io the people. Oh, I.htut the Pp of Lower Brighton, a prominent lam- with a perfect bond,. n.ncl a perfect It:tll'atrnmilyYIlls arethobest, God of all comfort.: Woultt .help ma ily nows about you, the good land to berm n.nd farmer, otlme eery octet fool:, anti n .perfect body; egrruption Trapeze performers, liquor dealers, �:e -, µr-. while T preach, and that tlxe God of the friends who rtes gone? Do Yon being a cripple fromrhoumatism, thef an ?, hnviug been;fie incotruptJOn, mora- and lawyers must be admitted to the lq�t(thutit"�wt� Ii tic `,y no't suppose shut when Lhexe are bun dread cidsetlsC so neva•lent along Elle all comfort would help you i whit's you t P' ta.}dty having became imninrtniJLY• And bar in order to practice their profes- hea.r, dredsi of opportunities every day for St. Sohn River, Mr. Tedlie is now Cis i all, the to -union; oh, fhe. embrace after sionals.. i"� 4 Lhetn un heaven to hear from you that years of age. 'Five years ago he tvns • an long nn absence. Comfort one nn- - " .y S First', I console) pori t your the prDivine- tit„ ask about you I that the know W. P'. tl. 841 , d l,y sanctioned idea that your departed Y y 9 Taken with the first symptoms of rlieu- pthor with these worsts, -^ I , fx'i.ends era as.much ours now as i:Jle your .tears, your temptations, your matism-over exposure, the stream I, Mrhile I pl.ametlt these thoughts this - --- �±" _­. "1 ""'' Y y struggles, your victories? Aye, they (laves and the ever were. I know You sometimes, tit , general hard life of morning, does i(. not s0em that hC+lran 4. �`� B dC, Perhaps rluriII the last ever you nXT,TH RICST01tCD WITHOUT 7lIE I r.,.. tlrC i torp in your mind :)whoa you ]'lave P g fhe• lumbermen, paved fho"tr.y forthe ooRtoa vary near to us its though our �� L71NT0 utt 10\PJ➢NtiPu to fits, Yltl sT ]715• "' adv' + ,�_? '• t.liis kind of trouble; Coat j+diir ff•iencls had a boy xn: the ax•nty, and'you got a loclgmc+fit of itis nxcruOlnting dtaease. reread,, rr•honr Wa fhonght: a great ultUl'ultiOA 9POA(AOtI, LI7I1r�t;�t,. NIilRVI;q, - Ill's cut: off from you, and They ore pass and you went through the lutes The symptoms first manifest were way off, aro tint in (lie distance but LIVJ,ii, BLOOD, 13LA111174tt, KIDNEY. ' 3 a a fid ISR. v,�LTITb i. 'h regiment C 1 R JN n and u found him, and the e on y o g 9 sins through the les arm n ci. t s n P B legs, •n uet.imes come S u haul h I no .longer,yours; b. L• i. r '. ,tole h 8 a t g u tin deet a lc ]lave' y IJ BARRY'S li]t.'AV Ei. N ArI iilOA '�.so IIS® tluuilElB SIilAkiil all, our Invest ands in the same lot coming from your neighborhood, you bunds. Gradually 'conditions grew dolvli to n river tit nigh(-f+i11, ,nil you �� ) � GMatoS' In - in the cemeter is a natural desire, :a know most of die buys there. One day worse, At intervals thele would be have been surprised how, onshly you EDuu, watch Satava I ima slur.: and r I Pima - R u t1lLbIt u d also Inca a t e, tnU • tn- Y ' l for roma: ", You cul. , LN n 1 uu staxtec ] s tun abatement f I:he molest but : f i• T r " Y 0 0 to noel D+brllt have rn• t aONT January i8 S' Y, s that river, Fonts whose AIn1en y O a 13th ll •- voices ,secs I ISO )&en Id hour v0 us , 7 Y , universal desire, and there£ara a r d -u Co , Well, D a u 1 s to . now. ha•Ve. U t letters v d ±[ t.tnt»tls, 1G tit esLv when Y S tai. to 11 other tic, k months ellCll BCI' he 1'aa wCI nearly t r r •' t tIDi Y Y ! • Stdc uf, the LEE GRATE implanted ostiadesire; and ia' doRtily' s no f' helpless. 'I'hn pain was so a emziu r' rive , and td to ho edb 1 RArE 13:1R Co., LIatITED, sand'?" And they oiled ,roux• pockets I'll. (rood is rotuucod, aavos 5U Lhnes its ga', r of the up that death has noB 6 river, incl they chile a balk, \\'hen i cost in mudiutne, TORONTO, power to break up i.he Tamil:q gala- ,with letters, and you startedoc Homo,' LUnC sleep was out 0f the quasla�tn, lytts a little while eltaPlaill in t.hq Arriving'. home, the no, ,+erne int incl to work: wits impossible. The (CARS' INVAftIARI,IO SUCOIL . trona. If -our town+d'ones gd away fron and one said: ' Did you see my John?" army, -e rily ser how fit even -lid, ive II 160000 A,�Nu.tL O.(TFth.I of on, 1p. Dear Sirs:-Aunwering your enquiry Y afflicted esti s often ..tea - of t a n L L man Had .o o n d the , rI neon • ll rR a Sa !n e.lian C+n. ort»n I ai n p d • 'e s of tlxe x p g Oil oasis • hear the vote e our possession w ut: o h n fence around y as P Yur a in'u Pt Jubilee u Izle Grates, ":Di u see. �G . George?" P e 1 es fid others: d n a eo III Delon Breus ]Lie Lldticn,a our lot in the cemeCery? •W'hy the ga- , Y B wonderful efficacy of 'Ur; Williams'tVillinms' pickets across tHa PoLomac, just When Rn»tpt(on. n t.berin of four or five names on ata Do you ktioiv 'anyi;hJng about my Pink Pills in cases similar to bis .own, Fhay wore using crilinary tones. And N"GlI 's llo 111Ia' ,it ri , sial gDogOoricto lco would tatty (brit we have had them in family monnmantY Why I:ha planting Frank?' :Incl then you brought out Flant he resolved to try them. IIe says, , as wo' coma tq-day and stand by I:lte U BARRY and Co: (L[mited), 77 Itegont- use for over n month trod have. found the letters 'tend' gave thmn the mos- h,owevm•, that he Was not: hopnCul of 1 of one cypress -vino so that it covers of r hdah you diad boon the bearer, river IIardtin that divides its from our Stant; London, rV„ alaoin Paris 14 line them very sal•.isfne,t:ory. We are all the, cluster of raves? Why put the ssay- agesv y raceivi.ttg touch benefit, as bb had friend» rvho are. gone., it $earn$ to me do Oastdgliono1 and fit alt (3raoa., O,fid., til, iu over 'L g Y P , Do. you suppose, tihat . angels of God, tried many medie]xles without tiny goon r , d tri sand and Storey oraI here, in ting 2s„ Grocers, ¢d., a, g oa .00 in oil" anal bill per day husband beside, the wife; anrl'tl'.he obit- costo dawn to this awful battle-fiekt wo stand bn one blink in ey L 61b, 14, sant Gerrit a tree Also 11U for ten hours' woxk With ti.ran at their feet? Wlx,y the halt on g d'• a result following.. Ile begun the use on the other, incl. it to Only it marrow Vtth LHa old of sin, and sorrow, and cath, find nxeet'�- (.he Pills and by the time a couple.of 8s. Ori. and Co.ALIGNTa IItSO$.(Ta, in tine, charge In us 'east seeing us, all(] find n ant atr0anp, anti oar, voices go and their Sa, 0d. and,s, grates wo'could not get steam withoilt toxo gate of our lot and Ind g g boxes were used he found they were i,n the keepers of the ground' Co, see I tiptoes enure. Hthe flay: t hoar flus- a, using sm'eehed lump soft coax; now Nye all ,haul: us, aaixy bract no message helping ]nim. Thus eat Dura :013, ha 0012 Y use soft coal screenings and Nye are that the grass is out:, and the vine � tmetiy what they tiny These, are to the ,kites 9 0, tiara is consolatdon t.inuecl [he use of the loan Kine and g attended to, and the flowers planted? in it I You are in rosent communi- they t6bn crime cul. their great. tribal,- Beat tv"Ild a 33. 8 b. Why not put our departed friends in p' gradually the pains and soreness loft Llgt1, east they hit11 I:hcir tabes washed Aoronrvrna E. I3, it , tapelaP[ng about 2d H, P. more than nation with that land. They are in him, he was able to s.Leel) soundly, and UP d UR ono aomman field of graves? Oh, it. is sympathy with ou now more _titan they excellenta etit. .in fact 'La mild'e ill th do file blood of, the rroru`il oak a 111 co" ,276 QIP an SE. W., .eve could,with the old grates. Ynu have because they are puts. That tihilcl, 0 Y enjoyed an. appetite,. n Lamb.' Still the voice hones across I __ . II o I pturoandAa ormity trop, (already taken a memorandum of Itis l ever wove,'end I arli waiting for the after using Dr. Wiliintns' Pink Pills Stricken mother I is "as -ixudli your?' for testi Llrfi.n CrwO menl3la 1521•.. 77e(ilic the water'; anti;.I hear: 'Wo hangar n0 Ot3NTs CAN IVIAIKQ BIO AlONI3r SELLING moment when the hummer -stroke A Costs that tvaie, made 0f the old and. this morning as in the solemn hour shall sha.tLex' :the. last claim of ,Your !sa a he found himself in the vest of Odra; we tbtisL no more; neither shall durspbolnlbaohs;.lali•prloos• dedvalu , new `rates 'II have chocked when Gad put; it; against, your heart boiul e fid our soul shall y the sun light' on us, nor any heat, fou and largo o0mmiaaionR, 'fhn xOiv L7 B00I ' g h eked over the oartht9 bondage a Y health. He is now a warm friend of. figures and said as of old: '"Pato this oh}lti s tin npw±tl'cl; sad theq will sLiuld' the Lntnb rv.ieh ts, in thti mitlaL of the Oa„SaturdreyNight23uI Ing,.Toronto. g es to•dayand fthd them quite nor - P B 1 this great medbrina and urges Sim]- ,throne lends us to living fountains of acid nurse it tot' me, and I will give on. tit(, heights of. heaven and see you I mat• thee illy wages.” It is no mere whim, g' e 9, lar sufferers not Co axporimenl with water, and God wig oth away a.lI tears. come; and, when you are .within half other medidw,s, bill' at bnna: begin the , e oa May God, 'b tin- bp p�p �y nY HaRNaaho, FaoC-acho,& 'Yours truly, . It is a Divinely-pin.nte'd principle in the your other frieude wiJl rem out Y Y d, y Neu i ai G all s.rbra mysonlar pnlnt, Ing distance yc otic of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a soothe you with an om- �). ymtpan.syrll¢radhyOros• TFi> TORONTO RADIATOR MFG. soot, and. GCrl cel t.ainly would not, lie called out, and, as you flash through lCihpamatlSm, soiatiaa, neuralgia; finite grace,., , rt Y ry cent xeurn16ta aura. rticb27w. Eno oat 2E•b.atb npn for plant C, lie, and Ile would not culture the earl -Bung gala, Chair shouts wll]' arta oral sis locomotor ataxia nipgtent comfort-. . tilollpauddil rhoEntobingsHall*Ine0o„Toronto. CO., LIMITED. it lie I A.brn.ham would not. allow Sarah P (laid ran- partial 'p 9 ' • -make the Hills tremble: nervous headache., nervone prostration "”' Jito. J. TAYLOR, Secy -Mgr. i:o be buried In ,stranger's ground,, 'nomad spirit) to �hb.o]t• (if Ilio: bless-' p g• p + THE Mott NUTRITIOUS.. ali.hough some very beautiful ground y find disease d0 endi.n a on')xumors to i1 NETiDIilb 1tEIORIvI. ad.,, the blood, such ars borofula, chronic was offered him a free Rift; but he. Gbod Minister, during Sunday ser- r 7 pays four hundred shckols for Knch- I eonaol'e you still further with the . erysipelas, eta., call disappear before a tion -MY tear 1prethorn, I have actio- ��ff Also Solo Manufaoturors of EIIW Patent Chir treatment rvtth Dr. wllllams E P utomatioSmokeConeumer, indtillkInde pblah, i;ha, cn,va tinct fila t.raea cveraha- idea of a resurrection, I know 117Cro Pmlt Pills, ±I,he ed that on ra]ny Sundays the con- , dowing it. That grave, has been, wall fore a groat stray people who do not I y give a hoalLhy glgw grogatibn always rushes out pell-mell kept, and Lo -day Ills Christian . travol- accept le because they cannot un- to Palo anti sallow. om"010xions.' Sold the Instant the benediction is pro TING, loffdrnttoeal+dbollereup1111ee. for Stands in thoughtful, and admix- derstand it; but, my frlanas, there aro Iby all dealers and post paid at 500, a noum0d, This looks vary insoonily, bol tlr six bozos for . .50 b addxosS °M"i"A" r ' ing mooed, gazing up 1S'Ianllpelah,whero two Stout pasRagas -I could tiring a � y aril I have Instructed t]!e sextan to Alivah,tm and Sarah are taking their hundred, but: two swarthy pasSages ago Ing the Dr. Williams' Modieino Co, owid in Cho vestibule on relay Sun• \IIS �tu� JOIN ((��rPP'� ppI�(n)r QjC fjj�1Jl1ijjjpar] nlrpllj1 long sleep of four thousand years. enough -and line David will striker Lirockvillo, Ont; 110 not be PerSuadO days horefifter, an'd give Cheeks for �U111�4G 01010 off VIU LIIIIIIUtI �Ulllltlo M'I to tn,lna finl7ae b1*Pt1.1luta. SREAKFAST--SUPPPIR. ., ! Your fathgx' spay be slumbernL0 unci, davvu the largest; Gplluill• the uixLbxollaet _ I , attire, RR°tip di �Hator Barriatera,etr.,, remover{ to.wesley Bid a.,Rich- mond tat. w., 2�oronto. ONTO COMING 3CH006. offtis am" Inducementsto young men des(rous of Deuton up t0E8 YONOI STpaTORdNTO n ,PAIL SAUSAGE. OASINOS—Now importatiene Hnam English S sheep nprl Amerienn Itogg C.rnln x.-relinbie goods at fighE prone, PARK, BLACIEWEL , A.00., Toronto. _ vtg7m-,,;-A6s° °SMIN ,1 n ° IF yon Want to either buy or sell Apples in car lots, writeus. The Cawsoil Commission Go., Unlited, �Qelxtral C✓(J r1,;i%,,r, W&.1 ' 1__i StRATFORO, ORT. Beat. Commercial Sohn .1 in rho Prnrinae • enter now I. pati off". fror. W. J. ELLIOTT, 1'Pivar— This transom one of my original dobigno. All desertppttnno of woo t.rdl. , :re.Visa.$. Lb tic nal Dantrativi - Wood "'arta E. LIMOWN, 766 Yongo Rt., All orlg!nal design& write for reloos. Toronto �ppiiII I�GRp p, ga aagg ahnku'0- d, Tyaanriting" IGht�WO&Clli"Ia!Ho Hnnklconpt nm nod -all Com•, lmaroial Out to CERMALpbUSIN¢SS tauDOLLECE, Toronto, Yong. and Oerrard sts. Part Term now open, Members adndttad at an Lima. Eight regular teaohern,, Splendid equipment, rite for ¢ntolagu¢, W. H.SHAW, Prtneipal. li E R 6a, R Ste only tastttlonein Oam . fforILhtablw hnhdafa erymteopOrI 0. 1. Erar,IOBI''UTO�VOu 6 Pembroke st., To"Ilte, Oauxllixt THE TIIIOiWPH-11w I PrPE Ag a p rnT,7C STI 0, 1T a En.yy pot»pmrdtokenflaw», Urnbarildlo are. AlO,cosiimtcerngiitra at.. le moot Antauntdanlor2 [or11 bbeta hia»utnoturcdt YG. R.RARCLAY r t6S Adelaide 4t. W., Toronto Hknn'nn oLOtaD. A III . P! , Viromflu in every town, to do bongo to honsh, ,canvassing for a well established medicine.' lMr. sy sallor.. Liberal Commtasien;No aeonrity. or investment required. Address, .A,. A. SPIi;ONG,-Hdatltoa, Ont, , L. COFFEE & I CO., Established Is GRAIN AND COMMISSION &was MIMS 0e1ut2 of Trade palidliff, TORONTA DINT. Tttoterbx I:L1%vL JoI 1.4ogy>iw U 0 F 1 O G and Sheet Mo a1 Werke. )MOVING ALA S lag,,pci, "ll A e¢n. RLATE B[.ACKBOARDH y,tilIpply uN Qand High 6ohonls, Torentnh Rod°nl°1!+sty Y,Eok, bel •tor, chi, ROO$INO TILU (�,gae Now Will llulldds 49.111 RN owntn, titin, b9 nor first Mbtni',OoilloCo. Oor, Ibes bEb, Eetinra°et furnished for tivorkboml,ISEe ortp� Mbit, 1. sblpSS, S td nor pparrotr rt1ets oounErs.� Plhoobl2db ,AUTHIEd4SSNR,Adslalao&Widmbrbts T / orOntb. _. A