HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-10-21, Page 5On, 21., 1S98 BUSINESS CARDS. 1ONW' TO LOAN AT 1'1;R 1.5- sent, 11. S. SCO'T'T, Brussels, NVIL aloORA.OKEN, • lssurerofMarriage Licenses, 011100 Moll 10 (lr000ry,'J urnborrY street. ]Brussels, k 1 N. BA1t1tETT, dTonsorial Artist. Shop -Next deer . e r titb of A M. Aielfay& Oo'0 hardware atom I.ad les' and ohildrou8 hair elation a 111/001a14 �)IANO O13 ORGAN. Moe Joan AIe40ush110 1)01)11 el 0, L, I,. Harris, Mneleal Doctor, oi' the Conserv- 1, tory onserv,.tory of Sinalc, llanlltsu, Ontario, is pro. pared to give hn0tr1Otione t0pupils on either 1 Euro or organ. Special attention given to teahnt0. L008ou0 given either at the Il mom ei pupils mat 10110/1018 home. 11.11111 ROBERT CUNNINGHAM =MUNCIE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• T. FLETCHER, Issue! of Marriage Licenses, OFFICIO AT JRwoLT1 STONE. t No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels A LEX. IIUNTER, `�..Clerk of the F ourth D1v10lo11 Cour Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public ha Loan stud Insurance Agent, FundsInvested 080811 to loan. 0ollo0Li0na md Lanae in Graham's' Bleak, Brussels AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • ma, will sell for better prions, to 1 attar 11011 111 ass time and less charges than. any other Auctioneer in 10008 Homo rr ho won't charge anything. Dates and orders 011.0 ways be arranged at this office 0r by personal application. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, Pr • Honor Graduate of the Coterie Veterinary College. is prepared to trent all diseases of domesticated animals in a 0001 - patent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at - north oto. bridge or and st ,Brasses doors LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. \AT M. SINCLAIR, BARR2sTER • Solicitor, Conveyancer ,Notary Pub- lio, &c. 00100-Valet0re'e Block, 1 door north of Central Roto Solicitor for the Standard udard Uauk, , t RT T 1J R • N, liior,& la AR S Soliaiim•, aces (late of Harrow & Primate°is Olnce, 0oderich.) 0nloe over 01111es & Smith's 13 auk, Brussels. 17 Money to Loan. — J G. CAMERON, � 'a • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & (01, 0ll)00-111110(000 St,icOpposite00 1' Lorne Hotel MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D,, 0. M„ Trinity University, Fellow Trim• Ity Medical College, Member College of Phy- motuns and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal college 01 Pbyelolaus and Licentiate of Midwifery, I,:dimbarggh. r-a"Telepboue 10,14. Residence, 181111 Bt„ Brussels, E. T. SNIDER. M. D„ 0, M., successor to Dr. A. McIf oll'eY, Licentiate of Itoy al College of Physicians and Surgeon s, Kingston ; afenber of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of W001011 0,114 01111dro11 a specialty. Eight yea's' expo'ieuoe, r 06fOe and res- idence that formerly occupied by Dr. M0- ltelvey,Tnt'n11e'0y street, Brussels, 20- J. M. ARMSTRONG, M.G., M.D., M.C.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR, Bro. Special attention given to diseases of the Throat and Lungs and damns of Women and Children, DISSIDENCE-WALTON, ONT. DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, 1111010IAN, 0131101108 AND 1111001101113111E, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. let Ones Honor Graduate of t110 Unl1Oroi• tine of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Ellington), and of Trinity Medical College i Fellow of Trinity Medical College and member of the 1)111egge of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io, Yost Graduate Course in Detroit and Cbioogo,1801. Special 110100tion paid to die- eaees of Eye Ear, Nose and Throat, and ms - 01100B of Women, 000"Cousultatiou in Eng- lish and Gelman. Telephone tat tesidouce, ' 3oARRS FO.R SERVIOE.-'PI1E undersigned will keep for 0000(60, 011 Lot,0011.4, Grey, a tllur(11 bred improved Yorkshire boar and a thorn' broil large Eng- lish ]Berkshire hog, Podigrcos may be seen on application. "corms, 8100, to be paid at Limo of service, with privilege of returning 11 1)0ao00101'y. ARTHUR SMITH 40.10 Proprietor. .13ULLS FOR SER710E.-TF1] undersigned will keep for sorvloo of Lot 10, Con 10, Gray, the there' bled Fere- lord bull .. ioha'o," Also a thorn' bred Dur- ham bull. Both ore exceptionally lino am- bit als. 0-monis. Terms, 01.00, to bo paid Jan, 1st, 1506, with privilege of returning If 000°0000y. 11.1 OLIVER TUIRNBULL, Prom toter, 1180114,' ar 'f 9 • �i)oa B 1'Ylosplloaiat;', The Great 1108(714018 Remedy. Sold and reoonmended by al' druggists in Canada, Only reit able medicine discovered. Bap ertlea(es punt le& to euro all 'arms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of 00104 41' excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To. Moo, Opium or $timnln.nts. Ma)ied on receipt 5f prtoo, ono 08lingo $1, 01x, $6. One wii11)lease; 4118041 cure.Pn'v'p111ot8 free 00 00v address. ThoWood Company, Windsor, Ont Sid In Blntooie by et, A, DEAr1MAN, ruggiet,llooht1o110r iE Optician, 31i5trict ` l"etu5, BZ(ai.il1Op, Township OonuuiI mot in the Crawford Howie, Dublin, on Monday, 10tH inst. members all present except the Were. 1'he deputy Reeve 11 the Obeli'. . 5110 000e of last meeting read and adopted. Ao g oomtefor gravelling,oInK gravel, lumber,Ser and repairing I s culverts and bridges were . p s sod and pant, amointing Io $'35.00. Tho account of Dr, Burrows for attend - twee on la hire, (41014hbnn 10118 11 Ind until next meeting. As no other matters of importance wore before the Connell, they adjourned, to Meet in Magee Hotel, Walton, on Rowley, 14111 November, at 11 O'olook a, m. .1 NU. (1, oltotses, Qlerk, 's 1 VV.)0,11. LITTLE SCllliilil,1ta.-Pu00 1.11 l'0101'0 11r0 pose organizing 0' Plowman's Aeso0iation at Atwood with it view to arranging for a plowing match this Fall -John, the eldest eon of W. G, Inglis, Elma, io fin proving after n severe attaok of typhoid fever. Murray, hie brother, wits also very ill of inflammation, but has fully recovered, A nurse from the Stratford hospital nursed the children through their ilinoss.-Lemuel Pullen line die• posed of his farm on the fah con„ Elmo, to 11 10 tenant, David Hall, for $1,500. This disposer' of the last of Mr. Pelton's farm property, U f which he possessed nt one time about 400 nores. It is some dears tinge he retired from harming and evoted his whole attention to the pomp business in Atwood. -'rhe water from the well of S.S. No, 5, Elms, having been condemned from a eu0pielon of baying mowed typhoid fever, a sample one sent by the local health °Meer, Dr. Langrill, to be analyzed at the Provincial Board of Health °Moe, Toronto. J. J. Mnolsenzie, the Provincial alaly let, says that the water is very good. -A rather peouliar 101)40nt happened the other evening on the 10th non„ Elmo, to a boy 15 years of age from the Home 111 Stratford, who works for Mr. Krugal. As he was going along Lha roars an unknown man jumped tip from the side of the road, whioh ftighteued the boy eo badly that he had to be carries! home. He has saretlnled at the top of his voice ever Mime. Dr. 1110 Kenzie wile 0101180) in end is 8Ltending him, and is afraid that he will go com• pletely out of his mind. He can be hoard 00reaming for a mile away. i'V i>tr � Ilam . Elliott Bros. are burning another kiln of brick this week. The brickwork of T. FI. Ross' house is being pushed forward this week. Wm. Moore has had a ocher dog end a stone foundation put under his house. • W. Robertson, secretary of Turnberry Agriaullure Sooiety, was busy paying prizes on Saturday. • In a 1(«If•lni)e bicycle race at the Brussels fair on Friday last, Geo. and Chas. Elliot took first and second prizes. Hugh Johnston, of Bluovnle, has bought tint Ben, Motion, of the Saltfod hotel, and took poeeseio0 011 Monday lat. It has been decided to celebrate next l2tH of July in Wingbam. Preparations will be made by the Wingham lodge for a rousing demonstration. W. I1. Green of the Eleotrio Light Woks has been working during tho past week en his lines, peeling the poles, tightening the wires, and getting things into good shape for the Winter. 0. Thompson, of Godericb, and eon, were here on Tuesday. Mr, T. intends Laving his building whioh waslreoeutly in jured by fire, fully repaired. It will in future be •only a two story building, with flat roof, iron siding imitation stone finish. 11. J. Maolvlath will oeonpy hie old stand, re•ope,iug 100 semi as the build- ing is repaired. Piass:AL.-Mre. A. G. Bastedo and daughter, of Ohesley, are visiting Moe. Corbonld at the Bank of Hamilton. - Wm. and Mre. Armour. spent Sunday with friends at Belgrave.-Ifarry Ansley, of Olinton Model school, apeut Saturday and Sunday at his home in Lower Wing. ham. -Dale Irwin, Ben. Mitchell and Chas. Doane spent Sunday in Blyth, - Carl Burkholder and Chas. Moore, vioit• ed Blyth on Sunday.-Mre. Heuston Gibson, of Tornberry, is visiting in Blyth. -Geo. Young Simdayed in Blyth. -Mrs. Ai lhnr Carr and Mies Macpher- son spent Sunday in Blyth.-LornoBrad• win left on Monday for Stratford, where he has secured a situation. -Deva Wells, of Lower WinObom, bas gone to Wood- stock where be has 'moored a situation. - Mrs. Petbiok has returned to London, titter a visit with her daughter Mre. 3. Smith. -Wm. Button had a business trip to Toronto last week. caodevlela. Goourrunns.-•Fred. Shannon has taken a position as bookkeeper ab the Bedford. - Thos. Huoketep has received the appoint. melt of sexton of North st. Methodist ohuroh, Mr. Feagon, the former 0exton, having taken up farming again, -Angus McNeviu has purchased the Marlton property overlooktog the harbor park and W. Green has bought the Haldane cottage fusing the lake. 10, N, Lewis effected both transfers. -Arthur Na0L0l, who hes been (sonnet10cl with A. Munro's dry goods store for a number of years, loft on Monday to accept a position with A. Ferguson, of Stratford. -E. H. Tom left last week for London, where he will attend the Medical College in that oily. - Mrs. Shannon and daughter Carrie, who had been euminerfug at their old home in town, left on Tuesday of last wook for MoBwan, Tenn, -W, G. Coutts left 00 Tuesday of last week for Clifton Forge, Vir[afnia, where he will enter rho employ of his brother, who for seven years hes concluded a prosperous hardware, plonib• Mg and tinning business in that place. - Tho election protest cases for West Huron and South Huron are fixed 1011 October 27tH and Hat neepeotively. They ore to bo tried in Godorich by Justices Faalcon• bridge and Street. -Mr, hillier, retired merchant, Kingston stroob, is as well this season as if he had spent the Winter in L'lorfda,-J. Kernighan, J. P., has resell+ ed to retire frame agricultural pursuits and with Mrs, Ko'nigh on will take up their rooideu°o on Newgate street, -MiGs MoPherson,stenographer for the Hen. demon bioyelo factory, is eejoying her holidays in Saginaw. -The freaks of nature have been many this season, Lyn Williams, one of Professor Grant's botany pupilo, found on the islands near 010 mouth of Maitland a raspberry bush, with Et sprig of bereke ripe and ripening, Then on the first Sunday of Oetobor Mrs, Alex. Kirkbride Went oat before ehuroh time to gatiter a, briquet to take `C'RN BRUSSELS POST I with la•r 08)111 frltnet a bc'antiful white' ewes, rime moons. Julnl Cowen ; ewe peony rues hl full bloom on a bulb which 1au111e Jelin (`owan,'l'h,H 1)fekeou. Ox• 1110 (lot summer -lilts weather had perfect. i ford Povu1 - Aged rout, 'Thus South ; 0811, IL Iillcd the shads with perfume nhearliog 110111, Thee FM1101 ; 110111 lamb, Phos Smith, 1 mrd d ; 'breeding owes, Thos Smith, Geo Loohhond ; owe lambs, Toe Smith. Shropshires-Aged ram, Jae Trim, Con Loohhead ; 'healing ram Sas Trim ]hos Newbi th) • r am Iamb, jos Trim, Thee NewbigKin ' breeding g eweH ,Ass Trim, 'rhos Naw. w• r. , b(ggiuR sheurling 01000, Jas Trim, A Stoveesou ; 0100 lambs, Jas Trim, Thos Nowbigging ; fat sheep, 301111 Cowan, Chas 00e113. PI1t0 -• 3erlothl00e-Aged boar, A NV I 6 Drandenborg, John Cowan ; boar pig of 1898, John Cowan, A. Miller ; brood sow, John Cowan ; sow pig est suckling pigs, J Cowan 1 and 2 Chester Whites -Aged boar, 1) DeQoureoy, A Stevenson ; boar pig of 1898, 1) Do0otreey 1 and 2 ; brood sow, 1) DoConreey, Geo Chapman ; sow pig of 1098, smoking pigs, D DeCom•sey 1 and 2. Yorkshires -Aged boar, A Miller, A Stevenson ; boar pig of 0898, S Peter, Thos Dickson ; brood sow, A Miller ; sow pig of 1808, A Miller, S Peter ; snaking pigs, A Stevenson 1 and 2. Any other breed -Boar pig of 1808, A Miller, D De- Clonrsoy ;• brood sow, A Stevenson, J A Turnbull"; sow pit, D DeCoureey, S Peter ; sucking pigs, A Simpson, 3' 13 Hamilton, jr. Pout,'ras,-Fowl-Plymouth .rooks, I1 Goddard 1st and 2nd ; white Leghorns, D Douglas, 13 Goddard ; brown Leghorns, H Goddard 1 and 2 ; Uamburge, '1' Feb larton jr, D Douglas ; Ooohies A Miller a rk'2 o m e H Goddard 1. and blank K, Spanish, P A KrausMatheson' light Bra ' Wmo t• hman, I' AKraus, (has Ovens Bantams, II Goddard, A Miller ; geese, A Spiller, W Matheson jr ; ducks, II Goddard, A Miller ; turkeys, A Miller, W Hamilton pigeons, 7.' Fullerton jr, Ohne Ovens. Chicles •- Plymouth rocks, II Goddard 1 and 2 ; white Ileghorn0, Ii Goddard, Walter Johnston ; brown Leg. horns, H Goddard 1 and 2 ; Ham. burgs, I' A Brans, I) Douglas ; white Wyandottes, A Stevenson ; Dorkings, H Goddard 1 and 2 ; black Spanish, H God- dard 1 and 2 ; light Brahmas, F A Klaus 1 and 2 ; Langhans, F A Kraus 1 and '2 ; Bantams, D Douglas, A Miller. GnamN.-Fall wheat, red, Peter Erb, Wm Hewitt di Son, Wm Peet ; Faib wheat, white, W Inglis, A Miller, Peter Erb ; Spring wheat, A Miller, Peter Erb ; six rowed barley, Thos Newbiggiog, Arthur Robb, Hewitt ak Son ; two rowed barley, A Miller ; beardless barley, Peter Erb ; blabk barley, 5 Peter ; black oats, A Miller, P Erb, S Peter ; white oats, Geo Ooghlin, A Miller, Geo Chapman ; Barge peas, A Miller, IIewitt it Son, P Erb ; small peas, A Miller, D Douglas, P Erb ; aolleotiou of grain, A Miller, P Erb, S Peter ; clover seed, Jos Horn ; timothy seed, Hewitt & Son, T Dickson, P Erb ; sheaf of flax, W Dickson, H Ron- uenberg ; flint corn, Thos Diokson ; any other king of Coro, J A Turnbull, W 11 McCracken. Roors.-Variety of potatoes. J W Me" Bain ; Beauty of Hebron, 3' W Mol3nin ; Rose of Erin, John Graham, J W 1181o• Bain, Peter Erb ; late potatoes, C Ovens, D Douglas ; early potatoes, Hewitt to Son, John Graham ; Swede turnips, 11 S Ballantyne, Thos Newbigging ; any other kind turnips, 11 S Ballootyne, S Peter ; long red m11ng01dn, W H McCracken, S Peter ; yellow globe maugolds, John Gra- ham, W H McCracken ; red globe elan golds, J Graham, W H McCracken ; ma lgolde intermediate, R S Ballantyne, John Cowan ; field 0arr010, Hewitt &Sou, J Graham ; collection of roots, J Gra- ham, W H MoCraokon. VEGETABLES. -Long beets, J Graham, W 11 McCracken ; round beets, S Ltd. mnncls, Geo Chapman ; Summer radish• es, W 1:I Mo0raolten, John "Graham ; white radishes, John Gowan, Goo Chap. man ; red cabbages, Geo Chapman, 5 Peter ; Winter cabbages, G Chapman, W H McCracken ; yellow onions, G Chap. man, W H McCracken ; large red onions, G Chapman, Mrs McKenzie ; garden car. rots, L Heath, Fred Switzer ; parsnips, J Graham, G Chapman ; Dntoh sets, G Chapala°, W I3 Modrackeu ; cumbers', P Erb, J Henze ; celery, J Graham, J Morrison ; cauliflowers, Mrs MoKeuzie, Geo Chapman ; corn, W I -I IvloOraeken, P Erb, Indian corn, P Erb, Hewitt do Son ; bleak beans, lo Heath, Jas Dun- can ; white beans, Hewitt 4C; Son, J W MoBain ; other beans, Mrs Nixon, F Switzer ; pumpkin, A Miller, P Erb ; squash, A. Miller, John Cowan ; citrons, S Edwards, W Y McCracken ; tomatoes, Mise McLaren, John Morrison ; musk melons, Mre MoKeuzie ; watermelons, H Rounonberg ; collection of vegetables, W H MoOraoken, John Cowan. FRIJIT.-Apple-Dnolt00n, Thos New• bigging, Geo Locbhead ; Alexander, E Edwards, Jae Danbrook ; oolverbs, Geo Lockheed, Jas Duncan ; Lawrence, Wm Matheson, John Gowan ; Snow, Geo Lockheed, J Horn ; Northern spies, L Heath, Thos Dickson ; russets, George Lochbead, W Inglis ; Greeniugs, S Ed• mnnds,.Hewitt 41 Son ; Canada reds, J Duncan, W H McCracken ; Ben Davis, E Edwards, Wm Allison ; orah apples, J W MOBain, 5 Edwards ; colleotion of apples, Howitt etc Son, S Edwards ; peers, J Graham, A Miller ; plume, J Ham• mond, W H McCracken ; grapes, J Outh• borston, J Hammond. DAm1.-Fresh butter, Rev. E A Fear, D Douglas ; bub butter, D Douglas ; home made bread, J Shapman, Wm Holmes ; Bakers bread, 13 R Leak ; 33alcers buns, 33 R Leak ; home made buns, J Graham, Mrs J Switzer ; collo°. tion of canned fruit, J Graham, W H 1MoOraoken ; home made cheese, Mrs Mc Kauai°, D Douglas ; pickles, Mrs W Hole, J Graham ; home made soap, Mrs J Switzer, Jas Hammond ; oxtraoted honey, `V Diokson, Wm Horn ; comb honey, H Goddard, MtcenaNlmv,.-Singleharnes0, team bar. 13000, 0 Prouter, J Hammond, Lames' DRy.tnTnulNT.-Croxy guilt, Mrs Hole, M Hall ; beggar's guilt, H Renton - berg, D Morrison ; patch quilt, T Dick- son, Mrs J Switzer ; oroohot quilt 111 Hail, Mee Batter ; log oabin quilt, M Smith, Mrs F Switzer ; guilt on cotton, W L Holmes, M Hall ;knitted quilt, Mrs Ilala, lvirs If Switzer; counterpane tufted, Mrs T Diokson, G Loohhoad ; fine shirt, hand made, Mre MaKonzie, Mrs Velo find shirt, machine made, 11Irs S Switzer ; gentleman's oohrse shirt, Mies McLaren, Mrs J Switzer ; Wool socks, home knit, Mrs McKenzie, Mro holo; etookFF•ngs, home knit, Mrs McKenzie, Mise I1loLar' on ; darned stockings, Mrs McKenzie, Mre hole ; woolen molts, Mrs MoKeuzie, Mre Nixon; woolen loves, Mrs Hale, Mrs McKenzie ; fancy knitting, Mrs Mo. Kenzie, Mrs Bolo ; ctochat work, Mrs J' 1 ; panels 1 orked Nellie Rogers, MIIal v 10 ,1 g ii•[ Smith •' pantile lYlouryffold, Mrs 8 S i n s painted, Mrs Blaoh111, W II Moaraol(en that fair ()debar shay. 1,avi)y, aplplo0 growing tomato shaped in 1E. 1.Horton's °roharnL•-IL 1. Strang, 13. A., head• master of Codorioh Collegiate Inetitute, hag been elected memberof h Renate l a be i tela nUt the 0 f'Tor n i1 i re's o Toronto u v0 t , Y 0 oe <Iwlcs)t. LITTLE FJ.urrzss,-J, 0, Mose 10 int• proving his prnperty by having a stable ei'eat011 th0l'e01L-'1%g1010,l Dunlop, sou of James Dunlop of the 2n1 ooneeeriou, re. turned to Toronto, to resume hiO al tidies as1be Medical Sohool,-Alexander Orr 011 elided nix third this FHB and showed hie line 1111806 team of medatera, taking three first and three 400,14,1 prized, --Miss 1i1ho:1uda Bricker loft last week for Galt, where we midet.tand eke intends remain. log for 800110 Uma, -Omar 00(0 ban en. "aged with W, 1). Kerr, one pnpnler halter, to learn the bakery bos)nee0.- ls'zra lalehm lista been having u:,u0idorable repairs mode to his harness shop nod re. shim .00. Ile has had the old roof taken off and a tow flat one pot on malting the up stairs rinit0 a bit higher. Ile has also had uuuaido,able (Monaca made in the in• terior of the building -Dr, Speues in triode leaving this week for New York, where bn will spend a 001011)10 el months in atlenrla100 at the Post Graduate Hos- pital. Dr, '14tylor, formerly practising at So)kn k, Ont., will take charge of hie practice duringhis absence,-Willi0m 08]08 u DnI of Newbridge, rs one of the rg t 1not the largest cattle dealer in ha Res r a rx a i thisdlett•iot. He had some fifty cattle delivered to his farm on Monday of last week, which makes him the possessor of 140 fine etookers (all steers). Mr, 3). floes not expect t0 keep them long. -The supper and ontertilinment given by the congregation of the Presbyterian nhnroh on the eveu)ug of the Fell show was a de- ckled ou0000e, Long tables were set in the Arlington Homo, both upstairs and down, and they wore kept full from about 4.30 till eight o'clock. The supper {V 80 an excellent one, fowl being served in abundonoe. The program, whioh was rendered in the church, was enjoyed by those present. Owing to the absence of seams! who were to talcs port, the pro- gram 10100 not all lengthy as was intended. The prooeode amounted to $70. xe Ce1-. E'rcmNao.-Arthur Ramsay loft for Toronto, where he will attend the Vater. inary College. -Miss Hannah Blatobford, who has been visiting her parents, left for Tennessee. -Geo. SV, Ashton, of Davonporb, Iowa, was spending a fere days in town renewing old acquaintances. Mr. Ashton was a former resident of this neighborhood but has not been here for nearly fifty years. -Ed. Bishop left for Toronto to complete his university course. -P. Ross left for Toronto to further rroseente his medical studies. -A num- her of local Wallets mob in the Public School, Saturday, pursuant to notice. Lockhart -Sanders, that the following be the officers of this convention :-Chair- men, W. H. Johnston ; Secretary, P. Gardiner ; L+'xeontive Committee, Miss Ball, Messrs. Creech and Ruseoll. Re- solved that the following act as a eon. mittee for drafting a constitution and for bringing in resolutions : -Miss May Gill, Messrs. Anderson, Lockhart and Delgaty. The following is the program : Infinitives and partioiples by Mr. Russell ; writing by Miss Robertson ; Chautanga, literary and scientific cirole by Mr. Johnston ; salmi law by Mr. Anderson. Discussion followed each of the subjects and the teachers spent a very profitable afternoon. Russell-Delgaty, that this convention moot the first Saturday in November. Lockhart-MoKay, in amendment, that this convention meet the first Saturday in December. Tho amendment carried. Delgaty-Anderson, that this convention adjourn to meet on the above date. -A. Q. Bobier, of Exeter, has entered into a contract to deliver at Dawson City 30,000 pounds of butter, for whioh he ma to re- ceive 910,000. The butter is to be packed in one, two and five pound tins and specially sealed. The process of sealing alone will entail a cost of over $300, as Mr. Bobier will have to invest in a maohino partioularly adapted for the pur- pose. Atwood Fall Fair Prize List. Honsres.-Agricultural-Foal of 1803, Wm Dickson, A MaMano, D Morrison ; brood mars with foal, Wm Dickson, Jas Dnnoau, A MoMane ; yearling filly, 'Wm Diokson ; two year old filly, E N French, Wm Matheson ; throe year old filly, Jae Diokson, W G Inglis, T W Jaoksou ; span of horses, A Hamilton, T W Jack. 000, A MOMane. General Purpose - Foal of 1895, Jas Duncan, J 33 Hamilton; brood mare with foal, A Stevenson, F Switzer, D Morrison ; yearling filly, W Hamilton, 0 Ovens, Wm Dickson ; two year old filly, Jae Duncan ; three year old filly, Wm Wilson, lBobb Pride ; span, R S Ballantyuo,1 W Jaokson, A. Steven. son, Roadster -Pony, 1 and 2, F A Kraus ; foal of 1800, H Zinn, Wm Wil. eon, Mrs Nixon ; brood mato with foal, J Cowan, W E Inglis ; yearling filly, H Ginn, Jos Cater, J A Turnbull ; two year old filly, F Switzer, D Shine, A Steven- son ; three year old filly, W 0 Morrison, A Peebles, 3 A Turnbull ; seddte horse, Jas Diokeou, J 13 Hamilton, sr, A Miller ; single roadster, in harness, R Kidd, D Nichol, Mre Hole ; span, Gomer Green, John Watson,' drubber. Carriage -- Foal of 1898, I'I Zinn, J Cowan ; brood Mare With foal, H Zinn ; yearling filly, J Cowan ; two year old filly, H Zinn, J A Turnbull, W McCormick ; three year old filly, P N French, '1' Attridge, T Robbie ; single carriage horse in harness, H Zinn ; span, Wm Long, J W Boyd, D Shine. Oa'r r,u.-Durhams - Bull any ego, Arthur .Robb, Andrew Stovoesou ; bull, one year old, Jas Dimon ; tniloh oow, A Simpson ; two year, old heifer, Jas Horn, 1st and 2nd ; heifer calf, Daniel Shine. Ayrshiros--Bull any age, 3' A Turnbull, R S Ballautyno ; one year old boll, Trios Di0ltsou ; milcli Cow, Thos Dickson ; heifer Caif, Thos Diokson. Serseye- Mi10h cow,Rev E A Fear, A II Wynn ; yearling heifer, J Morrison. Grades - Mitch 0o1v, J 33 Hamilton, sr, A .Robb two year 01c1 heifer, JasNichol, A Steven- son, Jas Nichol ; yearling heifer, 3' 33 Hamilton, A Robb, Wm Sweatou ; ono year old steer, A Robb, A Stevenson, Thos Sweaton;fat Dow, Wm Swollen, Smow.--Loioestovs- Aged ram, Wm Sweaton ; shoaling Data, Walter John. atop, Jerry Denlar ; rain lamb, John Cowan,+Thos Dickson ; breeding ewes, Jolts Cowan, Thos Diokson ; shoaling table boquct out tinware, 3 Groharn, Mee Masorete ; baud boguet ma flowers, II Uoobbtrd, A Stevenson ; tray cloth, Aries McLaren, 111 1f MoOrackou ; Berlin wool work rained, Al ]lull, Moo Blashill ; liar• lin wool work flat, Mrs 131ashill, H Hall ; table seed, S M Smith, Mrs Blashill ; fauoy pin-ou$ltion, Miss McLaren, Mien Baker ; pillow shams, Mrs Halo, hire Kalb(leisoh ; wish holder, lv] Ira11, Mise McLaren table mats, M S M Smitt ,tollere set, ss Baker, W II Mo. °reckon ; sofa pillow, Mrs Blashill, Miss Baker ; painting on satin, Mrs Hale, Mro Bhashill ; fancy slippers, Mists Baiter. W IIMcCracken ; outline work, Miss" Mo. Laren, J Grahm ; 11 I-Iall, Nei. lie Merryliold ; centre piece, Mee M0 Laren, bI Hall ; oolloctoon of pictures, Mise Balser, 5 M Smith ; collodion of ladies' work, Mies Baker, Mrs Hele ; Roman embroidery, hi Hall, Mies Baker ; footstool, Miss McLaren, Mrs Blashill ; point 140e, M Hall, hlrs Kalbfieisoh ; Moulton lace, Mrs Hole, J Graham ; land. nape painting, Mrs Hele, Mrs Blashill ; °rayons, 5 hi Smith, Mrs Hole ; tatting, 111 Hall, Mro Hele ; netting, Mies Baker, W H MoOracken ; drawn work, M 1).,1, Mrs Hole ; fogey apron, Mrs Hale ; toilet mats, Mrs Kalbfleisoh; M Hall ; tea cosy, 4t Hall, Mrs Hele ; lamp shade, Mies Graham ; fancy handkerobief, ?dies Graham, 184 Ball ; home laundered shirt, W Diokson, Rev E A Fear; photo. graph frame, Wm Dickson, 11L Hall ; pair blankets, 11 Ronnenberg, bliss McLaren ; horse blonliets, P Erb, J Home ; rag carpet,etJHouze Jae Hammon ; floor r mat, Nellie Marr feld,W H MaCaaokeo, woolen yarn, W H MaOracken, J Souza. SPFOIA18O.-Display of goods dyed with Turkish dyes, Mrs A Stevenson, Mre J Morrison ; collection of vegotablee, W H McCracken ; biggest pumpkin, A Miller ; home made broad, Geo Chapman ; heavy draught team, A Hamilton ; collection of maugolds, S Peter ; collection of bacon hogs, J Dickson, Jas Danbrook, Alex Struthers, The Listowel Ag1. 8oeiety is about $71 head this year. The Stratford Choral Sooiety has re- organized. Mr. Tilley is conductor. J. C. Duneeilb, Downie, has Bold his One einetunt carriage mare to Prot. 3'. Gordon McPherson, a prominent Toronto veterinary surgeon. The price paid web 9175, Harry Page, engineer at the Central Creamery, St. alarye, died at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. He had been an invalid ever since he took typhoid fever over three years ago. He was i0 his 23rd y001. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 20, Con. 0, Morrie, the thoro'•bred Im- fproved Yorkshire 13oar, 'Oast Lodge Long- ellow," No. 2.186, bred b J,E, 1Sret8Oue, Bur- st o y of sows will Bur- ford, t whioh a limited Dumber 00 tattoo. Textus, 01.00. to be 001)eld a0 time of service with privilege of returning if nee. misery. A number of choice young sows for sale for breeding 1)urpn01'O whioh ,0.11 be sold at prices to suit 0110 times. 21- 1100'1. NICHOL, Proprietor. WEMILL pros,els Cider Hill and Apple Butter Factory, Mill street, has been overhauled and is now really for oper- ation, Fetch on your Apples. Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Geo. Edwards, •Prop. A. COUSLEY Real Estate 86 Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire ct Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing, A. OOUSLE 1 , Office over Deadman'e Drug Store, BRUSSELS. McLEOD'S System, Renovator '---AND OTHER— TESTED REMED I Eb SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepein, Sleeplessness, Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint,Nenr• algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis', Oen- eumption, Gall Stouee, Jamldioe, Kidney and Urinary Diseoses, St. Vitus' Danoe, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, CODERICH, ONT. S. M. MoLTOP, Prop. and Manufacturer, field 4 Jae, Fox• lamest, ltrueaele, "What's a shoe for?" "To cover the foot?" "The an," "W.rfor a monent se g 1',dl oy Foot, Well I guesslot," shlvare Cold feet "To sell," chuckles Dealer under his breath, '1'O 3'11 PNi o," Slater Shoe blutrtly pots T r "Now cries Corny orn Toe. se sings ol 1 Bunion joint"Who'd a thought it," whined Bunch•o-toes. Are you 110, -shoe wearer. Feet fitters are the genuine, Goodyelir welted, stamped 1' on the sole 93,00, 94.00 and ¢r5F•�o11 per pair. clnr•toouc "The he Slater Shoe." Faee. Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent. BRUSSELS PIT IP WORKS. I with to inform thep reo le of Brueeels and surroundingdietrid that I have 1ur- r ohased the Pump Business of •1Aa811 03 BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either flea work or repair - at moderate prioes. No better Pump in ti,e market. Order left at my chop or residence nr at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. 1St—Orders taken for the Digging of Wella and Cisterns. Gomer Green, MILL STREET, • BRUSSELS. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND•— Norill Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT TEN Brussels Manilla Mills Also Doors and Saab of all Pat t.rus on (land or made to order at Short Notice. b4'timetos Furnished for alt kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AME NT. vomemoreelionsiminomme NEW DIM Sliop I The undersigned hits open- ed up it Butcher Shop in the ma BUM MOLL wiler•e he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the I3est bleats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. S. WALKER. Meat delivered to all Darts of the town. CASH PAID FOR H1DEB. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe effectual. Ladles yur druggist foCook's Colton Root nom. pound. Take no other, as a!Mipills and Imitations are dangerous. Price,No. 1, $1 per box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $e per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8-eeut stamps, The Cook Company 'Windsor, Ont. �eirugistsimended by all renble Dgn Oanade nue. 1 and 2 sold in Brussels by G A, DEAOMAN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician, A Golden Opportunity for Fall Shoppers We have exceptional values in Dress Goods in the following lines :- -Venetian Two Toned Satin' Cloths, Serges, --Crepous in new effects, Braid Effects, Aenriettas, —A.11 Wool Tartans and Plaids and a full range in Plain and Mixed Suitings. 0 For Dress Trimmings We are showing the latest Novelties in —Fancy' Velvets, Silks, Satins and Silk Braids. We call special attention to our fine range of BLACK DRESS GOODS. A.STRACHANO DON'T READ THIS AD And then throw away this paper before you conclude you are losing good money by not buying your DAIRY SUPPLIES from 8e• We are prepared to supply every person with Dairy Cane Palle, Mille Pane and Tinware off all kinds at prices according toquality. Graniteware of all kinds. • HARDWARE. FHvn,g Rapoe.,t (10henbcocot ofgtSatdy eswhenovO your Patronage. Paint Your House with the best weather and water proof Paint in the market. We eel' it. Screen Doors and Windows on hand and mato to ord(n. The best line of Cools Stoves to choose from. Eavetrozcllbi,nj ancZ Repairing, promptly attended to .__,,, N. 13.—Wait for our wagon, it will call on you for your truck in a few flays, Wilton & Turnbitil