HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-10-21, Page 44 b.e RR:ratsseIs most. C'f ID,4 1', OCT. 21, 1898. BLYTH FALL FAiR PRiZE LIST. ITonarss,-Ileavy draught --Tonin, J Rey. Holds, J I' Dale, Salkeld & Son ; brood male and foal, J Shortrmod,1 and 2; mare foal, J F Dale, Jas Evans ; horse foal, J 213ortreed, W Taylor ; 2.year-old gelding, T Braduook ; 2-yoar old Sll3•, A Janor, .7 Reynolds ; 1 year Old gelding t/ Wright, W Taylor ; 1 yoar old filly, J2Dale, 1 and 2, General purpOoo-Team, T Elliott, Jno Coultas, H MORrlon ; brood mare and foal,G Whitley, Levi Trick • mare foal, C Wright, J Leiper ; horse colt, x Atoor, 2nd not known ; 2 year old gelding, W McGowan, A. W Sloan ; 2 your old AllyW Rose, 0 Wright f 1 year Std gelding. G 'Stevenson ; 1 year old filly, 11 ]Perris, L WIltee. Carriage -Team, T Plliotb, Roadsters -Team, 1st not known, J Rey- nolds, W Weir ; brood mare and foal, Scott & Warwick ; horse foal, Jm Smith ; mare foal, T Melon, T Newsome ; 2 year old gold. Mg, not kuowu ; 2 year old 011..7, D Lansi033, J Rliba; 1 year old gelding, Scott & Warwick, TI Lockhart • 1 year old ally, Scott & War- wick,A Walt; efngle driver in bo;.;y, R Bo- Indoo,0 Johnston; eeddlo horse, J J Mo• Laughlin, Harvey Davis ; 4 Dolts, Scott & Warwick; sweepstakes, Soott & W¢rwlok. CAT't'L E.-Tiloro'bred Durham0-.Milch Dow and calf, Jgu H ¢ a11M Hr1 n• k 8n $ak e old d hello n. r, J Snell, laud -, 1 n, 1 old Kerte', .1' Snell 0 Ferris oa'Wallace; 2, 1 and $ ; aged bullar Ferris, ll Walce ; year old bun, J Sh of oth ; bull iste, a Wallace,eedJae Snell, Avg other registered breed, -Milers now, Jno McGregor, J Denholm ; 2 yoar old heifer, J MO Gregor, R 0 McGowan; 1 year oldheifer,JDenhnlm; heifer malt, J Denholm, R 0 McGowan ; bull, 2 years, Jno McGregor, 11 0 McGowan ; bull calf, J McGregor. 11 0 Gowan; best male and 2 femalos,3 Mc- Gregor, Grade-1E11th mow and calf, J Revuoldj, M H Harrison ; 2 year old holier, J Reynolds, l and 3 ; 1 year old heifer, D Soo tt & Son, E H Harrison ; heifer calf, At EL Harrison, 1 and 2 ; steer calf, D Soott & Son ; 2 year old stoor,J Suortreed, J Reynolds; 1 year old steer, A W Sloan,,li H Harrison ; fat steer, T Ross, M 13 Harrison ; fat cow or heifer, Miss Howrie, M H Harrison, Sw00P.-Cntswold-Jia Potter took all the prizes in this class, Leioeeter-Aged ram, J Stroll, J Barr; Rhearling um, J gum], N Coming' ram lamb, J Snell, 1 and 2 ; slloarllug ewes, J Snell, Sanderson & Son ; aged ewes, J Snell, J Sanderson & Sou; ewe lambs, Sanderson & Soo, J Barr, Shropsitiredown-Aged ram, ram Iambs, Cooper & Son; aged owes Cooper & Son, A Duncan ; Obearliug ewes, I Duncan, Cooper & Son ; ewe Iambs, Cooper &Son, 1 Said 2. TabL' y crani lambs r breed. J Tabb, named-Aged ed ewes, sheerling ewes, ewe Iambs, J Tabb 1 Sad 2 ; fat sheep, 3 Coultas, Cooper & Son. wpDoerYbrood] now', gRd Nichol, W NDeer 1 boar, JYctter,W Doer; sow,R Nichol, W 1.)amm, Any large breed -Aged boar, Fisher Bros., A Edwards ; brood sow, Fisher Bros, W Doer t boar, W H Mo0utaheoa, Fisher Bros ; sow, Fisher Bros, 1 and 2. sow, boar, improved0w, W McA111siold', J boar, orrarood ace; pen of pigs, W McAllister, R Nichol. GSalkeld & Sonll wheat, J SalkelMcCallum, Sn,H Edwards; Spring wheat, red, J Salkeld & Son; White Rife Suring wheat, R G McGow- barley,R 0- McGowan, Salkeld&Sono; white oats, A Stafford, Salkeld & Sou ; black oats, J Barr, Salkeld & Son; email peas, Salkeld S3 Son, H Edwards ; large peas, timotby alkeld d; Sou, R G McGowan; red clover W Doer. LADIES' WODL-Flannol sh, Mrs Mon, Mrs 21 Stewart wh Ee tshirt,TMrs m Hamilton, Miss Nott; gents' mitts, Miss Symington, J I orniolr ; pillow shams, Mrs F1 S tewart, Mise Nott; patch quilt in cotton, Mrs T Hamilton. res Gott; sins gent manly, Miss Symington, Alias Nott; sins nni11, miss Symlugton, Mra E Stewart ; knitted quilt, Mias Symi02Eon, Mrs E Stewart; woolen Socks or stockings, Mrs T Homiibon , Mrs (larder. $rMiss Symington ;lr eraaen,, worng on wont, k Miss Symington, Mrs 0 Camnbelt ; ombroid. O Cal pbetlt; embroide•yHon aO111caor0 sa tu, Mrs TO Stewart, Afiss Nett ; Rensiugtou embroidery, Mrs 0 Campheil, M198 NOW Roman embroidery, Mies Nott, W ()reckon; parlor screen, bliss Nott; sots cushion, Miss Nott, T Rrarinock; fancy panel, W H McCracken, Mise Wise ; piano or table scarf, Miss Nott, Mrs 0 Campbell ; drawn work, Miss Symington, W Hartry ; bonitos or point lone, Miss Symington, Aire Carder, Airs ll Stewart(; crock t io a loo, Mfrs 0 Campbell, Miss Symington; 0008'1,1 in cotton, Mre Stewart, Miss Symington in wool, W li McOraokeu, Dr Order ; bid room shop ere, lore Howrie, WE{ EoCreaken fanny toilet set, Arica Wise, T Bradnook ; footstool, Mrs TO Stemarb,. Dr Carder ; ap- plique work, Arise Nott, Mrs G Rtowar; fancy pIO cushion, bliss Nott, W H Mc-, Craoken; fanny handkorahlet ease, Mrs 0 Campbell, W H McCracken ; mould work, Mrs 0 Campbell, Miss S ymio8bon ; suit of ladies' underwear, airs T Hamilton; knitted lane, in cotton, Win Nott, Miss Svmingtnn; knitted or crochet fancy wool shawl, Mise Nott, Mrs 0 Campbel.l,.r• set crochet table mate, Miss Wise, W raa[try; set of table doilies, W H MoOraokeo, Dr Carder ; Bat- tenburg lane, W H McCracken, Mrs Howrie ; fancy glove came, Etas Symington, Mre Campbell tigeeyDsepbel:f uc8 netting, $tr,irHowiO;Cpelrgetle'oyanaffaeaob;nmnse11radaes, Arra Howrie, Dr Carder; fanny afghan, Mre Campbell, W H Mo0raaken # • table centre piece, Mrs T Hamilton, W >Eo0raokon ; table Dover embroidered, MRS Nott, Mtss Wise ; tray cloth,Arise Nott, Mrs Oampboll ; tea 0oaey, Mrs S1ewart,DT Carder; picture throw, Tena. Cooper, Alias Symington ; 13e1.1in wool work gat, Dr Carder, W H Mo. Craoken ; Berlin wool work raised, 1)r Card- er, Mrs Howrie; lamp 9oree0, De Carder, Mies Symington; laundry bag, bliss Nott, MISS W1o0 ; shopping bag, Dr Carder, Mtas Nott • etobing on any material, Dr Carder, Mies filen; knotted bed spread, W Aartry, h13aeWise ; mantle drape, Era Campbell, W H McCracken; collection lady's work, Miss Nott, W H 2lo0raaken, Mrs Campbell, RooTE1,--Late potatoes, R G McGowan, J 13 Tyreman, 1' Metcalf ; early potatoes, F Metoalf, J Grey, W Garter ; collection itOtatoe0, 13 Haggit, D H Lansing, J Grey ; field 022rols, J MoCallum, E Hoped ; garden red carrots, F Metcalf, W Taylor ; Swede tarnipe, W H Mo - Grethen, J Barr ; any other variety, W 12 Mo0raoken ; collection garden pro. duoe, W H Modraclren, Walter Taylor; beets, W Mooraolren, J 33 Tyreman ; aagar baste, W H McCracken, Jos Allan. 003 ; mangold wnrtzele, long, Solkeid & Son, W H MOOraoken ; mangold globe, W H McOraoken, Jae lito0allum ; pump. bins, A Carr, D 11 Lansing ; squad), Mre J S 3iotvrie, W EI Mo0raoken ; red onions, W II blooraoken, W Taylor ; yellow onions, W Taylor, W H McOraok- en ; sliver pickling onions, jos Allinson, W II MoCeoolten ; potato onions, W II MCOraolten, '4V Taylor ; white field beans, 7 Grey, W 13 Mn0raeken ; 0000, Salkeld & Son, J B Tierney ; citrons, Mrs T Hamilton, H; Edwards ; watermelons, G Henry, J Barr ; cabbage, Salkeld Son, W 11 McCracken ; red pickling, Snikkeld & Son, Mre J t3 Howrie ; celery, Jas Mogallor lutt; olhculiliowor,, FTiMe calf, A Stafford. LAM AND PLtovtefo3a. Tub butter, Mre T 7iaulilton, A Garr, Jae MnOal• The free library board re•engaged ,'41fos tam ; amok butter, J Brigham, 7 Mo- King as librarian at an inolOased salary Callum, Mrs T Hamilton ; roll butter, of $121. Mre T I,1amilton, A Carr ; butter In The aeoretary of the Northern Exhibi. prints, 3o. M20511am, A Sart ; dairy tion, Walkerton, reports a balance to the Oben, Miss Symington, Mre 'I' Rami(. Sooiety'e credit of $400. TBiE BRUSSLS POST ton ; extracted honey, J13 Tyretnnn, 17 11,1SISP'l'1111at &FP T1It.` 50 181sT, (lark ; honey in oonrb, W Hurry, J' R •-----. Tyreman ; home made breed, ML's '1' To the Editor of Tun POST; llamilton, W Taylor; plain tea bisonite, Date Sot, --Kindly allow me l0 say 111 W Taylor, T Brudnook ; maple syrup 11171 1'osT a fele words that I hove 00 my 1V 1Vatiaoe, A Carr ; collection oanneti mind, When thinking on the and noel. fruit, .1 A1rey, A'fA'a Bowie ; grape wine, ;lent wile) calmed that pool little Mias WO iee, uo Irwin ; tomato catsup, death, the thought pcoarred to In 111 W Taylor, W 1.1 MoCraoken ;' 01(x0(1 1 le a wonder that there have not piokloe, Miss Nott, Mrs Howrie ; pickles, t moms little boys and girls kUled, 08 any other kind, J Grey, 1 Slid 2 ; baeket ally in the Winter time, I Have nob el,ge, Geo. Powell, J Kerniok. lr['"EiVf:' ..... ...RI'2ACln',8 boy's Hunting and t 7G been Fishing Resorts peal. one Klose 1 Abound in (tilt Kind boys , t at of Nisi( and Gains. dbe neral Open 00:1 u for DENIl, Nov, 101 to Nth In - for (Thant aeon' for DttOKS, Sept, tat to 3)80. the f 16th Inoivaive. Open season for (11;13SE, Sopb. 111h to May let inobleiva, Open 90000n for GROUSE, Sopt,16th to Do, 11th ioolueive. Open season for SAMOS, Open season for I'A2t'DR0DGlg, le to to Deo, 16th. .Caul'.--Apples---.Winter app'ee, b'ail apptoe, Geo Fothergill, Jae Potter ; Bait1 G Fothergill, 11 G M1G0wan ; King of Tompkins, Geo 1'othergill, Dr Card. er ; Northern spy, A W Sloan, J Barr ; Rhode 'Wand Greenicge, J Barr, Geo Fothergill ; Ribeton Pippin, A W Sloan, A Carr ; golden russet, W Weir, J B Tyreman ; Roxboro' russet, J 13 Tyre man, A W Sloan ; Reok•n0•further, Jae Potter, A W Sloan ; Swear, A W Sloan ; Wagner, G Fothergill, J Brigham ; Ben Davis, R G McGowan, A W Mala ; Yandarvero, J Brigham, J 13 Tyrelnan ; Splteeuberg, R G McGowan, A 1V Steen ; Tolman Sweet, G Fothergill, J Grey ; Mann, R G ilfoGowan, W Clark ; maiden binsh, G Fothergill, A Carr ; Snow, J B Tierney, G Fothergill; Duchess of Old. enberg, J Shortreed, Miss Symiaglmt ; Wealthy, R G MnGowen, J Potter ; Canada • a tad JBTer man Carr Y , A col - vert, ' l Braduook, J 13 Tyraniau ; 'Alex- ander, J Sheritt, A 17 Sloan ; 30 oz pip. pine, A W Steen, H Edwards ; any other var101)1, J 13 Tiernay, A W Sloan ; Winter pears, M Lockhart, W Soott ; Fall psora, J Jaokeon, Geo Fleury ; plume, 1? Metcalf, W H MoIlroy ; ool. 1ootion of plums, W H MaOraoken ; tomatoes, A Stafford, W Taylor ; grapes, A Jloobe, Miss Symington ; crabs, W Weir, A Smith ; peaches, Alva It Short - reed, A W Sloan, IIIPLEI1ENTa,—Lumber wagon, Bruns - don & Son ; bob sleighs, Slater & Sims ; iron beano sod plow, Brunsdon & San, C Hamilton ; iron beam general purpose plow, 0Il'amilton, Brunsdon & Son ; gang plow, Slater cC Sims, Brnnedon & Son ; iron harrows, J Phillips, Slater & Sims ; Biagio open buggy, 7 Ferguson ; single oovered buggy, Ewan & Innis, J Fergus. on ; cutter, Brunsdon & Son, Slater & Sims ; set horse shoes, Slater & SIms, J Phillipa ; set trotting horse shoes, Slater & Sims, J Pflillipe ; iron pump, D Showers ; wooden pump, D 131200ing. star, D Showers ; farm gate, H Edwards; stove and furniture, Deustedb Bros; Cooper's work, 17 Taylor ; saufller, Brunsdon & B011 ; churn, 0 Hamilton, W Taylor ; post.hole auger, Mrs E Stew- art, D Roadhouse, MANDFACTDRE0—HOme made all wool flannel, Miss Wise, Mise Nott ; anion flannel, Miss Wise, Mre Stewerh; all wool blankets, Mies Wise, Mies Nott ; anion blankets, Miss Wied, J Kerniok ; horse blankets, Jas MoCallum, Mrs E Stewart ; coverlet, Mies Wise, Mrs E Stewart; rag mat, W H MoOraoken, Mee Nott ; yarn mat, Alias Symington ; rag carpet, Miss Wise, Mrs T Hamilton stocking yarn, Mra T Hamilton, Mrs T MoCallum ; coarse boots, J Sheritt ; gent's boots, J Sheritt 1. and 2 ; single harness, J T Carter. CHILDREN'S DEr,RTIIEer—Hammed handkerahfefe, Mary Barr, W H Mc- Cracken ; darning on socks or etookinge, Mrs Howrie, 19 Hartry ; oroohet work in wool, MISS McCracken, W Hartry ; crochet in cotton ; W Hartry, Mrs W H McCracken ; panel! drawing, Myrtle Livingetoue, Jno Gray ; dressed doll, m Barr, Elsie Kelly ; woodwork, W Hart ry ; plain sewing by child under 8 years, B B Laidlaw, W Hartry. FINE Anis. - Calleetion oil paintings, Devizes ; M. Doherty, Clinton, Gentle colleotion water oolor paintings, figure men- J din S. Bennet, Stratford • Win painting in oil, figure painting in water, 1V1a1`ieil, Embro ; W. 111, 11tartin, 1'a1'' Dolor, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mre Dr Carder ; animals fn oil, W H McCracken, Mrs Carder ; animate in water colors, single picture in oil, single pioture In water oolore, pencil drawing, paatelle, oolleotion of pen and ink eketohes, Mrs Campbell, Mee Carder ; crayon drawing, A Stafford, Mre Carder ; painting on potter Mre Carder, Mre Campbell ; painting on silk, satin or plush, Miss Symington, Mrs Carder ; painting on glass in oil, Mies Symington, Mrs Campbell, PLANTS AND FLOWER;,-0olleotiod foli• age, „eraaiums in bloom, hanging baeket, Dr Carder ; funbiae in bloom, W Carter ; best display or plants in flower, W Oar - ter, Dr Corder, Cut Flowers -Table baguet], F Metoalf, A Elder ; hand briquet, Dr Carder, F Metoelf ; ahlias, W Coming, SCIioOL CHILDREN'S Oo1MPETITION. -- Writing by children under 13, Jos Bell ; by children under 10, Myrtle Rosa, Dottie Cowan. POIrLTRr,-Bronze turkeys, W Wel- lace, D Showers ; turkeys, any other kind, D 3 Lansing, G Irwin ; geese, large breed, G Irwin, 1 and 2 ; geese, email breed, R R Laidlaw ; Roaon duke, G Ir. win, W Wallace ; ducks, any other kind, G Irwin I and 2 ; Legborne, any variety, W Wallace, J H Fisher ; Roudans, W Oarter,1 and 2 ; Brahmae, any variety, J [i Fisher 1 and 2 ; black Spanish, G Irwin 1 and 2; Minoroae, Mrs J S How- rie 1 and 2; Hamburg!), J H Fisher, W Garber ; Laagsbano, J H Fisher, W Tay- lor ; Dorking, G Irwin, J H Fisher ; Wyandotte, J H Fisher 1 and 2 ; Andn• lueiane, Newton Davis, G Irwin ; black breasted Red Game, J H Fisher 1 and 2 ; Buff Coobins, G Irwin 1 and 2; Partridge Ooohina, G Irwin 1 end 2 ; Bantams, G Irwin, J' II Fisher ; Poland, W Carter, 1 aid 2 ; Red daps, W Wallace 1 and 2 ; Plymouth Books, Newton Davis, J H Fisher ; oolleotion of pigeons, Newton Davis ; collodion of fowl, W Carter, J Barr ; Guinea fowl, G Irwin, .1 II Fisher. Sbner,tr, Pnizos.-Lady driver, single rig, W Dale, Wee Hamilton ; best mer. obant'e display, 0 Hamilton ; to 'harness horse and hitch to single rig and drive onoe around the ring, '1V Dale, L Tether. JvnaEm,-Heavy horoee, J Avery, J F Bell. Light horses, J Knox, F MaDon• agli. Cattle, 7 S Brown, Neaferth ; I Fisher, Benmiller. Piga, J d Tuck, Ed Bal. Poultry, 0 0 Wilson. Sheep, W Coultas, W Michie, Implements, Peter Scott; W Dare. Grain, J L Eidt, Auburn ; J Ireland, Blyth, Roate, A W Sloan, Blyth ; Robb Medd. Dairy, Mrs T MoFadden, Grey ; Mre J Kelly, )3lyth ; D E Munro, Auburn. F1'ait and flowers, 1T E Heuston, Exeter. Manufactures, R Morrison, Mullett ; Mre 0 Robertson. Trine arta, miss Graham, Clinton. Ladies' work, Mre Shorts, Mise Rose, Auburn. thing to say lu favor lit a,treleae, res or furioue driving on the street, a think it is very wrung and dangerous also think it 1s n0t ex/early right for or glrlh of 8 yearn to be on the elm half past 8 at night, molten they .heal in bed, 1 think the farmers in g° will say with ole that there is no need little hire and girls going to mast (Arm. re teams when coining into town in the Winter ae they have been in the habit of (131n52nd then hang on to tate sleighs in nruwds. It did not matter ,vhatller the rig wag single or doable, the 1oa 1 heavy r'r light, and epparentl bhay seldom o mdid srea the state of roSdd, the unisaum, to both teamster beam, or the d.tngsr to their Own lite limb. Some year0 ago some boys p tioerl going 10 meet teams in the Wit time at Seeforth and one of them foil a load of square timber and had the crushed )e out of 111111, Now i fare would try the right way I think they co stop that nuleanoe and danger, and 1 h they will. Yours truly, A FARMER. Wit aro unsurpaaead and that tllo Hunting and Fishing Guide and all inform., Slid aEton from any agent lit brand Trunk Bail. and 010• J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels, iter GEO. HEMI), " Ethel. nil life eta uld o;le Uttunti Stn Niwwee. The King's Daughtere met at Stretford this week. Steatford's population has fallen off 162 during the past year. The South Perth election case was adjourned until Nov, 11. North Perth Agricnitnall Society fa about $400 behind as a result of the Fall Fair, Tbo Avonbank Cheese and Butter Oo are putting 111 another new separator. They will make things hem this Fall with three eeperators running. Mrs. James Ogilvie, of Hull, hoe died as the result of eating a quantity of haws. The haws were eaten seeds and all, internal troubles followed, and after lingering in great agony she died. Three months ago a one•legged tramp shot dead Policeman Toohey,' in London. The other day the murderer, named Madre Brown, was arrested in Washing. ton State. He will be brought beck to London. Brown is the forty-third one - legged tramp that has been arrested be- fore the right men was Bemired. The rate war 28 still unsolved, and the 0. P. R. nom blames the G. T. 1t. for the continuation of the cut, Mr. McNiooll, of the 0, P. R , says when the G. T. R. ceases eelliog tickets to Manitoba al less than the regular fare his company will be prepared to do something towards re- storing the local rates. There is no kick coming from the travelling public. A Toronto lady went to the water tap the other day to draw some water, but found the liquid would not flow. Lesv' ing the tap open a few naivetes a black snake, eighteen inches in length, fesoed forth. If that's the kind of water they have in Tor into it's luoky they didn't gat prohibition. The snakes tbet whiskey produoe are nob much larger than tltat. The Ontario Normal College at;Ho.mil. ton has opened with a large number of students. Following are some from this district; Ladies -B, Laoaa, Stratford ; J. Cameron, Mftahell ; M. Skelton, God. °rich ; J. Robertson, Exeter ; S. Hardie E. E. Irvine, Sb.Marys; Wm. Aberhardt ; J, McKinley, Seaforth ; W. 0. Merger, New Dundee ; W, J, Elder,3Hensall. At Odgonde Hell, Toronto, Saturday morning, Justice Maolennau end Jostioe Order disposed of 22 election petitions iu BS many minutes. Tho following pe• linens .vera diemiseed by oonaent Weet Hamilton, East Hamilton, Priuoe Edword, West Durham, East Middlesex, Dundee, South Norfolk (cross petition), Linooln, Fronteaao, South Waterloo, Ad. dingtoo, East Hastings, South Brant, Monok, West Kent, Welland, West Haetinge, Centre Bruop, South Went. worth and South Norfolk. SUDDEN DEATH OF AN EDIT05.-Jel111 Jef• fere Clarke, editor and proprietor of the Tiverton Watchman, died at his home on Ont. 7111, aged 32 years. Deemed met hie death by aooident. On Tuesday afternoon he had his horse out and was driving Mrs. Gam. Walker towards Lover. huroo, that lady being in searoll of a pari to mishit her at the hotel on Friday, ex hibitioo day. The horse was spirited and in making a turn cramped the buggy and threw the occupants out. Mr. Clarke Amok the gronnd heavily with hit head and was partially stunned. Mre. Walker eeoaped with alight injury. Mr. Clarke soon recovered and attended to hie work aa usual, and as secretary of the agrioul• Lural ;moiety was kept oloeely engaged in perfeotiog arrangements for the exhibi- tion. Later he Buffered with a severe pale in his bead, parelyeis of one tide followed and on Friday at noon he pass. ed away. The funeral on Sunday after noon was conducted by the Mnennio order, and in the cortege there were over one hundred Masons in line. AN IOIPROMPTU SOLO. -There was a fee, tore in the last Sunday evotiug 00rvioe at the Windsor Avenue Methodist chetah, reports the Windsor Record, of whioh no intimation was given the pester. In foot it Wall purely impromptu. While Mies Goillot was rendering her solo, "By the Watere of Babylon" there floated through the open windowe from the parsonage on the next lot the tones of a child soprano, sweet and pure as a eilver bell, and the burden of Geo melody WSW "Jesus loves me, thie I know, Fur the Bible tette me so." After the echoes of Mee Gaillot's fine vofm had died away, and a hush had fallen on the congregation, the infant voice 000tinued the eorrg, and the people listened with keen attention, while a ripple of amusement was evident. A glance at the pulpit also allowed that the stalwart 000upnnt manifested some un- easiness, 'Th10 embarrassment wag markedly inoreaeed, when the sacred Rang wee suspended and three infantile voiese broke forth with "Down on the Wabash" white the amusement of the congregation took an audible form. "That is the disadvantage of (laving a large family, and living next door to the oheroh," said Rev, Mr. Livingston, It may be said that the pastor hag eleven ohildron, and the majority of them were fn ohura11, OCT. `«',1, 18118 Our Seasonable New Styles are Bound to Please Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt. Call and see. our stock of Blankets, Sheetings, Flannels, Tweeds, Yarns,[[,�{ Etc. Wool, Bides, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, etc , Promptly attended to at the BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL. lural➢fie 1 • Don't go there for money when y 03 can make it at bane by buying pier 13ao ljls AND AT Shoes ares. x'S3ftlan Mitchell's Cash Boot and Shoe Store, ETHEL. have 0aw a full stock of Ready -Made Boots and Shoes of all sizes from Wattle up, at lowest prices poeeible. All Ripe repaired Free of Charge. Please call and gel Prioes. 13.---12epairing of Boots, Shoes and ll.rnese promptly attended to. Geo. IL l�itcholl, 1'c oprietor, Ethel. Lumber and Shingles FOR SALE. First °lase Cedar Shingles, $1.00 per square Seoond.oiaos " 00 Maple Flooring $10 00 to $10 00 Ash, all kinds 10 00 10 00 Pine 14 00 18 00 Custom Sawing and Planing clone on shortest notice. Bills cut to order. You will find the prices right at the Ethel Saw Mill. S. S. COLE, PROPRIETOR, ETHEL. ...THE... Western Advertiser we1899nr Only Seventy-five cents -T o-• January 1st, 1900. Now is the time to subscribe for the best Weakly Paper pub- lished in Ontario. Write for our Low Clubbing offers, ADDRESS LONDON, ONT. OUR C AU FALL STOCK 08 FULL tF A;CAIN8. It is a splendid Assortment of the Latest Styles and the Finest Grades all mark -ed at the Fairest Figures and Combined to 111a11e A Popular Success ---A Money -Saving Triumph. Come in and choose from Right Up-to-date Styles and Nice, Practical Selec- tions of Good Serviceable Goods. You can't help being pleased with our Common -Sense, Popular, and in every way desirable line of CIo�Vi��, ,Co AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. _ Remember, every Dollar spent with us for these Goods will bring you I ALL 111e value and merit 100 cents can buy. ILL: _ We show a Superb Stock which includes only Goods of Ap- proved Worth and Superiority. Ordered Clothing Department. Our Suitings, VA: to order, are the newest and finest goods for the money ever shown in town. They should he seen to be appreciated. Some people will ask $10 for inferior goods, but our opportunities for buying give us chances for great snaps. Our range of fine Scotch Suitings is not equalled outside the cities. Our Low Prices Prove that we Give the Bargains of the Season. Nothing we can say will convince you like our Goods and Prices themselves, so Come in and letthemdoubt" show you that "Beyond the shadow of ait pays to trade with rrHF T-eJ .-a 3:31 rrG criomHi HIRS. MONEY 2110 LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 ear 64. Per Cen•l., Yearly. 0 Straight Loans with privilege of repaaoing when required. Apply to A. Hunter. Division Court Clerk, 89.7488012. PICOSI '114 i111rt tt1rg a well mai% of Y0171 MOM 00000008 TRE ABOVE REBOL1e 1N F0018 WEEKS. PIOo5I curse all Nanous Llaoesco, Sleepless. torrb0000aumlma otency, OA,, onue00 by 1� ebn hoe etvoe vigor and BI00 to ehrunkon 1Rmo, ancf gtdokly but sorelyy estheroe LOB'' M,tNn000 to 01,0 or ung. na0 FIOOEI and you win Glow Arnott andbnppy egota, eoot by mall !n plum wEEppor and securely Oerlod.2rom 0000012)00 Needy carried In vont 300206 Prloo•,ai, a 13a0llagq a1E for'#. Be0d money to either ordlnnrtyy EDP al loan', Addroee all lettere to J. T, Pr 1110 00. Druppes WOODRTOmE, OWL, 5001 300 Ea0 DO. 9010100 o Canada. r. - .E VER Y GOOD THING Coate an effort and reading my ads is the price you pay for the Perch - aging advantage you possess over yrur less enlightened neighbors. NO GUFF GOES WiTH US. Honest trading needs no taffy. 1 do not tall( customers into buying, L do not have to, the geode talk and oaetomere take tho goods on their own Bound llldg• meet. All Simmer Goods At and below Coat. Most be cleared out, Fall goodie arriving. A frill line of the beta Gr000riee in the market, Nothing bot the finest goods kept. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. tr. a Skene. ENGINE CLEA6INC SALE OF n For nety Days. Colne and test the truth of the above statement. STAPLE DEPARTMENT. Best Indigo Prints, frill width, regular 12,dc for 9e ; best Eng- lish Prints, in light grounds, regular 100 for 7?c ; Heaviest Cotton- ede macle, regular 28o for 22c ; best Indigo Shirting, regular 12.40 for 10c; TJnion Table Linen fine finish, regular 80c for 221c ; 18 inch Pure Linen Towelling, regular 12ic for Sic. DRESS GOODS. We are selling many lines in a great variety of designs and colors at half their real value. RIBBONS In all colors, quarter off in silk and satin. 1.O0 MEN'S SUITS Regular $7.00 for $4.50, Alan's Linen Collars, 8 for 25c. Pure Sills Ties, assorted colors, 2 for 25c. Como with the Crowds to ...:_ SEA `'ORTH. The Corner Stove,