HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-10-14, Page 10S THE BEU6SI LS P0.61' OcT, :14, 1898 BICYCLES CHEAP, sop; Will bNew Gent's Cemyear, (+en- 41� teed Perfect. Il Will buy a. Lady's Crescent Bi- cycle, A ince ranuing wheel. These are Bargains. Any Lady or Gentleman not having mod this Elegant Breath Perfume can have a Sample Paokage Free. Full Packages 5 Cents Eaoh. SEN -SEN Chewing Gum Same Price. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 800THE0N EXTENSION w. O. & 11. Trains Leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : GOING Norma. GOING NORTH. 0x60888...... 7:10 mon. I Neil 2:3o p.m Bleed 9:41 a.m. Express 10:18 p.m are Reb3s tt.nts. A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faibh he'll prent it. Toe shop windows of Gerry Broil. and R. Leatherdale with their comic get up attracted a good deal of attention on Fair Day, MESSRS. HcarT a4/ WABWICII took POPS lilt prizes and three 'Jude at Blyth Fall Fair on "Costumer" colts. At Brussels they took five late. Oue thanks are due to the Misses Scott fora fine sprig of heather direot from Scotland, also a sample of genuine short bread from the land o' cakes.. A PERSON would hunt a good while be• Pore they will find a neater span of road• star horses than Gomer Green's team. Ile took the red ticket at Listowel, At' wood, Goderioh, Be)grave, Bruseele and Dungannon, He took lab wherever he exhibited, D. A, Lownx, of London, has parches. ed the house and lot East of the Maitland, known ae the Town property, from Alex. Ellis, of Brussels, and will move hie family bank to town before the close of Ootober. He has disposed of hie new brick resident's in London. The people of Brussels will extend a cordial greeting to Mr. and Mrs. Lowry and children on their return to this place. MONTHLY HORSE 1010.—Following out a custom in vogue for yearn the monthly Horse Fairs will be resumed in Bruseele on Thursday, Nov. 3rd, and will be con, Burled eaah month until the opening of Spring. As in former years the beet local and outside buyers will be notified as to the various Faire, and no effort will be spared to make them as enoossefal as possible, Our record is A 1. GOING TO AYLIIER, QIIEBmo: R. S. Pei. ton, of the Atwood Bee, bas sold out and has purchased the Gazette, published at Aylmer, Quebeo, and will take immediate possession. Mr. Pelton, who served hie apprenticeship on Tae POST, is an inde• fatigible worker and the Aylmer people will find him as etraiglot as a string in all hie dealings. We wiehhim 8800888 in his new home. Aylmer bas a population of about 2000. Pnizm WINNERS. — Messrs. Ewan & Iunee, carriage makers, Brussels, have had a very successful run of prize wino• ing this Fall. At Wingham they took let on a top buggy ; Belgrave, let on buggy and let on cutter ; Blyth, 1 & 2 on buggies ; and Brussels, 1 & 2 on top buggies, 1 & 2 on nutters, let on phtnbon buggy and let on road cart. The 2nd prize buggy at Brussels was sold to Nathaniel Harris, of Belmore, for $90. Messrs. Ewan & Innes are to be con- gratulated on their emcees and the firm deserve credit for the excellent display mede. G.T. R. Norms.—During the past week the shipments from Brussels G. T. R. bave been, 6 oars of apples by Jae. noes, of Exeter, destined to Manchester, Bug - land ; Manitoba and the II. S. ; a ear of cheese ; 4 cars of salt ; 2 care oats by Robt. raham ; Geo. Best 1 oar cattle ; Olegg & Dames, 1 oar lumbs and 2 care of cattle ; R. Ferguson a car of lambs. In care of coal ht were 4 cr freight the incoming g potatoes for for Gerry Bros. ; g oars p Brisker & Vanetone ; a car of Manitoba wheat for W. F. Stewart ; a car of grapee for J. Roes ; a car of brick for Alex Mo - Neil ; steam thresher and engine for Mr. Pope.—Way freight has been heavy.— Wm. Miller 1s officiating as Section boss during the illness of Ino. McKenzie. A Pew POCKET NARBED AND LosT.—On Fair day two eliok young strangers visited Brussels and put up at the "Queens.". Oue of them made himself acquainted with Wm. Bennett, of Grey, and stated that he was an employee of the Standard Bank, Banesele, end want- ed to. borrow $10 from him. Mr. B•, like many another trusting individual, obligingly handed over his cash. Later in the day, on the Fair ground, Mrs, Thos. Ennio, of Grey, felt somebody med- dling with her dress and grabbed a young man who had captured her pocket book. He made off with the money. Mrs. Cameron, of Morrie, was also relieved of her pocket book containing $20 whioh no doubt went into the hande of the same gang. In the evening Mr. Pocket -picker was apprehended at "Queens" and identi• fled by Mrs. Ennis. He acknowledged the theft. He was taken charge of by Constable John Wright and taken to the Town Hall and Mr. Eanie nought the Reeve to lay information against the thief. Mr. Wright took his prisoner up. stairs in the Town Hall where he was lighting the lamps for the concert that night. Mr. Thief made his 'way to one of the windows and before be could be nabbed had jumped out, 16 or 18 feet, at the North side of the Hall and in the darkness made hie escape. He was a very oheeky onstanter and it is a pity he got off ae easily as he did. CONOEBT,—The connect announced for Fair night was not given owing to the Company missing the train at Guelph, to their dieappointment and that of the Tam POST gives the news. Tun Faire are over for another year. FALL Fair news takes preoedence this week. 181100 School Board on Friday even. ing of this week, A NEW cellar is being put under D. 0. Roes' residence and a furnaoe placed. Tun Reeve, Clerk and Assessor selected the Jurors for the coming year last Mon- day evening. Tan new rectory for St. John's thumb has received the first coat of plaster and will Boon be ready for habitation. ANY person desiring deer hunting certificates may secure them from Barris. ter Sinclair who to aetieg in the room of Robt. Watt. J. N. KENDALL, station agent, is having the building formerly known as the "Revere" House, transformed into a residence and will move there. Semmes rate of taxation for 1898 is 19 mills on the dollar. B. Gerry has been appointed Collector and all taxes not paid before Dee. 16thwill haves added, the same as last year, A naxr.0s obimney sweep from London was doing Biennia on Monday. Gentle• men of Dolor are quite a novelty in Brus- sels and we don't suppose you could scare up a half dozen in Huron Go. BBDsemLe Evaporator has handled about 4,000 bushels so far this season. They run night as well as day and aver- age about 150 bushels per day. Masers. Mahler are asking for 10,000 bushels of apples for which they will pay the cash On delivery. Paenn WINNING,—There ere few men in Huron county who have been as long in the Fall Fair prize winning business ae W. H. MoOraoken. He is something like Tennyeon'e "Brook," "Men may come and men may go, bat I go on for- ever." This season with three Faire on the same day, be secured the following prize tickets :—Brussels, 40 ; Listowel, 46 ; Wingham, 26 ; Fordwich, 21 ; At- wood, 22 ; Blyth, 34.—Total 189. 51108110 A TIoaoT.—The Citizene' En- tertainment Committee have deoided to continue the sale of the Ooureeitickets during the month of October, the fee be- ing reduced to 41.00 for adults and 600 for children for the four remaining Con. tette. This gives a reserved seat at the low price of 26 and 15 eeete, respectively, and allows the holder ample opportnuity iu selecting his seat from the plan which will not be open to the general public' un- til three days before date. The next en- tertainment will be an illoetrated lecture, with magnifloent views, by Frank Yeigh, of Toronto. Nobody should mien it. Date will be in November, and will be announced next week. AoomnNr.—Last Monday forenoon Beatties''bus steam was bitched to the baggage von and some baggage was being planed on it at the Queen's Hotel. The horse took it into their heads to run away and with two little lads, Roy Roach and Cleve Denbow aboard, started off. BALANCE of 1898 free to all new sub. eoribere to Tom Poor eubsaribing for 1898, Don't borrow any longer, GET a tioket for the Citizens' Enter. tainmeut Oonree, Four first-class eon. 08018, reserved seats, fur only $1.0)). AT the next regular meeting of Court Prinoeee Alexandrine No. 24, 0. 0. 1., Bruseele, which will be held on the 26th feet„ a debate will take plane on the sabjeot "Resolved that it would be in the interest of fraternal Societies to put them on the actuary basisof assess. menta," There will be three speakers on nob side, the naptttine being W. 11, Kerr and Geo. Rogers. A Pnmtoel90 700NG MAN DIIRS,—Fol- lowing the sad news of the 00rlon4 ilhtes° of Thos. A, MaLauohlin, at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., 08(08'0 telegram on Satur- day from Dr. Gibson, of that town, and n nephew to Mrs, A. Reid, formerly of Bruseele, stating that about 12 o'olook Friday night the vital spark bad fled, Bemused had gone to Sault Ste. Marie on Aaguet 28511, and taking the Principal- ship of the East end school on Sept, let had taught up to the Tuesday prior to his death. Diabetes was the cause of bis deoease and for two or three days he lay le that come state peouliar to the disease, passing away without re- covering consciousness. Hie father left Brueaele Friday nighe and took the steamer "Manitoba" at Owen Sound Saturday afternoon, at 2 p. in., arriving at Sault Ste. Marie on Sunday about 10.80 a. m. He was made acquainted with news of hie son's death before leav- ing Owen Sound, As is almost invari- ably the case in snob circumstances the greatest kindness and interest was taken in the sink young man and Mr, and Mrs. Robertson, where "Tom", ae be was familiarly called, boarded, Dr. Gibson and Lawyer Uriah MoFaddsn, formerly of Brussels, and others were unremitting with their attention during the short nees. Monday morning about 10 o'clock, after a brief funeral service conducted by Rev. Mr. Donnan, assisted by the Eng- lish church minister, the remaine were placed on hoard the 0. P. R. steamer, Athabaska" and a start was made for Owen Sound. Owing to rough weather the boat was delayed and did not get to port until the morning train was away, necessitating Mr. MoLauohlin's remain• ing over until the evening, reaching Wroxeter ehortly after 10 o'clock where the hearse awaited them and conveyed the body to the family residence here. Deceased was born in Grey township but spent the most of his life in Brussels. After securing a Brd class certifioate from Brussels Public' school he attended Goderioh High school for a term and got bis 2nd. He taught euooeeefully iet Wel- ton for 2 years ; then went to the Nor- mal at Torouto and with his professional oertifioate spent 5 years iu Bruoefleld where be did excellent work and made many lusting friendships. Mr. Mo• profession in a theMedical Launhlin had P o view a took another term at Goderioh Collegiate preparing for matrioulation. The Fall of the eame year he took charge of the Model school in Elora. On his return at Chyla man the ' t first indication of failing health wee noticeable and by medical consultation, it was discovered that Diabetes was doing its work. By rest and the beat of Gere and treatment be regained hie health so that he felt quite ready for resuming work when the position offered at Smelt Ste. Marie. Tom was a bright, gentlemanly young man ever ready to do a good turn for everybody and enjoyed the esteem and friendship of both old and young. He was always interested in the promotion of every good cause and in church, society, Sunday school and temperanoe lines was a faithful and energetic worker. The funeral took plane on Wednesday afternoon and was largely attended. Rev, Jno. Rose, B. A., conducted the service. The pallbearers were Murray Gibson and Jno. Snider, of Bruoefleld ; J. H. Camer- on end Alex. Rose, of Brussels ; and Frank MoLanchlin, Wingham, and Jno, B. MoLanoblin, cousins to deeeased, Beautiful floral wreaths were placed up. on the casket. One of white roses with C. E. on the bar from the Christian En• deavor of Melville Ghurob ; one with the word "Oomrades" from Brussels Foot Bail Club ; one with "Cousins" from 20 cousins ; and an anchor from Brncefield friends. Deceased carried an insurance policy of $2,000 in the Confederation Life Assomation on his life. Mr. and Mrs. MaLauohlin and daughters are deeply sympathised with in their bereavement of their only son and brother. Special sympathy is felt for Mies Mary, (who re- oe0tly went to Roseland, 13. 0., and was consequently unable to get bo the funeral. Cleve. decided that he would be safer on audience as well. To show that they the ground so jumped off but Roy re. were determined to keep faith with the maiued on the rig until it collided with a publlo, the talent Dame on to Brussels by telegraph pole near the Town Hall, when the late train and decided to give their he was unceremoniously pitched off. It program on Saturday evening and al. was feared that he was serioaely injured though the audienoe was not large, owing but after the shook the young lad was to the short notice ; the fact that it was very little tbe.worse of his escapade. We Saturday night, and the Macy enter• are not guessing when we state that no tainment billed for the following Tues• horse should be left on the street untied day, the program wan presented in a most and eeoondly that the young lade who pleasing and highly oreditable manner. often ride backward and forward on these It was ea follows :—Piano solo by Mies conveyances should be kept on terra Dora Auger; song, "Soldiers of the firma in future. Human life is too dear Queen," Mr. Turton ; reading, "The to assume the stets taken in instances Reading Claes," Miss Annie Snyder ; like the one recorded in this item. solo, "Sing Go,' Mrs. Seymour Hambly ; Bea Houeio.—Dispite the ruin of Twee- solo, "Jack's the boy," Mr, 'Lorton ; day a large and entbusiastio audience fill- reading, "Saunders MoGlashin'e Court- ed the Town Hall at the initial concert of ship," Mise Snyder ; solo, "Una Vooe the Citizens' Entertainment Course that Poco Fa," Mrs. Hambly ; solo, "Their evening. Mr. Macy, of New York, had heads nestled closer together," Mr. 'Tee- the program in band and in song and ton ; reading, "Widow Tubbs at the Sew• story presented an excellent and varied ing °(role," Mise Snyder ; duett, "Life's elocutionary and musical bill of fare tbat Dream is O'er," Mre. Hambly and Mr. was most heartily enjoyed by all. His Tnrton, The audience was enthusiastic readings were :—"Specimen of Reading and repeated recalls were made and very class" ; "Signe of the times" ; "The old abeerfnlly responded to. Mrs. Hatnbly man and Jim" ; "The morning gall" ; has a clear, sweat flexible voice, with "Uncle Bemue; "The Swing' ; and first-class enunoiation, and will always "Old Ace." In song he gave, "Friar of be a favorite here. She well eeeerves the olden time", a "pathetic" ballad ; "The many commendatory words she hag re - Christ child" ; "8ille'a prayer" ; "A so- oeived. Mies Snyder was quite at home oioty nigger" ; "Simon the Oellarer" ; in her seleotione and in the "Sewing Cir• and a couple of songs illustrative of ole" and "Reading Class" particularly darkie character. His beet numbers, to slowed to good advantage. Mr. Turton our aotlon, were "The old man and dim", bas a splendid baritone voice, of good "The Swing" and "Old Ace", while in oompase, and gave his numbere 10 first. song "The Christ child" and "The olase style. Hie gong 'stories are a new Friar" were our favorites, Mr. Macy is an entertainer in every respect ; perfume - ed of an excellent voice ; au inimitable mimic and impersonator ; and of fine phyeigoe. He spares no pains to pious hls audience and auaceeds without any deebb. Miss Jean McLaughlin presided at the piano in her usual peofioieat man' her. Mr. Marty WAS at Teeswater on Wednesda and Mitchell on Thursday and taking feature. The enooeee "'The old fashioned mother" and "The picture on the wall" were rendered with a pathos thee bronbt tears to the eyes of more than one, g Mies Lupe as pianist was all that om ild be desired and the Company throughout present an evening's enter- tainment that is not often equalled. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming y them bank td Braude again when a evening, The next entertainment of the crowded hones can he safely promised. Oearee will be held in November, ' They went from iirlteeets to Benton, Tee highest oath market prioe will be paid for hidoe, sheepekine and furs by Thos. Bloomfield, Brueaele. Store next door to W. 2, McCracken's. A Pureness Discovnnv.—"Soak and Swab" is an infallible, painless and now 90laono08 10110d0 for the. 0ure of Cancer, Osrbilaginous Ulcere, Sore 'Throat and a variety of akin diseases. It mires eanoer i1t auy part of the body where the liquid can reach it. Send for cirottler giving lnstruotione how to apply the, liquid.. Sold at 60e, per pint and 80o. per half pint bottle. McLEun'e LAROIATORY, Gode- rich, C"t"So1d by Jan. Fox, Druggiet, Bisons. 6.tt Brussels Council. The regular meeting of Brussels Coun• oil was held an Monday evening ;4 mem• hers ureeent Reeve Kerr and Oonuoillors Bneker, Leatherdale, Thomson and Warwick. Minutes of last meeting were road and passed. The following accounts were present- ed :— Alex. MaLauohlin, salary, $ 25 00 Robt. Deubow, 2591 yds. gravel, 98 16 Brunets Electric Light 00., 100 00 W. Ainley, work on water tank,17 00 Moved by' Geo. Baeker, seconded by R. Leatherdale that the above accounts be paid.—Carried. By-law No. 7, 1890, was read and pas. sed, confirming the rates for th;,, ) ear 118 follows :— County rate, $210.60,.... rate 8/10 mills Loose' rate, $1,868.00,.. , . " 46/10 " Bylaw No 8, 1878, $935.33 " 1) 1/10 " By-law No. 9, 1878, $90.00, 0 4/10 " Consolidated loan, 5268.00, " .12/10 " School rate, $2327.84,.... " 44/10 " Soboolloan, $469.40,.... " 15/10 " Total 19 mills. All taxes unpaid on Deo. 14th will have an additional 5% put on. Moved by Geo. Thomson, seconded by R. Leatberdele that B. Gerry be appoint- ed Tax Collectorat a salary of $40 per annum, on condition that he give bonds for $6,000 satisfactory to the Reeve and Clerk.—Carried. J. A. Peterson, of Kincardine, waited on the °outsell relative to drilling the town well. No action taken until well can be examined. After disouesiug matters of street im- provement and fire proteatton Connell adjourned. �' y Business Locals, JOST received a car of oatmeal to ex- ohange for oats. Baeker & Vanstone. A coon opening for an enterprising dress maker. Rooms over Mrs. Kirk's. Atoms take the G. T. R. when you can. S.S.S.—Soenery,Safety, and Speed. LARGE and well selected stook of horse blankets of all kinds at J. Donaldson's Brussels. Waterline — Choice butter 17 oeute, dried apples and poultry. G. E. King, W iugham, COMFORTABLE ]louse and good lot for sale on Alexander street, Brussels. Ap- ply to Jas. Walker. °YSTEB season is here and W. A. °rieh is prepared to supply the public with Booth's beet brands from Baltimore, Jew. DONALDSON has just reoeived a flue stook of rubber and woollen rugs, robes, &G. Call and see them before ordering elsewhere. W. A. Onion is still doing business at the old stand where may be found bread, cakes and pastry. Fruits in their sea. eon, A000uNrs Dnm Ocm. 1sT,—We've ren. dared our accounts. Kindly call in and settle. It's a pleasure to do business with prompt pay. Smith & McLaren, BARRIB & VAN000N0 have just received one oar load of potatoes. Farmers wish- ing to get potatoes now ie yone time to get them from the oar. Tbeee are fleet - class potatoes. EWAN & INrtltO have a few fleet otase new buggies on hand which will be sold obeep so as to clear stock out to make room for butters. Also road carte. new and earned hand, at big reduotione. HAIR Dimmed,— Mrs- Taylor wishes to inform the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that she will be here for the next two weeks doing up hair out of the heir comb - Inge, also shampooing. Hours from 5 to 8 p. m, Satietaobion gnaran)eed. A call solicited, 011 ordere left at the resideoee of Watson Ainley will be.promptly attended to. Mns,AYGOE. The quarterly board of Centeuary cherub, Hamilton, Wednesday night de. aided to request the pastor, Rev. G. F. Salton, to introduce individual cups into the communion service. The innovation will not be till November. The congregation of a oburah in Soot. land finding itself unable to pay the 'alar of its minister,a soapfirm offered Y to payfive hundred dollare a year for five years, on condition that its adyer. tiement be hung iu front of the gallery the church. he offer wasaooa ted of ecu T P and now the congregation can learn bow to be morally and physically Olean at the same time. In opening the Niagara Synod, Bishop DuAloulin delivered en address, part of which is reported as follows by the Hamilton Times: "Bishop DuMoulin apoke very strongly and emphatically on the question of intemperance. Un• fortunately, be said, the evil effects of over iudulgenoe in iotoxioating. liquors oould be Been on all sides, even in the Church. Heurged upon every olergyman and layman to do all that could be done to promote temperance and the Church of England Temperance Sooiety. The recent wave of Probidition that had passed over the couutry, however, he referred to as dangerous, yet for his own part he would gladly give op his own personal liberty for the sake of others, if necessary." 0714JXD,..I R1) B.4✓1)li: OF Hia'1'a20:r..xax =ND 2.072. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO OAPITAL PAID 431' (One Million Dollars) . $1,000,000 RESERVE FUND . 4100,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States tG lettgland. A General eORSI . Henntsoo.—In North Bay, on Oat. 5th, the wife of Mr. Ohas. R. Harrison, formerly of Grey townehip, of a daughter. MILL:B.—In Morris, on Oat. 2nd, the wife of Mr. Jae. Miller, of White- water, Man., of a son. —M.d.RRSr72:, . DBIvmn—LIv1NGsTONE.—A5 the reeidenae of the bride's father, on Oct. 5th, by Rev. Mr. Yelland, assisted by Rev. Mr. Hunter, Mr. Thos. H. Driver, of Blanebard Twp., Perth Co., to Mise Eliza Livingston, of Grey Twp., Huron Go. noun—Donnas, — In Morrie, at the residence of the bride's father, on October 12th, by Rev. John Rose, B. A. Mr. Jae. Niohol to Miss Alice Frances, daughter of Mr. John Douglas, both of Morrie. 'XIWt4W i8Et SiNA,.v ae.d19'. Banking Baloineee 'Transacted. Farmore' Notoe Dieocnnted. .1)0(tft9 Inflect and Golleobione made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Intereot allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards, 80ECIAL Ao aorrrOS 017E11 To Tuit 00100000N OF FA1(11mtt0' SALE Nowise, Every faoility afforded Customers living at a diebance: M. M, BRENT, MANABmn. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. A• HUNTER, LICENSED AUC- ,ioNaau. Money to loan, Farms t0 sell. VOUNG GRADE COW FOR BALE. Giving mint, and will calve lu February. 3,16. Kk1NDALL, Bvessels COTTAGE TO RENT. ALSO rooms over Smith & McLaren's store. Apply to MBs. STRAOHAN, Bru88819. COMFORTABLE HOUSE FOR sale or to rent in North Brussels. Im- mediate possession. Apply to BARRISTER BLAIR or W.H. KEEBlt, 0DX 0. HAnnxsote In Grey, on Oob. 0th, Sarah Stabler, relict of the late Charles Harrison, in her 70bh year. MoLAuonLns.—In Sault Ste Marie, Ont„ on Oob. 751), Thos. A. MaLauohlin, teacher, of Brussels, aged 26 years, 10 months and 8 days. BATr,AIAN.—In Grey, on Oct. 9th, Edwin only son of Geo, Bateman, aged 10 years, 4 months and 8 days. FOR SALE Seoond-band ten boreo•power boiler and 0-60105-powe.e engine. Apply at 14-tf BRUSSELS OHFE83u FACTORY. QPEUTAOLES OF ALL KINDS fitted to correct ill failures of eyesight and your eyes teebed free bylatest opptical methods at DIVISION COURT OFFI01'v, Brussels. THREE HOUSES AND LOTS .A. for sale or to rout on favorable tome, If you have anything in this line to sell or buy, or to exchange apply to JOHN HAN- SIfLD. Ethel P, 0. MRS. PEARSON DESIRES to lease her house and lot on Church street. Possession can be given on Nov. l at. For other partloulars apply on the promisor to 14.51 MRS, PEA1RSON. HOUSE AND LOT IN ETHEL HOUSE sale, known as the Item swarth house, will be sold cheap ail proprietor ie going back to his fartn. Possession at ones. For further particulars apply to tf- WM. I OLLA1tD, Ethel. (y�TRAYED ON THE PREMISES IJ of the uudereignoil,Lot 10, Con .0,Grey on or Tilly 1061.1, aheifer, gray in color.01Owner is requested) to prove nrOp- erty.p y expenses and bake TTG. away. 14-8 "REVERE 1 HUUSI;, BRUSSELS 11 FOR property same—This vel OO slO 05GOB and desirable property will )e sold at'a very moderato sum or leased to a tenant on most advautageous'tnrmApply to J.. A. Clz>;I0NTON, 7-tf Agent for Vendors. .e1.v0,1,201v H.A.I. . FRIDAY, O0T, 14Th.—Farm stock, ineple. menta, &o. Lot 27, con. 5, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 p. 01. John Kellener and Wm. Spence, exeontors. F. S, Soott, auctioneer. TIMMY, OcT. 26th.—Farm stock, im- plements, root Drop, &o. Lob 24, con. 5, Morris, Sale, unreserved as proprietor has leased farm, at 12 o'clock noon. Walter Innes, prop. ; F. S. Scott, ane. 822-CTSS0Sr8 22AMSTCMS'S, QTRAYED FROM THE PREM - Ll me of the underslgued, on or about Sspt.22ud, a light red Jersey heifer calf, about 0 or 6 months old. Any information leading to nor recovery will be thankfully received, Braeside. Fall Wheat.....,...... 61 62 Barley, 80 35 Poae . 50 61 .Oats - - 22 28 Butter, tube and rolls 13 14 Eggs per dozen 12 18 Flour per barrel - 4 00 4 00 Pobatoes (per bis.) 50 60 Hay per ton 5 00 5 00 Hm0 idos trim ed 6- 1 Hides' 0011413 Salt per bbl., rotalI 1 00 80 Shoop shins, each - 40 40 Lamb 'kine molt 25 25 Hoge, Live 3 00 4 17 Wool 16 Apples (per bag) 50 GO APT. J. STRETTON, Who has had 20 years experience es au Auctioneer, but who hall to quit owing to ill health, has again taken out license and is prepared to conduct sales at reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed, Dates may be arranged at Tun Po8T Publishing House. ,TAS. S'llt14TTON, 1-tf Aaotlo neer. VEINLALE TEACHER WANT- ED for School Section No, 0,Grey. Second or Third-class Oertineate. Dities to coiumevoc January 1800. Applioatious re- ceived upto Oct. 22nd, 1828, 7 p, m. Mark Tonder or school. Address, ALEX. STEWART, Seo: Treae„ 14-2 Craubrook, Ont, REMOVED. M, H. M00RE, V, S„has removed his Milne and residence to the property reoeutly pur- chased by him, opposite 0.1:11.70.11'S residence, North-west owner of town Parka Thanks are returned for past patronage and a con. titmouse of favors asked, 12.4 M, H, M0011.E, V. S. Voters' List Court. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the "Voters' List Act.” by His donor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall, on the nineteenth day of October, 1808, at ten o'olook a. m„ to hear and determine the several oomplatnte of errors and omisetons In the Vetere' List of the Municipality of Brussels for 1808. All persona having busi- ness at the Court aro required ,to attend at the said time and place, Dated the 10th day of September,1808, F. S. sOOT•r, Clerk of said Municipality. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SAME.—THE'UN. 0900100010 hoe sev ant gooa Vanes f or sale and bo rout, easy terms in Townships of Morrie and Grey. F S. S)OTT,Bruesele FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- Dmna1011E0 oifore his fine 200 note farm being Lots 27 and28, Si 00n, B, Morris, On the premixes are 2 oomfortab le hoaxes and 8 barns, two oreherdg, voile, &n. 100 oloared, balance bush, Farm is only 2 mike from Walton village and 44 from 13ruseele, Possession eculd be gtvou in 2 months after sale, For further particulars as to prion, terms, &o„ apply ou tiro promisee or if by letter to Walton P.O. 201014 LAWSON, 9.65 Proprietor, FARM I'0R SA1 L .-150 ACRES Consisting of the South 4 and South i of the North t of Lot 80, eon 2, East Wawa - nosh, This is as exeetlont stook farm ,being well supplied with good spring water. Itis situated about 8 muss from the thriving Vil- lage of 131ylh. A largo part of it Is uudor grass. Buildings and femme are in a fair state of repair. Easy tonus of payment will be given, For all information apply to 11-tf 0,F, IBLAIR, Barrister, Brussels. GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.- The uu,*srslguo,l offs' tivo 100 501'9 SALE. -- (arm for 06(10 atroaeuahle prices. Thelate arc Noe. 10 and 11, 'Con. 0 (Sunshine), the aldoroad between Shod. Good brick haven and barn on lot 11, and kouee and 2 barns on lot 10. Orchards and all neOesbm'y r grain g, 100 ntrrod and insuitable for grain or grating. 100 acres note in grass, Will be sold either separate or together to attic pur- ohaser. Torula of payment reasonable, Im- mediate losses eiou. For further particulars apply to 20SEPII OLI]GG,Druesols P. O., 0r E'. L. DIOli506 SON, Barrletor,Wiugham. ltf BOAR FOR SERVIC1.—THE nldereigned via keep the tboro' bred Yorkshire boar, "Das" for service, ou lot 21,0°11.11, Grey. Pedigree may be seen on applioatlon. Perms, 70 coots, With privilege of returning if necessary. 14.2 W01, SCHN00K, Proprietor. ti Notice to Creditors. IN THE 0NT0910 OF TIM ESTATE 01' 0660100 11. 101111, OP THS TOWNS01' OF HOMES, COUNTY 010 100110X, FAn11E11, AEGE.1s11D. Notice is hereby given, pursuant is Chap- ter 120. R. S. 0., 1807, that all oredltors and other persons having any claim or demand against the estate of Samuel M. Feu', of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Farmer. deceased, who died on or about the Twentieth day of May A. 0, 1808, are requir. ed ou or before the iiSweuby-sscoud slay of October, talie'by post (ia$vrto Lydea Fearud Goo. Jackson, the Executors of tbo said eetabo, or to W. 111. Sinclair, of the Village of Brussels. in the County of Buren, Solieitor for the said Exeootora, their names addres- ses and occupations, with full part/culare of their claims a statement o1 Weir r accounts. i n and the n taro of Ilio a curitios P l a s e I au ba ( Y) by them. Aud notice ie hereby given that, after Seth )alt mentioned date, the said E'xecutors will proceed todistributetos- seus of the said decreased amongst y pathosentitledthereto, Laving regard only to claims ai of w111h notice el have been given nu at the time aforesaid, ane Baha said Executors will tots liable,tour the said assets, ntauy part Chaim notice any person Or persons of received claim notice suall not - have ubeen 1•eooived at the time of such dis- tribution, LYDAA ELLEN FEAR Exaautere. GEORGE JACKSON J W.Ar. SINCL Alli, Solicitor for Executors. Dated at Brussels this First day of Octo- ber A, 0.1808. TOA.R'&1 FOR SALE.—THE UN- sI0N9n offers hie 100 acre farm for We, being the South 4 of Lot 20, Oou, 2, Morrie, There are 80 acres bleared and well fenced, 1010005 about 0 acres cedar 8lvani0 remainder hae,lwood bush, Thorn is a goo,{ brick house with kitchen, woodshed mud cellar complete, largo bank barn with stab- Iing orahmed'two good wells and other con- vealonces. Situated 4 minas from Brussels and 14 miles from Jamestown, Poososeion given 1st of March. Fall wheat will be put in by tenant, For pride and terms apply to Harrow P.0„ Rem 301601 WILSON, Prop, EARTH FOR SALE.—'THE UN- nit11e0GEnn Were his 100 taro farm for on Mori 'Il re sale,being Lel ee X 0, 7 Morris, a e Tf , ave 0 000os 1811. tl and sneer crop, Valance hardwood ouee withitkitebop,n woodshed gnutill eellao oompjeto; bank barn with etono stabling orehard, wells, and all other oonveniooeoe, Gn1y 44 Of a mile from eollool and 0 minae from Brussels. Possession would be given at ones, Nor price and terms apply 0n else promises or 00 Bruoselo r, 0„ to 04.51 SIh1ON F0158YTlI,Proprketer. nVal 1 Paper. 6 We're -at it again, Ill iitct we never quit. It al- ways keeps going but with the return of the Fall House Cleaning we expect it to boom again and at the prices we offer it must surely go. 'Sloe 01111' Widow next week.<4.,_ AT—'�".�► Fox's Drag Score. Notice to Creditors, IN TOT, 101.T'l1516 OF 11111 ROTATE OF JAMES DIO1I, OF 0000 1067901110 OF 010130110, IN 01111 00U1110 01' 1111110E, 6611100015, DECEASED. Notice is berth y given pursuant to Camp - ter lee, R. s, 0.,1007, that all eroditare and other persons having any claim or demand against the Estate of James Dick, of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron Farmer, deceased. who died On or about the Fourth clay of December, A. D. 1807, aro re. geiredon or before the Fifteenth day of October, 0.0,1898, to send by poet (ore - paid), or to deliver to William M. S1Bolair, of the village of 13rnseel8, in the county of Huron, Solicitor for Hannah Dick, the Ad- mlutstratrix, of rho rotate of tbo said de- 0OasOd, thein' names, addresses and 000npa• tion, with full particulars of their elating, a statement of their accounts, olid the nature of the seonritloe (if any) held by them, ALM notice is hereby given that, after such last mentioned date, rho said Adrninistratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, amongst the parties entitled thereto , having regardonly to the claims of which notice (hall bare been given et the Mine aforesaid, and the said Adwinisbrabrix will not be liable for the said Reset8 or any part thereof, to any pereou or persona et whose claim notice shall not' have boon re- ceived at the time of such distribution. W. Al. SINOL AIR ,Brussels, Sol(ottor for Admiuissratrix, Dated at Brussels this Twenty-Eigitth day ofSep towbar, A -D.1808. Graduals Demand F t )F ' cENTR J1_ .� Gx+d k.� �� �n lr. , ' �. ,�M ), ( 111 l .) 0 �" J�1Tlr��l����, ��1a) ligj9)s all ENVIABLE REPUTATION for SUPERIOR WORK. Enter any time, Free Clrculnrs. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Brussels 'vaz orator 10,000 Bushels TSD We are prepared to pay CASH for any quantity of Apples delivered at our Evaporator, Brunie. 30 cents per bag will be paid for the run of the tree at shaken off, 20 and 20 cents per bag for packers' culls and windfalls, according to quality. Very small apples not wanted. Don't delay but deliver your Apples as soon as Possible. I IC' BRUSSELS.