HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-10-14, Page 9OCT, 14, 189
'''IkeNnun,whim! Is Above Every Nante"
11 Sin ells For Love, Pllllenee, ItIiffi le'sa,
Fortnum; n ee, bel faMerlliee, Magoon f•
nuiy-People W'ho lihlll. No (thane 10
tae Niune -Dr, Talmage flakes 0 Strong
Tien Per 11.
A. despatch from Washington says: -
Dr. Talmage preached from the fol-
lowing text: "A name which Is above
Bveay other nam
"-Pil1. 11. 0.
This was one of Paul's rapturous and
enthusiestio descriptions of I he name
of Jenna. By common proverb we have
Dome to bell BYO that there le nothing
In a name, and so parents sometimes
.present their children for baptism re-
gardless of the title given thein, and
not thinking that that particular
title will be either a hindrance or a
help. Strange mistake. You have
no right to give your ohild a name
that is lacking either in euphony or
moral meaning, It is a sin for you to
tail your child J'ehoikim or Tiglath-
Ptleaer. Because you yourself may
have an exasperating name is no roa-
nen why you. should give it to those
who come after yon. But how often
we have seen some name, filled with
,jargon, rattling down from generation
to generation, simply because someone
a long while ago happened to be af-
flicted with it. Institutions and en-
terprises have sometimes without suf-
ficient deliberation taken their no-
menclature. Mighty destinies have
been decided by the significance of a
name. There are mon who all their
life long toil and tussle to get over
the influence of some unfortunate
lame. While we may, through right
behavious and Christian demeanor,
•outlive the fact that wo were baptized
by the name of a despot, or an infidel,
or a cheat, how much better it would
bavo been if we could have
started life without any such en-
cumbrance. When I find. the Apos-
tle, in my text, and in other parts of
his waiting, breaking out in ascrip-
tions of admiration in regard to the
name of Jesus, I want to inquire what
.are some of the characteristics of that
appellation. And 0, that the Saviour
blmself, while I speak, might fill me
with His own presence, for wo never
oan tell to others that which we have
not ourselves felt,
First, this name of Jesus is an easy
name. Sometimes we are introduced
to people whose name Is so long and
unpronounceable that we have sharp-
ly to listen, and to hear the name giv-
en to us two or three times, before we
venture' to speak it. But within the
first two years the little child clasps
its hands, and looks up, and says:
"Jesus." Can it be, amid all the fami-
lies in this Church, there is one house-
hold where' the little ones speak of
"father," and "mother," and "broth-,
er," and "sister," and not of "the name
which is above every name ?" Some-
times we forget the titles of our very
best friends, and we have to pause and
think before we can recall the name.
But can you imagine any freak of in-
tellect in which you could forget .the
Saviour's designation? That word
Jesus seems to fit the tongue in every
dialect. When the voice in old age
gets feeble, and tremulous, and in-
distinct, still this ragas word has po-
tent utterance. When an aged man
was dying, and he had lost his mem-
ory of everything else, one of his chil-
dren said to hien; "Father, do you know
me?" He replied: "No, I don't know
you," And another child came and
asked the same question, and got the
same answer, and another, and anoth-
er. Then the minister of Christ came
in and said to the dying man: "Father,
do you know me?" He replied: "No, I
don't know you." Then said the min-
ister;" 'Do you know Jesus?" "0, yes,'
?said the old man. "I know Jesus. 'Chief
among ten thousand and the One al-
together lovely."' Yes, in all ages,
in oil languages, and the world over,
it is an easy name.
"Jesus, I love Thy charming name,
'Tis mesio to my ear
Fain would I sound it out so loud
That heaven and earth might hoar."
Still further I remark it is a beau-
tiful name. You have noticed that it
is impossible to dissociate a name from
the person who has the namo. So
there aro pumas that are to me re-
pulsive --I do not want to hear them
at ail -while those very names are at-
tractive to you. Why the difference 1
It is because I happen to know persons
by tbose names who are cross, and sour,
and snappish, and' queer, while the
persons you used to know by those
names were plectsaat and attractive.
As we cannot dissociate a name from
the person who holds the name, that
consideration makes Christ's mune so
unspeakably beautiful. No sooner is
it pronounced in your presetoe than
you think of Bothlehcm, and Gethsem-
ane, and Golgotha, and you see the lov-
ing face, and hear the tender voiao, and
feel the gentle touch. You see Jesus,
the one who, though banquetling with
heavenly hierarchs, come down to
breakfast on the fish that rough E12611
had just hauled out of Geneasaret ;
jests, the one who, though the clouds
aro the duel: of Hie ,feet, walked
foot -sore on the road to Emmaus.
Just as 80on as the mune Is ln'on0000-
ed in your presence you think of how
the shining Ono gave back the oon-
turion's daughter, and how Ho help-
ed the blind man to the sunlighi'. and
liow He made the oripple's crutch use-
less, and How hie looked down into
the babe's laughing eyes, and, as the
libile one struggled, to go to Ilial,
Hang out Ilis arms around it, and im-
pressed a loving kiss 00 its brow, and
said: "Of such is the kingdom of
heaven," Beautiful name -Jesus! It
stands Inc love, for patience, for kind-
ness, for forbearenee, for self-snorifico,
for magnanimity, It is aeomdtio'with
all odors and as -verdant with nil hnr-
010111es. Sometimes I see that name,
and the letters seem to he made out
of tears, and then again they look like
gleaming crowns. Sometimes they
seem to me as though twisted our: of
the straw on which He lay, and then
as though built out of the thrones on
which Ilis people shall reign. Rome -
times I sound that word, "Jesus," and
I hear owning through ibe two vitae
blas the sigh of Gellisern,tnv and l.hn
groan of Calvo ry ; and again 1 sound
it, and it is at n -ripple WI( 11 gladness
and a -ring with hosanna, Take all the
glories of book -bindery, and put them
around the Page where that name is
On Christmas morning
wreathe a111aitan 11)0s.1
w 1 . Let itr
from harp's string and thunder G out
in organ's diapason, .Sound it often,
sound it well, until every star shah
seen. to shine it, and every flower
shall seem to breathe it, and moun-
tain and sea, unit day and night, and
earth and heaven alcolaim in full
eluent: "Blessed be His gloriousntune
for ever, Tho name that is above
every name."
"Jesus, the name high over all,
In heaven, and earth, and sky."
To the repenting soul, to the ex-
hausted invalid, to the Sunday -school
girl, to the snow-white octogenarian,
it is beautiful, The cod man comes in
from a long walk, and tremblingly
opens the doors, and hangs his hat on
the old nail, and eats his cane in the
usual corner, and lies down on a
couch, and says to his children and
grandchildren: "My dears, I am go-
ing to leave you." .Choy say: "Why,
where are you going, grandfather' 1"
"1 am going to Jesus." And so the
old man faints away into heaven. The
little child comes in from play, and
throws herself on your lap, and says:
Manama, I am so sick, 1 um so sink."
And you put her to bed, and the
fever is worse and worse, until in
some midnight she looks up into your
rum and says: "Mamma, kiss me,
good-bye, I tem going away from you."
And you say: 'My dear, where are
you going to?" And she says: "I am
going to Jesus." And the rod cheek
which you thought was the mark of
the fever, only turns out to be the
carnation bloom of heaven! 0, yes;
it is a sweet name spoken by thy lips
of childhood, spoken by the old man.
Still further: It is a mighty name.
Rothschild is a potent name in the
commercial world, Cuvier in the
seientifie world, Irving a powerful
name in the literary world, Welling-
ton a mighty name in the military
world; but tell me any name in all
the earth so potent to awe, and lift,
and thrill, and rouse, and agitate, and
Mees, as this name of Jesus. That one
word unhorsed Saul, and flung New-
ton on his faze on ship's deck, andoto-
day holds a hundred million of the
MOB with omnipotent spell. That
name in England to -day means more
than Victoria; in Germany, moans
more than Icing William; in Italy,
means more than Garibaldi or Victor
Emanuel, I have seen a man bound
hand and foot in sin, Satan, his hard
task -master, in a bondage from which
no human power could deliver him,
and yet at the pronunciation of thut
one word be dashed down his chains
and marched out for ever free. I have
seen a man overwhelmed with disaster
the last hope fled, the last light gone
out; that name pronounced in his
hearing, the sea, dropped, the clouds
scattered, and a sunburst of eternal
gladness poured into his soul. I have
seen a man hardened -in infidelity, de-
fiant of God, fall of scoff and jeer,
jocose of the judgment, reckless of an
unending eternity, at the more pro-
nunciation of that name blanch, and
cower, and quake, and pray, and sob,
and groan, and believe, and rejoice. 0,
it is a mighty name i At its ut-
terance the last wall of sin will
fall, the lest temple of superstition
crumble, the last Juggernaut of cruel-
ty crash to pieces. That name will
first maks all the earth tremble, and
then it will make all the nations sing.
It la to be the password at every gate
of honour, the Insignia on every flag,
the battle shout in every conflict, All
the millions of the earth are to know
it. The red horse of carnage seen in
apocalyptic vision, and the black horse
of death, are to fall hack on their
haunches, and the white horse of vic-
tory will go forth, mounted by Him
who hath the moon under His feet, and
the stars of heaven for his tiara. Other
dominions seem to be giving out; this
seems to he enlarging. Spain hashadto give up much of its dnminton. Aus-
tria has been wonderfully depleted in
power. France had to surrender some
of her favourite provinces. Most of
the thrones of the world are being low-
ered, most of the sceptres of the world
are being shortened; but every Bible
printed, every treat distributed, every
Sunday -school class taught, every
school founded,,,every church establish-
ed, is extending the power of Christ's
name. That name has latently been
spoken under the Chinese wall, and in
Siberian snow -castle, and in Brazilian
grove, and in eastern pagoda. That
name is to swallow up all other names.
That crown is to cover up all other
crowns. That empire is to absorb all
other dominations:
"Ali crimes shalt tease, and ancient
frauds the 11 fail,
Returning justice lift aloft her scale;
Peace o'er the world her olive wand
And white -robed Innocence from hea-
ven despond.
Still 'further; it Is an enduring name.
You clamber over the fence of the
gravoya:rd and pull aside f 's weeds,
and you see the faded inscription on
the tombstone, That was the name 'of
the man who once ruled all that town.
The.nighl:iest names of the World have
either perished or are perishing. Gre-
gory VT., Sancho of Spain, Conrad I.
of Germany, We/lard Y, of England,
Louis S.VI, of Frame, C'n.thot'itlo of
Russia -mighty names once, that made
the world tremble; but now, none so
poor as to do I hem 1'everOnee, and t o
the great mass of people they mean
absolutely nothing; they never heard
of them, But the name of Christ is
to endure for ever, It will be perpet-
uated in art, for there will be other
Bollinis to depict the Madonna; thorn
will be other Ghirland los to represent
.Christ's baptism; there 10111 he other
ilronzinos to show us Christ visiting
the prison; at her Gloton to appall
our sight with the crucifixion, The
DOME 0111 l,o pniecrval In song, for
(here will he til her Alexander Popes
lo write the Messiah," other ,lir,
Youngs to portray. His tr'iumph; other
Cowpers to sing His love, It will be
preserved in easily and magnifleent
architecture, for Protestanisrn is yet.
fo have ire St. Marks and its K. Pet-
ers 1']Irtt name will be preserved in
Ilse literature of the world, for already
it is embalmed in the best looks, and
there will be ollier Ur. Pales to write
Ilse "J':videnees of Christianity," and
other Bache rd flttxlcrs In detreribo the
Savioites rumbas to jndgtnent. But
above all, and more than all, that name
will he embalmed In the memory of all
the good of earth and all the great
ones of heaven. Will the delivered
bondman of earth ever forget who
freed him? Will the blind man of
earth forget who gave him sight? Will
the outcast of earth forget: who
brought him home? Nol Nol To de-
stiny the memory of t
ut name of
Christ, you would have to burn up
all the 'Bibles and all the (Jnurales on
earth, and then in a,spinit of univer-
sallw'son go through the gates of hea-
ven, and put a torch Lo the temples
and the temples, and the palaces, and
after all that city was wrapped in aw-
ful conflagration, and the citizens
mine out and gazed on the ruin -even
then, they would hear that name in
the thunder of failing tower and Lhe
emelt of crumbling wall, and see it
inwroughb in the flying banners of
flame, and the redeemed of the Lord.
on high would be happy yet and cry
out: Let t.be palaces and Lha temples
burn, we have Jesus left!" '"Blessed
be His glorious name for ever and over.
The name that is above, every name."
,tIave you ever made up your mind
by what name you will call Christ
when you meet Ilim in ,heaven? You
know bo has many names. Will you
call him Jesus, or the Anointed
One, or the Messiah, or will you take
some of the symbolical names which
on earth you learned from your Bible?
Wandering 801110 clay in the garden
of God on high, the place a -bloom with
eternal springtide, infinite luxuri-
ance of rose, and lily, and amaranth,:
You may look up into his face and say:
My Lord, Thou art the Rose of Shar-
on/ and the Lily of the Valley."
Some day, as a soul comes up from
earth to take its plane in the firma.-
ment, and shine as a, star for ever and
ever, and the luster of a useful life
shall beam forth tremulous andbeauti-
An Afflicted Mother
Anaentln, Followed by Neuralgic Pains
Racked Ilei System -Her Friends Fear-
ed That She Could Not Recover.
From the 'Enterprise, Bridgewater,
N. S.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Diehl, who
live about one and a half miles from
Bridgewater, are highly esteemed by
it large circle of friends. Ielrs. Diehl
has passed through a trying illness, the
partioulars of which she recently gave
a reporter of the Euberprtse, as fol-
lows: -"In the spring of 1896 my health
gave way. In addition to my ordi-
nary household duties I bad the con-
stant care day end night of a sick
child. In the hope of saving my little
one, it died not occur to me that over-
work, loss of sleep and anxiety were
exhausting my strength. Finally
my child passed away, and then
I realized my physical oondltion,
Shortly after I was !attacked
with neuralgia pains in the shoulder
whioh shifted to my right slde after
there weeks and settled there. The
throe weeks and settled there. The
pain to my side grew worse and after
a few days I became unable to leave
my bed. In addition to my bodily
trouble I became melancholy and was
very muoh reduced iu flesh. My
friends regarded my condition as dan-
gerous. I remained in bed several
weeks ; to mo it seemed ages. It is im-
possible to describe the agonies Isuf-
fared during that time. A skilful phy-
sician was in constant attendance up-
on one. He said mine was the worst
case of anaemia and general neural-
gia rte had ever seen. After some
weeks he succeeded in getting me out
of bed and after a few more weeks I
was able to do some light household
work. But I was only a shadow of my
former self; my appetite was very poor
and that maddening pain still clung
to my side and also spread to the re-
gion of the heart and lungs, darting
through and about them like .lances
cutting the flesh. Every few days I
had to apply oroton oil and fly blis-
ters to my *hest, and had a bad
cough. h'Ay friends gave up, think-
ing I had consumption. I, too, really
thought my end was near, fearing
Mostly that the pains about my
heart might take mo off any day. Dur-
ing all my illness I had never thought of
any medicine other than what my doc-
tor prescribed. It happened, however,
that in glancing over the Enterprise
one day my eye fell upon the statement
of a cure made by Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. The ease resembled mine in some
respects. I read and re -read the article,
It haunted me for several days not-
withstanding I tried to dismiss it from
my mind. At last I asked the dootor
whether he thought these pills would
help me. He looked et me amoment
and then remarked "well perhaps you
had better try thorn. I believe
they do work wonders in some casae
and if they do not cure you they will
certainly do no harm."That remark
opened to me the door of life, for had
he, said "no 1sllould not have used
the pills. When I had used two boxes
I began to feel better, my appetite im-
proved and there were lass of those
pains about the/mart and chest. The
cough too was lees severe. I kept on
till six boxes more were taken andto
Make a long story short, Isms myself
again, appetite good, 'spbrit1 buoyant,
pains gone and I could do my own
work with. oomfort. I have been well
ever since and have no doubt that Dr.
Rrilliams'PinkPills savedmy life and
restored me to my family. I am ever
ready to speak their 105.1508 and nil any
heart am ever invoking God's blessing
upon their discoverer.
iltheutnatism, sciatica, neuralgia, par-
tial paralysis, locomotor, ataxia, nerve
sus headache, nervone prostration and.
diseases depending upon humors in the
11ood, such as scrofnle, chronic erysipe-
las, etc„ all disappear before a fair
treatment With Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills, They give a healthy glow to
pale and sallow complexions and build
and renew the entire system: Sold by
all dealers 00 sent: post: paid et GOc a
(08.1 or six boxes for 52.50 by address-
ing the De- Williams' bfedlehio Co.,
l'irorkville, Ont. Do not be persuaded
to take some substitute.
;Pall ' I diciIne
i;kJ Fully as Important and Beneficial ne
Spring Medicine.
The system needs help in adapting
Itself to the changes in temperature,
.Hood's Sarsaparilla AN just the medicine
lib keep the blood rich and pure, creole
Ian appetite, givo good digestion and
Ilene and strengthen the groat vital
organs, 1t wards off malaria, fevers
and other forms of Illness which so
readily overcome it weak and debili-
tated system in the fall, It mires all
of blood disease, like scrofula,
malt enemas,
boils and pimples,
va -Cb PH dyspepsia, catarrh and rheuma-
tism, strengthens the nervous system
and gives refreshing sloop.
. ; rS'•i; p'tJ rilla
Is Canada's Greatest Medicine, 81; six for 66.
Hood's Pills uoteaOUy, promprdy and
olraotively. 26 00018.
fol, you may look up into the facts of
Christ and say: "My Lord, Thou art a
brighter star -the Morning Star - a
star for ever."
Wandering socio day amid the foun-
tains of life that toss in the sunlight
and fall in crash of pearl and ame-
thyst in golden and crystalline urn,
and you wander up the round -banked
river to where it first tingles its
silver on the rook, and out of the cttal-
loes of love you drink to honour and
everlasting joy, you may look up into
the face of Christ and say: "My Lord,
Thou art the Fountain of Living
Some day wandering amid the lambs
and sheep in the heavenly pastures,
feeding by the rook, rejoicing in the
presence of him who brought you out
of the wolfish wilderness to the sheep-
fold above, you may look up into Hie
loving and watchful eye, and, say: "My
Lord, Thou art the Shepherd of the
Everlasting Hilts."
,But there is another name you may
select. t will imagine that heaven is
done. Every throne ha.s its king. Ev-
ery harp has its harper. Heaven has
gathered up everything that is worth
having. The treasures .of the whole
universe have poured into it. The song
full. The ranks full, The mansions
full. Heaven full. The sun shall set a-
fire with splendor the domes of the
temples, and burnish the golden streets
into a blaze, and be reflected back from
the solid pearl of the twelve gates, and
it shalt be noon in heaven, noon on the
river, noon on the hills, noon in all the
valleys -high noon. Then the soul may
look up, gradually accustoming itself
to the vision, shading the
eyes as from the almost in-
sufferable splendour of the noonday
light, until the vision Dan endure it,
crying out: "Thou art the Sun that
never sets!"
sit this point I am staggered. with
the thought notwithstanding all the
charm in the name of Jesus, and the
fact that it is so easy a name, and so
beautiful a name, and so potent a
name, and so enduring a name, there
are people in this house who find no
charm in those two syllables. 0, come
this day and see whether there is
anything in Jesus. I challenge those
of you who are farther from God to
come at close of this service and test
with me whether !God is good, and
Christ is gracious, and, the Holy Spirit
is bmnipotent. I ohallenge you to
tome and kneel down with me at the
altar of mercy. I will kneel on one
side of the altar, 'and you kneel on the
other side of it, and neither of us will
rise up until our sins are forgiven,
and we asorihe, in the words of the
text, all honour to the name of Jesus
-you pronouncing it, I pronouncing it
-the name that is above every name,
"His worth if all the nations knew,
Sure the whole earth would lave
Hint too."
0, that God this morning, by the
power of His Holy Spirit, would roll
over you a vision of that blessed Christ,
and you would begin to weep, and pray,
and believe, and rejoice, You have
heard of the warrior who wont out to
fight against Christ. He knew he was
in the wrong, and while waging the
war against the Kingdom of Christ,
An arrow struck him, and he fell. It
pierced him in the heart, and lying
there, his face to the sun his life -blood
running away, he caught a handful of
the blood that was rushing out in his
right hand, and held it up before the
sun and cried out: "0 Jesus, Thou
hast conquered!" And if to -day the
arrow of God's Spirit, piercing your
soul, you felt the ,truth of what I have
been trying to proclaim, you would
surrender note and for ever to the Lord
woo bought you. Glorious name I I
know not whether you will accept it
or hot ; but I will tell you one thing
here and now, in the presence of angels
and men, I take Him to be my Lord,
my God, my pardon, my peace, my life,
my joy, my salvation, my heaven!
"Blessed be His glorious name for ever.
The name that is above every name."
"Hallelujnh1 unto Him that sitteth
upon the throne and unto the Lamb for
ever and ever. Amen and Amen and
A description Domes from London of
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small blocks of foo for domestic use,
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shipboard, or in the country, where it
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other beverage, the machine c(1n bo
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the machine in the nook of a bottle
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t•h.o mtulhine, Tn from 'three to five
minutes the contents will he ley cold.
The cost of the w11010 equipment is
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L. COFFEE & CO., E"ob11shed ISM
Motets 408-0! Moore M Trade Panditlt,
?ma TLTIIw. Jonor L Oovalga
Inducements to young men dOeiromu of
taking up Cutting; 11'011 particulars on apple
cation, lea YONOIS sr., TORONTO.
Dominion Lime Steamships
soItc\�d fast
de. tscrietiw nr otos
n b
a '.t' CX0
*Montreal oat/not= toLlrsr ool to summon I
r�oaBud voC arr!nuaondmSnmuoen B▪ ntt*omego aoRb p91
pw; Second fnglb32; Steerage r2.60 and upwards aao, ter en berth, all Information ap
to Local nl en
:mts :tDAVIToun 1r p
Gen'l Agents, di,
mentSt., Mon real.
Thletraneom ono of mil
original designs.
Y 5 Allrlnoniaoo L
a a Wp W Decorah Waris.
E. LIMON, 760 vow Et„
Alloriginal designs. Wille for prlcee. Toren
TELEGRAPHY. Shorthand, Typewriting'.
Bookkeeping sad all Oom.
Imorolai 8ubreets are properly taught 1n the
Toronto, Yooge and Gerrard Ste. Fall Term now open,'
Members admitted at any time. Eight regular toucheral
Splendid equipment, Write for oatulogue.
W. 11, SHAW, Principal.
Only indite on In Canada for the eew
wary phase of speech defoot Rotabliaholl
1p Toronto, 1890. Cure guaranteed,
CH0B01110 ACTOV.00E 11(571TIITE,
S Pembroke et., Toronto, Coital®'
6 HOT WATER -•Our caw ere
tem with steel radiators.
WARM AIR -Coal or wood
h,rnaan. Wo nava ciao//
Eylee wit eines to ealaag
and warm air salted for
many requirements
Write us If you have coy,
thing to heat and we may le
able to suggest something of
Bronnnipeg chia
For S.w8kle.
7 in. Outlet, 4x3 Pulley.
Good as New. Cheap.;
The Wilson Publishing Co.,
73 Adelaide St. West.
Brooch Loading Shot Iune$4.00 upwards. Revolvers, $7.25,
91.20 to 62.00. We post -pay revolvers at this price.
Brace lad Six Beat Auger Bits only $1.60 -postpaid anywhere In
the Dominion for 42.09.
- WILKINS &00., - toe and 108 King fit. East, Toronto.
ITS OWN 13OR1)131tS"
The Canadian Produce Corporation,
Limited, is a British enterprise recent-
ly incorporated in England with a
capital of de/00,000, ivit h headquarters
in London aril Canadian brhnehes In
Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and Win-
nipeg. The C'orporaliuui has made ar-
khngements lo eonetruCt and operate,
under skilful management., a lunge
emulate of stholesel0 and retail retab-
lishmenls In the City of London, deal-
ing exclusively in Canadian produce,
such as dairy produols, fruit:, meat,
bacon, fish, canned goods, flour, eggs,
pre. Arrangements have also been
e Canadian on th C lnndirtn stde 1 w'th lead-
ing producers and manafaeturers,
whereby the Corporation secures, at
first cost, a largo and regular supply
of fresh products carefully selected
from the hest. and most reliable brands,
Copy of prospoobue, names of the di-
rectors, names of Canadian advisory
hoard and other particulars may be
had on application to Aemilius Jarvis
& Co., Stockholders, 23 Xing street,
Meeks -Let us come to an agree-
ment of some kind and put it in black
and white. Talk is cheap, you know,
Weeks -Yes, but ink is expensive.
Meeks -What d0 you mean ?
Weeks -I let a drop of it scatter over
the back of a friend's note about a year
ago and I'm still making payments
on it.
Take Laxative Broom Quinine Tablets. All Drug.
gists refund the money If 11 falls to Cure. 15a.
The Poet - Methinks? Oh, yes!
Shakespeare frequently uses the ex-
Tbo Vestal (pretty, but not intel-
lectual) - Me thinks? Goodness! I
never dreamed he made such mistakes.
�I f,a T .J F
What are you working on now? was
asked of the man who is always invent-
ing but never invents.
Nothing very big just at present. I'm
about completing a method for caloul-
ating compound interest with a rubber
There is more Catarrh to this section of the
country than all other diseases put together
and lentil the last few years 1000 supposed to
be Incurable. For a great many yearn denten
pronounced it a local disease. and prererlbed
loom remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronouoocd it in-
curable. Sotonce 1181 proven ontarrh to be a
oonetttutionai. disease and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. 11a11's Catarrh Cure.
manuf'0tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
Ohlo, Is the only constitutional cure on the
market. It ]a taken tntrreolly in doses from
110 drops toa teaspoonful. It acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for any case it
fails to ours. Send for circulars and testi.
menials. Andreae.
F. J. CHENEY & co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 160.
Ball's Family -Pills are the best.
W. P. C. 940
SAUBAOE 0A8IN08-:7ow importations aneet0nglleh
Ah..p and Ant loan iIol1rr�Oaain(�tta-reliable goods aE
fleht price. PARK, DLAOOWELL k CO., Toroato.
,WOObxP1111111 OEAIGRAVINi(s j
6i8`30,,AnEIAInESr W..:fORONW
Mills, Mills & Malec
Barristers,etc., remove,
to Wesley Ridge., Ricoh
mond St. W„ Toronto.
lFyou want to either buy or sell Apples
in car lots, writeue.
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,
Incorporated tinder the Company's Acts, 1868 to 1893.
SHARE CAPITAL, £200,000, of which £50,000, is reserved for Subsorlption in Canada,
Fes60'.9,®0® IS$.LO-3Eitlr9113 anIE MOr.C>® XI.E9.-C1e$$e
PAYABLE AS FOLLOWS : $1,00 per Share on Applloatlon, $1 0o per Share on Allotment, and the Balanoe as and when
required by Calle of not more than 31,25 per Share at Intervals of not less than a month.
.!rectors :-Colonel J. HARRIS, Fellow Royal Colonial Institute, F.R. G,S., etc., Chairman ; Dr. ROBERT FARQUHAR-
SON, M.P., Director of Bovril, Limited; HENRY HEAVEN, Esq., Director of the New Civil Service Co-operation,
Limited ; R. S. GLADSTONE, Esq,, Director of the Belgravia Dairy Company, Limited ; R. WILSON -SMITH, ESQ.,
Standard Life Buildings, Montreal.
Advisory Board in Canada: -W, MANN, Esq„ President of the Montreal Union Abbatoir Co., & Union Cold Storage Com-
pany; D. M. MACPHERSON, Esq., Allan Grove Creameries, Lancaster, Ontario ; O. M. GOULD, Esq., (IRA COULD.
& SONS, Warehousemen, etc.), Montreal ; S. M. BROOKFIELD, Esc)., Pres. Canada and Newfoundland Steamship Co.,
Halifax; J. W. BIGELOW, Esq., President of the Nova Scotia Frust Growers' Association ; E. J. WOOLVERTON,
Esq., Grimsby, Pres. Niagara District Fruit Growers' Company,
Qeneral Manager in Canada :-Major WILLIAM CLARK, Halifax, N.S., Director of the Canadian Atlantic Cold Storage
Qeneral Agentpany. for Ontario: -JAMES McGREGOR, Esq., 23 Ring Street West, Toronto.
Bankers :-London--PARR'S BANK, Limited, Bartholomew Lane, London, E.0„ and Branches ; Canada -THE BANK OF
.BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, Toronto, and Branches.
Brokers :-London-Ielessrs. WILLIAM H. HART & 001,26 Old Broad St.,London,E.C.,and Stock Exchange; Canada -Messrs.
113MILTU. JARVIS & CO., Stock Exchange, Toronto ; Canada -Messrs. R. WILSON -SMITH, MELDRUM & CO,,.
Exchan, M
;4olicltorsStocic:-Messrs.geMcPhTERSontreal.ON, CLARK, CAMPBELL & JARVIS, Toronto; Messrs. SCOTT, SCOTT & CURLE,
Ottawa ; Messrs, E„ F„ ea H. LANDON, 83 New Broad Street, London, E.C.
Auditors: -Messrs, SELLARS, DICK8EE & CO„ 48 Copthall Avenue, London,_ E.C., Glasgow, and Toronto, Chartered
Secretary and Offices (pro tem.): --HERBERT SIMPSON, Esq„ 8 Union Court, Old Broad Street, London, E.C,
Gegtral Offices In Canada (pro tem.); -TORONTO and MONTREAL.
This Corporation has boon formed for the purpose of dealing as Morcllants and as General Agents in England for Canadian Agrioultaral,
dertioulturto, F oboryandDairy produce, to open establishments in suitable locations for the wholesale and retail sale thereof, and to outab-
ishdepots in Canada where produo0eon bobought or advances made on direst consignments. For the latter purpose reliabe produce
uxport8 will represent the Corporation at the leadisG. rnonivinir paints in Canada where Cold Storage facilities exist. These expsrts will
atoned the principal produce markets and bo in constant touch by telegraph .rich the managementin Canada and the Executive in London.
The Corporation Will make arrangements to oonstruot tad operate tinder skilful management a large number of wholesale and retail
Eetablsliments in London and deal oxa�usivoly in Canadian food, quell as dniry products, eggs, fruit, meat, bacon, flap, canned goods, flour.
rte, Those establishments will be divided into departments for the different classes of food, and will bo thoroughly equipped with mocha.
steal refrigeration adl all other modern imp0ovemonta. Contracts aro pending to meet the regairemenfe of eo-operative associations, . army
and navycontractors, oto] and other largo oonsnlnera throughout Greet Britain, and provision will be macro for periodical anotion salon
at tete oontral wholesale warehouses of the Corpel:noon,
Arrangements will be made with leading Canadian producers whereby the Corporation will seee00 at first oast a sufficient and regular
supply of fresh products of the most reliable brands.
D)REorous,-In order that all interests may be fairly roproaented on the regular Board of Dlroebore, revision has been made for two
Canadianropr,srntattves, reeldent in the Dominion. One has already been appointed, and the second will be nominated by Canadian ehara-
holders when the full amount of stook has been anlrsorilrod, The Canadian Advisory Board, as already organized,. 18 composed of praotleal
and responsible mon, woo have had wade exporfonao in produce refrigerating and shipping beSinose.
In London and its suburbs with its six millions of inhabitants, a. field exists fora wholesale and retail 0008diaeproduce trade of groat
magnitude.and immense posslbili los. Sixteen moohaniaol refrigerating warehouses, diet ributed in suitable localities around London,are
alroaly in operation, The Corpora, ion reserve supplies will be eat ried in these Cad Storage `'Varehousos, end there Will be -telephone cpm•
munlaalion between thorn and the Corporation rstablishmont$,
The su000ssful introduction of marl ontoal refrigeration ilea opened up a now ors in food supplies. Perishable products are new sue•
oesafnlly carried in Cold Storage Warohonsos, pro-orved without deterioration and furnished 10 00nalln1000 in excellent condition all the 30x1
round at reasonable pelaoe. Tn10 eoeporation has solooto1 the newest and must Approved systom of retrigoration for ea storage requiremento'
and hos secured the sorvleos of first :class men who are thoroughly exp0rionond in theproduce and refrigerating Malt-mu.Tho grtat'hitoroet which the Dominion and Provhlelal Governments of Canada take in the development of, Ors produce trade,: and in
bringing the praducor and consumer closer torot.her ran be readily understood by the !motormen, 0 which are being made under their friend-
ly anporvllon in retrhmath n, transportation and otherfaoilitios. By c§avarmaentnl nssietanoo twrnty'three stenmahips now plying be '.
swoon Osnacla and Groat Britain are equipped with 11r00 Macs mechanical refrigeration, 0nd are ular ref rl orator err sotvice has been a
iced on the loading Canadian railroads. rori811nblo prolhlet0 aatt thereby bo transported and preserved in Cold Storage from the source of p o.
duction in Canada to the leading seaports in tires tllettain.
Governmental assistance and gust all oes have also been promised for tho eetablishmentof cold e''ora;;e warehouses at Wetting shipping
ports and di,trdbating centres.
This Corporation with its largo aVallablo CIMIN 1, unlimited coerces of supply and demand, Arent faollitios and a dances trading mesa
equitable terms in special lints of first class food, should bo enabled to pay good (lividcnde upon what no doubt W11110 a safe fir,.' increasing
A. aarotul eoulputtttion of the relative value. of snob Canadlan praduole as rho Cor orat.len is most likely to Handl e
p a, shelve teat the gen(
bOral avmrage difll,roneo between the first cost (0. 8' T.X'1 and retail prleos in Ilia City of Tontine t ons from IN to doer cent.
The profits of the Corporation will be derived 1,011 its regular wholesale and ratatl trade, interest upon advances, au0ti812ate -Yt,' lop
oomnllagirnaq and � general agencies. ud4
A stock .xoi�innge lief moat will be Applied for in London, Toronto and Montreal.
L'orme of application for shame may be obtained from the Corporation's bI okorsu