HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-10-14, Page 8E 1 6 1 THB BBUSSELS POST. . I . � .. OCT. 14, MR . I ____ __,________, _..,_,_.__________ __ f ---,.--.--,--- - ,AT0T,VS.AXD C-0.61,11FAITS — Perform their dairy work before they I M�[� ��II��'i �[Ig3 �g�� because Mrs. Patrick liked them, easy her be crowilled lonelinessappreciated the no�ieald going me, pati. In goN IML g na silo M4, her beata law II. . the I'll,Ill by 41,11, 1 : ONO 11 01W150 gorature for it maccol"fal111-ye, a. .11HINTS FOrapaLr, Thehc)u,g b "far, ,was that ware full of com- as .1 ab...t.; Patrick I = I: i','l d m(IT9 I . I The recent royal gathering at Copan- point, In many of tbri celebrated pro- I trees, was old-fashioned, too, but A rs� PaniOnshill, I bagen has had many Objects GLUT!but- [fT1:1:EF:ARME_R. vate dairies of For , "I -- Patrick liked it, and ItTr, Patrick was But Nettle, whoa she limrd of ft, — ed to It and great significance basbeen _ _ 0113 1111111�1�1:., a 111t jill I .. this country, Che roorn. 11 .11 - grateful for that liking. it was his could not, understood, Slit) could only orpainell alit) Churned tire, basement In "I wonder if this Is a chance," mus- boyhood's home, and he would have wonder what Mrs. Patrick had (Iona to WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE FOUR lattakheA to it in Various quarters. One STORING POTATOES. "got around" Mary and make liar stay CORNERS OF THE GLOBE. character and have cool stone floors ad Mary Hrillbupton, The cares of the been sorry to see it ehanged,,And, last- I of the most Important eircumetancos, Potato men give the advice vary com- and walls, In such apartments, even day were over, and she gat alone In her 17, Mrs. Patrick herself, though a corn- c a "it horrid old farm." however, has been passed over in allence, -fit,Mrs, Vfttriek, Spring from — , monly to dig potatoes as soon its they whers no particular atlen(tim was paid' pmratively young woman, was old all � to cream temperature, fairly good but- tiny city room. She was tired of being limed, She cared nothing for women's moll"I to mouth Macy's eindentment Old and New World Everita, of Interest Chron%, . ioxcept by the German preen: While are ripe. One very good authority says tor was produced through scrupulims a clark-soinothiag bar employers clubs, and, as to dress, she wished, first and liar proficiency, she said to her- Wed Briefly -Interesting Happenings of . the other relatives of the Danish VOY'Ll dig potatoes am soon as the leaves oleanlinsma gild the Cool SUIT01111410913, would have been sorry to know, for of all, to be comforbable, and after that Soft, "The only true way to help any- Recent Date• fitailly have Shown, more or less syln- turn allow instead of waiting until which in themselves in a measure tem- ,,,, stylish, body is to help bee to got whore she In the ill- Y pored the cream, Now, when. things whatever Mary did, she did with Now. before Mary's arrival, Mrs. Pat- belongs- I vo an Idon, that Nettie Rur- An Old Bailey, juror was recently Pa1by with Ilia aged Queen the vines die, When the villp,s die the , and might and successfully, rlOk had said to herself' ,,This is an ohqrd belongs in the store. But Mary excused from serving because be weigh - uses which it is thought may be fatal, title done on a more exact It gainroot.9 leading from them to the POtft- Cream temperature in known and not She went back over the Story of her experiment, I shall not set bar, who- -MUTY belong,'] here I'11 ad 417 pounds and could not kat into . the attitude of the Czar toward his toes doorly and tend to give the pots- guessed at before the churn begins to life that evening as she sat there. She ever she IS, to do anything. I shall the jury box. Copenhagen relatives is decidedly tons , bad Cayce, Potatoes must. b0 revolve, butter Is placed on it more soi- was so tired, so extremely tired, and Simply watch to sea ;,hilt her idea Of Algernon Charles Swinburno, the )Ukewurm, ripe when (lug or the skin wIII rub anti[!(, plan Ilion ovov before. To rP- being useful in. And if this export- A KING OF COMMERCE• door, thiq business, however, to aper- there wu no one to care that rho was ment, is not successful, I shall not try English post, an ardent supporter of' . Anglo -taxon alliance, in Said to be con - anti give them a bad appearance,. The Poet science, the butter-inaker musk tired-thers hail been no ane for throa, a similar one again," RQUIRI'liabla Vareer of` ice AniPI-104 cull toropo I The German papers that boys cora- only precaution In digging the crops reach out and control the breed at wertry years, The girl sighed a$ she There was, abundance of hired billp Challenge -, lating an Amoricark tour, mented on the matter asaribod this to is to tak re not to cut or bruise Cows, their fead and cars, or have the r d on the farm for both outdoor and In- Agents front the Congo Fees Stato. the unwelcome discovery by the a positivo assurance flint mornabody work turned again to Lite paper and all door work, There could hardly have It is not often that. any English- art securing Slain and the far east St' i the,. A number of very good diggers Ing in parreei borl with his Inter- once move this !Lem: born regular tusks assigned to Mary, milli is in the publio eye for two ,dif, f 50,000 coolies to be Shipped to the -sign Office that, in the nolly , � Is willing to make her- The girl, quick to perceive. Saw that of Petersburg Fin better or mora thorough work than este will do 11 for him. 'A girl ')Zo [went reasons at ilia same Lima, At Congo by the end of the your. event of an Anglo -Russian conflict' noibetetr or more thorough work than salt useful can find board and lodging and felt It in the atmosphere of the . -_ farm befora she had been there tnven- present, however, every one is tall- Jua Bay, chief of the Cherokees, 113 active opposition would be made by the, a careful man will do with a potato T17RKPY8 FOR THANKSGIVING, for Lbe Summer with Mrs. ,Tennis ty-four hours. Ing about Sir Thomas J. Lipton, . On his way to his Indian Territory Dallas to the Passage of a British 1 fork, but they are rapid and save ulllvh squadron into tbeBaltita, ,littying for If you have turkeys for thanksgiv. Patrick at Round Top Farm." "I}lope Mrs, Patrick's offer Ivan not Recently it was announced officially home from Havana, where before the i i hard work. In the field Is tile be -A 'It seems as if it might be a Chance," a delicate way of being Charitable," She that. the .Royal IjIstoo Yacht Club find war he owned a large sugar plitata- . its object the blocking of the Russian I place to sort potatoes mile,,48 the ti'110' Ing market, keep them growing. if . id to herself anxiously. 1, ,11 should , Lion. , With Sold Mary. And the next morning She said , Biscuits made of 100 parts of wheat I I fleet to prevent its illuatiOu with the required to do the Work at ft later tinne 1 they full to come home each night w not wish to accept. Charity, forWrit'dod it Challenge to ibe, Now York ) French, or to crush the naval power! In the season 1.4 much Leas valuable. fall crops, fill said crops nil with fine want down to the store still thinking It was Joan, and there were ))series Yacht Club fal, the America Cup. The l of all kinds to be picked and taken challenge was mad, ail Sir Tbomas's finite, 311 parts of gluten, and a small I ;If sorted when they art, living gath- I"Where Is Round Top Farillf" she Or1rO Of. Par Mrs, Patrick kept, of each behalf, and beyond Stipulating that quantity of . . of Bussig, Ili Europe entirely. The ' grain, clukretial. etc. You can not half Of it L, fat, then dried in an oven , i NVar office at St. Petersburg and the i Bred from the ground, once handling starve a turkey until it few weeks be- berry, the very earliest and latest and smeared with sugar syrup, Is now . 'Admiralty have. it is said, received in o I fore market time, and then by extra asked of a fellow-uIeVic, varieties known to horticulture. Mary excursion litartiners should be kept off part of the French soldier's rations. I attractions to take all measures news- I over Is saved, Do not allow I hem t , feed, make an extra bird of it. Tba "SO YOU have seen it too, have you?" offered one morning to go out antl pick. the ()Oil . one, lies made no conditions General Itanottard, the only chief of i should it Ilay exposed to the .sun long -ifter they i said Nettie Buchard. t "No, my dear," wits the kind but post- whatever. Sit- Thomas, Yacht will Pre- the 1pirentib War Office, ,who was a I are dr ay to grow first-class turkeys bably be net d The .Shamrock, and captain in the Franco-German war, is � . sary to meet the emergency y, as the sun -burning effect In. i Only W, all the time. Both girls were in the habit of read -Iva reply. "'You have small physical r I axise, and it is hinted that the first jures till quality of the, crop, Potatoes! i's to keep them growing strength, but I should juago you have M8 thing would be the seizure of the Ain- I r should be carefully Ing the advertisements In whatever I skill." And she gave Mary it smile. it is well known that the millionaire 62 yearsold, a, little man, with alicart .. 1keep best at a low temperature, onlyl I arm came their way. "Not much .kill," answered Mary, is extremely "keen" oil winning Lhe eye and exceedingly active for his age. , ager Island, off Copenhagen. This la- little shave freezing. I.-Hany are apoilt- I examined for live or they will not Pup : o 0. "Yes, smiled Mary. "Wher(i is it V" I "except in selling silks and ribbons. coveted trophy. The ra,co will most An Anti -Vaccinist Electoral Coven - ad by being kept in too, worm I Plar, Pill-+ I believe I can develop some skill lend is separated from Copenhagen by i It I three weeks with afeiv drops of . I ILRdbird. Don't allow them to roost Do you know? I thought it might be Probably come (tit Santa tilue next Sam- ant is being formed in En as u � %6 narrow strait, and the German OP'n- I during Lho early fall and late springz Me � if you will not think me pushing and consequence of the Government's weak - ion appears ' � in the trees, but provide a place for a chance to get out of the city for the Presuming,, lose. � are to be that a strong Rue- A dry place for them is 1% necessity and, them under an open shod. If the roost summar.,' 11 tress in striking out the element of , -17 "lar" i should be one of the first provisions.' is (cc high they will become larno, calls- I M Push Nil presume all you like," Said Then Sir Thomas Lipton's gigantic compulsion from the VacoinaLlon bill, : siam fleet could very quick "Well," answered Nettie, deliberate-, I's. Patrick, cordially. "Only don't scheme is min , the fine forts that defend the harbor 1. it will be dry n deep cellar is pre-; ad by jumpIng to ills ground. They call .6 not 1 waste yourself on a bank I clan hire a also much talked about at Miss Margaret Geddes, the first . of Copenhagen and seize thadocks andi . . I , help themselves on the range., and need ly, "it may be a chance, but it, child to do." present, He has placed in the bands Young woman to obtain the degree of coal an I ferable, for the reason that it is more no food except at night. Give an al� the chance I'm looking for. I've know, So Mary began to "push and pre- of the Prhaocss of Wales u I doctor of medicine from Edinburgh .ppli,-,s on the Island while the likely to have a low uniform temper- , lowance of ground bones, vi -beat CREQUE .FOR $500,000. University, followed up bar gradua- ! Danish land forces could only look � ,%-,,� about Round Top Farm for saveral'sume.'s She was deft -handed rind oppn- k lure and will not be reduced to freez-, Charcoal, rind keep them growhil i helplessly on. Ing temperature so readily its do more' idly.' years. It's about fifty miles Out, and Eyed. She sorted and pricked barrios for market, and owing to her painstak- This money is to be devoted to building tion by getting married an the same __ shallow ones. The bins in a Potato Cal- I rig, the Patrlpk berries stood it little dIning-rooms in various parts of Lon- day to another doctor. � i it I they any it's a beautiful Place." "Whether matters have yet gone so Bins which I HOW A CHINAMAN FISHES. "Thsn-" said Mary. higher, if possible, in the estimation at men M. Camille Blame, the abairmian of I ter should not be too large. . R171 don -dining -roams whore working- the Monte Carlo gambling enterprise, � far as the German, papers lg,y, crinnot,, "Wait," said Nettie, holding up bar , buyers. She helped wilb the canning . hold 300 bushels should be the largest I — that and preserving r. battle nals, an,l one Can got a good substantial dinner at � of course, be affirmed. with certainty ;'size used, Slotted floors for the bins, Train.4 vornial-allm and wilues sucliers 3)D hand. "There's everything on , day Mrs. Patric r is a,t Ostend to offer the municipality ; I 11 It sold, "I declare, a 1301111111 cast. The project will bear I but there have been indications Chat' and double slatted walls between bins of that place it concession to run the a 11 for Illin. farm, and everything Is first-class, Mary, I think putting that advertise- the name of the "Alexandre. Trust," tables of the Prince of Monaco for 06 to pass groan, . r ment in the 'Evening Herald, was the . I they are not f&r wroug. A powerful wMelitiallow thenitSpeaking 0 the national instinct she ended impressively. that. the Period of years. 1. British squadron ,was announced some: them re better than close walls and I 11 Mary looked puzzled. most fortunate thing I ever did. You 111 commemoration of the fact t ! floors. The Circulation of air which they, and extent to which the faculties of , -Princess of Wales will be at the head Lord Esme Gordon, brother and boir 1. -ed to proceed; allow it "The eggs are larger and fresher, Chet Seem to beton here." I time ago as boiig prepared keeps the potatoes dry anti pre-' birds may Ile developed," said an old Behind the glad look tbnt answered Of the trustees. apparent of the Marquis of Huntly, to Copenhagen, an4 a stroig torpedo- rents beating. They usually falvIs are fatter, the butter is better her in Mary's eyes a certain wistful- Sir Thomas was born in county Ty- � i pits rmlly 11',eP f','eelkj; bird trainer to the has been fined in the Maidenbead boat destroyer flotilla is at this mo -,ter placed in pi , in the writer recently, grade than you can find anywhere noes shrine, out. And it set Me pat- ]'Ono. Ireland, but tit the age of III- � enough tot "perhaps one of the most interesting "and the fruits' thinking. But she did not "' teen be went to the United States, Police Court for assaulting a Lruck- meat engaged in what are officially'll'ut i the weather gets cold deep. To 1 examples of this is the wily the cormor- else," went on Nettie, t: one , freeze the ground a few inch 'o' "I There he worked very bard, Having man and far using obscene language � i formulate her thought, if that could b, to a policemau. I described as manoeuvres in the North' them for g. temporary protection," ant is 'trained by the Chinaman, to are simply fine. I wonder you've nev. i called thought which It Ilia ilve penny be could, said when he � I Sea and off' the Norwegian coast, For, dig a shallow hole or place, them in a; catch fish, The cormorant is e, very er heard of Round Top Farm before." � to I 11 S� every P to latices he, Bicycles have mads their way into har mini a al that on- had got b� other some 5W c to Glen- , the present the siluadran remains in ounical heap Upon the surface, accord -1 intelligent bird and is easily domesti- Mary glanced down at the item which =93sall and her life on the farm. retuned home, and, going the British occaeum, the authorities . British waters, but at last accounts it Ing to Circumstances. If there is dan- limbed. They readily lily when captor- she had clipped and brought ivith her, She noticedthatall the Tersays loved gow, invested 'big small capital Ill a having established a cycle stable in ger tit the ground becoming too wet ' hat*; that wb-n she, stepped out toward Provision shop, Here by dint or hard � was hold In readiness for immediate 1 the surface, i ad and their eggs are hatched out by and now held in her hand. to ,,'ark anti Careful advertislu he soon the basement, for as many as a bull- : for them, place (hem upon I thni, yard the chickens crowded 9 tired cycles a (lay had been left Uri - I - - - service, ,while isolated cruisers were otherwise dig a shallow it for them,, chickens, When a Chinese fisher- "I don't see-" she began. 1welaoma liar: that the 'Sheep were at- billitin to make money, and as Remade protected against the railings. . patrolling the southwestern coast at so that the (]let can be. had for a cover-, "Don't see I" exclaimed .Nettie. "What, WAYS ready to follow her; that the it ,.116 Opened up branches in other Ir Parts of the country. This policy 'bit.. In a plea for the preservatio of � Norway and the entrance to the Skag. I Ing. Afer the potatoes hare, been plea-' man has halt a dozen or more of these liest , flowers seemed to thrive under be I a I vat in note ven conical phare, them' birds he begins while they are still does first-class down to the sma . I I touch; that every dumb thing on the UpLon pursued for many ),ears, and Blackloore,s Lynton and Lyamouth I er-Rack, Another circumstance that with a layer of straii, or hay about; young to touch them to obey big cam- detail mean, but that Mrs, Jennie Pat- I i I I Place trusted her. at the -present moment the firm has district In Devonshire from railroads points to the accuracy of the Gel -man four inches thick, Cover the straw or: mands and to come to him when they trick is particular -cranky, as YOU I "Shut up a girl like that in a storel" more than sixty branches in London the Westminster Gazette asserts that ' I V informatio�j, is that orders bad been hay with n layer of earth t bran or four; are called. Us next, allows them their might say? I wouldn't go there for I exclaimed Mrs. Patrick to herself one alone, besides a very large number on not long ago fifty-two artists ,were I I given by the British Admiralty for; inches thick rille-wing the straii, to ex- I - morning Ili August.- "A girl that has the continent. a counted st work in the space of Ono ' fre I close to In the 'united States there are hug 1, through it at the top to allow ,edom in the water, where they soon fifteen m notes 'to make myself useful,' o crews of the port guardships on the I ventilation vind the passing off of moil - � develop their natural Inclination to let alone all summer." .knit with a sense enough to enjoy living wholesale establishments, including a mile. I positive nod of torr head she turned natural For she does en,loy it. She's .. English coast to be brought up to ture. NN'lien it gets told enough for: dive in scare), of fish. But cis the from lilary to wait upon it eusLomer' gained in every way sinco she's been "' in Chloago; and in Coy- At the sugar conference in Brussels sating-house bon' I ! the cellar air to be kept cooled down ' Ion L%tml�. have innumerable tea, the delegates of Great Britain, Ger- to birds invariably bolt the fish which who had just come in. ! here," 6!rnife a their full Service complamact wbicb forty or forty-five degrees' to cogon, plantations. Two many, Austria-aungary, Belgium and � would be done only if war " I they catch, a metal ring is fasten , und I P o about foi no, , lantation I �._Jt Now the word "particular" had Yes, Mary did enjoy It. There was � . were above zero by night ventilation the po ad '4 time every day for her to read and vents ago the firm acquired It 110cou Holland were ready to propose the horror for Mary. She was particular I I Rooted, bottles can be Luken from the "', and a � snugly around their necks and this herself and came of a line of particular, rest, and plenty -of reading on hand, Wanuractary in London and a jam. too- abolition of boarittes, while those of � 1placed in it.. Alanure from the stable prevents them swallowing. people. As far back its slas had heard; How could she stand It to go book? tory 0 D Bermondsay, and to supply the France and Russia insisted on thellt rnai be Placed over the celh laay.li's wants Special fruit gardens : As for the DiChish Government and Cumulates. The layer of in "The fisherman takes his birds out of her family, and that Was for three! sh,3 often asked herself. To live alone were purchased in tit retention, Sweden and Spain would . . . i different parts of agree to anything. raft to some favorable fishing generations, she had heard stories of; in that little cooped -up room at night KB Vigorous measures will be taken in 1. People, they will not easily find the i gradually increase in depth as the; On It this one and that one being hard to and through her sinnII leisure time to nt. : wily out of the difficulty. Their com- weather grows cool and the cellar will � `ground and pats them overboard. They :uit. Long ago he" grandmother had stand all clay and ministor to those who In Lhe course of a. year millions of . ;?. mercial interests and probably their 1 thus be kept worm with little extra Of- I begin diving in turn; for fish. As said to her. "'I'livire's two kinds of par, were too tired and in too much of 0, labels, bickaLs, posters, and other Madagascar to prevent the extinction !England,I fort. It It is necessary to bank the, soon Se a ;joh is stlauxerl the Oriental- titular; the fault-finding kind of peo- hurry, or else too Idle and selfish to Printed matter are used by the firm, of the pouplation. After next year I sympathies are witli, ,white I doors or windows at the cellar use clean 0 swallow ple who like to make trouble and the I care for her more than they did for the and Ili cirder to meet this, a huge every man 25 years of age who can - those of the royal family will be dl� straw or hay. If manure is used the i .,lut comes to the suxluris t kind of partirulto, people who want' cast -box not show that he is the father Of a that yen on the wire to the printing establishment was opened in . vided between Loudon and St. Peters- I odor from it Is likely to penetrate the 1 it, but Is preveritcut rrom doing so by things right, oven It it does make trou- 1 eashlex's desk with their money ; to Glasgow, ! child, legitimate or illegitimate, will : burg, On the other hand, their gen. I cellar, The temperature, must be vratilb-, the ring around Its neck. The, bird his. Ail our folks are of the last kind."; hour always, whan she ivtts awake, the At, Lipton's Beth -street, establish- pay an annual tax of $3. Childless wti- I ad, however, and if 'the weather grows he ment an immense quantity of Lem is men over 26 years of agewill pay I g,raphical position ties them to the: (g, cold the covering of manure must is then called to the float by the fish- All morning Mary thought of these rush and roar of the city. Here the I - things; and when slas went to lunch very wild birds were fRendt,y,. And kept, and this seldom falls short of $1.50. , European condwrit and their exter-: be inoreased by special hnuling. I -C it; Ieralan, who robs it of Its prey, and then She said to herself, "I believe I'll try how could any one call h)ns uninter- 12-000 chests. The firm annually pays Lave. streams that have flowed out J net policy Is regulated, not by their well to be always on the safe aide in � loo"sons Lbe ring and rewards the bird eating ivh�n they limil such confirlen! ifti the Customs between 00,000 and 240,_ ; or coverin ,Round Top Farm " of Vesuvius during the last three own interests or sympathies, but by t this ,matter of on 6' with a small piece of fish. The fish- A we k later she want to try it. And ways of casting Up one eye and talking 000 and Ili the course of a week it Is I I PrnV do for ventilation in Your cellar exnamn re Mrs, Rtrick having had notice of her to her? And th-,n she fell to wonder- "a uncommon thing for years have deposited 105,000,000 cubic I the influences brought to bear on by having one or more openings at the refastens the ring about the metms of jays, an the side, of the � neck of the cormorant and the whale arrival, was at the train to meet her. Ing what R,jun�l Top Farm might be 250 TONS OF TEA them by the German and Russian top of it extending out to the open a -1 - like In winter, She knew that there, mountain. A eons of lavallti) ft. high : Governments. Germany, as tbeir ter- Sir and arranged an they can be lefto peration is repeated again. and again, Fat Mrs, Patrickhad suddenly develop to be disposed of to thel public. Close has been formed, out of which fresh until the bird becomes tired of div- ad What was a new phase of Pillion- was litt'IB allow, for the farm was not to the tea warehouse is situated agi- streams tire flowing. The valleys on ritorial. neighbor, naturally exercises open for ventilation or shut off to pre- for enough north for much of that. vent too much cooling off or chilling. Ing, when another cormorant is put thrOPY to" her- gmntia tea -tasting room. Born a either Side of the observatory peak � it powerful influence in their affairs, 'Keep the potatoes in the dark, as light overboard. Some of these cormorants "I am a, busy woman,"' she had re- And one day shn asked Mrs. Patrick. May see hundreds of IlLiLle tea p,,n.6 Inive been completely filled up. r so "Well," smiled Mrs. Patrick, "per, caps and sample boxes, -whilo, passing although it inay not be often visibly has a tendency to make them sprout, ars perfectly trained that they will plied when Lila minister had Game to I from' -as Admiral Hamann, the French Com - The secret of keeping potatoes in good catch and deliver fish without being her to solicit board and lodging for haps you ought, not to ask me, for Ono to the other, the expert t L_ I exercised, and In the lost resort it is I xestralned by the ring, and I have seen some Unfortunate child of the City. "I � own I am in love with Round Top ars submit their opinion as to the ma,rider-in-Chlief in the Afediterransam I condition Is to keep them dry, dark 0 -I don't Un- P&I'Va. Winter isn't summer anywhere the samples submitted. to has had the misfortune of losing a bag probably Germany that would deter- and coal without freezing. one bird bring to the surface as many cannot buva it child here quality of t, 'i as twenty fish, all of ivhiob weighed derstrLnd children," you know, But, why don't you stay and them, and decide on the composition containing ilia Confidential report an . mine the attitude of Denmark in the __ from it quarter to one and it half The minister had seemed disappoint see for yourself just, how dull and ills- of the various blonds, lliraotly� out- the naval nianoelivers and it report on . event of an Anglo -Russian war. This ad. Seeing w agreeable Bound Top Farm can be?' " . new development in the European Sit- POINTS ON GOOD BUTTER pounds. which, She had repeni,64. of a side is the mixing room; here a staff the value Of Bizerta, as away port. ,rho , I "The Chinese, who have successfully her decided words a. little. "Put me "Oh, Mrs. Patrick I" exclaimed Mary; or mixes control the machinery which admiral left the bag in it railway car - notion adds greatly to its general in- TvIAXTXG. trained the cormorant and the otter down for nothing," she had said, "and and her eyes filled with tears. ,, y and proportionately blends rings at Marseilles while he stopped I To tempering cream it is often for- to fish for them, buys also taken the than. U I SOO my way clear to do any- the various qualities of teas, while yet into the restaurant for refreshments 1� torest, but it bodes no good for the I mean it," said Mrs. -Patrick. "I ft"Peel Small States of the Continent of Eur- remora. in hand, wi(b Lite happiest re- Woo I will do It in 331Y Own Way. I don,]; see why, you mightn't as well help in another room adia,cent; between 400 and found it gone upon his return. I ape, the period of whose political in- gotten that the room in which the suppose It child of tb,� city might be of � ills for Money Me to Watt On customers coloured blouses &lid Russia's women criminals are for the . be ve Suits. . and 500 girls, in Fte,ndence appears to be diarving near churning is done should ry cool 11 she added, intery in it store for money. All the accounts ' "Most voyagers in tropical sans are almost any age?" og wbit's paper caps, are engaged in end. also, Suppose we put cream In the acquainted with this peculiar fish, Lively- of the yeas are to be gone over and weighing, Packing and labelling it far most part peasants who have mar- A� 1 the supply of the shops. One curious churn at a temperntare of sixty (Is- which in known generally by the tri- The minister smiled. He 11 -new that balanced. You could help me about . dared their husbands. The prevalence I vial name of the sacker, The distin- this "busy woman,, was like Dorcas of, that, for to tell the truth, Ivir. Patrick fact in �onneoi;ion with the tea -blend- of the crime is believed to be due to I I L HEALTH HINTS, glees. The Inside of the churn should gulsbing cliaracteristle of this fish is old. ',full of good Nvarkm and almaideedli'llilites accounts. You could help me in Ing deserves speefiLl. menL the custom of marrying off girls long . __ be as cool as that, by a previous ring. laziness. he answered cord!-. 1113� business 001'rOSPOndence, which is tha ion. It is 1, , nesa. Unwilling to exert itself' which she did," and Any quite large, for Mr. Patrick hates busi- Suit t the tea is especially blended to before the age at puberty. To this is Suggestions Worili Trying for preventilig ing with cold water, and the Lpmper- oyeIrmueb in the Pursuit of forid,11; has ally. 111,Vo Ile sure, Mrs. Patrick. it the water of the locality to which also ascribed the excessive number of I tell you wbmt I do it Is going, The water difters very deatha among very young children, I Everyday ills. Stare of the room should be as low developed an arrangement on the back 119L, ,any age," And he rose to go quite nese letters. I will satisfied. ­ I no, "Peak of generally -3.1r. Patrick IS moot the mortality trader ]year of age In . The following suggestions axe In the also, writes G. C. Stone, in an ex- of its head exactly like the corrugated sn't ,k litter fhb advertise .at strong, Things wear an him and cc. la in different towns, and the idea . I scda of a tennis shoe. and as artificial A weak I - at Curved to Sir Thomas of so 8 iL]ng Russia being 27 per cent., wbereas tbo way of Preventives for every -day ills. change. It property preriv .. U Hiliopeatu, average is 18 per cent, . Lead Cream is qg oung Mary's eye appeared LIM annoy him that do not. effect me In his ten to the nPighborhood, I Try cranberries for malaria. Ill appearance its It made and tilted by . ,.,an li;% Harald," the Least. He Likes to supervise the - ,b . I I placed in a warm churn and churned the blind of man. "WO shrill see," said Mrs. Patrick, "I Outdone work, and it, agrees with him In US bain department the amok - Tr 1, Try P. sun both for rheumatism. in it warm apartment what is gained ."When tbo sucker finds itself In the -' those Ito do it. But he hates business, and ing-houses tire particularly interest- WOMEN MFORIURS ABROAD. y cranberry poultice for erysipe- on cream temperature is partly or en. vicinity of any large floating body� believe In helping, first of all, to that, You are the one Ing, and have long strings extending I las. such as a ship, a shark, or a place of Iviin, aro wng to help themselves, Wo, sr.) I attend from the roof to the ground Contain- The German government Is follow- % tirely lost and.the butter will came flotsam, whose neighborhood seems to shall see ,vvho comes, I fancy I Shall person that I have over had about me Ing 70,000 at, 80,000 hums. Lug the example of America and Eng - me Try eating fresh radishes and yellow more or less soft. This Is a mistake not have ninny uppliarinta-" that needs no, supervision. I will give turnips for gravel, promise an abundance of food. it (it- i i you forty dollars F6 mon th anti Your In conclusion. Sir Thomas Lipton's land and employing women in the Post I Try swallowing saliva when troubled that many people make who (to not taches itself firmly thereto by inearia On that hot, summer morning lvb-r board the year round it you will gIny. " advice to those wishing to become inil' L. The experiment of thoroughly understand dairy prinalp- Of thin Curious contrivance, which per. the begin rniled in to the little station, ,, Office Departmon �. With sour stainaeli. 10, and Pel'fOrlo deposited Mary and hot, luggage andi Mrs. PabrivIti" called one at the liortaires is: -"Advertise thoroughly, i, relieve dropsical Swellings. les. They read or learn that cream all a -ors of . mits ft to out, brellil in 3ds, putting her head in at the door. wOrk Lard, and deal honestly." using them tie clacks and direct necessary fumptions while being then rolled nub again, Mrs. Patrick � Try eating onions and horseTildiab, to must be Churned at fifty-two or fifty- ofirrietcl. about without; any exertion on Steed waiting on the Platform, Her. And, with bee accustomed Prompt- . ,smaller post offices has been satisfac- . . Try buttermilk for the removal of eight degrees, kind thinking that there- Its part,. It call attach' and doLarilis strong face lighted with Pleasure its: floss, knowing that she was needed, WATER IN THE LAXE& Lory, The department is now going a � Irecilam, tan and butternut staling, in must lie all the secrets of ood but. itself instantaneously, and holds so she looked at the girl's erect, slender Mrs, Patritik obeyed the call, ,Stop further, and is appointing winn- . firmly that a direct backward pull can- form, the delicate, Sensitive face and Laft, to herself, Mary slipped up to Attention has been called to the very g I Try the croup tippet when achild is tar -making, ignore or neglect, all oth- bar room and put on bier hat and remarkable Wool; ofLho wind rm ,,,I_ on assistants in the telegraph and with croup. bought,. And the hen she want qu fitly down Ous island bodies of Nye -ter, It is not, ;. likely to be troubled not dislodge It without injury to the the rdlifil but tastefitl dress. gloves. talepliona offices, A great niany ,wo- Or requisites. The result of course is fish, "She'll do," s7l,, f In "Several good-sized Specimens of the next moment ohs was looding again, d not anti army t ran [lie ail have also been appointed to take r -where She stopped only, I Try hot flannel over the ,seat at a partial or almost complete failure li�.r light road Nvag- flower -garden. [Unusual far the residents in towns On I neuralgic pain, and renew frequently. I full charge at smaller post offices, Pro- , . of butter quality, bearings the student fish baying been caught, the Chinese the VVRY to - won nd - blossom - I fisbarman fits small Iron rings to their on, into, which the station agent - to Pir, the. nearest and then. the shores of lal�es to be grelatly it Try taking cod Avar oil in tomato . forenoo tieing Shown to the lvidows and � fttsup it you want to make it Vale- has learned only half of the dairy at' tails, to which he attaches long, slon- ready bounning Mary's trun.k. It wns Went, on, She wanted to be alone 10 convenionced, provided a, heavy wind Thus equip - Think over how goo�l, how very good 's I ' s. Pat dauslital of docallsed posLiansters. pbabat. There is also another class of tier, but v stout lines. - N spirited pair of horses that MV blowing on shore continues for any ,,.home I table, fisherman I ign at I Got] had been to bpi, when he gmv( who have bean in the employ: of I Try hard eider -a wine glassful three domestic makers, who, because butter Ped tb(l .rman sets out, and when rink drove, and they were soon off % 116"; length of time )it Ono Baltic Sort the the government a Long time are Lo re- . A on thear wmy to 1.33o farm. Mary,! the gift of being parldoular in I times 9, (lay -for ague and rheums- is low in price, will neglect many little a bitsking Lartle is ,seen tWo or throe lil�tlrl level bits hoop altered for upwards of calve a salary of 1,200 marksi $'.185, per I , put overboard. Sper had no self-consciousness, looked things-tba gift that lies at the bot- I tisin, of the stickers are who with on In life, no eight fact. Somedines the water is year, ,with an extra, allowanno of 500 a points of manufacture which theylinve. Should they turn and Stick to the bat- about bar wi yment and respond- tom avery solid sarongs i � s may blown out of r, channel, leaving it tit- marks, $119 for Ill, a tent, . �Try taking a, nap in the afternoon, hitherto ob.9r,rved. They argue on the �.Or � (am of the fishing raft, they cro cara- d readily to all I .ra, Pittriolt's oonvor. mat or in what line that suctiol; u 6 a t. . It You are goiag to Lie out litte tin that line of what is the USO Of Doing 90 fully detached LlS being pushed tar- - was f' . , national advances, so that the two ware be. Bar heart ,tied with joy, for,, most dry, In one instance a depression In. Norway wanibr, have for name Lima . b -*ring, . particular when the bottom is all ward with Ilia inevitable bamboo, and like old friends when the hill came in under he,, calm exterior, Mary wart six feet occurred on one side of t4 bran employed in the railroad and post- , I Try breathing the fumas of tut an" IIs out of the dairy market? This started on the search again, At last Slight• very emotional, I body of water with a corresponding office mervioo, and are now receiving I Line or oarbolie mold to relieve whoop- I I"s a stiff mistake for much depends on � ,,Ah I Now I see the meaning of I Shis had not gone far from the; rise of six test oil the other. Like 1,-'rlo � appointments Its supervisors of the I a ft, Round Top Farm," cried Mary. "What honso-It was only out of might arnong has boon known to all its level M! railroad stations. 'They Pec ;Ivo Ills re- : Coits normal t a lin .a, a, inst which gentle suasion it pretty background Chi hilt makes to ports from tile brain conductors, nn - Try aougb� a continuance. of goad quality to assist turtle, Then the fisher an ha, ; " , account at : I I the �utter ,Market lJock , Ilia bees b,hl,,,l h,,, and at; line ,'I gb "' � di", ,.,* . ""O." far" on Try an extra pair of stockings out- I these fields! And the rail fonceli-how And hrirkl from a, tree. in the row that, heavy windliand Luka AfivIlgan was sear the rually questions �;f travellers aide or. v � clolldltlon� If an improvement. is made t a be It a � ratio struggles In vain, ' -r left., a bird lipga.ri to ming. uL Ono Lima the sabjeol. of considerable lie Gerninu and English, sell] out the � Your shoes when traveling in I in any Lino of tintry work it is the Don on a the raft thea Useful re- much better they tire than the barbed bordered he The trrZ�is In (be walflng roving, ring file � Will waatber, I height of folly to full back again, In , , Or, To ones Saw train the car win- As the liquid notes fell on bar entranc- I Interest from the suine cau.;c, � i, .� I ora, is detached, and is at on,v r dy wi I !all ears, she raised and clasped her wind wa,i heavy anti continuous and station bell tit the departing of the ( . T%- walking with your hands behind producing Ppkpot butter much (If' for use again. dow 11, a I Plied I he water tip an Ono tilde, W) Lrain, slid telegraph its delialAtlao to � if ,vat% find yourself beenwirlp I ppnd.g an det Min Small Ones ,which it "Diialavaly, on it 8triek farm," replied hands that AM hold the flower DU lile , . 11 I ­ - - ___ - Hsi the, other one was so low that people tile next ataflon. They porf.orm the all - I A talt forward. Inot observed, spoil Ille. atibtinuity of Mrs, Patrick. "Think of nnA, of my bon u-, gazed oarnestly up to sea no Well :1I I fir-makprm of yie-No, 1, can't afford tiful Jerseys mangled on it barbed Iliac. Sll� felt-, an If that were bar bird, I ivitIked out upon this rocks where Ill Lion of government (010graph Abarp.-Pra, , Try ft ailk handIttrellief over the fabo 1 (he Whole job, Gant[ bill rd to M"Llf wire I- , school Understood The Import- "ill,! - Whyl I'm sure the or anTl gh�, kn.Nw th,ti; he valved th� i Oln memory of man no toot had ever 1111A often those at postlunt,i,�srx lad when ObINA-1 to go against 0. cold,. the old RlXj1 fe,noeli were old-fashioned, but-. relituoy in lh�ir own heart, No more toy.; trodden, baggago mon, Z� i gnco of cc cool atmobohere, in which to mentioned pi�iuerl name. , plereing Ewind, . I ,..�I I . I I I I . . � � . I., . . . , I I . L___- -11� I -1-1 � -111 -1 __2. , _7 ""' .- ­­ ....- -