HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-10-14, Page 6I x g THE BRUSSELS POST. Our. 14, 19Q8. ,r _ :___. _ .____ -_ __ ... -- w- ._...- ___.__•:_ _:-•_ __. _.. _:_ rVOTI'SANIl (lltlld!! elegy ^^ �^^^^^^ "^^ perform thele dairy week UQPpre they ' e bopausq Mrs Patrick liked them, Ansy- her the city and its crowded Ianplinasa, j ;�IN•!(,� FOR appreciated the necessity at it low tem- going Mr, Patrick kept them to good but the'llil is long as she d]4 her beat, pp royal athexin at CoPen perature for a successful churning r. ,+ xopair, Thahousq,almpst b,Idenamong Che wide f]nlds that ware full of con-1ONO ����.The recent ya g g point. In mnny of thAcetebratoderr-111 ����� 11Q S ill O trace, was old-PLshfonod, Cao, buC Mra. Paniona]nip, j Iff @@ till ii.. WN began has had .many objects attribut- iH� vat.a dairies of Phtrape as weld as In Patrick liked it, and Mr, Patrick was But Nettle, when she heard of It, __ eat to it and great significance hasbean _ this country, the rooms where milk is grateful for that liking, It was Ilia could not understand, She could only creamed and churned are basomeut in I "I wonder If this Is it chance," roue- boyhood's home, and lie would have Wander what fifes, Patrink bad clone to WHAT IS GOING ON IN THF; FOUR e,ttaohed to it in various quarters, One STORING POTATOES, character and have coat stone floors ad Mary Hallburton, The Pares of the been sorry to see it ehanged,•And, lost- "got around" Mary and make her stay of •tlR1 most important OlretililetanCea, potato men give the advice very eon- and tV0.11a, ,n snail alrnl'tmextar aVPIi (jay were aver, and ahq eat alone In her ]y, Mvo. Patrick herself, though a cpm- an "a horrid old farm," CORNERS OF THE OLORt;. however, has been Passed over in silence, mon, to di potatoes its soon as they where no particular attention was paid' tin cit room. She was tired of being paratively young woman, was old-fash month r month l Dfark'S ee seeing ng from m r#xce t b the GartuaA Pi'gas, Willis y g to oream temperature,loirty good but -I y Y coned, She cared nntlting for women's tt Y Old nndNow World Events of InterestCbrcn: P Y are ripe, One very good authority says ter was produced throw h scrupulous a elork—something ]tar employers clubs, add, &s to dress she wished, first and lisr protivioncy, she said to liar - 'the other relativas of the Danish royal l g g Meted Briefly—lnteresting Heppcningf a1 dig potatoes as soon as Cha leaves cleanliness anti lite cool surroundings, would have been sorry to know, for of all, to be comfortable, and titter that sAJ.f, "TI;, only trap way to tela any- Rewnt Date, family have shown more or less sym- turn yellow instead of waiting until which in t]lemselv0s i a measure lam- whatever Maty did, she did with her stylish. hody is to help h•tr to get where she paLhy with the aged Queen in the III- the vines die. when the visa% die the Pared the cream, Now, when things Now, before Mary's arrive], Biro. Pat- bAlongs, I've an idea that Nettie Iiur- An Old Batley. juror was recently peso which It is thought may be fatal, are dans on n snore ,xaet basis, and might and successfully, rlok had said to herself, "This is as Chard belongs in the store, But Mary excused from serving bocause ire wotgh roots leading from them to the pots- cream temperature is known noel not She went track over the story of her experiment. I shall not set her, who- --Mary belongs herrnl" ad 817 pounds and could not got into the attitude of the Czar toward his toes decay and tend to give the POOL- guessed at before the churn begins to life that eveningas she sat there, She ever she is, to do anything. I shall the jury box, Copenhageu rolati,ves is decidedly tries a hnd flavor, Potatoes must be revolve, butter is placed on a more set- simply watch t0 age W]IRt: Tier idea of Algernon Charles Swinburne, the was so tired, so extremely tired, and entiftp Ptan th,rn eve before, To re- being useful is. And it this expert- A KING OR COMMERCE, iuketvarrn ripe when (lug ox the skill will cab durs this business, however, to aper -I there was no one to °are that she was __ English poet, an ardent supporter of _ m,nl; pe. not sucaeasful, I shall not try and give them a bad appearance, The Peet science, the buttor-maker must: tired—thee° bad boon no one for three a similar one again." nentnrt:nUto t'nraer or flee smarten t. Anglo-Saxonallianae, is said to be con - The German papers that have cam- only precaution 2II digging the crops reach crit and control the breed of `YOary years, The girl sighAd as she there was abundnnoe of hired help ey(attr,ugi•, l,mplating (in American tour. mooted on the matter ascribed this to is to take caro not to cut or bruise cows, their react and care, or have the on the farm far troth outdoor and in- Agents from the Congo ,free State ]aaitiv0 alisuraner chat, somebody stork- turned again to the paper and read door work. There could hardlY have IL is not often that, rang English - the unwelcome discovery by the St-, them. A number of very good diggers I Y aro s000 cool Stam and the tar eget Petersburg Foreign Office that, in tUq, !ing in perfect irnrmnny with his iter- once more, this item: Uern regular tasks assigned to Mary. man Is in the public eye for two diff- for 60,000 coolies to be shipped n g g better or more thorough work than'esttL wtll do it for him, "A girl who is willing to make bar- The girl, quick to perceive, saw that Parent reasons at the same time. At clad to the event of an Anglo -Russian conflict, no i betetr or more thorough work than and Pelt is in the atmosphere of the Congo by the end of [he year, active opposition would be made by the - 6 --- calf useful can find board and lodging faun before she had been there tweu- present, however, every one is talk Jun Rey, able£ of the Cherokees, is a careful man will cin with n paint° for the summer with Mrs, .Tennigi Ing about Sir Thomas ,T. Li ion, On his way to his Indian Territory Danes to the passage of a British i fork, but they are rapid and save much . Ti Rlilil'ti FOR THANKSGIVING, ly-four hours. P y squadron into theBaltie, ,41(tVing for; beret wart. In the field is the. best If you have turkeys for thanksgiv- Patrick at Round Top Farm:' [haps Mrs. Patrlak's offer was not ,Recently ]t was announced officially home from Iiavana. where before the 'it seems as if it might Ire a chancy"`a delicate way of being charitable!' she that The Royal Itlater Yacht Club hnd war he owned a large sugar plants, its object the blocking of the Russian dace to sort potatoes unless the tints; Ing market, keep them grpi Ing. If said DIary, And the next morning Elie said to herself anxiously, "I should tion, 1 P forwarded a challenge, to flee Now York Fleet to prevent its junction with the required to do the `work at a later tiros I they tail to come home each night will not wish to accept chnrif.y." Biscuits made OE 100 ,parte of wheat French, or to crash the naval power in the season is much less valunUle, i full crojrs, fill said crops up with fine went down to the store stili thinking It rvtis June, and there were harries Yacht Club fol- the America Cup. The flour, 88 pasta o£ gluten, and a small of Russia in Europe entirely. The at rain, charcoal. eta You can not half of it. of e11 kinds to be picked and taken challenge was made on Sir Thomas's If defro when they am being g. b- g card or, For Mrs. Patrick kept, of each quantity of tat, then dried in an oven lir&r Office at St. Petersburg and the ' ""'here is Round Tap Farm?" she l helialf, and beyond stipulating ,that tered from tl;e ground, Ona@ handlinft atarvu a turkey until n Pew weeks be- berry, the very earliest and latest and smeared with sugar syrup, Is now Admirals have, it is said, received in- , ' fare market time, and then b asked of a fellow -clerk. have ou?" y excursion steamers should be kept off part of the French soldier's rations. Y over is saved, lie not allow them . i y extra varieties known to horticulture. Mary stractions to take all measures neces I ' feed, make an extra bird of it, The '.So you have seen it too, h Y offered one morning to ga out and pick. tile course, has made np conditions General Renottard, the new chief of fay exposed t'h the sun long after they "No, m p, whatever. Sir Thomas' yacht will pro- said Notate Buchurd. y dear," was the kind but osi- sary to mess the emergency should it j are dry, as the sun -burning effect in- I only way to grow first-class turkeys tivq reply, "You have small physical y the French War Office, wife was m arise, and it is hinted that the first is to keep them leaving all the time. Both girls war's In the habit of read- p y P bably be named, The Shamrock, and ca fain in the Franco-German war, Is I Tures lha quality of the crop, Potatoes g' to the advertisements in whatever strength, but I should judge you have p thing would be the seizure of the Am- peep best nl: a low temperature, only Young turkeys should be carefully g skill." And she gave Mary a smile. Ii fa well known that the millionaire 62 years old, a little man, with akeea y eye and exceedingly ages• Island, off Copenhagen. This is -I a little above. freezing. M1lnny are spoil- examined for lice or they will not Papers came their way, "Not much skill," answered Mary, to extremely "keen" on winning the Y&otiv4 for hie age. "Yea, smiled Mary. "Where !s it?" 'except in selling silks and riblions• coveted trophy,I An Anti -Vaccinist Electoral Coven - land is separated from Copenhagen by; ed by being kept in ton warm n place or three weeks with n few drops of I But I believe I can develop some skill The racy will most ant is being formed in En las a narrow strait, and the German opin-i during the early fall and late spring. I melted lard. Don't allow Cham to roost Do you know? I thought it might be if you will not think me pushing and Probably come off soma time next sum- g g d as a ion appears to be that a strong Rus g in the trees, but provide a place for a chance to get out of the city for the presum. m@r. consequence of the Government's week - Ion dry place. for them is a necessity anti': them uud°r an open shed. If the roost g' ness to striking out the element of slat fleet could very quickly silence I should be one of the first provisions.'. to too ,nigh they will become lame, Daus- summer." "Push and presume al you ]Oka," said Then Sir Thomas Lipton's gigantde compulsion from the Vaccination bill. the fine forts that defend the harbor If to drill be rlry n deep celbar is pre-; ed by ,lumping to the ground. They can "Drell," answered Nettie, deliberate- Dlrs, Patrick, cordially. Only don's scheme is also much talked about at Mass Margaret Geddes, the first of Copenhagen and seize the docks and! . help themselves on the range, and need ly, "iC may be a chance, but TG's not I ehd 1d tyourself do ill on a task I •corn hire a g he food except of night. hive nn a]- present. Fre has laced in the hands ferable, for the reason that it is mora P Young woman is ne fr me degree of coal supplies on the island while the p the chance I'm looking for. I've ]mown So Mary began to "push and pre- of the Princess of �\rales a deafer of medicine from Edinburgh Danish p land forces could only look likely to have a lOav uniform temper- Imcnnce of ground bones, .haat and about Round Top farm far several some." She was deft -handed and open- . C73EQUE FOR $500,000. University, followed up her peados stare and wall net be reduced to Preen-; nharcoal, and keep them grwing rap -I oars. It's about fifty miles out, and eyed. Slto sorted and pa°tad bermes helplessly on. Ing temper:atnre sn readily as do more idly.' 13' for market, and owing to her painstlik- This money is to be devoted to building tion by getting married on the same I• (shallow ones. The blas In a potato eel-! .. 111 they say it's a beautiful place." Ing, the Patrink barrios stood a little dining -rooms in various parts of Lon- day to another doctor. l 'Whether matters Gave yet gone so' tar should not be loo large. 8]nswhiih "Then—" said Mary. f higher, if passible, in the estimation of M. Camille Blanc, the chairman of far as the German papers sc.y, cannot, i HOW A CHINAMAN FISHES. "Wait," said Nettie, holding up her ; buyers. Sha brlped with Ilia canning don—dining-roams where woeking-men hold 800 bushels should be the largest Y the Mento Carlo gambling enterprise, of course, be affirmed with certainty; size used. Slatted floors Por the bins hand. "There's everything on that and Preserving fpr home rise, an,l one can gat a good substantial dinner at - Trains ('nrsoin atltri avid wakes socuers IDD day Mrs. Patrick said, "I declare, a nominal cost, The project will bear is at Ostend to offer the municipality but there have Uaeu idlcdiCions that and doubly slatted walls between bins of nrr close, farm, and everything is first-class," D2n.ry, , think putting that advertise- P j of that place a concession to run the they are not itr wrong. A powerful' which allow the air to pass around, she ended impressively. ment in the 'Evening Harald' was the the nam@ of the "Alexandre. Trust," tablas of the Prince oC Dlonaco for a British squadron ,was announced some them are better than close walls •and, "Speaking of the national instinct most fortunate thin I quer did, lou in commemoration of the fact that the period of years, floors. The circulation of air which they and extent to which the faculties of Mary looked puzzled, . Princess at Wales will be at the Ilea& Lord Eame Gordon, brother and heir time ago as being prepared to proceed • "The eggs are larger and fresher, the; 8°Pad sp belong hard." g p` p aunts peeps the potatoes dry keep pre-; birds may ire developed," said ce old Behind the lad loolr that answered Of the trusleea, apparent of the Marquis of Iiuntly, to Copenhagen, and a strMig torpedo- vents hinting. They usually keep bat bird trainer to the writer recently, fowls are fatter, the Mutter is better' her in Mary's eyes a certain wistful- Sir Thomas was born in county Ty has been fined in the Maidenhead boaC destroyer flotilla is at this mo- fe when pinned in pits in the field,,, e• rade than you can find anywliera aces shone out. ,%ad it Sat Mrs. Pat- roll°, Ireland, but at the age of trf- menu engaged in what are officially, l until the weather gets cold enough t0I "perhaps one of the most interesting g teen he wont to the United States, Polido Court for assaulting a truck - freeze the ground a few inches dee . Ta; examples of this is Che Ova the dormer- else," went on Nettie, "and the fruits rick thinking. But she diel not at pare main and for using obscene language p Y 1 formulate her thought, if that could ba There he waked vary hard, saving I described as manaeUVt'ea in the North pit them for a temporary protection, I ant is `trained by the Chinaman to are simply fine. I wonder you've nev- I called thought which was a passive had penny he could, and when he to a policeman. Sea and off' the Norwegian coast. For; dig a shallow hale or place them in a1 eaLch fish, The cormorant is a very er heard of Round Top Farm before."! opening aE her mini to aJl tire{: con- had got together some 500 dollars be Bipyoles have made their way into the present the aguadron remains in conceal heap upon the surface, accord- l intelligett bird and is easily domesti- Diary glanced dews at the item which cerned Mary and her life on the Perm. feta;sed home, and, going to Glee- the British museum, the authorities British waters, but at last accounts it, Ing to circumstances. If there is don- She noticed that all fila ices@ s loved govv, iv@sled his small capital in & having ger of the ground becoming too wet! anted. They readily lay when captur- she had clipped and brought with her,:liar; that when she stepped out toward provistou shop. Here by dint of hard a established a cycle stable i- , was held in readiness for immediate; for them, place them upon the surface, I ed and their eggs are botched out by and now held in her band. th^ir work and careful advertising he soon the basement, for as many as a him - , whits isolated cruisers were otherwise di a shnlloty pit for them, yard CUA chickens crowded to dead cycles a day had been ]qct un- g p chickens. When a Chinese fisher- "I don't see—" she began. welcome her ; that the sheep ware al- began to make money, and as ha made >� patrolling the southwestern coast of so that the dirt can be bad for a cover-: man has half a dozen or more of these "Don't see I" exclaimed Nettle, "What ways ready to follow her; that the it he opened up branches in other Protected against the railings. Norway and the entrance to the Skag- Ing, an even oniea1Q41e.ceoc anthem � birds he begins while the fire still does first-class down to the smallest, flowers seemed to thrive ander her Parts of the country. Thus policy Mr. In a plea for the preservation of p g y 1 touch; that every dumb thing an the Lipton pursued for many years, and Blackmore's Lynton and Lyntnouth el• -Rack, Another circumstance that with a layer of straw or bay about, young to teach them to obey his cam- detail mean, but that TUrs. Jennie Pat -I glace trusted bar, at the present moment the firm has district in Devonshire from railroads points to the accuracy of the German four inches thick. Cover the straw or j mantis and to come to him when they trick is particular—cranky. as Youi "Shut up a girl like that in a store!" More than sixty branches in London the Westminster Gazette asserts that informatics, is that orders had been h.ay with n layer of earth three or four are called. Ile next allows them their might say? I wouldn't go there for• exclaimed Mrs. Patrick to herself one e, resides a very large numbs Oil not long ago fifty-two artists were given by the Britisl Admiralty for inches thick allowing the straw to sx- fifteen miuutea Ito make myself useful,'; morning in August.- "A girl that, has the continent. counted at work in the space of one tend through it at the top to aunty freedom in the water, where ahoy soon tot alone all summer." And with a: sense ,sough to enjoy living close to in the United States there are huge mile. crows of the port guardships on the ventilation and the pasting off of mois-i develop their natural Inclination to positive nod of her head she turned natural For she does enjoy it. She's wholesale establishments, including a At the sugar conference in Brussels English coast to be brought up to tore. When it gets cold enough for dive in searcb of fish. But• as the from Diary to watt upon a customer,' gained in every way since she's been lnrin:g-1°nae in Chicago; and in Cey- their full service complemeet, which' the cellar air to be kept cooled down J birds invariably bolt the fish which who had just come in. I here:' Ion Lipton's have innumerable tea, the delegates of Groat Britain, Gar- ro about forty Or forty-five degrees) Now the weed "pacticul&r" had no; Yes, Mary diel enjoy is. There tuns Follers, and c.,oa, plantations. Two .any, Austria-Hungary, Belgium and would be dopa only if ever were ex- above zero by night ventihltion the po-1 they catch, a metal ring is fastened horror for Diary. She was particulatr, time every day far her to react anti years ago the firm Lon acquired a f a" abolition were ready to propose the pectgd, t taf°es can be token from the pits and l snugly around thein necks and this manufactory in London and a jam faa- hersglf and came of a jinx of particular; rest, and plenty -of rending on land, abolition of bounties, while those of I placed in it. ' tnnure from the atable prevents them swallowing. people. As far Uack as she had heard I How could ahe stand it to go back? tory in Bermondsey, and to supply the France and Russia insisted on their As for the Driniah Government and can, be placer, over the cellar as it or- I „The fisherman takes his birds out of her family, and that was for tbree' she often asked herself. To live alone tatter's wants special fruit gardens retention. 6weddn and Spain would Cumulates. The layer Of mauure will' generations, she had board stories of; in that little cooped -up raom at night were purchased in different parts of agree to anything. people, they will not easily find the, gradually increase in depth as the °n a raft to some favorable fishing g Kant• of Vigorous measures will be taken in I this one and that Dna bringhax•cl so. enc] through her small leisure time to. way out of the difficulty. Their com- weather grows cool and the cellar will i ground and puts them overboard. They suit Long ago heir grandmother had atand all day and minister to those who bo the course of a year millions Other mercin.) interests and probably their thus be kept warm with little extra of , begin diving in turns for fish. At, said to her. "Thare's two kinds of par -I were too tired and i too much of a labels, tidktaLa, posters, and other Mtidagasoar to prevent the extinction sympathies are with England, wb.taItart, If it is necessary to bank the scan a, a Ciel is secured the cormor- ticular; the fault-finding kind of poo -1 burry, or else to° idle and selfish tplprinted matter aro used by the firm, of the paupl&tion. After neat year those of the royal family will be di- I doors or windows of the cellar use clean i out comes to the surface t° sw•rr.11ow pie who like to make trouble and the j earn Por her more than they did for the and In order to meet this, a huge every man 25 years of age who can- t straw or hay. If manure is used the I kind of particular. people who want; cashrbox that ran on the wire to the printing establishment was opened in not show that he is the father of a vided between London and St. Peters -I odor from it is likely to penetrate the it, but is prevented grow aotng so by Glasgow, child, legitimate i .things right, oven if it does make trou- � cnshior's desk with their money ; to g' mato or illegitimate, will burg. On the othar hand, their goo -I cellar. The temperature must be w•atoh- • the ring around its neck. The bird ble. All our folks are of the last kind." hear always, when she was atveke, the At. Lipton's Bath -street establish- pay an annual tax of $8, Childless wo- g,raphical position ties them to thq': ed, however, and if the weather grows, is then called to the float by the fish- All morning Mary thought oP these{ rush and roar of the city. here the went an immense quantity of tea is men over 26 years of agatv]ll pay . too cold the eoaering of manure must f things; and when she want Co lunch vara wild herds tvexe Priend!,v- And kept, and this seldom falls short of $1.50. European can[inznt and Chet( eater he increased by epactal hanging. It is erman, tubo robs it of Its prey, and then 12.000 chests. The firm annually pays she said to herself, "I beam I'll try, how could any one rail hens unfnter- Lava streams that have flowed out nal policy is regulated, nut by theiri well to be always on the safe side in' loosens the ring and rewards the bird Round TOP Farm" eating when they had such confidential the Customs between X80,000 suit .840,- of Vesuvius during the last three '' own interests or sympathies, but by Pei m for naafi tionginor co cattily I with a small place of fish. The fish- A wa# later she went to try it. And ways of casting up one eye and talking 000 sad in the course of a week it is the influences brought to bear un Pr having one or nttra openings at the arman refastens the ring about the Mrs. Patrlok having had notice of her to her? And th-n she fell to wonder- no uncommon thing for metra have depositedot 105,side sable theca by Lha German and Russian; top of it extending out ni the open I neck of the cormorant and the whole arrival, was at she train to meet her. Ing what Ewund Top Farm might be '250 TONS OF TEA metres of lava on the aide of the air and arras ed so then eon be IePt'oPeration is repeated again and again, For1Irs, Patrinkhad suddenly develop- like in winter. She knew that there to be disposed of to the public. C1Osq has been at con, of lavawh h high Governments. Germany, as their tar q has been formed, out of which feast p en for vintilatinn or shut off to pre- I. until the bird become ad Cirdd of div- eel whys was a new phase of phLlrtn- was little avow, for the farm was not to the pea warehouse ]a situated ti g]- streams are flowin The valla s on i1 ritorial neighbor: naturally exertdsee p in when another cormorant: is Put thropy for her. far onough north for much of that. gentle tea -tasting xoom. Here one g' y I vent too much cooling off or chilling. gr y g g either side of the observatory peak a powerful influence in th@ir affairs, licca the potatoes in the dark, its light overboard. Some of these cormorants "I am a busy woman," she lead re- An ane da slut asked Mrs. Patrick. may see hundreds of little 'tea pots, although it may not be often visiblylhns n tendency to make them sprout, are so perfectly trained that they will plied whop the in had deed to "Well," smiled Mrs. Petrick, "per cups, aad sample boxes, while, passing have been completely filled up. exercised, and in she last resort it is The secret of keeping potatoes in good catch end deliver fish without being her to solicit board and lodging for i haps you ought not to ask me, for I from one to the othsr, the expert test- Admiral Hamann, the French Com- canr]ftion is to keep thorn dry, dark restrained by the ring, and I have seen some unfortunate child of the city. "I' own I am in lova with hound Top ers submit their opinion as to the mender-]n-CUIef in the Mediterranean, probably Germany that would deter- one bird bring to the surface as many c&aloes have a child Uare—I don't un- Farm, w. Bu r isn't summer stay a d quality of the samples submitted to has had the misfortune of losing a bag r and sect without freezing. 6 you knew. But, ruby dant you slay and mine the attitude of Denmark in the as twenty fish, all Of which weighed derhe m inter children." y them, and decidebl on the eomposit,on the novel Ino confidential report on event of an Anglo Russisn aver. This -- - from a quarter to one and n half The minister had seemed disappoint_ ace for yourself just how dull and die- of Che various blends. Directly, out- the naval nubupeuvors noel ,i report an POINTS ON GOOD BUTTER pounds, Ad. Seeing which, she had repented of agreeable Round Top Farm can be?" side is the mixing room; here a staff the value of Bizertaas 9, war port. 'rhe ,; new development in the European sit- "The Chinese, who have successfully her decided words a little. Put me Oh, Mrs, Patrick I" exclaimed Mary; at mixes control the mach.uery which admiral left the bag in it railway car- nation adds greatly to its general in- MAKING• trained the cormorant Lind the otter clown for nothing," she had said, "and and her eyes filled with tears. properly and proportionately blonds xingu at Marseilles while hd stepped serest, but it bodes no good fur the In tempering cream it is often for- to fish for them, have also taken the then, if I see my way clear to (to any- "I mean it," said Mrs. Patrick. "I the various qualities of teas, while yet into the restaurant for eahe b Aped small States of the Continent is Eur- ramora in ban(], with the happiest re- thing, I will do i t in my own way. I I don't See why' you mightn't as wall help in another room adjacent: between 100 and found it gone upon his return. ents ops the period o£ whose paling near churn that the ronin in which the sults. suppose a child of the city might be of! me for money as t° wait on customers pendenc, appears to be drawing near churning is done should be very cool "Most voyagers in tropical ones are almost any age?" sha added, interruga In a store for money. All the accounts and 600 girls, in coloured blouses g and [,.ussia's women criminals are for the Its end. also. Su. POSE w° put oream in the white paper Cape, era engaged in P acquainted tU this P collar fish, Cively. o£ CUA year are to b, gone over and weighing, packing and labelling It for most part peasants who have mar- --- -- churn at a tem erature of sixty de.- which is known generallyb the tri- The minister smiled. He knew that,Ibalanced. You could help mi about the su. l of the shops. One curious der,dtheir husbands. The prevalence race. The inside of the churn should vial name of the ucker. The distill- this "busy woman" was like Dorcas of that, for to tell the truth, Dir. Patrick fact i pconnection with the tea -blend- of the crime is believed to be due to HEALTH HINTS. B g hates accounts, You could het me in ig deserves special mention, It is marrying e _— be as cool as that, by a prevtnns Tins• gutshing el ura°teristic of this fish is old, "full of °ort works and almsdeeds, P I:hq custom of mare in off eels ton laziness, Unwilling to exert itself' which she clic,," and he answered oordi. my business eprrasppnef@nce, which is that the tea is especially blended to bdforo the ago of puberty. to this is Suggestions Wortli Trying for Preventing ing with cold water, and the temper- overmuch in the pursuit of food,'it has ally. "To be sure, Mrs. Patrick. Any. quite largo, for Mr. Patrick hates busi- suit the water of the locality to which also ascribed the excessive number of Everyday ttls. ature of the roam should be as low developed an arrangement on the bilek age, any age," And he rose to go, quite ness letters. I will tell you wll%t I do it ie going, The water differs ver deaths among very young children, The following suggestions ere in the also, writes G. C. Stone, in an ex- of its head exactly Bike the corrugated satisfied. not sp@al of gc!neraliy—Mr, Patrick is 8 y the mortality under J year of age in wa of rev fives C revs - s sole of a tennis shoo, and as artificial A week later the advertfsemgnt that not atrong. 'Things wear on him and much in different towns, and Tho idea Y g y preventives ea o every -day day ell . change. It properly prepared cream is In appearance an it made and fitted by lad caught Mary's eye appeared to the annoy him that do not effect me in occurred to Sir Thomas of so suiting Russia, befog 27 per cent„ wheeas the 'Try cranberries for malaria,e least. He likes to supervise the his tea L° Lliq department t Euzopean average is 10 per sent, placed in a warm churn and churned the hand of man. "Evening Herald,"Iierald," p In the ham department Oho smok- Try a sun batb for rheumatism. in a warm apartment what Is gained "When the sucker finds itself in the • "'Vo shall see," said Mss, Patrick, "I outdoor work, and it agrees with hits !ng -houses are particularly Interest- , Try cranberry Vanities for er ai e- On cream temperature is partly or en- vicinity of any large floating body, believe in helping, first of all, those, to do it, But he hates business, anti frog, and have long strings extending WOMEN RO7tItiER5 AI3ROAO. las, y F p such as a ship, a shark, Or a piece oP who are willing to help phemsaIvea, We sr .t attend to that. You are the one from the roof to the ground contain- The German ov I. tirely lost and , the butter will come flotsam, whose neighborhood seems io stall sac who comes. I fenny I s11mll pet -son that I have ever had about ma g ernment is f011ow- Try eating fresh radishes and yellow that needs no au arvis]on, I will Viva Ing 70,000 or 80,000 hams. Ing the example of America and Bing- ., turnips for gravel. more or less soft. This Is a mistake p;•°mise an abundance of food, it at- not have many applicants," j p g In conclusion, Sir 'J'bomas Li rton'a that man popple mato who Oto not taches itself firm, thereto by means On than bot summer morning tvhNn you forty dollars .i month and your t land unci employing women in the Pose. Try swallowing saliva when troubled Y of thisItself f contrivance, which per- the train rolled in to the little station, board the year round if you will Stay. " advice to t.hosq wishing to become mil - with sour stomach, thoroughly understand dairy princip- Of is it curious eat, breathe, end perform deposited, Mary and her luggage station, and, "Mrs, Patrick!" called one of the lionatros is:--"Advert.ise thoroughly, Office Department, The experiment of lea. The react or ]warn that cream p work hard, and deal honestly," using them as clerks and directors of relieve dropsical swellings, y all necessary functions while being then rolled out again, Mrs. Patrick maids, putting hot, bead in at the dear, g Try eating onions and horseradish to must be churned at fifty-two or fifty- carried about, without any exertion on stood walking on the platform. Her j And, with her accustomed prompt- smaller post offices has been saLisfac- Try buttermilk for the removal of eight degrees, and thinking that titers- its part. It can attach and detaehe strong face lighted with pleasure as, nese, knowing that she was needed, 'WATER IN TIIE LADES. Lory, The department is now going a freckles, tan and butternut stains, in must lie all the secrets of good but- itself instantaneously, and holds so she looked at the girl's erect, slender I Mrs. 1. atriok obeyed. the call, step further, and is appointing wom- firmlyy that a direct backward pull can- forret, the delicate, men fade and i Left to herself, Mary slipped h t Co markaion has been called to on very en assistants in the telegraph and . '.Cry the aroup tippetwhen &child is ter -making, ignore or neglect, all oth- not dfalodgo it without injury to the the plain but tastefril dress. her room earl pus On her hat and rAmarkable affect, oftho wind on vari- likely to be troubled 'with aroup, "She'll do," sh.: thought, And the gloves, r, a she went quickly down telepbona affixes. A groat many wo- Try hot fiannet over CUA seat p£ or req,uieites. Tito result Ot course is fish. g nus island bodies of water, It is not a partial air almost complete failure "Several good-sized specimens of the next moment sh@ was leading again, and out and away through the I roan have also been appointed to take neuralgic pain, and renew frequently, fish haviu been caught, the Chinese the way to hsr light road wag• flower -garden, whare she stopped only unusual £nr Olid res]dents in towns On of butter quality, Uecnusa CUA student g g I fell no bei of smaller neat offices,dpeed Try felting cod fiver o[1 in tamale fisherman P2Ls small iron rings to their on, {nl:n which the station agent wasn't- to pick thA nearest blossom and than Olt, ah°r,a oP laligs to be, gr°qtly ]n - has learned only half of the dairy al- tails, to which lie attaches lou slon- ready bouncing Mary's trunk. It was wont on. She wanted to be alone to convontencad, provided a heavy wind ferenpq being shown to the widows and pa��p it you want to mato it pals- g, table, phabet, There is also another class of tier, trot very stout fines, Thus equip a spirited pair of herons than lUP.ra. Pett- I.hinlr over holy goo:,, how vary geed � blowing on shore continues for any daughters of deceased in posmploy rf esfic makers who berteuaA butter ped, Lba fishciman sots out, and when rick drove, and they tverA soon off at God had 'been to her when hr grtvehdr: 7.'hoa, who levo been in the @matey v£ Try lard alder—a trine glassful three dem s Geri on Cher way i o the farm, Maxy, j the pies of being particular to title I length of limo. In Dna IialLfe Son, the i:ha gnverninont a long tits° Ott, i o re - times a day—for ague and rheuma- is jaw in price, will neglect many little a basking turtle is soon ttyo or three wph° had he asitLy 0aI. 6 fa I tootled; thinge--tho gift that lies at the bot- l level has been altered for upwards of naive a salary of 1,200 marks, x$986, per I{sm of the suckers are put overboard, g year, tvillr :an extra allnwnnce of 600 points of mlinufaetum which they have Should they turn and stick to the bot- about her with enjoyment -and respond- tom of every Belief sunaoss in life, nn ei ht f@°t, Sometimes the water is Try Laking a nap itt the afternoon, hitherto Observed, They argue on the , fishing raft, they aro ca - ed readily to all Mrs• Pa,Iriak's convey- matter in what line that success may iilown out of a rhnnnal, leaving it a1- metrics, $119 Cvz' house retrt, It au aro gotag to be cul tats j n Cher 1'in, OP what. is the nae or brain so tom of tU g a h y xo Y g Lolly detached by being pushed for- sationa] advances, an that Ole two are (Ue. lice .head was filled tvftU joy, Pnr, : mast dry, to nue instance a ciepre of. a, Ito Norway women have Lar sand pinto Utryening, particular when the, bottom is nla ward with th@ fn,vttabl, bamboo, and Iiks old friends whon the hill came in tinder hat calm exterfor, Mary was of six fast occurred an and atd4 of tL b,ell a;nplvyecl in Iha railroad and post - , Dui: of the lair ranrJtgt? This I sight. very emot.,ona1, bndq aE water wft.h a dnrresponding office service, and are now receiving Try broathjng the fumes of turpan- 1 Y started an the. search again. At Last I is a and mistake for much depends on the attach themselves to the sa rirte ' Ah) Now I sea the moaning of She had not gone far from the - rise of six teet oil the other, Lake Eric t appoinLmcnts as supervisors of the ting or carhoTiq acid to relieve tvhoog or acct unlit to anal y L ' R°and Tap farm)' cried Mary. "�Vha,t. hausd••-it was only out of sight among has boon known to alter its level a, railroad stations, They .receive Ills ro- Ing cough, a continuanceg 1 q Y l Llines, Then the hick r gentle hauls en a res background tho bill makes to' the trans behind her and at ]tor right.; dista.nre o, fifteen fees on account'. at pvrCs from the I;rain conduutors, an - 11 Tr nn extra air of stpnkin s out-! the butter market r•rcic to its norma Liteltd l,nnay, against which @nt,, suasion pretty Y g Try p g. i i . IP an improvement rovement js endo 8 thean fields I And the rail fences—hew And hark I from a tragi in the raw that heavy winds, and Lake Mic];igen was swor the many questions of travellers side of ;your shoos tvben traveling in conch n x P the hapless chelon struggles in vain, } g j in an line of dairy work it is the ))card the raft: the useful re- much bettex they aro than the burled i bordered her left, a, bird begnat to sing.' a4 on, lima the subject of gonsrdoxablA in German and lr'.ng12aL, stili cut Lho wid weather.height of full to frill bock again, In more py detaehec. and is at since read wire, Ones I saw from the car will. As the liquid nnLes fell on bar enl;rgna Interest from the same aru,;o. The trai is in 1.110 writing rooms, ring Ilia Y more, n, y I od cars, (ilia raiand and clasped her wlnd ivas heavy And continuous and station boll at the departing n1 the " Ti -walking with ypnv hands behind I producing perfect butter tier much dr. fax sap again. dotvi" p i n .s which h Degidcdly, nn a Stock farm," replied hands that Still hold alta flnaver and piled the water up on one aisle, tv]lilc Lenin, noel telegraph its delrarturo to you if you find yourself henaminlry pends an details sent ne i __ bent forward. o observed, spoil the continuity of 1Nrs. Vatriak,"Think nl ane Of my beau- gnzaci earnestly up i:O son as wolf no I the ad o on, was W Ipw I.UnI people t]tO next: station. They Perform iha rlti- ;' k. C not F r a t: - s r 't afford to inary . Wul Jarseys mangled on a barbed linar. pill, felt as if that were her bird, walk<rcl out upon I,UA r°eka avUern nn ties of governmoni; telegraph Mont ern !Cry a silk handkarehief over the fnco the wbole jute, Good bt i sr caster of Tie—No, ,. can o yy and shi kn•wv that he voiced :?:r i the memory of man nn Poet had aver rind often these an postrnnt'"ar:C t.t4rif , wflett Oblt;dl reJ go against a cold, old school urtllrratcod the import- tibe -- Why? I'm sure the tailor wire(" pitrainst wind. I ance, of a cool atmobphera In which to mentioned papa'a name. Il+all tgncea were old-favitinned, but. aeatacy in Uar own heart. No more Por! trodden, baggage mon. . c' •_-,•-•, W�_.u,,.-, ._n, � .N,.. ,,',.._ . ...... _.... . _._