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The Brussels Post, 1898-10-14, Page 5
pt,T, 14, 18118 OUSINESS CARDS, Sl: kl'l.t� etuz, Air ONEY TO LOAN AT G 11j!:It ,1•T cont, 1'.1. SCOTT, Brussels, �/'� 11. MoCRACIfTN, N • Usurer 0(Alltl'rlogo I.(0006es, Oaten gt. his (ir000ry, Purn berry street, 61l'nssole, -y N. 13AItIU TT, .1..0. Tonsorial Artist. Slop—Next door fon (,e� ties' aor nd 0111111 010 hair cCoelotting aalsl hardware 1)IANO Olt WIGAN.. .. Miss Jean 01o1,nneblhl,WWII nr 0. L. TI. Harris, Musical Doctor, or the Ootleery 0101 y 01 11110010, llamilton, Out4r(0, is pre - (0111d to S100111strnat101111 Go ,up11e on either 1.1,loo or organ. Special attention giv011 111 1.001111(0, Lessons given either at the Winos of pupils or at teachers 110100. 41.Sm ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INlU1IANOn, FIRE ANO MARINE. GUELPH. T. PLETCHER. tssc,ef of Marriage Licenses, Oorion AT JawnLnr STCnit. K*"No Witneee Required. T. FLETOHER, Brussels i , LEX.HUNTER, nU , Cour f� Olon, of 0110 Fourth Division lic l Con(j,I L0611 apo ln0Y11110n ee Agent. Feuds invested60 a0 Graham's 13 leek, Bru00010 Colleetiona made n. )1( AUCTIONEERS. u .4uS. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION J • 1'1.10, will sell for better Ingalls, to Pot101' men_ in 600 time mud less chargee Chau any other Auctioneer in 11001 Cum er he wont (b01110 anything, hates and order con' always l i) a arranged et this oinoe or perso VETERINARY. I D. WARWICK, BJ • Ilonor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all /(10/0008 of dornosticatod animals 60 a cum• potenmanuer, Particular attention p aid to veterinary at- tended mfloo and Ln1mmrFur doors north of bridge 'Purnberry et., Brnssele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER Y v . Soliotbor, conveyancer ,No tory Pub- lic, 011V0Y ncer,N0toryPub- Ilc, &o. Oalee—Vaus„oce'e Block,1 door north of Centra) Tinto Solicitor for the Standard Bank. (-GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, ." Solicitor, &o. (into of Garrow & Proorlfcot's 011100, Code -AWL) 0111ce over Gill1lles Smith's 1(0116, Brussels, 47 j%, — G. CAMERON, lr� • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Co in won) li01111st00 and Solicitor, Goaerfoh, Out. Onloo—IIaun11100 St., Opposite 001 borne Hotel, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 131.13- C. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Tledloal college, Member College of P111, melees and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the l loyal Collegeeoh Ph anoimu0 and Lizeuttate rfl,didyu11,nieloPhono o.4Midwifery, 18.Bro E. T. SNIDER, 1 ioeeutl to sof ilio) air to A. Phyzicia00 and Surgeons Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Puy0(01an01wd Surgeons of Ontario, 11)000000 o1 women and children a specialty. Eight years' experience. . larOince and res. loolvoy Turuberl'Y s6 eet,,Bru00o1e.ied yDr. 26•o - i/. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M. D.. M.C. P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR, Et 0. special attention given t0 (Simone of the Thleat and Lunge and 4360/1000 of Women and Ohildrou, 1131SlDENCR—WALT0N, ONT. • DR. F. H. KALDFLEISCH, 01001I0IAN, 6Un0n00 AND AOa0U0HnUn, adl(11'Plies. Bottom, Itl(pofel',- .The following le the report of S. S, No, 4, Morris, fur the months of August and September ; - L`orm 2. --'total 800 • -Norah 1llnuudors, 450. P. S. Leaving.—Total 800 --Willie Monkey, 5.1.1 ; Ilia Mooney, '1134; 100110rd Giardia, 4211 ; Jan, Innis, 802 ; Milton Sharpe, 87$; Mary 1Sernoghan, '1.13; Loin Movie, 107, 4611 ohm, -Total 800— Clara Mooney, 572 ; Mabel Nichol, 088 ; Bertha Moho', 515; Itobert Money, 424; John Cloaltey, 410 ; Carrie Spelt, 898 ; Minnie Mooney, 675 ; Bertha tintype, 197. et•d class.—Total000—Donald 111 we, 620; Everett Walker, 208 ; Lizzlo Davin 277 ; Minnie Walker, 254 ; 11lat0n Cardiff, 122; Harry Finn, 58,-01. 210.—Tobol 500- 1)aura Oloalley,898; Lizzie Spear, 891; Tenn iioreylh, 010 ; Pearl Sharpe, 2811 Annie N36hel, 228 ; Grace Finn, 191 ; Geo. Finn, 102. Jr. 2nd,—Total 000— Frank Niohol, jr., 148 ; Ilarold Speir, 182 ; 011ie Walter, 51. Sr. Pt. 2nd.— Total 150—Lorne Niobol, 85 ; Carrel Innis, 751 E4,01 Bernard, 72. Jr. Pt. 2nd,—Total 100-13ennie Walker, 68; Geesie Finn, 02. Ilonor standing for the month.—Clara Mooney, Laura Cloakoy, Lizzie Speir. Average attendance for September 41. J. D. E. Ilonor, Teacher, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 1st Claes Ironer Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Itingston) nod of Trinity Modieal Onlloge; Follow of Ti Jolty medical College and member of the (1.110ge of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Boat Graduate course in Detroit end. C)aioogo,1800. spoolelattention paid to dis- 00to.1jNoso oullo' ana ()6fBye, 101'Oeactu o Bug - Bob and German.. Telephone at residence, OARS FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will keep for servi00, on 1 ,ob 5 Condi, 14ray, athero' bred improved Yorkshire boar mud it Blom' bred largo L4ug- li0h Berkshire hos, Pedigrees nut be seen on application,s0(00 dolma, Lge, to b0 pond at Elmo of snrvlco,with privilege of returning i) necessary. Af1TI1UR 120(1'111 40.4• Proprietor, B'OLDS FOR SERVICE•--TIU I undersigned will koop for service on Lot 10, Con. 3.0, troy, alto thew' bred Here- ford bun "Pletnre," Also a thorn' bred Dur- hnnlsu1l ermsl,hS0 1Ao,obol110 3101o0J0 m 1st, 116(1, with priv11og0 of returning if 1100aesary. 41.4 0111V16111 TUUNBUL1Propiiotoa 2340.00. A'ree' WootL0s Pho8Dhotline, The Great 111pit.0h R0lnedt/. 8014 and recommended by al druggists In Canada. Only reit able medicine discovered, Std 1((0/60)760 guaranteed to cure al onus o Sexual woekness, all effects of aloud )r excess, ]dental Worry, 11xoeeelve 080 of To. 'mono, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on 0600103 1t price, mho pa6ka 6;81, six, 85. 006114(111161(3ef ixtaf6lcure. Pampgt4018 free to tiny addrog0. 1110 'Wood Company, Windsor, Out, 801ti in ll1IOggssI,1300310alle1Optician. C4 r•f>o'. 031 1s the I 1 ' am.—The fad n OL al0 g S Cn0 R report of B. S. No, 0, Grey, fur the month of September. The mama are arranged in order of merit 1 -5th class — Annie Bray. 4th ulnar—Lawrance MoNaughb, James Mann. Br. Sed—Elle McNaught, Hattie Fraser, Russel Robertson. Jr. 3rd —Ethel MoNaughb, Norma Sperling, Willie Harrison. Sr. 2nd—Willie Mann, Nellie Harbottle, Olive Oliver, Frank I4arrieon. Jr: Roil— Wilbur bray, Nor. man klenanght, Harry M0Naught, Geo Mann, Henry McKay, Willie Mann, Wes. ley Malay, Willie Hanley. Sr, Pt. 2nd --Robbie McKay, Katie Harbottle, Mag. gbe Mann. Jr. Pt. 2nd—Myrtle Sperling, IV 1011(0 klo3aught, Oatharine Brown, Alfred Meehan. Sr. Ps, let—Ella Bray, \Mille Mama, Fergus MONaugh1, Rae Ross. Jr. Pt, 1st — Alex Mann, Roy Cummings, Myrtle Cummings, Olive Brown. N. 3. IonooTen, Teacher, Sononr, RnronT,—Tho following is n re port of the etatnding of the pupil0 of S. S. No 1, Grey, for the month of September, of those who obtained 18J8. The llama Ilonor standing have * after them, and the names only of theme who obtained 40 per cent are published. Form 2.—Tobe) 700-3, Crerar, 889 ; M. Bielby, 247 ; W. Armstrong, 189. P. B. Leaving.—Total 800—A, Calder, 218 ; L. Blake,* 235 ; A. Switzer, 154 ; C. Armstrong, 108 ; J. Farquharson, 177. 4th class.—Total 850—V. Armstrong,* 298 ; G. Bielby, 230 ; R. Davidson, 159. Sr. 8td.—Total 250—G. Blake, 186 ; 1). Davidson,* 107 ; W. Switzer, 121. Jr. 8r11.—Total, 800— E. Bollinger,'" 260 ; B. Blake, 224 ; B. Davidson, 181 ; M. Bedford, 130 ; T. Davidson, 188. Sr. 2nd.—Total 200—T. Bielby, 127 ; W. Stevenson, 148 ; L. Dickson,* 194 ; 3. Bands," 180 ; M. Bands,' 157. Jr. W.—Total 200—M. Hoggnrd, 127 ; B. Dark, 140 ; A. Gordon, 118 ; H. Bedford, 129 ; M. Dark,* 182. Sr. 1st --Total 75—A. Dark, 46 ; Jae. Dickson, 52 ; Jno. Dickson, 47 ; B. Stevenson,* 58. Those who stand 'first for accuracy and speed :—Form 1,—M. I3ielbv, J Crerar ; leaving, L. Blake ; 4t11, V. Armstrong; sr. Ord, D. David• son ; jr. 3rd, E. Hollinger. W H• STe001,11, Teacher. .tvg;fi 1.to0'87' (WI 10.. 1'u*1 01.1.1' 1i 111.3vr1(0.-..10,11. Wu0,1' ('0a boon appointed postmaster et Mole:weet] In !deco of Alex. fatter -am, roa14ne 1, The appointment wits 111%1A 48 a result of a 310tidoe signed by 10 eimei lerable num• her of rolidon to about here, endorsing Ililn for the position, When kir, Patterson first 1'eai„nod 1)r. klaodonald, 64. P., aJ Winghl1m, wrote to William Brown and two others asking thorn to malts a roe o1- Menilntiun and after Mosultat1on they ad viand the appointment of Mr. McKee, 01,'. i'atteroon'e enamor 111 111(0111000. Mr. Brown informs ns that while the petition for Mr, Woods was being air- oola•ed that remora were entrant that he Mr, Crown or kir. Edgar had made re• ;narks to Dr. Mecdonnld reflecting on 51r. Woods for the alleged purpose of getting Mr, Magee appointed. To clear himself of title 6Ofa36' and untrue report Mr. Brown obtained the letter below from Dr. Macdonald and w1ahe8 us to give it publicity 1— Wln1ham, Sept. 22, '08. TO Wn,at IT MAY GON6N:11N,d.- WVm. 13rewn and John Menzies oalied upon mo today and informed me that 3t was rumored tint they gook° disperse. iugly of Wm. Woods, of Molesworth, when in conversation with me 001110 weeks Ago about Lae 51,,loeworth P, 0, Neither of these gentlemen over said one word against Mr. Woods character tie a man, citizen or neighbor, but pressed, ms he had a perf00t r)1ht to do, the claims of t tl in I M Iiee and that to did n Mr. u Y ,ant1e111 hn Y env. dlr. Brown or MC. 54einriea usenet be jnatly charged, as for as I know, of doing anything or Baying ,anything hilt what was right and proper in my opinion, to slay. It is stated, I am 3mformed, that Mr. Edgar or tilt. Brown or both said that kir. Wools was small a man that his vote could ho bought for either party for 82. Nabbing like this or any reflection like this was over cast upon Mr, Woods by these gentlemen t0 me or by any other man to me. I haven't e001n Mr. Edgar about this matter at all, and therefore he could not have 1014 me. I have a letter written to me on the P. 0. question by Mr. Edgar. l° that letter he makes no charges Against his oharacter. The letter can be 8000 by any 0118 who wishes to 008 it. Rospeotf oily (Said) P. !Macdonald. ‘V for&iltL8n. Conn of RevIoION.—T11e County Judge ha8 chosen Thursday, Ootober 2001, as the date for bearing appeals against the Voters' list for the town of Wingham. LANs SALE.—The assignee's sale of the north 100 sores of lot 2, and the north 108} aures of lot 8 con. 2, Turuberry of the estate of Jas. Stewart, took place on Friday last at the Queen's hotel. The highest bid received was $7850 which did nob reach the reserved bid, hence the land remains for private sale. A fewhuudred dollars higher might have taken ft. Erwonrn Inmate.-- The °Moore el60t for the current term for the Epworth League of Wingham Methodist clash are as follows ;—President, W. T. Hall ; let vice Pres., E. Paulin ; 2ud'vine Pres., Miss E. Netteriield ; 8rd vine Pres„ 11lrs. Henderson ; 4th vice Pres., Miss L. Lloyd; Secretary, Miss• E. Page ; Treasurer, Mrs. 3. Dodds; Organist, Miss E. Rush ; Aeefetaut Organist, Mrs. Conary. PnoxoTID,—We are pleased to report the promotion of Chas. P. Smith, son of J. Smith of Wingharn, from the branch of the Bank of Hamilton, Listowel, to the position of Accountant iu the Bank in Wingham, is place of 3. C. Telford who has been transferred to Oheeley. The change will be a congenial one tor Mr. and Mrs. Smith, fie it bringe them back to the scenes of former days, where they have many friends. They will occupy the Kent homestead, which has been lately improved in appeeranc8. The Pos'r congratulates Mr. Smith in his advancement with so solid a monetary institution as the Bank of Hamilton. Tun nun H,u,00—Ohief Manuel has everything in good order around the hose Lower. The tower itself has boon stayed, and rendered temporarily safe, and the ho0ecarts painted. M010110se is required, as there are only about one thousand feet that eau be relied on in naso of fire. How ueeeseary this is, may be seen from the fact that at the recent fire, 1800 feet were laid. Al least 500 feet of nets, hose is necessary. Chairman Hanna anl10013600 hie intention of testing all the old hose tip to 200 pounds and casting aside all not standing that pressure. Most of the eld lengths will resent such forcible treat- ment by refusing to stand the pressure. 1'laysoloTATI0N.—011 Monday evening, it =nine of the friends of Mr. John Nos - lands met e,t Dr. Towler's to peseta him with some slight token of their esteem prior to his departure to Brantford. 'i'lto gathering was limited to those who had been assoolatecl with Mr. N. in Sabbath School work, • After sooial oouvereatiou and re£re011mente, Mr, Neelands was ppre• dented with a Silver 'Water Pitcher, Mayor Morton reading the address, and ,Mrs, Dr. Towler ;laking thopresentatiohi. Mr.Nselan(lawas completeiy taken by surprise but replied suitably to the kindly. worded address. lie loft •011 Thursday for Brantford, but Mrs. N. will remain a few days with friends. Foe many years they have beet identified with Wmgham, and the best wishes or, a large circle of me. friends go with thorn to Choir new home. Mr. Nee -lauds' position as High Traumata of the Canadian Foresters, neoee0ibated his removal to Brantford. Ctettttfiiltit Nal eV ed. Woodetook's papulation is 9,110. of 5 Ottawa claims a population 0000., Thursday, Nov. 24, is Thanksgiving Day. indoor baseball club has been form- ed and officers elated in Satnifa. A couple of deserting sailors from the U. B. S. Marblehead were captured in Quebec). Drtlgg(et Richard Rowntree was found dead in bad at Merriokville on Thursday morning. The Hamilton Radial Electric Railway Company has decided to extend fba lino from Burlington to Port Nelson. The almoner Delphine was eeiz'd at Port Gilbert, N. S., with over 92,000 worth of smuggled liquor on board. Ra'ph Jo11,10toa, aged 17 yearn, of Whitby, collided with a 0onple of other bicycle rider's of that town and received fatal injuries. A. parasol mn0hro0m of enormous size was gathered on the Menheim road on Wednesday. It is 14 hushes high and 7 inobee arose the ono. James Pasmore, en old Oxford boy now residing neat North Bay, was treed by an immense moose not long ago. Ile got to his peroh just in time. Fred. Hull, of Galt, a ten•yoar-old inoor- rigible will spend Ibe next two years at M(01100, at the request of his father, who can do nothing with him. A cock pheasant flew through the window of George Halting, Guelph, the other evening and was captured. The bird bas a very rich plumage.. Mr. Justioe Rose Saturday gave judgment quaehiO3 the Colviotion of Maud Gibson, of Lookport, N. Y., by the Police Magistrate of Hamilton. At Bradford Fred. Goatee, n son of A.Ooatas, planed his left eye to the muzzle of a gun, when the gun wont off and blew the side of his bead away. George Bush, butcher, of Jarvis, drove his horse into the lake for a drink, but the animal began to sink and Mr. Buell out the harness to liberate it. While doing e° the horse !ticked his owner in the head, caning death, Rev. Mr, KeLttewoll suggests that the Government should pass a law prohibit. Ing the importation and manufacture of intoxicating liquors, Ont also the sale of liquor in the Northwest Territories, and provide that each Provin3o shall through its Legisleturs decide whether it shall prohibit the sale of liquor or•not. One day last week ea Mr. ltobt. Copland was driving through Brame county he eau gilt up with a couple of elderly ladies who were walking from Southampton to Rlbley, a clistanoe of 41 miles, to take Sacrament. The aided was over 60 years of age and the other 50. They were both Highland Sootoh Preshyterials. Police Magistrate Comfort of St. Oetllarinef gave hie dooi,lon in the case of the Jubilee ysoht, plying between St. Catharines and Port Dalhousie, which was brought up by the Lord's Day Alli. anoe. Ha found the captain guilty, end fined him 920 and omits or one month's imprieomont. He also fined the engineer 81 Or ten days, The annual meeting of the Huron Rifle Aosooiation teas held in Clinton the other evening, when the following officers were ch mien; —President, Capt. Combe; v10e• president, J. Johnston; treasurer, N. Rob- son; secretary, Dr. Brnoe; executive, Capt. Ma'Pnggart, D. Maophersou, )12 Hovey, W. G. Doherty, R, J. Gihbings. Duocau Stewart of the 4th 0onc08nion of Normapby, nae lately lost a member of cattle udder huy0tericas alr0ametaucee. The cattle were grazing in the fields when they were taken suddenly 311 and died in few hours. Four cattle, one after the other, has sotto this way, and the lose to Mr. Stewart ie 806106)0. It is feared that they may have beau poisoned by some one thoughtlessly putting out poison for foxes. 301111 A., 35svali, the Toronto Globe's spatial correspondent Cuba during the war, Wee tendered a banquet and presented with a gold wat*N on Saturday night by hie fr3ende. Many diotingnishect Citizens of Toronto were patent. Mr. Evan was bonored.by all for voluntarily braving the herdohip0 et the campaign, and hie exalt lent joltrnaif8tle work was deservedly praised, tlls lettere were the beat that Oanadians had from the front. They me vivid piatmos of the war, as soon by HI DRUB ” LS POST The oon4itlmn tit Jntlgi TS 70100' ret 81. 'J'h"mets, dodo tint lmpr0ve, 1lie honor 11 MIL vary 001(0110 auudltion, All. Hherritt, Ittentford'e alhampiva tiioyole rider, hoe returned Irnm Vienna, Auatria, where he rode against some or the world'o fasteot Odom "Peeping Tom" la again on the war. path in nnt,,L3ord. People are nn 1110 watnh for 11101. Ha has been 06011 look. !alai h1 at a'Manlier of winrlowe. 11. E. Aylraworth, M.P.P. for D011 MU, baa rsbigned the scat, the petition against his election bring withdrawn and the petitioner paying the ousts, lemnlelot N. Mi,i11etnn, who was sen. teamed t0 860001 years imptieonmont at Woodstock for bigamy, pas -ed through Toronto an Friday 011 1110 way 1m King. 0Eon Penitentiary, Charles Mason, a we(I.I(nown farmer of Clinton, while driving home from Goderioh fair Thursday evening, n(1801 his load and, striding hie head on a stone, MIS instantly !tilled, Little Rose Whitby, foul ,years old, eon Of A. J. Whitby, tailor, of Sundrldge, 0011.,wns burned to death 'Thursday night, Ile had been paying with mamba, and sot are to hie clothing. The Metropolitan Railway, n Trolley line out of Toronto to Richmond Hill, will be atoned to Newmarket in the course of two months. Ultimately it 0,111 land at a point on Lake Stmooe. A bad accident occurred at Spring. field on Saturday night, when Dell Best bad his right arm broken below the 116 go. wale an the 1 rr lie w, elbow. g Y r fell°ti ked o when he cats ma roiled, 1 1, and 1311 hie arm a(3a1net one of the poets, breaking it. John !damn, gr., an aged and re -p• 11 - ed oitiven of Dooh village wee totted tate Thursday night hanging to a troo '3n Aaron Oood'e bosh, near the village. Ile had omnnlited suioide. Ile coma from England 10 years ago, and was (38 years of age. The largest 11(1('0 ever seen in Embro was presented to the Courier office re- oently by Fred Matheson, of Bennington. It is a handsome red apple and measures 143 Mabee around. It is a German fruit of the Betigheimer variety. The tree on which the mammoth apple grew is the property of James McKay, lot 17, con. 5 West Zorra, and was only planted four years. John Schooley of Ridgotvny, Ont„ 3s 30 trouble and mourue the lose of $700 Re. oently Mr. Schooley received $1,000, part of the estate of his wife, who died severed months ado. De spentant part of the money and then put the rest in a bag and hung it up in pantry in his hoose. His eon Edward;fonndl)t and a000rding to Schooley statement stole 9610. The boy could not be found in this oily, and the father nae gone to Chicago on a alight value. He does not care to prosecute the young man. The visit of Sander's circus t' Windsor on Saturday was attended by a serious ecoideut to one of the attendants, John into Jamieson, aged 20, got m n the van occu. pied by the two peiforming bears, one beiog a polar and the Mbar a sloth. He arouse(' the latter front sleep, and began to box with 3t. Tbo animal Liquored up to him, but apparently did not relish a blow he got on the nose, and then set on the youth in earnest. The bear got Jamieson on bio book and began clawing at hie head. Another atteudaat was quickly brought to Ibe spot, and, seizing a board tbruot itinto the animal's mouth. Jamieson woe thus liberated, but before he could open the door of the cage the boar snapped at hie legs. The injured man was removed to the infirmary, bleed hug profusely from wounds on the head, back and shoulders, alma of the wounds being save' al inches 30 length. I l y1 R' WAY ;1q,U n'..,-TIEM, ...... ... Hunting and Fishing Resorts that ore (luta massed and 011E4 Abannd in all kind of Fish and Gagne. Open senor, for 01NBa, Nov 1st to )61h.1u- elusive, Open 6003011 lox DU01t8. Sept. 1st to Doo, 101111 inclusive. 01100 8011000 for II10RS18, Sept. 10th to May 1st iu0lueive. Open season for GROUSE, Sept. 10111 to Bee. 10th inclusive. Open season for NARKS. Sept, 10 to De0.30. Open season for PAIttrun 12, Sop1.15th to Hunting and Fishing Guido and all inform- ation from any agent of errand Trunk Rail - J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels, GEO. FIEYD, " Ethel. IMPROven YORK$HINI' 00AR POR SERVICE. The w"L,r1iva0d wolf 1,00p fm' service 00 1.ot 211, r'on, 0, Aior'd%, the (4010'.ored Im• 1.8,0',l Yohkebbe Doer, "One Lodge 1,00g- INlnw," No, 2986, bred by J. 4.13r °thous. 13or- lord, to which a Mailed numberot sows will be taken. Perms, 81.00. t0 he Pahl at tim4 of service with privilege of returning if nee. wary, A number of choice vnong sews for sale for breather1 purposes which wdl bo bald at piques to stilt lire (hues, 1604T. NIC1101,, Proprietor, The way to foot comfort, z Never wear a :hoe, not even a "SlaterW))t'," that does not make ' ireeilds erlih y^otlrfoot the first time it's curd. "Slater Shoes" are made in as many 1118ne8 as there are forms of feet. Prie htiunped on the Buie, tog Tarn all about the leather, Goodyear welted, $3.00, $q.00 and $g.00 per pair. Goar lltecd by the Brussels Cider Mill and Apple Butter Factory, Mill street, has been overhauled and is now ready for oper- ation. Fetch on your Apples. Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. I BRUSSELS PUMP WORKS. 0Arato4vc 31010. Slater Shoe Makers. Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent. .srrrrrrrs Geo. Edwards, - Prop. TAILORING! M. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of w011) in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Snits made for $4 and upwards. la'Shop iu Uarllold Meek. A. COUSLEY Real Estate 85 Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire ci Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. COUSLEY Odin over Deadman'e Drug Store, BRUSSELS. 4 McLEOD'S System Renovator —AND 0013211— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepsin, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint,Nenr. algin, Loa of Memory, Bronchitis, con- sumption, Gall Stoles, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, t.ODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and b'tenntaatnrer. Sold b Jae, pox. Druggist, Brussels. &±EAT. SALE OF v7"OOLmNS At Cost for 30 Days at the WROXETER WOOLEN MILLS Betting au overstock of Wool and Woolen Goode on hand I have decided to offer for Sale at Cost for 80 Nye my entire stook of anode, comprising Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges, Tine Suitings, Paintings, Blankets, Flannels, Shirtinge, Underclothing, 'Xaros, rite. The above will be sold at actual Cost of Manufacturing as I am bound to reduce any stook. Here are a few sample oases of reductions :— Blankets that were 98 75 now lib 00 Shirting that was 85e now 280. Flatmate " 85 " 28 Tweeds " 600 " 45o. And all other goods will be ted(oed accordingly. —0— TERMS STRICTLY ©ASH, Or wool, Fides and Skins at Current Prides. Sale Commenced Tuesday, Sept. 20. an ftnpar1ial eye. Mr. Ewan did credit S. ��? ■ V.1. Jf to himself and Canadian journaiism, P11(oPRIETOtt, V1 OX 1`TItiR c ee to f the people of B n e wish to inform I and surrounding district that I have par- obased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants In either new work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after, r3prdera taken for the Digging of Wella and Cietorns. Gomor are MI, MILL STREET, • BRUSSELS. SHINGLES British Columbia Bed Cedar Shingles AND•— North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT TEE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. blobimatoa Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AlVMENT, NEW o1�Ver Siloli 1 The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the UM BLOM MIMI, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A sharp of public patronage solicited. S.W■•.LOCEteR Meat delivered to all parts of the town. 1 OA8lf PAID FOR HIDES. Qook's Cotton Root Compound Ie suooesefally used monthly by over 10000 Ladies, Safe,effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Gook's 0.31. Root Com- pound. Taken(' shier, 0e all Mixtures, pills and imitations ate dangerous. Prfe°, No. 1., $1 per box; No. 11,10 degrees etronger,$s per box. No. L or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent stamps. The Cook OompaaylWindeor, Ont. FRY -Nos. 1 ands sold and recommended by all responeible Druggiste in Canada. Nos. 1 end 2 sold in Brussels by G, A. D174021AN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician. A Golden Opportunity for Fall Shoppers We have exceptional values in Dress Goods in the following lines —Venetian Two Toned Satin Cloths, Serges, —Crepons in new effects, Braid Effects, Idenriettlts, —All Wool Tartans and Plaids and a full range in Plain and Mixed Suitings. -o- For Drees Trimmings We are showing the latest Novelties in —Fane( -Velvets, Silks, Satins &lk Braids. We call special attention to our fine range of BLACK DRESS GOODS. and A. STRACHtAt„Nm "Pak .211115. DON'T READ THIS AD And then throw away this paper before you conclude you are losing good money by not buyingyour•DAIRY SUPPLIES from es. We are prepared to supply every person with Dairy Cane Pails, Milk Pans and Tinware off all kinds at prioes aecording toquality. Graniteware of alt kinds. A- HABDWAR1 Having pot in a stook of Spades, Shovels . E • Forks, 8o„ of the best quality we alio your Patronage. Paint Your House with the best weather and, water proof: Paint in the market. We sell it. Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order. The best lino of Cook Stoves to choose from. .Eavetrouilhim, ` and Repairing?' promptly attended to, ...00111.- N. ,00D'-N. D.' --Wait for our wagon, it will call on you for your truck in a few days. Wilton & Turnbull