The Brussels Post, 1898-10-14, Page 44
olbe 58,russtl$
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FRIDAY, 007%14, 3.898.
Continued from page 11
GRAIN.—White Fall wilent, IIEdwarde,
Jae Campbell, Joseph Oster ; red Fall
wheat, Jail °Amplest!, Jas AloCallnM,
jas Burgess; ; Spring wheat, Jets Mo.
Callum, Jas fampbell ; barley, R Ma.
Murray, Jas Caniphell; C Henderson &
Son ; bleak oats, Jae Campbell 0 Hen-
derson & Son, Peter Erb ; white oats,
Jae Campbell, no Stafford, R
iay ; small peas, Jas Campbell, Jae alo.
Cantles, Jaa 13nrgess ; /ergs pees, Jas
Campbell, Jas Speir, 0 Henderson &
Son ; timothy eeed, Jae Speir, Jag Camp.
bell, Jas McCallum.
Judge, Jno Graham, Atsvood.
Faure. Baldwins, Jas Speer, Geo
Johnston ; Famease, 0 Henderson & Son,
Joseph Oster ; King of Tompkins Oo.,
Zilla Carder, H Stewart ; Mann, Jno
MoKinnon, Mark Cardiff Monmouth
Pippin& JasSpeir, Geo Jolinstou ; North-
ern Spies, jas Speir, Henry Stewart ; R
Greenings, Wm Robb, Mre E Stewart;
Golden Russets, Jae Speir, 0 Henderson
& Son ; Spitzenburg, Jas Speir, Wm
Armstrong; Seek no Further, Jae Speir,
Mark Cardiff ; Tolman Sweets, Thos.
Davidson, Geo Johnston; 20 oz Pipping,
Wro Armstrong, Jae Simeon ; Wealthy,
Wm Armstrong, Ed Garvin ; Ribeton
Pippins, Jno McKinnon, 0 Henderson &
Son ; Oolverta. Peter Erb, 0 Henderson
& Son ; Roxbury Russets, Jell Cott, Geo
Johneton ; Alexander, Mrs 311 Smitb, 0
Henderson & Son ; Daehess of Olden-
burg, Jno MoKinnon, 5 Floggard ; Fella -
Water, Jno McKinnon, Tbos Ballantyne ;
Gravenstein, 1.1 Stewart, Jas Speir ;
Maiden's Blush, 0 Henderson & Sou, Fl
Stewart ; Porter, H Stewart; Peewaukee,
Zilla Carder, Geo Johnston ; St Law.
ranee, Jno MoKinnon, Jas Shaw;
varieties of Winter apples, 11 Stewart,
flas Speir ; varieties of Fall apples, Jae
Speir, C Henderson & Son; Winter
pears, Jae Speir, Mrs Jno Wynn ; plums,
Dr Snider, W H McCracken ; clusters of
erapes, Ed Garvin, 1 and 2 ; peaches,
Zinn Carder, Jas Shaw ; arabe, E Gar.
vin, Wm Ainley ; apples, Ino McKinnon,
Jas Speir ; varieties of plum, W H Me•
Judge, W 11 McCracken, Brussels.
Boors.—Early potatoes, Chas Hender-
son & Son ; lett potatoes, Geo Johnston,
Joseph Cate,..r, Wm Wilkinson oolleotion
of potatoes, W Er McCracken, Peter Erb ;
Swede turnips, 0 Henderson & Son, Wm
Armstrong; turnips, W H BleCracken,
C Henderson & Son ; white field carrots,
Jun Wynn, Jas McCallum ; Altring.
ham carrots, 0 Henderson & Son, W
Armstrong ; scarlet Nantes, Jno 73re-
thauer, Walter Taylor ; early horn car-
rots, Walter Taylor, Mee Hale ; blood
beets, W E BleCraoken, Geo Johnston ;
white sugar beets, W H McCracken,
Welter Taylor ; turnip beets, 0 Hender-
son & Son, Soo Brethauer ; parsnips, Mrs
W McKenzie, Mrs J D Warwiok ; long
red mangel wurzels, W H McCracken,
Ilenclereon & Son ; yellow globe mengels,
W R OlcCraoken, Sae McCallum •, red
globe mangels, Thee Ballantyne, W Fr
ifftiCreeken ; long yellow mangele, Tilos
VEGETAALES.—Red onions, W n Mo-
Craoken, 0 Henderson & Son• velinw
onious, 0 Henderson & Son, W la Ale.
°retaken ; Giant ROOM onions, 0 Hen.
derson & Son, W Et McCracken ; top
onions, 0 Henderson .2 Son, WalterTay-
lor ; Dinah eeta, May Smith, Minnie
Stewart ; top onions sets Mists Lizzie
McLaren, 0 Henderson d Son ; Dutch
aate, W H BleCracken, Fred McCracken ;
potato a/lions, Fred McCracken, W Tay-
lor i yellow Canada corn, 0 Henderson
& Son, H Edwards; white Flint cora,
Walter Taylor, W H MoOraeken ; yellow
Dent corn, P Erb, W Et McCracken ;
colieotioa of corn, W Taylor, W E Mc-
Cracken ; Winter cabbage, W 11 Mo.
Cream 0 Henderson & Son •, curled
eavoy, Walter Taylor, W H MaCraoken ;
red pickling mebbage, Joo Brethaner, C
Henderson & Son •, cauliflower, Mrs W
MoKenzie, 0 Henderson et Son ; yellow
field pumpkin, P Erb, Geo Johnston ;
mammoth pumpkins, 0 Henderson ttf
Son, W H McCracken I squash, W
MaOritoken, W Taylor collection of gar.
den produce, W 11 McCracken, W Tay-
lor ; large tomatoes, W Taylor, Jno Star.
ford; plum or cherry tomatoes, W Tay.
lor,Jna Brethauer ; butter beans, Jas
MCIallum, W Taylor; white beans, Jas
MoCallum, W 11 McCracken ; varieties of
beans, las McCallum, W 13 MoCraciken ;
round striped citrons, El Edwards, Geo
Johnston ; long Californian, W 11 Me -
°reckon, W Wilkinson; watermelons,
W Id McCracken, Geo Johnston; mask.
melons.Mra W MoKenzie ; ououmbers,
P Erb, C Henderson & Son ; white
celery, W Taymor, Jet) Brethauer; pink
eatery, W Taylor, 0 Henderson & Son ;
sunflower, JnoBrethemer, Jas MoCalluni.
Judges, T 0 Graham, Wingham, and J
Graham, Atwood.
Daum PEODOCE.—Tub butter, Mrs T
Ballantyne, Wm Wilkinson, S Hoggard,
Wm Armstrong, G A Deadman ; tells
butter, Mrs T Ballantyne, Wm Wilkie.
son, 8 Hoggard, Wm. Armstrong, G A
Deadman ; home-made obese, Thee
Davidson,11re E Stewart, L Symington.
kets, Geo Johnston, Bliss Lizzie Mo.
Laren ; rag oarpet, Jae Simeon ; one-
terpane, Mrs Wrn Ialashill. Jae Simeon ;
yaen, home -spun, 'ffe.s McCallum, W Pi
MeOriteken ; maple sumer, Jno Brethauer,
Jae MoCallum ; maple moittsees, W 11
MoCraoken, JAB McCallum ,• honey oomb,
C Henderson & Son Deadman
strained honey, 0 A Deadmen, Joe
Brethaner ; grape wine, Jno Brethaner,
W Wilkinson ; rhubarb wine, Mrs J 7)
Warwick, W Wilkinson ; etrawberry
wine, W 11 IlloCracken ; tomato wine,
W 11 leteareoken, Fred MaOraoken ;
elderberry wine, Mrs W Willbee, Mrs
Bele ; tomato Weep, Mre J It Smith,
Mrs T Ballantyne ; raspberry wine, Mrs
Walter Wilbee ; apple jelly, Mtge ildeOlel-
Mee 3 R Smith ; rhubarb jelly,
Mies McClelland, Mrs a R Smith ; rasp-
berry jelly. Mimi BleClelland, ?Ire T 13s1.
lantyne ; Jelly from any other fruit, Min
McClelland, Mrs 3 itsdoith ; howitamede
bread, White, Mre T Ballantyne, Wm
Atmetrong, 355 ensile home-madb bread
brown, Mies Lizzie MoLaren, Jag Ba,
gees ; fruit mike, Mrs T Ballatle'yne, Jas
Shaw ; jelly cake, Mrs T Ballantyhe, Jas
Shaw ; oatmeal oake, Mrs Hole, Jno
McKinnon canned Irait, W 11 Mo.
Oraolten, Bred McCracken,
MeXin•Airiennoi,•4)otible farm liereeee,
lanneldeon, 1 (1 leieharde 3 'single
buggy harneee, Inc DoneldeOn, 1 and 2 ;
axe handle, Ino Wynn, Mre 1) Marsh;
tinware, Wilton & Turnbull,
Lama' Woms.—Ariseene work, Mrs
T Ballantyne, Mrs W Blealiflt, applique
work, Mrs T Ballantyne, L Symington ;
braiding, Mrs 10 Stewart, Jae MoCallurn,
L Symington ; Berlin wool work, JIM,
Annie Roes, Mrs T Ballentyne, L
Symington ; Berlin wool work, raised,
Annie Rose,,Zilla Cartier, Mr W Rabb;
Berlin wool and bead work, Mies Mo•
()lelland, Annie Ross• Berlin wool
flowers, Sam Wilton, 'Mrs W Illsehill ;
bend work, Miss McClelland, Annielioes ;
bonnet, Mrs Jno Wynu ; eons work, alio
Brethauer, Mrs E Stewart •, cord work,
Miss McClelland, Mrs. /tele ; crewel
work, Annie Rose, Zilla Carder •, aroobet
in cotton, Mrs Hele, Mrs E Stewart ;
°rootlet in woe), lite Hole, Mra E
ari; crochet in silk, Mrs Hele, Sophia
Neely ; darned net, Miss McClelland,
Annie Rose ; drawn work, Mrs Hele, L
Symington ; embroidery on cotton, or
muslin, Mae A Stewart, 'AMR Carder ;
embroidery on worsted, Mrs U L Jaolt•
BOO, Mee Hale ; embroidery on silk, W 11
MoCraoken, 0 Symington ; fine :shirt,
Mrs W MoKenzie, Mrs. Hele; fancy
knitting in Dolton, Mrs: W McKenzie,
Mrs E Stewart; in wool, Mrs Inc Wynn,
Mrs Lo Stewart ; flannel shirt, Mrs W
McKenzie, airs E Stewart ; feather
flowers, Mrs 111 Blaabill, Eather Bird
feather stitching, Annie ROSS, Miss Mo.
Clelland ; bair flowers, Men J R Smith,
Mrs H L Jackson ; hairpin work, Annie
Ross, Mrs W Blashill ; point labia, Odra
W Blashill,L Symington ; Honiton hese,
Mrs Hale, L Symington ; lamherquin,
Berlin wool and bead, Mrs Hale, Annie
Bon ; lamp mat, Miss Lizzie McLaren,
Annie Ross ; leather work, L Symington,
Mrs W Robb ; woollen mitts, Mrs W
McKenzie, Mee Melo; woollen glom?,
Mrs W McKenzie, L Symington ; net.
tinge Mrs Hele, W H McCracken I tufted
quilt, Jas McCallum, Mrs Sam Wilton ;
°rootlet quilt Mrs J D Warwick ; patch.
work cjailt, Mrs Hale, Mra W McKenzie,
Mrs T Ballantyne ; log cabin quilt, Wm
Ainley, Fred McCracken ; fancy quilt,
L Symington, Mrs Hele ; knitted quilt,
Zilla Carder, Mrs Hele; rag mat, L
Symington, Bias Hele ; ribbosoene, Annie
Boss, L Symington ; rope silk, Annie
Rose, D 0 Ross ; Roman embroidery,
D 0 Ross, Annie Rose ; shell wore, Jua
Brethaner, Mrs E Stewart ; sofa pillow,
Berlin wool, flat, no name, W 11 Me-
Oraeken ; sots. pillow, Berlin wool raised,
Amnia Ross, Mrs 1- It Smith ; sofa pillow,
braided, Sas McCallum •, sada
patchwork, Annie Roes, Mrs T Ballan.
time ; leek atookings, woollen, Mrs Wm
McKenzie, W 13 BloOracken ; cotton
stockings, Mrs E Stewart, Mrs W Ma -
Kenzie; woollen woke, Mrs W McKen-
zie, Mre Hele ; cotton socks, Mrs E
Stewart ; seed wreath, John Brethauer ;
tatting, Arra Hele, Jao Brethaner ; tinsel
work,- Annie Ross, John Mckinnon ;
tissue paper flowers, W Id MaCraoken ;
wax flowers, iso Brethamer, Dire T Bal-
lantyne; outline work, L Symington,
Zilla Carder ; fish Beale work, Lizzie
McLaren, Mrs W Blashill ; Battenburg
lane, recommended.
Judges—Miss Lizzie Graham, Atwood ;
Miss Robinson, Wroxeter.
FINE Anes.—Collection of stuffed birds
R Leatherdale, Mrs Jno Wpm ; pencil
drawing, Mrs Hele, Zilla Carder ; water
color landscape, Mrs Hele ; oil painting,
landscape, Zino, Carder, Mrs W Blashill ;
oil portrait, Zino. Carder, Mrs Hole ;
black crayon drawing, Jno Stafford, Mrs
Hale ; colored crayon, Mrs Hee ; ;mint-
ing au pottery, Zilla Carder, Mrs liele;
painting on silk or velvet, J Symington,
Mrs Bale; }minting an piaoques, Annie
Ross, Mre Bele ; skeletonized leaves, 5
Hoggard • ornamental penmanship, Mrs
13 L Jeetteon, Zilla Carder ; business
penmanship, Mrs J R Smith, Mrs Ff L
Jackson; girl's penmanship, See Sim -
son, Mac'3 Calder; modelling in olay,
Minnie Stewart, Mrs W Blashill.
FLOWERS AND ELANTS..—Table boquet,
Mrs J R Smith, Jno Brethauer ; hand
boquet, Jno Brethaner, S Hoggard ;
button hole or dress bouquet, Minnie'
Stewart, Mrs T Ballantyne ; out flowers,
Mrs Hale, Lizzie McLaren ; Dahlias,
Henderson & Son, Mrs Hale •, pansies,
Lizzie McLaren, Mre Hele ; phlox drum-
mondi, Minnie Stewart, Ino Brethauer ;
asters, Lizzie McLaren, 0 Henderson &
Son ; stocks, C Henderson & Son, Mre
Rete; petunias, S Haggard, lira J R
Smith ; African merigolds, Mrs Hale,
Lizzie McLaren ; !French marigolds,
Lizzie BleLaren, 0 Henderson & Son ;
dianthus, 0 Henderson & Son ; balsams.
Mrs J It Smith, 0 Henderson & Son ;
perennial phlox, Minnie Stewart, Jno
Homes. — Heavy Draught — Stallion
over three years, T MaLanohlin ; brood
mere, Jno Shortreed, Wm Dickson, Jae
Speir ; horse oolt, Jno Shortreed, Wm
Moses, Ed Johnston; mare oolt, See
Speir, Dale Bros ; two year old filly, Dale
Bros, Inc Lambkin, Ino Shortreed; tWo
year old gelding, McGowan Bros; yearling
filly, A. Stevenson, Dale Bros ; yearling
gelding, A Steveneon ; heavy draught
team, Dela Bros, Nelsou Askin ; stallion
over three year with four of his progeny
for 1898, T McLealoblin. Agrioultura/—
Brood mare, Jna Lambkin, G, W Wheat-
ly, la Johnston; horse milt, G W Wheably,
A Stevenson, D McTavish ; mare colt, 0
Wright, Jae Cott, Neil Danaaneon ; two
year old Lilly, Wm Roes, 0 Wright, T
Davidson ; two year old gelding, Neil
Dunoanson, A. Gardiner, L Mellen ; one
year old fitly, Dale Bros, A Gardiner, Jae
Etisiop ; one year old gelding, 0 Wright ;
spite, A Hamilton, R McDonald, Taylor
Judge, Alex Murrray, Palmerston.
Roadeters—Stallion over three years,
Scott & Werwitik ; stallion under three
years, Robt McDonald, 3 J. Ball ; brood
Mere, Scott & Warwick, Jae Iiialap, P
McArthur ; horse colt, 2 MeArthur, Jno
Manning ; Mare eolt, Jas Slalom II
Finn; two year old tiny, J J Bell, D fir
Soott, R Shine ; two year old gelding,
jan Cardiff ; one year old filly,• Et Finn,
Joseph Oder, P MeArther ; one year old
gelding., Slott & %awl& baggy hors ,e
19j hands high and over, R MoIndoo, 34
Lambkin, /I Finn ; buggy horse, under
16i heeds high, A Henderson, Scott .2
Warwiok, be Kalb/Ulu:13 ; team,Gomer
flreen, Carrinfie—Stallion uner three
years,Menzies ; stallion'road or me-
nage, Scott & Warwick ; brood mare, 16
hands WO, Wm Ross, Thos Newsome,
jet Speir; two year old filly, If Finn,
Nell .Dtmoienson ; two year old gelding,
Jno Lambltim Jas Speir; yearling filly, A,
Lemont, D Ramsay, Jno McKinnon ,•
yeaeling gelding, Jae Sharp, Mrs 11
Stewart.; horse oolt, H Finn mere Oolt;
Slier, Jas Sr, Thee Newaoma, W Taylor;
epan, A Cer, It Cardiff.
TAB BaussELs POST 34., 1898
Jetted, j T Canoe, Illyttl,
Tuolvannine CereageeeDeeliato
ever two years, MUM% A. IllaloPe ball
under two yeare, Ilielop, Ll Milne
miloh oow, four yearn or over, miioh
cosy, under four piens, two year old
holier, D Milne let and 13rd, 19 Corley ;
One year old halter, It Corley 1st and 2,19,
le Milne ; bali calf, It Corley, Jae 4Hr
2nd and ; 3rd heifer oitlf, Mrs '3 Calder
I) Attlee 2ati and lard ; herd or Anniany,
1) Milne, 11 Corley. jereeys—linle over
two years, G A Deadmen, Jen Bergeee ;
milah aow, far yeers or over, Geo Thoin•
POO,0 A Deertman, Neweorne ; mike'
cow, meter four years, G A Madman ;
two year old heifer, 0 A Dedman let
and 3rd, Jno lambkin ; yearling heifer,
Wm Arinetrong, Jug Lernhkin, G A
Deadline ; heifer G A Deadman let
end 2nd ; bali oalf, Inc Lambkin, 0 A
Deadman. Native or Gracie cattle -0o w
D Scott & San, DI P1 Harriette ; two year
old heifer, M Id Harrison •, one year old
heifer, 1) Scott & Son, I) Milne ; two
year old eteer, NI 11 Harrison, D Scott &
Son ; one year old steer, Scott & Son,
DI II Harrison ; steer oitlf, D Seotb &
Son let and 2nd ; heifer calf, M 11 amen.
son 1st and 2ud.
SIIEEY.—Leioesters — Aged ram, Jas
Snell ; shearling rem, Jae Snell, David
Milne ; ram lamb, Jno 8 Cowan, Jao
Coultas ; pair of ewes, Jas Snell, Jae
Sanderson ; sheaning ewes, Jae Sender.
son ; pen of Leicester sheep, Jae Snell,
Jae Seederson. Shropshire Downe—
Aged ram, W 11 Webber, Wm Armstrong;
shoaling ram, ram lamb, pair of ewes,
W H Webber let and 2vd ; shouting
ewes, W 11 Webber, A. Stevenson ; ewe
lambs, pen of Shropshire Downs, W II
Webber. Oxford Downs—Aged ram, L
Tenter, J W Smith ; ram lamb, 1 W
Smith 1st and 2ad ; ewes, L Tasker •,
shearling ewes, pen of Oxford Downe, L
Tasker, J W Smith.
judge, R Charters!, Boland ville.
Pais. — Berkshire — Boar, over two
yearf, Jas Derrenee, Jno 8 Cowan ; boar,
under two years, Jas Durance ; boar,
under one year, Arch 91aBeil, Jno 5
Cowan ; sow, Jas Dorrenoe Jno S Cowan;
sow, under one year, Jno 5 Cowan, Jas
Dorrenoe. Yorkshire— Boar, over two
years, R Nichol ; boar, under two years,
A Stevenson, A. Moleeil ; boar, under one
year, sow, It Nichol let and 2ed ; sow,
under one yeti., 19 Niehol, A McNeil.
Chester White—Boar, over two years, 11
BIcaturrity, W H MaCateheon ; boar,
under two years, A Stevenson, FE Ed.
wards ; sow, R McMurray ; sow, under
one year, W H lebbOutcheon, Any other
breed.—Boar, under one year, W 11 ale•
Outoheon, Jae Speir; sow, A Stevenson,
II Edwards ; ROW, any age, beet pen of
pigs, R Nichol.
Judge, J 0 Tuck, Brussel.
Pornerne.—Guines fowl, Wm Outer, 11
Nichol ; dark Brahmas, G W Irwin, 1
and 2; light Brahmas, J Bre 1
and 2; black Spanish, 0 Henderson &
son, Jna Brethauer; Plymouth rocks,
Hoggard, J Brathe.oer ; white leghorne,
Walter Taylor, Wm Carter ; brown leg -
horns, Walter Taylor, Jno Brethaner •,
silver spangled Hamburgs, Wm Carter, 1
and 2; bleak Hamburg:, Wm Carter,
Henderson & Son ; Polaade, Wm Carter
1 end 2; Bantams, 0 Henderson & Son,
1 and 2 ; Roudoes, W Carter, 0 Hender•
son & Son ; Dorkins, G W Irwin, 1 and
2; Langshans, W Taylor, 0 Henderson
& San •, Cochin., G W Irwin, 1 and 2 ;
Wyandottes, 0 Henderson & Son, G W
Irwin black Alinorcas, 0 Henderson &
Sou •, turkeys, G W Irwin geese, 0
Henderson & Son, G W Irwin ; Rouen
choke, 0 W Irwin, Jae Speir ; Pekin
ducks, G W Irwin, 1 and 2 ; Aylesbury
duke, Wm Carter, 0 Henderson & Son ;
Canaries, Mrs T Ballantyne; game fowl,
0 Henderson & Son, G W Irwin ; any
other named breed, Wm Carter, 1 and 2 ;
fancy pigeons, Mark Cardiff, Peter Erb,
Judge—Thos Male, Lietowel.
Isteesitettrs —Patent arm wagon, Jao
Wynn, 5 T Plum ; one horse buggy,
covered, Ewan & Innes let and 2nd
Phaeton buggy, Ewan a Innes ; outter,
Ewan & Lines lst and 2nd ; road oart,
Ewan & Innes ; iron harrows, 8 T Plum ;
turnip muffler, J J Gilpin, Gillies & Mar-
tin ; turnip cutter, Cardiff & Best, J
Gilpin ; pump, 0 Morningstar let and
2nd; twin gang plow, 1 J Gupta, Gil lies
& Martie ; general purpoie plow, Gillies
& Martin, Inc Long; turnip seed drill,
Cardiff & Beet, J J Gilpin ; set double -
trees and neckyake, 5 T Plum ; wheel-
barrow, 8 T Plum, Ewan & Innes.
Judge, T Hemphill, Wroxeter,
Canadian IN I:3
Diphtheria is prevalent at Edyville.
The new town clock for Petrolia baa
been ordered.
There are 850 men at work in the
Dlesseeellarris shops, Brantford.
The estate of the late David Maxwell,
of St. Diary's, wag valued at 921,000.
The St. Mary's Journal says; The
Listowel policemen hue resigned, having
too many bosses to serve.
Edward Bagneau of Dover Township
was struck by a train at a (massing near
Cheabam and Wally injured.
A young Bothwell boy had his leg
broken in two places as a, resalt of trying
to emboli on to a buggy, His leg got
°aught 19 the wheel of the vehicle.
The two.year-old child of Charles
Parker, Tulsonburg, ate some bread with
atryohnine on it on Thursday, and nearly
died from Re effects. The bread had
been prepared for micie.
The Canadian Club of Hamilton will
have a "Brook next Tnursday,
when addresses will be given in com.
inemoration of the 85th anniversary of
the battle of Queeneton Heights.
Tbe Molsoos Bank robbery at Winni.
peg ie. Mill shrouded in mystery. No
arrests hens been made, and if the police
and detectives have discovered any clew
they have kept the discovery Becret.
Dr. Vallee, the analyst of the Qnebee
Government, who examined the eon.
tents of the stomach of young Sperling,
who, it is suspected, was poisoned by his
wife, now in jail at Bryson, states that
poleion was found in the stomach in
quantity geflioient to kill.
Prot. Robertson has tetielved a otible•
gram stating that the lent shipment of
Canadian pears in cold storage had been
sold at 5 shillings and 6 pence per me of
about 26 pounde. The steamships sailing
from Montreal are beitne fitted up with
speoial ventilation devices deeigned under
Prof. Robeetsoe's direotion, with a view
to the transportation of Canadian apples
io primo condition. The device commis
of a ventilator from the main deck,
wilier' carriee pure air into the compert.
melt, from whit% the vitiated air is
carried off by meane of an eleotrio fan.
All the eteamebip people approve of We
plan, and will have their angels equipped
in time for the fell exporte of armlet.
am Worst, of Woieenbese drowned
Impel In the aoft.water barrel,
Mr, W. 13, I'. Clement, bierrieter, of
Toronto, IMO been apealated member
of the Vinten Council and legal advisee to
the Commie:donee, ill 0E000381011 to F. 0.
Percy Smith, need lifieen yeltre, of
Enphrasie Township wee &MVO into a
threshing maelline, Both legs were
entailed, and the lad dietI two Miura af.
1 ter the aceiciont.
Oar Seasonable New Styles are Bound to
Please Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt.
Call and see our
stock of
Wool, Hides, Batter and Eggs
taken in exchange.
Veaving, Knitting, etc,
Promptly attended to
ab the
Don't go there for money whet)
y u can make it at home by buying your
13oots AND
Geo. X. Ailitchell's
Cash Boot and Shoe Store,
have now a full stock of Ready-made
Boots and Shoes of all sizes from infants
up, at lowest prices possible.
All Rips repaired Free of Charge.
Please call and get Prices.
N. B.—Repairing of Boots, Shoes and
Plenums promptly attended to.
Cleo. 1I, litohell,
Lumber and Shingles
First ohm Cedar Shingles,
81.60 per square
Seconci•cleaa 90
Maple Flooring 910 00 to 916 00
Ash, all kinds 10 00 16 00
Pine 14 00 18 00
Custom Sawing and Planing
done on shortest notice.
Bills cut to order.
You will find the prices right
at the Ethel Saw Mill.
858. COLE,
White Star Line.
13etweet Now York and Liverpool,' via
Queenstown, every Wednesday.
Aa the eteamers of this line carry only a
stringy ltulltsd number in the VIIIRT and
moo= OMEN n000tnroodatione, intending
passengers are reminded. Nina an early ap•
plioatiou for bertha le need FUMY .et Ode en -
500. For plane, epees, etc., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brownie.
- - -
„ .
Only Seventy-five cents
January Ist, 1900.
Now is the time to subscribe
for the hest Weekly Paper pub-
lished in Ontario.
Write for our Low Clubbing
ADDRESS --""'""....gice
Walla 01111111;
Lownest, ONT.
It is a splendid Assortment of the Latest Styles and the Finest Grades
all marked at the Fairest Figures and Combined to make
A Popular Suooess---A Money -Saving Triumph,
Come in and choose from Right Up-to-date Styles and Nice, Practical Selec-
tions of Good Serviceable Goods. You can't help being pleased with
our Common -Sense, Popular, and in every way desirable line of
ens air
Boy f C111111111 118, C/o
,t+,7•-• Remember, every Dollar spent with us for these Goods will bring you
—1 ALL the value and merit 100 cents can buy.
We show a Superb Stock which includes only Goods o(' Ap-
proved IT or th. and Superiori ty.
Ordered Clothing Department.
Our Suitings, $14 to order, are the newest and finest goods for the money
ever shown in town. They should be seen to be appreciated, Some people
will ask $10 for inferior goods, but our opportunities for buying give us
C11 MI ces. for great snaps. Our range of line Scotch Suitings is not eqnalied
outside the cities.
Our Low Prices Prove that we
Give the Bargains of the Season.
Nothing we can say will convince you like our Goods and Prices themselves, so come in
and let them show you that "Beyond the shadow of a doubt" it pays to trade with
A.ny Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6.1 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk. Brussels.
win make,
a wen ma
of YOU?
r0eear00e04048 TAB MOM
50501,00 18 FOORIVERne.
eeresoall Illoryone Liverwort Sleepless.
r...nifatigti2eigge;TOtrotrooR4WIPla BettliTal
500011 vigor and Otto to ehruniten Mena, snot
nuked), but SUrctOstACOS LOST MAN110OO 10 Old
%..101,1047 zYgt..1°'12t0130;i1nY111Y,illhar44,1g.
and &Homely sealed from observation. Easily
carried in vest pocket.
en orlWaIotteretoI
2rugnti xeccx. 0141',, .8Ele or the Da
Costs an effort and reading my
ads 18 the price you pay for the Purch-
asing advantage you poem over your
less enlightened noighbae.
Honest tradingneede no taffy. I do
not talk i
custotnereinto buying, I do not
have to, the goods talk and oustoneere
take the goods on their own sound jag.
All Summer Goods
A.t and Below Cost. Must bo
oleared out. Fell goods arriving. A 11111
line of the hest Grooeriee in the market.
Nothing bat the fineet gooda
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
J. G. Skene.
For Ninety Days.
Come and test the truth of the above statement.
Best Indigo Prints, full width, regular 12?.fo for 91,o ; beat Eng-
lish Prints, in light grounds, regular 10e for Tie ; Heaviest Cotton-
ade made, regular 28c for 22c ; best Indigo Shirting, regular 121e
for 100; Union Table Linen fine finish, regular 800 for 22i3c ; 18
inch Pure Linen Towelling, regular 12o for Bic.
We are selling many linos in a great variety of designs and
colors at half their real value.
In all colors, quarter off in silk and satin.
negular $7,00 for $4.50. Men's Linen Collars, 8 for 25c. Pure
Silk Ties, assorted colors, 2 for 25c.
Come with the Crowds toAstm.,__
The Corner