The Brussels Post, 1898-10-7, Page 7OCT, 7,X898 THN BRUSSELS S POST. 117
A A �p`�y (,� rli�y WARNING,
png7�Try subject the pieciaiau and punoluality saver) anndillun While you Were wnllt- j�1 (q �( n1 (� (� �I h �q (� nq - ' ,
H SL lIlYL�>l��s,s YYH1ljyJL�U tri the )ivint> a,,!r,n anent. YOU trill 3n all, ,arils, prlli aur 'er slnpd� �o� nowJJ.IIJ A VAS;lAN UITY,
_ r sae that. God dopidptgl exactly (ha 11-Y ,,,I end, and you stopped breatllinttI pv` _ Always Winner a + ,
when Ninovalt'a loasa Uf mercy Should you t:huut bl your fast'. moment. Asti, -'^ SOMETHING ABOUT THE CRYSTAL a'
RPV, SIR. TALMAGE PREACHES AN end, Tf Jonah llt (railed that seritiou Bout, Ur, throuith pretraclterl lllnpxs, What M194d's Sarsaparilla pone When the �Ceylon
ELOQUENT SERMON, on ilia Brat day of the menth, than the Iie allowed you in many iG In}dnight PALACE O'' LONDON,
_ (loom was to fail u Son Nlnevah nn the Plooti le Impure,
1 to think at'nr thio suhjeet-wbe.n rill. ,...,. -.-- Hlta rho repntatiou of being the mast regular in quality. Try lk.
t lontli day of the next month. Fla God was still save Ilia tleking of the clock We know It makes it rich, C and 60"'
IIC QftVOr $stile 11"anal I,k IIIih I I'lln4 - the Pure, and AUeost hvet'y {•tlrlaty al• 1,14ternlbllOPnt le
¢'r114Ve1'N#1114 Of N11tC {'rf1A 1'1'/'1•IKIIIII flan dL'Oidd'S what a311111 1)0 the alnnnrit of in the i)111I IlIlll t.ha b(!f1t1.21 (#' Uf year' aaua•ixhing and L'llrl'fl all ])load diseas- d,;lvell here • It as Tile Successor OY the ��a•� +�"C"^"�'tY'�'"�r Cr Y��/ :�o' %. .
Our lebtlllrlri,. (hough (bare lony be own anxious heart. \\tuned that; You Be, We know it overenmea all Scrofula
Paliplilallty or the IDIVIlle Arrange no Sound in title heavens, Ile has (later- FnulnaN tVaalrl'N Irnlr ol'1s51. __„ _ -- -
Ware w x}lin+r, Warned that a troubles, .volt rheum, baste, Pimples and
nllnit-•Itel(Ktnnq 7P'la•n#rig 9iny 90prn y P f
mined I.he length uF 3iia endurance of needed it D1vIn'{ Blivinur, \1'utnrll of all eruptions. We know is conquers If the visitor in London wants to full of babies in incubators, td ether ;��r�NYNdI' W
I lepohtrrolm--God 44yes Cvery lune a our, sin. It may be forty. ditys, it may1'
eels rn[inee i'ea Ielx 1,ril', coming retribution. Warned of a» Lha wm•st cases of Lip digeasa, giving spend an enjoyable day let him go with the latest in all the arLss No
I lie forty hours, it. may be forty ntinates, etarraiLy crowded with splendour or back perfect banith, even after all to the Crystal Palace. A publiabol}- visitor to London ever mieans the Cry- I WANTED.
A despatch tram Washington says:-- it may be forty seconds. Thn rant that ontnstrophN, Warned by the deulh of tither medicines have failed. We knout stat Palace, and when he gets through
the affairs of God's government are in- these wi(h whom yon were familiar, it invigoraLoo the iihele System, tones (lay is the hest Limn, for than an idea he almost: forgets wbat seems a leg -
I g `ext: "e tion Preached from the follow- Y y (,
Ing t'oxb; "Yet fort' days, and Ntnoveh' firiiic and multifarious is no reason WAItN19f) DAY AFTER DAY, the Stomach, creates an appetite, river- can ba got of the immense throngs end, (.bat the palace is the remains of � d Thoroughly)rollableLe�man (mar.
g 3 Y , wliy Ile should nal. ut I pati to (7{e min- sonde f hat tired teelin and rues tLak often leave tLe metropolis Sox' a the teat World's Fair of 1861 that tried or widow preferred) in every olty,
shall be overthrown.'-Junall Ili. h, , u0se. God no more certainlydecdded and month after month, unci year aft- S 6 g town and village In Canada, to act as
On the balks of I:he ']'!gets there i thrtl: nl June ]6th, J21G, N;riglad should Y atroarfth to the nerves, We know 1L g. says a London letter, n'as held in Hyde Park. The World's er eel' -%v Lrrlpd, wanted, warned. U! day'a outing,
1 g e a s at m dear brother•, if your soul III lost, Prevents sickness and sufferer; by Nair feature Is almost eliminated, The oolleiting agent for a well advert#oed
great: vaalLal, sixty m11es in circum_ flava Aar Magna. Cha'" ; n+,l' that fur- Y fortifying tills system against the at- nifty thousand people is n good Crystal Palace is a igantic eight- andestablishod article. Fla"y to sell
1 Ly (lays after Jonah Preached that ser- in the flay of judtrmpn6 you will Lava Y g, Y g g
Y taolrs of disease, sued city, yet this number is often million -dollar variety pleasure resort. andeudafaction ensured. No dapogiU
Terence, surrounded by m wall moll, Ninevah's chance fur mere, should to acknowledge "no nun ever had a
Y better eltance for heaven thin I bud. q a�,rcd.8'�aa. found at the palace on holidays. For It Contains something for all nations, r required, c1lveroteran000whonreply
broad enough to allots three chariots end unless she recanted, Ihnn IIs Ana and Is probably the most patrons Ing. Address.
to go abreast; fifteen hundred tur- deciided the point beyond which you I e{,•is preached to, and prayed for, �i S'i09 the 4h year's of its existence the pal- ed amuement resort in the world.
and I sonnet pass and still al)tuin l.ho Di,inpfy sul}rltpd. }, was slratvn the coo Las entertained over 100,D00,000,and E. A. SPRONU,
sats, each true hundred feat high, ear.- tri vhf•, and fully Ilet•auaded of It ; but. t' .Is <`nn•rda's Greatest Mw'i,•Ioa. $I; tits for So.
Divine clemency. What Careful walking � it is still in the business. The origin- Hamilton. OnC,
ryfng aloft the grandeur of the city, this ought to make, for those who fire (lid not: act, and i did not l,elieve, Hood' Pii1S easy is take, caNy to buy SAVED THE GUNBOAT, I
There are six hundred thousand Snbabi- unsaved, lost the hour -glass of their and now, in the presence of a burning easy to operate. 25c. al idea, "to elevate and instruct, as — �
o,)orlunit bo almost, e,n,t earth a.nd a flying heaven. I Luke the well as to delight and amuse all class. 1[ew a ret lloa!(r
tants. The ]metropolis is not like our 1 L Y [ +y. Men y t/9u•ned toe 6nllars
„i mild women do not: lase their souls whole responsibility. IlaFir me,"man 1. Ma Grail Almi ht U Via .]sternal as," Is maintained, but the programmes Agalehtat Night Attuck, SAUBARE CA8IHOB-HoerlmDoarctirwefhieaERic-
crowded cities; but gardens w'rlatbo Angelif DCvila l --T iM 1( the Want Tn Y g y' y ®Sheep and A,nerteau Hog Ontlingge-r0ltable gondra
the Lames of private citizens {t'ilh�oflivnlmlpoolly bufputting nlitnoff ane own Son 'I
T dad it so Lherout„bly rS PHerp{Iska pros ui•unnin indiatinot- vary as the times demand. Of late Several years ago, when the British X.,"'I -.11. PARK, ELAOTLWELL k Co., Tomato, •
Y that. it Ps lona for evar. And new 1, Y g Setit's move and more attention has Government was endeavoring to sup- -
tropical Maya of, color, wet with Lha stand after 1ha time is up. They pro- lyv though lay mind,of -put {{vhnsa g Haaaaohe, fees-nnhs Ct
pose to become Christ inn in mid-life, trudge off over the hot desert find love was doomed to ba put to, death been given to variety shows, open-air press the slave traffic on the Atriaan ��r'66 all aerere rnuwular pater,
Spray of falling waters, and there aro but: the die i❑ youth; or I.h„ pro- under the burning sky-& suieideI A `feta fireworks, athletic s ������d�0�
pasture fields, on which cattle browse, y Y y when iha curfew ball struck vino I sa porta, con- coast, a small English gunboat was 2ln Endurrdieredby Orem,
puss 3n old age to be Christians, but suicide I" o'clook at night, and she thought that oerts, &C., than was at first dreamed riding at anchor one night in the Friui yaeak6geje Care, Price
b onto r
In the reap midst of the city. 1C is & they (lip in mid-life; or nn (hit EOrCy_ les, f think you lln.vp all been if qhs could keep that bell froma•ing-,of. In fact the exhibition features month of a river not far from the ' -
delicious climate, even in midsummarl first-day they will attend, to the mat- warned; but, if up until this very Ing for a little while her lover and Con o. The craft boasted a crow of! f ON To Cot"No safOOL oftow or
never rising cO more than savant de_ ter, but: on the fortieth hour you have happened to escape friend would be spored. And so jLave nearly disappeared, and at pre- out g !went ndnoon4mata to aaag In a dadfirrseca o4
g Y such intimation to -nit ht I ring it in sent the Y y men, and as a number taktag up Ovttblg�� ')�ull pmrHeal w as app
groes. :Through it gates of lhttt NINEVEH IS OVLRTITRO\VN• your ears: S eL forty days and earl"r the shadow of the night she Palace can be safely classed were Suffering from coast fever, the I cation, Ou YUNdB l p TORONTO.
Standing on ships clec,k amid atoll Nineveh gh•,11 by overthrown" trent up into the tower and laid held as an immense variety show. Un crew was short -banded. Constant;
city roll the oommerca of Lustern andIor chuius, sailors roughly tell you to ,. of the tongue oftbahell. 'Afterawhile
doubtedly the institution has hada doubling of watches had told on the -
Western Asia, On its ihron" sits g Y hull fult7aer..i learn from this sub- the sax(on parva UP to the tower and
stand httcic if you rte m)C wont ynur jeer tiler. When the People repent, the great influence for good,asitbas been sailora, and along towards midnight;M
LI 19
Sardana.pnlus, his every meal a frau-
' limns broken, or by the chains he P p Put Ilk band on the rope, anti waited the young officer of the dock and his I . 0 1"",hu led overheard; fen they fro ge-Lord lets thein off.. \\'hiss yet Nine- for lbs right moment Co coma; and Iliberally patronized, That thispatwo lookouts forward fell aslenP. Itt n n^
quer, his every d(ty u nurunwtion. There rag to Int out Lbs anther, and when veh was on Sts kness, aimd SairctsnaPal- then by the light of his lantern and tronage is falling off somewhat is not chanced that the 1 d. 4
exp alislied walls of jasper and chat- us sat in the ashes, tinct the conracl gtmboat carried
P rJ • i the anchor cines go the chains make his watch he found it wits ninao'clock, Surprising when one considers the among other odd objects a monkey ob-
cedon bewildeerin worth arrow -head cattle were yet moaning in the nil', anti he seized the roe and he tabled from a friendly Xroo boy, and '�ts®fd11IniOn Lino Stea?�#lQjl ,O
Y, g the deck smoke with their speed. As unit the people yet deploring their sin, and the bell turned but in silence,si(several similar inaLitutiona that have Y nTontreatanci , baateLly Co)lp utXI ary
inscriptions anti scenes of exciting a,{ iftly our times runs n•way from us. God 'reversed the judgment, and said:spran u copying the methods of on the night in question }t happened C'r a°b�p, ra era Qn
abase and victorious battle.
]'here Now it seems coiled all around us in a „'lhoae people Love r panted. Let.them Qi, rho mton111 oElb bed }, ]l the a ant concern. The last half that the monkey was particularly a uVOTt'tDornin un�'iL.,r tansail� '' .,,✓,ah -
mansions adorned with bronze, and I pyramid of years, and days, and mon- live I" Amrl the news flew. The gar- swim in g P Wakeful. 'superior aao inaaation nor rim i,t, Hommy1
urea, but they ore going, and they Wdll clans saved. The closes awed. Six g g back and forth wildly year's report shows a decrease in at- As the midnight he approached, •and Cabin anCd Steerage napren,;ers, r,tapp Ol
vises, and carved statues of ivory, and. ales bti off with their lightning veto- p people saved. x through the belfry, and the curfew hell tendance of about 90,000 - nothing certain grass -covered floats drifted out �'xaBge-'nest Cabin, 000,00; Noage oon (1eWl
ceilings with mother-of-pearl, and O3ty. If I should by some supernatr hundred thousand ung t. and so time rues gained and �i5; teaild lew25a and took --6,; aurin. 2,
belt of sixty miles of vil;y saved. Let pardon . arrived, and a Precious life alarming, yet sufficient to urge the I frcm the bank with the current, and steamer and earth. For air 1nPorp a don nesp y
mantel enamelling,and floors with turas revelation to -night (:ell you ,just the nerve ba flung from one wall to ware carried down toward the British to Local Asentef or DAw1D To asI(on des 47p„
buiv long or how brief will bo your was eaved. 0, it seems to me as if management to look about for the best gunboat. One brought up against the Gaul Agents, 7.T bb. Sacrament 9t., diumtreal,
Blabs of alabaster. Theretireother opportunity for repentance and salva- tine Other; from the east wall, clear there were those here doomed to death, talent the world can supply. anchor chain, and presently a dark, shorthand, T e
wells with sculptured flowers, and tion, you would not believe me. You Ovr to
the cit. Let
al alfa l,Lek You have condemned yourselves. It' B wool head appeared over the railin TELEGRAPHY. , rD 11 Cal.
panelling of Lebanon cedar, and burn- would say: "T shall bora tenfold that Iring.S p seems -to me as if the death knell of A feeling of disappointment takes Y PP B, I Bookiii at and nu Oom,
Thera came another and than another, ;menial eubiter err pro arty taught n t�r
time; I shall have a hundredfold that
[lags be flung out from all lhe,fiftnen your immortal soul were about to Possession of the visitor as he steps in- and as the Leads grew rapidly in num-! mocm,to,YonnenadasovdBBy jjEce,
I gg TerW now open,
felled copper, nzirl doorways guarded lY time." But you will not have more; hundred turrets. Let the king's strike. The angel of God's ,just ice Ana to the great hall and sans a lady lion her, the monkey, who had been watch- 7aemberardmlttsa at an Gime. Eight regular teaoharal
Winged lions. Thar city roars with you will have less. You have put off lame -lighters kindle up the throne- his hand on the rope, yet. I seize the tamer holding forth, There is an air Ing a rionsly from the forward Latch, 1 aDlaudtdequ Itt,.d , tYiito for aatnlo e
• chariot twheels, find clatters with repentance so long that you are going room. And God saw their works, tongue of (bat bell, rind I hold on, hop- of the city stores, too, about the num- Set up a prodigious cbatterdng. Alarm- W N. SHAW,'PrinolpaL
stv4ft. hoofs, and is fell a -rush and a- I.o bn very much crowded do this ufllt- that ('.hey turned from their evil way; jug to gain a. little Brae, and I cry out: ed sailors awaken
quickly, and in lase
tar of iha soul's owd doe. The tor- and Gott repented of the evil that IIo O God, not yet I not yet I" hoping that emus stalls that sell all sorts of trio- time than is taken in the telling the i want to either buy or sell Apples
blaze with pomp, earl fashion, and pots, mer of time (bat is left. you is so small Marl said that He would do unto thvi ; time may be gained and pardon may kets. Then the Tterniture needs yarn- gunboat's crew was hacking merrily in car lots, writeus.
or. The river Tigris bounds Lire cit I and He did it not." In other words fl from the throne and our soul may g y that you will hardly have room to Lulea n sinner re )tots,• End repents. live. Ma the Edd who saved Nineveh ish, and a naw floor would do no harm, at the intruders, who proved to be The Dawsoq ConlWasion Go.; Llnjitedy
on one side, find Moat and turreLted turn around in it. You are like an ac- I ' p Y hostile natives ino4ted b traders.
w -all bewail it on the other sides, and pounkaat who bus to have a certain I The one gives lip his sins ; the other save you. But sone of you have put The ferns and palms look dusty, and Y mos®sa bo.
u Ars judgments. The momenta it off so ion • that I fear time is u P They were repulsed with loss, and the _
the band reminds one of the numerous
(number of figures acldail up by four g P J g b P• monkey became ffe body
of aglorl- THE TRIUPd?H�
there it stands defiant of earth and O'clock in the afternoun. It is two I that a magi turns Co God, the heltflinm Country fairs in this country, yet when one Este. His stuffed body noW adorns
heaven, Fraud In her store -houses. of the whole universe towards him is gets a good wield OT the interior tJ]9 mus um OE a retired British ad-
full round hours' WUl'k, an(f It Ia a one y
lrncleanness in her dwellings. Obscene quarter past three o'clock, and yet he changed, and the storms, find, and contemplates the miral, and a mental plate at the basen STputu eaccedan takendownad put �rCaa
display in her theatres, Iniquity ev-t has not begun. You are like a man I the lightnings, and the the agd ells- MOM
� O�� � of the case eloquently tells the story.nemall op -a" Ask ynur dentes forNil
t Y q and the earthquakes, anti the t of OF THEENTEMPRISE them. M ufnoEurodby
erywhere. Nineveh the magnificent,
in n• case of depot,
and death, five tart,'deurs of the judgment day, and the i ° All doubts of the fitness of thin swan C. B. BARCLAY,
from the itepot, oust the train scarfs J g — J. g WHAT PIGEONS CAN DO. Adelaide St. W., Toronto,
Nineveh the vile. in thirty minutes, and you have not (realities of the eternal world, all be. ish, and the patron determines to
r,+ bnlnessed the horse. You are like a come his coadjutors. Gori and the MR. WM, ELLIOTT TELLS HOW TO enjoy, himself. During the recent French naval ma- NaaTBD. 01106x➢.
l.t'in who comes LO the bridge ;forces angels come over on his side. Ifi,epent, OBTAIN IT. noe"a in the Mediterranean, Ad- --
One clay, a plain -looking man enlace a swalleu river ill time Of a give up your sin and turn to God, and 1 l To have pleasure at the Paiaee it is I mita! IItlmann let fl from the iiaetrulfeh wad 18th
through the gate into (bat city, He is I freshet. The edreumst-ances are such [YOU will be saved. 'Ali," says sonic -- not necessary to spend money, though , ship Brennus ten pigeons at 175 mile L. �'®���� CO.,��
Sunburned. as though be had been' thvt he must go across, The bridge one, "that's a tough thing to do." l' lief Has (teen sub.Iest to Falntln-; spells all the real good attractions are a ! from Porquerolles. Three of the GRAW AND COMMISSION
under the browningquivers, the abutment; begins to give Lave been drinking," says acme One; and ¢'ramps -was Gradually Graw'#ag sixpenoe - so extra. The cosmopold- � number Were lost, but seven arrived
process of way; but: he stands, furl halts, and or, "T have been unch'asto," says some. �weaker,lnd -;Tea ler• , tan Character of the entertainments, safely, having accompfUshad the die—
it sea voyage. lndeod, he heel been. watts, until the, bridge cracks in tit Rill I' one; Or, L have .been blasphemoun�'_ .From the Echo, Platteville, Out. . too, requ4re some judgment, and ii oma Lance at an average speed of twenty- 80601.4CR-12 Coarct ar Trade Buildings,
wreaked and Picked up by such alife- and goes down, hoping Shen that on says another; or, I have can a i Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have attain- show is not pleasing another can be, five smiles an hour. The pigeons had
boat as no Other pian ever rode in -to the fioatiug limbers he may get over barb breaker," says atnother; or, "I have ed amost enviable reputation in this found that is pleasing. The most ;been absent from their houses twenty- F0302dT0, otaT,
to the other shore. Ia bard heart," mytl another, "anti now P fastidious can be satisfied. If indoor' one days, and the result. of this experi. 'A rs l#Y.Yrrm, Joim L occir 'SB4
w'hale's fins and flukes being Lo Lim I community. Probably no other medi- p
God is not looking inertly noel un- 13rou ask ma to, give up, my sin. I can- chic, la
had such alar a and increas- music sounds tame, go outside and ! Ment is considered highly satisfactory.
hath oars incl rudder. The nun Lad ronaprnecily upon the position you Co- ;not do it -and I Wont do iC." Then in sale hero. The reason is that this listen to the other four baud, for the -- - HARRIS LEAD
been trying to escape has duly of copy. J"usi'. as certainly as there is it w4ll die. That is seUl"d, But medicine aurae. old and mnusic stands era so distributed that Painlessly snared.
preaching ft disagreeable sermon.; but bank to the) ebbing river, ,ju.sL so ser- I sora"body else says: "I will give uptrmy young alike though all bands la
are benefited by its rise. Recently we play sdmustanec \;*arts axe an eyesore, BUYS COPPER
now, at last, his feet strike the street Willy there is a bank to the river of I sin, and I will now take the 7 ord for 1 at na stand can music from another Y t e, besides being
ynur opportunity. ortunit. •. The margin is fix- my portion." You will live. That is printed an account of y f this place be' heard. This gives an idea of the ! co inconvenience, they ars all too SOPAP BRASS
of that city. Ivo sooner bas ho passed l P 3 u t as certainlysettled. You will cur's off well known lady r. this place g common. Many a tvumfn would give
under the shadow of the wall and on- forbearance, ad. There " eel itlimit to s, atnd to-nlght either hve to fling away BID Pithrough
Pills e agency of bli \i g that
laid out,the 'There ours no signs to its 200 "keen her head, to get rid re an unsightly �vhelOsaleOnly, Gilliam 8t., Toronto,
Y Y k ands of publishing that a P wort, \t t have certain,
a Tn rent, informing
tarsi, it, than r.lenring his I:hroat, for Nineveh shall ha overtbrovn,,, al' fling away heaven, orbs one is a we have heard of another similar case. off the grass," but one can lie down Ler that a certain, ermanenc, and Lung Distance Telephone 1729.
limit and distinct. ut(erunce, lie begins; Still further; I learn from l.his sub- I husk -the other is & cdauet. The one &nywhers and sleepif he wants to or , p --- - ______—
and the water carrier sets down his g Mit,
known figure there. police to nam's cure is to be found v Put- —
,jecL that religious warning may seem is a Brunn -the other is tin anthem. living rest at will. No watchful
Jug, and the charinteer reins in the pTyposteronS, ba it ds 31OW t.haL re-I1'ha one is a sting -the other is anil- g earl P at this
Corn Extractor.reara have test- ® ge, aolyrtp•�,,,gt�,gy
Although an old mien he almost daily gently and no one, frowns if you pluck act this and knew whereof we speak. d. 11 aHaaRsaN, M.D., Ha s Ooueno•gr,
steeds, and the Soldiers on the top of ligioua warning seams to many nn rumination. Christ's Eair complexion, walks to the village, a distance of & leaf or a flower, though numerous P TORONTO, Oat,
(..hit- wall break ranks to look rind lie- n.hsurdit.y. It is more to them a joke; Of which his contemporaries wrote, is nearly a to,
for his mail. Many aPPeals era posted about asking visi- UNFORGIVEN. T�1iiaP�T
Oen, while his voice shivers through than an thing else. "Repent? Pre.-' gafre, and Isis face is red, and Itis, years a o he came from Scotland to tot's to be sparing Of the products of i� r1tp E
the avenue, and reverberates amid the � hands as red, and His feet are,' red g ]3e stole a kiss and ran array 1 IEVE,GgUgay ��°"
dwelling of potentate and earn? ns fires over a, man with the farm on tvhlch he now lives and nature. The palaoe peeper covers 18 ®msSP13clA✓9T�
peasant, na slrcnger health than I haver Vision (with the rushing bleed of His Own cleared it of forest. In conversation acres• It is at glass and iron, or steel, Nsxt time they met r numbly said:
l I
he cries out: "Yet forty days, find clear, hearing alert, lungs stout, heart suffering endured to get you out of with him, he related to an Echo re- light almost as if upon air, and when 'Oh, giant to me, your pardon, pray; ----
Nineveh shall be overthrown i" The stead Insurance companies tell me sin, incl death and hall. 011, will you g; years 1SC ala by gas thO saane is a I swear to you I lost my head.'
y. porter the follotin "I am 78 grand one. Thistmnsom ono ofmy
people, rush out of the market -places I sbull have seventy ears of life, bI 1 to-n(ght implore Him to lot His suf- of age strop and health far on A frown o'erspread the maiden's brow, L•.
y y y g g y Thorn ware used in the construction ,As bitter! i. original designs,
incl to the gates to listen to the, futher anti mother were both long'fering fake the place of your it] old mhn. Aline has been a vi orous 500 tons of glass, 9,6.4.1. tons of iron, d75.,, Y she made haply: ti All desertpEmnsar Woos
strange sound, The king invites the lived. Feel. the muscle in m v arm• ' 1 da"t-t? if you will, all is well, and g What need to toll me this thing new; � orale-, d'rnn ams, Late
man to tell elle story amid the cont- 3 constitution and up till six years ago tone of bolts and 108 tons of nails for I \\shat need to tell ma Low or tvh ? ti na lierernttvr
3 l Ah, my bred her,, it is not prepost.erois : you may nor begin to twist garlands I hardly knew what it was to have woodwork. The central nave is 1,892 Sir, stand aside, nor bid me pause I y µhon 1Vork.
dors of the palace. The courtiers tuber, I come out to tell you that you for your brow, Eon i a (lay's illness. But then my health feet long, or a quarter of a mile. The ! I o'er shall grant the boon P E. LIMO `3, ria vonpe st,
Cbroand ngrato fi dout amid nnd fountains el statues,
need tc make preparation for the fu- YOU ARE ALREADY A VICTOR. , begun to fail, I became .subject, to center transept is 168 feet high. In Of pardon that you ask -because All original designs. WrlEci'orprice�. Teralltm
p g tore. T have noticed that it is All heaven comes surging upon your oramps in the stomach^ I was treat- a 1 this great building there are num- l
to the startling Shall lie "'Yet forty THE INVALIDS WHO LIVE ON. soul in the announcement: There is ed by doctors, but received no benefit. erous seats for Lbe weary and numer- Ynu inn atony too soon!"
days, and Nineveh shalt be overthrown•' no condemnation to them Which are in I gradually grew weaker and as I ous restaurants with prices slightly _ ;
"What to that follow about?" ant's They take more care of their health, higher, than in the cit � n�•x Sf,`,"
nail so they outlive the robust and Christ Jesus," Now, will you do it'd 1 was past the threee score and ten, I g Y• s. `' e
some of the people. " Ta he n mnftmun Y care nothing i ug y One spends but little tire('
ime In the B P �, 1 ' 9
escaped Pram has keepers? Ile mast be
al,blete. I have noticed in nit, circle g or a sermon unless it the hC m Limo heel Coma. Next P g i ., p,
tan alarmist, who is announcinghis of arquaintanees, for the last few -is an application, and this is the I took fainting„ fits and often building; it. 3s commonplaae and tire- i 1� iE �� •'. �r
ears, that five robust and athlete appliou.tion: will you do it? "Ab," T would have to be carried back some, except when concerts or shows
fears. He ought: to be arrested Y s& s some one, ' S believe that is to the house entirely helpless: The are on. It is more pleasant outside
and cut in the prison of the city." But Dee go out Of nasel to one invalid. Y' the weather HIS EXPERIENCE.
l S Death prides hdmself on the strength rig
.[ mean some da{y to surrender general said my trouble rues i Permitting) ng heir Meeka-Lot us come to an a Tho Reid Bros. Mf R®,9 -t BILLIARD
atilt the man moves or dncl ats11 nd P' general weakness dna to old n the throngs g g
cry gnus up: "Yet forty days, and of the cattle he takes, ("Roust not iha eilSrety of my nature to Goll. B age and 1 g of English taking their Iment of some kind and put it in black ��
Nineveh shall be overthrown." ' thyself CE the morrow, for thou knout- It is reasonable. T mean to be a advised me to carry some stimulant Pleasure. Flare is a select part that and white. Talk is cheap, TABLES St. Wait, 1101,TSas. sand
Las taken S for datn:asue. 25r zng St. weep, To110a T0.
is. Ito madness in his eye, there is no. Bat not what a. day may bring forth," Christian, but not nmv." That is whaC {villi me to use when 11'p1C n fa,inCness possession of a concertina
o_ P. you know. —.--_-....-_.
A splinter may be lancet shore enotl•gh thouan.ucLs of you are saying. I am cowing on, but Ibis Irefused to do. I oughfaro, With only a concertina or AraBkss-Yes,ut
yo is expensive.
fanalioiam in his mntnner, but only k to plead our life away, Look louWl Tha afraid if you do root give your[ to hacl rated in the papers of Dr. William's mouth harp, they defy the thousands you mean 9 Farm for ale
Divine authority, find f. terrible earn- and sin Weeks -I let a Crop Of it scatter over
' .slip of a. -rain from Che tritak,the rush God to -night, you never -will. '17ou Pink Pills and thought they would be g and dance until worn out. P Three Farms for Sale, on pas terms,
estiless which Emally seizes the whole s 3 y part in couples and : the back of a friends note about &year Y
city. People rash !'iron phtce to place of li. rttnn.tvnv hose ,through the streeW, may have hoard of Who Ship Itobecan Pemall •adapted I:o m ' teas. T tided As they fire the de p Property situated convenient to C. P.
Goddard that name near one of our one, box but• they did not seem to help soak some shady nook. There, with ago and I'm still making payments
and any: "Nava you seen that aro- any one of den thousand perils may be on it;, Railway. Space
adapted for stock
1 u Son ou. "l:n such at da and hour Pprts this last tvinLor• They were ale. In fact I thought I felt warm. T their lunch and quart of ale Or beer, raising. For further particulars apply
pilot ? \\'Lot does he mann rd Is it. to be I 1 Y Y _-
enrlhqunite, er alarm, or plague, or ba- as you think not, the bon of Nan'all scoured up unci ready fdr ingland- I decided to continue them, however, they all
down until 10 at night, to
-i II : cometh." Your opportunity for re- Ing, {vlren Cembrrg, almost lingo the bar- olid after taking four boxes there wa,s it'hen the signal is given to clear the There is more CaLarrh in till- siotlem of the
a agement of foreign snowy?-Sardan I r country then all •thor dl<sm es put together. J. hi. MoMMARA, Barrister, North Day,0!#t.
apalue puts Off his Jewelled. arra and pentance is almost over. "Yat forty hour, an ion -floe took the ship anti,; n marked improvement. Sty strength grounds, Numberless tinea elle fire- enduntil the lantfew
Y days and Nineveh shall be over- Pushed it out to ,sea, and it drifted returned and 1. was no longer troubled works have given fond lovers a rude hptneurnbto, Rorn ran many yenraidoctors
puts on mourning, and. s, whole reef thiuivu." about two or throe days, and there' with fainting spells, in six months awakening, and so persistent are some renounced ib lona drsomm nud lire cribed �
goes dorm o8 its ]roses, and street Stilt further: I learn from to sub- was great. suffering, and one was time with this treatment I gained fit- of the couples that the management Pocalremodfoa and by couslanllg fnllinu to Hearin
pries to street, and temple to temple, Y mire with local a'eatment, pronouns d it in•'a
X I pct that Gad gives everyHarr] a, fn.Il' frozen cls&ct at his Post. Hots noxi teen pounds, inking in all eight boxes has emphatically stated that it will
curable. onul dl Aar Rill h catarrh eq Teo a
and the fifteen hundrelf
ed tua•.reCs join chiinae for his life. 7.'biniquity of I:liey gut: into the harbour, and yet j pi the Pills, To -tiny Tum swell man not be responsible for accident that eon"tJtutfonal di"aas0 an•1 rl{aretaro requires � ;, OBR BPEGIA6TY.
the ddrge: "3. et forty (Lays, find Nine Nineveh was acaumnlat3n l'W lied I:iaey slid not get in, tfiow many there I and .i' owe my complete .recovery to occurs In the maze. Couples driven constitutional frpoi.mmt. S+1)'NCatarrh Caro, � � NOT WATER -O r new flys
vale alt&ll be ave ChroWn•" g Dr. Will, ins, Pink VIII ,,, from dark retreats are greeted with l ,nanut,ctured by F. J, ChaneyR Co., 9'oledo,
teasel rolling up and. rolling up, There are horn to -night Who Peel they aro Otlla, is the only con; it t.,O, nl euro on the s i ' taro alit steal rauntnra
A IILACLC COVE RING the city Illy -blotched, seething, fast- almost in the harbour of God's mercy, j Whose pills cure not by purging the shouts of laughter g they come rush- markob. It Se taken hiternaily in doses from ; R
WARM AIR -Cool or rood
system as 'cto or medicines, but ing out from Amon the showers of 10 drops took teespom,ful, Tt acts it!reatly nes furnaoea. We have ma,t1
is thrown over the horses rind the sheep "ring undue the sun. Why did not Why cid you not; earns asho's, last g
and the cattle. Forage and {Vater fire God put an and to its iniquity? Why some ire -floe of sin and worldliness 1 by enriching the bitted slid strength. sparks, while many a holiday dresa � e .l 0and'muamis sari eras of rho eyatcm• 1 froIrk and alzus to eelogl
P h' solo the nerves. The cure rheulna- goes home after a day aL the Palart hey °rTor ono hnndred dollars for any ons0 it • 0015401NATION-Hot sunray
kept from the dumb brutes so that did not God unshaath some Sword of drive Yon out again to the sea, ! and • 3 Y fails to euro. Bond tan ig.ff" and tost3• and wan air aortae for
their distxesaed bell.ow3riga may make lighf:ning from LLa saabhord of &Sou die in iha rigging? I throw you I tial. sciatica, locomotor ataxia, para- with a Lolo burned in iC, so rooklasS menials. Addroa"
a clolol'ous aceonlpnniment to the limn- gtorra-clout! amcl slay 3t? Wby diii rho rope I;o-night. T heel you thiswarn- lysis, heR"C troubles, "rysip"las and ail are the pleasure seekers, R,J C1IIP.:�tt,Y &CO„ Tot«Xo, O. macs nuuiromontl.
nnlnl:ion df; six hundred 1hnusand snuls g. Mttdce fast l.o heaven now. I.'hiq forms o'f weakness. Ladles twill find Those who avant open al" golflb Ilrnlf cats, it . -� wto eue flame lmronny,
Iia not with some pry of ten Carth- in thorn an unrivalled niecl(aino for all des can have them free of oc1sC� The Hm11or ka'ly�illearot"Obert, t 'Rio to ausaoflbsomotn,usoi
tubo Wring their, hands, and beat thr- it quake throw it into the tomb where. moment is vanishing, andel with it may
temples, anti throw themselves 3nl:O the Carncaas ai•ncl Lisbon Hary lay? \Vhy go everytiring; and so T i un up and ailments peculiar to the sex; restoring splendid lakes -there are throe or four We 'P. U. 039, advanta
dust;, find deplore Chair. sin, crying out: did He not submerge it with tbelsearn down through this audience with the health and vigor, incl bringing a rosy large ones -afford boating. The ���" lye eeNO FREE aATAr.000E Ardn ESTIMATES
great -_------�---_.._ -�.__ _ ort AnpticA9,Wi
"Y'el: forty days, anti Ninevolr shrill of Elis indignation, ns He did Baron,_ 11&nner .of the erose; Rally, immortal glow to Potts and Sallow obeeks, Thele bicycle track has its admirers, and it Nlnlm, mm�la &Hales PRE3TOPd OidT,
be overtlrovn?" annum rind Pompeii? Tt was because men, "allyl iS no other medicine just: as good, is estimated that on last bank halidesLAW ttoarV'trVlonlnx'AIdTnBlah c�.�Si i`(t'9e4. Q a# 1
Lrauoh at tVtanlpo5
God heard Chti(: Ory, Tie turned aside He wanted to 13ive the city & fain "Iiut," says sulfa one in-. the house. See (..lint ilia full name, Dr: Williams' over 29,(100 enthusiasts witnessed the mond SG Vit'., Toriinto,
from (.lie affaira of etormal stats, and chance., Yol tvolild bave thoughll "I wont take your advice, I'll risk n Pills fox Palet People is on every aoaa ON
sa r tea, have great - ------ —.. - For
listened. He said; "Steel I' muss: go that thirty days would have been it'. I defy Gori. Here I take my nooknga you buy. TI your dealer daps grounds, while � or � i
clove find save that pity., It is rc- enough (:o repent in, or twenty driys, sCand, and Task no odds either of not b&va them, tbey will be sent Post BASEBALL TS N07' OV7IRLOOIiEO, TAMMERa etdl hake
pen Ling, and cries for helP, and they or ten days. Aye, you would have earth or heaven." .T,eL me tell such Panel at 50 cents it box, or six boxes for Neither is bowling, sink skating and B
shall have it, and Nine all shall live." said: "If that pity don't quit: Ile sin that' you are in a battle where you ,g2,G0, by addressing the, D,r, Wlllinma other attractions. A single bear, and Onir Inafltution In Canada for the Dare,��•ay `�"
Thou the people took down the tim. in five clays, it: never trill." But see will. be wo'star, "Yet forty dayall, bledieine'Co., Bnoekville, Out., Or monkeys and brilliant birds serve &s a ovorB Dl neo of apncoh dofooC .Eetu-NA-Q
breis, and loosened ills teal: df the the Wlde margi,rl, Listen to :Lha gen Perhaps Thirty days. Perhaps ten Schenectady, New Yolk. Loologic(ti Garden, An open ail' thea-S(enemata }massa Onr4gu atnnt�p�2a�.� "� �" r l a� "���,nn
stones, and tiling now light on the eau- arosrty Of time. "Yet forty days (" clays. ]Perhaps' three clays, oavuoH•s n oe St., arcate, OW I INN U R Y A ��� p
perhaps for delights its thausanda. Panora • Pemllroftm sUl Toronto, oaillmase s o l
els of nlabaster, and starl.ed the sup- Be frank, my brother, and confess ane clan. The hOVSOs that, drag on that mets, a big theater, a big concert, he. - - "ou a&n
Pressed fountains, find the children to -night that doid is giving you a tali, chariot: of doom are lathered with the WORTH TRYING. a fete gal -don, brilliantly Illuminated 80 CHEAP nso t6 on ��gl FAR alll pad their, hands,; find from Sardan- chance for safety, a better, one than foam of a grant speed, ami, their.'Loots Dick Dashington-I wish Iknew sbme-'nb night, a daily balloon asoonsion, a idphlnRloroo[e:orsides ""LOW F feu
PAINT of buildings. Used 22
ripflus on rhe f:hrone, Clear clown to He µ•airs, to Nineveh. 'Chet' heel one clip fire from the flinty road, and their thing about law. ;novelties in the way of msrry-go- a q in. Outlet x Palle .
Lha kaepor of- the city gate, where rounds, two 33oaf . Ask your d4alar r 4 3 Y
prophet, You hvVe heat'Cl thn VC11aaa nostrils throb with the )lel: haata a9 ITIS Friend -Womb t0 break a will?, :groat towers from which far 36. Till. PINOH W00e PREBERVATIYII & PAIRT .
brown -faired Jona.b went Ili with his of fifty. l'lwy had ona warning. You they dash on. !fiat out of the wayi o• DIck lkshingtcm-Not that; but I one etin look down upon London 700 COMPANV,aroQroenWest,Toronto, Good as New. �
thrilling lnessngc, (;here were songand hang had a thousand, ThP,y hail forty the wheals will roll over you, You would like to know if I could got an fact below On Ona side, while on the ���a'pm
lnwght..r, umcl congratulation, and fps- days, Some of .you have And 'forty cannot endure the Ir.e of an Inennapcl injunction preventing Old Bouddl3ps opposite if do can It neon eight of ROOFING avltl Shoot Metal MVavkq.
LSvrl,y and juhila". "And Gdcl Sa.ty y"ars. Sometimes the warnings of. God. Throv yourselves down onyour from interfering with my ttttentious > ngland'S r3ahost anal mast dsnsol stoopfNa sLATm 1. Black, ,
y Y eUrdreon, B ATIDBLAOrtBOARDa tiros a pply The WUr1f8, (.hilt; Lhay, t:nrned .frbm Go(l 1laYa. edme UPOm SDlnl edit as. knees alOWdnd .Olt iha Iteawpma Witt tiY trio ftpg33hter, ;pOpnl&ted a0antrl ea, rybPl-aatd IIlgl,oT1oolq,�Tara Gal RonBng71G, I�'IUah,hO Wilson Publishing Co
sal pry oleo R.p, Tl ,E�pee Zia p Foy Bngd. ,., „ r
tlletr evil any; and God repented wo Of the breath at lilies and frnnkimcemrp, biOoclrerl arias or racroy. The tor- � Asifdo from amusements one Jutta see a �dro 0 louebsour8rir. Mee 1 oalCor
the evil that He hail said Tie {would and then again as though hu.rlecl•frorm minal chance is going; rho last, the c Ia E1ne oiler OE idturoa oil 1a' ptai�Adivatartnrgtthrdretirorioonnn�a'orrdr ZIMtTsbr .
da Unto them' rind He did `t last chance , is cin i TO OE A COLO IN ONS DAV, g Y P and water re i
d,< i not, a vaLapult,of torttfie, piovidenae. God e going, gong, 0, wake TakeLxat,reHrouo(dntnb,eTnhtnte,- AnDroty adlars, ly thabest ldvim artists. There '`yh"t talo"hupodtomayy"r{'o(t eooabGri, oaeiBlB a 11OXdLjdilO io �Lg
gleta rerunrf Ghe monei it li tnlle to Onro. 4ilo. g 7, 9uTH111l80NS, ACm1aI'JO-kYlNrndr BtA„'�ormntm.
T leArn, in Ile first place, from this has aumethnos let, you to sea your on- up before You wake up among thig last, l is 41so a small machinery Ball, vroom . . TORONTO,