The Brussels Post, 1898-10-7, Page 6e Tr _3 BRUS$RLS POST, Our. 7, x998. BDITO,RIAL n'RTRS. [visible J.`he rewedy usually adopted Sa local- Anil now, clear girls, whom do you to Aha Atbara, unci the foreshore were ��iNTJr FOR om` the cheese So the spots will lie lose 7[ O�, N FOLK . admire most, and whom would You HORRORS OF TED 5�����1 clear of rails And sleepers. But lit- w• completely covered, but Ibis(-�,,,,,�,,,�.,,,,,�,,,�,__�•_ chins° as a friend? Dorothy, I hope stand tits+ywere,fuming (hroughstnrey No man Aysia loves his kind can frill to is not entirely Satisfactory, as it. (lilt a You will say; yes, 'I am sure Of It, __ and sumMos, ebultiag the truvkH totho cordially ivolaame lila Proposal of the. THE FARMER. not correct the cause, and frequently A 0031MUN LITTIJ FLY. the markol being suppllod demands nil VIVID D]aSCRIPTIUN Or GEN, KITCIi- throat, with them. lbH glut had only Rusatlin Czar. Th -it proposal taloa At I I'm a camwon 11Ct1a PIY, POLISH AND RUSSIAN KIT011ENS, ENI;R'S START SOUTH. begun when the li]{° reached its Per_ AND , T uncolored cheese; sometimes til° spots Yet I awn so ml thin _ micas; St. would be over before the Senua]n'g Permanent Poaeo, the deciuw C'ARIf AAD i'El DLNG OF 101 L'1`klY,lare so ball that color enough to cover First a rainbow-UnLed pairs' -- new whito brigade wzme through. thin of armaments, and the release of It will not do to say "provido for theta would SPOiL the elivese. Of such fine transparent wings t'ookts Strep of Ytitepenn—ml 11vaulthler a04d•l,ye in Van•o..Tunnelln9 ' h-11Sll Xveryt•hing In the Sirdar's expeclilime I Num a •nae u ' 1 1 r millfOns pE n1eII t0 useful labor. The: poultry as nature PraVTdsa PUP them,' I n t nllll+r 1'rnledie6, tire R g^ YIPIIIIPk til+r�'71atti' Qlnlell't•e il1'H Ue. }ll'1'rnrrl'IM YYinil'MI/r Yt11111--(k10 Nlfe Allllld (lila il•�4 U\1'n {.iLllti--fll'al: 111atH1'lai, IJle14 advanced Su its Support are gestalt, raised cn the supposed causes These I really cannot fold, btemlrll Irom 011e 11011,e. -R'4e Derl•Isuen. transporL, then troops; and woe unto ,argumentsI for their conditions rind surruundings given above, but ihey are generally But I move Cham t.4 and Jiro ` Poh ind hots a bnza of romance on- Ott lila bAlf-ISO t,'airO platform ser- hint who if behind w his lima. k pertinent and unanswerable, The bur -i in domestication aro different from tu+orieS, cart to most cases would -fait Very quickly, making queer I'ha platform mons black and brown, den of armaments, due to the PAT- what Choy are in their wild state. Nut.I i i prllaliee, Hastening Cilli ripening of Buzzing noises lis I go, circling it, du, io Its misCum'tunos, unit vunts flung Agonized, arias round blue find whito, with it great crowd ,ousees and fears of the nations, ham- wit'.hstamiiag this there is nright unit fill, milk ¢lay have the fnvorabha or- dix its history has boon recd by many,but brothors' necks, k3saod lhout nil aver, of natives. For drawn up lit line oppo. Peri: of retarding the growth of CULT at behind these faille wings, and rasa silo t.Jne waiting trtunks ware rlgtrl g g y Y aced spots. The only perfect reined o of the dotaiis of suelz a, doulenlCo ra resigned thomselvos to Ole Pars the whole progress of the world• u moron Ave to treat poultry lE we Y You iAIII Prod my Avinglefs two, at of binclr flgam•es in the fa(ililair And Sums slender clubs with whioli gleans the kelebon few have any know- of the Soudan, writes U, 11, hleevona i The nations live as though war vitro expect them to do their I:esf, a¢d gave iia in dO nicny ivll.ln the const, and brown ,iaraey and blue utiles, and on only a question of to-mu.rrow, They a money return for their keep, rival,! thurout",h cleanlinelAN in the factory, i All my balancing I do. ledge. BOLL 1lolnud and Russia Are in Llwdou Daily Mail• the tarbtt$hos (he badges, green, blaek 'spend huge sums for equiPment, Only they should not be exposed to all karts i especially in its drains, and lit every! Still very barbarec ill their household Inside the Stuffy carriages wospiled red, yelln)v, hlu'.+ and white, of each of . utenall used in and about the factory In ray head aro big, rod °yes, the six Soudllttea4 balinlianS. T in- Each aamPoead, wisea°rca say, arrungemenl's, and guiea as interesting a confusion of brigs and hundlas, of h to find it obsolete within, the Year, of weather wli,h no chance to °scaPe ay well As in the b"Ine Oairy will re- siulnked Sltltlulcs and ]Jinicaa Crotq til° Of at least a thousand more, I holmo t -cases and sword-onees, of can - and though weighed clown by the tax from its had effects. Sheller from move the cause. Dirl, fil,ll 3N the rock So I'm sharp-si brill clava as the kitchens are the dishes that While Nile, stubby ]leve-IIelba from Of blood, vote fresh millions for the tact I storm and dump and shad° from sun ' that w•reeks the repuintion rind fin- g Y emanate from Cham. vas buckets coaling audit, still canvas Darfur and Cha 1i'est—•they wora just r - new im lament of destruction, !'hey should be given. The • should have once$ of hosts of dairymen ,Incl foe- My proboscis is quite long, Wo lure going, therefore, to take de- bot,Lle,s cooling water, of Bays and Clio figures and huddled savage Smil- P y Lorymen. I'ls a hollow tube and thin, Bimhasbfs .raturnin from Ienvo, St. was Ing faces that. we had seen last at Bar - realize that the process retards or par- clean quarters, be Provided with pure Through which carefully I Suak tarnry 1(.conat and give an insight. AS rather 1' g ° lar. Only the lust time we had seen olt clyses national culture and economics water and wholesoms food and be af- All the food and draw it In, much into the cooking find lire as the a x ike thespeolal train that bili athese particular blacks they were shout. FARMERS AND GOOD 110ADS• boys back to School. A few ]Incl been Ing at; an. progress, and, it continued, moat end furde(l npportuuity to Lake C;ue of 1(ilrhena. '!'own nml country diffor The Individual (armor can afford to At the enol if you will. look, ham(,, but the Sirdar does not like to 111vary one had begun Life as a Der - in universal bankruptcy, or in a gen- themselves as nature dictates. A flat into you'll truly find,; largely, the re[inemenls of modern ler- wish, and had been taken prisoner at, oral and exhaustingwar as a means of All these, requirements may, he met t do road mending en the same principle Near it arru toShort, sha •p hairs, have not. panetraled to the country at h�,vo tit° Marty of his officers Seen 3n q or ufi.ar the Atbara. Now, not four relief, But though statesman and soy- w•ithoixt great money outlay fox' ex -i that he repairs his fences anal 1 ttCL1- Used as forks when So Inclined. lnrua, and so moa cliff find houses whose � Piccadilly; It doesn't, look well. Soma ,n.unt.haluter barn they were, et tet ands ereigns desire peace with :in intensity Pensive buil,liaga or elaborate furnish- Ings, A land Owner ought to real its Pointed lames 'oat boost; domestic regions leave it grant deal 'Lo had been to COOStRUtinople, to Brin- soldierly, with at least the rudiment's which at times enfeebles judgment. as' Ings, 'Che locality find the abject for i ashamed of a clicked alulm or n mud i These aro fastened on my pate, be d°sire'!• I dial, and buck for the sea, to San Ste- Of t<Jzooteng, on the way Lo figght their' to the bast means of securing it, they! which Pawls are kept nivat largely d4_ bola that can lie drained as n° ferried. So when anythingcomes near, Cooks elect in the kit.clien, and the i fano, lila Ostend of Egypt, to Cairo former masters, and very glad tacteit, g g I 1 I and n4 further. of schoolboys, t s, the ']'hey know where they are Avail off. refuse to release a man lest a rival termine the style of buildings provid- cattle or a display of filth. It Is not I can feel the air vibrate. ot.I1Hr servants tire uceum°todated en a Y y Before 1' cation may gain Some acl¢aulage, dad and fond furnished, In a warm rli- necessary t:o ivaet for the roadAvorking I've a chest that's nearly square, similar casual mnziucr. In large noun-' had all been wild to get away, and new T.Ht,Y 11'E13E SLAVES, ' Imate the lt„uses need furnish no more, season to cone around, The most pro- _lk[tide tip oP three rings, no more; try houses Ale kitabon is a. sepa.ut.a they were all wild to get back. Thank half clothed, half fed, lialfarmad, good lrAlla¢ A Sheller from rain cult wind and fit;Lble amnmon ;acus° work win be done Dabh one holds a pair of legs buildin • sometimes the Lord no more Cairo—sweat all Xn view not only of the failure of 6, joined, and Same- to Logo their women atSbendi, and to bloated armaments to Secure the ead' a shade from the sun. a little at a time, if at the tight time. Furnished with small joints galore. times Out !rely detached from the hones. I night, inateadof Sleep, and mosquitoes stay in the lrouches of Nakhe3la whea The food should be determined upon Drainage is the beginning and end Ever foot hu:; 1 „a queer claws, The system is followed ba Ruasdn, tearing You to pieces. Give me the the Baggara ran away. Now they a.re 1; at which they aim, but of their inevdt- , g g y I of free soldiers, well paid, well clothed, by the result washed and the cost, al- of the whole matter, if roads are to be And a hairy pad you see, where, however. servants have a far ght breeze of the -desert, and the k a61a tendency to produce the vary cat- wall fed, with weapons they clan trust, ways seeking a ration that meets the roads, net: Sloughs, Wateving trough, So on coiling or on Pana, Olson sand of the Soudan. aclysm, which they are intended to av- g g g I can walk otic Ecaa•ieasl worse Linto. ir• uong ra unusual thing, and. offerers who charge ahead and art, one would think that disarmament: requirements at the least' expense. In and hillside springs are the most com- q Y• even at,• the present time, for servants But first we have to tunnel through would rather die than leave them, and resort to arbitration in settle- making up rations the elements of "re- mon ceruse of standing water, yet it You may say I am a pest, to sleep in the pusaages AveCll Simply a the filthiest seventeen hours in xigypt'. Their woman—w•bo, after all, only pre - But I know it is untrue, cushion under their heads, and the wo-I The servants had spread our blankets °(,led them tufo the Egyptian army— mant of international difficulties would I fish " by the fowl and the ability of is n very simple thing to train Cho Tiom I eat things in the air, roan Servants lay their weary hones to on e b are Aa sofa from re -capture d. itt ximfa be speedy and easy. The sovereigns aksimilating must fro taken into ac- water in thr. way it should go. A That if breathed would injure you. rest In the loft of the lodge or nut- ore' Pard leather stats of the As you a,ro in the Strand. No wosidrr want peace, and the peoples every- count as well as "value," stone, a louse board, a chunk of mud, houses boxes that Egyptian railways call the blacks grinned merrily as they where admit that there is something Provided wiih such shelter as the %Vaglued down against tbi+ end of a Yea I'm but a common fly, The Sleeping -cars; a faint, grateful air be- bundled up to the, trucks, and the wo- e Sumner or servants kept Hunted, !driven here and there menlulu-lard them off witsof h the bend. climate rind locality demand, the. next Sluice, may choke it up so that It is by even middlo class people aonouuta gen 'Lo glide in fhrouglt. Lite windows. criminal in war, earl moaut relief from Till n life's e, burden sore, for the to sit the least of it, Tough . And than came in the dust. Without s Theitfirsttrtimesl travellednon tbarS. thing needed is Co keep it clean, u nothing LUL A public nuisance. Five Yet no malice do I bear. i Y � '� the taxes of militarism, Well, the heads and ready method of housing them, the. fowls are kept yarded the incdosure minutes' work would send the water basic—had it nal seventeen hours ba- aT. It. I enjoyed a larch in the largo of the kis mi13CArp powers could at any rushing through its proper channel. I')aah' servant in Russia ]Mas his or her saloon; the second time in one of the time organize themselves as cox Inter-' meal also be kept clean and healthful+ ,It is not uncommon tosee water fol- A GIRL'S BEDROOM, vocation, and will undertake un duty tore it?—it alroamad through] svery national court, from whose deci$Ions, by frequently stirring the soil or by lowing the wheel ruts for rods when not pertaining thereto. clonic in a thick coffee-coloured °Loud. SmAII calicos; this i.iall, a s Struck, Dear girls; i[ our character could b® Bul. the truck, utter all, was file most a supply of fresh mold or an absorb- a man with half an ayt can also see. In farmhouses and lower middle class It plied itself steadily over rile soots comfortable of the with three. la mous f i£ they were reasonably just, there I ent of same kind, I;ave the floor of the that it mere cut through the ridge at, I told by the appeamnct of our bed- the family accommodate themselves i° and the floor, the gaga curl bundler long double -bugle, with a plank roof could and would be no appeal, Yet the i g I room how bad a chance some of as a similar manner. ')'bell- ivindows are and cases; it built up warm mud and canvas curtains that you could lot house dry Some way, and of the yard; til° edge of file road would delict the all double, on account of the exces- fnct is that nothing would induce wafer into the ditch or clown a blank, I would stand. Some girls will say to dawn when the sun came to and eight them to tip so, bf they could not at is drained, it will, be all. the better; I Even a half filly spent in stropping into themselves, "OI nobody ever sees this kitchegive n slovesfare temperature, u ,akin4size and somn the ROUND :de SODA-WATERolch i nsix Lr sc piled t to the floor. ggage it at least must be free of standing, a very bad hole a favi of the numerous I and richly larded the loaf( cold ollerken in kis mon piled their Smaller baggage times be released from the judgments g Istones that infest the hi hwu would room, so why should I bother keeping whitewashed, and with a very hr°•Id and .SOL up (heir tables, and ate and stagnant water, If the .shelter is all i g Y, for the morrow's lunch. of Clio tribunal. \YIly? Because man work A double bended blessing to all it Lilly.' But what abed habit to get shelf running from them the. Iengl.h of drank and shell and ❑t ? is stilt possessed of human nature. Soc- right cult LIle fowls have n wide rangy I echo pias that ivay, Heaving out. a few !into; how much nivar it is to sleep tile kitchen, This serves As the bed for W6 choked ourselves to Sleep; in the hours to the Atbara, toed forty Dight '' arae ll pass ss exempt n n t ure. Say- - (hey will look out for themselves, with ( stubborn old boulders would work det- C¢ a tval2-made bed, and the family I ( morning we. choked no longer, the Of all the three months' changes in g much less work on the part of thea ]invent to the blacksmith and waggon gaze upon In wealthier houses, where grouter g g' the covetousness and the pride of oth- g hell -dusted furnitur,s, tbun sleeping lungs having reconciled themselves til° Sowlan, bete were the most aCu n- otvner, who will have onlyto see that mender, l,ut a big seeing to the farmer. I P gin comfort prevails, the servants' apart - men. Their fears, their ,jealousies, lime, grit, dust and pure i If all such ments are detached from the house, to breathe powdered bl Eying. Ab4idich, where the now gun - , were Illus will', a bed that has been made without any Egypt. Our [urns boats ]tad been put together, had g p e molter are I yearly toil of ( sometimes adjoining the kitchen, This ware layered witmGaffe°-color tbioker their. desires maks them reluctant Co kept up, the public ser- care and seeing dust of many days' grown from a hut. and two tants to Where they can get them. vice would count more and more to is necessary, for both in Poland and than the powder o° the latest Eashlon- aratlwa station and triangle and wat- :;, give up their freadom to do wrong. , I standing lysing upon bureau and ivaslf- Russia the lower classes aro excessive- y g Of course, the nature of the runge ward the good roads of whiob all are able lady's nose. Hair and moustaches, oringplant.and engine slxecl, cult rows They, want peace, intend to keep the will determine whether talking and dreaming. This view of standF ly dirty. They novae wash except of Seemingly mud barracks, soon to be peace, but will not blind themselves be- green food or the subject is no more than one fee- The other da I want to visit one when they pay their weekly visit• to the eyebrows and eyelashes, and every y y hospitals. 1.cause, soma day, these interests and moat should be provided. If the range lure aE practical farmin intelli ant of m • baths, an which occasion they steam corner of the sun-puckerad eyes were But the Atbara was oven more p g, g y girl friends, She met me at their clothes clean as well lie a solid rock ora sand -hili, even I economy, a mere looking out for num- lost and levelled in rich friable soil. iTTTS.Xt]',Y TRANSFORMED. tardetdons may demand action. Thep era th,tugh a nectar section in extent, the 1 iter ono, no matter how man • othors the door with a welcoming smile and The. hours of work are much the same 4 y And from the caked, sun -riven fields ,f had lefLi, a fortified wLnx); Ifaund like the profane man, who, asked to are also benefited. a pretty little speech, "O t Alice," she as ours, and thhi cook is mut important 1 fowls would have to be given some personage, who buys all the edibles for of thirsty Egypt fresh clouds rose and it, a kind afNine Elms. Lewis Ba s pledge himself not Co swear, said h4 said, "I'm just making biscuits; would Y' grain stuff. : daily consumption, occasionally aeaam- rolk;d and settled, tall in all the Craen now c then the Pr[da of the Soudan, would "when that hooking horse mon° �iTOAIEN AS COAL -PASSERS. You mind coming into the kitchen tall Printed by her mistress. These same edi- now cowered in Lho middlo of a huge Although fowls on a free range will P You Saw, touched, tasted nothing but tf dead." x finish." QC course I went, and spent blas, by the tray, are t° be had in aiucl walloit atnt.ion yard. Roses add "take care of themselves" at mueh The charmed traveller SII Japan goes dust. --- a pleasant half ]tour watching her. My Poland at ridiculous priers, Best, meat barrels and bags climbed up and over - less cost, in money and labor, to their to Nigasaki to find disenchantment. costs 21-2d`per pound, and the poor At Luxor carne lila first novelty, Shadowed it. Aninianition and stores IAnd the greeds and jealousies which friand Dorothy had on a pretty, lease r practicable tacit and fodder—Che journey had been owner, it does not prove that they will There be sees the fair Japanese maiden purchase, theirs at the into of 1d. per r ban I rami down the statesmen and sovereigns call poll- blouse, and a dark skirt, a snowy apron be more profitable to him it allowed labor as acoal-passer and atlongshor4 pound. Poultry is telso Bsceedingly paidivtiYs sLoppBd short there; now a a crescendo of (.lirstz, but llziswkls the also, have filtered down through the free rungs only, for in these days of work. It makes one of the strangest ,vas tied round her waist and her cheap, init fish is dear. fort.issituo. You wandered about among peoples, until those of the rant milt- specialities the successful g sleeves were rolled u die la, mit a Both in Russia and Poland the cook- parr°w-gauge railway ran through to the streets °r ilea that towered over - g poultry- A A Y g P keeper must feed for a a Sights of tiro queer Orient, with it's pair aC well -shaped arms. Size Ives' a f r is high! flavoxad, and a liking Assuan. it not p f Yourself in munitions tart' powers, at least, are as littlaw•ill- pecifil Pur- Y, g quittaom r©hrnaible head, and lost pose. The free Lange fowl will be a teemingmillions ofpeeullar people,or hogs acid is noticeable, partici- iA•h the o war. Alang the Nile bank, where Ing tobebound to be always good as very pretty girl and at this timie she Y gauge should have been healthy one, but the poulCryman who sea fifty or One hundred women at larly In the soups. Osedlle soup, for two steamers together had boon a rer- are their rulers. Is it not true to makes the most money da $must seemed doubt attractive. instance, itself a sour thing, Sa rurLher broken; perhaps t° make Sure that the it lay four. Another 3 Y work with a¢ equal number of men y Y, Paddled ceasa- 11 q She put before me a plate of her sharpened by the Poles, by the addi- line should be kept exclusively mill- lessly to and fro across the river, where say that war is always the work of add to health some other 'quality, and A tion of, sour creamn as a flavoring, tory. It can Basil l e altered after- the little two-companycam i had grown coaling a ship in the pretty harbor of the governments, which regard them- his esueeda'a s depends on knowing how flaky biscuits and a glass of milk, Y 1 to Feed and to care for ]tis flock so that city. It is said that at one time In Poland ge do not find mach fur- wards to the Egyptian ganga; moan- into tines for rho cavalry and camel pelves as trustees, and so must be keen- which I enjoyed after my walk. nitura; a largo bureau and a freezer cor s, Slim-sparrod as to keep health and gain his special the work was done almost exclusively whil.a the journey is done by train in p gYasses fringed ly self -regarding as respects national. point, too. His "point" may be eggs, b women, but that latterly the girls "Aow, at last I am through," she es- sbrike one as the most prominent Eon- all tha bank; Lateen sails battled over honor. For line and eggs y tures. Next comas this abundance of twelve hours against the post boat's the full river. peoples axe quite as gg alone; it may be early mar- claimed, as she emptied her last pan and women have been gradually giving , of its contents, "so come upstairs wooden utensils, All pails, Lubs, etc., thirty-six. Of troops the prince was all but empty; greedy, quite as jealous of rival nit ketnble chickens, heavy weight and In Y fat carcass, or health and vigor of way 10 their coolie brothers or sopa. are of wood, and, indeed, in this court- Assuan Was the same as ever, Sbell.el, th,a indispensable Egyptianswere away tion, and quite as ready to fight, if breedin stuck and Please and I will dress as quickly as I try the kitchens themselves are built u> the civic, cutting. and stacking g progeny. In each Many continue at the work, however, at the head of the cataract, the real l g g for nothing else, to satisfy the "lust of case the. feeding and management dif- Probably be years before O0.°`' throughout of timber. The stoves in g wood for the steamers, or preparing and it will blood" within them. The truth is that Per; except in the latter case, there Going into my friend's bedroom Shia countyB Y are much like the 1+'rend, forwardingstation for the south, was depots. In mid-April the Atbara was file desire to fight is that irhecb 71a the custom disappears. The coaling 6, ones, and a further xesembfatice is the same, only much more sit The thews yet unattaened objective ofthe IS It choice of breads for the )test re- draw a roakin' ehaer to the window I high bank was one solid rampart of tions will sacci#toe most Ca gtatif •. cults. at Nigasaki is done from lighters, and occasioned by the number of copper railway; in mid-July the railivny was Ono ndvnnln a file oulkr -kee er a , eri s of la at d and inelinecl fat °nd at the same time taking abook pans which hang on the walls. ancient history, and the Atbara was but fat, that, all the nations would, in g P y p s e e v a p from if The is religious ti r i i ammunition and beef, biscuit, and bar- hos over t ashe she told the to try and h on, or I ctu e, which ch the port of ole torture for ilia boats, theory, at least, turn Russel. It is s Ila reeler v animals forpz'a forms that resemble astep-ladder are r- Y is such a fobioh of the Russian race, lay, it clanged and tinkled all night Just ahnl&way house on the road to humiliating, of course, to know that thing. g fowls are n even swine every- make myself earntortable, Dorothy's affixed to the side of the vessel, they i' not absent from -a kitchen, and I through with IChaltoum, What amen the Sirdar is there aro in men Instincts and emo thing, excelling even swine lu this. room was very Picini furnished,yat I g harts of steamers and . Lions of This fiat should teach every one that reach from the deck of Lhe lighter to Y 'heir snpersLilions are Loo numerous Sections of barges, Stern -wheelers —tf he is n meal IVa gal out and r si be, ashamed, codec awhicIl they not ht to a constant Leading of one grain or one the main dock a£ the Steamer or ship. I was struck With Its perfect cleanliness, Co instance, oven though they influence otime do-wii from the south, turned pitched our tents, earl here tvo found vegetalmle or one animal substance will The bed was covered with a snowy domestic life to a great extent, the men ivho had not been on leave— Only cannot but do not want to , be :Che coal is handled Ln small baskets' Y Dinner is the groat event oh the about, took en fuel, hooked on four the railway and the water transport whop rid. Yet so fon as Theynot produce the beat results. counterpane and the pillow's Looked as gas alongside, earl thudded orf up- and the camel transport and the fuli- remaxn, any schema of desarmame¢This omnevorous quality of fowls Chat will hold from thirty to forty ; if they had been well beaten. T.ha day' after which. masters and servants bar gives the poultry -keeper the opportun- pounds, The coolies form in line on! furniture, which was of oak, was thor- alilra take S siesta, Cabbage is even river again. goes inganerai—worlringharder, hard - 11 and universal pence will bo mora ar It Df making up a ration of the foods the ladder -like scaffold, and the bas- oughly well dusted, and the articles more beloved by Russians and Polos NO HURRY, NO RTS'C. or, harder every day and every mghLC. dross chimerical, and war only prevent- eC ills command that will produce the kers are quickly than by Cho Garmmans, and, one of the We drank gun and soda to the mast - ad by the serious consequences to the, P y passed from one to on the wadi -stand, which Avers of plain Anil hexa was the some commandant beginner. result sought, another. The beat home Illustration of', white china, were shining in thorqugh principal dishes is a soup concocted as when I came up before. He heel Br"toast of the Egyptian army: ' Far - from cabbage, sour apples, a bib of Cher South I". Whatever the ration, wholesomeness rot- bile process is to b4 found In the old carpeted, The snowy tchdeh was un- had one day in Cairo; Ilia hall- was ' - --- must, lIe kept in, mind, bfnidy corn, rot- buokeC brigade moa work on a root fere 'carpeted, was snowy white, and a bear lard and some meat. Yat vegetables two shades grayer; he was still being ^- aL d pot ° are not much eaten; meat ten potatoes, and putrid flesh are not The coal -passers work very quickly, I ski° rug, tvhech my friend said was for revile() by everybody who dial -not ]taus 'h'.l;LLO\VSHIP IN ICADrf.L[ES. Apart from the obstacle Presented wholosome, although fowls will eat and one gang of mixed coolies, work- Saying hor pray°ra on, was laid before and potatoes coria the staple food, everything hewlmLed sent through tit by human nature, moreover, Thera aro them. Perhaps the theory advanced by ing from several lighters, has been the bedw A Shelf was hung above a The enormous non stook pot, Lha five seconds' notice; he was still draw It is curious that one .rarely sees In - some that the gizzard removes the ob known to give a ship 497 tons in an small writing -desk, desk, on which a few contents of which form the founcla- Ing unmercifully on body and brain, timate friendship between enormous difficulLies to be overcome '� Y C persons of Y neon for sonny o dish, is an utensil Ll g good years out: of his life, the same family. jectionrrl,lt features of such feed is hour. well -selected bocce ware' lying, But m and ripping in the Settlement of difference which entreat, but our ex-Per.Cenae leaches us 'in Lhe distribution of tho work fxlend was dressed by this Lime, cult Serer absent from a Polish kitchen, to help conquer the SUliditil. Victory Y. The members of must I.precede the conclusion of any the flavor, color and quality of eggs among agang of coolies the woman is I giving her back the inook Ii�e lett the and the, stock itself is made of ]hent over Dervishes may be ivun in an hour, most families aro Friendly together in are afieakBd b L or smoked ham, flavored by beet ,roots a lukewarm -outside sort of wit workable'peace convention, The pro- Y feed. This being the shown no fnvo•s. At the bottom of the, robmL She little knew !mow far up in may be cheap; victory over the man- 3', but which have, been chopped fine, botClad poral to frame a peace o¢ the basis of case tt does not seam reasonable Pita, tine the first heft becomes larger as ,he any ustimafion she had gone and I tvitb water 1 o cover them and than sitting .5oudan—Lhe, victory of the rail- there is no enthusiasm or congenial Lel- all impurities are removed from food coat recedes In the lighter, And lit the felt she tuns a friend Cu whom Icould way, the steamer, the ivir°—means iowshep in this matter -of -fast kind of "as you possess" would be regarded as by beta assed throw h a hen's allowed to stanch for two weeks. g P• g giz- top at the line the lift over the rail is put my fullest confidante. , months and years of toil, and So much intercourse 'rite a specees of lunacy. (Does any one cup- zard. hard. and the woman could be favor- On lasv[n Dorothy's, iviCh a leas- Wood fires are used Antirely in .lei- oP his life lost, to ever man that Y beat the error nam° g P Y And have a general interest in one an - Ex erience Also tenches that fowls ad b placing her in the contra. On ant• feeling that had sprung a as t and, though in com° kit form they Ila1pS ,,in it. I. po;e that Prunes would disarm in ad- p Y p B A g p employ it in its charred form—char- ment a welfare, but S° regard La often have sickened tinct died when no cause the contrary, hovevar, she is seta talked togethler, i atarLed'hometvard, 7'ho steamer tinkerer! A.t her ]1- eur- vanes of an adjustment• of lite quer- but improper food could be found, It more often at the ends. Tho work But a gentle rain came on and I had °pal, like the French, The black bread old boiler for twenty hours, and hien 114ter andaers,tperhae they aioaaL4n aC Russia, is noted, and the Polish trud a and o strnn„ent sly [Its Bold ct ads tion of Alsace-Lorraine, or England is safer not to infra any chances any, is vary hard, and there is the added to furry in race x ,should got toot. I trudged bEE towards Ilulfn.. She did -and opinions entirely tit variance Cheer retire her fleet wilhoutadefiuition of way, and it is much Pleasanter, to say discomEitwe of the flying coal dust, have thought agnod deal about that broad is by no means suited to our the 200 odd mules in soventy-seven y i. her Sphere in China? What, titter all, the lenst, to eat eggs And poultry but both men and women seem very visit, and noticed that my friend made taste. The Russian peasants itAvIl Maki fours, so that it would. have imau al- separateness going glossed aver aviGh nut strange use of. Lime oven ui which they a veneering of paliCt disregard, produced from ofrah carrion or happy. they laugh and jibe as tilts no apologias about the ht busy aE her most as quick Co have gots by road i° We all desire friendship, Would b4 the value of disarmament rot.tBn grain. hturiedl bako Chair broad, for they use It for P, sympathy J! y pass Aft seemingly enrlJess louse, or at Ming caught busy in the u w-heetbarrow•. But then t7zt nuggars and congenial companioushi f with rifles stored within reach, and line of laden baskets, The women do their weekly vapor hath wben there A. Wo go kitchen a the afternoon, alongside heavy with many sacks through not bear Alza marks that the American Jost the opposite (cilia the Friend I are no bathhouses marl of k a,ricy, Co be tumnert. later iota cav g lila world. looking to,. (hose it millions of trained men still. ready to COLORED SPOTS IN OHEPSE. things, incl sorrowing when we cls gob or European "sweat-sbop' leaves upon !nave been writing about is anoth°r, W iAT H17 LAOI{>;D. alry cf.u•gers, Moreover, bat the sec and morning, rounding a bend, we of fa It seams a find t xi rnr o rarely mobilize at a day's notice? With TIle cause of cheost rust, as the lis its victims. They all stem to have Mildred Murray is every amort get'!, g• g of fate Chat ike find them ' o rarely ii their different organizations, on, what ease is commonly called, is not genar- health and its accompanying color. She is far on at s4bool, and her A certain man Possessed of groat suddenly aawalinB drown diagonally moilere theta aro sit man - j oasis could the nations be induced to city known, and It is popularly attrilt- Soma of the women, and particularly lessons seem, to be, no trouble to ber, wealth and proud of his Possessions across the river. All the water below Y o Per Alen was rather deficient in intellect. One the line was sunt• things whinh would make thin t agree to a reduction of forces? And uted to numerous conditions, suoh as i'•hs oilier ones, Show biceps earl shnul- She eS a vary good-natured girl, but green! all above it Was still more beautiful, The bond Of. a dors that would make some of our men yet I would y Jr,give her the place day he had an odd man working for brown, And the brown pressed Slow- common kin, of common memories incl how far could reduction be carried in feed or water given Ln tlm8 cows, taint- shamefaced. Among the younger I give Lo DorothyShe is much het- him, an IrIshman, possessing a full ly, thickly forward, (!riving the gratin F it state, say, like Austria, without ad milk, adulterated mills, mist ti ots, girls are many that would hB called Share of the wit of his ,,ace, The rich before it. a common lmanne ivoalcl make a aomfud- y ,p Lar off, and her Parents aro mudm mart a pretty b ,the admirer of Japanese indulgent than Dorothy's, yet She does man went out to oversee the job, 13;8 This WAS Clio. Nile flood—the rich chip still more delightful, It tray be thriving it into anarchy? Inrlatd, in milk ul.ansi]S rtu•1 vols, Lan quick i y, g that the fault 3s pat•tly In oua•tiolves, beady. They all wear the nativa cos- not give them half the respect that lookod at Pat a minute, Bard at •work A.byssiuian mud Lhl,t'comes clown Ana I the difficulties to be overcome are so ripening, poor cannel, uneven eolaring, tone, curt nearly all protect Llttir Dara does liar patients, and said: Nile and Atbara. When I'bS.ssnmild bait nn(1 that, grown weary by t•fa snfbrcfld y many and so apparently insoluble that whan color Is usocl, uneven cooking, hands with rough gloves or bindings And Ireally believe that: Chaco girls, Nell, Pat, We good to be rich, isn't flouted cdownbelow, theeatarnoL, E t familiarity of ytaI'a, we do not be, it is bard! to be believed that the the curd mill, unclean benches en the of cloth. The evidence of a desire to It would. have water again, ria again, neve lmosslbki on °aria to seek, any In - Y oharaaters a]O shown up in lltetz• bed- g g nor Im Bible, 'of people whose cul'.. nations will take the risk Involved, curing room; in feet almost every- preserve LIAO color of their hands is rooms!, Meldrod's Is muchthe better Yls, Sur, said Pat, meekly enough, brand again, life again. And the Son side personality Cho Only fnd'0110On of Sex in the busy furnished of the two, 71le furniture is I am rich, Pat—very rich, dan would have gunboats,' find barges p Y moo have gam tired merely to relieve thtmselven from las- tlzCng wJifah cornea in contact with the crowd. So I'm told, said Pat, shoveling g OL'. It takes an enormnua amount: of of walnut earl richly carved, But, dust g of na,it;riclges, earl. g aSSBS of (mood and patience, as well as affectiot not to alien, this from of to !.say motives, aim or curd during the process, amid Tho woman are not paid as well as lies upon it undisturbed for days, This away, fodder, and the Sirdar thundering et dreadfully ti All this is not ,O I own lands and houses, bonds and g , tail f people, and gay eli ill) almost every step in the procaaS, Pas til° men, although they do as much carpo is apretty Brussels, but fuzz ADTIIG,GA'r1,S10h'IsIiAL,:COlTi�I. members of onus aAvn famzl attempt Should be made to realize Tito work. Why the discrimination Is Ss 1 i y are no been Suspected of being the cause of. lying on Lt which lies gathered ,hire Stocks, and, and and— Next, winch. , ;q Czar's ideal, but only that tan much matte is not apparent from the nmounC from lack of thorough sweeping, The Yis, aur, y green -rased IIa1Ca — exception to this +rale, should not be expealed from any drum this disord°r. It is snmatimes eonrus- of work clone or the treittmont of ,the young lady's golden hair is eau bt in And what is it, Pat„ that I havon't only this time it was less windy than i aIle, arrangement, and ampcaiall,y ed. with irregular coloring resulting laborer. Latterly it has been the the bristles of her brush and between gott last, and the trees, though Still the ONE-SIXTH ARE MR. . TACti a tO undertake tho work by piece the Leath of her comb, fib air of dusk , greenest on the Nile, ware not: so green. 11 I I that it Wi11 work aC oats n• }.•idiom from the, use of A poor grado of color P' A p y L3ivi(a bit of sone°, aur, said Pat A despatch from Washington, 1),C, . change in human nature. ThaL will or rnnLracn, twtcl,Co make a devision 4f Last time there hadbeen melons grow- fir im m er mixing, shoes lie carelessly in acomer, and trundled n picked up his wheelbarrow and says:—Sickness among Aft troops o. 4 'ant ba filtered by pnpnt' pm'OI:nOnla earl P A g' the gross earnings among the coolies drosses and other pieces of wearing tr°]idled N off, and the rich man fng oII file Sandy eynt OI)poall:e rile Crenex`m LAwtnII'a Camllma¢rl at $EIrit;I- conventxons. , What can he hoped, for Xn recemit ,years cheese rust: Anil Dili- engaged, on a basis Previously ar- aommandarit., andthe eyot bad groivu P p y apparel aro thrown over abaft -becks wont into the house and eat behind hl i Ago in increasing, sowNearly ono^,,,,, of and ivnrizad for is the steady develop. Hr Affections Of similar actor? .have ranged lzv themaaIvtS. Wag4a vary, and. becl•poal;s. ,Mildred makes soma the door. higher daily; tInc time l my a l dry his Picea is nuav Ott l.lio sink fiat, al- mrnt of. cam rent:iment ihrbu„hnixt but 2G cents ar da would be deemad--.._.____ sand and nit melons! only it, grew It g !.keen carefully at,udied by harlerdola P y laugh ng remark As she glands around though, the number of deaths in not o til` world; 'CowSrd th's end (.Ila nvaw- vary good cnmponsateon, and rho nY Sha—My graladfather was cousin to Willy nm'allar in tiz4 lapping ivattr. gists, and they have found that lh°an kn the uni:idY room, and says S}lo must But orsWmmor, Ixalfa's business great, . There ere at present I,22.';easaa td. conviction of the n)a -er of the iorfty proliably work for much loss, Sae about cleaning it, Even althougk the Earl Of BullyShanty, twice remov- in the hospital, 1142 of iylmtrls Are rover + greatest arra In .Truro e, !.hat war 1, f.,'I+nbles Ara usually ceased by differ- Thr Are allowed extra compensation ed. He—Iiv[ee removed, 011? What is the sale,—the raflway and the re- g Y P Y she is a Hier girl how Liao I ascus? anscs; savor deaths are, ropnrted to. an Bni] la a long Step, int kinds nP, bacteria, when they work at night. ' h01,8 for? Didie t Ise pay lata rent @ Oxuit% Tit lino avns finsdted now up Y Ii to , three from yellow favor,