HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-9-30, Page 8OILIrEt
tgalt %s rl9
Almost in every business there are
certain lime of goode that from want of
being shown or from other Owes remain
unsold. Or it may be that the whole.
eater has been over.etooked and the wise
Tllmtsuax was a very quiet day, in
Comm' in the Town Ball Friday
evening of next week.
EVEBx business man should make an
exhibit at the Fall Ear.
MUMS, Ewell ,h Innes took let prize
on top buggies at Wingham Fair oe
Genoa Captor and Thos: Maxwell
have had new shingle roofs put upon
their residences.
WI5NEeDAv, Oot, 19th, is the day am
merchant taking advantage of it hoe pointed by Judge Masson for the Voters'
bought at a reduction. With this in view
We have decided to have what we call
"Our Bargain Table"
on which will be plaoed Genuine Bar-
gains. This week we have a line of
Photograph Albums at 25o. which were
originally from 41 to 42 each. We have
also an assortment of Books, some at half
prioe. The line Inoludee some paper
bound ones whish when bound in cloth
range from 85e. to 75o, ; these we offer at
5o. each, They are all good reading,
Any.Sabbath Bohool buying these are
supplied with envelopes and library garde
and can have a large library at a small
goat. Don't miss these bargains.
G.,A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Goma 80000. Gratin NORTH,
express Ina a.m. I Mail 01.0 pan
(sized ,9:46 a.m. Express 10:10 p.m
` rag ` CLUS Pins.
Let Court in Brussels
Two pare of hogs were shipped by
Means. Clegg & Dames, and Meeurs.
Baeker & Vanstone this week.
Tau speeding events at the Fail 'Lair
promise to be exciting, See the bicycle
and foot ranee and lady driving,
Doo. WARRIOR carried off let and 2nd
prizes at Seaforth Fair last Friday on
oolte bred from Saobb Warwiok'a well
known trotting stallion "Costumer."
He was also awarded a prize for roadster
brood mare.
HAND OuT.—Ieaao Fitzpatriok, who
went to North Bay a short time ago,
arrived bank last Saturday owing to his
having inflicted a nasty out in the palm
of his left hand with a knife he was using,
incapacitating him from work for a time.
He will remain in town until be is able
to resume his oalling as baker.
TENNse.—An enjoyable tennis match
was played on the lawn of Barrister Sin•
°lair on Monday afternoon between Dr.
Tait and Mr. Cook, of Blyth, and mem.
bers of Brussels club. In singles J. 1I,
Cameron beat Mr. Oook, 6.2, 6.3.
Stewart and Dr. Tait's soore was 0 2, 5.7,
8.6. In doubles J. 11. Cameron and W.
M. Sinolair defeated the Blyth gentlemen
by a score of 7.0, 6.2, 04.
FELL INTO THE GIaTEns, Lest Wednes-
day morning, Way, the youngest son of
Rev. S. J. Allis, while running through a
bank hallway did not notice that the trap
door of the cistern was open and the first
thing he knew was that he was taking an
unexpected bath With his wearing apparel
on. His brother, Arthur, fortunately
happened to be near and promptly.ashed
him out before mach damage was done,
DEATH or J. M. OLIann,—John M.
Olimie, for many years a prominent
citizen and business man of Listowel,
died Friday after an illness lasting since
Spring. He was identified with the set-
tlement and opening up of the country
there, and operated gristing and saw mills
for years. He was in his 65th year. The
funeral took plaoe on Sunday afternoon.
The late Mr. Olimie was an male of Wm.
Olimie, license inspector of Listowel ;
s brother-in-law of D. D. Hay, ex•M. P.
P., of Stratford ( and father of Mrs,
Roderick Roes, of Brussels.
DIED. -0n Thursday of last week
Daniel Collins, a prominent Kinoardine
merohant, died in Toronto. He bad
been ill for three months, and was taken
to Toronto for treatment, and had under-
gone an operation. Mr. Collins was en-
gaged in the dry goode business. De -
mimed was a Conservative in polities, a
member of the quarterly board of the
Methodist church and also of the Board
of Education, an had attained exalted
rank in the Masonic Order, having been
the D. D. G. M. for Huron distriot. He
leaves a wife, three sons and two daugb-
ters, W. G. Collins, wife and sister -in•
law attended the funeral on Sunday. It
was a large funeral.
evening as Rev. Mr. Hunter and his
mother were driving from Brussels to
their home, 7th line, Morrie, the horse,
which is a young animal, took fright at
some wood on the side of the road ane in
the dash it made upset the baggy. Mrs.
Hunter bad her arm broken near the
shoulder and was quite seriously shaken
up and Mr. Hunter had a bone broken in
Ms hand. A. 0. Dames, of Stanbrook,
happened along at the time and Boon had
Mre. Hunter in the doctor's office where
the broken bone was set. She ie doing
as well as oould be expected. Mr, Hunter
pluckily took hie work on the Ethel cir-
cuit on Sabbath but has suffered consid-
erable inconvenience by the unfortunate
FAIR NIGHT OoNOEnT, Ib is seldom that
the good people of Brussels and surround-
ing country have an opportunity of hear-
ing such a splendid program as that to be
given on the evening of the Agrioultnral
Fair, Oct. 7th, in the Town Hall. Mies
Annie Snyder, one of Toronto's cleverest
and most talented entertainers, oapturee
her audience at onoe with her Humorous
and Dramatic+ Readings. Mrs, Seymour
Rambly, of the Metropolitan Sohool of
Music, Toronto, is adjudged one of
Toronto's sweetest and most popular
Soloists. John E. Turton, of whom the
Boston, New York and Toronto Press
speak in the highest terms of praise as a
Descriptive Baritone. Mies Eudora
Auger, brilliant and talented Pianist and
Aaoompaniet. Tiokets on sale at Fox's
Drug store.
SAMUEL FEAR DEAD,—A pioneer of over
60 years in Canada died at hie home in
Atwood on Friday evening in the person
of Samuel Fear, father of Rev. E. A.
Fear, pastor of the Methodist churches
in the Elma distriot, aged 72 years.
The deceased was a sturdy Canadian,
having spent about 68 years to his adopt•
ed country, during 44 of which he was a
local preacher in oonneotion with the
Methodist denomination, Mr. Fear was
born in Somorsetahire, England, and
oame to America with his parents at the
tender age of 8 years. The family spent
a year in New York and then removed to
Canada, settling at Guelph, where th5
subject of this brief sketch spent his boy.
hood days, and at the age of 15 moved to
the township of Woolwich, near Elmira,
where helengaged in farming and resided
there continuously until be was 50 years
of age. Retiring from farm life he then
spent a oonple of years in Elmira and
from there went to Brussels, where he
spent 12 years, He afterwards resided
in Goderioh and IIalmesville for short
periods, and in Milverton for three years,
removing to Atwood last Jdly. Mr. Fear
in polities, but was
was a Reformer very
liberal minded in all things. Besidee
Rev. Mr. Fear the widow and four other
eons survive to mourn their lose. The
eons are J. W., gold miner, British
Columbia ; W. J., dentist, Aylmer ; and
I. V., druggist, of Seaforth ; and George,
diepenser at R. Simpson's Toronto. Mr.
Fear's death makes the third head of ae
many generations that have passed away
within the last 14 months, the grand.
father, father and son, and all bearing
the name of Samuel. The funeral took
place on Monday afternoon from Atwood
on the arrival of the G,' T. R. train, in -
torment being made at Avondale owns
bery, Stratford. Mrs. Fear and family
will be sincerely sympathised with in
their bsreavttnent.
SEPT - :80, 1898 •
Tim supply of w
galle about exhausted
at the Enterprise Salt Works. On as
agent of this the pan is not being operat-
ed for a while.
Sescrnm.Ng and case lost, white trainee,
Ti rnbe'ry street, Brussels, on Bepb, 4th.
leintior will kindly leave at '1'nu Poser
CoaloarASLn lanae
and goof lot
eels on Alexander street, Brussels. Ap-
pply to Jae, Walker
A PnrowLrea Dsecovanv.—"Soak and
Swab" is an infallible, Nielsen and non,
poisonous remedy for rho pure of Cancer,
Oartilaginons Close, Bore Throat and a
Publishing House, variety of skit diseases. It 050ee Ganger
A, Oouaossx, Gerge Itogere end W. V. in auy part of the body wheys the liquid
Soott were the Deputy Returning 011ioers can reach it. Send fur 'Aniline giving
in Brussels for the 1leblsoite vote on
Thursday of this week,
HowE & Oo, are opening out a large
stook of One tweeds and overooabinge.
See them before you buy. Wool wanted.
See their ad. next week.
SAMOA & \'AN9roNE have just reoaived
One oar load of petition, Fanners wish -
lug to gob p"taboes now IS your tune to
get them from the oar. These are tireb.
olaas potatoes.
Doo, Bloom las moved to his new
residence, lately purchased from Robert
Armstrong, North-west oorner of town
park. His office is also there. A street
lamp will mark the place at night.
BARRRISTER BLAIR was one of the speak-
ers at the Prohibition meeting at Gorrie
last Mooday evening. The other gentle-
men who spoke were Rev. A. E. Smith,
of Clifford, andRevds. Messrs. Goflin and
Garbutt, of Gorrie.
Will. 3. Stewart, who has 000upied a
position in the Standard Bank here for
the past 5 years, has been promoted to
Bradford where be will become teller and
aoeounbant. Will., as he ie commonly
galled, is a smart, well educated, gentle-
manly young man and Stands a good
'chance of working to the top. Re will
be missed here by the Foot Ball and
Tennis globe in both of which he took a
lively intermit. Mr. Stewart expeots to
leave in a few days. Mr. Damao, of
Brighton, will take Mr. Stewart's place in
the Bank here.
GONE ro RossLbND.—Mise Mary E.
MoLauoblin, of Brussels, who for several
years past has been one of the most
valued and trusted assistants at the Ar.
oade, Stratford, left Saturday morning
per i. P. R. for Roseland, 11, 0., where
she bas secured a good situation in the
large dry goods store belonging to E. M.
Kinnear, of that plats. The Stratford
Herald Bays : — During her residence
here Mee MoLauoblin made many
warm frieuds, who, while regretting her
departure will wish her every success in
her new life in the far West. She will
be eepeoially missed in Knox church Y.
P. S. circles, where her bright and genial
dieposition was appreciated by all.
HYMENEAL.—A very pretty wedding took
place on September 14th at 2.30 o'clock
in the old historic church of Sb. Mark's,
Niagara -on -the -Lake, Ontario. The con.
treating parties were Thomas Marks, of
Roobeater, N. Y., formerly of Toronto,
and Miss Harriet L. Francis, daughter
of the late Dr. A. Francis, of Delaware,
Ont., and sister to Miss H. V. Francis, of
Brussels. The church was prettilydee-
orated with golden rod and other flowers,
by lady friends of the bride. As the
bride walked up the aisle the bridal
march from Lohengrin was played by
Signor Neopolitano, of Toronto, aeoom-
pauied by Mise Burne and Miss O'Oallory.
The bride was led to the altar by her
brother, A. A. Francis, of Kansas City,
Mo. She looked exceedingly oharming
in a gown of white taffeta silk, trimmed
with pearl and chiffon, with veil and
orange blossoms, and curried a bouquet
of shower roses. The bridesmaid, Miss.
Mary Marks, eister of the groom, was
attired in white organdy, trimmed with
laoe. The groom was attended by
Robert A. Barton, of Toronto. S. R.
Heakes, of Toronto, and N. Somerville,
of Welland, were the where. The Rev.
J. 0. Garret read the service, which
bound the two hearts as one. After the
oonolusion of the ceremony the bridal
party and guests repaired to Roselawn,
the pretty residence of Capt. Alex. Ser-
vos, where a sumptuous wedding break-
fast awaited them. The gifts were um
usually handsome. The happy young
oouple left on the 7 p. m. train for points
East, oarrying with them the well ivishos
of a host of friends.
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
FALL weather.
Coara t0 the Fair.
READ every advertisement,
A NUMBER of wells in town are dry.
Mote. STRAoHAN has a cottage t0 rent,
EA50 HURON Fell Fair next Thursday
and Friday.
D. 0. Ross has had a new well dug at
his residence,
BRUSSELS Oouncil next Tuesday even-
ing at 8 o'clock.
FREIGHT basineee is beginning to boom
again after the harvest.
MILLINERY openings next week. Don't
forget to see tba new styles.
W. S. MoORAcosN was awarded 80
prizes at Wingham Fall Fair this week.
3E0. DONALDSON, Brussels, made an
exhibit of harness at Belgrave Fair this
Goalsrs GREEN'S fine black team captur-
ed the red ticket at the Listowel Fair
last week.
A man program will be presented at
the concert in the Town Hall, Friday,
Fall Fair night.
ST. JOHN'S church rectory is roofed now
and the work is being rapidly advanced
in the interior.
IT is reported that R. S. Felton has
disposed of the Atwood Bee. Mr. Pelton
may remove to Montreal.
BDUssELs school yard has been greatly -
improved by the good coating of gravel
planed thereon this Sommer.
BRUSSELS cheese factory has sold its
August make of cheese to Mr. Cook a, 9
cents. It will be shipped shortly.
Ethan WILLrAMe attended the Palmer-
ston Fair on Wednesday. He was a
judge on carriages, implements, &o.
THE cheap railway rates are a thing of
the poet and the old rates Dame into play
last Sunday. There will consequently be
a dropping off in travel
THE town Band played at a Harvest
Home at Walton on Tuesday evening.
They give a good program wherever their
cervices are called into requisition.
BILL.HEADs are now in season and THE
Poet job department is filling orders
right along for this line of office station-
ery. Your order would also be appredi•
THE last issue of the Gazette contains
this amongst ether notices : 88rd "Huron
Battalion of Infantry," to be 2nd lien -
tenant, provisionally, Burton de Forest
Grant, gentleman ; viae, Barrister Blair,
()mullah's butter salt took 5 out of 6
prizes at the Industrial Fair at Toronto.
Theywere awarded three late and two
2nde. This speaks well for Brussels Salt
Works wbiob are unexcelled in tbie Do.
APPLIOATIONs will be received up to
Wedneeday evening, Oat. 6th. for the
janitorship of the Metbodiet church.
Salary 0100 per amain. Duties to com-
mence Nov. 1st. The oaretakiogfot the
cemetery is one of the duties. The indi-
vidual receiving the office must be a reel,
dent of Brussels.
• HEMnbr—WOLSE.—A quiet and pretty
wedding was celebrated in Palmerston
on Wednesday of last week, at the resi-
dence of Jacob and Mrs. Wolf, when
their daughter, Levine, was united in the
bonds of wedlock to William Hambly, of
Palmerston, formerly of Brussels. The
event took place at 5 o'clock, Rev. L.
Wittioh, of Wallace, performing the
ceremony. Only a few of the relatives
and intimate friends were present. The
bride was charmingly attired in a
costume of drab, with silk ribbons and
pearl trimmings, and was attended by
her sister, Mies Kate Wolf, who was also
handsomely dressed, The groom was
ably supported by his brother, Lincoln
Reliably. The happy couple will take up
their residence in Palmerston.
Nlos THING TO BB Renvz.—Last Mon•
day we were seated in our sanctum, bus•
ily engaged with the multifarious work
that falls to en Editor's lot, when with-
usineeo men
out warning,stepped two b
of Brussels. The draggiat had a pistol
and the dry goods man a base ball club
and without an explanation were were
asked to throw up our hands and a5 we
did so crack went the pistol and—a paper
cap was exploded. After this Buffalo
Bill introduction these "gentle" -men
stated their business, viz., that they de.
sired a load of gravel placed before their
store fronts. We agreed to the demand
and the troops retired in good order. Had
we not been the flghtieg Editor of this
journal We might have been badly soared
but as it wan we did not think it moos
sexy to kill either of the intruders as both
are married men. We warn them against
over repeating the dose on ,the peril of
realizing 00 their life Mimi/and-4
Instruotions how to apply the liquid.
Sold lit 00o. per pint and 30o, per half
pint bottle. Mormop's LABORATORY, God's.
rich. r'Sold by Jae. Fox, Druggist,
Brussels. 0-tf
The Aro(biahop of Ontario and Mrs.
Lewis hav,) presented the rector of Bath
with avaluatle fifteenth century own.
mullion eervioo.
At Montreal an elovon•year-old boy
named Napoleon Couture was killed al-
most immediately by pioking up an
eleotrio wire in the street.
030R1V .
RANDS.—In Grnbamville, on Sept. 17th,
the wife of Mr. Wm. Rands, of a
MsmmEx—Bs otisx,--Ab the Methodist
parsonage, Belgrave, on Sept. lib,
by Rev, F. J. oaten, Ph. B., Mr.
Remy A. Markley, of Tnrnberry, to
Mise Martha S. Begley, of Wing.
Ilam. _- -- ---.
Srs ?J.
Business Locals.
Anuernoxn.—In Grey, on '4,pt. 181(3'
Albert Armstrong, agog 23 ; ears.
EDalulaae.—In Listowel, on Sept. 17th,
the infant ohild of J. 11.1.nuuds,
aged 5 menthe and 5 days.
OLIans.—In Montreal, on St pt. 1861,
David Oliinis, aged 17 years and 17
Jor.Lx.—In Elena, on Sept, 18.h, Juhu
Jolly, agtd 43 yours.
BAILEY.—Iu Listowel, ou Sept. 10th,
Mary Ann Bailey, aged 73 years.
MAeoN.—In Wallace, on Sept. 201h,
William Mason aged 66 years.
MaLEon.—In Listowel, on Sept. 2191, the
infant ohild of John McLeod aged 12
FEAR.—In Atwood, on Sept. 22rd, Samuel
Fear. formerly of Brussels, aged 72
years, 1. month and 10 days.
COLCLOUGH.—LI Morrie, on Sept. 19111,
Lorne Edmund, youngest son of
John and Annie Colotough, aged 11
months and 28 days.
TDssn,Y, OCT. 4.—Farm stook, im ple-
ments, &a., at Royal Hotel, Ethel. S ale
at 1 o'olook. Dan. Brown, Prop., F. 8.
RS'yann=m.s X,5 .o or vTs.
Fall Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes (per bus.)
Hay per ton
Hides trimmed
Hideo rough
Salt per bbl., retail
Sheep skins, each .,.,.
Lamb skins eaoh
Hogs, Live
Apples (per bag)
Jose received a oar of oatmeal to ex•
change for oats. Baehr & Vanstone.
A G0OD opening for an enterprising
dress maker. Rooms over Mre. Kick's.
ALWAYS take the G. T. R. when you
can. S,S.S.—Scenery, Safety and Speed.
WANTED -200 tubs choice Dairy Butter,
14o, Also 50 oases eggs weekly. G. E.
King, Wingham.
ANY amount of wood will be taken for
saw gumming and filing. Wood may be
rough or smooth, hard or soft, any
length or in the log, and to be
delivered before the work leaves the shop.
T. MoGnnoon, saw filer and inventor,
Queen et. East, Brussels.
Han DRESSING, -Mrs. Taylor wishes to
inform the ladies of Brussels and vicinity
tbat she will be here for the next two
weeks doing up hair out of the hair comb-
ings, also shampooing. Hours from 5 to
8 p. m. Satielaotion guaranteed. A call
solicited. All orders left at the residence
of Wateon Ainley will be promptly
attended to. MRs. TAYLOR.
HANDSOME, beautiful and becoming are
the styles of hair goods as produced by
Prof. Doranwend this season. The Fall
styles of bange, wigs, fronts, switches,
de., aro marvels of beauty and every lady
should see them, In a few minutes the
Prof. can demonstrate what constitutes
the eseential pointe in a handsome
woman. As he .has inoreased territory
to cover he cannot visit here as often as
heretofore, so oall on him now at the
American Hotel on '1'hnreday, Oot. 18th.
°TITTERS AND Buonnss,—Ewan & Innes
have been at Toronto Fair and are getting
two oar loads of Ontter5 and Boggles for
Winter and Fall stook which they will
sell at rook bottom prices, and guarantee
to give the bast satisfaction ever give in
Brussels in this line. We also bave on
hand second band Buggies down as low as
45 and oeoond hand road carte at (34,
r wheels at 8,50.
with iron w1) el
Repairing done promptly and cheaply in
Blacksmith and Waggon Shops. Ewalt'
& INNES, Brussels.
of bald heads is surprising. Over 86,000
men wear Prof. Dorsnwend's Art Hair
coverings, however, there are many yet
who 'should use them both for the sake of
health and appearance, Prominent men
all over the continent wear them and it
is duly necessary to try'one on to bo nom
vinoed of the advisability of poaaessing
one. It prevents the dangers inoidental
to cold, catarrh, neuralgia and othee
troubles. The Prof. is to be at the
American Hotel oti Thursday, Oot. 18th,
where he will be pleased to show all the
value of his prodaotions.
m m•a
ST,I,1XD,'1J .n BANE 01! C4Nt:2D,�1,
=roe C'.9.C.+"'x+Tt.:7S00exo 0t070.
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) - 47,000,000
0AP1'BAL (Authorized) • . . • 42,000,000
A lfeltact in all principal positis in Ontario, Qualeo, Manitoba, United States it England.
dtm`,3",S°za6' JAYsaw/.
A General Banking Bueiuees Traneaoted, Farnete' Notes Diuoonutad.
Drafts. baud and Collections made on all pointe.
Interest allowed on depoeite 0641.00 and upwards from slat of deposit to date o
withdrawal and omnpounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance,
M. M, BRENT, Mamma.
03 64
30 35
48 50
22 28
12 13
12 13
4 00 4 00
60 70
5 00 5 00
53 5
5 5
1 00 (10
40 40
25 25
4 00 4 25
10 17
50 50
S-'A7�2� F'ASRS.
Ener Wawanosh, Belgrave, Sept, 29, 30.
Morris, Blyth, Oat. 4, 5.
Howiuk. Fordwiah, Oat, 4.
I1lma, Atwood, Oat. 4, 5.
Eesb Huron, Brussels, Oot, 0, 7.
tot.TIONEEo.Money to lo an. Farms
tl rooms over Smith &'MaLaren's store,
Apply to MRS. STRAORAN, Brussels,
sale or to rent in North Brussels. Im-
mediate possession. Apply to BARRISTER
BLAIR Or W.11, N.Dak.
fitted to cornet all failures of eyesight.
And your ayes tested free by latest optical
methods at DIVISION 00111LT OFFICE,
for sale, known as 4115 ilsmeworth
house, will be sold cheap as proprietor is
going bank 1t0 his Canon. Possession ab 01100.For further particulars apply to
El- WM. POLLARD, Ethel,
1 V PoR %ALE.^This very commodious and
desirable property will hie sold at ,a very
moderate sum, or leased to a tenant on most
advantageous terms. Amply to
7-tf Agent for Vendors.
istie of the undersigned, lob 18, con. 9,
Grey, on or about Aug. 16, two ewes, with
blank mark behind right shoulder and two
ram lambs ; tails uncut. Any information
leading to their recovery will be thankfully
11-tf Brussels P.O.
r ON
r • t rimes 0e an
Who has had 26 years out u
health, has, Uat who bud otout quit owing to 111
health,hastagain taken out at ria and is
trmprepared to action guaranteed. salsa Dates aay
berms. Sad at Ta o00ublte Publishing
H use.
be arranged at Talc Pose PuE'I'T N IIouso,
`_1•tf -__ _ Auctioneer.
M. R•MOORE, V. S.,has removed his 00050
and residence to tbo Property recently por-
ehased by him, apposite D, Ewau s residence,
North-west earner of town Park. Thanks
aro returned for paeb patronage and a12 4 -
tinuun5s of favors asked,
M, H. MOORE, V. S.
—AND --
�� tike�
l3egs to announce that her Millinery and
Mantle Openings will take place on
Thursday and Friday,-462.-�
OCT. 6 & 7,
When will be shown all the newest and lead-
ing Styles for the coming season.
Who has had much experience in
some of the leading establishments, has been
engaged, for the Fall Season and we feel con-
fident that every lady placing her orders
with us will receive entire satisfaction both
as regards Style and Workmanship.
Thanking the Ladies for their past pat-
ronage 1 solicit a continuance of their favors.
BRUSSELS, Sept, 22ud,1898.
Voters' List Court.
No(i00 is hereby given that 0, court will
be held, pursuant to the "Voters' List Act,”
by idle Honor the Judge of the County Court
of the county of Huro,,, at the 'Town Hall,
on the nineteenth day of October, 1808, et
ton o'olook a, lir„ to hear and determine the
several complaints of errors and omissions
in the Voters' List of the MUllioipality of
Bruer/els for 1808, All parsons having busi-
ness at the court aro required tto attend at
the said time and place.
Dated the le Oh ,lay of Sep bomber, 1878.
7', 8. 900TT,
Clark of said Municipality.
do•eignod will lease his 200 acro farm,
beiug North Bali Lob 23 and North Halt of
South half Lots 20 and 20, Don.c, Morris.
(loud buildings, noun more Convenient ; lural
in good order. Voeses51050 on Nov. 1051.
Reason for leasing, going into business in
Brussels, For further particulars apply to
WALTER 1NN1:0, at the Carriage Works of
Ewan & Innes, Brussels. 8.10
..1. nnnemvin offers his ileo 200 none
farm being Lots 27 and 28, St Con. 8, Morris,
On the premises aro 2 comfortable houses
and 8 barns, two orchards, wells, &c. 108
°leaved, balance 1)0811, F115111 Is only 2 miles
from Walton village and 41 from Brussels.
Possession could be g&eu in 2 mouths after
sate, For further partlenlars as to price,
terms. &o„ apply on the premises or if by
letter to Walton P.O.
0-tf Proprietor.
i) sloxau offers his 100 acre form for
Bale, being the South 3 of Lot 20, 0011. 2,
Morris, Thom are 80 acres cleared and well
fenced, balance about 0 acres cedar swamp,
remainder haudwood bush, There is it good
brick house with kitchen, woodshed and
cellar complete, large bans barn with stab-
ling, orchard, two good wolfs and other eon-
veuienoes. Situated 4 miles from Brussels
and 11 utiles from Jamestown, Possession
6lvon 1st of March. Fall wheat will be pus
in by tenant, For price and terms apply to
Marrow P.O., Essex Co.
1[.(1ARN6r FOR
ffers his 100 HEunufarn for
sale, being Lot 52,N 3 Con. 7, Morris, There
are 70 acres °leered and under crop, balance
hardwood bush. There ie a good frame
house, with kitchen, woodshed and cella
complete; beak barn with stove stabling
orchard, walls, and all other oonvonienese.
Only :1 of a mile from school and 8 miles
from Brussels, Possession would be given
at ouoe, For pries and terms apply on the
premises or to Brussels P. 0., to
34 -ti SIMON FORSYTH, Proprietor,
Ius!o Books
\Ve have no ' in stock the fol-
lowing poptlltl Music Books :—
The Elite Song Folio,
The Peerless -Song Folio,
The Ideal for Piano and
The Royal Crown for Piano
and Organ,
The American Song Folio.
These Books contain all the
latest and most popular Songs
and Piano Selections,
Fox's Drug Store.
Notice to Creditors.
IN THE 014050/1 01r TEE E'S'TATE OF .L(.IIP'.e
051015, 01` 011111'2000051nP Ul MORRIS, IN TEN
0011000 01,110110N, 541(011115, 00013510.
Not'al1, S O.il07t ohmbbt',dl'uo edlterabmod
tar 1.20,
other persons having Env claim or demand
against the Eebato of 3atn00 Diek, of the
Township of Morrie, in nm County of Huron
Farmer, deceased. who died on or about elle
Fourth day of December, A. 1). 1807, ere 00•
(mired on or before the. Fifteenth day of
Oobobor,A.D,1895, to send by post tnro-
pate), or to deliver to William M. Sinclair,
of the village of Brussels, in the county or
Ruron, Soliaitor for lOannah Dick, the Ad-
.mluistratrix,of the estate of the said de-
ooased, their names, addresses mud 000090•
tion, with full particulars of their claims, 0
statement of their accounts, and the nature
of the securities (if auy) hold by them. And
uotf00 is hereby given that after snob last
mentioned dale, the said Adminiet•1'att•ix
will proceed to distribute the assets of Clio
sold deceased, amongst the parties entitled
thereto , having regard only to the Maluls of
which notice shall have been given at the
time aforoonitl, and the said Admbnistratrix
will not be liablefor the said assets or auy
whose clai ( notice shall not'have been re
coivod at the time of 5110h distribution.
W. I.I. SINOLAIIt,Brn aside,
Solloitor for Adminiseratlix.
Dated at 13reseals tbie Twenty -Eighth day
of Sep Lem bon, A, D.1898.
Graduates tat tes Demand
LT Gle
..J ��I hJ
is v� I � �uI � llr
Iintcr any time. h're, Circulars,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
True to Nature and beautiful
in effect are
Prof. Dorenwend'-s
Hair Goods Styles.
He will be at the
American Hotel, Brussels, on
Tharsdia7, dot. 13,
With all kinds of LADIES' and GENTS'
HAIR GOODS STYLES in Wigs, Toupees,
Bangs, Switches, (wavey, curly and straight
in all lengths and shades.) Everything new
and up to date. His Fail styles this season
excel all previous efforts. Oome to his show
rooms and see.
Styles tried on and advice an to what is
most hemming and bow to retain beautiful heir given free of
charge. Be early to avoid over -crowding.
The Dorerwe a. Co., Limi1od, Toronto.
lout hair taken in ex -
1,;;> 1 3 ' change or cash paid for it.
l ^i r,"=:•• White and gray shades wanted
Remember at the
extends a cordial invitation to the Ladies of
Brussels and vicinity to attend the
orilloa Atic Even
�y' f Q �
`"And Following Days.`
Dress and Mantle making:in connection,
sses Rosso
Stretton Biock,5 m Brussels.