HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-9-30, Page 5SHPT. 23, 1898 BUSINESS CARDS. �/rcrir f TO LOAN AT PER coat, H. H0017,', Brussels. NII. MaO1U OKE N_ �Ignorernfaln I r1,yR0 aeet,lllru elf, at h19 G10ggly, TlirnbOrly street, 311'e99e19, RN. BARRETT; ... • TonsorialIrt101 Shop -Next door eolith of A. M. Mattel & (:o's hardware stol'o, l.utilot'autlohilclraroheir ouUlna a-apoclalty PIANO O1( ORGAN, Miss Jean 11Lc 1uobltu, pupil of 0, L. M. 'Terris, 110010al Doctor, of the Conserv. atopy of Alusla, Ilauliltou, Otta190, Is pre- pared todi e 10t1n0tioo9 to pupils on either lorgan, Hpoolal ettetlon give to toolmio. Lessons given either lit tho homes of pupils or at teachers bonne. 41.0m ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INOUIUANOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETCHER ; issu81 of Marriage Licenses, Q1,11I0E AT JEWELRY ST01B15. r "'No Witness Required. T. F LETCHER, L'russelo A LEX. IIUNTE+,R .LA. Clerk of the Fourth Division Omar Co. Baron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and lusiro,00 Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Collections made Oaloo in Graham's Block, Brussels AUCTIONEERS. To S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - JL' • mut, wMB 9011 for bettor prioee, to letter met in 090 time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in East tinr00 or 110 wont charge anything, states and orders eau 'always be arranged at this ollioe or by personal MVP 110at100 . VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, CJ • Donor Graduate of the Ontario l diseases o2 College, o neatioat011 prepared 111 11 noto trout m- petont manner. Particular attention paid to dentistry. Calla_ promptly �ilat- tooted to. 0000it naazFolr doors north of bridge 'I'urnborry at., RrneOels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, -NAT a &RIiSI-NCLAIR, BARRISTER 110, &o, 01o0t0oVn0vyue°N0ot,u1yPubor north of central Fioto Solicitor for the H tendert" Bank. GP. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot's 0010o, Goderich.) 011(00 over Gill (es & Smith's Beak, B missals. 17 Money to Loan. M • G. CAMERON, (Formerly of Cemerou, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister end Solicitor, Generich, Out. 0111no-Namiltou St., Opposite Ool borne Botel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 0. M., Trinity Uoivoreity, Fellow Trio - fay Medical college, Member College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal coders Of ofdu auLicentiate Midwifery, Edinburgh. LTo No.34. Residence, IdtllSt., Bruseela. E. T. SNIDER, M.D.; 0. M., succoes011 to Dr. A. 0011OlveY, Licentiate of Royal College of Phyaleians mud Surgeons Kingston ; Member of the Col- lage of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Diseases of 1100100 std children a specialty, Tight years' experience. 1 OIDea and res- idence that formerly mounted by Dr. Mc. Eolvoy,Turnborl'y street, Brussels. 20 - LI. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D., M.C.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, A0C0UOBEUR, ETC. Speoial attention given to diseases of the Throat and Luug9 end diseases of Women and Children. NESIDENOE-WALTON, ONT. DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH 01010I0I/N, 011)0110)0 IND 100010331171111, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. lab MSS Boner Graduate of tbo Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), queen's (Kingston). and of Trinity Medical 0 °lloge ; Fellow of Trinity Mentos' College and member of the College of Phyeioiaus and Surgeons of Ontar- io, Post Graduate Course in Detroit and Chico go,1800. Spools" attoution paid to 016- 00000 of Eyo, Ear, Noso t1117'1)111'001., and dis- easosof Woman. t consultation in Dug - list" and Gorman. Telephoto at 101141onco. BOARS FOlt SERVICE,—'THE updorolguocl will hoop for ssrviee, on Lot 8, Con. 0, Grey, a tboro' bred improved 'Yorkshire boar and a thot'o' bred large Eng- lish Berkshire hog, Pedigrees may bo soon o11 application. 'Terme, 51A0,ito be paid at time of service, with 11tovVilege of retaliating if necessary. A11T1:tUlt SMITH 40.10 Proprietor. PULLS FOR SERVICE.—TRE uu(toroignod`vill stoop fm• oorytoo on riot 10, Oon.1G, CroryTho thorn' hrod Bore- 1'ord bull''Pioture; 'Also 1t there' bract Dnr- 11ambull. Both ata exceptionally Ono 00- innale, Terms, 211,00, to bo paid Jan. lot, 1800, with privilege of returnib1� gg'' if 11000011011.111.4 03,1171411. TURNBULL, Proprietor, 23'4Poro Aftdr, '5700a1S Phosp1ioaine Vie Great Jdtlgtfslt Remedy. Sold and reomnmold011 by al' druggists fn Canada, Only reit able 008(1101110 dieeoveroel, ,Stu ,packages guaranteed to onre all forms of Sexual Wotokilese all 01i06te of tbue Or moose, Mental Worry, 1xooselvo rise of Tor ba0a , Opinnl or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt p1 pried, one packag8e 71, six, 75, One Tula pause, 00110801111110. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Onto Sold In > gltvoel(fDpruga11el eio 1141an, • n i:ti t.c laws, Gorr Robert i b rt linox of ruljeweller, 0 nr le nn opening n br nal r 'n 1'n n it n 1 ,filed 1 oawater, Harp, Wm. Orden and daughter, of Her. vey, I11., aro at present In town visiting at A. B. Allison's, The boot and shoe stook of ip, Sell ,k Clo„ sloe been purohased by W. J. Greer at a rate on the dollar, We are pleased to town 11,at b't'od. Rash, who had hie arm taken off, is pro. greasing es well as 0011 bo expeoted, Several Got'rieileo attended the OauadIan Order of 1rora'lere' service et Brussels (amt Sunday and report a good time. Wm. Mose, am enterprioing letroese matter, has enlarged hie shop to double its former sire. Ho has also 3,70atly in• oreased his amok and to in a better poet. tion than rt'er to attend to the wants ,,of his ever illarea0tng customers. Ssicnlore)r. A ladies' rugby football team will be organized in town next season. John McMillan M. P. for South Huron, addressed a Prohibition meeting in Card - no's ball on Monday evening, Mrs, Pullen, of Oakville, wag palled to town brat week on amiount of the Meese of her eon Mr, Pullen, of the D0m111 fon bank. Jew MoCullo011, of this town, has se. oared a good situation with D. 0. Rose, tailor, of Bruesela, and left for that place on Moudny of last week. Organizer J. S. Allen, for the Anotent Order of United Workmen, has been in town working in the interest of the order and is meeting with excellent success, Joe. Davidson, who hoe for the past three years, been a well !mown business man of our town, left on Thursday of last week for San Frenoi0oo. Jao will be greatly missed by his numerous friends. Wrozotor• Thom. Gibson wears a smile these days. It's a girl. W. S. MoIieroher has had a nate roof put on hie office. John Mo.Kelvio, of Toronto, is in town visiting hie brother. W. R. Thomson has employed the Elflike Bros. to make apple barrels. S. B. kfelteivio is noticing things lively nr„uud the woolen mill with his big oL•ar- ing sale, Our town fathers met on Tuesday nighof last week but no very important busitiess was transacted. While loading the merrygo•ronnd on to a wagon the other day one of the men fell off the wagon and broke his arm. W. It. Thomson, of Toeewator, was in town last week, and left a large contract for maple blocks with Gibson Bros., of the Wroxeter saw mill. Brent Hazlewood is home for holidays. He returns to the University in a short time for his final term, when wo expect him to be able to write M. D. after lig signature. Gociorich . The Goderich Organ Co. shipped 10 organs to England. The Organ Faotory is so pressed with orders that the employees now worst from 7 a. in. till 10 p. m. Mies Mildred Campbell has oharge of the organ in North street ohuroh, and is giving goodeati0faotion to the oongreglt tion. Sparling, who bag been in the county jail some three months, was token to the Central on Wedueeday of last week by Bailiff Bestial. Three or four oars of apples ore sblp• ped from the depot daily, the prinoipal shippers being Elliott & Mitchell, the Messrs. Dudley and D. Oantolon, The tennis tournament commenced some weeks 0inae by the ladies of the olub, was oouoladod on Monday of last week, Nies Ausebrook being the winner. Inspector .Reid took Donald MoLeod to the House of Refuge, Clinton, ho having been committed to that institution by the Reeve. McLeod is in his 78111 year. The appointment of Thos. Gundry, of Godericb, to be bailiff of the First Di• vi0ion Court of the county of Huron, in place of John Knox, re0lgt,od, was gazet- ted last week. Rev. Father Weet, the energetic and much appreciated pastor of St. Peter's, has oompleted 10 years of his oharge, in Clinton and Goderioh, and the event was specially marked in the recent services in both oharges• At a meeting of the members of the Collegiate Institute Literary Society the following were elected offioers for the current term :-Pres., Mho; J. Gibson ; let vice-pres., Lyn Williams ; 2nd vice, Miss R. Sheppard ; sed., W. Hiles ; treas., Jas. Masson ; editor Collegiate Journal, Miee Grade Strang; editor Model School Journal, W. Rogers., sea. of nom., F. Munroe ; Councillors, Mieo Masson, Mise Whitton and Mi', Holt, lExoteo-. New fnrnaoes are being placed in the Exeter Publio school. The aro lights have all been removed to the centre of the (street. The telephone poles throughout town have all been given a coat of paint, much improving their appearan0e, Mrs, F. J. Knight has left for Cali- fornia to visit ler father, Edred Drew, who ie eeriouety ill and not expe01011 to remover. W. E. Browning hag loft for Montreal to resume hie 0tediee el the College. Harry Browning also left for Toronto to resume his studies. W. Bowden and A. MODonelt have re- turned from the Old County where they bad shipped and disposed of it number of horses. They report a pleasant time and a good gale. Mrs, M. A. Tamen met with a very painful 001ident on Monday of bast weep. She wag about to remove a dish of water from the hot stove, and in so -doing stool - dentally spilt dome of the contonte on the stove, and the hot steam Doming in 0012 - taut with bee left hand, scalded it badly. Dr. Rolling received a telegram bear. Ing the sad intelligences of Ma nephew,' Thee, Greenway, wile died at Crystal City, klan„ on the nth feat., at about 30 years of age. D0oeaaod wee station agent at Crystal Oily and a eon of Hon. Thee, Greenway, The 001)00 of death wag typhoid fever. At Tho Teaoilere' Looal Aesooiation meeting to be held in the Public solute', Exeter, at one o'oloakp. m., on Saturday, Cot, let, the following program will bo presented :-Organization, inflnitivoo and partioipleg, 0. H. Ru00011 ; Ilow to teaoh writin7,Mies it0bett0011; A talk on Ole THE I3RUSSEf.S E'OST O. L. ff. (J„ 1V. 11. Jahoatou ; Hrn01 Law, H. N. Andtreon, Win, Sweet, V. S., reecti ed the eat in. telligcnoo of the truth of his mother, Mrs. ltiohard Swot, who died bl Mur. don,Man. the 11 ' on a 7t Inst, after a pro. , ' longed dlnsgefr from Carnal oancar, Th dooasier( was well and favorably itnown both here and in th t towneliip of Stephen, in t 1' 1 vn 'molded 1 %Odell I tot ship oho r of led for many years and her many old friends will 11011 with regret of btu' death. She twee 711 years and 5 months old. I,10,41'0 '(11. The down stores are on long hours. 1t. Gr. 1.V right, of the police department, Toronto, and son are v1002417 ft•colldo In town. Geo. Draper, barrister, Ino arrived in town and opened a law officio over Living. steno's drug 0toro, L181010el Lawn Bowlers were defeated by Ilarrishou by a total of 8 allots in t110 match played ou Mr. iley0110' lawn. Harvest Tbanl(epiving services will be held In Christ Ohuroh on Sunday, Oct. 20d, and will be oonduoted by 1tuv, Mr, Ward, of Hayevillo, A, R. B, Hutchison has left for "Wino!. peg, 111nn„ where he has secured a 030- R 1011 with Barrio, due of the largest retail jewellers in Oho city. .1 nag., Barron will hold a c011rt to hoer the appeals againot the town voters' list, of which some 150 have been entered, on 'Thursday, Gt11 Ootoobor at 3 o'olook. Alm. Wm. Dartloy has been appointed delegate by the Methodist Women's Missionary society of Listowel, to attend a missionary convention to be held at Goderioh, Oot„ 8rd. The romaine of David Olimie, only son of George Olimie of Montreal, were brought here on Monday afternoon for interment, the young man, tvho was seventeen years of age, having died on Sunday 011010ing, after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. The association formed by the cheese and butter makers of Weetern Ontario, the first annual convention of which is to be held atLiatow-el on the first and 0ecolld days of Febuary next, is virtually it movement to apply the principles of organized labor to this branoh of stn. ploynlent. T. L. and Mrs.11amtlton have the sym- pathyof their numerous ftionrle in the loss of their infant eon, who died on Wed. needay afternoon of last week after only a few hours' illness with inflammation. This is Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton's third hereovemeut of an only child, which makes their loos partloularly gad. .�I LWOO(1. Ekon Pair, Oct, 4111 and 5th in At- wood. S. Stewart, of the 17th of Elma, was found suffering from a very severe at. tool( of sciatica. 0. F. Adams, formerly of Trowbridge cheese factory, has aoceptod a position in the Orono factory. Mise A. I. Govenlook, late of London, has opened a millinery store in the rear of It. M. Ballautyne'o store. Thos. Wioteriogham, Elmo, is re. modelling and bricking his residence, while John Holman and W. Broughton have erected flue barns. Geo. Anderson will give at the Atwood Fall Fair a copper lantern as a prize for the beet collection of marigolds grown from seed purobnsed at his hardware ; and a tin lantern for the beet oolleottion of turnips grown froni seed purchased of him. A number of young friends of Mies Edith Harris met at the home of Jas. Donaldson, sr., n]1 Monday evening, to say good-bye, and to express in some tangible way their appreciation of ger valued help to the Methodist ohnroh. The presentation took tbo form of a beant•iful gold ring set with pearls and rubies, accompanied by a gold bracelet, Mise Maggie Tindall read the address, and Albert MoBain presented the gifts. The editor of the Bee replied to the ad- diees in behalf of Mies Harris, conveying to the friends present her gratitude to them for their kind and preotioal inter - e01 in her. Miss Lottie Harris was also presented with a pretty friendship ring, the gift of her young friends in town. The Ileo says :-Whet might have re - stilted in a fatal accident occurred to Arthur Merger on Friday afternoon. Be and Geo. Crooks, jr., went out shooting together in Harvey's bush, near the town, end George lot blaze at what he thought was a rabbit, not anticipating his nom• paulon, w110 was only a few feet die. tont. Anyway, the whole oharge of shot entered Arthur's body on the left aide, from the knee to the shoulder, one shot entering the baol( of his head. Be man- aged to limp home and consult a dootor, who examined the wouudo. Twenty. three shot wounds were counted in his body, none of them iu a vital spot, how- ever, although up to 1130 present only three or four shots have been extracted. He experiences no severe pain, and his recovery is only a matter of time. Had the oharge entered his fade or heart, Arthur would in all probability have never lived to tell the story. Clinton. Mise Stevens has entered on her dutles as assistant in the store of W, Taylor & Son. The gate receipts of our Fall Fair were 7350, 99(1 of whioll were taken in the first night. Gilroy tC Wiseman have dissolved part- nership, and the business will be0ond1101- od by the latter. Architect Fowler ie preparing plans for a now brick house to be erected by Dr. Agnew next year, Thos. 0. Cooper and wife, Prinoega street, celebrated their nth welding anniversary last week, lt, Foster, the well•Itnown basso, of town, left for Detroit this weak where he has taken a position as trevellor for a largo paint and varnish house. Samuel Castle, of town, discovered a potato plant in blossom when he was digging hie potatoes on Wednesday of last week. The variety was the Oofi• loruia Wonder. hirs, hart, of Nebraska, who has been visiting frieud0 hero, returned to her home on Monday morning. She wag to have been aocottlpanied back by Master Outer, son of 3.t1111e0 Carter, but the youth ran away from 11Om0 Monday morning and could not bo found in time to go, Tho 0lll0or0 (sleeted for the Collegiate Tont Boll team were as Collowe t -•-Free„ 7. W. Treleaven, B. A., ; seo.•treao., W. S, Turnbull ; Capt., J. .Relay ; field cote„ 141c0onnoll, Agnew and Fair ; 0ub.0om„ Biolby, MoOonnell, P140nlore, Pickard, Jackson and Rigsby, A series of nnfon evangelistic sondem limier elle joint 0., operation of both Methodist cburobes in town, )tad Willis Presbyterian ohneoh will ba ftlnuguratod by the well-known evangelistic, Crossley t u 1 1 u' & Hunter, ootmno0atn t n the . th R October '' hey expect to remain here fur about three weeks, nod then go to St. Paul, Mi 1111, The W00(1111gi1 01 the World met at their Lodge room on Sunday et 2 00, and headed by the Salvation Army Land, paraded to the cemetery, where the core - loony of unveiling a monument erelsle1 by them to the memory of the late 0. Tholnlinson wao poiformod by the lona( 0111oer0 ; 0, 0. Ilodeene, of Lucian, de- livered an address on the omission. Pau'regnente,-Dr. Turnbull, of town, hes tlrkon into partnership Dr, W, Graben], of Toronto, and formerly of Brueeelo. Dr. Graham is an old. Huron• Its and scarcely needs any introduction to the people of Oliuton or Huron Co. Ile spent his boyhood days in Tucker - smith end attended 73b1i11 00ho01 taught by NiObol Robson, of town. After gradeb acing fo medioine be commenced practice 111 Brnoeele, where he o0ndnaled a very large and aooceoeful praotioe for many, years. About 15 years apo be spent a year in study in the Hospitals of London England and Edinburgh, and obtained while there the degree of L. 1t. C. P., (Licentiate of the Royal College of Physiaiane) of Eugltend. Two years ago be went to New York end spent six mouths in the leading hospitals there. Dr. Graham is recognized as one of the leaders in the profession and we bespeak for the new firm an increase in the al- ready large practice established by Dr. Turnbull. The dootor, along with Alre. Graham, expects to arrive in Clinton during the first week in October. ER MILL Brussels1t Mill er idand C Apple Butter Factory, Mill street, leas been overhauled and is now ready for oper- ati0)1. Fetch on your Apples. Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Geo, Edwards, Prop, Ioosi Will matte' a well marl of YOU 6 01000)1100031000 Tna 110011n A82OL19 iN 000R W0088. PI0002 auras all Narrow, Dlsosaos, 0leoploeR• noes, Failing Memory, 10100117 1m1usto°e. ern. torrboon. Impotoa°y, oto,, 0n0sud by peat o10on gives vigor d also to shrunken rams., an 0ulaklbut.uralyy mores LOOT lmoea in 01 or 0011. Us° PI000I and you will grow strong and happy again, pont by mail In plain wrapper and neonroly sealed from observation. Hostig carried In vest pocket Pdoo, s.7. a 1°0k tar {t. Pend mrnoy In father (reInattr, ragfater• ed latter. Address all lettere t°J,'r, or MT Drugged, WOODeTacx, O9r., Agent tar the DO,. minion oft Canada. GREAT SALE OF u r+ , e !✓ ,Utj'�Lt tl't�''i+-ipl�--64k�ti» / "In black and white." , -1 lli CATALoaua 1000. -ixiiir=" No salesman's say so, but a gua- rantee of quality, workmanship and material straight from the makers, is the "Slater Shoo" way. Their name and price stamped on the Goodyear welted sole with their self des- cribing tag, telling about the leather, is your protection. $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00, "THE SLATER SHOE." At Cost for 30 Days at the WRIXETER WIOLE MLLS Having an overetook of Wool and Woolen Goode on hand I have deoided to offer for Sale at Cost for 30 Daye my entire stool( of goods, comprising Tweeds, Worsteds, Serges, Fine Snitinge, Pantings, Blankets, Flannels, Shirtiogs, Underclothing, Yarns, eta. The above will be gold at actual Cost of Manufacturing as I am bound to reduce my stook, Here are a few sample oases of reductions :- Blankets that were 73 75 now 33 00 Shirting that was 85a now 280. Flannels " 85 " 28 Tweeds " 00o " 45o. And all other goods will be maimed accordingly. TERMS STRICTLY CASH, Or Wool, Hides and Skins at Current Prises. Sale Commenced Tuesday, Sept. 20. S. B. McKELVIE, PROPRIETOR, OXETER. Strictly One Price. Alavays Reliable. LL 1898 We're Now Ready for Early Buyers o of New Fall Goods. If it so happens that you need to purchase Fall Goods this month we're ready for you with very large stocks in every department at very low prices. —New Dress Silks, new Waist Silks, new Colored Dress Goods, Slylish Black Dress Goods, 15 to 20 per cent. lower than ever before. —New Corded Velveteens, in all the latest colors and shades at 40c. —Ladies' and Children's Gerinan Cashmore hose at from 10 to 15 per cent below former prices. —Boys' and Girls' heavy rib, all wool Hose, bought direct from' the Canadian Manufacturer, which means a saving of the wholesale profit. —New 'gambles, bought direct from three different German Makers and passed through customs at lowest duty, hence we aro able to sell them at 15 per cont. below regular prices. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Shirt Waists will go like this ; , 1,t 25c. Each —All classes at 75c, and un- der wo will clear at. 400, —All Shirt waists at $1.00 and x;1.85 will go at...,60e. j —80 pairs only, Black and Tan Iid Gloves, slightly dam- aged, worth regular $1.00 and $1.25 per pair. Highest Price Pala' for Butter and Eggs. rguson Co. Dry Goods and Groceries. Jno. Doweling, - Sole Local Agent. BRUSSELS PIM WORKS. I with to inform the people of Breseals and surrounding dietriot that I have pur- chased the Pump Busineoo of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderato pri00e. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. ea -Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Gomer Green, MALL STREET, • BRUSSELS. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles 0101) -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns 013 hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undero,enod will keep rdr service ou Lot 26, ('00.0, M'orls, the tbo•o'-bred Im- proved Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long- fellow," No. 2480, bred by 3,10. Bretbous, Bur- ford, to which a 1i -coifed number of sows will. be taken. Terme, 81.00, to be paid at time of eorvlee with privilege of returning if nee - [Mary. A number of choiceyoung sows for sale for brooding purposes which will be sold at prioee to suit the times. 21- ROOT. NI012011, Proprietor. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Ie successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladles ask ropyour druphglst for Cook's Cotton Root tam - pound. Taken other, as all Mixtures, pills and Imitations are dangerous, Prime, No. 1, 71 per box; No. 71,10 degrees etronger,$O per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 5-eent stamps. The Cook Company,Windeor, Oat, reS-Noe. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists In Oanode. Nos. 1 and 2 sold in Brussels by 0. A. DBADMAN, Drngglet, Beekeeper & Optician. Buggies and wagons. Always on hand and away down in price to suit the times. I can give you a buggy for the next two months, second to none in the town for either quality, finish or style, for $65. If you want a Buggy you will find it to your interest to call and see my stock and you will say my statement is correct. LINO. WYNN, CARRIAGE lv'Luooxt. See the New Dress G-oods, Trimmings and Plaids for Waists at Strachan's. October Fashion Sheets and Patterns. —o— New Fall Goods "--'r01400-Of all kinds constantly arriving. -0- Boots, Shoes & Rubbers, T3ats & Caps. - Clothing .& Overcoats. A CALL SOLICITED. A. STRACHAN. DON'T READ THIS AD fled then throw away this paper before you conclude you are losing good money by not buying your DAIRY SUPPLIES from lie. We are prepared to supply every person with Dairy Cans Pails, Mille Pans and Tinware off all kinds at prices acoording toquality. ____ Graniteware of all kinds, FI. J)�% n ' i, Having int in a stook of Spades, Shovels r v C1 L . Forks, ko„ of the best quality we ;folio Patronage. Paint Your House with the best weather andwater proof Paint in the market. We sell it. Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order. The best lino of Cook Stoves to choose front. Eavetroughing and .Repairin4 promptly attended N. B.—Wit for our wagon, it will call on you for your truck in a few days. Wilton & Turnbull