The Brussels Post, 1898-9-23, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST A FINGER CUT1 )low frequently children, and older ouee as well, get their fingers out or a piece of akin knocked off. Some. times you cap keep a cloth on and some. times not. It is d bother auyway and then a cloth alone will not Ileal a wound but if you have a stick of our Healing Salve to put on the sloth or linen and then apply to the out or sore it not only Woks just where it is put but heals ab the same time. Don't wait until you are hurt before buying a stick, but have ib always in the house and if you do not say that it is the beet remedy you ever bad for the purpose then I will give up, Only 120. a etiok, or two for 20o. We guaran- tee every remedy we make. Ask for Deadman's Healing Salve. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. S017TIMEN EXTENSION W. 0. & E. Trains leave Brnesels Station, North and South, as follows Gonna Soma, Gomm Nonni. express Tole a.m.l Dian ° Ie p.m limed et46 a.m. I Express 10:10 p.m Reirs bras, A ohiel'e among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. 1i'f(LLrNnRY Openings will soon be here. It. Gonia shipped a ear of wbeat this week. Mrr,LINintr openings on Out, 0 & 7. Every linty should recolleot the dates, Messes, Bemoan & VANeTuNE shipped a oar of hogs from Brussels an Monday. TUE oven at George Thomean'e bakery is being rebuilt on the most modern plan. acorn . care of Fall apples were shipped to Winnipeg from Brueseis this week by J. D. Jones, liner the Concert in the Town Hall on sale, the banns of marriage were solemn - the evening of the Fell Fair in mind. I lead between Will, J. nozell, of Paw Mice Snyder, Mre, IIambly and kir, Turton, of Toronto, will eupply the pt'o- gram. SEVERAL internal improvements are being made in the residence recently per - phoned by .M. 11. Moore, V. S, lie has fitted up a neat oflice with an outside entrance. Fenn Aeener.—An alarm of fire was rang on Wednesday morning about 10,15 o'clock, the danger spot being the resi- dence of the Misses Roddiok, William street, By the prompt nae of pails of water the threatened danger was averted we are pleased to state. The Fire engine and hoes carts were out for duty but were not required. Hoag R. ELLIOTT is completing the term of Robt. Armstrong as Janitor of the Methodist ohuroh and Caretaker of the Brussels cemetery. All neonate ot persona owing Mr. Armetroog for taking Dare of graves will be found in Mr. El- liott's hands, and he bee authority to oolleot them and give reoeipts. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong will probably remove to London in the course of a few days where they purpose making their home. TEACHER ENoeean.—Friday evening of last week a special meeting of the School Board was held in the Board Room. 17 applioetione were received for the vacancy on the teaching staff. Moved by J. G. Skene, seconded by A. Coueley, that Phillip Wisher, of Belmore, be engaged at 5300 per annum. Carried. kir. Wisher reported for duty Tuesday. He taught 4,1 years in hie lost school and has a good record. Mr. Wisher holds a 2nd - class professional certificate, and ie a married man. Fonnrice key found. Ask at Tan Pose. TUE Ronald Engine Works is running again, MARE your entries for the Fall Fair early. Fenn wheat is growing well in this locality. PLEBISCITE Vote on Thursday of next week, 29th inst. Two oars of oats were shipped by Baeker & Vanstone. A saw from this locality will attend Seaforth Fair on Friday. ANOTaER wedding is arranged to take place before long in Brussels. P. AMENT'e cooper shop is turning out large quantities of apple barrels this Fall. Banes=Ls Band will play at the Metho. dist Harvest Home Festival at Walton next Tuesday. A rno.loansra at J. T. Ross' grocery affords considerable amusement to cos- tomere and visitors. Mise ROM= has removed her stock of millinery to the former stand in the Smote block, from wbioh she was routed by fire. Naw Bell telephones have been placed in the Standard Bank, Barrister Blair'e °Moe, .1. H. Kerney's grocery and Backer & Vanetone's office. W. H. MOCeemmer attended the Fall Fair at Listowel on Tuesday and Wed- nesday of this week as an exhibitor. He took 42 prizes. This opens the seasou'e oampaign for Mae. J. T. Rose' grocery window is the centre of attraction this week on account of two live alligators being a000nemodat. ed with quarters there. R. Watt brought these Southerners from Chatham where they have been enjoying Ontario air for the past year. Exouasroxs,—The annual Western Ex- cursions over the Grand Trunk begin on Thursday of next week and oontinue Friday and Saturday. Good to return On Oat. 17th, The list includes Port Huron, Detroit, Cleveland, Saginaw, Grand Rapids, Ohioago, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie. Advt. of rates in an- other column of THE POST which will be 50 oeote lower from Brussels than from Toronto. STILL WE GRow.—Owing to the pleas. ing fact that the circulation of Tan Pose continues to grow we have added two quires to our output this week. Adver- tisers should take note of this. 25 °ante, in advance, eeouree THE Pose for the balance of the year. All new subscribers for 1809 who pay in advance will receive Tan Pose free for the remaining three months of 1898. Tell your neighbor. Don't borrow any longer but secure a Dopy for your own home. TUB bath of J. J. Gilpin's stable was discovered to be un lire Monday night. A few voile of water extingniebed the -flange before tbsy had time to invite much headway. IL= LYNNE was presented itt the Town Bell bore loot Monday evening by the Bruwnridge & Plumb Company, There WAN'i•Eo-200 tubs choice Dairy Butter, 14o, Also 50 oa0OS eggs weekly. G. E. King, Wingham. ANY amount of wood will be taken for saw gumming end tiling, Wood may be rough or emaath, hard of soft, any lsagth or in the lag, and to be delivered before the work taavee the shop. was a fair-eized eudieioe, The Oo, went T. Mogalcnon, naw filer and inventor, from here to Luoknow. Queen sb,. East, Brussels. Eiveteener.—Early Tneeday morning at A PlacELEes Drecovvnr,—"Soak and. the home of bbe bride, Mill street, Brue. Swab" ie au infallible, painless and non- poisonoue remedy for the oure of Cancer, Cal tileginous Moore, Sore Throat and a variety of akin diseases. It cures cancer in any part of the body where the liquid can reach it, Send for tiroular giving inetruetione how to apply ibo liquid. Sold at Goo, per pint and 80o, per bolt pint bottle. kfeLnon'a LAIMBATOtY, Gode- rich. r r$old by Jae. Pox, Druggist, B rueeel s, G.tf Oarroes AND Bunn/M.—Ewan & Iunes have been tit Toronto Pair and are getting two oar loads ot Gutters and Buggies for Whiter and Fall stook which they will sell at rook bottom prides, and guarantee to give the boat eatiefaotion ever given in Brussels in this line. We also have on hand eeoond band Buggies down ae low as 55 and second hand road carts at $4. Wheelbarrowe with iron wbeele at $3,50. Repairing d0ue promptly and cheaply in Blacksmith and Waggon Shope. Ewex & Imes, Brussels. Tan Wingbane Advance says.—George Pbippen bad an awful fright. His breeoh-loading rifle had been lent and re- turned loaded. On Friday evening Geo. fancied he saw a little rust on the gun, and took it.down to clean it, bolding it with the butt to the floor and muzzle pointing npwarde, Suddenly there was an explosion; part of the rim of George's hat was blown off and a hole made in the veiling large enough to put a man's fist through. To add to his fright, the concussion pub the lamp out. For some time after George was led to meditate on what might have happened bad the muz- zle been inolined au inch nearer bis body. Aootber ogee of ''Didn't know ib was loaded." It woe an exceedingly close oall, Onxueaz,--Tbe Ingersoll Obroniole of September 19th says,—"The death of Henry O'Connor took place at hie reef. donee, Oxford street, on Sunday. De- ceased was 72 years old, and bad only been ailing about a month from an inter- nal trouble. The late Henry O'Connor wag a eon of Capt. O'Connor of the 95th regiment of the British Army, and came to this country, from Ireland, with his father in 1883, and settled in London, Ontario. He melded in London for 25 years, When be oome to ingereolt. He carried on a enoceseful dry geode business her for 20 years and then retired. He was a man of strict business principles, wag honest in all his dealings and made many warm friends in town. His wife died about four years ago, bet be leaves te family of three, one son and two dough. tete, to month Ilia lose, Henry, who he engaged in the insurance bestow in In. gersoll ; Eugene, in Vancouver, B. C., and Eva, at home. The funeral took place from hie tete reeidenoe, Ox. ford streeb, on Tuesday afternoon at 8 o'oleak to the Eared Cemetery." He. ceased was a brother to J. M. O'Connor, ,of Brneeole, FOREeTERS' ANNIvEna1RY SERVIOE: Nest Sabbath morning the annual sermon to the Canadian Order of Forest. ere will be preached in the Methodist church, Brussels, by Bev. Mr. MoRobbie, High Chaplain, of Shelburne, at 11 o'clock. A Foresters' male quartette, noneisting of. Jas. Jones, W. H. Herr, Alex. Rose and N. B. Gerry, will sing two selections at this oervioe. The mem• hers of Oourt Priuoess Alexandria and visiting brethren are asked to meet at the Lodge room in the Blashill block, at 10,80 a. m. sharp. DIED—Mre, Susannah Smith, of Long Sutton, Lincolnshire, England, orossed that bourne from whence no traveller re- turns on August 18th, in her 80th year. She had been ailing for the past 18 years from nervone troubles. Deceased was an aunt of Mrs. John Meadows, and the latter had lived with her from the time abs was 2 years old until her marriage. Thirteen years ago Mrs. Meadows went to England to visit ber. Mre. Smith had been married twine but left no family. Although well up in years she retained her faoulties to a marked degree and passed away enjoying peace aad bops. Sbe was a member of the Baptist ohuroh. For 30 years she was housekeeper to the late George Atwood, en English gentle- man. Ohio State papers please Dopy. WEDDING BELLS.—On Monday morn- ing an interesting ceremony was per- formed in the Roman Catholic ohuroh here by Rev. Father MoGabe, of Seatorth, when Miss Katharine Ryan, of Walton, and John Ling of McKillop, were united in the bonds of holy matrimony. At 9 o'olook the organ pealed forth the strains of the Wedding March, Ito the music of wbioh the contracting parties marohed up the aisles and knelt at the altar. The bride was looking her beet, being very tastily attired in cream lustre and oream satin. She was attended by her sister, who was also neatly dressed in blue serge. Mr. Ling was assisted in his part of the ceremony by his brother. The altar was decorated for the ceremony with numerous bouquet,; and pots of flowers. After the wedding ceremony Maes was said by the Priest, during which be gave some very sound advice to the new couple. He laid great areas on the fact that parties married by the Roman Cabbolio church can never be divorced, drawing the reason of bis re- marks from the text, "Whom God bath joined together let no man put asunder." Mr. Ling and bride begin married life with the beet wishes of a large oirole of reiatives and friends. Paw, Mish., anti Miss Nettle bitty, second daughter of Mrs, M. A. Turnbull, itt the presenne of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. lttev, A. 0. '1'if- 6.u, of Walton, performed the ceremony. The bride wore tt neat traveling costume of dark blue trod was nnatteuded. A number of neaful and valuable gins were mads,, After partaking of the wedding breakfast Mr. Rozell and bride took the 7.14 train for their future home in Paw Paw followed by the good wishes of relatives and friends for their future happiness and prosperity. Mr. Rozell has been living under the stars and stripes for eeveral years and is prosper. ing. He is a sou of Chas. Rozell, of Morrie, HARveeT IIoarB Snprea,—Last Monday evening the annual Harvest Horne sup. per was held in the Methodist ohnrab, After an 'handout supply of the very choicest of edibles had been served, au adjournment was made to the body of the ohuroh and Rev. R. Paul called to the obair. Addresses were giant by Rev. Dr. Pascoe, of Wingham ; Rev. Mr. 'feinted. of Ethel ; and Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., of town. Mies Manana reoitsd "The Soldier's Reprieve" in exoellent style. The choir sang "Calvary," Mies Bella Smith taking the solo ; Rev. S. J. Aplin and W. II. Herr gave "Building for Eternity" ; Mies Bell Smith render- ed the solo, "The ohuroh across the Ivey" most aooeptably ; and Rev. S. J, Aliin, N, B. Gerry and W. IL Herr sang "Sweet Peaoe." Mrs, J. J. Gilpin pre. aided at the organ. A acacia' wits given on Tuesday evening. Proceeds 547.00, The church was neatly and appropriately decorated with grain, fruit, flowers, leaves, planta, &c. THE OITIZE1eo STAR ENTERTAINMENT Coonez,—Tbe Committee appointed by a public meeting of theeitizens of Brussels, held some time ago, to arrange for an entertainment Coarse for the Winter, met on Monday in the Law ofaoe of G. F. Blair and made arrangements with Mr. Hartman, the agent of "The Eastern Lyoenm of New York," for a worse of five entertainments which they purpose offering Bt the low prion of 51.26, reserved seats, to those who purchase their tickets before the 11th of October when the course will be opened by W. E. Macey, who so delighted Brasseleibes last Spring. The other Concerts will follow each other at intervals of 30 daye. In No. vember "The Oxfords," a magical cora• bination of five artiste, will give e. first- olaes Concert of instrumental music on every conceivable kind of instrument. The December Entertainment will eon. slat of a Leoture by either Frank Yeigb, of Toronto, or Rev. Morgan Wood. In Jonaary "The Harvarde," a male gear, tette, will supply a magnificent musical program. This will be art entertainment that no one con afford to mise. Then last, but not least, in February "Little Mins," a very Queen among imperson• More et algid ohmmeter will appear, ac. companied by Moe, Jury, of Toronto, a vocalist, who has already won a splendid reputation for herself, and with them "Little Mina's" mother as a reader of de• aided ability. 8ubeoriptione to Ole (tonne will be asked for at once and we that that our oitizens will take the mat. ter np warmly as by this means a aloes of entertainment, otherwise beyond .our reaob, will be provided for the Winter months. Course tickets will be sold up .to the 11th of Ootober and after that date admission to any one of the Concerts will ,be at Janet 25e and reserved seats 85o. The profits of the Course go to no indi• 'Mood or sootety bob will be used for de. fraying the expense of numb needed im- provements in our Town Hall, Any ftlrthor information regarding the Course may be had fromjW, H, ,fere or G. P. Blair, SOFdN. MCQotsosu.—In Bruseels, on Sept. 17th, the wife of Mr. Peter MoDet:"•rie, of a daughter. MaCzoax. InElma, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. Wm, MoClory, of a son. Nloaoo.—In Elmo, on Sept. 12th, the wife of Mr. James Nichol, of a eon. RicnitONn.—In Elma, on the 12111 inst., the wife of Mr. Hugh Richmond, of a daughter. seAmr xfoa. RozsLL--Tnnttneree—At the home of the bride, Mill street, Brussels, on Sept. 20th, by Rev, A. 0. Tiffin, of Walton, Mr. William Joseph Rozell, of Paw Paw, Mich., to Miss Nettie May, second daughter of Mrs. M, A. Torn. bull, of Brussels. LINO—RYAN.—In the R. 0. Church, Brun eels, on Sepe. 19th, by Rev. Fr. Mo. Oabe, of Ssafortb, Mr. Jam. Ling to Miss Katharine Ryan, both of Mo- Hillop. PERSONA I, PARAGRAPHS. Mies Norton was visiting at Doogan- 0012. Lawyer Taylor intends removing from Brussels. Mre. Henry Taylor, of Grahamville, is on the sick list. Fred. Rogerson, of Constance, was in town last Sunday. A. E. Treleaven, of Dungannon, was in town last Sunday, E. 0. Danford was in London last week for a few days. Mies Edith Eastman was holidaying at Wingham and Blyth, John Wynn is away to Detroit on a visit to his daughter and son. Mrs. R. G. Viooent, of Hanover, was visiting in Brussels this week. Miss Lizzie McLennan has taken a position in W. A. Orioh's restaurant, Mr. Huusioker and wife, of Park Hill, were visiting at Robert Armstrong's. James Thomson spent a fee days in London seeing the eighth of the Fair. Miss Poseie Mitchell hoe returned from an enjoyable visit with friends near Bel more. R. Watt, who is travelling for the Waterons Go., was home for a few days this week. Mies Olara MoOraoken and Miss Lizzie Downing attended Listowel Fall Fair this week, R. S. Pelton, wife and daughters, of Atwood, were the guests of Mrs, J. J, Gilpin last Sunday. A, Oouslay and R. T. Hingston have been summoned as jurors. They go to Goderioh oe Oct. Srd. Mrs. Jno. 0. Halliday has been very poorly this week, smothering spells bothering her a great deal. Ieaso Fitzpotriok has gone to North Bay where be has taken a position as baker. We wish him euooese. Willie Ainley has gone to Lucan where he will attend the High School. He is a bright boy and should do well. Garfield Vanetooe arrived home on Tuesday from Manitoba where be has been for the pant year and a half. Mrs. W, F. Stewart and Sire. N. F. Gerry and Frank were holidaying at London and Woodstock last week. Jos. Thompson, 000per, has moved his family to Brussels from Wroxeter. He works at the Enterprise Salt cooperage, Mre. S. T. Plum was called to New Hamburg on Monday owing to the ger. ions illness of ber niece, Mies Edith Howell. M. M. Brent, manager of the Standard Bonk in this place, left on Tueeday of this week for a holiday trip to Winni- peg. He may go as far West as Indian Bend, Jno. McOrae Blipped near the door of bie residenoe and by the fall injured his book. He bas been laid up for the past week bot we hope be will soon be better again. Mrs. Neil MoLauohlin arrived home Saturday of last week from Manitoba where she has been spending the Sum. mer. She says the eoioyed every minute of the time and looks met as if she did. J. M. O'Connor strived home on Wed. needay night from a visit to Port Stanley and Ingersoll: Ho had been summoned from the former by the illness of hie brother at Ingersoll, when death is re• ported in this issue. Miss Eva Degge, who bas been enjoy. ing a holiday in Brussels and looality for the past three months, returned to her home in Chatham on Tuesday. Her many young friends hope it will not be long before the comae Dila way again, She is a grand -daughter of Captain Stretton'e Brussels. 9xaa. Cowes.—In Grey, on Sept. 17th, Adam Conboy, step -son of Arch. McLean, 10th oou., aged 14 years. Snare.—At Long Sutton, Linoolosbire, England, on August 13th, Mre. Susannah Smith, aunt to Mre. John Meadows, of Brussels, Ont., in ber 80th year. BostraN.—Iu Morris, on Sept. 181(1, Ida, youngest daughter of Edward Boo. man, aged 16 years. O'Oouaou.—In Ingersoll, on Sept. 18th, Henry O'Connor, aged 72 years. Business Locals. Tote= Beed at Backer & Vanetona'e. A eon opening for an enterprising deem maker. Rooms over Mrs. Kirk's. Ameeee taste the G. T. R. when you oan. S.S,S,—Scenery, Safety and Speed. Cotrr'onTAIME boost and good lot for sate on Alexander street, Brussels. Ap• ply to Jas. Walker. Han DBEssrvc,— Mrs. Taylor wishes to inform the ladies of Brussels and vicinity thou ebe will he here for the next two weeks doing op hair out of the hair comb• ings, also shampooing. Hours from 6 to 8 p. m. Satiefaotion guaranteed. A call solioibed. All orders left at the residence of Watson Ainley will be 'promptly attended to, l,fns. Tenon, SAZ,7� r^A2R.S. North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 22, 23. Tuokeremith, Ssafortb, Sept. 28. Tornberry, Wingham, Sept. 27, 28. Goderioh, Sept. 27, 28, 29. East Wawanesb, Belarave, Sept. 29, 30. Morrie, Blytb, Oat. 4, 5. Howiok, Fordwiob, Got 4, Elms, Atwood, Oct. 4, 5. Eaet Heron, Brussels, Oct. 6, 7. ST0I JV D471a,D 134.711 is" OF C/J,N,4 D✓J. ase Ateez-a X -e=ra MEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSETS, (Seven kfillioa Dollars) • $7,000,00 OAPITAL (Antitorized) • - - 52,000,000 Agencies in all prittafpal points in Ontario, tjuebec, Manitoba, United Stat re 0 Ettaltmd, A General Bankcing Business Transaoted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Isoucd and Oolleotione made on all jibinbs, SAVINGS BATIK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and upwards from dot of depeeit to date o withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SemmIer ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE OOLLaoTION OB FAnttrgs' SALE NOTES. Every tactility afforded Customers living at a (lie tang, 11I. M. BRENT, MANAGER. AVC"TXCST SATnnnAY, SEPT. 24TH. — Ilousebold furniture, &o. Bale at 3 o'olook at the residence of the late F. 0. Rogers, Terms oath. Mrs. E. Rogers, Propriet- ress, F. S. Scott, Auotioneer. nnzenTsmenx..s seAmetcmims, Fall Wheat 63 64 Barley. 30 88 Peas 48 50 Oats 22 25 Butter, tuba and rolls ... 12 18 Eggs per dozen ... 12 13 Flour per barrel.......,5 00 5 00 Potatoes (per bus.) 60 60 Hay per too.. 6 00 5 00 Hides trimmed5i 5k Hides rough 6 5 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 60 Sheep skins, each 40 40 Lamb skins each 25 25 Bogs, Live 4 00 4 25 Wool 16 17 Apples (per bag) 50 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TLLi0sUaEsft atrRAEpiNyTt,o HARD 7. J. lt. SMITH, COMFORTABLE HOUSE FOR sale Or to rent in North Brussels. Im- mediate possession. Apply to BARRISTER BLAIR or W, B:. MORIt. ROUSE AND LOT IN Er1'HEL for sale, known as the Hemsworth Luso, will be Bold cheap as proprietor is going beak to his farm. Possession at nee, or tif. particulars apply Ethel. -pEVE1tE HOUSE, BRUSSELS JLL Fon aux.—This very commodious and desirable property will be sold at la very moderate sum, or leased to a tenant on most advantageous terms. Apply to S. A. O1tIkIGHTON, 7.1f Agent for Vendors. ['IAPT. S. STRETTON, Who has had 2e yeere experience as an Auotioneer, but who bad to quit owing to 111 health, has agniu taken out Beano and is prepared to conduct sales at reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed, Dates may be arranged at Tam PoeT Publishing House. JAS. STRNTTON, 1 -ti Auotio neer. ntle MRS. €. ROGERS Begs to announce that her Millinery and Mantle Openings will take place on Thursday and Friday,-•-. OCT. 6 & When will be shown all the newest and lead- ing Styles for the coming season. MISS DUNBAR, Who has had much experience in some of the leading establishments, has been engaged for the Fall Season and we feel con- fident that every lady placing her orders with us will receive entire satisfaction both as regards Style and Workmanship, Thanking the Ladies for their past pat- rona,ge 1W solicit a continuance of their favors. E. ROGERS. BRUSSELS, Sept, 22nd, 1898. STRAYED FR01T THE PUSH. retia of rho undersigned, lob U. can. 0, Grey, on or about Aug. 1e, two owes, with black mark behind right shoulder and two ram lambs ; tails anent. Any information loading to their recovery will be thankfully reeeivod, 11W3 T. I 131008IRY, 11.41 Brussels P.O. SEALED TENDERS 'WILL 13E received up bo 12 noon on Sept. 27111, for the position of Janitor in the Methodist Ohurob Bud Caretaker of the Brussels Cemetery. Duties to conmonoe Nov. let, S peo;doations may be obtained by appl leer Son to.A, 00IISLt0Y, Secretary-reasurer Trustee Board. REAL ESTATE. A_FARLI TO RENT.—TUE UN– doreignod will lease 1115 200 naso 00001, being North Half Lot 24 and North half of South half Lobs 25 and 20,000.5, Morris. Good buildings, hone more convenient ; laud iu good order. Possession on Nov. let. Reason r leasing, going into business iu Bruss fo a g. g g Brussels. e. Ii101 141, 50r partios Carriage apply to WALTER INNEii, at the Carriage Works of Ewan & funs, Brussels, 8.tf VAR111 FOR SALE.—THE UN- . DaimoNED offers bin Roe 200 acre farm being Lots 27 and 28, S4 Oou. 8, Morris.On tiro promisee are 2 comfortable houses mud 0 barns, two orchards, wells, &o, 100 cleared, balance bush. Farm is only 2 miles from Walton village and 431 from brussels, Possession could be given in 2 months after. sale, For further parttoulare as to 00105, terms, &o., apply on the premises or 1f by letter to Walton P.O. JOHN LAWSON, 0 -ti Proprietor. POR JL' UN– sumo) 'S °MD.his 00 ams arm for sale, being the South d of Lot 20, 0ou. 2, Morris, There are 80 acres cleared and well fenced, balance shout 0 sores cedar swamp remainder Itandwood bush. There is a good brick house with kitchen, woodshed and cellar oomplets, large bank barn with stab- ling, orchard, two good wells and other eon- veniencee. Situated 4 miles from Brussels and 1;1 miles from Jamestown. Possession given let of March. Fall wheat wi11 be put iu by tenant. For pries and terms apply to Harrow 2.0„ Essex 00. JOBB WILSON, Prop. LAR1I FOR SALE.—THE UN- bEnBIeNEn offers 1115100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 22,N t Con. 7, Morris. 'There are 70 mores cleared and under crop, balaoos hardwood bush. Thom is a good frame house with kitchen, woodshed and Della complete; bank barn with stone stabling orobsrd, welts, and all other oonvenimnoea. Only, of a mile from school and a miles from Brussels. Possession would be given at ones. For price and terms apply on tbo premises or to Brussels P. 0., to 81.1! SIMON FORSYTH, Proprietor. SEPT 28, 1.898 Ins hwAPow e r : t. We sell many pounds of Insect Powder every sea- son. There is a good reason for this increasing demand.— It isn't so lnlleh the price but it is the • Superior Quality and Effectiveness at the powder we keep which persuades so many people to buy it from us. Have you tried it ? AT FMC's Drug More. Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of .Nihon, in the matter of the estate of Thomas Taylor, late of the Town of Godericlt, deceased : Notion is beroby given, pursuant to R 8. 0.,Ohap., 120, See.28,that all parsonshay an any olnime agah,et the estate of the said Thos. Taylor, late of the 'Town of Goderioh, gentleman, doom/sad, who died on or about tbo 2011 day of July, A.D.,1808, aro required to smut by mail, postpaid, or deliver to G,11'. Blair, solicitor for hue Mentors, at Brus- sels P.O., on or before the 24th day of Sept. 1808, a full statement and particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) hold by them, and on and after the said 24th. day Sept. the said a.,tate will be distributed among those entitled thereto, having, regard only to We claims of which notice shall than have been given, Dated at brussels tat day of Sept„ 1508. W. H. iCHIllt, A. OOUSLI;Y, Executors, 1L. L EATHEIIDALH, G. F, BLAIN, Solicitor for Executors. Lumber and Shingles FOR SALE. First class Oedar Sbinglee, $1.60 per equate Second-olase " 90 Maple Flooring 510 00 to 516 00 deb, all kinds 10 00 16 00 Pine 14 00 18 00 Custom Sawing and Planing clone on shortest notice. Bills cut to order. You will find the prices right at the Ethel Saw I4Ij11, S. S. COLE. PROPRIETOR, ETHEL. Strictly One Price. 4lwcrys Re liable. L 1898. We're Now Ready for Early Buyers of New Fall Goods. If it so happens that you need to purchase Fall. Goods this month we're ready for you with very large stocks in every department at very low prices. —New Dress Silks, now Waist Silks, new Colored Dress Goods, Slylish Black Dross Goods, 15 to 20 per cent. lower than ever before. —Now Corded Velveteens, in all the latest colors and shades at 40c. —Ladies' and Children's German Cashmere Hose at from 10 to 15 per cent below former prices. —Boys' and Girls' heavy rib, all wool Il'ose, bought direct from the Canadian Manufacturer, which moans a saving of the wholesale profit, —New Mantles, bought direct from throe different German Makers and passed, through customs at lowest cluty, hence wo aro able to sell them at 15 per cent. below regular prices. SPEOiAL. FOR SATURDAY Ihirt Waists will to liks this —All classes at 75c. and un- der wo will clear at. .....40e. —All Shirt waists at 81.00 and ,(1.85 will go at (30c. eAt 25c Ep,oh —80 fairs only, Black and Tan . Hid Gloves slightly dam- aged, worth regular $1,00 and $1,25 per pair. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. JoFerguson Co. Dry' Goods and Groceries. 1!