The Brussels Post, 1898-9-23, Page 7SEPT. 23, 1898
WHATTHE CHURCH NEEDS Chrl I; D. thou that deepest' awake, and
,(']-,�J, THE lj�j, U NEEDS C1zri$I: sI1fL11 glYe thea life,"
,Still further: 1. see fL meta fOr It great
awakening in the tact that those of tee
who preach Lbe Gelled have SO little
entiiusiasln and zeal compared with
what w ought to have. Now you see
the gun kicks, I say, we who preach
Coldness In the Ma orlry or('n (Infra. hent. the Gospel have 80 male Zeal and 00-
bele-Little Zeal and gr111,i1fitn$I l tilt' tllaalala111 for Christ. compared with
talnust Neu/l font u1'etIt ,t.ontcenln0-- whet we ought to have. 0, it 18 a
Nett (toll Ihts Done tar Or. 'rntmo8o's tremendous thing to stand before an
Chutes, audience on ,Sabbath days, realising the
A despatch farm Washington says: fuet that the majority of them will
-Dr. `Palma a n.eaehrd from Lho foie hnllcvo what, you say about Gott, !eta
g 1 fila soul, and the great`
future. up -
lowing text: "Behold, I will send my pose a than askod of you the road to a
laeeeengsr, and he shalt prepare the certain place, and you Carelessly and
way before me; and the Lord, whom falsely told him, and afterwards you
a seek, shall surldenl earns to his heard that through lack of right dime,-
Y Y tion that man was lost on the. moue -
temple, even the messenger Of the trans, fell over the rocks, and lost
covenant whom ye delight in • behold, his life. You could not forgive your -
he shall come, sait.h the Lord of busts." sett. You would say; "I wish 1 bed
given ban, such specific dirootions that
--Malachi ill. 1. given
would not have been lost. Ilow
Sometimes, a minister's subject is Barry 1 feel about 11." But 0, to mis-
suggested by his artistic tastes; sone- direct the eternal interest of a Jorge
times, by 1110 tx+eurrrnees of aha pre -
I How cold and stolid
we stand in our pulpits, actually some-
vinus week; sometimes, by to hearer times priding ourselves on our defile-
wbo desirle some parii°ular religious eration, when we have no right to be
subject discussed, My subject comes In cold., and ought to bo almost f.rantie
no sucb way. It drops straight from with the perils that threaten our
God, into m heart. Give me your pray- givenrs. Ito much so,rithat mo of u$
y give no w'ar'ning at all and we steal
Drying: "On 1 on 1 That le no 'time to
ran ; LhIe is the time to advance."
I see, still further, the need 0f
as great awo..keeing in elle unite
tiludinous going down of nn -
forgiven souls. Since ma0Y of
You came on the stage 01 action, a
whole generation has gone into the
gates of eternity. Year optlortunilY
to act upon them is gone. They have
di:appeared from iii+, churollere from
the stores, the shops, the streets,
from the homey, Many of Ihwm aro
now -whet is the use of my biding the
floe and being the coward in regard to
)1. -no, I will tell you just as it !e-
nmity of them going out of this world
withoat one hear of pr0parallera
'their' souls dropped flat into the lost
World, That is, d tyle Bible ie true,
and 1 (cart supposing it is. You, 0
C'hriatian man, had an opportunity of
meeting than. You did meet them.
You talked with them 011 other nub-
tiect:3. You had an opportunity of say-
ing' the raving word, and you did 001
say that having word. Just think of
that: 0, where is the fountain where,
with sleeve rolled up, we may wash
our bands from the blood of souls'?
There is no need, perhaps:, of mourning
over that just now. We cannot change
it: They are dead and they are de-
stroyed -allose who believed not in
'It3 -.: ey are es 1 1.
question is whether, au Christian
and women, we earl now interrupt the
r la
Taints 113e blood of millions, and sooner
or later may break out in hip disease,
running sores or some more campileated
foror, To cure scrofula or prevent it,
thoroughly purify your blood with Hood's
Sareepsr)tla, which has a continually
growing record of wonderful cures,
1014 Sarsa-
D b h delean- The Dann Commlaaion Co,, Lirr<Itedg
patina the earliest apples bad ripened and es anti skinn e young ii' h i ' ' th houghs; th
i Young Folks.
4_s_,e-p-v--.-♦ o -4 -p -p -s.-.
It was a beautiful day, the sun Was
abtnieg brightly and the soft summer
air laden with the sweet odor' .of flow-
ers Was kissing with tender touell the
leaves as it moved them to and fro;
ONE OF THE MANY advantages of using
Is that its excellent quality never varies -always the same.
Lead packages, - 25, 40, 50 and 60C. .a
:A FAT CHRISTIAN. IF you want to either buy or sell Apples
In car lots, rite s.
Mrs. Jonsieg- is ya new mini
am a fins prelicbab, but he am e -
i s' nun maxi I ebbah 9Coar•-.-. to.
ung nvreingly from o ou ; e see I
Ie Cannda'a 0reatehtelodl One. g1; six for 8l happiest season in the life of birds had Mrs. Black -Yes, an' be done tole
come, as shown not only by theft malt husband wbat weighs Iwo bun-
need's Pale eine indigestion, billousneee, a merry and cheery notes of sung, but �'rd an' fo'ty, to hewer' los La should
by the loving care with wbich they wabe n telt igbed in de balance an' Coon'
ere loading their young,
Down in the orchard were some The Learned Societies
mind, and soul, and eternal destiny
Into 111i* one thing. Swing nut and
enlarge in your prayerful expeetati0us.
You a -iced God for hundrede of souls,
and Ile, gave t1Cm' to you, and f oma- pleasant morning scene. Tim bright
times hoard you ask fothee
h th f 301)'1ea sunshine the ripe fruit, the soft air,
ebildren enjoying with delight the Though their members have testified
to the great efficacy of Putnam'sPain-
lem Corn Extractor. I1 provokes no
and 1 am vary certain
0.M. 68011101411.6., Me, a eellego-et.
•Evey eany Host. SPECIALIST
u i line of demarcation, securing alike the p
had asked for thousands with the same the twitter of birds, the hum of Kaes, good will of the highest and the most
faith thatied f 1 and •ods I•od 11 ad b k bright d bePPy humble, and with strict impartial- ---
'1'hcr° is; no need, in this presenia, of bird with a worm in her mouth, Let corns of each. Try Ieotnam's Corn Vit
sr,AT orae Danns Ire ■ ►t�
banging the old sieraolyp ll t Ext eats ea al dBi ha howl Tern wt Roofingor OdaOar 3� 1
tion.: of the fact that God hears pray- us watch her and find her nest," Dried UUVi an to. aomfl,T0orni,EI o New ley IInil {
T S dem by our 6r4t1 slate: Oalllaya, Caw
restored health, and alwut Llijah and a nine morcel iu her beak far bar She p y 1y�1 1 hfproa pp flflflt111 ll ii
lin, enc about the p0;� maws hat? H0 -Y09 dear• there's gOeTNiE&S0H8, Adelalds Oa ata.,Toron
minution of the apoetie young ones in their little home nest. , one on my bat now. Will you kindly
alt you ae a o1 1 h a made tem loo r and u e, and Sheet Metal workL
would have given you thousands, "Look out boys l here comes a blue- ity, removing with equal celerity the 'R O Q F 16I t°t RooprNG aLATE. la B1aok
Cd i ns ra- I• T and g a _ �BnI
er, nor telling you about Ileuekifth s one, as the mother bird flew by with p
She -Did you ever nee a bird on a dta ens aria the country. Phonst
o pg.. oma n,
risen, .40. Eatlm' lee furntah or wart ear. a s er
so Chi C Ili d t'OYed the on Y
Ch ' sl n men th•
Sabbath after Sabbath, talking about
the great rain, 1 b t t
11urn0n development,"
and we Pat re her piocassion that ie marchingdon'n,. mortem axe
en oa the back and we please them, and will after awhile if unitecested James, wbleb found that bis knees had "Yes, yes, there she goes! she's gone get up?
erfal and intense listening. , 5'
T want to show this morning, so far
1L m
d we hide eternal retribution, and . by God's grata, fall off. There are become callous by much praying; nor into the hollow of the old apple tree.
as God may help me that the dying
need of the Church universal is a 300 sing them a1] down tlitrough the going out from our stores hundreds of Richard Baxter, wbo stained the walls . "Listen to them as the are crying I TO CURB A COLD OeIN TabNOlets. DAY.
mighty awakening. The ox in the pas- rapids to the last plunge. Or, as 'the thou ands of alexke; going out from of his study with prayerful ,tea Y Take laxation Bromo Qninlne Tablets. AU Dreg.
Lure field looks around, and perhaps Poet leas it:- our Factories hundreds of thousands of nor of John 'Welch and the midnight while she is feeding them. Now give , gists refund the money if Riot moors. sr,o,
comes to the eoncheelon that all the '•Smooth down the stubborn text tp operatives; there aro going out of our plaid; nor of George Whitfield fiat on me apush up the tree and Iw111 get I If you want tp pleas a small boy
world is a clover field. So we, standing cars polite, fields hundreds of thousands of bus- his face before God. No need 1 them out," in one spot where you will be sure
And snug! keep damnation out of l)andmen, to join the ranks Of death. of my telling you these things. The boy olimbad ug the tree and to find him five minutes later,
in the midst of luxuriant religious ad- YThug are fighting Lhsir {ray down. I turn in upon your own. self 'frightened away the Did mother bird put
si hL• I ' 1 that alighted on a tree dose by and hem in the pantry.
vantages, might think perhaps that the g :L'hey storm and take every impediment consciousness, and I review the mem �_
vl rl e 1 0,brethren i the ministry -for put in their way, and who will throw Dry of that time when your own soul • with pitiful cries flew to and fro try -
earth is covered with the knot a gmy bra ren n himself in the way of this stampede of {vas sinking, and God heard your cry;
of, God; but so far from that, if this I see Omni always in the audience-mYmg to protect and save her little :k i�: L1istry -p1;
brethren in the ministr we cannot dying men and women -who, crying: and of that time when your child was ; brood, but was afraid to venture
platform were the world, so much of afford to do that way. we
you pro- Halt, hu1Ll" If there bo eight hund- dying, and God heard your petition; nearer. It was enough to Couch the
it as I now cover witb my right toot phesy good tbings, smooth things, to red millions of the ram unblessed, and and of that time when your fortune ' hardest heart to bear her cries of die -
would represent all that is conquer- ,Your people, without regard to their the Churches average two souls saved failed, and God set in Your empty loan-' tress and to 000 b'er pain.
{ hole Tab -foe you.
ter, what chance will there be in a year, will you let this generation try the erase of oil, and the bneasure But a meroiiess hand was thrust in- l The Dearest Girl -What makes you
ed far Emanuel. Or, 11 this vfor youdn the day when you meet them go down, and the next, and the next? of meal. I want no illustration at all. to the little nest, and out was drawn old bachelors say such horrid things?
ernaale were the world, then one Pow at the bar of God? You had better 1 need not rehearse in this presence I just take a ladder with three rungs, a poor little bird. fluttering and Married men do not talk that way. The
would represent'. so mach of it as the stand clear of them then. They will what God has done for us as an indivi- and set it down at your feet. On that screaming with fright; its erica of Savage Bachelor -No, we only say what
you can mount up, and, if you will i distress pierced the toolbar bird's the married men think.
look off, see the salvation of ten Om- 4 baart, and she, wild with pain, flew I n,
sand of your fellow ci.tirens. "Ask and, at aha boy and seamed to entreat Persons suffering from Bunions or
it shall be given you. Seek and ye shall him for her poor offspring; but he Corns should spread a little "Quick -
find." Fut your right foot on the low- ailed to his companions, "Get astickl cure" on the bunion, or corn, before re-
ar rung of that ladder, and your left Get a stick boys, and when she flies tiring at night, cover the "Quickoure"
on the second rung of it, and ,bat twill
down to her bird; you can knock her with a pisco of tissue paper, and tie
bring your right foot on the ton rang• over and catch her:' a glace of linen over the paper to keep
Then hold fast, and look out and see In an instant it was done, and as it in place until the morning, then
SO CHEAP youl6 ma
old shingle roofs or aids"
of buildings. Used 23
years, Ask your dealer
COMPANY, azo Il, can West, Toronto.
INVITATION le hereby extended to all young
men and women Interested
prnotloal education to write for the New Prospootuo
the OssT1tA1,B°slnnenOnLLgca or TGa0NT0. Mens,
bens admitted atanylime. Eight regularteachers..e..
welled facilities for Accounting, Telegraphy, Shorts
baud, oto. Many students aware splendid position
Prinoipal aY RenoGot
and Gerrard Sta., Toronto.ess II $ ��
grace of Gad has already conquered. 0 tear you to pieces. They will say; "I
(.here is need of a radical change. beard you preach five hundred times,
(Its -
Something must be done, and I shall and I admired your philosophic (Its-
gais:ition, and your graceful gestures,
show this morning that Ibe great -aye, and your nicely moulded sentences,
as i have already said the dying -need curvilinear and stelliform, and I
of the Church is a great awakening. thought you were the prince of pro -
I learn this need, in the first Placa, priaLies; but you didn't help mo
prepare for this day. Cursed be your
from the coldness in the majority of rhetoric, cursed he your art. I lam
Church members. If a religious soca- going down, and 1'11 take you with
sty have a thousand members, eight me. It hoses o ishyour
avenfeult and ;all witness
he lethe of.
hundred of them are sound asleep. If deenatess, ft is your fault, sir;" and
it have five hundred members, four the rhorus will °oma up Cram all
hundred are lethargic. I.f the Chris- worlds: "His fault 1 bis fault 1" All
tines can rally -that is, the professed of us who preach this Gospel need to
sprat as though the pulpit quaked
Christians -far communion day, and with 1133 tramp of eternal realities, as
succeed in not dropping the wine cup, though beneath us were the bursting
how many of them are satisfied? If graves of the resurrection morn, as
it be a choice between Christ and the 11)00 -b ris1ng a1)ove us, tier above
tier, .were the myriads of heaven look -
world, Ibe world bas it. You know it ;ng down, ready to applaud our fidel-
as well as I do. If a religious meeting ity, or hiss at our stolidity, while
be on a certain night, and un that same coming through the Sabbath air were
night there be an extraordinary op- the long, deep,, harrowing groan of
g ,the dying nations that are never
ererotic or a literary ora social garb-; dead. May God with a torch from
calnm, meeting, a loerary club, or a polio, heaven set all the pulpits of England
cal allOdora Free Mason on. you and Scotland, and Ireland, and the
1c an Which
Fellow's .Association, you United States on fire. As for my-
ly de roust they that
to, while
lsueb pro- self standing here in tbis presence
ly ed. ChrisaUns phut while socia pro- this morning, I feel ,as if .1 had never
famed. Christians pretend on t etbe r i e;s begun to preach. If God will forgive
sire, they are really t- the other side; mo for the past, I will do better for
for ,bore is a poise -blank issue he the future.
tweeu Christ and the world, and the
world has it. You know very well whe-
ther you are a professed Christian or
not; you know very well that the di-
viding line between the Church and
the world to -day is -like the equator,
or the arctic or antarctic eirole-an
imaginary line, and that there are men
sit lt. dis-
{vorn of God
and. women $
L'ussing infinitessimal questions: ",Shall
we dance? Shall we play cards? Shall
tvei go to the theatre? Shall we attend
the opera 8" while there are five hun-
dred millions of the ram going down
to darkness unwarned. These sham
Christians will go on, occasionally tak-
ing a li30e religion with the tip end of
their fingers, sauntering on lazily to-
wards the bar of Christ, until they
Immo in front of God's swift revolving
mill, and find themselves to be " the
chaff which the wind driveth away."
0 how much dead wood we have in all
our Churches. The Day of Judgment
will make a fearful thinning out am-
ong professed Christians, f suppose it
will be found on that day that there
are ]hundreds of thousands of men who
have their names on the Churoh books
who really made religion a second-
rate or third-rate thing; living for
themselves, unmindful of God and the.
salvation of Um race, and then tumb-
ling over the embankment where
jades went, and Milan went, and
where all those, shall go wbo do not
make religion the primordial thing-=
elle first and last matter of the soul
0 worldly professor of religion, vacil-
lating professor, idle professor, trem-
ble before God to -day. Do you not
know that if yentas as you are, all the
communion -..tables at which you have
ever sat will lift up hands of blood, caw-
ing for your ConclemnetiOn? And
your neglected Bible, and your pray-
erless pillow, will Ory; "Go down I go
down 1" You pretended to have re-
ligion, but you had none. Out of the
seven days of the week, yon gave not
five hours to Christ. You broke your
$acremental oath. Go down I go
down 1 And the firiest and mightiest
thunderbolt of God's indignation that
is ever forged will smite you into dark-
ness, 0 I would railer be a man, in
the last day, who has never seen a
church, than you who professed to be
so much, and to do so much, and yet
did nothing. You shall perish in the
day when. God's wrath is kindled but
a little. 0 worldly professor of relig-
ion -anti there axe hundreds of them
(here to -day, I ani aiming at alae mark
--df you could to -day realize your true
condition, and your true position before
God, you would bite your lip meta the
blood came; you would wring your
bands until lbs bones cracked; you
would tater a cry that would send
this whole audience to their feet wtth
e horror. May Goll wake you up,
worldly profoasor o'f rolt.gion, bolero
you wake up in the barred and flam-
ing dungeons of n, destroyed eternity.
When you hook abroad and see leth-
argy among the professors of religion
almost the world over, do y010 not see'
that there is a need that the bugles,
end, the cymbals, and the drums, and
the trumpets of all earth and heaven
cell upon the Churoh to Wako up all
those dormant professore of 30ligien? nor of Emanuel, and rush ahead,
' 'l'is not a cause of small import
The pastor's °are demands;
But what might fill an angel's heart,
It filled a Saviour's hands.
"They watch for souls for which the
Did heavenly bliss forego;
For souls that must forever
In raptures, Or in woe."
dual Churoh, You have heard with
your own ear's the cries for mercy, and
you have seen the raining tears of re-
pentance for the last eighteen months.
1 do not believe that there is any
(lurch in this land that wee God more
of gratitude than this Church owes
Him to -day. But who can count the
number of our permanent congrega-
tion who aro not Christians? And what
about the eigbly or one hundred thos-
sand souls of strangers that, during
the last year, floated in and out of
our assemblages; and what about the
eternity of those who are now and
will be this year in our permanent
cur gregation; ,and the eighty or one
hundred thea and souls that during
Lh's coming twelve months will float
In and out our services; and the Vaster
audience to whom this Church preach-
es week ley week on both sides of the
sea through the Christian printing -
press? If John Livingston in a small
church in one service bad five hund-
red souls brought to God, why may
you not, in a larger church, bave
three ehou. and souls as easily as be
had five hundred'? It is the same Gos-
pel. John Livingston did not save
them. IL is the same Holy Ghost. It
ie the same great Jehovah. If John
Knox could put the lever of prayer
under Scotland until he moved it from
end to end, shall you not by the lever
of importunate petition move the city
of 'Washington from end to end. God
will do it, if you mightily and relent-
lessly ask Him to do it 0, fling body,
Still further„ I see a need for a
great awakening in the fact that the
kingdom of God is making such slow
progress. I simply state a fact when
I say that in many places the Churoh
is surrendering and the world is con-
quering. Where there is one man
brought into the kingdom of God
through Christian instrumentality,
there are ten men dragged down b3'
dissipations. Fifty grog shops (milt
to one Church established. Literary
journals in different parts of the
country fared with scum, a.nd dand-
ruff, and slang, controlled by the
very scullions of society, depraving
everything they put their hands on.
Look abroad and see rho surrender,
even on the part of those that pre-
tend to be Christian Churches, to
Spiritualism, and Ifumanitarianism,
and all the forms of devilism. If a
mum stand in his pulpit and say that
unless you be born again you will be
lost:, do not l.h° Light )cid gloves of the
Christian, diamonds bursting through,
go np to their forehead In bumilia-
110n and shame? 1t is not elegant.
A /nighty host in the Christian Churoh
poeiLivel y professing Chrise'ian)ty, do
not believe in the 3)1.1110, out and out,
in and in, from the first word of the
first: verse of the first chapter of the
hook of Genesis, down to the last
word of the last verse of the last
chapter of the book of Revelation.
And {viten, a few Sabbaths ago, I
stood in this pulpit and said: I fear
that some of this.audiencn will be lost
for the rajeotinn of Christ," why there
were four or five of the daily papers
thief threw up their bands in surprise
at it. 0, we have magnificent Church
machinery in this country; we have
sixty tllon.sand Alneri0lan ministers,
we have costly music, wo have great
Sunday-sehoola; and yet I give you
the appalling statistics that in the
last twenty-five Yates, laying aside
last year, the statistics of which I
have not yet seen -within the last
twenty-five years the Churches of Gocl
111 (his country bave averaged less
than two conversions a year each.
There has been an *1081 age of four or
five derails In the Churches. How
soon, at that rale, will this {vorld be
brought to God? We gain two; we
lose four: Eternal God, whet wiilthis
00018 to? I tell you plainly that while
here and there a1 .regiment of the
Christian soldiery is advancing,
Church is falling back for the most
part, and falling bank, and falling
back, and if yon do not come to cone
plate rout, it will be because s01110 in-
dividual 'Churches hurl themselves to
the front, and ministers of Christ,
tralilpling oe the favour of this world
and sacrifioing' everything, shall
snatch up the torn and shattered ban -
overwork Itrongltt on Neuralgia and abet -
(eyed Health Generally - Pne8811 Many
Bleepl1as Nights.
From the Cheatottetowee Patriot.
The Patriot's special correspondent
'Mao' being in the eastern section of
the island on business, heard many
oomplimenbo.ry remarks concerning
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which appear
to be the favorite medicine in all parts
of Canada. Among those who are
very emphatic in the praise of this
medicine is Neil McPhee, J. I'., of
Glencorrodale, and our correspondent
determined to call upon bim and.asoer-
tain from his own lips bis views in the
matter. Ma arePhee was found at
home, and as be is every entertaining
and intelligent gentleman, our corres-
pondent was soon "at home" too.
When questioned about the benefits
he was reported to have received from
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
Mr. MaPbee said: -"About four years
ego Igot run down from overwork on
the farm. As there is considerable
Ombra land on my property, Ithought
I could go into making timber in
addition to my farm work. The
task however proved too beavy for my
strength, anti I soon began to break
down. T contrasted a 'severe cold,
neuralgia followed, and I found my-
self in shattered health generally. I
felt very much distressed and dis-
couraged awl spent many sleepless
nights. I tried several very highly
reeonemended medicines, but received
no permanent benefit from any of
them. As Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
were so highly recommended through
theprsee, I thought I would give them
it fair trial. After using a few boxes 1
found they were having the desired
effect and I began to find my wonted
health' and strength gradually return-
ing. I kept an using the pills until I
bad regained my former vigor and
had gained considerable in flesh as
well. Now 'consider myself a health -
ter man and feel as well as ever laid
in my life, I can conscientiously re-
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to
find person suffering as .1 was. I
have the utmost confidence in their
caring properties."
Rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia,
partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia,
nervous bcadatbe, nervous 'pr'ostra-
tion, and diseases depending upon
humors in th0 blood, such as scrofula,
chronic erysipelas, area, all disappear
before a fair treatment with Dr.Wil-
liame' Pink Pills. They giveabealthy
glowto pale 'and sallow complexions,
Sold by all dealers and poet paid at
Boa. a box or six boxes for 52,80 by ad -
deeming the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co„ Urockville, Ont. Do not be per-
suaded to take some substitutes
the wa0e of the Divine blessing dash-
ing higher than the top -gallants of
your ::hip. 0 3'es, God is ready to hear.
I think the Lord put on us, as a Church,
a great responsibility. We set our
hands to the work of evangelization.
We am doing nothing else here. We
do not want to do anytbing else here,
but this work of evangelization. That
is, we want to bring men and women
to Christ, and bring them now. I do
not know how you feel, my brethren,
but my beast is breaking, with along-
ing that I bave for the redemption of
this people. If God does not give me
my prayer, I cannot endure it. I of-
fer myself, I offer my life, to tbis
work. Take it, 0 Lord Jesus, and slay
me if that be best. 'Wbether by my
life, or by my death, may a great mul-
titude of souls here be borne to God.
If from the mound of my grave more
can step intothekingdom of God than
through my life, let me lie down; to,tbe
last sleep, But only iet the people be
saved, Lord Jesus, it is sweet to live
for Thee; methinks it would be sweet
to die for Thee. If in the Napoleonic
wars six millions fell; if in the wars of
the Roman Empire one hundred and
eighty millions fell, shall there not be
a great many in our day who are avill-
ing to sacrifice, not only worldly am-
bition, but saorifice all for Cbrist?
Examiner -What part of speech is the
word "am?" Smart Youth -What, the
"am' what you eat, sir, or the ' am'
what you is?
Miss Vassar -What is the reason this
orangeade tastes so watery? Polite at
attendant-Becausea we make it out of
naval oranges, miss.
A Gentle Hint -He -It's reported that
We've engaged. She -Well. Pm, not to
blame for the fact that it is only a
Soiled Spooner, sentimentally -Me
poor old madder ain't seen me face
ter 20 years, an'- Mrs. Flint, sarcas-
tine1 -S ll whydon't you wash it?
ly Ve
Wandering Willy -What slid yor do
wid tint sickle yer hod last winter?
Weary Itaggles-When de warm wed -
der set in I swapped it ler a anow-
'What is a philosopher, Uncle Jim?
A philosopher is a man who has notic-
ed. that the things people worry about
usually never 001110 to pees.
He -Sha looks so sweet. She -Indeed?
I never thought of her as exhibiting
any taste at all. Even in her play on
words woman is prone to bitterness,
Bughouse Bill -The bicycle mail rid-
er of Terror Gulch bad a mishap last
night. The Barkeep -Puncture? Bug -
house Bi11-Lop; right behind the left
Weil, I'm glad o' one thing. Our Jim
seems to have good religious comp'ny.
How is that, mother? His last letter
says ho is comic' home in a converted
She -Oh, please don't tease nee to
sing. I'm so hoarse to -night that Ican
hardly make a sound. He -Yes, I know.
That's why I think this would be a
good time to have it over with,
She -It is said that some people act-
ually make a living by following the
races. He -No; that's a mistake. They
make their living following the stok-
ers who think they know something
abort horses. .
I suppose Spriggins anticipates a10(
of money from his scheme? Well, he's
trying to anticipate it 1 What do you
meati ? Iles trying to borrow money
011 the strength of what he hopes to
We are in danger, said one Spanish
statesman of sinking into oblivion; of
being almost forgotten by the rest of
the world, Nevar1 replied the other
proudly. We still bave our debts.
SIn lathe silliest boy you ever heard
of. Ho writes me twine a day, Flow
absolutely Monsh, Noll, whet dose Ile
do the rest of tbo doll 1331 says he
ispaoda it in readthg the letters Iwrite
the poor bird in her grief and distress remove linen and the "Quickcure coy -
flew to try to help her young one, a Bred with tissue paper makes a per -
blow was aimed at her and the Poor feet plaster; reducing all inflamma-
bird's pain was over, for it killed bar tion causing pain.
dead. The boys picked her up, looked,
at her; there she was, a poor dead mo- I
tber bird; killed while trying to save I NOT HIS LANDLADY.
X feel as if I could trust you.
the little one mat she loved so well. 1
Thera {vas a moment of silence I wish you kept our boarding
as the boys held the dead bird in house
their hands; it was a painful scene. —
One said as he looked at the limp, I Deafness Cannot be Cured
lifeless form. "What shall we do with 1 by local applicatloae as ahoy cannot each the
the young bird? If we put it back in I disoasrd portion of the ear. There le only one
the nest it will die, and sd will the way. to cur° deafness, and that is by oenstibew
others, for there 31 no One to feed tional remedies. Deafness ie caused by an in-
tbem now. I will put it back into the flamed eundition al the muceua lining 00 rho
l0uetachinn 1'uho. Whoa r h'a tubo gate inflam-
nest, anyhow." ed you have a rumbling wand or imperfect
And he put it back into the nest, hearing, a nd when it is r ahro1y deafness
and as he did so the young ones in 1 latheresalt,anduniest, einflamnatlon can be
were hungry, and thought it was the
mother bird. come to them with food.
But they were never to hear her lov-
ing chirp again -n0 more to be warm-
ed by her soft breast and shelter- not be cured by r1111Ps Ca exch.Cnre. Seed for
ing wings. That night through cold circulars, free.
end hunger they died. F.T. OIIEWBY & CO„ Toledo, 0.
The boys did not stay in the orcb- sold by Druggists, The.
Halla Family PUIa are the beet•
and much longer. The suit had lost
its brightness. the fruit its sweetness W. P. C. 937.
the air its soft caress; their consci-
ences accused them of meanness and
cruelty and nothing seemed pleasant to
them now.
the nest cried out for joy, for they , taken out and thio tube restored 10 1b.. normal
tone case, hoarbfg will re ausenyed forever;
nano cases out of ten are laueed by catarrh,
which ie nothing but an inflamed condition of
the moons su re,.
We will giveve I,one Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness caused by catarrh} that can-
the gentle t]
Just a word girls, aboutg
art of {writing a graceful note • of
thanks. Do not be chary of such notes.
Does somebody send you a pretty gift, t
it goes without saying that you write
a cordial note of appreciation, but if
some act of courtesy is done, or, some
small favor rendered, the written word
of thanks is too often neglected,
It's an art, this art of writing a
brief word of thanks, says en exchange,
but it is one which every gentlewoman
should cultivate, and it will, in the
long run, be of far more service to her
than even the mysteries of china paint-
ing or mandolin playing.
You go out of tow, perhaps, and
stay overnight, with a friend, and if
you wish as pleasant 0, memory of your ,
visit to linger with your hostess as 'j"oRONTO CUTTING SCHOOL cane medal
indneemente to young moa doelrone of
with yourself you should write a line taking np Onet*n Full partmohrm on appU
repeating to her your spoken thanks. I oatioa. *ta V(NO2 ST.. TORONTO.
Oh, that's a "board and lodging !erten,"
VerJrwluwtrnNJmMNJ YAW.dtL'1hWA N AMNti:
A Thorong hly reliable woman (mar-
ried or widow preferred) in every city.
town and village in Canada, to act as
soliciting agent for a well advertised
and established artie.e. Baer to ee11
nod satisfaction ensured, No deposit
required. Men references when reply
ing. Address,
Hamilton, Ont.
Mills. Mille &
eters a o. remoYoi
We.• Rich-
mond St. W..Toronto•
Headache, Faoe.aohe, &
all severe muscular pains,
9 nstantly relieved br Cres-
trilone. lio•Enclose n
apakgTHuf lIgs Medicne Gu., Tooto.
you say. Very true, but it's always
appreciated by the evomatu whose hospi-
tality you have accepted, and, presum-
ably. enjoyed
Then, again, if a man sends you a
book or a clipping $rom a newspaper,
oar a card for club reception on ladies'
day, write that word of thanks, oven
if you have to get up in the middle of
the night to do it. As a matter of
policy, if nothing else, you will find
the habit an expedient one, for people
aro much, more apt to do a kindness
far a person from whom the invariable
word of thanks Domes quickly and spon-
taneously than for that unpleasant
and matl'er-of-fact member of society
who takes all such courtesies as her
just due and does not trouble herself Le
send the slightest acknowledgment of
small social courtesies.
The fent that Mr. George Curzon,
though the eon of a peer is also the
son of a clergyman, has been inspir-
ing some Of our contemporaries to
feats of memory in the effort to s-
call great "sons of the parsonage."
May we still further assist them? Of
living celebrities wo have Sir William
Harcourt, Sir Evelyn Wood, Sir F.ran-
ois Jeune, Sir Arthur Blomfield, Mr,
Justice Kennedy, Lord Charles Beres-
ford, Sir George 0 Stokes, P,11.8., Mr.
Anthony Hope, and the Bishop of ]tip -
on, to mention only a few. The country
parsonage, Mama,has been prolific of
groat names in Curch and state, and
even in literature and the stage.
Makers of the lightest running and
best constructed
Dalvanized Steel. Windmills
and Towers made.
Only institution in Canada for the Duroo�
every phase of speech defeat. Raab 4hea
In Toronto, 1055. Oure guaranteed.
bro a 80.0 INSTITUTE,
Easy put up and taken down, Oen
be cleaned, seated, sod put away in
s ,man aDaas. Ask your dealers for
them. Mansfsotnr.d by
.60 A delalda 5t. W ., Toronto.
L. COFFEE & CO., Setabu.hed'a*4
Inane 400-10 Spare of Trade anlldhy',
TsOLtar P0TNn. Jeune 1. 0oylrial.i
The Reid Bros, Mfg. Cart 01 rift tR l
TABLESotwgue, BOWLING67 Kint W t TORONTO a' dead
Farms for Sale
Three Farms for Sale, on easy terms.
Property situated convenient to C. P.
Railway. Specially adapted for stock
raising. For further particulars apply
J.M. McNAM ARA, Barrieter,North Bay,Ont.
Dominion Line Steamohip±.
Montreal and Quebec to Lirerpool In atomiser. Litre,
bud fast twin arrow steamships 'Labrador' Tabl
couver,' Dominion,"Seotatnan, Yor'k,hire.
Superior accommodation for Fired Cabin, Se
and Cabin and Steerage passengers. Rates e
passage -First Cabin, 862.60; second Cab*
534 ; Steerage 522.60 and upward/ n000rdlug steamer and berth. For ell Information a
Local Agents, or DAVID nORR.MS &
Gaol AgantslP be. Sacrament Bt., Montreal.
HOT WATER -Our new na-
►tem with steel radiators.
WARM AIR -Coal or wood
sre loam
tyles and oieenato eeleob
C0*5l11NATION-1i0t Watoe
and 7 requirement.. for
Writs us it toe hare an
thing to heat and we may bel
able to suggest something dl
CLARE DF®S.c CO., IIRtnah o at wp WON
7 in. Outlet, 4x3 Pulley.
Good. as New. Cheap(
The Wilson Publishing Co.,
73 Adelaide St. West.
Loyal Hail Steamship Co.„
Montreal to Liverpool.
Steamers sail from .Montreal every Thereda
morning on arrival of trains from Toronto and
the 'West abbot 0 e'eleek.
Cabin 811.60 end upwards; Second Cabin
8M and and 336.26' Steerage to L1Yerpool,i
eedon, tilaega°w, Belfast,t, Londonderry or
Qneeettown (22.60 and (23.60, d an
Aroduotion of live per. octet, 10 seams
vetted toe drat and emend oaten tloltets, F O
ea111n(e of Creamers 0r 011(41' informetloii apply
to any authorised agent,
9I. Souritor, I Ions St. W. Toronto.
or $. & A Allam, tlontroaO.