The Brussels Post, 1898-9-23, Page 51$I:PT. 2i, 189S BUSINESS CARDS. 1*IJTONEY TO LOAN AT G i'ER 11, Brussels. OOre Dont 1`.N. S. NII MoORACKEN, 1 • 100nn0rofMarriage Maumee, Ouloo at Ills Or000ry, 4'a•uborry stroot, Itrusaoll. 1-4 N. J3ARRETT, AN., Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Nexto t doorr h of iMoogloctere BflLndes'aulaiillrhanUugal°oaby PIANO OR ORGAN, Larise Jeer NcrncUlN,iu pit of 0.1., 1., ou e•v- t i nl Doctor of the Conserv- atory ' t III, Harris, M la c m story 10 Simile,v0lbo Hamilton', pupils is pro. pared to give instructions to 1pupils on either Piano or organ,lipoctai attention gluon to technic, Loosens given either al the homes of pupils or at teachers home, 44.3m ROBERT CUNNINGHAM FIRE. AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, Issue, of Marriage Licenses, OFFIcn AT JEwrrnY STOmo. lia-No Witness Required. T. 1FLETOHER, Brussels A LEL HUNTER, tl Clerk of 01io Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Loan to loan.�iuCollections made OOlce in Graham's Blook, Bruesols AUCTIONEERS. TO S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - 1.' • 01111, will soli for better primal, to bettor mon, in sae them and lose chargee than any abhor Auctioneer in East Huron or ho won't charge anything. Dates and orders can 'always bo arranged at this oluao or spy personal application. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, te• honor Graduate of the Ontario Votorin0ry College' is prepared to treat all diseases of domestl0ated animate in a com- petent manner. Partloalar n ttention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at• tended. to. 011100 north of bridge d'u nberSY t , Brnd uore Brussour els. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. �T M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER • Solloitor, 0ouveyano0r ,No tar, Pub - Ile, &a. Oliioe-Vuuetace'e Moak, 1 door north of Central Hate Solicitor for the Standard Bank, (I F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. (late of Gamow & Prondloot's OBioo, Godorich,) 011100 over 011110a & Smith's Bank, Brussels. 47 Money to Loan. •-�,.,.^ MG. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cam (iron Barrister and Solicitor, Goderioh, Ont. Olrioe-13ami1ton St., Opposite Col borne Hotel, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M.D., 0. M., Trinity Uuiyorefty, follow Trio- ity Medical College, Menthol. College of Phy- ate of the sicians College o Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh, La'Pelephou0 N0,14. lteeid once, Mill S 1., Brussels, E, T. SNIDER, M. D.; 0. M., eueoeseor to Dr. A. McKelvey, Lioo0tiato of Royal College of Phyeicia00 and Surgeons, Kingston; Member of the Col- lege of l'bysioiona and Surgeons of 01tar10. Discuses of women and ohildr010 a specialty. Light years' experience). t-OMee and res- idence that formerly occupied by Dr. Me- Kelvoy,Turnberry street, Brunets. 25- J. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M. D., M.C.P.S.O, PHYSIOIAN, SURGEON, AOCOUOEEUR, ETC. Special attention given to diseases Of the Throat and Lungs and diseases of Women and Children. RESIDENOE-WALTON, ONT. DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, 511130101011, 0011200011 AND A000U0BEIIn, SUCCESSOR TO OR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. Set Class Honor Gradaato of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), mud of Trinity Illodioal College t Fallow of TrinityMe[ilcal Collage and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io, Post Graduate Course to Dotroit and Chicogo,1800. $pooin] 111100tion paid to (Be- ams Women. , Nose 0mionitation iu tBug- 110h and German, Telephoto at residence. BOARS FOR SERVICE. -THE undersigned will keep for sorvi00, on Lot 0, Con. 5, Grey, athero' brad improved Yorkebire boar and a thorn' bred large ling - Bah Berkshire hog, Pedigrees may be seen on application. Terms 81.00,;00 be paid at time of service, with 1irlvilogo of ietaruing it necessary, ARTHUR SMITH 40.4* Proprietor. 1.1ULLS FOR SERVICE. -TBE undersigned will steep for service 011 hot 10, 000.15, Grey, the there bred Here- ford 13011 •'Piotnro,' A100 a thorn' brad Dlir• ham bull. Both ora oseeptioually One an- imals, Terms, 01,00, to bo paid Jan,le0, 180tl, with privilege of raturniligg if necessary. 41.4 OL1Vielt TURNBULL, Proprietor. wore. A}l'cr• 'Wood's Phospholine, The Great Engtfs1 Moak. Sold and reoonnnended by al druggists in Oanode,. Only - re11 able nsodicino discovered. Sia paokayoS guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects ot Onto or excess, ]tfental Worry, Txo*sslvo use Mlle. basso, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on Tomb' of print, ono package $1, six, t0. On4 Wit Woo, ifxWOfil cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Compauq, Windsor, Ont 8010 iu Brnreole by 0, A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician. .tlair7lL.l A lido 5, "oV00t 114y, It rel. t 210100NALli --4(100, J'as. Davidson, who has been visiting at J. J. Ilomuth'e, has returned to Torou60.-•11/rs. A, 7.loGregor } 0 returned from an extended visit to Comber friends, -Mr, Thompson, of Thessalon, has been visiting friends in e and East el for the c s Waives:melt Bol rev a a o pastiwoekt.-Wm. Smith, who is relies, rug at liarriobon, WAS in town on Sun- day, --Mrs, W. Johns returned from a v 7.o visit to TorontoYt on Monde .•-•IT , Stanley Y " it'❑ }s friend rr, o Hamilton, 'a visiting u a U f n r 112, Park of town, -Mrs. Potloiiiek, of Lon• doe, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Smith. -E. Petbiok, of London, is here this week.-7Irs. A. Roe and Pare, G. M, Duffield returned from Chicago on Mmv day evening. M oKillop. Colman, 14tle11Tr001.-Gotni0il met in Jones' Hall, Loadbury, on Monday, the 12thinst. Blomberg all present. There were ten tenders for clearing roads as advertised. The concession was lot at $18 per acre and sidoroad at $24 per sure. The whole will amount to about $000. A Bylaw was passed authorizing thoRoeve and Treasurer to borrow $2,000, if re- quired, from the Bank of Commerce. Accounts were passed and paid amount. ins to $420.70. A resolution of Council requesting owners of traction engines to oarry plank to put ander wheels while crossing culverts and bridges as some three small bridges have been torn up already and left in a dangerous state, and the owners of traction engines will bo held responsible for all damages. The bonds of Charles Dodds, collector, was passed as satisfactory. Council adjourn• ed to meet in the Crawford House, Dub, lin, on Monday, Oet. 10th, at 10 a. 11, JNo. 0, Molinrsoo, Clerk. I31.v tie. The corporation sprinkling cart has ceased operations for the amnion. Rev, Mr. Wilson, of Nile, preached in the Methodist church last Sunday. Charles Cannon, of Buffalo, was a guest at the Oommeroial for several days. Robt. Annan, of Pickering, is visiting at the home of his brother-iu•Iav,James Logan, Peter McColl and sone, Peter and Prank, of St. Catharines, are on a month's visit with Mre. J. J. Lysin, Mr, MoOoll'e eieter•in-law. Mies Annie Scott, daughter of David Scott, of East Wawanoeh, was married on Wednesday of last week to John E. Fella, of the came township. Arthur Whitbaok and bride (nee Misa Mary Symonds), of Buffalo, aro epeading a portion of their honeymoon with friends in Blyth and neighborhood. The carpenters are busy with the new poetoflioe building on Queen street, and Postmaster MnKinnon expecte to be moved into his new quarters this week. Wm. Robertson is removing the stable on the Drummond property on Queen street to hie own property. He intends erecting a new fence around the Drum- mond property, whioh will be a big im- provement to that neighborhood. PLEDITOITI2 MEETING. - The Blyth Standard says : Industry hall was crowd- ed on Friday evening, Sept. 9th, by many eitizeas from Blyth and neighborhood, eager to hear the Prohibition question discussed. The chair was occupied by Reeve Wilford in his usual affable man- ner. Owing to,illneee Dr. Macdonald, M, P., was unable to be present. Rev. 301111 Rose, B. A., of Brussels, was the speaker of the evening, add he dealt with the sub• jeat in a convincing and impressive man. nor. Short addresses were also given by Rev. A. McLean and Frank Metcalf. A union choir from the Blyth ()hutches furnished some excellent music), 7C'orciwich. P. Brown has moved his household ef• feats to Lakelet where he has purchased the saw mills. Alfred Lowery, of London, Sundayed atJarnes Catanach's. He made the trip up on hie wheel. The heavy front did considerable damage in this vicinity, killing various' garden vegetables. Angers MoCurdy and his two children, and George Mapietoft attended the Western Fair at Loudon. Mies Maggie Rogers has left for Chat- ham where she will take a course lin the Canadian Boeinees College. Lewis Mahood has left hero for Gerrie where he will assist Mr. Koenig in his great bankrupt sale at the Glaogow house. A. Opine, manager of the Union Furni• titre Co., Wingham, was in town buying lumber from T. A. Powell, our saw - Bliss Eva Lindsay, who has lived in this looal(ty fora number of years, hoe gone to live with her mother in Mankato, Minnesota. Miss Aggio Harding, oho has been visiting hat sister, Mrs. T. Fennell, of Shelburne, for the past month, hag re• turned borne. Tenders are asked for the erection of a two storey hall, the under part of which ie to be a publio hills and the upper for the Foresters' lodge room, On Monday moruien of lest week while W. J. S ottou ot Uake Hill, ing to one of his horses it as attend- ing unruly mud kinked him out of the stall. He had do bones broken, but received some sore bruises, James Cassie, station agent at Ayr, Ont•, and his brother Robert, of Prinoe Albert, N. W. T., were calling on their old school mates were loot week. They inform us that 1ordwieh has wonder- fully improved in the last ten years. Robt. J. Sanderson took in the Toronto exhibition where ho purchased two first prize Leioeeter ewe lambs and one eeoond prize ram lamb. Be had to pay n high prion for them, but in all probabilities he he will 581011 get the oaeh back in fleet prizes at the Pall Pairs in thie vicinity, We think it world be a good idea for all the seined notions in this township to follow the example of those in Minto and other neighboring townehfp0, viz To allow the eohool children a halGholiay on the afternoon of the township Fall Show, whioh is to be held this year in Fordwi0h on Tueoday, Oot, 41h. On' Tuesday evening of last week Fred. Rneh, photo artist, of Gerrie, went out to a threshing North of that village, and jumping upon the feed -board began to feed seine wet barley, when 'he had the misfortune to have one of hie hand0 drown into the Olinda and so badly emnelted that it had to be amputated above the Wriet. Cenil lltralhy, of 9'meul0, spent a frw days in town, the guest of his niol(10r, Mts. N. A. Htratliy, Anc1lnp'tniud by hie mother he took in the London Bair. Preparations are being; made for the ereotlnn of it now house on the farm oa• copied by Joseph liainstocic, just Nut of the village. We understand the work will be pushed forward and finished this Fall. c�. ,u11i ct Prod. Soli, of S6. Marys, taus in torn neat week, Frank L. Polioli, of Termite, is la town friends. e. 1 ld Harry Young,of ivaeeter, , to in town Waiting his parents. Mine Annie 10. Stewart, of Blitoboll, le upending [t weok'e bol(daye with her u(0. ter, Mrc.It. F. White. Mtg. 0. L. Briggs, of Boston, who has been spending some time with her grand- parenl0, A. and Mrs. Smith, has returned hom0, David Graham, ot 11(tchell, and Mrs, Milton Miner and son, of Chicago, have been visiting their brother, MallardGraham, just Ninth of this village. R. Rosa and Edward Jamee have re- turned from New Ye'lc state where they had been visiting S. A. Seaman tied other friends. Steve'e maty friends here will be pleased to learn that he has a splendid situation and that he and hie flintily are enjoying the boat of health. WN/DINO Basra. - A pretty aster wedding took place at the home 01 Fran- nie Clegg, Hewiok, at 0 o'olook on Sept. 7211, when their daughter, Emma, was united in matrimony to Frank J. Gra. ham, of Merrill, Mich. The groom was supported by Alex. Clegg, and the bride wag attended by Miss Annie Sperling. Mamie Clegg and Muriel Purdy aoted as maids of honor, The ceremony was per. formol by Rev, R. J. Garbutt, L. L, D., under an arch of evergreens, beautifully decorated with flower,. Tha bride was tastefully dressed in white sills, trimmed with ohiffon, and tarried a handsome baguet of white asters. Clinton. A portion of the G. T. R. between Clinton and Goderioh is being laid with now rails. James Rosa loob seven of his chickens this week. Their dropping off being sudden, Look Kennedy performed a post- mortem and dieoovered Paris green. Wm. Mennen disposed of hie corn• modious residenoe on Mill street to John Sterling, of Goderioh township, who will take possession in abort a mouth. J. L. Doherty drove Bay Fra012, a pacer owned by Johu Gentles, Kincar- dine, in a matched rage at Walkerton on Tuesday of last week and won in three straights. The exhibit made by bfaophereon & Hovey at the Toronto Pair was much admired by those to whom threshing machinery is of interest, The separator on exhibit was sold and orders taken for two others. J. Rattenbury grows big potatuee, big enough to boast about. They are of the Early Ohio variety, and seven, which he had on exhibition the other day weighed eaob 11 pounds, and he bits had them go a quarter pound heavier. In the digging as many as 21 have been taken from one hill. Col. Hoare, whose 10•aore orobard is situated about a half -mile North of the town, has a fine yield of plume estimated at about 1000 baskets, and for several days last week hie place had almost the appearance of a fair owing to the num• bet who had gathered to purchase the fruit. The trees are young, this being about their first yield. The Col. and his brothers are old fruit growers, and it is said of them that they were the first in Huron to oultivate strawberries. Godes-1011. The numeroue piles of atone about the river bank betoken preparations for the building of the new breakwater. The ponderous keys for the shafting used on the top story of the elevator are ready to be awing up and placed in position. It is expeobed that Cot. 15th will see the elevator with doors thrown open to reoaive countless bushele of the yellow grain from the great North-west. J. Brown had s Linger severely injured by being caught in a lot of timber about to be hoisted. The engine started pre. maturely, and as a result a portion of flesh was ripped off. The dredge Arnold has commenced work at the harbor, 'and is attended by the tug Huron. A 20 foot channel will be dredged from the elevator to a point about 190 feet beyond the piers. His Worship Mayor Thompson, is go- ing about with his arm in a sling. While driving a load of apple hernia to his farm in Goderioh township, he fell from the load and dislocated his arm. An immense 40 foot beam one foot square, fell from the hoisting apparatus on the elevator, and name down with a lremendoue crash. A defective Main was the cause of the trouble and no blame sari be attached to any one. During Monday of last week two in• oipient fires ooeurrecl at Buohanane & Rhynae' planing mill; Shortly after noon Wm. Acheson, in moths, noticed a blase on the roof of the engine house and gave the alarin. A chemical fire extin- guisher was Urod ht Into play and the flameswere uenohed in bort order. q a Later on, fore was noticed on the roof of the turning house, which also was extin- guished without much damage. Both Bees were caused by sparks from the chimney lodging on the roofs, whioh were dry as tinder. Goderioh l;ae 1001 one of tbo most ef, ficienII and talented organiete which it has had the good fortune to have within its borders. We refer to the present organist of the North street Mebbodiot church. Mise 002110 has been in Godes, rich almost one year, and during that time she has done remarkable work, In the deal role of organist and choir loader her good work is very apparent. The present efiioieney of the choir is ample testimony to the progress made within the past term. The huge elevator chimney i0 mom• plated, the height from the ground level being 155 feet. The structure towers above the brow of the harbor hill, and from the ground below oonsiderablo nook straining has to be done to gob a gliinpee aloft. The chimney ie n model of design and solidity, The :may at the top in a high wind to quite notioeablo i bet when it is considered that a zephyr of 45 pounds to the square foot would be required to topple the ettuoture stole fear will he entertained ant that more. ail P BRUSSELS P-06 T' Itobt. Carr had the ntiotortune to fall haaltwerd front the staging in a hili at 1 the elovabnr. lin fee a distaoae of 8 foot and as a result was laht 01f work for two flays. A practical joke wee played one day Upon one of our busineee men on ilamil• ton area, Walt was enjoyed by the peewit -by and oltizene in that locality. While out ors business, the proprietor of I pins i tie tr I n l i in1 this partIou t p uta p 1 wod 10Plooard "Out attl eoenst er Y• Some wag, Struck with a brilliant idea, procured a card with "Gone to be an angel" in large letters, and atteohed it below the other card, The ludieroce cmn ' bion onn6ht the crowd, and need.d. i[ lava to say, the proprietor, on returning, tg, was not long in removing the object of amusement. Many Oederieh people will remember the nines family who resided here several years ago and removed to Hamilton. We regret to learn that Bert RineO,one of the Brines brothers, gospel singers, met with a painful accident, caused by the explosion of a Winoheeter title. The accident occurred while he and his father and brothers were camping atBuck Lake, county of Frontenao• Mr. Ritmo received the forte of the explosion in the facie. He is now at home under the oars of it dootor, who expeote to have him around again its a few days. At lirstit was fear- ed that hie sight would be destroyed, but his physician soya that danger is pant. Tuts MuslO DID NoT Cnenx. - Under ordinary eiroumeban00e the Goderioh Band diecoarees firat•olaee music, but on Monday evening of last week a colt be• longing to Thos. Gundry, made a heap of trouble for its owner, by absolutely refne ing to listen to the pleating strains. The animal had not been in harness for some time and cu being driven a short distance was inclined to be fractious. Thinking the harness might be the Danes of irrita• lion, Mr. Gundry ohauged the set and drove out, but the change made no slit. ference. While staudiog on Cambria Road near East street the band panned and frightened the colt. It reared, the owner and a friend jumping to its head to control it, but the animal plunged and tore the bridle front off its head. Once free it bolted along the road to Brittania road down which it turned, and darted up a side street where it was finally se- cured. While running away, the streets en route were cleared in short order, the furious parte of the frightened animal making it dangerous for anyone in its way. The oroes-tree of the buggy was broken and the harness badly damaged. Leaclb airy. A young couple East of here are likely to join the band of benediote as s0011 as convenient. Joy be with them. Joseph Haokwail has gone to Brussels to learn the baking boeineae. Joe, is a steady going young chap and will no doubt be 8ucoeseful. Walter, a yoneg eon of Jas. Davidson, bee bad a very severe attaolt of inflam- mation of the bowels, but we are glad to say, bs is getting better. The school Board of No. 9, MsIiiliop, has had a well drilled by Schneider & On., of Listowel. They found water at 44 feet. We think this was a wise not as the water in the old well was not at all good. Arthur Leybourne has gone to Wilmer, Minn., where he has secured a position as brakeman on the railroad. We all know this is a dangerous busineee but we hope to see him come safely through and be holding the "punch" in a few years. The fine bank barn of Jno. Murray was destroyed by lightning recently. About 50 tons of hay, 700 bushels of old and new wheat and other grain were burned. It was insured for $1,500 in the McKil- lop Mutual bob still hie lose will be con- siderable. He has since let the ooatraot to have another barn built by Nov. let. I,.irato'w el. The Mennonite Brethren in Christ have been holding meetings on the camp grounds at Moorefield during the past week. D. Weber has sold out his botcher. ing business on Wallace etreet to Arohie Beaton, who lakes possession forthwith. Sheriff Hoseie has been appointed re- turning officer for the North Riding of Perth to record the votes for the Plebis- cite on Sept. 29th. G. H. Draper received his call to the Bar on Tuesday of last week in Toronto, and ie now a full•fledged barrister, etc. He will be in town and open up an of• See in the rooms above Livingstone's drug store. 3. W Suitt has had his banking officio on Wallace street refitted, the front re. painted, and the windows re -lettered in handsome style. Mr. Soott has now one of the handsomest banking offioes out. side of the cities. Nathan Calder is off work since Tues. day of last week, owing to a severe cut which he received while running a saw at Large's planing mills. A piece of board came bank from the saw and caught lilt. Calder's right band between the second and third Sngote, making a very nasty wound. J. H. Gunther has purchased from A. McDonald hie Vasa stores, ooneieting of the one at present =opted by Mr. Gun- ther for a jewellery store and telephone ofilne, and the adjoining store East. Mr. Gunther will at once proceed to build a large addition to the teat of hie store. h South side of The sidewalk on the S Main street West is being rapidly 1 Y P ushed forward and will be carried through to the end of the corporation limit at the Mitchell road. As soon as the walk on Mahn street East is completed both sides of Main street will have been paved near. 1y from end to end, .JN.t'waoti. Phos. Netbitthae been awarded the oontraot of laying the briok of the Metho- diet parsonage. Atwood wants a good manufaobaring eetabliebment and will give good indium - manta to anyone in order to procure the lame. Harry Brown has purobased the old home of Charlie Buobanan'O, in town, and has had it moved onto his property on Main street, where he will have It renovated and otherwise made habitable. Rev. Mr. Lowe, of Wingbsm, preached harvest thanksgiving sermons in St. Alban's church Sunday, Sept. 18th, at 8 p. no. and at 7 p. m. The church was beautifully decorated for the mansion with the fruite of the season. The trusteeeof the Stratford hospital acknowledged the receipt of a donation of $10 from Thomas G. Ballantyne, of Atwood, a member of the Grand Jnry at the ageism', which inspected the hospital and tithe public building. A publio meeting in the interests of Temperance and plobieoite vote was bold in the ;Vethadi0t aura, Atwood, on Thul'aday, Sept, 22nd, at 8 o'olook. A Nervnlie1ltY.- The anniversary Dor• Presbyterian ancon in oonnoatian with the I reebytariau ofloroh, Atwood, will be held on Sunday, Rept. With. Rev. John Rose, 13, .k., of Brueseis, will preach at 11 a. m. and at 7 +'V t 101. p. mau(, . A 'nipper will be given on he t f the v 21tb n t 'p Monday evening, lawn i r basement of the church. Tea served from 0 tr8 p. m. Addresses are expected from district and resident ministers. Tbo oboir has prepared special muaio for the oo- 0ltai005. 41 son of Wm. Wm. il ti W .Loal toad the I . t Lowlihead, a wen I 1 own Santoh fanner of Elmo township, Perth Co., was born in 1804, He spent hie boyhood days on the farm, where he became acquainted with the details of farm work, says the Farmers' Advocate. After a course of six years at the Listowel high eohool rilr. Loabhoad matriculated into McGill University, Montreal, winning a general plofioiency scholarship. Throughout his college ocuree prizes to the value of $000 fell to his lot. While at MoGili he mime under the direot influence of Sir William Dawson, then professor of geology and zoology, and whatever s00. Deas has attended his teaohing efforts 0inoe his graduation, Mr. Loobhead at- tributes to the splendid example shown by that grand old man. Immediately after graduation he attended the School of Pedagogy at Kingston and entered the ranks:of High School teachers ] be taught for two .years in the Perth Conege Insti- tute, five years in Galt College Institute, one year in Napaoee College Institute, and two years is the London College Institute. Since graduation he has spent nearly three years in poet graduate work at Cornell Uoiversity, holding a fellowship for one year. His chief work at Cornell was along the lines of biology and geology, pursuing special studies in entomology, thus qualifying himself for hie new sphere of labor at the Ontario Agricultural College. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will ]seep for service on Lot 20, Con. 0, Morris, the thoro'•bred Im- proved Yorkshire Boar, 'Oak Lodge Long- fellow," No. 2488, bred byJ.E. Brethous, Bur- ford, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. Terme, 01.00, to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if nee- 99enry. A number o1 choice young sows for 8010 for breeding purposes which will be sold at prices to Boit the times, 21- BORT. NICHOL, Proprietor. Cooke Cotton Root Compound Is sneoeesfully used monthly by over Om10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Colton Root GM - pond. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and mitations asp dangerous. Prise, No. 1, $1 per box; No. 1410 degrees 0tronger,$8 per box. No. f or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8•cenl stamps. The Cook Compaay,Windeor, Oat, reeponeible Druggists in Canadpmauded by all Noe, 1 and 2 sold in Brussels by G, A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician. AIDER MILL Brussels Cider Mill and Apple Butter Factory, Mill street, has been overhauled and is now ready for oper- ation. Fetch on your Apples. Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Geo. Edwards, • Props ROOM Will makes' a well matt of TO171 P10001 P0000010 TRS ADM 01000L00111 Fenn W0008. PI008I cures ell Norvoue 1.100000,, Menke.. 50eo. Falllna 20omory, Nightly Emlealeon, gna0200. torrhooa; I20pot00ey, eta, 0aueod by yet •01181 Qae angor and alta pe ehrpnk0n tg0fl . •n elakly hue enrolyyrest0000 r,00T 2008(01000. Ia Ota Z.10110.37 Fauoe. 01 o P10001 and you tam amw 010105 and hoppyela10. 005E by mall In pleln wnspper 0000 10d to vest epook01.. Pr10od from ,a1 na packagee 1 Mr 06. Bond money 1n tither ordinarryy or anter. ed later,,, MAT'. 00F Address all lottelotto.to J. T. 5/315 PND, minion tf ' ONT., 05000 for tb0 0a NEW utdller I The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the MALE BLOCK, BRVNSBLS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats .Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. ■ iLLEERa Meat delivered to all parts of the town. MT/to PAID 14010 Z.IIDns. 66 • The C iafi of Crispin." IS I •fl -d —A. pictured history of the Shoe from the 3rd century to date. Full of foot facts aA, about leather, shoe ruin and longevity, tricks of the last, foot forming influences, styles and colors of latest shoes, etc. Copyfree n fra front agents or makers of "The Slater „Shoe." N�@E�Irf�k'�'. R� ESA Jno. Dowding, - Sole Local Agent. BRUSSELS WORKS. PUMP VVO I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. 'Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Oieterne. Gomer Green, HILL STREET, • BRUSSELS. SHINGLES British Columbia Bed Cedar Shingles SND- Nortll Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT MeLEOD'S System, Renovator —AND DTBEa— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessnees, Palpita. tion of the Beart,Liver Oomplaint,Nenr• algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con.. gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregnlaritiee and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. ,T. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold b Jac, Fos, Druggist, Brussels. Buggies and wagons. Always on hand and away down in price to suit the times. I can give you a buggy for the next two months, second to none in the town for either quality, finish or style, for $65. If you want a Buggy you will find it to your interest to call and see my stock and you will say my statement is correct. LINO, WYNN, CARRIAGE lVIAIMR. ee the, New Dress Goods, Trimmings and Plaids for Waists at Strachan's. October Fashion Sheets and Patterns. —0— New Fall Goods -+1•11110-0f all kinds constantly arriving, —0— Boots, Shoes & Rubbers. Bats & Caps. - Clothing & Overcoats. A CALL SOLICITED. A. STRACHAN. DON'T READ THIS AD And then throw away this paper before you conclude Yout aro toeing good money not buying Y oar DAIRYSUPPLIESirooua W 0 ar prepared to supply every person wills Dairy Cans Pails, Milk Pans and Tinware off all kinds at prioes a000rding formality. _,a ,Graniteware of all kinds.__ LIARDWA1 E Having pat inastook of Spades, Shovels • Forks, &o., of the beet quality we 50130 your Patronage. Paint Your House with the best weather and • water proof Paint in the market. We sell it. Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order. The best line of Cook Stoves to choose from. .Eavefr'oulhimg and .Repairing promptly attended N. B,—Wait for our wagon, it will call on you for your truck in it few days. Wilton Turnbull