HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-9-16, Page 8-rtt ]t7l iR taut 77 4 L S )?OT FREE TRIAL ! 'l Vo have en excellent healing salve la etiaks, for cute, wouoda, bruises, Method surfaces, &o., that wo are offering free to introduce A. Almost everybody, farmers and lhoohanioe espeelally, aro continually getting out, bruised or otherwise injured. Now this salve is the bandied thing out, so easily applied, and will stay where put, keeping out the air and dirt and quickly healingtho part affected. 19 is so cheap too, only 12o. a stiok. To introdu0o 1t we will give you half a stick free or a whole stick at Half Price. Tllis offer only bolds good for one weak from date. You will never be with- out bhie salve if once used. No meed for court plasters and tying cloth on with cotton, because this salve will stick the covering just where it is weuted. Ask for Deadman'e Healing Salve. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & n. Trains leave Brueeele Station, North and South, as follows: G01Ne SOUTH. GOING 805TH. express 7:10 a.m. I Mall 0.10 p,m creed.......,9016 a.m, ;Express ......10:10 p.m A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. FROST. Arran shipping ie in order. 25o, gets THE POST for balance of 1898. Tee days are growing perceptibly abetter. (4001)0E BDST shipped a car of lambs on Wednesday, Orn bicyclists should get in shape for the 3 mile race on Fall Fair day. ANOTHER hardware store in Brussels is among the probabilities this Fall. Maven Home in the Methodist church next Monday evening, Don't forget it. Do you take THE PosT ? If not send 25o. and have it for the balance of the year. 0 CAM of oats and a oar of bogs were shipped by Messrs. Backer & Vanstone this week. R. Gnamet loaded 2 oars of oats and a oar of wheat during the past week for shipment Eastward. TENDERS are asked for the jemitorship of the Methodist ohnroh and the caretak. ing of Brnssels cemetery. ARGOT 150 tickets were sold to exnnr- sionista at Brussels depot for Toronto during the I ndnstrial Fair. P. SCOTT'S pacing mare took 2nd plane at the Exeter ranee on Labor Day. She will be started at the Goderich Fall Fair. THmnii was a large tarn out of people from this looality to the Toronto Far last week, and London is taking its innings this week. H. L. JAcreoN had the misfortune to badly sprain the thumb of his right band last Saturday. He is attending to his shop as usual, however. THERE are 15 appeals entered by the Liberals and 20 by the Conservatives to be heard by Judge Masson at Brussels Voters' List Court. The date is not annoonaed yet. T. A. HAwiINe, With the intention of trying the examinations at the Toronto Conservatory of Mesio, is taking a course of lessons with Miss Annie B, Climie, A. T. 0. M., of Listowel, every Wednesday. ABOUT 2,000 bushels of apples have al- ready been received at Mahler's Apple Evaporator, Brussels. They are prepar- ed to purchase all that is offered as they require a large quantity for a season's ran. Goon.—The Welland -Vale Bioyole Go., of St. Catharines, presented A. AL Mo. Kay & Co., Brussels, their agents here, with two baskets of prime peaches and a basket of grapes, Doses of this kind are not bad to take. MISS Ronnmlc, milliner, has secured the services of Mise Armstrong, who comes highly recommended, as her milliner for this season. They are now busy getting ready for the Fall opening of which doe notice will be given. IT is reported that Jno. McCrea bas purohosed the residence of the late F. 0. Rogers, paying $1,000 for it. The plane fa a cosy one with spacious lawns, &o. We understand Mr.11foCrae and danght. ere will move to the new purchase from the farm. To CLINTON.—Dr. W, Graham, of Tor- onto, formerly of Brussels, hae formed a copartnership with Dr. Turnbull, of Clinton, and has moved to that town. The Dr. has a wide aoquaintanoe in Huron Go. and will, in one sense, be coming home in locating there. POSTPONED.—Rev. Mr. Mollobbie, of Shelburne, was enable to some to Brn- sets last Sabbath to preach the annual sermon to the Canadian Order of Forest. ere owing to it being Communion Sab- bath in his church. Re was absent from home for bis holidays and oonsegnently was unable to arrange. The date of bis Doming will be Sept, 26th. Service in the Methodist church at 11 a, tn. MONDAY afternoon A. Cooley, Aire. Coseley and Mies Tsenie Sample attend. ed the funeral of David Murray, of Sea - forth. Deceased died Saturday after- noon after an illneee extending over a year, of consumption, He wan highly esteemed by a large oirole of friends. Mr. Murray was a member of the Fire Brigade of tbe town and they not only at. tended hie funeral in a body tont sent a beautiful floral wreath for the oaeket, Ro0ERT Anala5ltotl0 has disposed of his ]House and lot on /oho street to M. El. Moore, V. S., of tike place, for the sum of 9625. Mr. Armstrong intends remov ing to London in the neat future where be and Mrs. Armebrong will reside. They have been well known residents of Brus• sell for the past 85 years and their many old friends here will be a unit in wishing them many happy yea16 in the Forest City. Owing to Mr. Armstrong's re• :novel a new caretaker will have to be engaged for the Methodist church and 1tneeele cemetery, He filled both planes in a llrnl'olase Manner. • GNT a prize lief of Brussels Fall Fair. Tne well Icemen drama Emit Lynne, Seen in the name of your visiting will be given its the Town Dell on Sept, friend, 1991). B. Gigue ie into the apple bus ing MAI- Davin JA61IESON hoe ailed up (tie nese and is busy every day. house anew whish adds to its appearance A 8118 verandah ie being put np by and comfort. Wm. Ainley at his reeidenoe. Mathes. Clegg .2 Damao shipped a car 1iAex Lynne in the Town Hall, Monday of hogs on Tuesday, also a car of samba evening next. Don't forget the date, and a oar cif cattle later. A 1,60(18 quantity 01 anti.Prohibitiou 8901. HAIALE has 1)18 two atoms recently literature ie baipg distributed this week, damaged by fire ready fur 000epatiou. Tnn "Revere House," Brussels, will be S. B. has worked like it nailer at them. sold at It bargain. J. A, Creighton, lemma two care of Meths were ship - Agent. ped by Jac. Roddick and Robb. Ferguson, 111AIMEA'S apple evaporator and Ed. of Walton, reepeetively, They were a wards' cider and apple better factory are fine 109, hard a9 work. Tns Poll for No. 8, Brunets, on Sept. THE briok work of St. John's rectory 29111, will be held in the house formerly is nearly completed. I6 will be et neat 000upled by the late IVO. Tait, instead of denture when finished. Alex. Ellis' house. Mite, F, 0. Boothe will have en 'motion Tins trains have been very late during sale of household furniture on Saturday the past week owing to the heavy pinion. afternoon of next week, 2411) inet, ger tropic. Saturday's afternoon train, GEORGE HALLIDAY hoe leased the briok dee here at 2.14, did not arrive until 5 residence on Elizabeth stroe6 from 11.13. o'clock. Smote and will move to it shortly. Term, ion grave atone in Brussels PROMOTION EIAMIN15IONs.—The promo• cemetery that ohroniolee the age of S. tion examinations for Linton will he held and W. Wilton's grandfather, Mr. on October 20th and 21et, Tenobers are ADMIN., who wart upwards of 100 years requested to Bend in early for the number old at the time of his decease, of papers required. THIE hot weather is oonduoive to n1). B1lOWNRInoE & PLnotn'e East Lynne lntions. This le proven by the feat that Company will be in the town Hall on on Saturday, 3rd inst., over 40 persons Monday evening the 19th inst., and no took bathe at the 111006110 Light bathing one should miss seeing this grand old rooms duringthe afternoon and (evening. drama. Admission 10 and 15 gents. Mne, Trios. Moomo while striking a Reserved seats on sale at Foxe drag match on the window frame struck her store. finger on a needle, with a thread hanging No decision was given over the debate to it which was stiokmg in the side of the at the A. 0. 11. W. lodge on the U. S. and window, with snob forte as to drive the Spanish war. The speakers were T. needle and thread Olean tilrougb her fin- e:arrow and W. E. Armstrong and W. ger, She bad to be taken to the dootor El. MoOracken, Harry McCrea and Wet. to have it removed. son Ainley. In the absence of one 05505008 Boos. got a package by eX• speaker Mr. Farrow spoke a seoond time press addressed to some would-be travel. in his stead. ler paying $1.75, 0. 0. D., rate on same. It is stated time W. A. Crich will oeaee It was supposedly a watch but turned operating his bakery and will take ahargs out to be a lump of lead. This is a Dew of the bakeshop of Councillor Thomson. dodge and is played by n letter being sent Mr. Crich will continue the grocery and to hotels stating that a watch will arrive restaurant stand. People who know say and to hold it until the writer calls for it there is no profit in the staff of life at the in a few days. Of theme the writer present prise end the business divided never calls and the hotel man is duped by between two. the somewhat outs trick. NEW MILLINERY, DRESS AND MANTLE A GRAND Oonoert.will be given in Brea. Mance,—Misses Roes have leased a store. eels Town Hall on Friday, Oct. 7th, the in the Stretton block, formerly 000upied seoond evening of the Fall Fair. The by the Standard Bank, and are opening talent acmes from Toronto and will son - out a new stock of millinery and millinery sift of Miss Annie Snyder, Humorous goods. Miss Rasa bas had a wide ex. and Dramatic Reader and Impersonator; perianth in city and town and will be glad Mrs. Seymour Hambly, one of Torouto'e to have a Call from the ladies. Is con- leading vocalists ; Jno. E. Tutton, an ex. neotiou with the store Mies Roes' sister oellent baritone. This company have ex - will conduot a fashionable dress and oellent press notices and a treat is evi- mantle making department where the ex- dently in store for all who avail them• phots to demonstrate her ability 6o please selves of this opportunity. See bills and her customers feeling assured that she programs for further particulars. will be able to fill the bill. Mies Ross Tam School Board is advertising for a has worked in some of the best shops in Second class male teacher to take the both Canada and the United States, place of L. F. Jackson who bus been OoaT.—I1 was a sad message indeed teaching in the 2nd Department of Brute that came to the home of Jno. MODon- eels Public school. Mr. Jackson went to gall, Albert street, Brussels, last week, to Maley for Labor Day and did not re - the effect that his daughter, Sarah, had turn until Wednesday without the con. departed this life ou Sabbath, Sept. 4tb; sent of the Board which did not suit at the home of her brother, Korth town. them and they gave him notice to quit. ship, Algoma, 63 miles from Sault Ste. Mr. Jackson wired Principal Cameron Marie. The family had received a letter that he could not get home on account from deceased a short time previous of rain making the wheeling bad but Mr. stating that she was in the enjoyment of Cameron replied that he would be expeot- good health. The muse of depth was ed to report for duty Tuesday at 9 a. m. dysentery, her illness only extending The Board poked Mr. Jackson to appear over 10 days, during which time the best before them and neither party being medical attendance and the ministration willing to bow to the other deoided to of relatives and friends was at band. dissolve partnership. A special meeting Miss McDougall went to Algoma last of the Board will be held Friday evening January and was keeping house for her of this week when the new applications brother. She was born In Grey township. will be considered. Kennedy Conley ie The remains were brought to Brussels bolding the fort thie week in Mr. Jack - for interment, the funeral taking plaae eon's department. It is a little unfortu- on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Jno. nate that any uepteasantness should Ross, B. A., nonelected the service, Mies have arisen as Mr. Jackson was doing McDougall was 32 years of age and was good work but the Board felt that they a member of Melville church. She en• most do their duty in the matter heuoe a joyed the good will of a large oirole of new teaoher is expeoted to assume work relabivee and frie0d0 who sympathise on Tuesday, 20th inst. very sincerely with the bereaved. The pall bearers were six tonins of deceased, viz.:—Peter, Andrew and Hugh Lamont, Malcolm an Nell Bleck and Peter Mc- Dougall. Will, James is home from Toronto. BRUSSELS ve. MILYERTON.—The Milver• Miss May Turnbull, of Guelph, is home ton Sun reports the base bell match on on a visit. Labor Day as follows:—"On Monday Miss Lida Crooks was visiting at afternoon the Brussels baseball nice visit- W rnxeter. ed Milverton and played a friendly game Miss Blakeman is bank from a trip with the boyg here. Though oohsiderable Eastward. rain fell in the morning the grounds were Miss Lizzie Sample is enjoying a visit in splendid oondition and the game was ab London. keen throughout. During tbefirst innings W. F. Scott is home from a successful it locked as though Milverton was going athletic tour. to have a walk over but Grewar, the Mrs. Beattie is home from a month's Brussels twirler, steadied down and be. visit to Clinton. gen to get in the fine work after which Angus McDougall, of Sault Ste. Marie, Milverton scored only three rune, We was here last week. might also incidentally remark that Miss Maggie McNaughton was visiting Grewar is the beat pitcher that bas been friends in Wawanosh. seen on Milverton grounds this year with Postmaster and Mrs. Farrow are visit - the exception of Hardy, of Galt. Reath, ing at London this week. Gerry, Downing and Scott, however, Mies Josie Fair, of Clinton, was visit- oould lay reasonable claims to a share of ing Met. P. Scott last week. the honors in winning the game. Batting Mrs. Kalbfleisoh, mother to Dr. Seib - honors were equally divided between Scott iieiso11, is visiting at "Fairmont." of Brussele and Smith, of Milverton. Al. Chas. Howlett, Queen street, has been together the exhibition of the game was quite poorly during the.past week. rather creditable. The Umpire didfairly Dirs. McKinley, of Alton, is visiting well but on close decisions, Brussels al. her daughter, Mrs. Chris. Grimoldby. ways got the benefit of the doubt. Be. Mrs. Wm. Kneobtel ie visiting her low is given the score : daughter, Mrs. W. A. Ross, at Fergus. BRUSSELS. Dr. W. J. R. Holmes, Go, Treasurer, A.B. R. B.H. O. S,13. E. of Goderioh, was in town on Monday. owng, If.,. 6 2 1 3 2 0 Miss Paul Sample has gone to Bran. Downing, Downng, n,o. 5 2 1 2 0 0 don, Man., to take a millinery situation, Grewar, 6 1 3 3 0 0 Mrs. Oumminge and baby, of Buffalo, p"" are visiting Aire. S. Swale, her mother. Scott, of.....,6 2 2 8 1 0 Pani Millephotographer, of Chiea o Gerry, 21) 6 1 0 2 2 1 is here on a' isit itrelatives and Arlin, 81),6 1 0 4 0 4 friends. Roach, 8.9,.., 4 1 1 2 1 2 Oounoillor Leatberdaie was combining °mislay, 11)4 1 1 2 0 1 business and pleasure in a trip to London Griffith, rf... - 4 1 2 3 0 0 this week. Total 42 12 1U 12 G 8 C. Thomas, of Ambersburg, Essex Co., was holidaying with the Aliin boys for a MILVERTON. few weeks. A,B. R. 13.11. 0. S.B. E, Mies Nina Ropers, of Tnm Pose staff, McMillen, 1f,. 6 1 0 4 0 1 was visiting at Toronto and Hamilton 0. Groeb, 8b5 3. 1 4 0 1 during the path week. Spencer, c6 2 1 2 1 2 A. E. Scott, formerly of town, was re. Bandsaho, of6 8 0 1 1 0 sewing old acquaintances in Brussels. Smith, p,& e.g5 1 2 8 2 1 We expect him baok again. Kelterborn, ib 6 1 n 4 0 1 Mist B.trkby and 8iee Ritrbie, tailor. Bundseho, 2b. 6 0 0 5 0 2 aeries, have taken situations in Toronto. Grosch,s.e.&p, 4 1 1 2 0 2 They ere oompetenthande. Hasonpflug,rf. 4 0 1 2 8 0 C. R. Vanstone, of Southampton, spent a few days in Brussels. Con. is now en- Total48 10 G 27 7 10 gaged in the grocery bnsinees. Score by innings- Mrs. Harry Coutts and daughter, of Chicago, are visiting at Jas. Menzlos,' William street, Brussels. Mr. Menzies is Mrs. Coutts' father. Struok out by Greaser 6, by Smith 1. Miss Dunbar, of Guelph, has arrived Wild piteb, Grewar 0, Smith 1. Passed bank to Brussels and ie now pushing the bane, McLauohiin 0, Spesoer 2, Three work in getting ready for the Nall milli• base hits, Scott, Smith, Two base hits, nery season at Moe. Rogers' store. Mo%anohlin, Grewar, Griffitb, ,Hasan. Oening will be held early in October. piing. Left on bathe, Brueeele 5, Milver- -Tut PosT Is sorry to hear that Myrtle ton 0. Double play, E. Bundsoho to Wilson's limb that bag been a touree of Kelterborn, Umpire, Epb. Dawning." trouble to her for some years is not malt. The reference to the umpire 10 inoorreot ing the improvement desired, She has as far as his favoringBruseele in 001100M- gone to a Toronto hospital for treatment ed as the meet of the 'tithing against hie wbioh we hope will result in speedy re• decisions was done by the vieitingteam. / oovery. People We Know. Brussels... ,.....1 6 2 8 0 1 0 0 x-12 Milverton ..710000002--10 Hire, (Dr.) Davidson sons visiting ab Streetevillo and Toronto last week, Mr. Wilcox and wife, of Galt, were visiting in town during the past weak. J. T. Ross and P. Ilogg were taking in the Western Fair in ],mldon 11ie weep, Mrs. Walker nrl )Ira, ]Tarry Brewer have returned front their trip to Toronto, Wises Maggie Smith hen gone to Wiarton to resume her poeilion en milli - nets Mina Nina Malcolm, of Kincardine, is riming old friendships in town this week. Mrs. Jas. Turnbull is visiting in Lon. don this weep and taking in the Wsatera Fair. II. Dennie, of Chatham, was in town last week combining business with pleasure. Will. Bozell, of Paw Paw, Miall•, is here on a businees trip. He will return oast week, Clark Arlin returned last week from an extended visit to relatives in Bowman. Ville and locality. Chas, Snider and hire. Snider, of Kingston, were visiting their 5011, Dr. Snider, last week. H, Hoare, of Auburn, was fn town on Thursday looking after his property on Tnrnborry street. Miss Lottie Jones and Miss Nellie Weatherall, of Auburn, were milling on old friends last week. Alex, Rose, Deputy Postmaster, took a few holidays last weclr and visited at Toronto, Galt and Guelph. Mee Kate Arlin, of Bow:esteeills, is visiting at the Methodist Parson,y,. She is a sister to Rev. S.1, Arlin. Eph. Downing goes to Generics on Saturday, where he has talceme. "sit." on the "Star." He is a good wort. mal, Mise Sarah Oantelon was vi.iting in Wiarton for three weeks with old friends. She returned to Brussels last Saturday. Wm, Hewitt, of Detroit, spent a holi- day with relatives and friends. Harry Hewitt, jeweller, of Clinton, was also here. Wm. Wilton is away at Ooneetoga, Ont., waiting on his brother Jake, whose condition of health shows no improve. ment. Miss Addie Ironstone, milliner, was here on a visit with relatives and friends. Miss Ven0tone holds a position at Anti- gonisb, N. S. Frank Aehplant, of London, is expent- ed to be in town Monday next and will sing at the Earveet Homo in the Mebho. dist oburah. He is a good singer, We welcome baok to Brussels Geo. 0. Lowry, wife and son from London where they bare resided for a good share of the past year. They will make their home here. 0. E. Sarney, who was editor of the Brussels Herald at one time, bee taken a position on the staff of the Toronto World and will move from Parry Sound where he has been working in his father's news. paper offioe. Miss Mina Norton, of Listowel, was visiting in Brussels during the past week and renewing old frienclahipe. Mise Minn holds a teachers' certificate and is ready to accept a position to teach the young idea. Mrs. h. Ooueloy was visiting our old friend JamesboLauoblin, of Wingham, formerly of Brussels. We regret to bear that he is in a very poor state of health. It is to be hoped a change for the batter will soon set in. Lawyer Uriah McFadden, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., is here on a holiday visit with relatives sod friends. Mr. MoFad• der is in partnership with his brother and Lawyer Farewell, M. P. P., and they have a large and lucrative practioe. The outlook for the': section is good according to Mr. McFadden's view and he expects bo see it rival R05e161:1d in the mineral line. mong Brneselites who saw the eights at Toronto during the Industrial Fair were Jas. Fox, A. Oonsley, E. 0. Dun. ford, Jno. Walker, Geo. Best, Mrs. Geo, Cardiff, Miss Sarah Forbes, Mrs. D. B. Moore, tire. James Jones and daughter, W. M. Sinclair, B. Gerry, Mrs. R. Jobnston, Mra. W. H, Kerr, kite. Harry James, Jno. Ballantyne, Robb. Thomson, C. Rowlett, Miss Pipe, (4. A. Deadman, W. J. Stewart, James Walker, 33, Coals. rano, D. Ewan, W. Innes, H, L. Jackson and W. H. ilfo0raoken. Monday of last week Reginald Fletcher left town for Chicago where be bas se- oured a good position in the wholesale jewellery establishment of 13. Allen & Go. in the watob material department. Mr. Fletcher, for young man, bas a large experience in the watchmaking and jewellery and will have a good idea of the wider sphere he has entered. In addition to the calling mentioned above he is an expert telegraph operator ar,d has consequently two good sbringe to bis bow. Reg., as he is commonly called, was a faithful member of the choir of the Methodist church and has been a Vine President of the Epworbh League. Tam POST will be well pleased to report from time to time Mr. Fletcher's advenue. ment in the Windy Oily. ' Business Locals. TIMOTHY seed at Mo(raoken's. TIMIOT115 seed at Basket & Vanstone'e. NEW carrots, beets and potatoes at Mo Oraoken's. Wantons from 940 up to 9100 at A. 0°u:ley's, VERY epeoial bargains in bieyoles. A. 112, McKie & 0o. Smn o11r Dew stook of Japanese china, H. L. Jackson, jeweller. A. Oouermm handles everything that is used by a bioyole rider, Din you see the Gendron bike in A. Cousley'e window ? It's a dandy. L19'rowEL yarns, a full assortment, all glandes just re0eived at Mrs. Kirk's. Moine & 0o. are agente for the White sewing machine. Call and see them. A GOOD opening for an enterprising dress mailer. Boerne over Mrs. Kirk's. CLEVELAND Wheels aro groat sellers. Six sold since Jan, let, 1898. A. Ooueley. E. & D. bearings are guaranteed for three years, Como in and see them. A. Oo0eley, WANTED --200 tubs ebeioe Dairy Butter, 14a, Also 60 oaths eggs weekly. (4. E. King, Wingllam, CouaonTAhr,a house and good lot for sale on Alexander street, Brussels. Ap• ply to Jae, Washer. Wm have just opened out a large stook of china—direst from Japan, Cheap I cheap. H. L. Jackson,. jeweller. ANY amount of wood will be taken for claw gemming and filing. Wood may be rough or smooth, hard or soft, and to be delivered before the work leaves the chop, T. MoGniOon, OW filer and inventor, Queen et, East, Ereesei6. ST.4.N'D410 LUXE 01? C.1N44.1)4. £SA'. a:aZ+Ta0 Z10n 1872. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSETS, - (Seven Million Dollare) . $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) • . - 92,000,000 agenob es in all pt'lnrival points 18 Ontario, Quebec, Ifanitoba, United States (01006109,3, tiltra.ghlkt Mummy. A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafte Isoumd and Colleationo made on all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits 0191,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to Auto 0 withdrawal and compounded half yearly, arnelAL. AT1%1051017 01VEN TO TIM 0oLLE0TION 01 FAa61Ene' BALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Cnetomere livieg at a diebnnoe. 111. M. B11ENT, Manna. 17 DIFFERENT designs in Japanese cups and ennoers—beautiful goods. H, L. Jackson, jeweller, ONLY 15 days more to clear off all fin. isbed boggles, earth and wagons. This is no ahem but facts. All must be sold be- fore pot. let. First Dome first served. New wagons, new baggies, new oarbe, second hand ovate, second hand buggies all must go at ones. Come quick. Jae, Walker. HAIR DRESSING,—Mrs. Taylor wishes to inform the ladies of Brusseia and vicinity that she will be here for the next two weeks doing tip hair out of the hair comb- ings, also shampooing. Hours from 5 to 8 p. m. Satistaotion guaranteed. A Gall solicited. A11 orders left at the residence of Watson Ainley will be promptly attended to. Mns. TAYLOR. A PnfoaLEse DlsoovEas.—"Soak and Swab" is an infallible, painless and non- poisonous remedy for the cure of Cancer, Cartilaginous Ulcers, Sore Throat and a variety of skin diseases. It cares cancer in any part of the body where the !lipid can reach it. Send for circular giving intrnotions how to apply the liquid. Sold at 60a. per pint and 80o. per half pint bottle. MoLEoo's LABORATORY, Gods. riob. Sold by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Oaf paTeens AND BUtoxss.—Ewan & Innes have been at Toronto Fair and are getting two oar loads of Gutters and Buggies for Winter and Fall stook which they will sell et rock bottom prices, and guarantee to give the beet satisfaction ever given in Brussels in this line. We also have on hand seoond band Buggies down as low as $5 and seoond band road carte at $4. Wheelbarrows with iron wheels at 93.50. Repairing done promptly and cheaply in Blaokemlth and Waggon Shops. EWAN & Iines, Brussels. 06OR10. Osnate.--In Grey, on Sept 3rd, the wife of Mr. Albert Oakley of a daughter. MaDoraao,—in Grey, on Sept. 5911, the wife of Mr. Alexa,der McDonald of a daughter. Sioaw,—In Morris, on Sept, Gtl, the wife of Mr. Anson Shaw of a 5011. Onlcnas.—In Grey, on Sept. 7111, the wife of Mr. William Oakley of a son, (still. .) ATTwbornoon.—In Grey, on Sept. 9th, the wife of Mr. Henry Attwood of a son. FLnIrER.—In Blytb, on Sept. 2nd, the wife of Mr. Samuel Fluker of a son. BltowN.—In Morris, on Sept. 4911, the wife of Mr. John A. Brown of a son. SooTT.—In Seaforth, on Sunday, Sept. 4th, the wife of Mr. Arch. Scott of a daughter. WEnNEn.—In Grey, on Tnoeday, 1411.1 Inst, the wife of Mr, George Werner of a daughter. esteem. EwiNo.—In Seaforth, on Sunday, Sept. 4th, George Ewing, sr„ aged 08 years. LEAMINo.—Ih l9ioKillop, on Sept. 711), John Learning, aged G8 years. CASA.—In Seaforth, on Sept. 7th, Agnes, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mre. Ed. ward Cash, aged 20 years and 9 months. MoDOU0ALL.—In Korah township, Al• coma, on Sept. 4th, Sarah, seoond daughter of John McDougall, of Brussele,aged 32 years, TArion.—In Morris, on .Sept, 2nd, Annie Jamieson, beloved wife of William Taylor, aged 41 years,10 months and 8 days. LEISHAIAN.—In Ethel, on Sept. 12111, Mary MoKelvey, reliot'of the late Thomas Leisbman, aged 48 years and 10 months. AlMeTAONs.—In Morris, on Sept. 111h, Ann Jane Elliott, relict of the late William Armstrong, aged 79 years sod 27 days. BoentaN.—In Morris, on Sept. 13th, Ida, youngest daughter of Edward Bos• mac, aged 16 years, 4 months ani 14 days. A TO'I`0ON• • SATURDAY; 5131(0. 24TH, — Hono1)old furniture, &o. Sale at 3 o'olook at the residence of the late F. 0. Rogers. Terms oash. Mrs, 17, Rogers, Propriet- nee, F. S. Scott, Auotioneer. asap. to- e seems ase...e.sesmixtga Fall Wheat Barley Peas Oats Butter, tube and rope Eggs per dozen . Flour per barrel ..... Potatoes (per bus.) Hay per ton Hides trimmed Hides rough. Salt per bbl., retail Sheep sk]ns,each Lamb skins each Hogs, Live Wool Apples (per bag) ........ 02 80 48 22 12 11 5 a0 4 00 5 64 85 49 28 18 12 6 00 GO 5 00 5 1 00 60 40 40 25 25 4 00 4 25 15 17 60 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. REVERE FHOUS17, BRUSSELS Fon SALE; 71110 very oommodious and desirable property will be Bold at la very 000der055 emu), or leasecl to a tenant on most advantageous terms. Apply to J. A. OBEIGHTON, 7.91 Agent foo Vendors. NOTICE I want MO oval of abort wood one on lot 20, eon, le, Greyl'owaohip• Also a quantity of long wood out and dotter punt taken out, A, OO(15.1189, BMWs, (' 10ATMA1sERS WANTED,— lVJ Ajlpiy to D. 0, ROSS, Brussels. fl0USE TO RENT, HARD and soft water. Apply to 7- J. 11. SMITH, COMFORTABLE ROUSE FOR sale or to rent. In North Brussels. Ins. mediate posaessiml. Apply to BisRR/STER IBLAIR. or W. H. KERB, ROUSE. AND LOT IN ETHEL T11 sale, known tails hoose, will be sold oh0:481 ae si opriotor ie oolsg been to 11(0 f,trin, Possession at 0005. For further pa'CiGnlarsPOLLARD, to 11. WM. Ltbhol. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on To n0115,-5110 unGOTSIgzed Offers for sale or to rout that 1 story frame house on Turnberryy street, North of the Terrace, lately 0000piod by S. TI. 38OIcs0n. For par. 6111111100 apply t0 95, A. Kerr, or the owner,. J, HOARL, Auburn P. 0, 80.11 !'1APT, J. STR]STTON, v Who has bad 25 years experience as an Auctioneer, but who had to quill owing to ill health, has again taken out heense and is prepared to oonduot salon at reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates may be arranged at Tan PosT Publishing Mmes. JAS. ST11ETWIN, 1-tf Auntie neer, CEALED TENDERS WILL BE received up to 12 noon on Sept. 27th, for the position of Janitor in the Methodist Church and Caretaker of the Brussels Cemetery. Duties to commence Nov. let. Speoiflcat1ons may be obtained by applica- tion to A. 00081.89, Secretary -Treasurer Trustee Board REAL ESTATE. 'FARM TO RENT.—THE UN- L dersigned will leen his 200 acro farm, being North Half Lot 24 snit North Half of South Half Lobs 25 mud 20, 0on,0, Morris. Good buildings, none more convenient; land in good order. Possession on Nov. 1st, Beason for leasing, going into business iu Brussels. For further part looters apply to WALTER TNN110, at the Carriage Works 0f Ewan & Innes, Brussels. 841 T.11ARM P011 SALE.—THE UN - AA nEne10Nmn offers his ane 200 acro farm being Lots 27 and 28, 51 0011, 8, Morrie. 0 the premises aro 2 comfortable houses and 8 barns, two orchards, wells, tea. 105 pleated, balance bush. Farm is only 2 milds from Walton village and 45 from Brussels. Possession could be given in 2 months after sale, For further parttoulars es to pride, terms, 16,,., apply on the promisee or if by letter to Walton P.O.OHN LAWSON, 0.9f Proprietor. Ilmammosumeeen O315(. 10, 1$01:1 east .. pt• i!. F7 ' - r. a r. We sell many pounds of Insect Powder every sea- son, There is a good reason for this increasing demand-- It emand—It isn't so much the price but it is the Superior Quality and Effectiveness of the powder we keep which persuades so many people to buy it from us. Have you tried it ? A T"' e- Fozez Drag Store. tIAB.0 FOR SALE.—TLE UN– alaxmD offers his 100 aero ferns for sale, being the South 8 of Lot 27, Con. 5, Morris, Thera are 80 cares oleered and well fenced, batenco about 0 amps cedar swamp, remainder handwood bush. There is a good brick house with kitchen, woodshed and cellar complete, large bank barn with stab- ling, orchard, two good wells and other 00e- Ve41e1100s, Situated 4 miles from Brussels and 1f miles from Jamesbnwn. Possession given 1e6 0f March, Fall Wheat Will be put iu by to sant. For price and terms apply to Ha1Tow P.O., Essex 00. JOHN WILSON, Prop. EIARIVI FOR SALE.—THE UN- A1� 06ltszenns offers big 100 sere farm for sale, being Lot 22, N1 Con. 7, Morris, There aro 70 acres cleared and under crop, helium hardwood bash. These is a good frame bons With kilohm,, woodshed and cella complete; bark barn with stone stabling orchard, wells, and alt other conveniences. Only,4 of a mile from school and 8 miles from 13005551s. POesessfo,r would bb givetl at once. For price and terms apply on the premises or to Brussels P. 0. to 81.1f ' SIMON FOIRSYTH, Proprietor. Notice to Creditors. Irl f7re Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the allotter of the estate of Thomas Taylor, late of the Torn of Godcrfnlp deceased Notice is bereby 06011, pursuant to B. S. 0., Obap., 120, Soo. 38, that all persons having any Claims against the estate of the weld !'hos. Taylor, late of the 'town of Goderieb, gentleman, deceased, who died ou Or abort the 20th day of July, A,D„ 16',18, are required to end by mall, postpaid, or deliver to G. F. Blair, Solicitor for the Executors, at Brits - MAR P,O., Gtr or before the 2.411, day of Sept, 1808, a full statement and particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and on and after the said 24th clay Sept. the said estate will bo distributed among those entitled thereto, having{ regard only to the claims of which notioe shall thou have been given. Dated at B russets let day of Sept„ 1608. W.H.KERR A OIISL .0 ns', Exeoutora. R. lt leTBEExecutors. 16,So G. DLATR, Solicitor for xeoutore. Strictly One Price. ilEwcrys ,Re liable.. • F4LL 1 We're Now Ready for Early Buyers 0 of New Fall Goods. If. it so happens that you need to purchase Fall Goods this month we're ready for you with very large stocks in every department at very low prices. --New Dress Silks, now Waist Silks, new Colored Dress Goods, Stylish Black Dress Goods, 15 to 20 per cont. lower than ever before. —Now Corded Velveteens, in all the latest colors and shades at 40o. —Ladies' and Children's German Cashmere Hose at from 10 to 15 per cent below former prices. —Boys' and Girls' heavy rib, all wool Hose, bought direct from the Canadian Manufacturer, Which means a saving of the wholesale profit. —New Mantles, bought direct from three different Gorman Makers and passed through customs at lowest duty, hence we aro able to sell them at 15 per cent. below regular prices. SPECIAL POR SATURDAY: Shirt Waists will 6 pyo like this ; ' ,t 26c. Each —All classes at 75e. and un- der we will clear at. .....40c. —All Shirt waists at ;1.00 and :1.85 will go at OOe. —80 pairs only, Black and Tan :Kid Gloves, slightly dam- aged, worth regular i 1.00 and $1.25 per pair. Highest Pride Paid l'ot' Butter and Eggs. --------------- �-=�r pYitt 1. n Dry Goods and Groceries,