HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-9-16, Page 71
SEPT, 9, 1898
ecce House In the t'tfy of Jericho -All I1*'
vatting Al'1114' flineehes nn the 011y'• -
40l1480 ea 1794 Iger 4'ntherr .apt h(r, Oro.
111186 and maters --The 5314 84 3. tdue rias
Hayed 11Eundeed6 or Ellirnoion41N, and fl.
Mill Piave 188.
A delpat(h 8.0114 Washington says:
Dr. frail:tage preached from the fol-
lowing- text: "Anil she bound the scar-
let line in the window,"-'Jel41104 11. 21.
If you have nay idea. that 1 have
&mem this text beealu811 it is odil, you
do not know ra131 11014 the errand on
which I come, Eternity ds too near,
through Egypt, It watt the blood of the
or) the dnur.enat.s that saved the
lw'nelltes ; and now that. vengeitnee bas
pool1' upon Jerinlw it, in the same eoltlr
held ussnrew 11111 Hatay of llathab and
1111 her hnu8ehold, My fii(:oda, thele
are fors rooting (1(11,11 4111, more deadly
night before your dwelling; last all
Ileal' eaunul pintail your huu1ehuld. Js
there a scarier- line in the window?
Rave your children been nonseeruled
In C'hri61..1 have youbeen washed in
the blood of atonement? In wlint. ('01401
do you have family prayers? )1.h(W me
and care 11•emendou3, to overthrow where it is you are ntieu8lemed to
our immortal lut0relt-8. They will kneel. The sky is Water with the com-
tra1nyd11 es down and 017131, u6 out fpr ing deluge: Is your remit y In -
ever, unions there 16e some skilful mode side or outside of the ark ?
of rodeo Open. The police of dentia el -
ready begin to elamonr for our sur-
rundnr; but, blesmed be God, there is a
Ivey out. IL is tllrougll. Lim window,
and l*y a rope No saturated with the
blood of the erten 113x4 it is as r(((1 as
that with lorded the spies wore lowered; is a sad thing for a mother 1,o team
and if once our 801115 6111111 be delivered, C.'ilri_$L; but to gather her Gamily aru4lnd
then, the ararlel, cord, siretebed across her, and then take them by the hand
the window, of our aleap0, we may defy and lead them out into paths of world -
all bnmbdr-ti hent earthly 013d eaten ie. Illness, away from God a11(1 heaven -0,
41 is a sixd, thin;; tor a rola to ro,je(vt.
Christ; but to lie (tolwr3 en the night of
sin, aerate; the path Io heaven, ao 11sut
his family tome up and trip over hila
into an infinity of, horrors --drat le 1138
l0nge31,, l.11e 3143eee84.., the mightiest, It
In the first place, carrying out Um it will lake all the dirges of 'earth
agony. v, I
and life too abort, for man to take starlet cord across the window of our suppose them are m this shut( h io have had even 1Lis faint .glimpse of 1 none, "The wan of one nook" bas al-
toxi merely because the ar 1peou- retteue. There opines n time when a night families represented where they_ it, We now only get a dim outline ori ways been recognized as a Formad- )
Ls me y Y I man is suzrnunrlecl. What i8 that in Inns not been an raudlbl0 prayer It the inhabitants, We uo0 onl hero-
liar, .I. Lok(1 this becuum, )1: 1s full of fared for Jaen your chore may h_ y 16 (' power; the woman of one society"
the G•unl. door oL Lis soul? Tt Is the and eller_ catch a note of the ex- is equally needed, "This one thing I
the old Gospel. lhreai,cnings of the future, \lrhat is geranium and (motets in the wiudov, qu,8ite harmony, do, ' is the motto of those who lay Icon
There is a very skit and sad Louse Hutt in the buck door of Lis soul? it is and upholstery hovering over it, and
Dat 'blessed be God for this Scarlet dations and build towers that: endure,
in the city of Jericbo. What is the the 8108 of the pact. fie cannot get eh'eliao81 aces s(aool ngh01.1(l0stre'tol,Ad lin_ in the window. That lolls. mei ".L had roadie have, Mrs, L--. on my 1
matter'd Is et pov(31117 No. \Car50 1113 (4out (4 r 41(13 it he of boll betme el': 0 4118_r ways. 08 acvoss 1C. Although that beano may that the home fpr my soul, nof h t I shall 140 theitit bought re 111' club," t ! committee fsuaid one other
1Vlse c rEanizer. man in l
than that, Is i14 leprosy? No. 1(1160 Vi but 81111.11 he clot 18seape through seom to b1, on the finest 81180 in all when my work is dune here. Auil x5;'1. ; 'Sha is not 80 41eY_T or so widely
than that. Is it death 1 No. Worse the window of. God's marc That sun-
the city, it is coolly an tate edge of
shine has been y' a marsh zit i s real ll swept most pais- put my Land on that scarlet line, known 5s some ot13_r members, perhaps,
than that. A daughter has forsaken .day Bud's- inviting! mercy. Clod's n for naauy a onaus mularia4s, and il'. has a ncome MYtything eYe ghtan ge Lebettefuture
r, said brightens.
her time nand interest ood clear judgment,
not sc t
het Lome. fly what infernal pro shefoundation, and. els splendor will
d of the, victors are more lustrous, and tared among forty other things, aa,
our loved ones who went away 80010 theirs are. She will come to every cum -
w n more' • •s c 11
ti ago -they do notst, 1,d n.t'1, in tbe first place, 1,d
o, em tt meeting, e
m 1, 1 yy1 eo g, P
with their Lacks to us, but. thew faces not have half. a dozen conflicting en -
idea of my text, we must stretch this end hell to weep out that d
Upon rich, pure, nourishing blood by
taking Baud's Sarsapelrilla, and you
will be free from ((1041 spells of de-
spair, those8leepiess nights anti anxious
days, those gloomy, deathlike feelings,
those sudden starts at mere nothings,
those dyspeptic symptoms clod blinding
150dac cosi hoods Sw•sapurllla has done
this for many others -it w,11 cure you.
Dal o 's Sarsaparillas
Ta Oanaan'n C1•entest hwodiettet. $11 rix for $5,
Sooe'8 Pine cure 21ek Headache. Ida
'I'fI( WOMAN OL'' ;4OCVI'1T11.S.
In these day's of woman's clubs and
401 icl.ie9 11 is well to remember the
great. truth that w93ntever is worth
doing le worth doing well. %Viten 41 Wo-
man in u member of six charitable so-
clelle5 the is apt to he the kind of
member that always exru8e9 hm'se11
from any bard work upon committees,
On., by saying, "I belong to on many
other societies you see that T really
can't endort.uke extra work." She Ls
quite right, in one way; for to keep,
up 11411$ the meetings. Of six societies
_ le as much as the ordinary woman. who
the hills or heaven and the landscape has her ordinary (lut)es besides, can
of eternal beauty'. God bus opened possibly accomplish. Bob tae is entirely
ills window for us, and we look out; wrong, o3 tbe other hand, in belong. -
but how if we do not 131st. there? If ing to so marry that she is useful in
Hover get there (letter never to
rv.15 induced to leave 1 know not; but erry (ood'syeverla811014 mercy. But down, and great will be then fall of, tt,
they look in vain for her return, Some you say, the window is so high. Ah, A home without God) A prayer less
fathw_ I An nnrlevon1 mothor Awful!
Lifnes they hear a footstep very much theye is n rope, the very one with
w•hoh the (tress and its victim were awful) Is that you? Will you keep, lire thin war and their V0100 drops' n ements; and when she goes home.
litre bars and they start'. up and say, sifted. Ph tt sus strong enough to on, my brother, on the wrong road, and through thisSabbathair, saying with she will think about it all, without
"She comes!" but only to sink flank hold Christ, and It is strong enough take your lovaci pies with you? 14 aY all tenderness and sweetness: "Comer! being preoccupied b the busineasmat-
0193 ,nn(lrlet g P p Y
again into disappointment. Alas! . to held you. Bear all your weight up- the loin of tyhuss ltee•Ilom you ought to
Allis I The father sits by the bour, j on it, all your hopes for this life, all save. You see I talk plainly to you,
Come 1 Gomel" And the child that youtees of any other organization, which
think of as only buried -why, there i is an advantage that cannot be (wares -
she is, and it is May -clay in heaven; !Unmated." Another equally wise work -
your hopes for the lite that 19 Lo come.
work -
with lois face in his Lanita, saying not K nave nolo tbicngk the wendowv, Just a5 I would hove you talk plain- and they gather the amaranth, and (ter, when elected to the presidency of
one 1470111. 1738 mother's Hair i9 he- "Ilut," you gay, "that cord is too ly t0, mo. lime is
n ani nlac•es, they pluck the tidies, and they twist an important society, immediatly re -
coming gray too fast, and she begins small to save me'; that salvation will
nunno snare any
to stoop so that those who saw her never do at all for such a sinner as I Youl o ve tooyour ahildrenm10a1ather,
have been." 1 8uppo88 that (he rope
only (4 little while ago in the street0 mothor, more than food, more than
with which Rehab lot: the two epiea clothin , more than shelter -you owe
1411033' her not now as she masses. Tho to the ground n•c1s net thiols enough; them the exempla of food,aprarful, oon-
beothers clench their fists, Swear- but they took that or nothing. And, my speraLad, pronounced, cul -and -out
Lag vongean00 against the despoiler of deur brother, that is your alternative. Christian life. You cannot afford tet
Thera is only one scarlet line that eon
the home. Alas! will the poor eon] save, yOu. Chore have been hundr•eda keep it away frons them.
never back? There is a long, and thousands who have been borne Now, tie I stated here, you do not see
deep shadow over all the hous81101d, awn in safety by Chat scarlet line, and any hands outstretched towards 4013,
Added to this there is an invading it wo
w111 bear you away in saafety. 1)o 1)0(1 nd handatherm
on both mo shouldeera. They
you pollee what a very narrow escape e hands
army' six miles away, just over the those spies had? 1 suppose they came
river, coming on to tlestroy'ihc city, with flustered cbeek and with excited
and what with the lass of 'their child, heart, 'l'hey'had a very narrow escape..
r and parental benediction. It
is quite a good many year's ago 811100
we folded those hands as they began
the last sloop on the banks of the
Raritan, in the rv111age cemetery; but
those hands are s1retel)ed out to-
they are
' ht cud U 1
3' a 'o -1,i
1urda In L J
g r
: to
war an they aro just, as gentle
as 711 d Y J
AS when 1 sat at their knee at five
years of ego. And I shall never shake
off those hands, f do not want to.
They have helped me so much athou-
sand times aireedy, and I (10 oat ex-
pect: to have atrouble or a trial be-
tween this and my grave where those
hands 1'iL1 not help me. 11 was not a
very splendid home, as the world calls
it; but we hod a family .11ible there,
well worn by tender perusal; and there
was a family altar there, whore we
knelt morning and night; and tber'e
was a holy Sabbath there;'and stretch-
ed in astraight line or hung in loops
of festoons, there was a scarlet line in
the window. 0, the tender, 1)1801ous,
blessed memory o£ a Christian home 1
Is that the impression you are mak-
ing upon your children? When you are
dead -and it will not be long before
you are-wh'en'you ere dead, will your
child say: "1f there 00110 w118 agood
Christian father, mine was one. If
there ever was a good Christian moth-
er, mine was one?" Will they say that
after you are dead? Standing some
Sabbath night in church preaching the
glorious Gospel, as [ am trying to d0,
will they tell the people in that day
hove there are hands o£ benedlmtion on
their brow and bands of parental bene-
diction 011 both their shoulders?
Still further•; the want this scarlet
line of the text drawn across the win-
dow of our prospects. I see Rehab, and
and her
her father, and mother,
kin out
rs l0 0
'ate! P
brothers and st g
trees and
Jericho, the city of palm -trees,
across the river, and over et the army
invading, and then up to the mountnius
and sky. Mind you, this house wee
on the wall, and 1 suppose the pros•
peat from the window must have been
very wide. Besides that, I do not
think that the scarlet line at all in-
s l d-
' vof an
e veal th
with th
scapty. The aesurenee it gave of safe-
ty must. besot added to the beauty of
Lhe country. To -night, my friends,
r' 'h-
1• f.at
window o
't iu the t
we stand or sa
ly prospects, and we look off towards
and the coming on of that destructive 'they Welt L0 the broad (1001' of Bin
but bow di the me out?
They came
army, I think the old people wished d y co Y
ant u
out of the wvm to The w by
( w n
the stairs of stone ; they came
down an a slender thread. And
so, my friends, we go easily
and unabashedly into sin, and
all the doors are open; but If we get
out at all it will be by being let down
over precipices, wriggling and helpless,
tbe strong grip above keepnig us from
being dashed on the rooks beneath. It
is easy to get into sin, young man. 11
is not so easy to get out of it.
A young man, to -night, goes to the
marble counter of the bar -room of the
Fifth Avenue Hotel. He asks for a
brandy smash -called so, I suppose, be-
cause it smashes the men thn.t takes it.
There is no intoxication in it. As the
young man receives it he does'not seem
to be at all excited. It does not give
an'y glossiness to the eye. He walks
home )n beautiful apparel, and all his
prospects are brilliant. That drink i8
not going to destroy him, but it is the
first step on a bad road. Years have
passed on, and I see that young man
after he has gone the. whole length of
dissipation. it is midnight, and he is
is a hotel -perhaps the very one where
he took the first drink. Ile is in the
fourth story, and the delirium is on
him. He rises from tbe bell and comes
to Lho window, and it is easily lifted;
so he lifts it. Tben he pushes back the
blinds and puts his foot on the window
sill. Then he gives one spring, and
the watchman finds his disfigured body
unrecognizable, on the pavement. 0,
ata a little -if he
1 waited of ho had only
had come down on the scaulai; ladder
Hint Jesus holds from the wall for him,
and for you, and for me; but no, he
made one jump, and Ova48 gone. A min-
ister of Christ was not long ago dis-
missed from his diocese for iatoxica-
tian, and in a peeblie meeting at the
W08t he gave t11i: account of his sor-
row. Ile said; " 1 had a beautiful
• but strop drink ahatLe e(1
home once
it. I bad beautiful children; but this
fiend of rum Look their dimpled hands
in his and led them to the grave. I
had n wife -to know her was 10 love
her; but she sits in wretehed31ess to-
night.,while I wander over the earth.
l had a mother, tend the pride of her
life was me; but 1.111' Ihundurbolt 8lruak
her. I nolo have 80nro01y a friend. in
the world. '(1)18(:0 111 1110 bitter cup I
have lasted, anti then tlUSW00 me as
to whether I have any' hatred for the
agency of my ruin. 11a.le it! T, hate
the whole demniug (41111ie. I would
to God to -night Hint pv:lty 1is1ill*ry
Wild 111 Homes, for (hell 1)11 the glow-
ing sky 1 would, write in 111e 81(1010, of
the ruin, " Woe to him plat, pallet13
the bottle l u his neighbour's ape I"
i`hel. 3ninial et of I 11e 0051101 want ill
1.11 rough the limed 11300 ((4 011101.n ion;
he mune 0111. of 11143 W'1n110W. .And
W11an .1 see 1110 10111111111ons that are
ab0ltt its, noel When 1 know 1 h pro-
ellvity' to sin du eery cyan's heart,
1 see 1ha1 If any or its emotive it. will
be a very no emir Peen ale. 0, if 1ve.
Neve, any friend(„ got off trent 0111' sen
101 u6 I 10 1110 Hen 010t 1.11 rand by whirl,
1140 1153'0 110011 5111 ed (lnl'(155 1 he Wi n-
duw, 1',01. us d0 l: in praise of Hint
wiut6c, blood dyed il. 111111 velour. Let
it. he to annoutteement. or the r,1411 that
we shell no more 'be nattily nssaulL-
ncl. "'.1`here is 110W tie epudermali011 to
them (het ern in C'114!st .Jesus." Then
let all (1113 fora0s De 11113 world tome ep
in cavalry charge, And 101, 8pieits of
dnrknees come 011 nn infernal storm-
ing party attempting 1.o take 0u1'
50(11, this repo 1:lvieted from these
words, "The blood of ,resits Christ
alean8eth from 411l stn, will hurl them
beak defeated for ever,
Still further; wo crust dente this red
acrd of the !.ext and stretch it Across
Elle window of 0114 hnusehold8. When
the 13raelill811 n.riny, Oil Ma up against.
Jericho, they said: "Whet is haat in
the window?" Scent one ante: "'I'hnt
is a Owlet lino" "0,' said 30(118 one
0150, " that 1111Isi be file house that
W115 Lo b0 sparred. Don't, Oil 011 it. "111111.
line -vee Melt enough, and iong en-
ough, and emlapicunl's enough, to Save
'Rn11813, her father, hot n10111er, iter
brothers, and her sisters-L11c entire
Enmity. Bove titer •increta old" 1,e geed
111o1eol.lon(1 You have bolls on the
front •deer, and Ota the back, 111111 fnst-
4ning8 to the Window, end perhape bite-
wet.ehrnan blowing Itle Whistle at mid.
that they could die. That is the first:
scene in this drama of the Bible,
In a house on the wall of that city
is the daughter. Tbat is her home
now. 'Iwo spies have come from the
ansa lie;; army to look around through
Jericho h.., ;ill see ho' best it may be
t. en. Yonder is the lost child, in
that dwelling 011 the wall of the city,
She melee hear of it, and soon there
is the Phuftling offeatall around about
the door, and the city government de-
mands the surrender of those two
spies. -First, Raha11-for that was the
u,.nle of the lost child -first, Rehab
secretes the two spies, and gets their
pursuer8 off the track; but after
awhile she says to then!: "I will make
a Uurg:ain with you. 1 1vi11 save your
life it yea will save my life, and the life
of my father and mother, and my
brothers and my sisters, when the vic-
torious army comes upon the city." 0,
she halt not forgotten her home yet,
you see. The wanderer never targets
home, Iter heart breaks novo as the
thinksof how she hassealtreated her
parents, and she wishes she were back
with them again, au?r rine wishes she
could get away from bar sinful en-
sometimes she 1
e d s0 up
thr:dm n and
i bursting
tin ht
the c
L face of midnight, ,
into agonizing tears. No sooner have
triose two spies promised to save her
life, and the life of her father and
mother, and brothers, and sisters, than
Rehab t:.kes a scarlet cord and ties it
around the body of one of the spies,
brings him to the window, and at he
t she have
0l1 ors out
a mu
n uecular
strength to bold haw-wit:h z
emus such SSWOman seldom has, she
let hire <iown, hand over hand, in safe-
ty to the ground. Not being ex-
nd th
cord aeon e
111 00
•, a lase o
h,4u ted, l.h
other sp} brings, him to the window,
and just cls suaee8sfu11y lets him down
to the ground. No sooner stave these
men untied. the scarlet cord from their
bodtee then tbey look up, and they say:
"You ,had better get all your friends
in this house -your father, your moth-
er, your brothers, and your testers; you
bad better get them in this buten, And
then, after you have them hem, take
i.his real card which you have put. atoaud
our bodies, and tie it across the Win-
dow'; when (lur<ViOtorious army aches
up, and 4014 111141 scarlet• 111re'!11 in 1 h.1
window they will 8LL1are this !louse and
al who are 111 11, Shell it 1.41 so?" cried
the spire, "Aye. aye,`" said Rebels
from the window, "i(. shall be 50."
Thai, is the second scene in 111(8 Bible
'T110rc 15 t4 16001,14 at the door of the
old man. He Inotoi up, and says: "Come
in," and lot there is Ilaltnb, the 1(491
child ; nut she has no time to talk, 'They.
gather ie (tie items 11. mantel her, and
she says to them, Get reedy gtavkly,
and go with (pe (.o my lumne.'i'he crusty
is coming I Tito trumpet I .Rinke loud el
Fly 1 '1.110 emery I' pint is the third.
scene 111 this Bible dram.
The hrnots of it.rael lire ell wanted
about' the doomed, oily or Jericho,
OrashI goes -Liu gr1(4t met repel is, il'ap8
on hen 05. 7131 air stlffora trig with
the dust, and horrible with Ihn tro'en1115
Ott v dying city. All the hoist's flat
down. A11 the people dead. Ali, no,
no, On n meg of the wall --Llan only
piece o4 the hall left standing -there
is a hou443 width we comet enter. :!'here
have been s)ar-
ns afamily there that >e 1
ea. W hp are they ? Lot ns go in and
see, Rebel,. her father, her .mother,
her, brothers, her sisters, all safe, and
the only house left Standing in all the
City. Whet Saved th3014 Was the
bouse more firmly built? 0 no; 1L• 1645
built in the most. lierilou8 place -on the
wall and, the wall was (11.3 Heidi thing
that 'fell. 'Was it bettne6e her e1111'(a8-
ter was any bettor than aln,4' 04 the 01h -
e' population or lh1 city? Ono, Why
then was ell) seared, en's all 13e• i>ottsl.-
bold4 Can you 1x11 me why?„ 0, it
wvas the starlet line in the Window.
Thee is the fourth 1(13nq in this Bible
When the destroying angel mitt
then! into a garland for her brow, and i signed from two other organizations
she is one of the May queens of hea- I in which she had been a member, so
ven. 0 do you think they could see as to give her whole mind to the larg-
our wavering to -night? It L5 quite a ee work, and the result fully justified
pleasant night outdoors, pretty clear, • her decision. It is less necessary, in
not many clonus in the sky, quitetstar- t fact, in these crowded times to wad
light. I wonder if they can see us en usefulness than to deepen it; and,
fvom that good lima I think they maul• truly, unless we are remarkably en -
If from this window of earthly pros- i Jawed with energy and power, mast
poets we can almost see them, then I of us soon spread our usefulness out
from their toners of light I think' so thin that its very existence is pro -
they. can fully see us. And so I wave blematieal.
them the glory, and 1 wave them 1138
joy, and I say: "Have you got.
through with all your trouble?" and
their voices answer: "God bath wiped
away all tears from our eyes." Isay,
"Ls it as graud up (here as you
b • d thevoices
thought it would e8" and
alns3ver: Eye bath not 'seen nor oar
heard, neither hath it entered into
the heart 0f elan, the tbings which
God hath prepared for those that love
Him." I say: "Do you have any more
struggle for bread?" and they answer:
"lVe hunger no more, we thirst no
mores" And I say: "Have you been
out to the cemetery of the golden
city?" and they answer: "There 1s no
death here." And I look out through
the high heavens, and 1 Bay: "Where
do y'ou get your, light from, and what
do you burn in the temple?" and they
answer: "There is no night here, and
WO have no need of candle or aster."
And I say: "What book do you sing
More People Are Tortured by eke Ponds o1
ltlecmnatlarls. Thea by Apr Other Cnnae.
—There 1s a Cure for It.
Fiore the Advertiser. Elartlaud, N.B.
)1r. lIlobnrd Dimat. 0: Lower Brigh-
ton, Is one of 111, 01:1.: prosperous and
]lest known Farmers of Carleton coun-
ty N. D. Li June, 1x7, lir. Dixon
30(19 seize(1131(11 all snook of 1411ettm14-
1,1141n, 4(041 for 6114 3ceeks lay abed suf-
fering all the 10rtu1es of tbis ter-
rible disease. 110 ;4,(•4394 so weak that
he was unable to turn in bed, t1n(1 his
friends almost 11espaized of his recov-
ery. _1.t this stage nue of bis friends,
33' to had been cured of the same dis-
ease by' the use of Dr, Williams' Pink
fills, urged Mc. 1)1x00 to give them
n trial, which adv ice was follow'ed'.
Almost. from the day' 111. Dixon began
the use of the pills an improvement
was noted, 1'iro1•30usly' his appetite had
almost completely tailed tend the fir:.t
sign of vet urniug .health was a fee -
intent reeling of hunger, Then the pains
began to reds_ flim, and his strength
gradually returned and tarter using
about a dozen boxes Mr, Dixon -vas
as well (ts ever he had been. To a
reporter of the Hartland Advertiser,
141:r. Dixon snits he had 110 doubt his
present health 1va5 due entirely to e
use of Dr, Wil.lialns' P,uk Pills, and
since his recovery he 000138i0ntllle u5e5
t8 box to ward oft a possible t'eoacnrr-
0n00 of the trouble.
Dr. Williams'' Pit* Pills 01u•e by
nlaki0(4 now 111oed and invigorating
the nerves, but you must go 111e gen-
uine, ahvn.ys put up in boxes the wren -
per around width bea1,5 the full trade
1narir name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People." Do not be pel•8ltaded
as bink col -
lo take any of Iaia numerous 1
(teed smitalitons which 50nw( unsOrupee
haus dealers say art "just the sante."
In 0ns14 of doubt 8430(1 diruot to lir,
Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville,
Ont,., and the pi115 will be 411ai1011 post
paid' ati 50 Dents 14 bus or site boxes 402
out ofr and they answer. The Ha I-
101ajaL Chores." :And 1 say:' 'In the
splendour and magnificence of the
city, don't you ever get lost?" and
they answer: "The Lamb which is in
the midst of the throne loadeth us to
living. fountains of waters." 0 how
near it seems to -night, 'their wings -
do you feel them? Their harps - do
you not hear them? And all that
through the window of our earthly
pro-pects, across which eta'etobeth the
scarlet lino,
Be that my.cboire colour for ever,
Is It too glaring for you? '.Do you
like the blue 1Beatu10 it reminds you,of
the sky, or the green because 111101akes
you think of the foliage, or the ;black
because it has in it the shadows of
the night? I taire the scarlet because
it shall make me think of the prise
that was paid formY soul. 0 the
a b
e7 m
blood! t 1 blood of th
od he blood) the o
that takoth away the sin of the world.
Through it we 0805.18 sin. 'through
atone for you? Believe in it and 7.9
live, 2lefase it, and you die. Wu
you accept L1, or well you pull own•
on you the eternal calamity of reject-
You n
aro at
. see where you are. 1 u
w e
the ,:rasa roads to -night- The next
step decides everything. Pause be -
for you take L.; but do not panne too
long lest the wind of God's justice
Bleat shut the door that hes oe
standing open s(1 long, I hear the
thunder of God's ertill0r3'. 1 bene the
bla.0t of the trumpet that wakes the
dead, Look ontl Look null For in
1ba1 day, and in our closing moment
on earth, better than any o1118r de-
fence or barricade, however high or
broad or ftupendous, will be one little,
thin, scarlet thread in the win(101v,
Selz, a Swiss town in the canton of
Aargau, is suffering from a peculiar
boycott. Tho town recently dis-
missed its schoolteacher, after fifty
years' service, without giving bim a
pension, and advertised for n, new
teacher. Tbere were no applicants
for t:he place, the Aargau leathers'
League having put the town on its
black list and declared that It would
not remove the ban till the discharged
teacher received a pension. The town
(Melded to sue the teachers, but no
lawyer to the canton could be found
to take up the case. Other profes-
sional men have also decided 'to have
nothing to do with Sulz.
Though Wesley was never rich and
never had a large salary ho managed
to give away over $200,000 during his
life, Tle founded in 7inglend an 071-
torprine for loaning poor people small
auras to title themover transient &ifs
ficulties. A cobbler, who received a
loan of $20 from this fund, was able to
show Wesley before the latter's death
that the profits of his bdsine58 wore
$150,000 per year.
A despatch from Budapest to a Lon-
don news agency says that on Sun-
day, 1611118 11 rogiment was crossing a
pontoon bridge over the Raver Maros,
near 1 -load, the bridge collapsed. Throe
hundred men weee Immersed, and it
is feared that no fewer than eighty
were drowned.
4illhY6W,NYNN AN WYtWuritn iWititelatMirtIN
village in Canada, to solicit orders
for well advertised and established
s article. Easy to sell, and satislac•
eon insured. No deposit re-
quired. Give references when
replying. Address,
Hamilton, Ont.
WANTED. Agents in city, town aneveryd
And the: Creat Shakespeare Couldn't Stand
the fare.
IMIr. Frank Flarris in the Saturday
Review offers an ingenious explana-
tion of the poet's death. The com-
mentators have mostly agreed to re-
ject the anecdote that Shakespeare
died of a fever resulting from"a merry
meeting" with Ben Jonson and Michael
Drayton at Stratford -on -Avon. The
story was published by a clergyman
who heart. of it about 90 years after
the event. It has shocked into in-
credulity a good many people wbo im-
agine Shakespeare to have not been a
man, but a demi-god. Nov, Mr. Frank
Harris surmises F • i ea from a number
passages in Shtkes
works that.
he was a poor <irLnker, and had a great
contempt for the drinking customs of
his period. .But he was bored to death
at Stratford, and when his friends
came to see him he yielded to the temp-
tation to drink too mu('.h, and paid the
penalty. Jonson and Drayton vers
none the 1'O.Cse for the debauch, but
like his own
'1 cot who. 1 e
it killed the k
Cassie, had "unhappy brains" for this
form of indulgence. The theory is
plausible enough, but then, lIr,
1is spoilsit by arguing that Shakes-
petra was not only a poor drinker, but
also a, bad sleeper. The well-known
speeches about sleep, Nature'5 sweet
restorer, ars cited to show that the
writer suffered from ins0mni1. They
may mean no more than Shakespeare's
o'bsorvation of the effects of sleepless-
ness in others, just as the diatribes
against drtnkies may prove nothing ex-
cept ghat, while t4 groat toper him-
self, this most sympathetic of all mor-
tals could enter into the feelings of
men who were constitutionally incap-
able of carrying their liquor.
A writer at Glenera tells of ti1)3 for-
omo35n_st of the lnoquitoes that lay
to wait for the traveller between tbe
head of the Sttoke0n and Telegraph
creek, on the road to Klondike, Ile says:
It is 1101>olea8 to tell here or the,fero-
ctous mosquitoes which inhabit the
565mps, simply because there aro no
figures in our notation retch convey a
just idea or their numb_45, nor adjec-
tives in our vocabulary to Adequately
set forth the emotions of their victims.
Mon in our OW11 party who uncom-
plainingly slept upon the snow night
after night last winter with 110 tent
above their Made who cheerfully
worked for eighteen hours out of the
twenty"four on the trail, and lrnety 110
better diet for three months than bee
can and beatl8-11108_ same mon, who
knew the hardships of life as few can
ever know them, gave up and wept
with nervousness and vexation at, the
010ee of a day's engagement with mos-
con acal Jr esu
keepers buy
First Visitor, at summer Hotel --1
have not seen your hu6bhnd this sea-
,Second Visitor -No, poor man, he
can't come -too busy.
First Visitor -Indeed 'i
Second Visitor -Yes, Ice's president
of a big ice 0ompan7 nova, and he has
to wort( like a slave 1.9(4111 and day to
keep the price of ice from falling.
Putnem's Dorn Extractor
Ls the beat temedy for corns extant.
u2. makes
n tore spots
n 1 ua
It acts q v
and effect a ladled. 1 euro. A hund-
red Lnlitutions prove )t.e vaiuc, 'I:akc.
neither substitutes offered as good
nor the _lose imilatlend of the genuine
too often offered.
now be taken by irotelads far more
Particular Citizen -These new red
stamps are not as adhesive as they
ought to be.
Postal Official -I (4110115 you never
tried carrying a sheet of them in your
pooket on a bot day.
Take Laxative Bromo quinine 'tablet,, All Drug.
slate refund the money It It milli to Core. 110,
'emu onoyll no es'aeqq Inttoauldiy era,113 the Alps, Is prob4ably at a greater
altitude than any other building in the
world. Its foundation stones are ex-
actly 12,000 feet eb -ova the see level.
Persons suffering from d'r 1s s ffarin B
unions or
Corns Should spread a little "Quick -
cure" on the bunion, or cor1before re-
tiring at. night, (giver the "Quickeure"
with a piece of tissue paper, and tie
a piece of linen over the pupae to keep
it in place until tbe morning, then
remove linen and the "Quickcure cov-
ered with tissue paper :nukes a per-
fect plaster; reducing all inflamma-
tion causing pain.
That fortune teller said if I paid her
$5 she would reveal to me why I don't
get ,rich.
Di.d you give it to her?
Yes, and she told me I had a great
weakrwss for fooling away money.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
be local applications,as they cantle tench the
'lisea'rd portion of 11e eat. There le only one
way to mire deafness, and that l•, by (unetltn-
tioual remedies. Doctrine. fa onu8ed by an In-
flamed gcniltion of Lho ('111enn' lining of the
(Cuataohlan Tube. When •. h c tube gots innnm-
ed ;toe have a rumbling 'o-md or imperfect
hearing, ,1,dwhen itIs nselycio•eddiablese
in thereattlt,andvnless o Inflammation can be
taken out end thin tube rector "et 1, its acres!
condition, 'hawing will be demi r..yed forever;
n 0e casae out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which 111 nothing but an inflamed condition of
'be mnesue madam.
We will give nine Hundred Dollars for any
nee et Deafnesq Icituerd by ealeerrh) that can.
;et be cured by Hairs Ce. 870)1 Ouro. Send for
.'iroulors, free.
F. J. 014E14E7 R: 00„ Toledo, 0.
Sold by Droggtste, 75e.
lIall'e Family Pine are the beet..
Irate Guest -See here -Your adver-
Haomett, said no mosquitoes."
Sampler Landlord -There wasn't a
mosquito here when that advertise.
ment was written, not one. You must
remember I began advertising
in Ap-
1141110, A,11U0 G HelperI
Barelsl era,etn„ rnmov811
to 1-'n•1ey illdgs., Rio), -
mond. Bt, W.,'Porento.
'TORONTO carer NO Sc11001, offers *pedal
indtwornonte to young mon doelrona of
oatleit. 13t[Y RNOL8 ST.. TORONTO ap61i•
80 C1)E,,+63 41(10 18e::
t Vi bm11
1s5. 01.Loedlde
Years. AMc your deafen
COMPANY, 370 51 con West, Toopto.
i F you want to either buy or sell Apples
1 3n car lots, write us.
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,
INVITATION to horrhy extended to all you's
man • 1,d women Interested f
Practical education W write for the N 80500 (tap of
the nenwn41850elYrar. Right
30TT080500. FALL
TAerr Orexe a err, 1sT. Eight regqular leachers, un -
smelted Mail PA ea for 0nunting, n sphy, Short.
hand, eta. Many students
aeaure splendid poeitton',
each term. Gut parculnra. Address W. A. 1111/07,
Principal, Yong e anddGerrard Ste., Taranto.
TA E.'`ES.
Only Institution Canada
ofor othe
s of
n rf ohee of seech dece Ee0111,14
In Toronto, Ilea. Our, guaranteed,
A oY00/1
0 Pembroke 85., Teronto, Oenulba
y l THE Tli4UMPH'qt'• -,
t? Enveyy put up cad token down. Orn 1"
bePrico your ceded, codputawayIn 3•{1 ''''�?
Ass our dealers for
moil space.
,r db
sianufnah a (F,
Elam. y
1 1 ;.1111 ,58 Adelaide St. W., Toronto.
51 -1 r1,. C4,0000.
Ltablleb.d wok
600(118 409-1I 8,0 d of Trade Building,
7140 gyring, Joint I. Cofss.
Dominion Liege Steamships.
Montreal and Quebec lo Liverpool In smarm. Lam
and rod twin *craw steamships 'Labraddor' Vac.
oouver.' Dominion,' 'Scotnulan,' ' Yori(shi s:
Superior nonmmmoeiatlon for Flint 00able, Nee.
and Cabin and Steerage passengers: hates Of
nraage—First Cabin, $52.60; Second Oabia,
gl; Steerea 912.50 and upwards acoord(ni; t1pp
steamer and berth, For all Information ap LS
to Local Agents, or DAv10 To)nANO1 k CO,,
Gen'! Agents, 17 8t. Sacrament 8t., Montreal.
�1 0 0 F i t� C and Shoot Metal Works,
1'9 n04Ftet0 SIA1.T9, in Mae
ad or Green. SLATE stamo110,atD8 (we wp p
bit anlRigl, Sg}looh,Toronto). fnAaeng 5.11, 1e{,
Rfr q O by our Tnt.11 Me p.w Ols 15
Opal Tar, oto, R 1 g (�
p,,t a. Pastnto, dnnafurni hed f oto complete
ppet,mr--tea furnished nano for work the tomplelealto
a1407118tlp 8334, Adelaide
Widmer St.PhoreltS,
pp o a ooh idener6ts, Tor00M
. pnYN16&80N6, AA I I W r .
d. N. AN08Re033, 11.D., No, 5 Oullege-et.
The man I marry, amid the Blonde
Widow, moat be a hero. Ire will be,
remarked the Savage Bachelor.
W. P. C. 934,
ADENT6 WANTED, Wien oar 1ntli.mr•n to Intmanue
our goods, We pa; $1.00 a5wr II ,y 115 loos, write.
Kato When ant 031011000 w rid 1 •h, 43,41 2 50nt
shunpe and will mail aunt i . , d r, Anry nnnErno4,
Fourth year begins Ont, loll, T(v., wooer Sea8lone
for ,8.; throe for Quom('s '(10(V,.4,710 i,. g, e.•
131 1411 113111', Registrar.
School of Mining, Kingston, Ont,
Suasion 1098-111x9 begins 8 plena !Wit 11,4,1anl8•
Hon Examination at Qna v Pt ll0, ty, br8inn)ne
130pteml,r 1311. DOgreoC naw re at.delleal(11010,15•
try nail Assaying, In neology a 1 Mining Engioeorfn¢.
Spndnl SI0(lenL3 m111144,1 w.H:,ur
Calendar. t:0„ 1100, DR, NV, I,, 000171111N, Director.
e E
Royal Hail S�Iolt���siirp Co.,
Montreal to Liverpool.
Steamers sail from Mentro8l ovara Thureda
(needing on arrival of trains from Toronto and
Om West about 0 o'clock.
Oaths 055,10 and upwards; So8Ond Oabla
$ 14 and en( $16.251 Stnereg0 t) Ltvorpc41
Laudon, GI/00w, 1101 !MtLondonderry et
4(1081411(0390 522,011 and 016.:10,
A reduction of five 'tor 11881. 11 ellowod
end tri first and soom,d amble tickets If
rented n
• aat
01044550(13 oror other i
authorised ascot.
U. Bonnter, 1 Rang at. w. Taster,
er ;K. A A Altar, Illeztemaste
The Avera:. e•.
25, 461 ,so and 'Sec,
ONCE TRbl D--.
We make
Patent Holier
and Halt -Soar-
ing Steel
of all kinds—the Am
cat in the market.
Beat materiae,
Lightest, funning.
Two 6 MIS.
0010.11114 POWER.
No, 1 has 1.0 -inch re.
veraibl6 burro,
No. 2 has S'tnch eise.
glo burry
Both have ball.boar.
lug burr platen
retie) springs and
shako food.
Grind fine and fast
with least power.
Always gunraatood, ..
A trial given,
Haadreds m Use.
18 1.
in. Outlet, ,1x3 Pulley.
Good, as New. Cheap,
Tito Wilson 1'11 ►l slii» Coe
73 Adelaide St. %vest,