HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-9-16, Page 515110r, 1G, 189S
J. omit (.S St OrT, llruesolo,
• Meurer ot'Afaroiage Liconooe, 01110e
VA lria 0rogery,'rnruborry f 1 clI llrueaela,
N. IiAR,ItU.L 1,
lousm• a a1111-, Shop—Next ext d
eoulh ofAM,MoIlay
& Dots hardware 010x1.
Ladieo'anil ohndreuehair outline a aeaWelty
L Mites Joan meLuuobilu, pupil of 0. 7,.
711, Barris, Musical Doctor, of the Down,
Ittor of Neste, 1LuniltOn, Ontario, Is pro.
1;0004 to give instructions to pupils on o1011or
piano or organ. Special attention given
to technic. Lessons given either at the
1101009 OI pupils or at touchers home, 44.001
issue! of Marriage Licenses,
Orman AT JEWELRY Scotia.
IS'No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
Co. Enron. Couveyauoer, Notary Public
rioted laid to Insurance Agent.
011100 In Graham'eBlook,Bruseols
DIM, will soli for bettor prices, to
bettor mon, In ass time and less charges
than any other Auotlo Boer in East Buren
or 110 wont charge anything. Dates mod
orders can'alys be ranged at this 00100
or by personal
t/ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of tlomestioatOil animate In a wen -
Potent paid
potent manner. PatOe at
to veterinary 0 100 o.dentistry. L r —O°' 3 030
n t-
orth of bridge et., brussels core
1 Y • Solicitor, Oonveyancer,NotaryPub-
lis, &c. Omoo—Vaustone'o Bloolq 1 door
north of Control Hobo Solicitor for rho
Standard. Bank.
F. BL' AIR,I3A.RRISTER,• Solici tor, &o, (late of Darrow &
Frond(not's 0nlce, Godoric1.) 01000 over
Glllios & Smith's Bank, B russets. .1-7
MOlOy to Loau,
1�t G( CA11ME11ON,
.lV • (Formerly of Onmeraa, Holt &
Outar001 0—H uiibou lit,toOppos tee Ool'
borne Ilotel.
M, D., 0. M., Trinity University, Follow Trin-
ity Medical College, Member College of Phy-
12 and Surgeons, dettal College aLicentiate
of Midwifery Edinburgh. It trelephoue
140.14. Residence, M11181., Brussels,
M.D.0. M., successor to Dr, A. afolielvey,
Lioeu,tinte of Royal 00110ge of Physicians
and Surgeons. liiugstou ; Member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Diseases of women and children a specialty.
Eight years' experience, t011ioe and res-
idence that formerly occupied by D1.ltto•
lielvey,1uruberry street, B ruesole. 21-
M.B., M.D., M.C.P.S. O.
A000U0HEUR, 1410.
Sp0oia1 attention given to (11000ses of the
Throat and Lungs Dud di0enses of Woman
and Children,
PII109101AN, 01311011011 AND 4.00013011E138,
101 Claes Honor Graduate of the Univers].
ties of Trinity (Torouto),.gneou'9 (lthlgaton),
aid of Trinity Mediad College; Fallow of
Trinity Medical College and member or Pio
College of Phyeielaus and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. lost Graduate Course in Detroit mid
0ni0ago,1800. Special attention paid to die-
e a000 of Dye, Ea1,Nose and Throat, and dis-
easesof Women. I:&-Cou0ultatlou in. Eng -
IBM and Gorman, Telephone at residence,
undersigned will keep for 0ervio0, on
Lot e, Con. O, (troy, athero' bred improved
Yorlts lire boar and a thio' bred large Eng-
lish Berkshire hog, Pedigrees may be men
on applloatlou. Terme, e1,00,:to bo paid at
time of service, with privilege of roturnlug
if necessary, Altx13U1t Sn1IT14
40.10 Proprietor.
un0ereignad will keep fm service on
Lot le, Con 10, Gray, the thole' bred Vora -
ford bull“Picture.”- Also a thoro' bred Dur-
ham bull, Both aro meep»tioualiy Ono an-
finale. Torma, 41.00, to 110 paid Jaw let,
1000, with prfvitegqo of returning 0 necessary.
41.4 °Liy10n TURRNBUL pliotol.
lfy'ora. Afibr. WCOT'S Pilo0iohotlito,
The Brest T°n4lislt 110000,1(/.
Sold and recommended by aI
druggists m Canada. Only reit
able mod4olno discovered. 011
,,wcka es guarantee to Duro all
fortes of Sexual Wonbmass, all effeete Of abu08
Ur 0x0000, M0111a1 Worry, 1ix01300lve 1180 of. To,
ba000, Opium or Stlnlulente, Mailed on receipt
10 pried, one nethe o a1, six, 45. Ono toillPfed00f
Ifs00140111'4. Penn) free to 0.11 address.
T11b %Vood Comlpaioy, Wiindeor,0ntt
Sold in I3 russets by G. A, D14ADMAN,
Druggist, l3ooksolner R Optician,
n uiti/rim who was wending hie way home.
.1�5� •Glx �l n ward u1- wbout his uannl haul', The
felluev wile ooulp fitly ;;Il:teetu•i.
Moo. Wm. Jollueton has moved In 10 R.
1(089' house on Albert street.
Mise Eabin 1(01110 has returned to let'
duties as teh0ol teacher at North Bay.
II. Sandoreon is doinga rushing hue!.
nese in making cider a) the evaporator,
A number of out otti/en8 went to Mild
may on Labor Dtty to talcs in the gitmc0.
Mrs. D. Sanderson has gone to Torun to
to consult n epeofalist regarding; her 0yo-
About thirty.11vo tickets were e'lld hero
for Toronto on Tumidity morning of hast
Mies Hind, of Hai -Haien, also Alis,
Ilioks were greets at Mr. Armelrong'e
last week,
Mre. Williamson, wlto has been visiting
friends here for sone time, line returned
to her tomo in British Columbia,
John Barrett is lying seriously ill with
typhoid fever,
Blyth Pair will bo held on Tuesday
and Wednesday, Oot. 4th and 131-11,
Rev. T. E. Higley and family left
Blyth lamb week for their new home in
Tommy Higley took first prise in the
novice race at the Guelph bicycle races
0a Labor Day.
Harvest home thanksgiving servmee
will be held in Trinity church on San.
day, Sept, 181)1.
Miss Amy Elder has returned from a
six weeks' visit with friends at Toronto
and other points in York Coanty,
John Metcalf, who has been in the
grocery business in Blyth for several
years, has decided to go into the furniture
At the regular meeting of the Public
School Board the resignation of Mise
Stevens was accepted and Mise A111110
Hamilton appointed to the vacancy,
W. W. Taman, of Blyth, was the
prize winner of the silver watch given by
the L. 0. L. excursion oommitlec to the
best looking gentleman on the train.
A portion of one of tho West aide
windows of St. Andrew's church fell in
the church during 0ervioe on Suoday
morning and created quite a commotion.
Chas. R. Shane, of Detroit, visited
with re'atl000 here. lie now boldo the
position of city traveller in a large
wholesale houee in the City of Straits.
.8. publio meeting was held in iodu.try
Hill on Friday evening of last week in
the interests of the Prohibition Plebis-
cite. An excellent address was delivered
by Rev. Jno. Rose, 13. A., of Brussels.
Wm, Powell, an old Blyth boy, now
residing in Petrelea, was renewing old
friendships in Blyth for a short time.
He is now engaged in the confectionery
businese in Potrolea and is meeting
with good moms.
Mies Eva Bell received 0. notice from
Inspector Robb stating that the 0xa01in.
ere had made a mistake in her arilhmetio
papers and upon re examining them,
discovered that she had successfully
passed the Poblio School Leaving ex-
Thos. Shipley stepped on a nail, which
went through his boot end clean through
the fleshy part of his foot, necessitating
surgical attention.
Dr, Graham, of Toronto, but who
formerly praotioed in Brussels, 0000 the
guest of Dr. Turnbull with whom he will
go into partnership.
While driving some cattle to be weigh.
ed, Arthur Whittingham was kicked on
the leg by one, the wound being so pain-
ful that he had to visit a doctor.
Robb. soden, from Bayfield, died at
the House of Refuge on Monday at the
age of 77 years. He was an inmate of
the House 01000 December 1895, and was
buried in the Rouse burial plot.
Mrs. John Williams met with a very
painful aooideut, sustaining a broken
thigh, When the storm came on she
got out of bed to lower a window and in
1301110 unaccountable way injured herself
thus. As she is in very delicate health,
and up in years serious results are feared,
The other day while Mrs. J. 0. Millar
and Mrs. Parke were in the cemetery,
their horse, which had been tied outside,
810oame restless and broke away: It
trotted book to town without injury, bat
in turning the corner of Rattenbury
street, it turned short and upset the
Jas. Howson had a narrow escape
from having his leg broken. He was
taking his horse to pasture, and a horn
fly tormeuting the animal, he put an end
to the tormentor by catching it between
his palms, but the report frightened the
horse which kicked and soampered off.
Mr. Howson was struck below the knee,
but fortunately tho horse was too close at
the time to iailIot more than a bad bruise.
A 00110111 young man WEIR said to have
obtained from a store in town a suit of
olothing and otber furnishings by false
representations, and (lonetablo Wheatley,
in company with the etorelreeper who
lost the goods, started out to look for the
fallow. They caught him while he was
in bathing, and though he protested his
innocence, he was compelled to aocom-
pang them and return the articles,
In 000010ans0 with the provieions of
h -law passed bythe peoplethe
theo of
Y 1 i P
and inoe ratified bythe Legisla-
e isla-
tnre,�n s git is necessary to now Mane the
debentures to raise the sum of $26,000
for the loan to the Doherty factory, and
no unnecessary time will be lost in pre.
paring them and pla0ing them on the
market. Already several inquiries have
been made by monied concerns, desirous
of investing in them, Will. Coates, town
Clerk, went to Toronto, having been
empowered by the Council to interview
some of the brokers of that oity on the
matter. It is an important point, as a
saving of 4 of a cent interest inoane 9125
a year. A0 soon as the debentures aro
prepared they will be advertised for cafe,
The residents of Rattenbury street
were treated to an alarm Sunday night,
and to explain we moot go hack a few
hours. A lad of about 12 yeer8 of age
and of a very hervou6 disposition, attend-
ed the meeting in the B. A. barracks,
The theme le said to have boon Satan,
himself, The lad wee impressed, and
Would talk of the hatter when 110 xenon.
ed hone. Ho went off to bed, but some
Limo afterward awoke with it scream.
The devil was after flim the poor boy
cried in the most extreme terror, and
dashing out of the room, he was upon the
street before his father oould detain him,
and lend aimed gone !around n block
when he ran into the alone of a brawny
Pl ntes.eir,
"George rho Hatter," 00(88 ((1 t0wll on
Siatulday carrying hie usual "jag."
Arra, (1)r.) Amos has been lndlep110011,
mirroring fromattacknn
of plouriey.
F. Lutz, loft fur l'oronto where be will
alt our 1-1 1001 of harmac .
take a a as at the hal E y
Mrs. A Q Nobler has been ooniued to
lied with au attack of oongostion of the
'7, 13. Carting and II. 1,. Baotou are
attending 11th. General Mothodiet Con-
ference tit Toronto rte lay 3)010g0te0,
Mien Smith and Min Urquhart have
resumed their positions Rt) millinere
with E. J. Spnoltmau and J, A. Stewart
The aro tight in front of the Mansion
House was movdd to the ware of the
street a0 a test and ie to our mind a
decided improvement.
Tho lacroaoo matoh which took place
between the Egm"ndvllle and Exeter
tame on the reoreal(on grounds remitted
in the home team defeating the visitors
by a e0ore of 4 10 2.
Mrs. Hannah Brawn, who has been a
long and highly respected resident of
Exeter, disposed of her bowie and
prettiest) situated on Main street, to
Henry Hooper, and ('00101100 to Wroxeter
where she will reside with her brother.
Word has been received that Mtee
Clara Voeper, who telt here a few weeks
ago with her mother, to visit frionde in
Cabourg and Peterborough, was taken
ill tattle hatter place a little over a week
ago, and ie unable to return home. Her
vacancy in the school hoe been filled by
0. W. Sanders, of Stephen.
ver ootl.
Rev. E. A. Pear wa0 attending the
General Conference in Toronto.
W. E. Johnston, of Montreal, is the
guest of 113. S. and Mrs. Polson.
Mies Nellie Merryfiold, of IlIonktoo,
was the guest of Mise Arnetta IIalbfieiectr.
Mrs. (Rev.) E. A, Fear and children
were visiting at her father's, Co. Clerk
Davidson, Stratford.
The Methodist friends are asking for
tenders for laying the brick in veneering
the parsonage. This work Is muoh
OlMiss Maggie Gerrie, milliner, of Grand
Rapids, Mich., is home on a few weeks
tion. n-
well earned vasa Miss Gerrie is d
fug exceptionally well in her Moen gall.
ing. Judging by appearenoo, the Miobi-
ganders are good to her.
A couple of young men wheeling down
the sidewalk aocidentaily ran into Mrs.
W. J. Marshall's baby carriage, upsetting
it and pit0bing the baby out. The little
one woe fortunately nob eerionsly hurt,
but it was more by good look than
otherwise that it was not instantly Milled.
Tho friends of Herman Bell, teacher,
will be sorry to hear that he is oonfined
to bed with a serious attack of appendi-
citis. His physician lute good hopes of
polling him through withoot subjecting
him to an operation. Rev. Mr. and Aire.
Ball, of Kirkton, mane up to see Iler-
man. Mrs. Ball remained to nurse him
at the borne of Robt. Williams.
The Presbytery of Huron met at
Clinton Tuesday.
Apple barrels have been taken oat or
town in large numbers the pact ten
Our townsman, John Pharis, during
this season, sold Sturdy Bros. over 400
bunches of onions gathered from his
property on South street.
The other day as 0. Pennington was
riding a bicycle, his foot slipped from
the pedal and got entangled in the gear,
the result being a nasty tumble and a
slightly bruised leg.
Many weeks since the fishing boats
lifted nets and gave up fishing from this
port as unprofitable, and the tugsEvetyn,
Sea Queen and Seibold iamb week followed
the boat's example, and for the same
Some scoundrel was guilty of stealing
the two drinking oupe attached to the
fountain in the'Harbor Park. The thief
is a creature of the meanest type, for
even a Hottentot would not take away
drinking cups during such drinkable
weather as we had.
A young lady bioyole rider on Bast
street got one of her feet fixed in the
running gear, which caused her to fall.
She was unable to release herself, and it
took H. Robinson and Harry Vidsan,
who passed at the time, some minutes to
release the lady's pretty foot.
The Meohaoios' Inetibute Board at its
last meeting inotl'uobed a committee,
Messrs. Moore, Halle and Naftal, to
draft and present to Mrs. Hamilton and
her family a letter of condolence and
sympathy on their late bereavement,
expressing their appreciation of Mr,
Hamilton's many years of eervioe es
librarian. Not often do wo see a man of
84 years with mind so arable°, with facul-
ties unoloudod and so olosely in tough
with the pas0iug questions of the day,
Binder Twine and the Tariff
To the Editor of Tun POS'; r
DE.111 En1TOB,--Now that the busy har-
vest f0 over, with your permission, I
would like to make a few remarks in re.
formica to the Tariff and high priced
Binder Twine. For 18 years the Reform
party have been dinging into our oats
that a protective tariff was a ruination to
the Country, that it caused a heavy tax
and the consequent high price on menu-
faobured goods. They told us that a
prolective tariff encouraged manufacturers
t0 form combinations and monopolies and
that all monopolists were legalizedrob-
bers, and they, the Reform party, re.
poatedlyy told us that if theywerepilt into
office they would give us Free Tracie and
drive away all combinations, monopolies
and high prices for manufactured goods.
All the while they wore, apparently,
ready to shed oceans of what meet have
been crocodile tears for the poor down
trodden National Policy ettiokeu farmers.
Well the Reform party got into office and
did they give 138 Free Trade 7 They did
nothing of the kind but they revised the
tariff and gave the Americans Free
Trade in some 1in00 of goods and n1 pam:-
eutly did not touch the American tariff at
all for the Dingloy 13111 put that tariff
away up slim the Reforming gob into
offica. Binder twino has boon on the free
list since the first of last January, that i0
the Americans could bring it in to Canada
duty Imo Mum that date. We were to
have chomp twine and no combinations or
monopolies then, but what do wo And as
a r00ult ? '4ilo find that Maar twins cost
THE i3Ktus.Siiir4S POST
Ude harvest about double the usual price.
The American and Spanish war wee
blamed for the rise in price but it ie 0117•
dent the war Intl nothing to ilo with it
for the manufacturers got their raw
material and had it manufactured into
twine before the war oonnn0noed. The
7!`armore' Sun, a paper ropreoenting
a 0011ai1 number of people mostly oom.
posed of reformed Roformere and calling
thernsolvoo Patrons of Industry, says the
lnoreaso in the priori of binder twine was
brought about by a big combination which
carried a large portion of the raw material
used in the manufacture of binder twine.
If 0o aocordiogly we have the big combine
and high,priced hinder twine into the bar.
gain. In the meantime what has become
of our old aid reopeotod friend II.
Washington, of Ottawa, who said so many
Mover and funny things fu Tmc POs';
jamb before the last Dominion elootion in
East Huron ? Has he gone out of mart
Moo litre last Sommer's flies when hie
mission was concluded or is heetill in the
land of the living ?
Jamie Boo.ann,
Morrie, August 27111, 1808. -
Opinions of Eminent Statesmen
11'1. 110N, W. E. GLADSTONE,
Tho great plague of drunkenness is a
national ourso, calamity and scandal * *
A government should so legislate as to
make it easy to do right and difficult to
do wrong * *
Gentleman, you need not give your.
solves any trouble about revenue. The
quostisn of revenue mush never stand in
the way of needed reforms. Besides,
with a sober population, not wasting their
earnings, I shall know where to obtain
the revenue.
RT. ZION. d09EPn 011A00EBLA10.
If I could destroy to -morrow the desire
for strong drink in the people of England,
wo should see our taxes reduoed by mil-
lions sterling. We ohould see our gaols
and workhouses empty. We should see
more lives saved in twelve months than
aro consumed in a century of bitter and
savage war.
HON. 9I31 OLI0E11 1110WAT.
An enormous proportion, probably
three-fourths, of the vine that prevails al
the present day, of the crime with which
we have to contend, of the lunacy, the
idiooy, the poverty and the misery of
every hind, is owing bo the foul evil of in-
temperate° * **
The antic of intemperance are so great
—it is the cause of so large an amount of
crime, vice and proverty and wretchedness
of every kind that prevails—that one must
be less than human indeed melees be is
prepared to go in favor of anything that
would Gibbet: mitigate this great curse or
entirely remove it.
For many years I was Finance Minister
of Canada, and I have stated over and
over again that the financial question is
the weakest objection that could be
raised against prohibition. In the great
fires of St. John in 1877, $20,000,000
worth of property was destroyed. The
insurance derived from this amounted to
$8,000,000. Suppose I were to suggest to
the people of St. John to -day, that if they
burned their city again, they would get
another $8,000,000, people would say I
was mad. Yet this is exactly the priu-
oiple tbo Government of Canada is acting
upon in raising a revenue from the liquor
Tho Royal Commission report shows
that the people of Canada spend over
$40,000,000 every year for drink. In ten
years this reaches the vast sum of mu
You know that if tbie waste is stopped,
a part of that enormous amount wall be
spent for the goods yon handle.
Prohibition will benefit you I Think
it out.
Our yearly drink bill in Canada is over
A large part of that money is spent by
people who are suffering for want of the
flour and vegetables and fruit and meat
and dairy proclucte that come from your
If prohibition becomes law, you will get
a share of the vast amount of money
that ie now worse than wasted ; and the
people who got your predicate will be just
that much better off.
Prohibition pays I Think it out.
That alcohol is a poison, and cote as
such on the human body.
That aloonol is not a food, or a true
That the common sale of liquor fa in-
imical to the best interests of society.
That the expenditure on intoxicating
liquors is wasteful, both individually and
notionally,—Prohibition Budget.
Her Majesty the Queen, addressing
eome Bechuana ohiefs at Windsor, in
1906, said :—"I am glad to seethe chiefs,
and to know that they love my rule. I
o0nfi11n the settlement of their atm which
my minister has made. I approve of the
provision exolodiug strong drink from
their Country. I feel strongly in this
matter, and am glad to see that the chiefs
have determined to keep so great a curse
from the people,"
..l1-^ u,
i• -
1-y 4
Real Estate & Loan
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire d Life Insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
Ofiloo over Deadrnan'e Drug Store,
All Rations InOntario and Quebec, rc vt
Chicago and 801-,
Pani, to
Winnipeg. Portage Iii
Prairie, Brandon
other Manitoba Pal ate,
and 11
a 1 eN L
t a. n p ria and
AmitePolecat�, Round trip Duro
Going August 3011.1, returning nuttl. October
21(11,, 1000. Gang September .18t1), re•
turning until Nov.10111, 1090,
Tiokot ratoo and Information from
J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels,
GEO.IIEYD, " Ethel.
Fall Term begins Sep, 1
CE.': r
} i•1 1-h) (i.,Orvte
Clrenlara Free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
The undersigned will keep for ser'vloe on
Lot 20, Con. o, Morris, the tbore,-bred Im-
proved Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long-
fellow," No, 3480, bred by J, Fi. Bretboue, Bur-
ford, to which a limited oumbor of sows w111
be take. Terme, 81.00, to be paid at time
of 0erviee with privilege of returning if nec-
A number of choice young sows for sale for
breeding purposes which will be sold at
prices 21 to suit ROe Utimes.301011001, Proprietor.
Brussels Cider Mill and
Apple Butter Factory, Mill
street, has been overhauled
and is now ready for oper-
Fetch on your Apples.
Terms Reasonable.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Geo, Edwards, • Prop,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 651 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Will make'
e. won man
of YOU 1
00011700011012e TH0 30008
00006150* 70011 WHlKs.
PI0000 carte all Nervone Ma000ee. 9e1005)0�01,
noes, 700000 0omorr, Nightly Emission, 1 '
torr0ooa;10070 10y, eta., canoed by p••0 • neat
given vigor and alto to ehrunk0e OGo00. 00
eat0klybute1reiv0000Nr00L0ar MAtarn' 1001
ar yyoung. Ug0 Pi0o8I a0d you am prow 010003
and 60559 again, 0001 by mall In amen Wnepee
sad 01.110(03 naiad from obaalTetlon EOstl?
carried In vdet noc,IG Prloo, 00 0 p0o0600. Qf
tot O. 000d mono), In lather oto .7OT. or ra¢(etor.
8d totter,og�glat .000r0s0 all lanae to 5. T 7010 0It,
minion of Canada. ONT. A$001 100 till 170•
nielier Shop I
The undersigned has open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
where he will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
et reasonable prices* .A. share
of public patronage solicited.
S. Lrill E11.
Meat delivered to all pasts
of the town.
1 'OASIS PAID 110101 11301(8.
Guessing, or knowing shoes.
The difference between buying
air of "S^
a p Slater Shoes "and n
pair of common 1- lipee, iti ]Jai i yy� ^ a'
the differ u: r,
e1 a cpon (ped 111 1
sealed letter and on opened on
with responsible P
1 1. o r s ps[blsignature.
The saled
e letter may contain f--
a large cheque, or a hniliff'a notice. T110
opened letter—well You know justw1101. itis,
The common dines lni7l good ones under the finish
but how do you )wow?
"Slater Shoes " hear n pedigree tag which tells exactly
the leather they're of, its wear, pecularities or faults.
Goodyear Welted. ,$3,00, $4.00 and $5.00 per pair,
0000L0040 "THE SLATER SHOE."
Jno. Doweling, - Sole Local Agent.
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have pur-
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
ISrOrdere taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
Gomer Green,
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
Ann- —
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
at Short Notioe.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
System Renovator
—ANL oxun13—
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita•
Won of the Heart, Liver Complaint,Neur.
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Oon-
gumption, Gall Stones, Jaandioe, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
3'. M. McLEOD,
Prop. and Manntaoturor.
sold b Jao, Fez, Druggl003, Brussels.
Buggies and Wagons.
Always on hand and away down
in price to suit the times. I can
give you a buggy for the next two
months, second to none in the
town for either quality, finish or
style, for $65. If you want a
Buggy you will find it to your
interest to call and see my stock
and you will say my statement
is correct.
wee the—._.
New Dress Goods,
Trimmings and Plaids
for Waists at Straohan's.
October Fashion Sheets and Patterns.
New Fall Goods
�I.►Of all kinds constantly arriving.
Boots, Shoes & Rubbers.
Mats & Caps. - Clothing & Overcoats.
And then throw this paper before you conclude o
u aretoei1
good money by not buying your DAIRY SUPPLIES from us. We are
prepared to supply every person with Dairy Cane
Nile, Milk Pane and Tinware off all kinds at prices a000rding toquality.
Graniteware of all kinds..
H A,l DtiVA E Having put is a Stook of Spades, 9hovele
• Forks, Soo., of the best quality we softs'
your Patronage.
Paint Your House with the best weather and water
proof Paint iu the market. We sell it.
Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order.
The best line of Cook Stoves to choose from.
Eavetr*oug1Ting and .Repair*in�
promptly attended to,..
N. B.—Wait for our wagon, it will call 015 you for your truck in a
few days.
Wilton & Turnbull