The Brussels Post, 1898-9-2, Page 8ARE YOU IN NEED OF .,. SPEOTAOLES 2 If so we Will test your oyes ]'ree of Charge and supply you With those that will bete help and a blessing to you and fitted to meet the needs of each eye. HAYS YOU A CHILD THAT Il,,.. CRE14YIB? That is a trouble known to Op- ticians as 'tStrasbiamers" and if taken before the mus- cles become set can be over- come by the wearing of proper glasses. Do not neg- lect your child but come as soon as you notice any defect as it means the loss of the interned eye. We supply glasses to correct all forms of imperfect vision. G. A, Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN R=TENBION W. G. & B. Trains tease Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING Scene. . Gonne NORTH. express 7:15 eau, I Mail a15 pan 9;9 taxed—...... 5 a.m. Express len.cai Stirs tento, A ohiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. SEPTEMBER. lemon Day next Monday. EDWARD& aider mill is running. Ten Pose will holiday next weak. Bolton re -opened on Thursday of this week. SCRoor. Board meeting Friday evening of next week. SeneaeoN Ben. are fitting their speedy pacing stallion for the towel Fall rases. A alnunZ•00-ROUND wanted tO come t0 Brbeaele but thought our licence fee pro- hibitive. It may oome for the Fall Fair. Gri something ready for the Fall Fair. Every business man should take an interest in the Show and make an exhibit. P. Score may take hie peeing mare to the races at Exeter on Labor Day. She is going a "good hickory" and should give a good account of herself. Nan week will see a large number of Brnseelites in Toronto. They kill two birds, viz., attend to business and see the Fair. The return fare is only 32 00 Bosuns was represented at Seaforth last Friday at the Seaforth-Orangeville Lacrosse metal]. The home team won by a snore of 5 to 2. This gives Seaforth the abampionsbip. NRxx Monday will be Labor Day and will be a public holiday, consequently the Bank will not be open and the poet• , offioe hours will be 9 to 10 a. m, ; one hour after the arrival of the afternoon train 1 and from 6 to 6.80, Tame will be three polling places for the Plebiscite vote on the Nth inst., in Brussels, viz., at J, J. Gilpin's slice, Council Chamber, and Alex. Ellis' house. The proclamations were issued during the pact week by Returning Officer le. S. Scott. 00,200 Preiniscien oawpaign traote and literature have been ordered by the Rid- ing Executive for distribution in East Huron. The bundle for each municipal- ity will be forwarded from Toronto to each municipal President and will be di. vided up to the various sections by him, Fear, FAIR DIRECTORS.—A meeting of the Direotore of the East Huron and Grey Branch Agricultural Societies will be held in the Oounoil Chamber, Brus- sels, on Thursday, Sept. 8th, at 2 o'clock. The business will be tba selection of jud• gas and making guy other necessary ar- rangemeute for the Fair. All interested ellould attend. Rev. W. 17, K=11, of Rosati, purchas- ed a fine Jersey cow from D. B. Moore, of Brussels, last week. The animal was delivered last Monday. With a horse, cow, 8t. Bernard an and cat his never. enoe should be able to blossom out into quite a farmer. We would suggest the addition of a sheep or two, a pig and a few poultry to complete the outfit. THE Division Court last weak, before Judge Doyle, presented a very meagre program as there was only three cane heard viz: — Lynn vs. Hoy—Aotion ou promissory note, Verdict for plaintiff for full amount. Rose ve, Rae — Action on amount. Verdict for plaintiff. Breckenridge vs. Rae—Action on account. Verdict for plaintiff. In the ease of Wil- son vs, grouter the plaintiff failed to put in an appearance and the ease wee con- sequently dropped, SPEor5L PRIzEs,—In oonneetion with East Huron Fall Fair, width will be held in Brnseels, on Oct. 6 & 7, the following special prizes are offered ; —George Thomson, grocer, offers a prize of 32.00 for beat Dairy Grade Cow. Thomas Mo. Lauohlin, Brussels, offers a prize of 36.00 for the best foal from his imported horse Si"r Walter." G. A, Deadman off/de$1,. 00 for the best Jelly Cake made ,with Deadman'a Baking Powder ; the oaks to become hie property. W. H. Kerr will give Tn5 POST for one year for beet Loaf' of Home Made Bread ; and THE POST for a year for best 5 pound Roll of Batter, both articles to become his property. W. H. McCracken offers to purohseere 05 geed from him, as follows :—Six Swede Tun. nip, let 60o., 2nd 250. ; six Long Red Mongols, let i0o„ 2nd 250. ; Six Yellow Globe Mangels, 1st 60o., 2nd 26c, 011 Palating, Original Sketch, not lege than 16x20 in., from epee selected by the Sec- retary, to be limited by metes and bounds, Intending competitors eat get all infer. oration from the Secretary, let 38.00, and 32,00, Beet Rove of Swede Turnips, fat 33.00, 2nd 32,00, Sad 31.60, 46h 31.00 ; beet half acro Mangete, let 38.00, Zed 320 00, 3rd 31„50, 4tt1$1,00, T E D, Jeettasow lute veneered his house on A Coneuncreageo3 from Jae, Bolger is T4lrnberry street, oruwded out of thie leen. BARNES & VANSTONE shipped a car 05 D. A. Lotvan and staff are et work ou bogs on Thursday. Dentine. Clegg & Dames shipped a oar gaol* of hogs, !heap auel cattle lhie week, Mee. F. C. Boone is breaking op boesekeeping at the old home and will take bolus in the Leckie blook, Soni. anima, Bruesela, is going through thie ovation purchasing Fall and winter apples for shipment. 1Ie'l a good gland. Hon, A. S. Mazer, Premier of Ontario, will not be able to attend least Huron Fair owing to pressure of other engage. meets, Die you sen' the gay posters adver- tising East Heron Fall Fair ? The detee are Oct, 6 & 7. Bead the attraetious, epeoial prizes, c2o,, outlined in this isms. Waxen out for the Fall advte, of the hustling business men in Brussels and go where you are invited. People who have bargains usually let the public know about them, APPLES WANTED.— Mahler Bros. are getting everything toady ab the Brussels Ovaporator sad on and after Tuesday of next week will be prepared to purohaes all the apples brought to them. They are also asking for cordwood. About 15 bands will be employed in the factory, BYSIENaaL.—Misses Bessie and Minnie Moore attended the wedding of a oouaiu n Wednesday of last week in Fnllartoa owuehip, Perth 0o. The groom was neper Wallsom and the bride Mies Anna Meaner. Ceremony wag performed by Rev. Mr. Andrewe at the residenoe of the ride's brother-in-law. Cann or TIMNus,—I take this opportun. ty of thanking the public for their liberal atronage during the past 12 years and vould wieh all old 0netomers to continue o do business with the new firm, Messrs. wan &Innes, as they intend to turn out be best work at the lowest possible rice. Yours, JAa1Ee WALRUS, Carriage Builder, Brussels, FRIDAY evening of this week there will e a debate at the A. 0. U. W. Lodge, faster Workman Farrow and Overseer H. McCracken are captains and the object is "Resolved that the United tutee was justifiable in going to war iib Spain." The above mentioned gen• amen wilt be assisted by other brethren 1 settling this knotty problem and very member ebonld be in attendanoe, SPEEDING CONTESTS. — In oonnestion ith the second day of East Huron Fall air the following speeding program will e presented, if weather permits :— armors' Trot or Paoe, half mile beats, 8 5—lot, $5 ; 2nd, 33 ; 3rd, $2. Gentle. en's Drivers Rao, trot or pace, half ile heats, 3 in 6—let, 312 ; 2nd, 38 ; d, 35. 2.30 Claes, trot or pace, 3 in 6— t, 320 ; 2nd, 315 ; 3rd. 310. PROMPTNESS.—The Clinton New Era lase week says : — The Confederation fe Insurance Company is certainly es- blishing a record for the prompt pay- ent of its death claims that is highly editable. The late Wm. Cooper, who ed on the 10th ult., oarried a policy of 000 in this Company, and the ener. do representative, Jacob Taylor, on Monday evening, handed the family a ague for the full amount. Reconaz,--Last Monday evening Miss hel Webb, A. T. 0. at., graduate and ld medalist, of Toronto, and W. Gra- m Hodsdon, tenor, gave a recital in e Town Hall to a fair Sized audienoe, e program was varied coneisting of morons and dramatic readings, solos d one duet. Mise Webb performed r part evell and was ably seconded by r. 11od0don who has a fine v0i0e. The sal duet was rendered in firet•olaea le. The Ladies' Aid, under whose spices the recital was given, won't have pot of gold when all expenses are paid. BEAUTIFUL BASTER lames, on FAIRY MM.—Florida is the bome of the mons Hester Lily, During the bloom• g season, in some plaoss the ground le most white with their beautiful, lily its flowers, and thousands of them are ked by the colored children and oarried market. Before oomiug North I had ae lot of the lily bulbs dug and ught them with me ; they make lovely see plants and are ens to bloom. Any e who would like 2 or 3 of these lily lbs oat have them by Bending a stamp pay postage. You are indeed very looms to send, as I can get more when stunt to Florida next Fall. Address s, F. A. Warner, Saginaw, East Side, chigoe. )100.—Friday night of last week Den. Howard died at bis home in Brussels, d 80 years. He was born in the Co, re, Ireland, and came to Canada 60 re ago. After working on pablio rke for some time be purchased lot 81, 10, Grey, where he resided until he me to town a couple of years ago and eanjuotion with his brother Simon and ter Mary puxohaeed a house and lox m Wm. Cameron, Deceased was a mbar of the R. 0. church. The fuser - oak plane on Monday, interment be. made at Seaforth. Maga for the dead e celebrated in the R. 0. churoh, with aro congregation present, Rev. Fr, Oahe, of Seaforth, conducted the viae and gave a short address on the 0. belief in Purgatory and the noes. of saying masses for the some the departed. He said the Soule the very good went at once to Heaven, souls of the very bad to Hell but ea with slight stains of sin were de. bed in Purgatory for purification, e speaker spoke of the origin of this of and advised all to live pure lives, 0 F b p b n W 0i itF b fn m 3r le of Li to m or di 31 ge oh Et go Iia th Th lin a0 he vo sty ea u a Lx fa in al wh pie to afi bro ho on bu to we Ir Mr Mi Sia age Ola yea wo con ea in eie fro me al t ing wa al Mc ser R. sisy of of the tbo tai Th belt BUSINEae CHANGE.—James Walker, who has been in the Carriage heinous in town for the past 12 years, sold ant to D, Ewan, the well known blaakemitb, and Walter Innis, of Morris. The new firm have taken possession and will have Mr, Walker with them for a month, Mr, Walker will dispose of "the new rigs he had on hand, Mr. Innie worked at the cart -weighting and carpentering in Soot. and so has an acquaintance with tools that will be of value to him. He will ease his farm we Understand and move o Brussels, The nesv firm have a wide acquaintance with the public and as Mr. Ewan has had a hand in the (ferriage ueineee for the past few years they hould do a large trade, We wieh them nooses. Mr, Walker is bonne!not to tart again in the same business within a adius of 20 melee of Bulimic, He may of leave town and if he can find some notables employment we hope be will bay as be Is a good citizen, Jno. Smith, who served his apprenticeship with Jas. Walller, has been engaged by Messrs, wan & Innis to take charge of the wood bop. Jaok, as moat pall him, ig "all ighb" and will do hie part to make the n57nee5 go. ,ice. Walker worsted 8 years or alto, Wynn, Carriage builder, before IIs tommenoes immersefor himself ti I t' TI the brisk ran of St. Jobu'a cherub re tory this week and with good tvcathor will soon complete the job. \Nannies oaks was distributed, through the tnait, au Tlnu'edey of last week with au a000mpanying forged note, The (eke was s gond sample of W. A, Grioh'e bakery and it is said "Bob" was the big. gag* load in the puddle in malting sore that nobody was overlooked. We will have to raise a monument for hroma Ills fo. tbonghtand philanthropy, No Perna NEXT WERE.--l'ollowiug' our usual oltstom we wilt omit the natal ie• eau of Tim Pose next week but will pro sent the weekly journal on the following weak all being well. We purpose *ageing a little holiday outing and allowing our employees the same opportunity. Job work will be attended to andsubsorip• Mons received es usual, EN'rearsintruNT OOnase.—Friday even- ing, according to aunonneement, a meet. ing of those eutunaebed in arranging for a series of first oleos enterlainmeuts Iu Bruited during the oomiug Winter, was held in dos Council Chamber. After disonesiug the proposal it was moved, aeoonded and carried that the meeting ap• prove of it. W, H. Herr was eleoled Chairman and G. F. Blair Secretary. The following Committee was chosen to meet with representatives of Entertain- ment Bureaus, novae for msmbete and attend to other matters in conueation with the Course :-13. Gerry, Dr. Snider, Jae, Fox, H. L. Jaoksuu, W. le. Van - stone, J. H. Cameron, F. S. Scott, heeds,. Messrs. Rose, Algin and Absy and the Chairman and Secretary. It was agreed that the surplus from the entertainments be applied toward improving the Town Ball. The expectation is that a semen reserve Seat and, for five entertain. meats, will cost 31, 5. B. Gerry, D. Davidson, A, Ross, G. F. Blair and W. E. Kerr were appointed a Committee so visit the Town Hall and report on the improvements thought necessary and ad- viesble, and then wait on the Town Connell with the idea of having the work attended to forthwith. The line of eu- tertainmeat will oovsr 00neerts, lecture$, elocutionary, recitals and orahesbrian programs and the first one will probably be held in the latter part of October or early in November, 4'arther partiaulare will be given after the Oommittee meets and completes arrangements. CIIIJIW'H t;11111IEM. Read Talmage's sermon in TILE Pose. The Sabbathschool lesson for next Sunday will be the "Death of Ensile."The managers of Melville church have presented the churoh with a fine pulpit Bible. The object of Cbriet's death" ie the subject under consideration by St. John's Young People's Chapter this week. Regular services in Melville rhumb next Sabbath at the usual hours. The pastor will preach morning and evening. At the Methodist Mission Board meet- ing it was announced that the reports shosvedan inorease of about $8,000 in the ordinary contributions for the past year. "Repentance and Conversion" will be the topic at Melville Endeavor on Sab- bath evening. G. A. Deadman will be in charge. Ira Gerry read an interesting paper last Sabbath evening at the Epworth League on "Going to church,' Next Sabbath the subject will be "The mustard geed." Rev. R. Paul will preach at Ethel nest Sabbath afternoon for Rev. D. B. McRae who is off on his holidays. Rev. Mn. Allen will take Rev. W. Bigeby's work at Jackson's church on Sabbath afternoon. Rev. 8, J. Allis on Sunday morning next will preach on "Tile doom of the "Undouee" and the Reward of the "Doses." In the evening he will give the mond discourse on the "Plebiscite question," "Does Prohibition prohibit ?" remote church looks very uote the better for ire new arose of paint, The nest consideration of the Melville congre- gation will require to be the erection of a new olhuroh or the exteosion of the present one to accommodate the large membership. ,,The Young Ruler's Mistake" was the topic of Rev, S. J. Allen's sermon last Sabbath morning in the Aiethadist church. In the evening be dwelt on "Mutual Helpfulness," his text being Beloit 41, 6.7. The obligations were, (1)Denominational ; (2) International ; (3)Those of a universal brotherhood. The necessity of these was clearly paint. ed Ont. Last Sunday morning Rev. Mr, Abey addressed the children in Sb. John's churoh from the word,, "Thou art the Christ," Matt 10 10, In the evening the reverend gentleman's text was St. Jahn 8 80, "He must inorease but I must de- crease." Next Sunday the Sacrament of bbe Holy Communion will be administer. ed at the close of the morning service. The anniversary sermon to the Cao. adieu Order of Foresters will be preached by High Chaplain MoRobbie, Presbateri. an minister, of Shelburne, on Sabbath morning, Sept, 11th, at 11 o'clock in the Methodist thumb, Bruesels. At 10.30 the brethren are asked to meet in the Foresters' Ball, Blaehill'e block, from whish plaoe they will march to the churoh. A large number of visiting Foresters are expected. The General Conference of the Meths. diet churoh in Canada commenced its tension in the Metropolitan churoh, To- ronto, commencing, Thursday, Sept. let. This, the iegielative body of the churn, made once in four years. It ieoomposed of one ministerial delegate for every 12 ministerial members of each annual Con• ferenoe, and an equal number of laymeti, each annual Conference gloating its own delegation. The Conference this year will have 286 members, xepregenting the 0 annual Conferences in the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland, and the Wa- gon Conference in Japan. Amongst the many questions fot legislation that will come before the Conferenoe,the readjust• ment of the Missionary work and the "intineranoy" will be of great import. anon, whiled the election of the heads of the various departments of 0onnexional work will call forth mash interest, Rev, De. (Jarman, General Superintendent of the aural), will preside. The floanaiel meeting of the Goderioi Dietrieb of the methodist churoh wag held et IIomaevilis on Tuesday of last week. The meeting opened el 10,80 a. in., Rev, W. Rigsby, President of the Conference, entitling the chair, end Rev, Wm. Godwin at Secretary. Av- rangsments were made tot missionary anniversary netting and for the edema. ata me4luge, fe amount 00 3210 UISS L+;LS POST was netted of the diotelet to Help meet the Heating debt, of Ahem, Ladies' Col- lege, of 8t, Thome. 1t was distributed over the different circuits of the district and pt'aotioally nomad, a slight demur being expressed by two or three nirouits. The oelleetieue fee the General Confer. ewe Rung were peel iu to the atwitterv, and oleo the miniature' personal sub• somptfonn to the temerannnetian Lund. In the evening a well attended l.'lebisults nlretimi wan bold in the church, where forceful addreesos were given by Rov. W. Rigsby and Jasper Wilson, M. A. Bum ness Locals, TIMOTHY seed at MsOracksn's. TIMOTHY seed at Baeker & Vanstone's, Naw carrots, beets and potatoes at Ma- Cradkeu's, WHEELS from $40 np to 3100 at A. Oaneley's, Viso epeoial bargains In bisyelea. A, 14I. 1l2cKav ,2 Co. Sac our new stook of Japanese ollena, H. L. Jackson, jeweller, A. CoUSLRY handles everything that is used by a bioysle rider, Den you Bee the Gendron bike in A, Cousley's window ? It's it dandy. Limiest, yarns, a full assortment, all shades, just received at Mrs. Kirks. McgeY & Co. are agents fon the White sewing machine. Gill and Bae them. A 000D opening for an ente•'prising dress maker. Rooms over etre, Kirk's. CLnvn/ANE wheels are grail sellers, Six sold since Tan, 1st, I808. A Unnsley, E. & D, bearings are gun 0Mewl for three years, Come In and sec them. A. Oonsley. Wnnrnn--200 tubs einem Dairy Batter, 14a. Also 60 nog eggs weakly. G. B. King, Winglham. 17 x1n'FEnnxe designs in Japanese sups and saucers•—bountiful goods. H. L. Jackson, jeweller. CottronrnsLE house and good lot for sale on Alexander street, Beneaele. Ap• ply to Jas. Walker. We have jest opened Ont a large stock of china—direct from Japan. Cheap 1 cheap. If. L. Jackson, jeweller. ANY amount of wood will be taken for saw gumming and tiling. Wood may be rough or smooth, hard or soft, and to be delivered before the work leaves the shop. T, McGeeoon, saw filer and inventor, Queen et. East, Brussels. Ham Dnsesisa.—pIrs. Taylor wishes to inform the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that she will be here for the next two weeks doing up hair Ont of the heir comb- ings, alto shampooing. Hours from 5 to 8 p. m. Satisfaction guaranteed. A pall solicited, All orders left at the residence of Watson Ainley will be promptly attended to. Mns. TAYron, A Pn10ELESS DlscoyEnY.—"Soak and Swab" is an infallible, painless and non- poisonous remedy for the ogre of Canner, Cartilaginous Ulcers, Sore Throat and a variety of skin diseases. It curse caner in any part of the body where the liquid San reach it. Send for circular giving instructions how to apply the liquid. Sold ab Goo. per pint and 80o. per half pint bottle. 05aLnoo'9 LABORATORY, Gods - dole, *: -Sold by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels. 0-tf BARGAINS FOR Tau PaoLIc —Aa we, the firm of Walker & Smith, have sold ont our carriage business to the firm of Ewan & Innes and have only 80 days to sell off all the now buggies, carts and wagons, now is the time to get a bargain. Come quick. 5 new baggies, 1 new wagon, 1 new Garb, 4 second band Darts, 1 new wheel barrow, 2 second hand bngggies. Alt must be sold inside of 80 days. We want all accouite due us paid. Come and settle with us as you will and it easy doing a». WALE= & SMITH, Bruesela. Brussels Council. The regular monthly meeting of Bees. eels Council was held ou Monday evening, the Reeve in the chair, and Councillors Thomson,Baeker and Leatherdale present, Minutes of last meeting read and peas. ed. Tho following accounts were presented: Barrister Sinclair Court of Re• vision 3 8 69 R. Henderson, fire dept 0 00 Wilton & Turnbull, mis 8 55 L. McDonald & Go., lumber 26 60 F. S. Scott, insurance' Town hall., 26 00 A. MoLauohlin, salary 26 00 K. Scott, Fire Engine engineer..., 8 50 John Scott, fire dept.,.... „,50 Moved by R. Leatherdale, seconded by Geo. Thomson that the above accounts be paid. Carried. The Clerk was authorized to deliver the $22,200 debentures at the Confederation Life Associations office, Toronto. S. B, Smale asked the Council to make good the price of two panes of glass broken in his building on Wednesday evening of last week, amounting to 35,50, No adieu was taken. Council then adjourned. s01zay. M7noLnrON,—In I71ma, on Aug. 16th, the wife of Mr. Alex. Middleton, of a eon, Hoerr.—Lt Atwood, on the 10t11 nit., the wile of Mr. H. Y. Hoar, of a dough. ter. Bltowg,—In Wroxeter, on Aug, 10th, the wife of Mr, Andrew Brown, of a daughter. STnwAnT—In Grey, on Aug. 23rd, the wife of Mr, Hugh Stewart, of a son. WYNEas.—In Ibrdwich, on Aug. 28rd„ 'the wife of Mr, Alex. Wynese, of a daughter. sec.eax-exxxmaa. SCOTT—Flan/L—At the residenoe of the bride's father, Blyth, by Rev. A. Mo. Leon, Mr. John Beatt, of Morris, to Miss Hannah, daughter of Mr. Hugh Fraser. WALlroti—F,1LdoNnu,—In Fullerton town- ship, on August 24th, by Rev. Mr. Andrews, fur, Jasper Waltcoln to Miss Anna Falooner. FonnEs=--PAsTnlnolt.—At the Presbyterian mimeo, Atwood, On Aug. 18th, by Itev. P. A, McLeod, M. A., B. D., Mr. Edwin Forbes to Mise Maggie Partridge, both of Listowel. IKH haus—BLAOR\VEIL..—At the residence 01 the bride's parents, Wingham, on August 2805, by Rev. Mr. Freed, Mr, W, J. Kennedy, to Mise Emily Lode, daughter of Mr, Geo. Blackwell, both Ot Wingham, BRNNINoxoN—JAMES.—AI the residenoe of the bride's parents, East Wawanoeb, on August 17th, by Rev. 13r, Pascoe, Wingham, Mr, W. ,Bennington, of Cleveland, Ohio, to bfise Annie, daughter of Mr, le. Jamoe, SErr. 2, 1St'S ... ��.": ..-�.-`.: _:'-•e- .. .r•.. rTHSY,n.%', l�w+s,M1' #?nV?iY.••R� wvvcw.0 ,. _ ., % I •••/LLL1.I/, !) - _..//-)-+./�y1 1 � �� !l�� [�(/ /r•�/ (p( J','X, t !.1" C,1, ,,ID„.J, ._ teat-Eeeete xaer-a:, ).9 ra. HEAD OFFICE, - TCIRONTO ASSETS, (6leven 111illina Doggie) 67,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) . $2,000,000 AgrncteeenallprfnnfpalpointsinOntario,n,uebec,Manitola,UnitedStatescaai gltlnd. OI.+tl MeV? ie 'i' fieri .'Q1i"t I8'. A General flunking 13 Ohtani 'J' entetotel, Farmers' Notes 1)feaounted, Drafts Melted and Collodion merle on all pointe. SAVINGS HANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on limonite or 31,00 and 1pwartle from dot of depend to date n withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION aayag To 011E Ooaa oo'rION OF FAlitlleits' SALE NOTES. Every feeding afforded Onetomers Iiviug at dietanoe. M. 11I. 1311ENT, MANAGES. POPE—Mo1;w,N,—At the manse, Wing. ham, on August 17th, by Rev. 1). Perris, Mn, Donald 0. Pope to Giles Bate hlalawan of Morrie. Mcle mlob—COLLINe. — In Winghatm, on August 2001.1, by Rev. Wm, Lowe, Mr. Robb. MoBride to Miss Maggie Collins, both of Wingbam. HRNnnnsoa, — In Oleveland, Ohio, on August 26th, John Henderson, son of Merles Headereon, Bluevale road, aged 41 years, 0 months and 28 days. Wcnnwao0.—In Wingbanh, on Aug. 12th, John Wellwood, aged 45 years, 6 months and 11 days. JEatiyt.—In Listowel, ou the 22u11 Thomas Jermyn, aged 60 years, 1 menthe and 6 days. Lucas,—In Grey, on the 23rd ult., John Lucas, aged 27 years, 11 months aid 13 dave. Cairns,—In Atwood, on the 23rd ult., Franois curbs, aged 43 years, 9 months and 16 days. Howenn.—In Brussels, on August 20th, Dentia Howard, aged 80 yearn. KEYS.—In Grey, on Aug, 28th, Bessie, daughter of the late Henry Keys, aged 30 years. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN,. COATMAIiERSWANTED.— Apply to D, 0. ROSS, Brussels. HOUSE TO BENT, HARD and soft water. Apply to 7- J. R. SDIITn, COMFORTA73LE HOUSE FOR sale or to rent in North Brussels, Im- Modtate possession. Apply to BARRISTERBLAIR or W. H. mut REVERE HOUSE, BRUSSELS 1010 1307+111.—This very 0omm0dions and desirable property will be soles at a very moderate sum, or leased to a tonaut 01.111205b advantageous norms. Apply to J. A. OR.EntIGHT \1, 7-05 Agefor 1\1dors. dors• R NOTICE. I want 200 cords of short wood cut on lot 20, son. 18, Grey Township. Also a.ctuantit of long wood cut and ceder posts taken out. Job will be let Sept.10,15n8, d, 001081,E3r, Brussels, E�OUSE AND LOT IN ET IBL llnnse, will be a soldauntty as projn ietor lie tieing bask to his farm. Possession at oma. I'd'1or5h01: partiouhrl•a apply 10 Lf WE. POLLARD, Etlhe1. TT OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE otonutttoto sraeefor Sala r hat11yfmHous on Turuborry street, North of the 'Terrace, Intel y occupied by S. If, Jackson. Pot par- ticulars apply to W,11', "{err, or the ewnor, 3. HOAIRE, Auburn$. 0. 90.11 (tAPT. J. STRETTON, Auotioneer, l us t who lid bo experiencelwito an Ill health, ins again takon out hueuse and le prepared to oondsat sales at reasonabletol'u10. Satisfaction guaranteed, Dates may be arranged at 9.'1Als POST Pnbllaliing !louse, JAS. S'r1Lle1"0ON, 141 Auctioneer, NOTICE ! The Clerk oMcltillop will receive tend- onmud llfmu so on road for clearing between lois mud t, and concession allawlinee 'between 13 and 11 ooncoogiobs, opposite lets 2, 0 4 mud 0, East- ern part of Township of Mali:Mop, Specifi- cations may be seen at Daniel Manley's, Deputy Reeve, lot 4, 000.10, or at John kior- risen's, Reeve, lot 22, eon, 11 McMillan.lenders will bo reooiyod until Monday,19th Sept„rebeothey will be opened at I',ead- bury at Oouuctl sleeting, alit o'oloolc p, lu. 8.1 JOHN 0. MOR1tISON, Winthrop, Notice to Creditors. 21t the Surrogate Court of the County! of 2formn, in the matter of the estate of Thomas Taylor, loge of the Tuan of Godericly deceased: Notice is hereby given, pennant to R. S. 0 „Chap., 129, Sea. 98, that all persons having any claims against the estate of tbo said Thos. Taylor, late of the Town of Goderioh, gentleman, deceased, who died on or about th0 20111 dug Of duly, A.D., I595, are required to send by mall, postpaid, or deliver to G L' Blair, Solicitor for the Executor's, at Brus- sels P,O., on of before the 24511 day of Sept. 1595, a full statement autt particulars of theirclaimsand the nature of the securities Cif any) held by them, and on and after the said 21th day Sept. the said estate willbe listrlbntef among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of wbiob n0610o shall then have been given. Dated at Brussels 1st day of Sept„ 1895. W.H. KEERR, A. OOUSLEY, lt, LEATHEOODA1',E,�'Eseoutors. G. F. BLAIR, Solicitor for Executors. SCHOOL BOOKS. s Our stool, of School Supplies for elle re -opening is now complete and the linen of Scribblers we are now showing are away ahead of any assortment we have yet sII.OWII, The Public School —'50422 Ontario Scribblers Are our Leaders, 6ltia�y.,a Gar ONE 4r nsr Fox's Drug Store. REAL ESTATE. Ii ARAI TO RENT.—'r11E UN- do1'stand will lease bis 200 /tore farm, being North Ralf Lot 24 and North Half of South lIalf Lots 20 and Oil, Oon. 5, Morris. Good buildings, none 10000 00nvsnieut;land in good order. Possession on Nov, 1st. Reason for leasing, going into business in leruseals. For further particulars apply to WAL'1'1il1 7.NNIS8, at the Carriage Works of Ewan & Innen, Br'eaoele. 8.55 �� AR4f ICOR SALE.—THETJN– RInNED offers his 100 acro farm for Sale, being rho South i of Got 20, 000,'1 Morrie: There aro 90 acres cleared and well fenced, balanoo about 0 acres cedar swamp, remainder hardwood bush, There is a good brlok house with kitchen, woodsbeil and *oiler complete, large bans barn with stab- ling, orchard, two good wo115 and other oou- veufeooes. Situated 4 miles from Brussels and 1.1 miles from Jamestown. Possession given 1st of Marsh. Fall wheat will be pu in by tenni t. 11'or pries and terms apply to Hal'l'ow P.O., Essex CO. 50HN WILSON, Prop, I�IARM FOR SALE.–I60 ACRES Consisting of the South; and South 1 of filo North i of Lot SS, Oou 2, East Wawa - nosh. This ie au excellent stook farm, hal ug well supplied with good spring water. Itis Situated about 8 milos from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo part of It is under grass. Buildings and frames aro in afair Orate of remit•. Easy terms of payment will he given. For all information apply to 11-tf G.11S.BLAIlb, Barrister, Brussels, -FOAM FOR SALE.—TIIE UN- .A- DRR01025E0 offers his 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 22, N d Oon. 7, lvlorrls. Th81'e are 70 acres cleared and under Drop, balance hardwood bush, There is a good frame house, with kitchen, woodshed and cella complete; bank barn with stone sten/fug orchard, wells, and all other oonveuiences. Only $ of a mho from school and 9 miles from Brussels. Possession would be given at once. For price and terms apply on the promises or 510011014 LORSYTII Proprietor, LLY FCD Famosslaammammommossrammm • Our stock as a whole has never been' in such a wonderfully forward con- dition at such an early season of the year—We mean, of 0005040, a8 regards Fall Goods. A simple enumeration of receipts include the following 1— f ,t ,�,�! T �A h 3a 'Chic” Chi @ 9 9 r- ow s. I are easily modeled from Priesttey's Black Wool Figured Fabrics because the firmness of the texture and exquisite weave yield ideal draping qualities. Combined with this is the originality of the designs in Black Wool Figures—in Matalosse effects, Ao'mures, ea feee 'Pebble Cloths and Wool Canvass Cloths, ••..'Jtoo.s.oa.oea.e.n,.n+a.+.ow.cxaw' 0 ar For the street, for calling or for the 110use, F'ashioa dictates from across the water as eminently core rect this season "Priestley" stamped on the selvedge. rN s' efee nestley's 5. Black Wool Figured Fabrics Sold by Lending 13,y Coods houses everywhere. _tRi� �>'$�yyt`° 1� two B mY� ��' -" e. PRIESTLEY'S DRESS GOODS, (We are Sole Agents in Brussels.) —Prieatley's Silk and Wool Entlora CIoth, —Priestley's Serges, Ilenriettas and Cashmeres, —PriestleySolid Clots —Priestley's Wool figured, -- y 1, I'rieatley's Royalette, A PULL LINE Flannels, Flannelettes, Cottons, S'7aiitz,n4s , ToveZs, Toweling, TableTi1aens Gloves, _Hosiery and Corsets. �p Wo have received oil!" I'a]1 Boots & Shoes linos In Boots Shoos trod , Rubbers. All sizes for Men, Women and Children. � . Highest Price for produce. ithr �, . a McLarezL