HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-9-2, Page 5SEPT. 2, 1898 BUSINESS CAROS. 'MONEY TO LOAN AT G PER1, OUIIt. 1',11. ti(.OlY, 11luanale. .AAT IIaOEA.01I N, -- F • Insurer of MarriageLinemen, ()Moo at bis (tracery, lhnnbonry street, llresaehl, R• 7. BAIME'TT, Tonsorial Artist Shop—Next doer ecuth of A, M. McKay ,2 no's hardware store, Ladies'aml elahlrone heir outlive a e,ollOItY lf.)IANO OR O1tOAN. 1 ltIoo down aletaooleliu, i'up 11 of U. L. AI, Dania, Mordent 0)0111013, of the 00000rv- atorY Of 1100000, ltann11te1, Ont1u•lo, to pro - pared to giro It104ructl0ue to pupile on either Diana or organ. Special attontlon gluon to Whole, haosons given either at the Iloulee of penile or at !nacho's tomo. 44.101 ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INeRAN00, VIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, T. FLETCHER i Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OnorcE AT J14wELnZ Bvolt10. r "No Witness Required. T. FLETCIII;R, 13rusoole ALEX. 1IUNTPR, clerk of the Fourth Division Cour 00. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land,Loan and Insuranoo Agent. Pundit invested in 94111 to loan. Collections made AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. 1 • EER, will sell for better prico0,to better men, iu ass Limo anti less charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or bo won't obargu anything. Dittos 0011 orders can ;always be ,0lLlOged at this office or by personal app110ati0n. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, 11 • Honor Graduate of the On tarto Veterinary College, 10 prepared to treat ail di0eases of domesticated animals le a (Im- potent manner. Particular attention plod to veterinary dentistry. calls promptly at- Officenoeth 0f bridge tended to.'nl•nbeandI rnilil'Y b„ mar13100& 18 Dora LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1- DI. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER V • solicitor, Uonveynneor,Notary Pub - lie, &o. OWoe—Vanatone's Block, 1 door )1 (Mb of Central Bete Solicitor for the Standa.01 Bank, _ GtF. 13LAIR, BARRISTER, • Soliai tor, &a. (late o1 G"rrOW & 910ndfooL'a Olnoo, 00,101.11h.) Office over Glllioeas Smith's Bauts,33ruesels, •l7 Money to Loan. CAMERON, • ,Ay,L • (Formerly of Cameron, H011 & Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderioh, 00-1lamilt0ll St., Opposite Col bulge Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M.D., 0. Tin Trinity 'Universityy, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member College of Thy- Winans Surgeons,11 1 Phyysiciens and !Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. ta'olephoue No 11, itoaitleu00, Mill S t., Brussels, E. T. SNIDER, M.D.; 0. TI., 0170000001• to Dr. A. McKelvey,yy nn 1 Bargoone, Kingston ; Member oflthee001 Col- lege of Puy010inns and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of womon and children n specialty. Plight years' exp0rienee. !1.01.11 co and reit- Menet) formerly Dr5 a-evy,luuberry et, B rital2 d. M, ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D., M.C.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, A000U0HEUR, ETO, Special attention' given to dtsonaes of the Throat and Lungs Hud dise00ce of Woman and Ohiltlron. RESIDENCE—WALTON, ONT. DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, mresuI1N, 011110001 .08n .100013011000, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. Set 01agit Honor Graduate of t110 UuiVani- ties oI Trinity (Toronto), Queens (Pingetou), and of Trinity Mod:ioal 0.01(090; fellow of !l'rluitgy Nlodlaal 00110ge 00(1 mamber of the College 11oPut GiaduntosGaulBurnam; e 100 DotrOit Ont0(0 0la(0lg0,1090, Spacial attention paid to die- oa000 of Vomit, f 'Gone Ration in Sing- lioh and Gorman, Telephone at ro0itle100. BOLESFOR t 1 .— IIE fined SLkeep for ! undersigned will keep for service, ou Lot 0, 000.0, Groy a thorn' broil iulprod Yorkelnh•o boor and vo0111oro'bred large Eng- lish. Berkshire hog, Pedigrees tufty be aeon on applioatfou. Terme, 51.00,'10 bo paid at time of servioo,with privilege of returning if 110(10000.1'y, ABTHUIL 01111TH 110.4* Propriotor, 'PULLS FOR SERVICE.—TEE lmrlereig0otl will troop for service on Lot bu111"Nature," Also ,a tlioro breHere- ford. Dur- ban) bull. Both are exceptionally lino an - 003010. 'perms, 91,00, to be paid Jan. 101, 10110, with privilege of rett0•n,hg if tecoseary. 41.4 OLIV101t TU1tN11ULL, Proprietor. 3(41019, 41.101' ''ood's Phosphoti Sle, The ((teat .1Dn(/tiet, Remaly. Sold and recommended by al druggists fat Canada. OnlOnlyroll able 111011111110 discovered. SA aakagat guaranteed to cure ail forms of Sexual Weakness, all 0troots of nitu00 or excess, Mental Worry, Ex0es0ive use of To, receipt eipri Opinnt or009001mlts. Mailed on 0 price, Pamphlets fre95. bne 010ddree , Thg 'Wood O050(nnly, Windsor, Ont Bold lit liruesols by G, A,bp1ADAtAN, 1) 00199101, IIooitsellor,0, Optician. 1:1 l3RIJssu,S POST ...wT,..-ss. illy' nothing nonld he Hated frobl the Sunday at 11 o'oloak he was enddenly 15 t "l t , • eb) , ,Dwelling The engine dire:h'd it0 et'1'orte taken tvitil a severe euughiug spell and t0 eev,Dg adja0.mt .1'ul,urt1', Nuri tie there ('011(104 in a few Ininet,a nn11er. distress 130v,.1, 1), Edgar, of Cayuglt, is visiting flriend0 in and around Gorrio. II. 0, Smith ,h Co. shipped a 10911 of maple flooring to the Northwest. Aliso 115910 Jamison, of Grand Rapids 1111011„ is visiting Mrs, Van, Dickson, Mies Joan Gibson, of Toronto, ie at present the g0e09 of her eider, 39ru. Van, 1)10(10011, Glbeou 1310,0., of the `Vetxoter Batu mill, have put in a plant fir the 111111111. facture of cider. Mies Elba Sanderson Is in Toronto waiting on her eiater.in•htw, !lira, J. W. Sanderson, who le ill. Victor Patterson,of Pal kilned, is upend. Ing a few days at the ,tome of hie unol0, John Morrison, of toter:. Mieoos Elate Allen and Edith Giboon, who wrote on the recent examinations at, Harriston high school, have 0neoeeded in obtaining their S000ud oleos non•protes. oional cOrlifiontee, iilxtlr. Division Court was held in Blyth on Wednesday. Blyth fair will bo held on Tuesday and Wedlteeday, October 4th and 0111. Dr. 3, N. Perdue has returned from his trip to Manitoba. A oar of Apples was shipped from Blyth station to Glasgow, Scotland, on alonclay of last week. Miss Sarah Bentley, who has been residing in Winnipeg for several months, returned to Blyth for a visit. The members of the Ladies' Aid of the Westfield Methodist church came to town on Tuesday of last week and had Miss Sutherland, our artist, take a group photo of them. In the evening the Ladies' Aid of the Blyth Methodist ohuroh entertained than to tea in tho basement of the church. On Sunday evening of last tvoek Rev. T. E. Higley preached his farewell ser- mon in Trinity oburob, the edifice being o,owded to the doors by many of the citizens of Blyth and neighborhood, who were eager to bear the farewell words of one who was untiring in his labors for the cause of God. Last Sunday Mr. Higley eenmeuood hie work at Blenheim. LXOCer. A W. J. Darling's dwelling is hearing completion as ie also S. L''ittou's. Wm. Gardiner is shipping three ones of young cattle to his Home iu Reinbauk, Ohio. Dr. and Mrs. Anderson left for Wet. more, Mirth., to visit friends for a short time. John Cudmore, while setting a tire on a wheel unthinkingly caught hold of Lhe tire before it wee oold and burned his ]land quite severely. The delay of placing the aro lights in the centre of the street as directed by the council has been oaneed by the 00ar0119 of poles. The company says it is impos- sible to geode them in this neighborhood. 0. Prouty, Clerk of the township of Stephen, is 84 years old, and is probably the moat votive of his age in the county. Notwithstanding this great age and being somewhat indisposed he started out in his rfficial Capacity cud drove 167 and served 240 papers in three and a half days. A mysterious fire was disoovered in Drs. Hyndman do Hyndame's office just in time to save the oontente and building and probably avert a serious coullagra- lion. It had made ooneiderable headway, the curtains and carpets being badly burned. It is supposed the fire originated by eome person oareleeely dropping an ig• nited match. CJlinton. The Organ Factory will make iia usual magnificent exhibit at Toronto exhibition which will be under the control of Wilbur Manning. Rev. W. Wade has been confined to the house for sevetal days by a severe illness, and does not appear to be mush better. His ailment causes considerable pain. Western Fair Art department has re. quested of Mr. Tindall the loan of a few of his choice paintings, purely for exhibition purposes, and this gentleman line saner. onsly aoceeded to the request. Word was received of the accidental death of Hugh Cole, formerly of Ibis neighborhood, nephew of Ohae. Cole, which occurred at Flint, Mich., while he happened to be crossing a railroad trace; be was unmarried, and was a brother of Angus Cole. It may interest some of our readers to know that Mre. Graham, widow of Rev. James Graham, formerly of the: town, is now an assistant editor of the Obristiau Guardian, while her son, an ordained minister, has charge of tbo 1pred•Victor Mission in Toronto. Jnohaon Bros., well known clothiers, made an imported annonneement last week' to the affeot that they are about to convert their store into a departmental one, and the first step in this direction will be the assimilation of the boot and shoe stook of Jackson & Jaokson, with their own. The half yearly election of officers for Ontario street League resulted us follows k Pres., Miss Roth ; let 010e, Mrs. Seward ', 2nd vine, F, Olatwortby ; 8rd vice, Miss II. Whitely ; 4th vice, Mies M. Wiltee ; 900.4180. Albert Downs nor. -eco. Miss A.BriokOuden ; !rens, n A. (,nasals ; pianist Miss Olement. The Collegiate reopened with the fol' lowing excellent staff ;—/J. Houston, M. A., Principal, specialist in English, Fronah, German ; W. E. Rands, B. A., 8900100st in Mathematics ; J. W. Tre. leaven, B. A„ opeoiallet in °lassies ; E. M. McLean, specialist in Saienoe; Mies Edith Parleo, Conimeroial /09901 li01. Robt. Coate, youngest eon of Robt. Coats, merchant, hae left for Toronto where he expecte to reside. Hewitt enter the journalietie ranks, if there is a suit• able opening • if not, he will turn his at, tendon to other pnrsdits. He is an e,. pert ehorbhander, is well ver00d in public molter: ; a University graduate, and, be. tag a young man of sterling character, we expect to bear of him climbing the ladder of popularity anti fame in the Queen City. Ab abort half past threeo'oloolt on Fri day morning pereon0 it: the neighbor• hood of Dr. Benoe'e 1101100 t00110 aroused by cries of "Fire, Fire" and hurrying out found Dr. Bruce at en tipper window in Lenight dross Iow pet of Ilower while the a t the house wag in !ionise, and with the aid of a ladder the do0to17 lues removed from hie pet110110 position, 'while 001110 ono hurried down and sondded the einem. The flame spread 00 gniokly that virtu. wa0 (10 0912111, !heap wits not uluoh dill!. injA airuurnsLanee0, the mother being nul19 fu prevartlim; the 0pr0111 of 1110, phone, as all the other lnemb0110 of the '.i'he buildles wan owned by Thoth 01b. faMily were at church. 1181 agonizing binge, who only hut an 100utanee of 8100, calls drought aseletanoo, and a meeseuger Mr. Bruce had as ineurene0 of 8150 on 090.0 diapatobod in ail haste for the aboent hie furniture and $250 on hie piano, ones. In the oommu0ity and at sobool The origin of the fire le unknown. the decoded wee a general favorite, ids s• career et the latter plaoo being brilliant, Cirul•ri(t. having passed the entrance and leaving while finite young. 11 will be remember. ed that two years last Winter a brother and a stater were talkers by the Dame disease, lfnowing the ultimate final nature of the disease the young man re. 0ig11ed himself to hie fate, and the nhango was 0110 of 9(eerotl peace to him. The genuine sympathy of the whole commun. ity for the family, whose affliction i0 al. most unbearable, was evinced in the kind attention and offerings of friends, and the largo number attending the funeral 011 Tuesday, upwarde of 100 Age follow. log the remains to McIntosh cemetery, Godes riclh. Upwards of 50 pupils of the Separate School pi0-nieked at lllenesetung Park. The organ factory has Iota of orders on hand, is fail heeded and running full time, Wm. Warnool( has scorer) a 9000000 with hie fig tree, growing a good orop of splendid fruit this year, Mr. Seager, of Godariab, hits been op. pointed Returning Olfioer for West Huron for the plebiscite. The steamer, "Oily of London," left for Owen Sound, and will not return to this port again this season, She tool! on It oargo of salt in barrels to the Georgian Bay port. The carrying out of the 1808 Chau tauqua Assembly at Cloderioh, proved nob as 0119(1080 ul as its pram01ere had hoped, much to rho disappointment of the eller. gale and euLhusiastie promoter, Aliss Kimber. On Wedneedoy of last weak the Sen. forth Methodist Sunday school held their annual picnic in Goderich, soma 300 tickets having been sold for the 0003810(1. The party arrived about 11 a. m. and left for (tome at 8 p. m. A vieit to the garden of Ohne. Wells, Bayfield road, will ebow a magnificent collection of gladiola, several hundred varieties, besides about 55 varieties] of 900utiful dahlias. There is probably nothing to equal this display In several counties. Before leaving for Montreal Mies Davis wee the recipient of a pleasing testimonial from the members of St. George's church. It was a beautifully illuminated address, (the work of Architect Fowler,) and ao. oompanying it were other tokens of love and respect, including a puree of gold. _ Lieut. -Col. Varooe, now oommanding the 33rd, returned from a abort tem at the Military examinations in Ottawa, having passed a most creditable exam. He scored 23 out of 25 in three subjects, and 78 per cent. in equitation, a much better average than usual, ooenpyiug but 7 days, which is also a shorter term than is usually required. Liout.•Gov. Oameron, writing from Regina, under date of August 6th, says ; —'The way to live here is by farming. I drove out 12 miles into the country ; what I saw in the way of farming weeld astound an old Hurouite ; acres of po- tatoes ; 50 to 100 acres of oats, and 50 to 200 acres of wheat, all looking splendid ; barring aooidents the wheat will be 25 bushels to the store ; I never saw any. thing to equal it. Most farmers own 320 to 050 awes, some more, cultivate 200 to 300 aoroe, the balance pasture, with 20 to 100 head of cattle. It would open a Huronite'e eyes, with his limited 100 aoree, to see a Western farm ; all prosperous. The last few years bas mnde the farmers here capitalists." Wm, Do1g, 0rand Organizer for the Cl, 0, 1e., left for Oookslure, (.ane. Division Como, 0911,1 110111 in Unrrio 00 p'lnutley lint little 1111011111111 Wltg 011 hand, Rev, W. 1''. Brownlee, of Granton, formerly of this pariah, wee in town tltie week smiling on old friends. Bert. and Harbert Oathetrt 014 ]Hiss M. B. Thompson, of Otn0tnnetti, Ohio, are the guests of their uuole, Henry Perkins. Mr, Robinson, of Ifensalt, represent. ing the Aoatylene Lighting 00., of Lou. don, visited town in the fnt010et0 of acetylene gas, Mrs, Samuel Peel and family have re- turned to Sault 1310. Maria, Miuh• They were n000mpaniel by her sister, Mise Lottie Ardell. The English 011ulah aougregation have the nee of the Township 11x11 to Hold 0erviao0 in while they are repairing their church, free of charge, by providing their own light and fuel. At the last Council meeting it was moved by Grigg and Spence that the County rate bo 1 2 10 mills ; township rate 1f mine ; railway rate 5/5 of a mill ; sinking fund, 8/20 of a mill ; general school rate, 11 mills and that a bylaw be passed accordingly. A,rselA.311.0 show Here on Tuesday and Wad• nesday, October 4th and 5111. Mies Lona Treleaven, of this village, i0 visiting friends in 1Voodetook and Lon- don. M. Corrigan left for Quebec to attend the Grand Lodge meeting of the 0.M,13. A. moiety. Brune Comity will pay 0nnn1111y for the next 20 years the sum of 81471,63, pay- ment of Poor House debentures. "Say So" was the title of a lecture do• livered in the Methodist church hereon Monday evening of last week, by Rev. R. J. Treleaven, of Brantford, under the auspices of the Entvorth League, which was without doubt one of the finest lectures ever given in the oburoll. Rapid progress is being made with the County of Bruce house of Refuge. The timbers for the roof are all in position and a good part] ptosed in. The brick- work i0 finished with the exception of a part of the tower and that will shortly be op to the required height. If there is no delay with the slating the building will shortly be covered. James Nelson, of Glasgow, Scotland, purrWised Loin Smith McLean twenty carloads of cattle, amounting in the ag- gregate to Mont twenty -eve thousand dollars, He shipped by special train two hundred and twenty head, on Aug. 13, and the balance on the following Mouflay from Luoknow and Kincardine. Mr. Nelson ie one of the firm of Nelson Bros., Glasgow, and their sales of live stook exceed that of any other firm in the world. They have secured the space on all boats this season to the Glasgow mar. het from the United States and the Dominion, and they have limited the number to 700 Canadiau and 600 States' cattle. This is a dangerous enterprise, as it has been attempted by syndioates be• for', but they have always some to grief. IF0A'cl'w1o11. Quite a number from hero and vicinity are taking in the grant exposition at Toronto. A. Wyuoss is at present the proudest papa in town. Its a bouncing baby gid that makes him so, The painters are now putting on the finishing touohee on Won. Goggm's new house, which when finished will be one of the finest residences in this part of the oonntry, Our townsman, A. Wyness, has been appointed by the Grand Master of the Maeonio Order to the office of Very Wor. ehipful Grand Stewart of the Grand Lodge. The Fordwiob FOrhiter0 Factory hoe reoeived an order for a oarload of bed• steads to be shipped to Manitoba, Mr. Walltey is adding to his staff and the order will be filled as soon as possible. While working among his bees Alex. Wyness 9na the misfortune to have a bee get under his veil, which stung him just below the left eye, causing a slight die• figuring of his ince for a while. Mrs. Atex. AltGregor, of Schreiber, accompanied by bar little eon, is at pros. eat visiting with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mrs. McGregor epenb her girlhood deye . in this village and was known as Thies Kate Darcy. While Crosby Laokio wee returning from Gerrie, where he had been dative:, ing bread, he met with what might have proved a very 0e1lou0 defiant. When about oopoeilo the lime kilns the iron an one of the shafte broke off from the axle, letting ft drop and frightening the horse, which gave a sudden jump and twisted the other shaft off, thus freeing himself from the rig, but not from the ehafte. rbc sudden jerk Bent the rig into the dib where it upset throwing Oroeby, who still had hod I of the linea to the ground Ile tried to turn the horse into the Rate way but. the striking agabnot its heels frightened it so much that it dash. ed book down the road to Gorrie, where it was turned into one of the botel stables. Crosby, although somewhat shaken up, prooeeled after, secured the horse and shafts, got them fastoued to the rig and returned home not much the worse for the aooident, nithongh the top was broken off the rig and the horse's bind legs are somewhat bruised and out from the shrifts Striking them on his race down the road. On1T,--Fell death's uutimoly frost nip• ped another young man in the bloom of youth from oar midst on Sunday, 15th ult., at the early ego of 17 years, one month and eight days. The departed was Samuel Harry Nay, yonogost son of S. Nay. About a year ago rho deceased began to oottgb, and immediate action wa0 taken to have the trouble oradioated. Thorough the Autumn and Winter months the (lettering nature of the disease aoeerb• ad itself, and at times he was thought to be out of danger. The warm Spring deye en a obtn a fur the worms and brought R the remainder of hie life hero was spent in misery, notwithstanding the attention of a food and devoted mothor. Saturday previous to hie &lett: he and his moth00 took a Raven or eight Milo drive. On A, Hutchison has arrived in town from Grand Forks, Dakota, and is malting a visit at the parental home, Main street. Wilbur Hutchison returned to hie home in Winnipeg last weak. His sister, Miee Mabel, aoaompaoiod him and purposes remaining in Winnipeg for a year. A set of Yale look boxes has arrived and been installed in the postal °. They are a great improvement on the old box- es and add materially to the appearance to the new and well equipped office, Court Listowel, I. 0. F., upon being informed that Win. H. Riddello, a mem. ber of the court at Aylmer, was lying i11 at the home of hie brother in town, promptly provided a nurse for him. The Listowel High School Board met on Tuesday evening .otlast week for the purpose of appointing a olaosioal master to fill the vaoanoy in the teaching staff ennead by the resignation of A. MoVicar, who goes to Windsor. From the 25 ap- plications received, the Board selected Robb. Stoddart, of Barrie. Mr. Stod- dart is an honor graduate of Toronto University and a epeoialistin classics. Monday morning of last week Thomas Jermyn died at bis residence, Elam street, after a protraoted Illness. De- ceased was in hie Olet year, and had for a good number of years been in the em• ploy of the firm of J. & J. Livingston, fax men. lIlo leaves a wife and four eons, who have the sympathy of their friends in their bereavement. The fun- eral took place on Wedueeday afternoon to Fairview cemetery. 3. W. and Mrs. Scott have retntned to town after a very enjoyable trip down the St. Lawrence and around by Halifax and St. John to Boston and New York. They were away between three and four weeks and`took in all the principal pointe of interest along the route, besides spend- ing a oonoiderable portion of the time 011 the water. From New York they came up the Hudson to Albany, and after visiring at Syracuse, came home by the Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Halstead and Mise Mabel Halstead, of Mount Forest, acoom. panted them on their pleasant trip. An unusual though fortunately not serious aooident occurred to Andrew Hermiston, undertaker, who had left the late MaLNcas'eplace iu Grey shortly be. fore the storm buret 'Tuesday night of last week. He had nearly reached home when he felt the boxed wagon, in whioh he had been carrying a aofee, lifting by the wind and got out and was holding against the rig to prevent it being over- turned when a guest of wind flopped it over, rPho horses started off on n run and Mo. Hermieton wag dragged in ander the rig. Realising his dangerous position he lot the horses go and escaped with a few 0eratohe0 on his face, The horses broke away and were found next morn- ing at Henry Smith's Ono: In Wallace, They were not injured 1101 Was the rig, beyond the breaking of tile whitiletr000, Harvest Excursions A11 Stations in On Lurie nod l.4uebee, via ghleag0 and lit. Paul, to 'IWrneipeg, Portage 18) Pre, Itrlo,dmod od Other 31e11l11Ilnl ruin 00, . R 11!0,0 00)3011ONOta anti. North Ito hole Pound trip Poco (loin August 30th, rater:dog until October 00th, 109,0, 00159 September 1119, r0- turutpg until Nov 101,11, 100s. 1'lolrot rates end information trout. J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels. GEO. REVD, " Ethel. Fall Term begins Sep11 tENTRALIttiNE,_ J ova (ILL +''J C.5tre-ifo gid,'(d® ONTARIO'S POPULAR COMMER. CIAL SO11005. circulars Frce. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. Theuaderaigno,l will keep for sorvies on Lot 20, Con. 0, 4lorrio, the thoro'-bred Im- provod Yorkahiro Boar, 'Oat( Lodge Long- fellow," N0. 2480, bred by JR. Brethous, Bur- ford, to which a limited numbor of sows will be taken. Terme, 01,00, to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if nee - emery, A numbar of ohotee young sows for sale for breeding purposes which will be sold at prieoe to suit the times. 21- ILOBT. NICHOL, Proprietor. IDER MILL Brussels Cider Mill and Apple Butter Factory, Mill street, has been overhauled and is now ready for oper- ation. Fetch on your Apples. Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Geo, Edwards, • Prop, HONE TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or 'Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6.1- Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels P10081 Will a Welk mail of YOti 9 P30001 P10013088 TAS 110040 0000100 (0 110110 000000. P1000I aurae all Norvoue Dleoaeoa. 01001,10,09. nose, Ban0Og rtomory, Nightly Bwloolao,. 80,,1000. rorr0booa; Imp0tono9, oto,, oaaeod by put • , ' Q 1 h1Y ti tear bls011180 a Lae Msa'n 18 aid or7aun0. Uec.P10000and9011wmg*w 3(11008 and sappy again, Scut by ern m p1atn strapper and eomlraly scaled. from oboervotlow Month' curled In vont poorot -pplop, It a paoreye, ale for as. Bend moony 111 althor on.lna or lealetor. *0101(08., 119111000 all lotto* to 3, '131, PEP IDR, foiog 11tt 0 000,rOOl, oar., Afloat tot the Do, NEW uldlierSliop I The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the ILB BLOCK BRBSSW SM 1 where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. S. WALICEn. 1 • t delivered to allparts Mea v of the town. l"CAs11 PAID Poll• 11110)1,10. 0 Mineralized Leather GAYALOGUC 9008 t Kidduek''—A, kidtannedso that water ("creeps" off it, perspir- ation evaporates through it, and friction wears it slowly. Can to boiled in hot water without injury. I'ifade solely for the U. and $5.. grades of the Goodyear Welted, Slater Shoe Jno. Dowding, - Sole Local Agent. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND. — North Shore Dille and Cedar FOE SALE AT Till; Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Saab of all Pat terns on band or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, 1 7cLEOD'S System, Renovator -AND ()TBEII- TESTED REMEDI ES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Steeplesaneee, Palpita- tion of the Heart, LiverOomplaint,Near- algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, 0013- gumption, 00gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Denim, Female Irregnlerities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. M. MoLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold b Jaa, I'' Ox, Druggist, 11100901&. OUR SILYE.R JUBILEE. Western Fair, - London. September 8th to 17th, 1898. Entries close 7th September. Space allotted on receipt of entry. Our attractions will be grand, and exhibits unsurpassed. You can see all that others can show, and to bettor advantage. Royal Dragoons, Prince O'Kebe's Japs, Sie Hassan Ben Ali's Buffing and many other specials, the best in the country. Fireworks each evening, "Blowing up the Maine," assisted by all the ring and stage attractions. Special excursion trains leave London at 10 p. in. and after, so you can stay to the fireworks. Auction Sale of Booths and Privileges, Wednesday, August 17th, on the grounds at 2 p, on, Prize Lists, Programmes, etc., apply to LT. -COL. W. M. GARTSHORE, THOS. A. BROWNE, PRE0mENT. SECRETARY. APPLES WANTED. We will be ready to Buy any Quantity of Apples on or after the 6 T H SEPTEMBER, —AT TI311— BRUSSELS EVAPORATING FACTORY. Apples may be shaken oil' Trees. Windfalls and all kinds of apples, except very soft and shall, will be taken. Parties having Winter Apples to sell will do well to give usa call before disposing of themShip- pers, to S li - pers, for 'which an extra price will" be paid. Hands Wanted .,,,0„ Boys and Girls to work in the Fac- tory. Call at ONCE. she . est Pio Paid for four foot Wood; Beech and Maple preferred. , S. !MUSSELS.