HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-9-2, Page 1Vol. 27. No, 8
New Advertisements,
Notice —A. Coultas,.
Lit:aide-ASA Walker,
Notioe—John 0. Morrison.
Speotaoles—G. A. Deadman.
learnt for sale—John Wilson,
Farm to rent—Walter Innes
Apples wanted—Mahler Bros,
Home for sale—Wen. Pollard,
Fall 1898—John Ferguson ee
Notice to ereditors—G. Blair.
Boots and Shoes—Geo, II. Mitchell.
Wonderfully forward—feinith A: Mc-
Voters' List Court.
lietieo Is hereby m000 that a Court will bo
held, pursuant to the Ontario VotersList
neatest), by his Honor, the amigo of the
()entity Court) of the Oonnty of Miran, at the
Township Hall, on the Elth clay of September,
Ms, at Ine'eleek in the forenoon to bear
and determine the Several complaints of
errors and 081155/0115 in the Voters' Dist of
the Municipality of Grey for 1808. All per-
sons having bushman at the Court are re-
quired to attend at Ube wild time and place.
Dated Attg. 22 1008. Clerk of Grey.
If)iottict Rehm
Rev, Forrest idea bicycle end dean it
well tom
It would be a good Mee to continua the
new sidewalk.
Tuesday of lest week Rev, A. 0. Tiffin
attended the Matelot meeting at Ronnie.
vale. Mr, Barrows was nob able bo go.
Several from this locality attended the
funeral of the late Dennis froward at the
11, 0. chetah, 13eueeels, on Monday worm
High Court Organizer Strong bo here
this weok giving the 0. 0. I?, a boon). He
is thoroughly posted in hie Work a0C1 a
tiptop fellow.
Rev. D. Forrest proaohels b Orenbrook
last Sabbath afternoon and will alio take
the service next Sabbath owing to Rev.
D. B. McRae being away an hie holidays.
Walton 0. 0. P. have received an in-
vitation front Brunets to join them on
Sabbuth, lith inst., at 11 e, m., at their
anniversary services in the Methodist
church. High Chaplain hue boon invited
to preach on that measiou,
To Reime+nstruct a
allway tridge
Without interfering with truffle ie a somewhat difficult 'engineering
task. It aptly illustrates what is being done in this business at the present time.
We are making extensive changes Una we hope will be mutually benefioial. Changes
that will make it easier for you to select ;tootle, and will give us greeter divanteges
for displaying merchandise. Daring Mesa elledigee business will go on the stone as
MIDI Many lines may be picked up that ere decidedly amps, and before many
weeks pass the results of what is now going on will be more apparent.
11, reV7 Ite:1125 of Interest :
Seecia,1 in Pink Stripe Flannelette 50
Extra, Heavy Dark Grey Stripe Flannelette 70
A Flannelette Shirting, always sold at 12eo, for 100
White Aprou Muolins, pretty effects in stripeo, worth 10a, for 70
A now Brand of natatory Cotton, heavy make 50
Sheeting, single fold and plain 78
Doable fold Twilled Sheeting 100
A good thing we have just opened is blen's Box, 2 pairs for 250
Fest Black Plain Cotton Mose for Ladies, 2 pairs for 25e
A. line of Waiste at 25o
Prints, Muslins and Ginghams are being cleared out,
We are ahvays striving to improve this business to make it a most satisfactory
Place to boy, with more help and improved methods we expect sales will take an-
other bound. Wa are laying the foundation for n big Fall Trade.
Strictly One _Price.
Always Reliable.
F LIA 1898
We're Now Ready for Early Buyers
of New Fall Goods.
If it so happens that you need to purchase Fall
Goods this month we're ready for you with very large
stocks in every department at very low prices,
—New Dress Silks, new Waist Silks, now Colored Dress
Goods, Slylish Black Dress Goods, 15 to 20 per cent.
lower than ever before.
—New Corded Velveteens, in all the latest colors and
shades at 40c.
—Ladies' and Children's German Cashmere Hose at
from 10 to 15 poi' cent below former prices.
—Boys' and Girls' heavy rib, all wool Hose, bought direct
from the Canadian 1VIanufacturor, which moans a
saving of the wholesale profit.
—Now Mantles, bought direct from throo different German
Makers and passed through customs at lowest duty,
hence wo are able to sell them at 15 per cent. below
regular prices.
Shirt Waists will go likeIik 5A,t 25o, Eaoh
—All classes at 75c. and un -
dor we will clear at. ...„40c.
—All Shirt waists at $1,00
and t1,35 will go at...—60c.
—30 pairs only, Black and Tan
Kid Gloves, slightly dam-
aged, worth regular $1.00
and $1,25 per Senile
Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs.
guson & ,Cp.
Dry Goods and Groceries.
W. H. KERR, Prop,
The chrese for the last hell of July bas
boon told to Mr, Cook at 7 15/10 cents.
Walton has direct conneetion with
r..011(1011 and Toronto owing to the abeuges
and improvements ia the telegraph line.
The anniversary seri-none of the Ep.
worth League will be preached On Seta
bash, 25th inst., et 2.30 and 7 e'elook by
ltev. S. J, Allin, of Brussels. A publio
meeting on a week evening will follow at
which a inusleal cent literary program
will bo presents il,
ilarvestine is all past sow except by a
few of the afternoon farmers.
The home of Harry illoIrdosh was
gladdened Met week by the arrival of a
baby boy.
(State a camber from this pert speak
of going to Toronto Exbibition, They
will hit it the year if wo can go by the
Quite a lot of Fall wheat le already
sown. We weld [Wylie thoss. loolan,g
after seed wheat to try tome of Mr, Star.
ford's Ohio Stele. It did. splesidally with
tarn this year.
Tho iValtoti Vet. paid II JiyimaNsit..to
Ilaborne last week, acoompanieri'liy btO
of the (Mr ladles of thin town. 'Twee a
well planned trip GOO, go he killed two
birde with the nue stune.
earstish rssole.
Oemoronet eider mill is running,
The well rhillere were working et the
mama this wools.
Rev. D. B. McRae is holidaying at
Glengarry and other points.
The flax crop is well in baud, thresh-
iug and spreading being in order.
A letter from Jno. Warta says he ar-
rived in Vanooriver M safety and lams
the place well.
Aliases Minnie and Steam Woodford, of
Palmerston, are visiting their grand.
mother, tstre. Steele.
Miss Mary and Will. Ttaddatz took in
the excursion to Detroit last Saturday.
The former is visiting there DOW.
Mise Lizzie McRae is attending the
Millinery Opening at Toronto. Misses
Tilde, McBee end Mary latchie are also
holidaying in the Queen City.
A. recent bush fire burned down quite
piece of light brush on the farm of Mr.
Figaber and destroyed a nine avenue of
evergreens from the' eide•road to tbe
farm gate.
Last Sunday Willie, son of Jacob Long,
had the misfortune to fall off a load of
peas that was standing in a neighboring
barn and break his left arra. We hope
he will ocion be better.
Last Sabbath the Methodist church
service was held in the morniug and that
in the Presbyterian oharch in the after.
noon, Rev. D. Forrest filling the pulpit,
The :tame reverend gentleman will preach
next Sunday afternoon.
Our Foresters,' Clourt has been invited
to ;Wend the C.D. F. anniversary servi-
ette in Brussels on Sabbath morning,
Sept. Dab. ELigh Chaplain MoRobbie, of
Shelburne, will be the peeacher. Service
at 11 &cheek in the Methodist church.
Iuspeator Robb visited the Oraobrook
Publie shoot on Monday. During the
afternoon Messrs. Monti; Gramm and
Love W850 visitors. AM the visitors ex-
pressed themselves as being satisfied with
Me premises and the progress of the
school. The Minister of Education
awarded the school a diploma for com-
pleteness of equipment.
Ger ee :ss•
Mite Smillie is visiting at Toronto.
Henry Ball and wife are visiting in
Mime Jean Calder is holidaying in
Mies Lib. McLaahlin, of Turnberry,
Sundayed at home.
Mee. Win. Bealtb, 10th son., has gone
to Toronto on a visit to friends,
Loftus Stark, of Beatorih, was visiting.
in this looality for a few days this week,
Misses Bella and Lib. Molmohlin are
away to Toronto this week on a holiday
Mies Annie McArthur of Walton, is
visiting her friend Alias 'Elsie Strachau
this week.
Mrs. MeNievin, of Exeter, and Miss
Spence, of Goderich, are the guests of
Reeve Straohen this week.
Joshua Bateman, wife and daughter, of
Stratford, were visiting nudethe parem
tal roof daring the past week.
Mrs. D. Campbell and daughter, of
Aberdeen, Sootland, were the guests of
Mrs. Campbell's sister, Dirs. G. McKay,
15th son.
Tuesday of this week Lachlin McNeil
and D. J. McArthur left for a trip to
Manitoba. They will visit relatives and
friends and perhaps take a hand in the
It is reported that Dan. Ferguson may
work his line 200 sere farm for the com-
ing year. We don't item whether he
will batch ; have his sister keep house ;
or Bemire some other body's meter to pre-
side over the destinies of bis home.
Inspector Robb visited No. 1, Grey, on
Wednesday afternoon. At the olose of
the inspection he complimented Mr.
Stewart on the sums of the sehool at
the lash midsummer examinations and
also on the work of the wheel geeereAly.
Mr. Both, who was pregent, also spoke in
the mine strain. Mesdames Calder and
Deets who were present expressed them-
selves as beim highly eatiefied with what
they saw and heard of the pupils. The
premien are in gond shape and need bob
little to be complete in every violent. 45
pupils' were present.
Dean EDIT011,—A statement appealed
1,3 your last issue white.' I wish to ex-
plein, in reference to ear intik, svbith the
Inspeotor Condemned, and sued before
the sows Were tested. After the test the
proprietor of the factory confessed a re.
gret, as the sows did nob prove it. It
appears very unfelt to sue 15 men before
the Cows are milked, ite in the above tsetse,
the milkers and the aurnmens Derived Eat
the mune time. It is also a strange law
that convicts in this manner, If the
kind mighboe who wee helmeted of his
Mane, who omit the letter of enspiaion to
the release Makin, would mind hie otv03
milk can there wanil have boort no dim
turbanee. Wor, 131telsenn,
Miss Maggie Bielby returned ilast Fri.
day from a visit of three weeks to rel'
ties ab Grand Wiley,
Vermont round here are busy getting in
the Fall wheat and threshing. elr. 'L'og-
garbs make things hum,
Hugh Stewart Imo a new aseisiant PO
hie term over which 1,0 is deservedly
proud. Soo notice in another column.
Mee. Wen, Forbereand Mre. Wm. Mo•
Kay, 1001 oon., Grey, were visiting
friends in Leitclbury and Walton lase
J. Mowbray and alisa M. E. Mowbray,
of Walton, paid a flying visit on Monday
te their old_ friends, Abe. Writ. Forbes
and hire. Wm. Maatty, 10th con.
Sonya of the farmers who live in the
Southerly part of Grey may put in a
tender for the township work to be dons
in elearing out road allowances in Mu-
Peonnuerote—A Temperance meeting
was bald at Roe's church on Thursday
evening, Augoet 26th ; Thoe. Streatham
Presideut, in the chair. Rev. Mr. Yel-
land, pastor of the E:het circuit, was
present and addressed the meeting in a
way to aeouse enthusiasm in the pause.
Ato enthueittatio gathering of young pet,.
pie was present and Whet addresses by
Ohara, Steps wore taken to further or•
gown this Poling Division for the
Plebiseite campaign and to obtain WU.
paign literature for distribution among
the people of this division. The money
necessary to obtain tope literature it was
decided to obtain from the people.
ralm] were accordingly appointed to do
the work of ()enacting, four fur each Hoe
in the Polling Division. Shute the meet-
ing the ladies have been zealously en.
gaged in their work and we feel sere that
the Temperances °muse will greatly profit
by their aid. Officers were appointed to
look more direatly after the polling of
votes on September 29th ea follows
Cons. 5 and 0, Z. B. McLauchlin, P. Mc-
Arthur and 0. Smith ; 8 and 4, Daman
Taylor, Thos. Savage and Joseph Ames ;
1 and 2, Jura (Jett, Duman MoDonald
and 11. Malnnis ; 13oundary. Wca. Gran-
ger, Geo. Armstrong and Geo. McDon-
ald. District meetings were celled at the
following plat:mei—School 05 141 S. No. 4,
Grey, and Barksee Halloo!. home, No. 6.
Wi =ea ant .
Geo. Mason will conduct the servioe at,
Ebenezer next Sabbath afternoon.
Mr. McGregor shipped a carload of
stook to Toronto on Monday morning.
Win. Yeo who lives bebween Wroxeter
and Bluevale, had a colt killed by
lightning on Sunday night last.
The W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesday
afternoon at 8 o'olook in the I. 0, F. balt.
A. large attendance is desired as the of&
cars will be sleeted for the °online, year.
A. number from ;here went to Settfortb
Friday to witness the lacrosse match be -
tenon Seaforth and Orangeville teams.
Seaforth slugged their opponents to the
tune of 6 goals to 2.
Jas. Mellelvie has purehreed a Grame-
phone, which furnishes a ilns selection of
mule. You can now eat toe cream and
listen to a song or rendering from a mill,
tory baud at the same time,
W. 1. Kennedy has forsaken the ranks
of the bachelors. The lady of his choke
wee Miss E. L. Blaaktvell, daughter of
Geo. Blackwell, of Wingham, Tbe
happy couple have returned from their
wedding tour and have taken up their
resideme in town.
Pnatunime.—W. Kinsman and wife,
who have been visiting relatives in town,
returned to their home in Lansing, Mich.,
on Monday.—Mies A. Dey has been visit.
ing at St. Helens.—Geo. alunshaw, of
Markeeee is visiting his brother here.—
Mrs. Williams, of Toronto, is visiting
with relatives in town.—Chas. A. Barber
spent a few days with friends in Palmer-
ston. Miss Cann. Smith retnrned on
Stuidey from Listowel.—Wm. Smith, 0.
P. R. operator here for a couple of
months, left on Monday morning for
Harriston.—Miss Marbin, of Port Elgin,
is a giblet at J. EL Gordon's.—Aliss Hig-
ley, of 13lytei, is a guest of Mies 21. Olark.
Tun Pose will holiday next week,
W. Michie is musing a sore arm yet.
Mrs. James Kelly, 7th line, is quite 111,
Harvesting is finished in this locality.
Mee. john Pugh, of Brussel, has been
visiting en Morris.
Co. Connoillor Mooney is away to the
Northwest on a trip.
Large quantities of rail wheat are
being put into the ground,
Ames Hall had a successful manure
bee on Friday of last wash.
Mrs. P. McNabb, 13th line, is ill. We
hope to soon bear of her recovery,
Miss Alioe Sonata of Goderieh, was
visiting at Jno. Mooney'e last week.
Some oats are badly grown in the stook
and also very badly filled with Rand and
difbbfise Small is away on a holiday visit
wirtlito.rele.tives in the Eastern part of On.
T. and A. Rumen have gone to Mani.
tobee Yonug men sere smarm in one
miJdaantiee and John Sherrie attended the
Caledonian games in Luoknow on Wed-
nesday of this week.
Bluestone will prevent smut in wheat,
but, alas, how fete ever go to the trottble
of putting it on at all.
A new dwelling will likely be erected
by Will. Maunders to replace the one
recently destroyed by fire.
Time. Maunders to bardly as well as
be was, but we hope to soon see him fully
metered to his former good health,
The 131. L. of O. E. of Jackson'g ap.
ointment held thole monthly song ser-
vice on Weclneseliy nigbt of this week.
John Wightmau and wife left foe
Toronto on Tuesday of this week. Mrs.
W. is not in very good health and goes
to tee a spealaiist. Tbsy may visit
friends near Nopanee in the County of
David Watson While driving over to
Jacmon's ohitroli last Sunday met With
a very unfortunate emsurrenee while ap.
posits Wm. filsoldinee iIi horse
stumbled, upsetting the rig and throwing
the occupants into rho Mad, No serious
Wit Mee were ihflioted beemeeta
The officals of S. S, No. 9 are grumb.
ling somewhat at the oondnot of certain
persona loitering around the wheal
home. Better employ a deteetive,
The Publics school iu S. S. No. 4, Moe.
rig, was visited on tWedneeday morning
by Inspeator Robb, 28 pupae were
present, ranging from First Book to
Form II. High school, The Inspeotor ex-
pressed himself as well eatistleci with the
work of the school and premises genet..
ally bat bopee that a suitable well
would be dug before hie next visit,
Next Monday evening, Sept. 5th, a
Plebiscite organization meeting wilt be
held in the Morris Township Hall, et 8
o'clook. All resident in that polling enb•
division are mired to attend, Barrister
Blair, of Brussels, will give an address
and the work of organization, distribu-
tion of literature, due, will be explained
and arranged for. It yon are a friend to
the mune cion't fail to be there.
Peens:mem—Monday evening of next
week a meeting of all interesbed in the
Plebisaite question will be held in Bat.
ton'e School house, at 8 Moloch. Ad•
dressee will be given by Rev. A. 0. Tiffin
and others, Attend if you reside in that
palling division and aid in the work of
organioation, distribution of litereture
and any other work to advance the good
05005N PARTY.—The Epworth League
garden party held last Friday evening
was anaemia. The evening was delight.
fully cool but as the company bad free
access to the cook stove in Ur. Wray's
kitchen they managed to keep up a keen
appitite 150 lee cream for Bale at the re-
freshment booth. Without giving in de.
tail the program it is our wish to express
far the large crowd present its heartiest
appreciation. The singing in ohorue and
quartette by the Westfield choir was fully
up to their high standard. D. McGill
gave a nolo in hie usual good form and
responded to a hearty encore. Mies
Campbell of Walkerton also rendered
some Suiten mire with mach sweetness.
Revs. Messes. Hall and Brandon gave
some timely advice in their interesting
addresses. The refreshments were of the
best and served in good style on tastefully
decorated tables by sweet-faced atten-
dants, Snell pleasant sooial gatherings
add needed spine to life and in thie case
the gate money added $28.00 to the
bo Wes,-evareosla.
Blum Cireacte—Tbe annual Epworth
League rally in oonneatiod with this eon-
grege.tion was bald on Sunday and Mon-
day of this week. The Sabbath servioes
were an inspiration. In the morning
Rev. Mr. Dever, Pres. of the Diet, Bp.
Lee was present and preached an excel-
lent, practical sermon. In the evening
the church was crowded to the door,
The pastor, Rev, Mr. Oaten, concluded
a song song service after which Rev. Mr.
Brandon, Port Bowan, Pres. of Sieneee
Dist. Emmet League, preached on the
necessity of a double portion of the
Spirit of the Father resting upon the
young Ensiles of to -day. The entertain-
ment on Monday evening was pleasing in
every partionlar, an audience which fitted
the church and a program which de-
lighted every one. Numerous recitations,
singing by various theirs, solos by Miss
Patterson, of Donny Brook, and address.
es by Revs. Messrs. Dever, Hall and
Wellsvood made up a firstmlass enter.
tainment. The °enaction, for no obarge
was made for the comert, was $11.00.
Fall wheat sowing is all the go.
Toronto is the objective point for a
number from this locality.
Mee. Spence and 'Willie are away to
Toronto on a holiday vieit.
Voters' list court here on Sept. 8110.
Judge Masson will take oharge.
4. large number from here attended the
funeral of the late Bessie Kees last Tues.
day afternoon.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. R. Pane
of Brussels, will preach in the Ethel
Presbyterian church in the absence of
Rev. 33.33. McRae.
The tea meeting speeches and recita-
tions last Wednesday were well laden
with Plebiscite powder. Ethel will hard-
ly require a publics meeting to discuss the
question farther.
Berme .1N13 SHOSS.—I beg bo notify the
public that 31 have opened up a &Amities
stook of Readymade Long Boots with
prices ranging from $2.60 to $8.25. I
have also my own make in cow hide at
56.75, and in best French Kip at $4.75.
A first -elms fib guaranteed. All rips in
readymade and ordered work repaired
free of °barge. 0E0. H. BIITORaLL.
IIIRTZST Efona.--Wedneeday evenine
the annual Harvest Home tea meetieg
was held in connection with the Metho.
dist church hem. There was a big
gathering who were first faceted with the
fat of the land in the Township Hall
after which au adjournment was made to
the church, which was tastily decorated
for the occasion with flowers, fruit, grain
and vegetables, where a long, varied and
interesting program' was presented as fol.
lows :—Opening Anthem by lithe' choir ;
prayer by Rev, S. J. Adlin ; chairman's
remarks by W. II. Kerr, of Tue POST;
oscitation, "How bo curtail the liquor
traffics" Miss Switzer ; eel° by Miss
Ames ; reeitabion, "A Bridal wine sup,"
Mi5E1 0010 ; music by Renfryn choir ;
recitation, "A legend of Bregenz," Miss
Tolland. ; muoio by Whitfield's ohoir ;
addresa, Rev, S. J. Aum, of Brussels ;
solo, "The Holy City," Mies Spence;
reoitation, "No soot in Heaven," Miss
Kennedy ; music by Bethel ohoir; acl•
deem; by Rev. 331. A. Fear, of Atwood;
solo, ',Tatters," by Mist; Hall, of Mont-
real ; loading by Mies Tweet+ Switzer ;
anthem by Ethel obit ; remarks by Roe.
Mr. Yelland, the pastor; Benediotion.
Tho Vatiotte presets taking pant did their
part capitally and the bringing in of the
neighboring oboist and elooutioniste was
a geed hit, Peomeds about $69.00 which
will be devoted to Parsonage necesearies.
Ethel ladies know how to Attend to both
the cloaking and serving hence nobody
want away hungry. It was after 11
&cloak before the gathering broke up,
Wm. Pollard intends going back to his
farm so offers his house in thio village
for sale ab a bargain.
Canadian Order of Foresters
have been invited to the samivereary ser-
vices of Brussele Court which will take
place on Sabbath morning, Sept. 11th at
11 o'clock.
On Tuesday the Ethel wheel was
visited by the Patella school Inspector.
There were 81 pupils present in both
rooms. Mr. Slenamon and the Inspeotor
both expressed themselves highly satire.
Bad with the work done by the pupils.
The aohool is now one of theheet equip.
ped in the County, and, with slight
changes, will be entitled to a diploma,
from the Ministate of Education for neat
and complete school premises.
°MT.—Last Sunday at 6 o'clock, Bessie,
daughter of the late Hoary Keys, passed
away aged 30 years. She had been ailing
for over a year and as a consequence her
death was not unexpected. Miss Keys
was well known in this 'malty and was
most highly esteemed by her large circle
of friends. Her death was a very peace-
ful one being quite resigned to go. The
funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon,
Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of Molesworth,
taking 1;110 service in the absence of Rev.
Mr. McRae, the deceased's pastor. Mize
Maggie Keys died about 8 years ago.
Mrs. Keys and family are deeply evil.
pathized with in their bereavement.
People We Talk About.
Mrs. Donaldson is vieiting ab Seaforth.
Prof. Hawkins spent Sunday in List°.
Mies Ella Ainley Sondayed in Sea-
Miss Minnie Moore is visiting in To-
Mrs, T. C. Richards is visiting at To.
Alias Annie McKinley has gone to Owen
Harold, son of A. 3. Lowry, is on the
siok list.
Miss Nary Friendship is visiting et
Postmaster Farrow was in Toronto on
Boland Beattie, of Wingham, was in
town on Tuesday.
Miss /Melissa Ames, of Ethel, is visit-
ing at D. 0. Roes'.
Thos. and Alex.Bird took a trip to De-
troit last Saturday.
A. Emig and Mrs. Koenig, of Mitchell,
are visiting in town.
Miss Lizzie MoNaughtou is enjoying a
holiday outing in Toronto.
Gee. Henry and Mies Henry are bola
daying in the Queen Oity.
Brian Soott is "mine from Seeforth
where be hes been visiting.
Jno. and Mrs. Ament spent Sunday
wibb relatives in Winglaarn.
Mrs, R. Black, of Wroxeter, was visit-
ing old friends in Brussels.
Barrister Blair attended Division
Court at Blyth on Tuesday.
Gerry Willis, of Seaforth, is holiday-
ing with relatives in Brussels.
Mrs. Deadman returned from a visit to
Detroit and Delaware last week.
S. Fraliok and daughter, of Wingham,
were visiting Mrs. S. Pearson last week.
na. Lowry, wife and baby were visit-
ing at Port Huron during the past weak.
Aries Lizzie Leatherdale is home from
an extended visit to Galt and other
I. 0. Richards attended the Caledonian
genies at Luoknow on Wednesday of this
Jno. Ferguson, merchant, is doing
Toronto and keeping an eye open for
Mrs. W, H. McCracken is away to
Peterbore' to 6138 1185 brotber who is dan-
gerously ill.
Mrs. 1Vnt. Cornish has gone to Seaforth
for a visit and from there will return to
her home at Mitchell.
Misses Miller, of ()Maness, Wroseter,
and Mr. Davidson of Toronto, were visit-
ing in Brussels heat week.
Rev. John Ross, Mre. Boss and daugh-
ters are bank from their holiday outing at
Bayfield, coming on Monday. -
Miss Violet Cooper, who bas quint the
met three or four months in Bey City,
Mahe is home again to Brussels.
Mies Maggie Smith is attending the
millinery openings at Toronto. She was
accompanied by her Meter, Mrs, Currie.
Reg. Fletcher expecte to take a trip to
Chicago shortly and if a suitable open.
ing offers he will remain there for a
A. J. Lowry was Arm* in the eye by a
pieoe of stone flying from a bleak be was
squaring and °ante very nearly injuring
the eight.
33. Dethrone, of Cochrane & Johnston,
was ou the siok list last week and ander
the dootor's oars. Cholera morbus was
his trouble.
Miss Edna Dennis and Herb. Donnie,
formerly of Brussels, were ettooessfel
candidates at the Primary examination
at Chatham this Summer.
James Dickson, of Goderieb, was call-
ing 013 Brussels friends last Saturday
while wheeling through from Belmore to
Seafortlt, He wasoff on a 10 day holiday
Among the visitors to Toronto this
week in addition to those mentioned elos.
where, are, Jno. Beattie, jos Ardell, A.
Hunter, Jae, Walker, Dr. AlloKelvey and
Alf. Basher.
W. H. Herr, of Toon POST, left on
Thursday of this week for Toronto where
he will attend the General Conference of
the Methodist church which opened there
on that day,
T. Fletcher, Jewellete arrived borne this
week after an Oriente of over four months
in the Eastern Provinces. Be sniffed the
sea breezes; for to portion of the time and
lecke fireaelase.
We had the pleasure of a abet with
Jae. F. Mahn°, of Boseland, B. 0., who
was here for a few day° while en route
to Toronto and Montreal on tt business
trip. 3. le, has enboutided faith in
J. W. Mukha wife and obildren, went
on a visit to relatives and Mende at
Ypsilanti and Nertliville, Mioh„ last
Satincley,Mr. 5, Game bath Mae week,
but Mrs. Blaehill will remain there for e
more extended visit,
Mike Elsie Jackson is away to Toronto
and Newmarket on a visit.
le 0, 13aott was doing „the Queen oily
this week coupling business and pleasure,
Ira Gerry wilt return to the Seeforth
Collegiate to resume his studios next
Barrister Stoolair Ma away at Nor.
with and Toronto this week on a business
Nat week IL L. Jackson will °apple
basimee with pleasure in Termini and
Samuel Fear, of Atwood, was renewing
old friendship in Brume and Morrie
W. Urquhart, druggist', is visiting his
brother, Charlie, teller of the Standerd
Bank, in Brussels.
Mrs. Wm. Martin bee beau laid up
with a sprained ankle occasioned by
jumping out of buggy.
Reeve Belcher, of Seathampten, 50458 153
town litet Saturday in connection with
life legumes businees.
D. 0. and hire. Ross are away to To-
ronto this week. Pars. Roos will visit
Hamilton before she returns.
Fred. Gilpin will go book to Owen
Sound, where he will resume his studies
at the Collegiate in that town.
Misses Luella Roes and Hazel John•
stun were visiting Mrs. Joseph Ames and
Mre. Alex. McAllister, of Grey.
Sam. Wilton was away at Conestoga
waiting on his brother, Jake, who has
been end is very ill with consumption,
Robb. Denbow was laid up for over a
week with an attack of erysipelas in hie
left leg. Re's getting all right again.
Bliss Ferguson, who has beau visiting
Mrs. (Dr.) Kalbfleisob for the past month,
returned to her home in Galt last Mon-
Jas. O'Leary was in town for a few
daye. He resumed hotel business on
Sept. 1st, having purchased Kling's hotel
in Winghem.
Leon jaokeon arrived home from bis
holiday tour on Monday. He may give
the readers of Tun Pose an account of his
brief visit to the Old Land in the near
George 0. Lowry and family will be-
come residents of Brussels again moving
bask to town from London'Mr. Lowry
still owns hie house and lot on Queen
street here.
T. A. MeLanchlin bas gone to Sault
Ste. Marie, Ont., where he takes charge
of a Pablio Khoo'. We wish hint sum
oess and will make an effort to keep him
posted with Tim POST.
Obarlie Dodds is in town and will
take a position in Ross & Halliday's
tailoring shop. Mr. Dodds has been
away to the Pacific coed and has also re-
sided in Dakota slum he left Brussels.
John and James Driver, of Rochester,
N. Y., were viotting in Brussels and
vicinity during the past week. They
were on s wheeling tour. The family ars
well pleased with their home in the IL S.
W. F. Soott attended the Caledonian
games at Dutton last week and took a
good share of the prizes, partionlerly in
the heavy weight competition. G. Perris
also took part and chewed that he has
lost none of the old time vigor.
Dr. PLIcHelvey was taking a Speoialist's
course in Chicago Colleges. The Dr. is
determined to be at the top of the ladder
in his profession, He is making a
speoial study of the eye, ear and throat.
He bas not yet decided where he will lo•
°ate, as far as we are aware.
The Listowel Banner of last week
says : J. M. Olitnie still continues very
low and there is very little bops of his
recovery, although it is astonishing that
he bas kept up so long. It is becoming
evident, however, that the end cannot
now be long delayed." Mr. (Jamie is
Mem R. K. Rose' father.
S. B. Swale met with an accident on
Thursday of last week that might have
resulted seriously. He was lathing the
ceiling of his store and laid the little
lathing axe on the top of a atemladder he
was tieing. In moving the ladder be for-
got about the axe, and it fell off, cutting
his head and injuring a tooth. Sam.
says he bled like a stuck pig.
How is your pate beating relative to
the vote you will poll on Sept. 29th ?
Are you going to vote as you pray ?
* *
AT a largely attended convention at
Stayner on Tuesday of this week, Leigh-
ton MoOarthy, of Barrie, relative of the
late D'Alton McCarthy, was nominated
as an independent candidate as successor
to D'Alton in North Sluice°, Colonel
O'Brien was one of the chief speakere.
A.n assooiation upholding the Mo0arbby
platform wag formed for the riding.
9 *
Bitumens stands well to the front as far
as oar financial credit igilemernea if the
recent sale of our debentures may be
taken as a criterion. The total amount
of money required was $22,200 to provide
for maturing debentures $20,000 being the
Ronald bonus and the $2,200, week done
on Turnbarry street twenty years ago,
finch as ewers, sidewalks, grading, &e.
Our old debentures bore 7% interest. In
the new issue the By-law calls for 4% and
tenders were asked for the $2e,200 at that
rate. There were six offers as follows :—
Confederation Life A.seciate,tion, $23,300;
Broker Samson, $22,611; Ontario but.
nal, $22,600 ; Broker Oliara, $22,475 ;
Cadre' Canada Loan and Savings Co.,
$22,400. The tender of the Confederation
was 0000155013 tond f0115 d01;01150500 Of
$5,650 jostled to thein, thereby realizing
the sum 02 51,100 to the corporation in
the way of tt premitten. This reduotion
iu interest from $1,554 to $880.will make
a very appreciable difference m one tax
rata all these Bydaws and will provide
for the sinking fund without raising rate
thieve that of Other yeare, FM if any
better eales of debentaree have been Made
as fee As our oboorvation goon.