HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-8-26, Page 8SCHOOL,
And we aro ready with
a large stook of School B3oolls,
School Bags, Slates and every-
thing for use in schools. We
will be pleased to supply you.
Dinner Baskets.
We have a few covered Bas-
ifets at 15e. and 20c. each, which
we offer at 10c. and 15e, each.
Just the thing for carrying a
lunch or dinner in.
We have them in great
variety from lc. to 5c. each.
Never better value.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician dz Bookseller.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and Breath, as follows :
Geese SouTn. GOING NoRTE.
Express 7:16 a.m. i&fail ........._.2:10 p.m
Itlxed9;4G a.m. Exproes 10:16 p.m
ro.cn.i .els cftina,
A obiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it,
C. 0. F. meets next Tuesday evening.
50110ER apples are a drug on the mar•
RECITAL in Town Hall next Monday
A enaooi of business in Brussels is on
the program.
Tows and village schools will open ore
Thursday of next week.
oar of hone Eastward on Wednesday.
Two rain on Tuesday night was an old
goner and will do a great deal of good.
W. H. M0C1AOEEN bee put down a Ce•
meet walk at hie residence, Albert street.
Tor Indtletnial Fair begins at Toronto
next Tuesday and continues to Sept.
A LARGE quantity of tile is being uti•
lized by the farmers of this locality this
THE Pose eubeoription list continues to
grow steadily, we are pleased to state.
Are you a subsoriber 1
HARVESTERS' Excursion to the West
next Tuesday. Quite a number will go
from this section of Huron.
Wet. BLaeamL, butcher, talks of putting
in a small upright boiler and engine to
run hie meat chopper and sausage
F. S. SCOTT will be the Returning Offi.
cer for the East Riding of Huron in con•
neotion with the coming vote on the
Plebiscite on Thursday, Sept. 290.
Kiser Monday evening, 29111 inst., clear
for the grand recital in the Towo Hall.
Mies Ethel Webb and Graham Hodson
are the talent. Plan of Hall at Foxe
drug store.
Tuoener afternoon a Jewish bandker.
ohief vendor was stopped in his business
osreer because he had no license. He
declined to put up $3.00 and ceased oper-
WE are indebted to Thos. Carry for a
fine sample of white celery. He hae
over 200 plants that have done flue owing
to the Dare they have received in regular
watering, &c.
OWING to the long continued dry spell
the wells at P. Ament's factory and the
Enterprise Salt Works ware going dry and
Robb. Ilendereon hae been busy hauling
water for them in his street watering
d SETTLEMENT has been arrived at by S.
B. Smale and Capt. Stratton for damages
to brick blocks by reoent burning of frame
building located between the brick. The
former gets $38.00 and the latter $18.50.
Then figures are expected to lover the
cost of necessary re airs as ad]
loom a a'
ppr Caere.
HAIIRY MAHLER, of Delaware, was here
Monday and Tuesday of this week on a
businese trip in connection with the
Brussels Evaporator, of which the S'Iah.
ler° are proprietors. Their intention is
to have the faotory refitted at once and
operated t11ie Season. They expect to be
running early in September and will em, ,
ploy about 15 hands, Mr. Mahler wheel.
ed here covering the distance in 9 hours
including stops.
A. nowt, who was parading the street's
Monday night with hat pulled down over
his eyes, ooat collar turned up and armed
with a bludgeon, name nearly spending
the night in the "cooler" for it. In this
day of crooks, burglars, tramps, dee„
people are not supposed to be Caused
alarm by any each manoeuvres. Those
who do it run big rialto. It is said a few
females in town occasionally masgnerade
in male attire in the evenings. This is
a dangerone practice that might not end
with a joke to those engaged it it,
DIED IN A Catonoo Hoerimar,.--Jae W.
Elliott, brother of Hugh R,Elliott, of
Graham's Survey, died in Chicago on
Tuesday of last week, of an abe0eee on
the liver. He was 39 years of age, Mr,
Hlliott lived at Lockport, N. Y., and was
in the employ of the Holly 00., with
whom he had been for 19 years, He wee
ill for about 10 weeks and went to the
hospital at Chicago for treatment where
he euoonthbed. Deceased was born et
Owen Sound, Ont., and genteel his ap-
prenticeship there, hie trade being ereot-
ing engineer. Hie rpoeition took him al.
moat all over the 'United States and he
contracted fever in Texas, wltioh with
other complications lead to hie death.
hslr. Elliott watt unmarried ; belonged to
the Nescafe Order ; and hie remaine
were a0oompanied to Owen Sound where
he was buried on Saturday, by Geo. W,
Lyng, foreman of the dolly Manf. 06.,
aid Mark J, Tovell, banker, of Lockport.
The service wag eondnoted by Rot', Dr,
Tcraser, of AOnan, Hugh R. Elliott at-
tended the fennel, returning on Tuesday,
PsorLE are figuring on going to the big
Fairs at Toronto and London.
Tnro has been a good Summer for
blaokemithein setting buggy and wagon
T, P. Selrrre, enlist, of Vlore, will be
0.5 eas. Fox's drug store, Bruaeele, on
Sept. 14th. Keep the elate in mind,
,1 o. Rooms, the veteran drover, who
has bought and shipped many a hundred
lambs, shipped a or on Monday from
A cent= will be held in the 'Town
Hall, Brunets, on the eeoond evening of
the Fall Fair, Wath out for further
Orme to the let Monday of September
beiug Labor Day and ooneequently o
holiday the Village Council will meet
next Mnnday evenivg instead.
THE tank near the Revere House,
Which was recently plastered with 0e•
meet, is not water tight yet and another
nurse of treatment will be neoe00ary,
PIPER Tnos, BALLANTYNE 1100pe this
community in remembrance of the fast
that at least one Sandman is alive, by
the stirring airs on hie bagpipes on
many an evening. Mr. Ballantyne is a
good piper,
DoN'e forget the meeting in the Conn.
oil Chamber on Friday evening of this
week to talk over arrangements for a
onus of firet•olaesentertainmeute for the
coming Winter. Meeting at 8 o'clock. All
interested are welcome.
Io you don't see the name of your
friend in the Personal column of The
Pon it ie yonr fault because you did not
send it in. We "oatoh on" to a good
many strangers but have neither the
attribute of Omniecienoe nor Omni-
presence. If you're going away on a
holiday let us know, we'll do the rest.
SHEEP ESIImIT,—In the East Huron
Fall Show prize list this year an addition•
al class hue been made in the sheep de•
partment. The list now includes Lei -
casters, Shropehiree and Oxfords, the
same prizes being awarded in each. This
change will no doubt be appreciated by
the sheep men and should enlarge the
exhibit oousiderebly this year.
THE Port Elgin Times speaks of the
work of a gentleman well known to
Bruseelites in the following terms :—Few
public) schools in Ontario gave a better
a000unt of themselves this year than
Teeewater, of which John Shaw Is Prin-
cipal. Sixteen candidatee wrote at the
Public School Leaving and Entrance ex•
aminations and of three fourteen eneceed-
ed In passing. The fall Entrance olase
gob through and just two failed at the
Leaving examination. Mr. Shaw was
for many years Prinoipal at Brussels
where he was noted for his ability and
aptness to teach.
WEDDING.—Wednesday evening Rev. R.
Paul tied the matrimonial bow between
Norman McLeod and Miss Nellie M, V.
Mercer, both of Brussels. The ceremony
was performed at Victoria Cottage. The
actions of a rabble of young lade as the
conveyance was driven to and from the
minister's did not say much for the good
manners of Brussels. If the Constable
bad filled up both cella in the look -up and
stopped the "jubilee" he would not have
exceeded hie duties. Two paves of glace
were broken in the Smale bloats by apples
or some other misele thrown. There
may be some trouble over the matter yet
as the names of a few of the promoters
of the noise are in hand. The least that
can be done would be for those interested
to make good the price of the glass de-
WESTERN STAR, 80.149.—The following
are the officers for Western Star Lodge,
No. 149, I. 0. 0. F., Bruaeele, for the
current term :—
I. P. G., Arthur McGuire ;
N. G., John Smith ;
R. S. N. G., S. T. Plum ;
L. S. N. G., Geo. McLaren ;
V. G., S. H. Jackson ;
R. S. V. G., Robt. Johnston ;
L. S. V. G„ Geo. Beet ;
Reo.-Seo., D. 0. Rose ;
Fin: Seo., S. Wilton ;
Treas., F. S. Soots ;
Warden, F. Lambie ;
Ooc., B. Cochrane;
Chaplain, G. A. Deadman ;
R. S. S., Chas. Urgnhart ;
L. S. 8., Juo. Ferguson ;
I. G., J. W. Blashill ;
0. G., Wm. Martin ;
Physicians, Drs. McNaughton and
lealbdeisoh ;
Organist, Alen. Roes.
CLOSE GAOOS.—Brussels Jnoiol' B.B. 0.
went to Wingbam on Thursday afternoon
of last week and played a match with
the Juniors of that town. The game
was well contested throughout and al•
though our boyo pulled away from the
home nine at the first part of the game
$aieh was nip and to
ok. Ted. Grow-
er did thetwirling
in the first 'n '
41 nmge
tor Brussels and Jae. Thomson for the
balance of the game. Dana. MoLauehliv
was the catcher. Alderson and Lewis
held the pointe for Wingham. D. 0.
Rose wag umpire and treated both teams
alike. The score was as follows:
nlu001Ls, It 0 WINGaAM, R 0
Tiondall, Oh
iu2 8 Alderson, p 2
Phomson,nb 8 1. Irwin,211 1 9
Grower,p 2 8 0011, 11 1 8
Gerry, of 2 2 Liuklater, lb 1 8
Metauehliu,o .., 2 1 Collins, rf 2 2
Roach,es......,.,.,. 1 1 Lewis, 0 2 2
Coseley, 1b,......, 0 4 Annanl•i 8b 1 2
ABBE, If 1 2 i0alniitou, 01 2 2
Hayoroft, rf 0 4 Kling, es 1 2
14 21 19 21
Brussels 3 1 2 2 0 3 2-14
Wingham 0 0 2 2 4 3 2-12
possible that there ie any person in this
locality but has heard thab the Western
Fait will celebrate its Silver Jubilee next
month, 8111 to 17th, and as we at preeent
enjoy exceptionally low railway rates on
all lines, 15 puts it within the possibility
of any of our readers to accept this opeer.
tunity to see one of the best Live Stook
and Agricultural Fairs in Canada, or in
foot America. To those wbo have at.
tended this fare in past years, suffice it
to say that the managemenb purpose
making this eepeoially grand on aeoount
of their Jubilee, and to the few who have
not availed themselves of this privilege,
that 15 will well repay the ontlay and
time, The Secretary informe n3 that
the exhibits and epeoial features will
surpass former yeare in point of excel-
lence, and the evening entertainments
are tate beet ever offered by them. The
stage and ring performanoee will be
supplemented with a reaaietie repreeente.
tion of the "Battle of Manilla Bay," by
Prof, Rand Fire Works CO. The Art
Loan of celebrated pictures from private
collegians, to be hold in the Art Annex,
erected thin year, will be a great featire,
A combination of all these events should
be both pleasing, interesting and in,
attractive, Programs and prize liebe will
be gent free to 016ry *pliant.
TNI, hotel and stable° belonging to
Henry Win, of Elmira were destroyed
by fire on Tuesday night by lightning.
He is a brother to 0, :Gilliax, of Brussels.
STATron AGENT KENnow resumed work
ab the depot, after a few days lay off, last
Monday feeling considerably Improved in
health. Iiia limb Is not butter yet but ie
easier than it was 0 ween ago.
IT is the intention of the town Oounoil
to put in pipes for Tiro protection in the
new sewers, with hydrants at epitable
plaoee on Turnberry street between Mill
and Church 0116518, Title would he a big
caving in hose.
Pretextetc.-0n day recently two
youthful ladies of this piece essayed to
leave a fietiauff enoonnter. After a few
minutes tussle the younger game off
viotorlou0. Particulars as to rounds,
Pieta, etc. are not to hand,
TIME Peterborough Examiner Saye of
Miss Ethel Webb, who is billed to risotto
in the Town Hall on the evening of the
29th 11123 : "Without doubt will take pre-
cedence of almost every elocntlouiet who
has appeared. in Peterborough'"
GOWNS To BlICSSIiLg.—I will be in
Brasesle from Wednesday, Aug. 81st, to
Saturday, Sept. 3rd, for the purpose of
oolienting sums due me for "Gueteer"
dolts. All interested are asked to aooept
this intimation. A. Koonce
Luaxsow Caledonian games on Wed-
nesdayof next week. Every lady sub -
nether to THE POST, or 00011 if you borrow
the paper trona ,your neighbor when they
want to peruse it, should read the soap
offer, in the Luoknow news, and get a
111088 on.
Tun prize liete for East Hurou Fall
Fair will be distributed next week.
Every member will have one mailed to
them. If you are not e member and
want a list Gall on or write D. Stewart
or W. II. Kerr, Brussels P. 0. Dates of
Fair Thursday and Friday, Oat. 0 and '7.
A MINUS man 10 itraeeals 111040 a
Bele of 552.00 worth of goods to one per•
eon through one week's advt. in This
Pon. This is no fake yarn but can be
verified by a reference to either buyer or
seller. The right kind of advertising
hardly ever fails to strike the bull's eye.
THE officers of Brussels Fire Brigade
are looking up imitable men to take
charge of the two shemiaal Fire Extin-
guishers belonging to the Company. They
were never thought of in connection with
the recent fire in the Smale block. Chief
Ainley bee the matter in hand and has
studied ant the mechanism of the elfin
EnuoATloN.w. 1 be Board of Exam in81'33
for Huron will meet at Clinton on Satur-
day of this week, 27th inst., for the pur-
pose of allocating the students to the
Model Sahoola and nauseating other
business. It ie just possible tint neither
Model Sohoole will open until after Labor
Day, Sept. 5511. Clinton will not as the
school rooms are being repainted and
new stairways put in the building.
MAo1senterm.—Last week Time. 33.
Miller, of Kincardine, Provincial Inepeo•
tor of Western Ontario Dairy and Dream•
ery Association, laid information before
A. Hunter, J. P„ Brussels, against Mrs.
Elizabeth Hamilton, of Grey township,
for sending milk to Ethel cheese faotory
diluted with water. She plead guilty and
was fined 55 and costa. Inspector Miller
also had a charge against Wm. Brewer,
of the came township, forhaving removed
cream from milk sant to Ethel faotory.
After hearing tate evidenoe the defendant
was 08000eed 510 and °Date. There were
a few other oases the Inspector had in
view who desisted before the teats were
completed or they would have been
brought to book also. Half of the fines
go to the faotory patrons.
C'RUflCll CliltEES.
"Going to Chorale" is the topic on the
program of the Epworth League next
Sabbath evening,
At the Young People's Chapter of St.
John's ohuroh the subject for the service
this week was "The Golden Rule."
The Salvation Arruy in Canada will
observe Aug. 27, 28, 29 and 80 a6 the
dates for the thanksgiving eervioes of the
The regular services will be resumed in
Melville church a week from next Sab.
bath. Rev. Mr. Ross will be home early
next week.
Last Sunday Mr. Howard, of Atwood,
conducted the services in St. John's
ohurob, Bruseels, Rev. Mr. Abey, in.
oumbent, was at Atwood,
Meb11odie5 ohurob service's at the usual
home on Sunday next. The pastor will
preaoh. Morning Subject, "The Young
Ruler's Mistakes." Evening topio, "The
Oarpenter, Goldsmith and Blacksmith,"
or "Mettle' Obligations."
Pascoe, of
Witl ham, willpreach Harveet
sermons in the Mthodiet
church, Brus-
sels, on Sabbath, Sept, 18th, at 10.80 and
7 o'olook, The Harvest Home supper
will be held on the following Monday
evening. Ohuroll will be deoorated for
the occasion.
0. 0. F.—The anniversary sermon will
be preached to the Canadian Order of
Forestare in the Brnaeels Methodist
chunk on Sabbath moraines, Sept. 11th,
at 11 o'clock, by Rev. Mr. MoRobbie, of
Sbelburne, High Chaplain of tba Order.
112embere of Court Princess Alexandria
and visiting brotbten are asked to as-
semble at the Lodge room at 10.80 end
march from theta to the ohuroh.
Rev. S. J. Ailin preached last Sabbath
morning from the text "Remember the
Sabbath day to keep it holy." It was a
very praotiaol discourse and est oat in
unmistakable terms the dangers of our
times as to non.ohservanoe of this Dom.
•mond. In the evening the text was
Matt. 18.8, "Exoept ye be converted."
The speaker showed that aonvereion was
(1) A change of mind ; (2) 1. change of
Heart; (8) A change of conduct, He
anewered the two questions t—Why is
oonvet51on nooessery ? flow will the
oonvereion be brought about ?
meeting of the General Sunday School
and Epworth League Board of the Meth°.
dist ohuroh wag held in the Board Room
of the Wesley building, Toronto, on
Thnreday, Aug. 10th. Rev. Dr. Carman
Was in the ohaie, After devotional
606101050 the financial report was pre.
tented. J. W. A1lavelle, general tram.
er, reed the annual report of the Epworth
League, which showed a most satistae-
tory condition of entire. The collect.
lone for the general fund amounted to
51,411, being an inorense of 570 Over last
year. After all exponent bed been paid a
very satiefantory halanoe remained on
hand. Warring Kennedy, treasurer of
the Sunday School fund, preesoted big
annual statement. The 'reification for
the Sunday School Aid fund for the
year emogntpcj to $2,004,94. Out of
AUG. 20, 1898
these many poor rehoote in institute
localities have received hid in grants of
poriodinalo, ole. The anneal report of
the general secretary, Rev. A. 0, Crewe,
was read and 11isnaseed. This report
showed ihut there aro 3,287 Sunday
sohoole in Ihc. ('nneCURE Methodist
ohuroh, with St 0,24 Kinnear& being an
inmates of 130 echm:ls and 17,783 Bohol.
ars during the past four yeare, The
home department 1e a feature evhiolt bas
been developed rapidly during the quad.
rontunt. In 1895 there were 1800 mom.
here. Ia 1898, 7,161, an heaving of
0,275, There has been a very An growth
of the Sunday school 901100ioale pnblish•
ed by the °burnit. 'Phe Epworth League
report was lull of encouraging fame and
figures, There are now 058 Epworth
Leagues and 809 Epworth Leaguee of
Christian Endeavor, besides a number of
other societies. The total number of
Yonne People's Societies in the oburoh
ie 1,947, with 81,036 members. For
minion, the 0o0ieties have raised dur•
the the year 512,159.80. an inorense of
$6,112,08 over the previous year. This
has been largely the result of the efforts
of the Students' Forward Movement for
Missions, the promoters of 0111011 have
displayed unusual activity, The Ep-
worth League rending coarse has been n
groat 50000ss. Commencing three years
ago with a circulation of 420 it bas in-
creased t0 2,060. The general Secretary
gave a pommel eta.tement allowing that
during the peat four years he hail travel.
led 52,100 miles and had dative'ed 850
addressee in pnreuenoe of the dnries of
hie offioe. Reeolubione of Oink., to the
general Secretary, Rev. A. C. 0.•e.ve, and
to J. F. Flavelle and Warring
Kennedy, treasurers of tee iloerd, were
unanimously passed.
Business Locals.
TIAxOTRr seed et MlOtOOken's.
Tluoxur seed at Baelcer .0 elanetone'e,
Now oarrote, beets and potatoes at Mo.
Greek en's.
Watson from 5.10 tip to 5100 at A.
VERY special bargains in bicycles, A.
M. McKee ch Co.
SEE our new stock of Japaneeo china,
11, L. Jackson, jeweller.
A. COUBLEY handles everything that is
used by a bicycle rider.
Din you see tate Gondron bike in A.
Ooueley's window ? It's a dandy.
Lesrowix, yarns, a full linertment, ell
shades, jest received Rt Mrs, Kirlt's.
Moller Ib Go. are flouts for the White
sewing machine. Cell aid see them.
A anon opening for an enterprising
dress maker. Rooms over Mrs. Ifirk's,
CLEVELAND wheels are great sellers.
Six sold since Jan. let, 1898. A. Conley.
E. & D. bearings are guaranteed for
three years. Coma in and gee them. A.
WANTED -200 tabs choice Dairy Butter,
14n. Also 60 cases eggs weekly. 0. E.
King, Wingham.
17 DIFFERENT doeigns in Japanese nape
and eanoere—beautiful goods. H. L.
Jaakeon, jeweller.
WE have just opened out a large stook
of china --direct from Japan. Cheap 1
cheap. H. L. Jaakeon, jeweller.
ANY amount of wood will be taken for
saw gumming and filing. Wood may be
rough or smooth, hard or soft, and to be
delivered before the work leaves the shop.
T. McGnroon, caw filer and inventor,
Queen et. Beet, Brussels.
HAIR DRESSING.—Ere. Taylor wiebes to
interne the ladies of Brussels and vicinity
that elle will be here for the next two
weeks doing up hair out of the heir comb-
ings, oleo shampooing. Hours from 5 to
8 p. m. Satisfaction guaranteed. A call
solicited. All orders left at the residence
of Watson Ainley will be promptly
attended to. MRS. TAYLOR.
A PRICELESS Deseovenr.—"Soak and
Swab" its an infallible, painless and non•
poisonous remedy for the cure of Cancer,
Cartilaginous Ulcera, Sore Throat and a
variety of akin diseases. It circa caner
in any part of the body where the liquid
can reaoh it. Send for ciranlor giving
Instructions how to apply the liquid.
Sold at 600. per pint and 80o. per half
pint bottle. MoLzon'e LABORATORY, Gods.
rich. IfteSold by Jae. Fox, Druggist,
Brussels. 0.51
Hwtlt000REns' Exounsxous.—On the
first and third Tuesdays in June, 1898,
the Chimp, Milwaukee et St. Paul Rail.
way will sell round•trip excursion tickets
(good for 21 days) to a great many points
in South and North Dakota and other
Western and Southwestern states, at
prantically one fare for the round trip.
Take a trip West and see what an amount
of good land Gan be purohased for very
little money. Further information as to
routes rt s of farm lands .
may broutes,
obtained on application to eto any
coupon ticket agent or by addressing A.
J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 2
King street, East, Toronto, Ont.
C:L3iacji4L11 News.
The bylaw to abolish the ward eye•
tem was carried in Lindsay.
A. T. Lowe, n Winnipeg ncomintant,
committed suloide by 'shooting himself in
the head.
The merchants' closing by-law is still
causing trouble for Hamilton boot and
ghee dealers.
The O'year.old soft of Peter Cyr, of
Gebinoan Point, was drowned in the
Ottawa River.
The grain Drop of Manitoba is estimate
ed at 60,000,000 be/shale, of which over
25,000,000 is wheat,
The freight and passenger business on
the 0. P. R. is now heavier than at any
time during the year.
The Russian Government has ordered
a 5,000.ton iron•olad orn1Ber from the
Krupp Works at Keil. and a similar yes.
eel from the Vuloan Works et Statin.
The two parties in the Legislature and
the Government have agreed that the
sessional indemnity for the present see -
non shall be $250. The balanoe of the
usual indemnity of 5500 will be payable
et the oloso of the session in 1899,
The explosion of a dynamite cartridge
in a quarry at Ridgeway caused injury to
five man. W. H. Miner was the moot
sorionsly herb. IID is now at the Fitch
Hospital in Buffalo, suffering from n
fraeturo of the skull,
In the bye election in the first district
of West Qesen'e, Prince EJdward /eland,
to RIl the valiantly caused by the elevation
of Premier Warburton to the bench.
Hon. Wm, Campbell (Oon0Orvative) and
Dr. Robertson (Liberal) were nom Ulatntl,
The Ridgetown Standard Saye ;—It
would soaroely be fair to mention the
young lady's name, but a girl up none the
Ent had to resorb to an Bereft, method in
her offdrte to milk the family now one
night last week, The cow, ap10010, even.
ST XD.11W 13,1XE rix? al H,In,4,
zen,xt-a.2etiexamteeexe .'10'730.
ASSETS, • (Seven Million Dollars) • 57,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) . . • $2,000,000
Agencies in all prinolpal points is Ontario, Quebec', ilia nIGabe, United States fr. Brit/Ian ff.
r�t'Wsr S M*7 X11,8.
A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Nettie Discounted..
Deafta leen. ti and Collootione made on all pointe,
Intermit allowed on deposits of 51,00 and upwards from dot at depo0it to date o
withdrawal and Compennded belt yearly,
Every facility afforded Ouetomore living tit a diebnuoe,
let, 11f. 33RENT,
tempered Dorsey, has 'one peculiarity—
ehe will let nobody oome near bo milk
her save the men. Ou the evening refer.
red to the mon hap °ned 50 be all away
and visitors dropped in, malting ib uooes.
eery that bhe cow be milked before sup-
per. The young lady made bold to try
the experitnent and sauntered down to
the oow lot with her mills pail. All her
efforts though proved futile. Tho cow
absolutely refused to allow the milk
maid to come near her, Finally, in
desperation, the determined young lady
went back to the house, and after some
trouble and exertion, whin might have
combined with her maidenly decorum to
call the beautiful Dolor to her Gheeke, she
reappeared clad in s coat and trousers
and a stiff hat belonging to her brother.
Picking up her milk pail she one more
oc6oyed to perform the task of milking
the perverse bovine, mad the ennuis that
Drowned her efforts was complete, The
visitors, who enjoyed a glace of cold, rich
milk, little knew the extremity to which
the daughter of the household was put to.
SxAw.—Iu Clinton, on Aug. 14811, the
wife of Dr. J. W. Shaw, of a SOIL
MoDoNALn.—In Grey, on Aug. 131h, the
wife of 31r. Geo. McDonald of a son.
lloLaon—MEncso.—On August 24512, as
Victoria Cottage, Brussels, by Rev.
R. Paul, D'Ir. Norman MuLeod to
Mies Nellie Maud Viola Mercer, all
of Brussels.
ELLIOTT.—In Chicago Hospital, on Aug.
10th, Tee. W. Elliott, brother of
Hugh R. Elliott, of Brnaeels, aged
89 years.
F nAIN.—IB Grey, on Saturday, Aug. 20,
Rubel Taylor, relict of the late
Joseph Frain, aged 75 years, 2 months
and 10 days.
SINCn.In,—In Grey, on Sunday, Ang. 21,
Jessie Thompson, beloved wife of
Peter Sinclair, aged 78 yeare and 10
CAIiLEY.—In Grey, on Aug. 1451, Jessie
infant daughter of Jenne and Jessie
Oakley, aged 1 month.
S"Ax.exe FA2RS.
Industrial, Toronto, Aug.29 to Sept. 10,
Western, London, Sept. 8 to 17.
Wellesley, Wellesley, Sept. 18, 14.
Northern, Walkerton, Sept. 14, 16.
Southern, Brantford, Sept. 17 to 22.
North Waterloo, Berlin, Sept. 20, 21.
Owen Sound, Sept. 20, 21.
North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 22, 23.
Elmo, Atwood, Oot. 4, 5.
East Huron, Brussels, Oat, 0, 7.
30 0£10.0 xec.o_en.m020T.s,
Fall Wheat 62 04
Barley. 80 38
Peas 47 48
Oate 22 28
Batter, tube and rolls ... 12 13
Eggs per dozen 10 10
Flour per barrel.....,5 00 5 00
Potatoes (per bus.) 1 00 1 00
Hay per ton 4 00 5 00
Hides trimmed55 1.4
Hides rough 5 5
Salt per 12111., retail 1 00 00
Sheep Elkins,caoh .•,,, 40 40
Lamb eking each 26 25
Hoge, Live 4 50 4 75
Wool . ... .... 16 17
Apples (per bug) 50 60
TORONTO, ADO, 24,—Wheat--The offer-
ings are 1 mil
aural Int lees
are buying
g 1 Y g
only to meet present requirements, and
the market is steady at 88e to 090 for red
and white west ; Manitoba wheat is
steady, at 92e for No. 1 bard, at Toronto
and West. Flour quiet ; oars of straight
roller in barrels, west, are quoted at
$8.16 to $8.20. Plillfeed—Quiet, at $12..
60 to $14,50 for shorts, and 58.50 to 59
for bran west. Barley—Dull, at 880. for
No. 1 outside. Corn—Steady, set 890 for
American here. Oate—Steady, et 240
for new white, and 200 for old west.
Peas—Steady at 49a to 60e north and
west. Eggs—Steady, at 120 to 125o for
chain, fresh gathered, and 105o to 115e
for held Fresh and seconds, Butter—
The reoeipto of ohoioe dairy tub ate
email ; there is a good demand for it at
14o to 150, and lle'to 18o is quoted for
the ordinary run ; dairy pond roils
eteady at 16a to 170 ; creamery steady at
20a for prints and 175o to 1850 for packed.
TORONTO, Aug. 23.--Reoeipts Of cattle at
the Toronto market to -day were 42 loads
—abundant supply for the present de.
mond of the trade, Priem for boat grades
of cattle were steady, and inferior stook
10 hard to sell. The old country machete
are not in a satiefaotory condition, and
shippers are careful in making purchases
for export, Only the choicest animals
are taken, and prices range from 410 to
437c per ib. Export hulls sell in from 850
t0 4o pee lb, There was a large attendanno
of butchers present, but owing to the
heavy receipt of sheep and nine there
Was not much inquiry for beet. The
beet batobers' cattle are quoted et from
4o to 4ko per Ib, and ordinary stook at o
to 85o per Ib. Feeders are quoted at Sao
per ]b. Sheep and lambs eteady, Sheep
are quoted at from 25o to 8,375 per lb, and
lambs at from 54,50 to 54.75 per cwt.
Caine are quoted at from 58 to 58 per
head, The heavy receipts of hogs have
depr80585 the market, and prices are
easier, The beet selections are quoted at
from go to 510o per Ib.
Ener Borinwo, Aug. 20,—battle—Re.
ceipt0, 84 oars; all consigned through;
She marlcat cloned tip Well, and all Don.
detains point to a favorable natio for the
immediate future ; veal° in ligllb supply
and steady at 54,50 to $0.76; common to
good, $5 to 50,25, L-l0gs—Reoeipts 2,000
head; marlceb fairly native and about
steady for young gradoe ; others full easy ;
eales of Yorisere, good to choice Dorn fed,
at $4.10 to 54.15 ; common and grassy,
54 eo 54 05 ; mixed packers, 54.10 to
5.1.125; mrclinme, 54.10 to 54.125o, for
choles; good and prime heavy, 54.15 to
54,175 ; pigs, $3.76 to $8.86 ; roughs,
58.50 to 58.70 ; stage, 52.75 to 58; market
Wooed steady. Sheep and lambs—Re-
ceipts, 400 head of fresh and 8,000 over ;
with sheep steady; sales of beet lambs,
$6.40 to 55.75 ; fair to good, 56 to 55.86 ;
calls anti common, $2 to 53.75; fair, 54
to 5.1,25; yearliugs, 54,25 to 54,75;
extrae, $e”; the market olossd.,dull for
lambs and steady for sheep.
INalsnooLL, Aug. 28rd.—Cheese offerings
100 boxes August make ; no sales ; 75o
to 715/100 bid. Small attendance •,
majority iuolined not to board Angnet
till next market. New York.', -Butter
steady ; western oreamery, 145o to 19e;
factory, 11c to 16o ; Elgins, 29c ; imita-
tion oreamery, 18o to 10o ; state dairy,
18o to 17o ; creamery, 145a to 1850.
Cheese dull ; large white, 75e ; small, 8
t° 837o ; light skims, 0)n to 050 ; pert
skitns, 55o to 690 ; full skims, 20 to 2/o,
Apply to D. 0, ROSS, Brussels.
and soft water. APPLY 50
7- J. it, SMITH.
Brussels, Pinter kindly leave at Tal
Bale or to rout in North Brusaela, Im-
mediatepossession. Apply to BAR1IISTER
BLAII. or W, H. HERlt,
open to 1111 engagements for 900 11(os,
garden parties, celebrations, Cc. ab 004008.
able rates. Good mute. L. JACKSON, See -
rotary; 2'.FULTON,President.
ED to me aro requested to settle be-
fore August25th, as after that data tweet-
tled claims will be placed in Court.. do -
counts due by mo will be paid on presenta-
tion. 1t. L. TAYLOR,
FOR HALE,—Thio very Oommodioue and
desirable property will be sold at 11 very
moderate sum, or lensed t0 a tenant 0n most
advantagsone Eerme. Appl to
J, A. 01t IGIITON,
7-tf Agent for Venders.
on TO RENT.—Tbo undersigned offers
for sale or to runt that 14 story frame 13once
on Turuberry street, North of the Terme°,
lately occupied by S. A. Jackson, For par-
ticulars apply to w. H. Herr, or the owner,
7, liOA101e , Auburn P. 0. 30 -if
Who has bad 20 years 8090010005 as at
Auotioneer, but who had to quit owing to ill
health, has again beton out license and is
prepared to conduct sales at reasonable
terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates may
be arranged at Tun Poem Publishing House.
1-tl • Auctioneer,
Tenders Wanted.
Tenders will bo received by the under-
signed, till September 1st, for the building
of combined closets, at S. S, No. 0, Grey,
either solid brink or frame, atone Muncie -
Hon. Dimensions -18 ft. long, 8 ft. wide and
7 feet high.
to furnish material.
Plane AUG epacifioatols may be see
b a -
Y p
�Flyying to Mol,olm Lamont, Jacob bolter or
'ollu Eatoman, 7.'rue5eefl.
0.2 JOHN Mo1NTOS8, Soorotary.
Voters' List Court.
Notice is hereby given that a Court will be
hold, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List
Act, 1820, by hie Honor, the Judge of the
County Court of the County of Huron, at the
Township Hall, on the8t11 day of Sep bomber,
18118, at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon, to hear
and determine the several complaints of
errors and omiseions in the Voters' List of
the. Municipality of Grey far 1808, Alt per-
sons having Vastness at the Court are re-
quired to attend at the said time and place.
ll'Isl', StENOE,
Dated Aug, 22,1808, Olork of Grey.
Notice is hereby given that a By-law was
Paned by the Municipal Connell of the Oor-
potation of Brussels on the 20111 day of July,
A. D„1808 providing for the Immo of doben•
throe to the amount of .$22,200.00 for the per.
]rose of redeeming debentures falling due
for like amount during August and Septem-
ber, which were ieeued by ardor of Ey-laws
No, 8 and 0, A. D. 1878, And that snob By-
law was registered in the registry o01oe of
the County of Huron on the third day of
August, A.D. 1808.
Any motion to quash or sat aside the same
er any part thereof lomat be made within
three mouths from the date of registration
and cannot ba made thereafter,
Dated the Oth clay of August, 1808,
G•3 F. S. 800'Tte, Olerk,
nERsroNEn hae Several Value
g odi,a
gala and Morrie
5o tont, easy thrum,8,g0 T ioroos 11is
of Sforrls and Grey. F 8, R00TT,Eruesols
Leta, Con, 4, Morris,. containing 100
pores, Good brlOk reeidocne, barns, orahord,
well tented, 00. Only 5 mile to Bolgravo
station and 14 Milos from anm0 village, lin-
mediate po00ession, For further Mutton -
lore OS to prion terms, Sc,, apply oh the
promisee or if (y Iottar to iSelpprave P. 0.
8 4 1103311, ARMSTRONG, Prop.
m m
Our stook of School
Supplies for the re -opening
is now complete and the
lines of Scribblers we are
110W showing are away ahead
of any assortment we have
yet shown,
The Public School
-- AND ---
Are our Leaders,
Fox's Drub. Store.
Consisting of the Routh 4 and South t
of the North of Lot 80, Con 2, East Wawa -
nosh. '1111s is an Oxoellent stook farm, being
well supplied with good spring water. Itis
situated about 8 miles fromthe thriving Vil-
lage of Myth. A largo part of It Is under
grass. Buildings and fences aro in afair
state of repair, Easy terms of payrnent will
be given. For all information apply to
11-tf 0.F, BLAI10, Barrister, Brussels,
nRRslarran offers his 100 acre farm for
sale, being Lot UN k Con. 7, Morris. There
are 70 anl'ee cleated nod under crop, balance
hardwood bush. Thule ie a good frame
house with kitchen, woodshed and cella
oompiet0 ; bank bath with stone stabling
orabarcl, wells, and all other e0nvenlenoee.
Only! of a mile from oohool and 8 mikefrom l russelo. Possession would be given
at once. For price nml terms apply on the
promises Or to lirllOaole P. O., tO
94.tf S1MON FORSYTH, Proprietor.
BENT,—The undersigned offers his
being South part off ] of 0, oOonocs'
olou 12, Grey, Alt under cultivation, well
watered nasi well folioed. There is a good
stone house, bank barn, orohord, wells, 00,,
on the premises. Alco a splendid eton0
quarry from whio11 a good revenue is realiz-
ed. Only 24 miles from Brussels. Tonna
reasonable. For further particulars as to
price, .2o., apply to
203301 lrf0TOIrELL, Proprietor,
05.tf Brussels P. 0.
Tho amloisigned offer two 100 nerd
farms for sale at reasonable prices. The lots
aro Nos. 10 and 11 Con, 0 (Sunshine), the
sideroad between them. Good brink house
and baro ou lot 11, and house and 2 barna on
lot 10. Orchards and all necessary couven-
feloes. Well watered and 4nitable for grain
or grazing, 100 acres now in grass. Will be
sold either separate or together to suit pur-
chaser. Terms of payment reasonable. Im-
mediate10. L. y2UICCIN � N N r0 0 , or I1 utuo ]?, 0 , 00
,, Wl Sham. 1tf
UN ,"�� •�; �G Vl/AY
All Stations 15 Ontario and Quebec, via
Ohmage and St, Paul, to
nutpen, 1'o Acer. 10
1'1'113 ria, Brennen „n11
011101 llonliebn 1'olnl0
and Minnesota and
Seri Ylt kola / Koltun trip Fare
Going August 1050, returning until October
2055, 1808. Oomg September 1854, ,'o -
turning until Nov, 12111, 1808,
Ticket rates and information from
J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Bruseels,
GE0. HEYD, ” Ethel.
Fall Term beats Seill
S.ri t
Clanton 1lsec.
W. T. ELLIOTT, Principal.
The undersigned311 keep for sorvioo On
Lot 20, Con. 0, Morris, the thero'.br'ed ere -
moved Yorksbfro Boar, "Oak Lodge Lena -
fellow," No, 2406, bred byJ, E. 8retbous, Bur-
ford, tO wbieh.a /baited of sows will
of seivtoe with privilege of otpaid ug 4 new
A number of choice young sows for sale for
breeding purposes whiob will be sold itt
prioee to suit the times,
21- BOUT. 530801., Proprietor,
Brussels Cider Mill and
Apple Butter Factory, Mill
street has beenr
and is now ready for oper-
Fetch on your
Terms Reasonable.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Geo. Edwards, Prop,