HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-8-26, Page 7Avr 41sT 26,1898 TEE BRUSSELS POST, YOU RAVE LOST YOUR WAY RFV. DR, TALMAGE PREACHES A WARNING TO SINNERS. No l'otuntrt in J Inbar ,Lssahgtoes• Too, Mot sheep, Dare Done Astray --A %Vide Qpen Moor 1'04' ,81I—Yon Punnet (',u•ey. One or four µ17r74 Actio the Steroid World -"t i. 111,» Ito Lord Huth Lam the 101- eulty (11' l', .t11," h1 despatch from Washington Nays: Rev. 1}r, Talmage prenahott from the fallowing text :—" All wo Ince sheep have gone amtray; we have turned iv- ory one to his awn way ; and the Lord bath laid on hint the iniquity o1 us 111."—Isaiah 1ikk. ti. In ninety years, at the longest, all thin audience will bo 111 heaven ni 1telL This 80rvie0 will (1 11(18 the eternity for some who are present. This will he the last sermon that some of you will ever hear. I have a nature somewhat poetic and I alight try to please you with a trope, and metaphor, and simile; but 1 dare nut under much (ircunlstiulces. 4 der not think that God ever gave to any man greater !matinees fur mirth than I have, and yet 1 dare not induigo It amid these considerations. This night is a life. 'draggle, and a depth grapple, and woo be to that man who shall try to divert this august assem- blage from the one issue. The first part of my text is an in- dictment. "All wo like sheep have gone astray" Says some one: "Oan'L you drop the first word?" And some one rises and looks off and says: "There is a man who is a lal+(s)Ihxm5r he is astray. And yonder is u man who is impure, and he is astray. And yonder is it man who is fraudulent, and be is astray," Sit down, my brother, and look at home, for the first word, of the text take and me as well as the rest : " All we like sheep have gone astray." ' I have studied t11e habits of sheep,1 end I know they lose their way some- times by trying to get other pasture, and sometimes by being scared with the dogs. There are many of you who have bees looking for better pasture. You have wandered on and wandered on. You tried business successes, you tried worldly assoriaLions, you tried the club -house, You said that the Church Wed , A SHORT CO;+LIIONS and you wanted to find the z•ankgrass on the bank of distant streams, and to lie down under great oaks on the other side of the hills. have you found the anticipated pasture that was to be so superior ? How are you getting on now in the club -house? Whet did they do for you in the way of comfort when the baby died? 1)id they make up for the flaxen hair, and the blue eyes and the dimpled elleeksI We re not the plain Christian man, and the plain Christ.iun woman who 044111e in and sat up nights with your darling of more solace than all worldly associations? Did all the convivial songs you ever beard, give you such peace as the song those people sang in your bereaved home? the very words that your lit- tle ohild had learned to sing in the Sabha lh-school: "There is a happy land Far, fax away, Where aerates in glory stand Bright, bright ns day," Did you find comfort in your business associations? Did the erase grow very thick around about your insurance of- fice, or. your broker's shop, or your retail store, or your Importing estab- lishment? God help the man tient has nothing but business to oemlort him 1 Your nosiess instead 01. soothing you exasperated you, and wore y1:u out, and left you limp its a rag, and made you nand. You got money but you got no peace; and. so far f1'mn getting a fit pnsfw•o for a starving nature, you found none of Lt in the world ; and the farther ,you went, the more blasted the heath, end. the sharper the reeks, and rhe thicker the nettles, They in- sultesl you with gnrbago when you 1071131 071 bread. Their Hatt erica were Eke the 1iek of n lion's tongue, which tutees off the flesh that it hetes. A greet. English nota• stood on the Stage 411111 thunders of applause from the smite/les greeted hie impersonetiona, and. yet Ire was utterly Chagrined be- cause one man set asleep 11(01010 hire; and wish indignation he cried out: " Wake up, air!" So in your life, there has born memo little annoyance that has more than 0verpow•ered n11 your brilliant ('.001(11011(11105. You went many from God and peace with Llle idea of finding better pasturage, and your udvenl:ure has been nfnil- urn. You round yourself browsing amid stoup and stinging misfortune. a1, the warld is a good .rack from which a home may Molt his forage; and it is u good trough from whioh (he swine may erunob their meas; but i1: affords 110 satdsraeto,xy food for a soul blood, bought, and Immortal, 1 have 110(1004, (4180,that the sheep eat astray' by being frightened with Elle clogs, elle hotincl gots in the field, The poor things are frenzied. They forgcl, their path and dart away, and aro loon of the bodges rind plashed of the ditch. They do not get home that eight They never get. home Unless the farmer goes after . them ind brings them hook, Oh, men, that. is THE WAY YOU (10T ASTRAY, Ten 1857, or in (.he Sall of 1873, you. hs- rnme nllnnst an aih0lat, You 911,- " whom is God, that Lie allows an 10(1 - est ma11 to go down, land thieves 10 prosper'?" And you were clogged for the rent:, and dogged by the banks, and you ware doggedby creditors; and 140nre. Of you went into mi8anthrnphy, (tad steno of you took to strong drink, and snare of ,you fled 'from all Chris - Gast I(Br3Oei11t1ohs i and in that way the sheep got astray - 1 do not know by just what process 1 you got astray; but the Bible alntenna3 to IL, and your partial 00115010usn0114, on the stlbjeet reaffirms R. that you, 111(1' sheep, have gone astray ; and it y utl could sae yourself 10-111(1111 748 God sees you, your soul would burst. Iola u tempest of agony, and yeti would tlu'ow up your eu'nui as though you were sulking, 41(1(1 you would poll. the heavens with 0110 1(lu11 and awful cry of "God have moray I" But the sad tiling about your ease is, you do (101 - realise 41011 aro fully astray. All (.11e batteries of 3d1(01t. Sinal are uliJimber- ed above you and are aimed at your 0((111. AH, when Sebastopol w118 CH* (11111113(1, there were two Jtuseinn fri- gate hurtling all night I11row- ing O. 1001d glare on the trembling fortress, 644 you stand 10-nigl(t amid a ('a x1nollalle, and a darkness, 11(1(1 a con- flagration, and an accumulation of peril that make the wings of God's hovering angels shudder to the Lip. Oh, 110(41' you 4101, sect you not., the fiery ilelch of the great guns) "All have 811111071 and conte short of the glory of Uod," "There is none that dotal'. good, 110, not one." "As by one 011114 sin entered into the world., and death by ,sin, so (1(8(th hath pissed upon all tutu, for that all have sinned.' "The wages of (tin is death." "Tho soul that eimleth, it shall die," llut the last part of my text opens a door wide enough to let us all out., and wide enough to lel all heaven kaolin' it on the organ, with all the stops out 'thrum it o11 the harp, with all the strings attuned. 1 Let earth toll it to heaven, and heaven tell it back itgutn to earth; "On Ilim, on l.lim, the Lord hath laid the iniquity of us all." 1 am glad the prophet did not waste any Lime In telling us who ha meant by "flim." It is Him of the manger. .11imof the bloody )weal., Ilim of the e ucifixion agony. Him of the (esulrecl.iOn throne, "The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all," Says some one: ":Chat is not gener- er0us. Lel every one hear his own y bur)ie11:' And there is something in that., If 1 owe 0debt, exact 1. have money to pay it, and J come to you and 11010 you to cancel my obligation, yeti would be right in saying to ole: "PAY YOU'.e OWN DEBTS." If I ant walking along the street with you, and we are both hale and hearty, and 1 want you to carry me, you are light in saying: "Walk on year own Met.' llut suppose you (a11(11 were in a regiment together, and 110118 fear- fully wuundod in the battle, and 1 fell unconscious at your feet with gun -shot fracture$ and dislocations, five bullets hawing struck me at once—you would say to your comrades: "here, this man 11; helpless. Let us carry him to the ambulance; let us take him out to the hospital." And you would take 1110 up in your arms, and 1 would be a dead weight, and you would beckon to the corps of the ambulance: "Bring your waggon aroundthis way, and (alai this men to the hospital." You 1vould put me in the ambulance, and you would have done your duty. Would it have been mean to let you carry me thin? You certainly would not have been so unkind 118 1101 to carry me. Now, that is.Chri(;l to the soul. If we could pay our spiritual obliga- tions we might go up to God and say: "Lord, there is so much debt, and here 1 have the means with which to cancel it. Now cross it all out." The debt is paid. but the fact is 400 aro pierced through and through with the sabres ua sin, We have gone down under the hot fire, and we are helpless and un- done. We will die on the field unless mune help comas to us. God sends Itis ambulance, yea, He dispatches His, only Son to carry us oat, and bind up our gushes, and take us home. "On Ilim, on Him the Lord hath laid the iniquity of us all." Oil, my friends, we were a dead weight in Christ's arms; all ((111' 131115 above us; all our chains on us, .1f Christ, raises us at ell IL will not be by the tips of the fingers, 11 will not be with ant arm, 11 wi11 be by getting clown on one knee, and putting around us His omnipotent arms, and 41100 log all the energy of ldis Godhead into one dead lift that. He will raise us up to honour, and glory, and i1nmor- t.ntity. "On Ilim the Lord hall laid ill.' iniquity 01 us all." !s therm any wan in the house who is node, the delusion that he can merry 11i1 440•(1 sins? You cannot, Yon c)Lnnot. You might as well try to transport a Boulder of t110 sen, or carry ou one shoulder the Alleghenies, and on the other sh,ruldor 1140111 \Wash ington: YUucannot c(L(y one your t 1' of U r sins in- to the (eternal world, and carry it pea00LulIy. Wlm here wants to keep his sins? ;They Lava almost pestered your life aut. Sometimes they have made you cross and unreasonable, and spoiled the joy of your days and Um peace 01 your nights, There are mean In this house, to -night, who have been riddled with sin. You know this world can give you no solace. It is all gossamery and volatile, and cls to- eternity, ii: is to you a Week and suffocating Lnid- night, and you writhe under the stings of a (0014011.1100 which, promises you no rest hire and no rest hereafter, And yet you do not pray, and you do not repent, a.1141 you do not weep, although this very night: may be the one in which you shall lift the shriek of the soul that takes THIS LONG, LAS'.'.' PLIING11, There have been people 'rho have tenn0 into tl0s Tabornaelo, and 111111(1 the Gospel—for 1 p0e0111 nothing else,— and refused it, and gone out, and Liles died, and their voice comes to us to- night from the darkness, saying : "'fake the 000(381. 1 11(18440(11313' chance. Your day lusts—mine is closed. Woe is 1118. I am undone. Who will shove back Whin bolt? Who will put out. this fire?" And the 00,17e110 forlornly neho: "\Who? who V' And (11 e destroyed. souls clutch for the worn. that dies not:, to tear it from the vitals, and they clutch into the air as for a hope they 0(411- trot reac'lt. Then crawling mulct, the rummies, crying: "All this for evert for everfor evert for ever I for ever 1" Oh, my Igniter, that k0( what sin has done for them, and that is what sin will do for you. 41111048 ,you ley hold "nn Ilial on whom the Lord 1181(11 laid the iniquities of us all." Messed hes God, to -night there 1ere is a fair chance for every note in this tab- ernacle, If at this moment this meet- ing could be thrown open, and ,you could, all speak, you would,, .1 thinly, h:'1,r a man in the gallery say: "I had all elegant 8ut'•r0nndi.ngs, .1 1101 the lest miswritten, ten, I have moved to most brilliant elreltsall ley days, I thought I was all 01,118t, 1' 1101 a life of outward morality; but one clay iOmeLhing whispered in my mar: "You are a sin- ner' and 1 SOW that: 1)7 hands were 001 with the blend of the Sen of God, end I (tried for metes, nein 1 found It; and that is true what. you have 110011 suying t> -night: 'On Biel 1.110 Lund 1111,11 lairs (he iniquity of 114 ail:" And u• 1117411 in (1118 gallery would saiy: "I Was 0110 of the worst drunkards in New York, When 1 came home at night., 4)1y children. 110tvered. When they put out their hands to lee for a kiss, 1 struek t heel ; and when my wires/0o- tented ifepoo-tented agnkrist 111e maltreatment, 1. Woke(' her Inl:o tette street. Oh! 1 have Lad all the hunger, and the bruises,. mud the tremors—all the estate ol: a cl'U,(k1zrd's 401144. 11u( 11110 night, l Was gotug ((.long by it Methodist meeting- house, end J sunt' '1'11 go in 1111,1 1400 11 bat they are doing.' I went 10 seta 1, Iti.,, 1 wits overwp Imre w-il.l? the S50110,an.t 1 elltd 1"1' 1'i it , •'111 111 11 /1111 (hero found i1 'lbw pa elating matey of God—and 11 is all true wiatt- you have lreeil Haying to -night : 'On llitp, the Lord Lath laid the iniquity of us ell,' 1 lifted lily family out of (11e depths to whi011 th'y were sanlcen, and nmv k1 r' WIFE SINGS ALL DAY at her work, and my little children 0011110 two 1)1001118 (101011 111e street to greet ole haute, 'And, sir, ley house 11115 been a heaven ever since I Hare 1100041/0 a changed luau," Away hack 111 Hot gallery, if the meet111g 1V000 stilt open, a8i41m'- would cry out: "1 Went far astray. I look the leap trout which few ever come hack. 1 sew the storm that howls user a lost. soul; but Jesus owl lee one claa•kc'night on the et.r801, ant 1le strut 'Go home, poor tiling, go panel 10,11. 1111100 is waiting Lor you.. your tum her is wait- ing lar you --go home, hoot (11:11(1.' And though I. was too weak to 1, •ay , l ,poen 1)'1e'11 out (Lit my 8111.4 and 4(11.11)11') (111 the 11'art. of Ilim 'ort whoa( aha Lord hath laid the iniquity or us (Ell: " if the meeting Were still ]rept open, 0, young man matted before 1)1e would country. 1 ' l nes born in the L) s 1 a: y 1 had It good bringing up. 1 had every advantage. 1 mune to town and got. a situation and one night 1 met some fellows 'rho did me 110 g0ud. They drugged 010 through all the sewers of sin, and l was ashamed to go bleak, 1 iuokcd so badly. 1 lost my place, I lust everything. 815101 wrote t.4) sue, and Luther wrote to me, u1.01••mot11- at' wrote to ole; but t didn't answer their letters, for my hand trembled so I knew they would think from the writing there was something the mat- ter, One day a Christian young man put: 114 panel on rn,v shoulder, a0ct said: 'George, come with me, and I will do you good.' t looped up into his face to see tvh8l.hee he was joking or not, and .l. saw he was in real earnest, s0 1 fixed, myself ut as well as I could, and 1 buttoned 013' coat over my rag- gtd vest:, and I went to the meeting; and an old man got up Lo pray, who looked just 1111e my father, and I Hob - bed out, and they were so kind hnd so synlpathel de, 1 0.0111)1 hold out no long- er ; onger; eel there and them gave my poor wasted ho -1y, and my poor bruis- ed soul to 111,11 00 whom t he Lord hath laid the iniquity of un all.'" You cannot get. un any longer with ,your sins. "Oh," said a man to me this 1ro;ning, as 1 went mit 01 the claret', "what sal 111 1' do 1 Whet shall I (1(.3" 1 f la 1 1' in the house to- night:, I say to 11.11—I"f t1ere. be olhe- era in the hcum in the same Immola- tion, in the same undone condition, say to you: lot Jesus take your sins all away. You do not want to keep them tiny longer. 'i'hey have for you too hard a bed. They have mingled for yea too bitter a cup. 011, Jesus, take them aWtry—take these sins all 410'D3'—lake them tint of sight. Away with tlrs aceursecl (hinge, we want no more to do wi1.11 them. • But who comes .here to -night Some one with 001081', and weary, and pain - f111 step, the mantle of the night lover His brow mid over Ilks shoulder. l' can- not recognise who He is; but coming under the flash of the chandeliers, the mantle of darkness falls from the face, and fulls from the shoulders, and see who it Is. I'C IS JESUS, THE SON OF • GAD I And 1 say: • "Art thou weary?" and He says: "Weary with the world's woe." And I say: "Frain whence didst Thou come?" 'And ile stays: "From Calvary." And I say: ".Midst 'Chou come ttlone'1" And He says: "1 have trodden the wine -press alone." And I say : "For lvhat.purpose bast then come?" and IIe says: "1 have come t h e (- • t errand, to tag menu on t 110 l r e 1 e n 5 A SISTER'S HELP, BROUGHT RENEWED HEALTH TO DESPONDENT BROTHER. 1114 lleall It 11314 Pa 1104 moil Me11Ivinea Seemed to Ito 111(11 no (;nod—Where Others Ilnd tale(. Pr, 1111 bores' fins( Pills sleet. With 3•(0(4 t. $vecesv. Do. Wiiltsms' Medicine Co,:— Ge.ntlean en; A few years ago my system /100111110 thoroughly run down, Aly blood was in a frightful condition; medical 1108111 eel did no good. I sur- feited myself with advertised medi- cines, but will equally poor results. I wee fivall,v ineapabilnl:el from work, became thoroughly despondent, and gave np hope of. hying 7111.1(111 longer, while in this condition I visited my father's .hone near Tara. A sister, than and new' living at. Toronto, was also visiting at the parental home. Her husband bad been made healthy through the use of ]h•, Williams' Pink Pills, and she urged me 1:o try them. Tired of trying medicines, 1laughed at the propositioh. However, later on she p10vlde4 me with Some of the pills and begged me t:0 Enke them. I did SD, mod betfor'e 1 111111 4380(1 Ewe 11ox5s I; was on the road to restored 1161(11:11. I am oonmending their good qualities 8115051 every day I live because I -feel so gratofu.l for my restoration, and l; have concluded to write you this let- ter wholly in 191e interest of suffering humanity. I am carrying on business in Owen Sand as a 00100tge maker, 'llhis town has been lily home for 28 years 11)41 anyone enclosing a. reply three cent stamp esu receive personal indnrsat.ion of the foregoing. much to satisfy those who cannot be blamed. for doubting after tailing so many other preparations wilheut be- ing I.Oneltl.ted. You may do just 148 you. 1(110 wills thin letter, I am satis- fied that but for Dr. Williams' Pink P11141 I would not be able to attend. to nay bn51n05s to -day. Perhaps T would not have been olive. 4 ;Yours very Ri11040ely, h1'lidoeiok Glover. Warm Weather We.ukuttes is quickly overcome by the toning and blood enriching qu11111641 of ketol s Sarsaparilla, This great mein - eine cures that tired feeling 81mu51as quickly us the sou dispels the 100101ng mist, ft also curee pimple% boils, Halt rheum, s6rolula end all other troubles originating 1n bad, impure Wood. me'A•rSc`i- la th,nadn's Greeted, afis bdao. S11 eta for (1. floods Pills euro Ile i0tisness, indigestion. te¢ty the An of IIsi -t naoplo,'f And look or 111' !I 1,11en rind 1 any: "LONE Jct. us, (stoat 'i'hou curry 111,. sins of all 1.114 1)00(1101" 000 114 says: "400(, put aero upon ((1y shoulder." Anel then taming my own sins, l taiko there first end put--111rrle. upon .Jesus, 'mit 1 ray: "Canst. Thou endure more than that?" and 11(0 any(: "Yea, more." And then [hare itre noires of people i1) this 11ni8(1 shat. come and bring their SIDS and 1)411. l.14'm upon (lis lntekf and then (Imre are hundreds 11)111 1'4(010 141111 hying their tilts 1111)1 put them eon Ilia hook; and then there are thou- sands here that 101111' and bring their sins and put them upon Ilia bask, and 1 say 1 "C'an81 Hutu Carey tiny more?" and He rays: "Yea, more," Rul'. the Sabbath is neatly done, and lie Tessin is departing, .Make room_ for I11111 through the aisle. Swing open 1140 doer and let Hint pax out. lie is carrying our sins, We shall never see them again. He win. throw then( into the abysm. "On 111110 the Lord bath laid the dniqulty OL ad 1411." " RAISING THE WIND." So me Dageu1003 $(.bevies air (lei 1 log 110 14 of Other People's dloney. There is at merchant in Birmingham, England, ivho has hit upon a happy 1(4463, there was no Earl of R,t.hes, the Ingenious individual, standing behind her, attempted to cut off the 111301/1 O1'' 11LIL BACKS HAIR. J'hin "robbery from the parson" would seem too eurlac:ious to suceeod often, but whoa the fellow was searched at the police etalleo he was found in 1)08- 14808100 of six pairs of shears and aee- ariti long plaits 0311114 he had already telipped from the head"' of his fail' vie - Limo. There is a marl in France who gams by the name or "Jean Serpent," lie la employed by ale g71vd1'011011t to kill vipers. 11e slalugiders on an average four 00 five thelusand a year, and, de- spite the fact that he has more than once been bitten, he likes the job and makes quite a respectable income. Ile is not by any means the only man in Prance who makes money by killing vipers, for there is a stand111g reward of 1 1-2 d. per head in sews dletri(els for the dest.lUC11on of these Mingerous pests, but Joan certainly kills more than any twenty other snake teachers put together. The pour, untutored Indian, however, lately went one bet for than Je50 even. The government placed al price on snakes, and the much maligned Orient- al set himself to meet the sudden gov- ernment demand for poisonous reptiles. He bred snakes in earthen pots and fed them carefully on mice and other light, cheap dainties until they reach- er. marketable size. The government has now withdrawn the reward, snake culture is at a discount, and India has another cause for discontent. ' TEE SILLY SEASON. Penelope is queer; she w'on't meet strangers in hot weather, Why not 3 Well -she says at that time she has- n't any sense, and they haven't any sense either. There have been great rejoicings at Leslie, in Scotland, over the coming of age of the Earl of Rolhes. From 1859 until the present Earl succeeded, at the age of sixteen, his grandmother in notion. He keeps a watchful "0ptie" peerage having been held in tLe'inter- eH' i the alb two ladies. The, Leslie � is on the birth announcements n v yy groat morning papers and makes a care- one 111 the oldest in hoot land, and 81(45 fol reobtd of children born with the h1s10rkcal even before tbo days of IS rind Bruce. ()nee 11 possessed a sil r in tbeir mouths. proverbial silver 0(p ion dukedom, tarn seventh Earl, who ear - Ho then waits patiently for the recur- ried the sword et 1 be coronation of Charles 11, having been made al. duke, but, as he died without male issue, the superior honor became extinct, She earldom, however, rind the inferior ti- tle were perpetun ted in the female line and since that time several ladies have successively held the peerage in their own right. ring natal day of the child whose par- ents are likely to indulge in costly birthday gifts. A few days before the interesting an- niversary he sends the parents speci- mens of presents suitable to the age and sox of the child. Few mothers in- deed eau resist a tradesman who actu- ally knows the exact date of her darl- ing child's birth, and it is seldom she fails to make a selection quite suffi- cient to pay the cute man for his trouble. There is anathoe man who does equ- ally well in a humbler way. His pro- fessional premises overlook a malo- dorous slum in the East End of Lon- don. His window attracts the gather- ers of unconsidered trifles—r'agpickors, paper merchants and the like—by au- noweein(1 that "best prices aro mita for old legal documents, parchments:" etc, An inspection of his rooms reveals a vast accumulation of old documenta of all sorts, carefully classified and dock- eted for the most part, and stored in separate compartments. Tho other side of his business con- sists in watching the papers for pro- perty claimants, lost heirs, and dis- puted wills. The least similarity of name and place sets Ilim communicat- ing with the (18111es concerned, who are generally just in that condition of rest- less expectanoy to make them 'Ail- ing to give a sovereign, and sometimes oven A FIVE POUND NOTE, for a document which costs the wily oolleotor• t1. few pantie. the professional "poet" of the strict- ly "minor" order is will known to 1 or its • (17090 who, Y 'aro b reason of love, e neighbor, ;jealousy and spite, need his services. He must have "lisped in numbers, for the numbers lame with at college ? a facility which is Only equalled by Mr's, 'White—Wits so; she is go - their doggerel quality. He can make I ing to .marry 0115 of the professes, an oda twilit° 044. wait. Itis po01kea1 arrow ca11 bo tipped with honey or ven- om, according us it is meant to (1151'50 the bosom of a lover or a rival. Ilis business is, or course, at its height in the tingly days of Ferbunry, for tuning his clients St. Valentine's Imitation Is sometimes called the sincere form of flattery. This (nay itecou111 far the number of imitations of the original and only positive corn cure—Put.nenl's Painless Corn Extractor. All such fail to possess equal merit, so when pur- chasing get 111e genuine "Putnam's," Safe, sure and painless, A11 druggists. WHAT A .DIFFERENCE. She—I really think it was had taste in yrou to drink so much (vine at the dinner last evening. He -0, I suppose so, But really I didn't realize the bad taste till l awdke this morning. It was something hor- rible. Spread a little " Quickcnre" on the surface of corns and cover with thin paper; the soreness will be removed at crime, as it reduces the'inflummation whish causes pain. ONE OP MANY. Thompson—You look pale awl thin. Johnson. Why wilt you persist in killing yourself working night and day awl \('001her as this: Johnson—I nm trying to earn money enough to pay the expense or s week's rest in the country. SATISFIED \1TT RESULTS. Mrs. Browne Arte. 311(1 s,tl8fied with the restate of your daughter's course A plaster made with "Quiekcure" win remove difficulty in breathing, and more quiokly reduce inflammation than the old mustard plaster. UNIKIND. Whit's the matter, C'hawly, me 11oy? .Day is sl.ill en institution. But he can I'm in a pehteet wage. When I went count upon brisk business all the year , into the we tilu,Waut and milled for round 401811 be has once established a calf bwains, a big, wed -faced /('11011 reputation, for, as breach of promise called m0 a cannibal. cases amply prove, a lova letter is hardly deemed presentable without a garnishing of "poetry." The verse vendor's usual (large is a penny a line, OL' ninepelloa a dozen, for 'common or garden poetry," and double that sum if the client requires a special senti- ment worked in, The hair harvest of some Continen- tal countries is quite an established in- dustry. Men go round the country side collectingthe luxuriant floeae of the peasant girls, who are quite re- conciled to losing their looks by the very substantial sums piaci for them, Wild by the increased chance their riches give them in the matrimonial market, Tho possessors of rod gold or real 1ls,x- TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAV, Telco Laxative Bret. Quinine Tablets. All Drug. grate rotund the mousy if It fails to Ours. Ma. SINGLE PERSONS. The largest proportion or single per- sons is found in Ireland and Scotland, and the sn10110st in the United States. in Ireland (17 per cent., in :cot lance 05 per cent„ but in the United .Mutes only 511 per cent, are in that condition, Bow's This? We ollbr 045 Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of catarrh that cannot be cured by I3n11'e00(al0h ('t1,o. Ir, J. CRrNlty c ca. aropa„ T(1 of o. 11114, tiro matessignee, have known F. J. en tresses are the envy of their less Cheney too the last 16 y, ors, and belleVe hem richly adorned sisters, for these aerie- ip+ovtootly honorable in 1111 bushceoo n•nnsac• tins of hair are valued at double the tons, mod ftnannialiq nbto. to ortrry int any b h 0.rddnar,0 price, pbllgation 40500 t sir llrm. WRs'` 01'1180Wholesale holesale 1)rtie,zlsta, '(010(10. A man in Paris hit upon a plan by widish the profits of the llttir 4411eartng 1 f Madmen, `t1. 11 l g 1 p 1 gWqggArutxG, ltxNNnN MAuvlx. Who aside Hall's C(la•rit Curets taken internally, mob business could bo greatly enhanced, A In 0ireoiln 011 rho bland anti mnoons ants ger o m .x ;een, wt 1 e1' air in a tWoos of + c a stem. Pring 7bo, per butte . So(11 plait, was waiting on the curbstone for byell Drvg.rsta. TeettrnOTtailleo. Retro tnm�] Pills aro the boat. Ilya sats Toledo 0 ca tremor, when this enterprising and l y GIVE IT A TRIAL h Xf_, i ,, ell 0\,yn Tea It MOST SERIOUS CONSIDERATION. IS WORTH 'YOiJ Lead Packages, arc, 40c, SOC, and 6oc. blithe ,. ,` ��t? a 411 CHINA'S ARMY. The regular army of China is sail to 00118im1 of 818,0011 men. Resides this the Emperor's army, there is a na- (10na1 army of 050.0011 men 11•hn are paid about $1 a mont11. The cavalry reeeive about $3 a month, feed their Own horses, and if the horses are lost or killed are required to replace them out of their pay, , W. P. E. 033. SaRe® i8 itn S UR AGYN T BLOW FAQ Outlet,n.Putti r, 7 i 4 3 ) Good as New. Cheap. The YV ilson Publishing Co., LIMITED, 73 Adelaide ht. West. L N11(18, Milt.; St Hales, Barris( eru,etc., removed to Wesley l31di;+. Rich - teen)] St, W.,'loronto. USED POSTAGE STAMPS of all kinds wanted for coon. S'atn Kind and Quantity of patty, 585 Srherboura Street, Stamp pang, 'j'ORONTO CUTTINO 30(1001. o(er8 speolel lndvoemente to young mea desirous of taking np Cutting. Pull partionlors on appli cation, 'la YONOB ST., TORONTO. PAINT ]so CHEAP shingle roofs or Hilae of buildings,-- Used 24 years. With n good spoyrr you inn paint a17am in half a day. write us for oircuInrs and Informational out printing. The Lrinoh Wob'I Preserve. tire 4 Paint Company, 810 Queeo West, Torgao, novo you written oe the ENTRANCE or P, S. LEAVING Bxem)untinntblo)'nre 1140/000 name, ad'?re,s,ew,oh. 11'(11111(111001, to the Prinelpnl of aha CENTRAL BO $I- *IESST COLLEGE, 100N0(1k 0BKRARU 18 01110 T0. (40NT0, and recaiv5 full ptonlara about the Fre, for the t,)p0 mss school 40114pre no m 4..1.4 (1 onndidates for the Fail Session beginning on Sent. , next. Address W. H. SHAW, Principal. I` Eon SALE—Nighty improved Farm near Winnipeg; 14111 neves; No. 1 :oil; improvement. alone oost$9,000; prim KW, .say two thousand cash, balance in ten yearly payments ; interest 0 par cent.; will sell implements costing $1,110 for :600, any fire hundred cash, balance 1 yearly payments : interes+ 8 per cent. adds cam., Frank S. Nugent, Barrister, 0040 Moog, A IVER SR every Only Institution In Canada for the cure of r nlecoh defool Established in Tures, ism Parr p,mrnrteed. 0100110018 x(101.,'(•eel: tNH'cLTUTE, 0 Pembroke St., Toronto, 05lr013 -, Brantford Galvanized Iize d Steel Windmills. For POWER & PUMPING With PATENT ROLLER P.ni! TALL BEARINGS. IAEA Makers of the lightest running and best constructed Galvanized Steel Windmills and Towers made. WRITE POR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS. OOLI) HAPLEY &MUIR GO,LIM BRANTFORD 011N. SHIP YO1II PRODUCE, Butter, Eggs, Apples, Prult, &c., to 0110 DAWSON COMMISSION 00., Limited, Dor, of West Markel and Oolborne Sts., TORONTO. INVITATION le he.eby extended toall 000n5 men and women i•terested in prattles! education to write for the New Pr„0peot11e 08 Il.e 00.5,1(41. 30 0('l , (8),"m.LYero$ lar 101,rn. FALL Jinx Orays lark. 1.4'•. Bight regular 00117, re un- 1xoelledfool (lanyfor Aeemmth,& 1'obaraphy, Short - 1:71,1. 1'r ohms students seem* splendid 1707410017 flar011 opal, Yong epoliculand GorrarToronto. BEs., Toron. BSHAW, Addrowl W. A. 1 ROOFING and Sheet l etal Works. 1(001,1700 SLATE. In Sleeks ed or Green. SLATE BLA0118OARD5 (We supplyubilo and High 8ohooln.Toronso). Roofing Volt, 13(teCy,, int Tat et. ROO17N0 TILE (Hee Now 041y Build; 080 Tormlte, d0ue by oaf firm). Motel 001111114, 00 1000, eto. Itstim0,0 furnished for work (olmdete or to ntorialn shipped to env part of the country, Phone 11). DUTHIE A00N8 Adolomg& Itl r Toronto 1' , W ma 8to, iorontet CH, AHOER1ON, M.O., No.5 0ollego.at TORONTO, Ont. EYE, EAR, NOSE la twa.,1h'awva. tilf & THROAT SPECIALIST THE ,TIIIUMPII•® 7iSilr" ADJUSTABLE STOVEPIPES Easy put up and taken down. Dan be u d nested, and put awn In n -mull parte. Anil your dealers for p' w them. Mooufaot,,red by 1571 1.i 1 C. 13. BARCLAY, rt � .68 AdoiufdoSt. W„ Toronto. sraran. tunsgp. HARRIS LEAs BUYS COPPER SCRAP BRASS Wholesale only, William. St., Toronto. Long Distance Telephone 1729. L. COFFEE & CO., E,tahnehed 1543. CRAIN 10113 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Rooia0900-11 Board of Trade Building, TORONTO, ONT. THOMAS FLYn1. 3Oen }a Oorax9, Dominion Line Steamships. Montreal and Quebec, to Liverpool in summa% Large and East thin norm eteumahips ' Labrador' 'Van. convey,' ' Dominion.' 'Scotsman," Yorkshire.' Superior accommodation for First Cabin, Sea on d Cabin and Steerage rosssengers• Rates or passage—First Cabin, 362.00; second Cabin, 34 ; Steerage 421.60 and upwards according to steamer and berth. For all information apply to .Local A gents or 1AVID TOnaa100E a CO. GaulAgents,17 13e. Sacrament St., Montreal. ORROY'S O1RRIEOE TOPS . A'"'t.'1::, •?�a-r 1'a„ veoeived the high( 014 awards at thq World's Fair 18934 0011800'5 PATENT ROLLER TOPS have met with such universal fa. - vor, that other manufacturers are now making Inferior imltati; ens. Insist oa having the Conboy 01500 as imitations are never as good an the gooeia0. E1111 MIIE1ES ENGINE, ?iIlA CASTOR �'IlIll1�l; �A� " Q7�Lt Il/H� Hl iCIlt ENGINE FACIli N41 and T&RI.ESAIlluRS' BELTS. Get our prices. We want your trade. WILLIAM C. WILSON & CO., LIMITED, STEANI00610, RAILROAD and MILL SUPPLIES, 24 Front St. Hast, - - - TORONTO, ALLA i\ L1) Royal Mail Steamship Co 74,1 Montreal to Liverpool. ore:.tme Steamers sail from Montreal every Thursday Morning on arrival of trains from Toronto an the wrest (bout 9 o'clock. RATES OI' PASSAGED Oabin 862.00 and upwards; Second Cabin $34 and and 330.261 Steerage t, Liverpool n elfas Londonderry Queens (31as 08 Belfast, 1'y ail; Queenstown 81t'own 8 of aaper d er ren A rod01) (Ir of Else 1)o second cabs is elltickets. (� round hap that 1.915 0(then i o ming's. enil3ngs of stnnmoro or other 1n1orolaWora tsar to any authorised agent. I3. Boui'lior, 1 ging St. W. ,'Roll * or I:. 01 B. Allan, BTonental. K&i dlITT1 G :q OLD AND REL/ABLE nap ID 6011 GOU— Rotatlauhatl 1077 Oletho your family trop/ bond to foot With aur "(i•. • MOM MAKER Pricer: only IT;W, $20 $30, �Il. l$I1 i191V R tOS,, Georgetown, 04 FBA TTPNµi105181 6141100. g8: