HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-8-26, Page 6T H E BRUSSELS POST. AUGUST 26, 1968. HIE NEWS rim VERY LATEST FROLY1 , ALL THE WORLD OVER interesting Itteme About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United Suttee, and Alt Parts of the Glebe, Condense(' and Awe -tee ter Busy Reading. CANADA, Ottawa building pereeita to date this year aggregate $400,000, Fifty-three thousand pilgrims visit- ed. Ste. Anne do )3eaupre during July English capitalises will develop the peat bogs at Eastman's 12 miles from Ottawa. The will of the late Mr. jamesOwrey of London disposes of an estate valued ab 58X)00. A 'Winnipeg firm will shortly ship 10000 head. of cattle to Great Britnin vitt Montreal, It is expected that the. Montreal and Ottawa Railway will be opened about . September ist. Farmer Louis Lambert, of St. Cath- arines, is mourning the loss of S02 stolen by a farm hand. It is reported at Winnipeg that Chief may reside there in future. .Tustioe Taylor, who is now in England, i pondent of the 13aston journal, died at ; M. Frank P. Collins, war eorres- . scene. According to the most, recent, Tampa, Fla., of typhoid fever. 110 and carefully collected statistics, there Hon. Richard Dobell bas been ap- true un his nay home from the front ' are now no fewer than r,,410 regularly the 81h Royal Rifles, Quebec. , while on board the transport Ar- end was stricken wi,h. bis fatal illness published daily newepapers, of which pointed Honorary Lieutenant -Colonel of Work has been begun on the foun- names, 2,110, or nearly Lwo-rifths of the whole dations of the new bridge across the leamem„ Henry C. Hawley, m e.,„.!ntu:neer, are issued in the United Niagara River at Lewiston. York while in a fit ol drunken rage, States. Captain Francis Joseph Amateur De- on Thursday shot his 'wife, his met her, The number and u arieLy of languages Franois Henry. amine, presideut of the WORLD OF NEWSPAPERS, • HOW NEWS SELLING HAS GROWN IN THE LAST CENTURY. when the First Silent Was Issued -Paper With a Cireniation of tI Willi Three Copies 'There are very few people out of the millions of newspaper readers who have ally idea of the number of nee's- papers that are pablished. daily throughout the world, and fewer still have any knowledge of the large vari- ety of languages employed in their they are a foeeign corporation. Sir Admiralty [newton of the High Court of Justice, rules that the service of the writ to good, and that 1. a ag- Itali court has jurisdiction in the ease. UNITED STA.TES. The railway employes' strike at elyea- 01150 continues. Adolph Entree an ex -Mayor of San Franciseo, is dead. Governor Briggs, of North Dakota, is dead, from consumption. Ex -President Dole trill be the first Governor of Hawail,ned not the United States Minieter, Mr, Sowell, as recently reported.. It; is said that Mr. Hay, American Ambassador in London, will succeed, production. A. census of the world's Mr. Day as Secretary of State at newspapers has been found to be al - Washington. ' most an impossibility, on itecount of Five men mut two women, colored., . the extraordinary rate et which they were lynched at Clarendon, Arkansas, der. the history of journalism are inter - by o, mob, being, suspected uf ratir- coins and go. The ups sod downe in Charles F. Adam, first seeretay of esting and lnstruut.ive, but; exceeding - the British Euabassy at Washingeon, ly mystifying to any one who strive.: has been transferred to Madrid, He ; secretary of the British Legation with they are, and to-niorrow their men after even approximate figures, Te-dity will be succeeded. by Godfrey 1). nbind, The Hague. on the news-stand knows them no Hen. E. J. Phelps, ex-ilatea Stems more. As un illustration of this, the ellaister to le,usland, is quit a ill at the may be stated that, on an aver - residence ot General el. McCullough!, fa"i' at North e3ennington, Vt, though : age. two new papers come out, every physicians do not anticipate any un -I. week in Louden, and that almost an favourable result.;equal number disappear trent the mors, ef Portneuf, Que., has been gar- ill0 son four years old, and his daugh- employed. in the eneire Bel ut the etted an inspector of the Mounted Po- llee. Three Ottawa firemen have been fined $85 each for throwing rotten eggs at members uf the Maple LeaE baseball team. A. large mail from Dawson City reached Winnipeg Monde? morning, letters bearing dates late 01,3uly be- ing among the number, receved. W. R. Rockefeller hits secured in - mese, aCnarese, Cherokee Creele, Croa- tries shall be undertaken; and chased immense iron deposits on Tex- i gaol at Tampa, Fle., Monday, and were : 'Whereas, it is in said protocol agreed i , . I it, according to circumstances. How terests near Vancouver, having pur- negro teamsters incarcerated in the ada Island, B.C. Ile will start Shipping ' fixed. neon from an upper story of the , tian, Chinese, Czechiet, Hellish Dutch or ' at once. building, several shots taking effect:. Hollandish, English, lestnish, h'reileh. ' that upon its conclusion and signature: ina.ny, hke the king of Lsrael, give mere The deposits in the Governmeat sate- 'Wales between tne two countmes heed Co bodily dangers than Lo the 1 The wounded were carried away by Flemish, Frisian, Eiji, Finnish, Grusn- bos • ' ' • lugs banks during Ju.ne last were e671, -i eee, • tan Georgian, German, Gaelic, Linear- shall be suspended, and that notice to perils of their souls I Saved himself. 000, and withdrawals §826,000, leaving surresee"e' ' ati, Guarani, ancient and modern Greek, ' that effect ellen be given as soo'n ee . Literally, "he was wary ;" lut followed ' their comrades and the raid was uu- • • • , a. balance on the 90th of June at credit Serious erouble in the interior of Al - Hebrew, Hindi, Ilinclu.stant, Elleha's directions end a:swiped the en - of depositors of $35,307,000. aska is apprehended by the United Hawaiian. ' posaible by each Covernraent to the , emy. Not oace nor twice. A ph reale States Government. Fooa eiots are , Hungarian, leelaudio, Italian, Japanese, ! commanders of its military and naval mewling "many times." . under the Ontario Act with a capita . Isared et Fort yawn. and other. up- eeemnese, 1 11. me heart of the king of. Syria stock of $50,060 to engage in the cold river points, growing out of the failure , . . ( . , . Korean, Lattn, Lapp, Lettish or Liven- 1 Now, therefore, 1, 'William McKin-1 - '' f i was sore troubled Men whose evil A. company has been incorporated E:aifir or Xosa lealmuk, forces' supplies in the t e on water. A military Government will Maltese, aLtrathi, Norwegian, Persian, in accordance with the stipulations of , • be established at Fort Yukon as soon Portuguese, Provencal, Polish, Rou- the protocol, deelare and proolaim On But 13..in-1,.. led had reed eause Coe as possible. ter, six e ears old, He then shot im,, ,emi meet oe • world's newspapers are astonishing.. self in the head. Hawley , Not all the daily papers are confined to Prance at: Waehtngton, respecttvely re- ds victims are dead. • ware. may nteau either "Fail not to George Sharp, aged 28, crazed. by ens language. Some are printed in two presenting for this purpose the elov- drink, attempted to cemunit wahine in and some in three different languages eminent of the United States and the proLece such a point," or "do not be entrapped its such a. place.". What an Ames' Vesabule ealoon, Ogdeasburg, each issue. In ell there are 1Government of Span. the Government , on Tuesday, by eat i ing his throat u it h a , EIGHTY-ONE LANGUAGES (nitrate:we he posse,sses who bas God's huge pooket-kniee, inflicting a ghostly ! of the Unieed States and Spain have wisdom te guide bine I Are come wound. Ile was reinoved to his home, employed. They are as follows: Ara- .. formally agreed upon the terms on 1 ' ble, Armenian, Albanian, Assamose,Bas- l which negotiations for the establish- "wa• Are coming down." A b attempted. to rescue three glee, Bengali, Bohemian, Bulgarien Liar- moist of peace between the two coma- I certain the danger or t :mops to overt 30. Sent. He sent either spies to Olt - where he lies in a ceitical condition. and periodicals withal had 'teased the century. 'Piano° is extremely well supplied with newspapers. There are 78 dailies published to Peri% Which is more than in any other city in the world, and al- most as nattily as London, New York and Philadelphia put together, La Gazette de Frannie is one of the oldest ferment papers, huviug been founded wailer Louie 34111. In 102, Two other newepapers, Monieear Universal and Le Journal des Debars are een- tetlartens, dating from 1780. Le Petit sTottrietl, the well-known five centime journal enjoys the honor and distinc- tion of having the largest circulation of any newspaper in the world. Tilts circulation averages about one mil- lion copies per day, and on days when cows of spec:ilea interest is expected the issue runs up from 1,100,000 to 1,200,- 000. The paper with the smallest ch, culation is the Imperial Review, Pub- lished for the sole benefit of the Em- peror of Auntria. It is made up from translations of all the principal Roma in the prominent European papers, and three copies only are made each day. 'THE WAR IS OVER. President DOOM ley Orders on Immediate SE:A[1E41,1On or matte( lee 111 Areortlantio WPM till, Proltwol. IRE SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL LSSSON, AUG, 28. -- "..Elisite at Dothan," s Kings 0. aCia. coldest, Test, Psalm 3.1.7. PRACTICAL Nana Verse 8. King of Lenin. Den-haded 11. Tim le1yriane were not 11 race as clearly defined 05 were the Hebrews. Danemeue was mu situated tie eo be a center of population and.pollticel power through the cenetteies, and the kingdom that; gathered about it, no matter of whet races made up, watt called the kingdom. of Syria. Warred against, lerael, War Wata ruio and pence was the exeep- faun between Israel. and Samaria, Took counsel with his servant.s. field e. ounuil of war, The chief civil !and military °Welds of the ouuntry were known as "the king's swevants." ln such and such a place shall be iny camp. Ben-hadad's "ea:unseal" was that of a true deepot. Ile does not ask the advice of his tierVaritti, hut tells them what he lies already devilled to Ito. His plan was to set an ambuscade with the expectation of capturing the king A despatch from 'Washington, D. C., a Israel,. says; -The President has issued the 0. men et (en. such wee eeesem following prolanutlaion:- filled whet Goa's Spirit:, enlightened 'by . 13y the President of the 'United States God's wisdom, fulfilling. God's will, pro- of Americo,. tested by God's power. Satin 'The A Proclamation: man of God employs his gifts of sear - Whereas, by a protocol, concluded net for hireeelf, but. for the good and signed August 12, 1808, by Williem others 4thd the defense et bis nil,-' R. Day, Secretary of State of the Unit - Lion. Ile was In friendlier relations ed. Stains and. his Eacellency ides with the successive kings of Waal. Cambon, ambassador extraordinary than Elijah had been. King of Ural. ' and plenipotentiary of the Bepublte of ! Probably Jehoram, son of Ahab. lie, storage and the general produce and of the teansporta ion companee. g I low eau, Magyar, • Malay, blalagasi, Maori, ' ley, President of Lhe United States, do, i {Ire eo8t1111'veueibetesthwtLtrgL:tin(s)tetetind • • • ler the hand of God. provision business in Port Arthur. Rev. rather Pendia of Domreray, a new parish in the district o2 Nipissing, nee One, fur defamaeion of eharacter. - died at King's Ferry, Cayuga county, Sardinian Slavonic Serviau &unease ' " • command. that orders be immediately sm. yenta. is o - has entered suit for $6,000 agoenst RBI, Father Langlois, parish priest of Ver- ' Mrs. elergaret Fallon, NOW bas jus . • N. Y., at the age of 117, is believed to Swedish, Spanish, Slovak, Sinalhese, ! given through the proper channels to ! is for the king of Israel ? A tyrant ne- have been the oldest person in Anlerlea. Slovenian, eine., anteh, Tartar, Te- 1 the commanders of the military and turally suSpectS treason. White a gang of elotiurners Crow's ' '1 at the bottom of the loop the upper It, has been found. from the records mu - , that she was born in Lusfuth parish, , emagte lemma, Tschwvaechlum, naval tomes of the United States to 1 12. One of his servants. Perhaps h Urdu, Volapek and Welsh. abstain from all acts inconsistent with Nauman. None, my lorce 0 king. A this proclamation. • prompt denial of the treaeon so sharp - I Nest workmen wane repairing a bridge Witness whereof, I have hereunto ly suspected, and so bluntly charged set my hand, and Gamed the seal of would. naturally be promptly mitde, but A valuable seam a anthracite coal tees. 'elle oldest daughter Is 80 and e aury ut the world. Is now estimated at ehe Milled. Staites to be affixed. this servant had 0 good explanation to has been located at Macadam's Lake, the oldest son 75. She had two sons in ' Done at the City of Washington, this , make of the (MUSS of the king's Iron - 1.5 miles from Cape Breton. Dr. Gilpin, the civil war, one being in the Union 42,800, the annual aggregate circulation lath day of August,. in the year of ble. The prophet that is In .Israel. Provincial Inspector of Mines, express- and one in the Confederate army. The of which is calouleted. to be twelve our Lord one thousand eight hundred Great deeds and great ebareeter soon es the opinion that there is a large bed Confederate survived the war ; the oth- thousand million eopies-12,0U0,000.0(10; These 42,800 papers are distributed and ninety-eight, and of the independ- make a man known. "He could. not be er died in Libby prison, Matta as follows: United States, 111,760; hundred and twenty-third. enee of the United States the one hicl" Mark 7. 24. Telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in 'WILLIAM MCKINLEY. thy bedeliamber. And that means 'William R..Day, more Ulan the council chamber. The . . Secretary of State. man, Romanese, Russian, Itutheulau, 1 the part of the United States, a sus- ; aneietY. tiripeeoedented military tao- ' of hostilities and do hereby 1 ties were being mead by his Coes. His ' • WI •h f us timbers gave way, resulting m the in- stant, death of two men and serious in- juries to eeveral others. Kings county, Ireland, 111 .130L. has been a widow fifty years, wed i The total I:lumber of newspapers of all kinds that ars p ublished through- ' d 1 four sons and five daugh- of hard coal, The three -masted. American schooner James M. Seaman, which was towed in- to Halifax upsidedown several weeks ago, hue been righted after much diffi- culty. It was expected. that the bodies of some of the crew would. be found on board, but none were discovered, Lieut. W. L. Russ, one or the four which represented Hamilton, Ont., on the Canadian Risley team arrived home on Monday, Lieut. Ross is disappointed GENERAL. Great Bretain, 11,050; Germany, 5,450; Cbolere is epidemic t Madras. France, 4,001.1; Italy, 1,400; Austria - Corea intends to adopt the gold Hungary, 1,200; Russia, 815; Canada, 1170; Japan, 770 ; Greece, 880; Spain, 850 standard, 13elgiam, 1100; Holland, 300; Switzer- la..31.5. Mohawk has hoisted the land, 450; Portugal, 50; Egypt, 96; British flag on Santo, Crum and Bluff China, 40; Persia, 8; Australasia, 350. Islands. The clue 410 ti a s to which et untry fur - Memorial services for Prince Bis- eddied the first newspaper publication meek were held on ! Sunday in the has never been satisfactorily settled. Royal Opera House, Berlin. ; Germany, France, Belgium and Eng - *se I land each clam the honor. The dif- at the poor showing made by the Cana- flee Pope s bee I, won two valuable caps, and was a big than ut first reported. Weakness and 1 ficulty of arriving at a proper sole - titans this year. He, hinesele, however winner. fainting spells are the most prevalent ! Lion of the question seems to turn up- moneysymtoms. i on what is to be considered a news- Deseronto having been condemned as paper, and a general agreement upon It M announced that Lieut. -Col. ! an artillery range, the officers of the that question has not as yet been ef- Mae II in Governor of Lagros, West ' Milian Department are now looking for .4 trill awilL succeed sir Herbert eine_ t fected. There are in the British Mus- a new site. A portion of the farm of 'G f NENSf011ndillIi• 1 etun copies of many early English Mr. John Luck, on the Eardley road, . ray as overnor o • papers, the &sleet being wbat was above Aylmer, leas been inspected, as The mina and towers of tine great i known as lso have Sites at Chelsea and Iron- napthe, works at Wischau, Russian I THE WEEKLY NEWS aides. Trans-Caucasia, have been destroyed - 1 4 by-law will be submttted to the by fire. Fourteen people were badly , . . limper continued eat" January 0, 1640, ! published. in Loudon in 1022. This ratepayers of Cornwall, Ont., at the burned. 1 whea it was succeeded by the Mer - next municipal elections, asking for Private Luke of the Second Wiseon- cur -. The earliest of the papers pub - their approval of the borrowing of 835,- sins, who shot and 'killed Private Staf- 1 Hided in Germane according to the 000, of which 510,000 will be used. to pay ford of lbe Americam regulars in Porto most veracious accoUnt, was Die rank - off the fleeting debt, and the remain& Rim, has been court-marlialled end. ; furter berpostamm Zeitung, 1815. The 0 ' ., er to purchase modern road machinery ellen 1 following year a paper published. at ir- regular build good streets. American warships which ran in regular intervals appeared at Antwerp. The Jacques Cartier Water Power close to Havana on 'Friday were Pere. I In 1613 the first Swedish paper was Company has been organized with a pared with shot from the batteries. started in Stockholm. During the Mt - capital of half a million dollars to de- The San Francisco was struck and i tar part of the seventeenth and the bee velop the falls of the Jacques Cartier touters.). some dainage. ginning of the eighteenth centuries a. River, for electric light and power pur-1 Madame Charles Frederick Worth, number of newspapers made their ap- poses. The promoters of the company, widow of the famous Parisian oostum- pennance in England and in various who are princinalle Americans, pre-11er, who died in March, 1895, and his parts of the continent. These papers pose tu furnish light, heat, end motive 1 giuccesSor in the superintendence of sehlontoonsisted of more than two small power to the city of Quebec, and "a the Worth establishment, is (Waal. ages or leaflets of text., and in this ?hutted space was comprised all the for - Vigorous meesuree have been taken eign intelligence covering a period of to place the sea forts of Copenhagen several days, While a considerable poi, in estate of military efliciency. it ill thin of the second page was devoted to supposed thet these measures are due tedvertisements. The first Ruesian to feers of a conflict between Great ews apei• Moscovski Vyedoznosti, was preparing already to enter Into pro-. visional contracts for such service. GREAT BRITAIN. The rumour that efforts are being made to induce the Primus of Wales to visit the 'United States and Canada Britain and Russia. published under the personal supeevrs- is untrue. During the departure from Lisbori of ioo of Peter the Great, January 2, 1709, J. W. Jago, chief officer of the White Dr. Campos Sallee, president of 33raeile and in the imperial library. at St. Pet - Star ace:miter Britannic, has been are for America by the Trans -Atlantic lin- ereburg there are now treasured up rested itt. Queenstown on charges of or Thames, on Monday, two steamers some proof sheets with corrections robbing the nails end smuggling. carrying friends to bid him farewell mole by Peter the Great hilItSelf. Sir Henry Irving has decided not to came into collieion, swamping two On tbe North American continent the proceed with hi libel action against small boats and drowning twenty per- pnblicalion of newspapers began with the London Year Book, which recently , sons, the Boston News Letter, April 24, 3704. published an article alleging that the ! As aresult of experiments at the • A h F. h. same. known as 'Public Occurrences, larger part of the audiences in the la -t German manoeuvres, suger will in Forelga ciad Domestic, was issued in Lyceum theatre could not hear him- future be regarded asaregular article Bostoe in 1000, but it cannot be said The Lord Mayor of London, Mr, Hor- of Garman soldiers' toed, especially on ' thee it Wli8 really a newspaper. In 1710 ' r•irienla rev° the Boston Gazette was started as a, MANY IMPORTANT ACTS. Seine er me measures eteeencly Passe.' be' the tinperia Meuse. The New York Poet's London corres- pondent cebles:-The session of Par- liament bas not been so infertile as the London press makes out. The fol- lowing measures ars all of first-class importance, some being quite new de- pertures:- The Irish Local Government Act ex- tend& to Ireland all the rights and ap- paratus of self-government enjoyed by Great Britain, and contributes from the Imperial :Exchequer over $3,000,000 in relief of this year's taxation. Poli- tically, he measure draws the teeth of the Home Rule Govereinent. The Vaccination Act makes vac- cination a moiler of consoience. alai David Davis, and his daughter, : Miss Davies, will sail for New York that the men subjected to a sugar diet from Liverpool On board the White increased in weight and suffered, less Star Line stettatehip Teutonic an Aug, from hunger, Ibiret, exhaustion and use 18, for a ehort, visit to America. Mr. Da vele will be the first Lord Mayor to visit America during his ineum- heresy. A firm of solicitors in London, act- ing on bebalf or Senor Du Bose has addressed a letter to Mr. Chamberlain nt the. Colonial Office, saying' thet t heir client does not claim any compensa- tion but desires an apology for the illegality of his expulsion from Cat - ado,. In the suit for damages brought by the owners of the British ship Crona arty hire against the La Bourgogne's owner's as a. result of the collision in july. the Compagnie General Trans- stlantique hes nicked the Admiralty Court 1.1 quash the writ served. on their Luneon alone on the, ground that sunstroke on long marches than the men who were pat: on ordinary diet. • HEBREW'S IN PALESTINE. The Between( are now In possession of about 60 square miles of Pate.stine, or 1 per cent,, of the country, and have agriculturni establishinetts at .Fesetin, Joffe and in Galilee, cmrraAL 13US1NESS COLI,EGle, This reliable Business school invitee the, attention: of all ming men and women interested in Commercial Edu- tettime and will be pleamorl receeve eorrespondence front any one who c1 - to qualify for 0, good lees:Mese position. ee'rite for eatelogu.e 1111)1 pertiettlars. f3ee Are in this isstie, rival of the News Letter. then the New England Courant appeared, 1721, and in 1732 the Ilhocle island Gazette. On October 16, 1725, the first newspaper in New York city, the. Gazette, ye:testa/a- cid, and in 1780 the Weekly Journal came ,ottt. Of the New York papers at the present time the driest is the Com- mercial Advertiser, which was started in 1707. The Evening Post comes next, dating from 1801. The FIRST CA.NADIAN PAPER wail the Halifax. Gazette, in 1763, At the beginning of the present cen- tury there were ninety-one newspapers published, in the United States, as against 17,700 at the beginning of 1807. In MI the Morning Advertiser of London celebrated its centenary, and this brought Lo light the feet that therewere at that time in the United Xingdora no fewer than 7a newspapers The Criminal Evidence Act allows, but does net compel, the accused to give evidence in his own derence. The Colonial Loans Ad places the Imperial credit at the service of the Crown Colonies, subject to certain safe- guards, and makes the Imperial Fe.d. era Hon. The London University Act provides 1130 01510000115 fel: the first. time with a. tem. ng . . The session is also memorable be- cause it added 22,000 men to the British army,and to the British navy seven be tt 'eosin pc, eight a rnmored. c rumers, and. la destroyers, Moreover, it should be realized that there is a surplus ot revenue of over $1.8,000,000; bill. the session produced no new Parliamentary repu tation, end, in this teemed, was disappointing. expression is proveroial, having special force from the mi.vacy and. seclusion of an oriental herein. 13. Go and spy. The king of Syria supposed that Elisho was only some magician of uncommon skill; he had no suspicion that the hiding of his power eyes with the Highest. llehold, ho is in Dothen. "Two -cisterns," place on the southern border of the plate of Esdraelon, 1.welvo miles north of Samaria. Mishit WELS not a resi- dent: but a visitor al this place. 14. A. great host. It seemed an un - aquae waretare; 11 great king and s considerable army against one de, feneeless man. But Ilen-Ita,dad left Elisha's Helper out of his ELCOOUnt. The "host" was made up of infantry. Th0 111:01WILS larger than would have been sent to capture any men who was not EL magieian, illy night. Whet folly to imaginethat he • who had been awatee of lien-hadad's plena in Denatems would he ignorant of his night march against Dothan I Corn - missed the city. Dothan was probably walled and fortified, and. the Sy clans would attend especially to its gates. 15. The servant of the man of God. Not Gehazi. Behold, a host. He beholds the sun rising over the hells of Gilead, but its early rays reveal around the walls the tents and chariots d 0 see- dett best which seem I.o have sprung up liket magic in the night. Blow shall we doe Het knows well wily the Syrians have come, but his is not the faith that moves mountains. 10. He answered. See, 1. The security tit faith 11.. The courage of fail le 3. The insight of faith. 4. The 100001- ttgetnont. of faith Fear not, The loft- iest Smith is not without sympathy anti strengthening for those who aro weak. They that be with mi. Faith gives in- sight into spiritual surroundinge, 'The natural e13e sees the host of Syria; the eye of fnith beholds eircling near- er and mightier the east of God. One looks upon the visible foes, the other the invisible end almighty allies. More than . . . with them. " One with God is a xnajority." 17. Prayed. Not for himself, but foe his servant. Let us employ preyer for one another, Ide eaW. 111 response to ehe propliet's prayer, God unveiled his inner eense and Male hint up for Ile: moment to I he high plane cif faith and 10 ,ght where his master dwelt. Horne and chariots of 11 o. The whole bill wee gied led with the blazing sym- bole of divine majesty and power, Such tyre ever the invisible attendants of evexy true -hearted child of God, 18. They came down. Tile Syrian host, 111)1101080 111 God opens the eyes( of 1110 o' yenta While he clause those of his enemies. It was not total, meter- ial blindness or the& could not have marehed (verse 19), but false, mislitken pereeptionsi and, ignorant* or the way. (rimy SIM, ha dimly and duleatualy. The object was 1301 to clo them harm, but to make them realize their own bellilattoses. Read jtl thc succeeding verees how they Nnere led captivee lit Samaria, how they were s107,41(1 end re. at need. by 1110 prophet's in Lerposi t i , and how ft happy result followed. LL OF .ENCOMODEIVIENT 0409:1REI art6-1-tan NPUTCD,BM10170. ed 5 Months -Had Given Up All Hopo of Getting Well -A Remedy Found at Last to which "X Owe Ely Life." Science has fully established the fact that all the nervous energy of our bodies is generated by nerve centres located near the base of the brain. When the supply of nerve force has been diminished either by excessive physical or mental labours, or owing to a derangement of the nerve contras, we are first conscious of a languor or tired mad worn-out feeling, then of a mild form of nervousness, headache, or stomach trouble, which is perhaps suc- ceeded by nervous prostration, chronic indigestion, and dyspepsia, and a gen- eral sinking of the whole system. In this day of hurry, fret and worry, there are vary few who enjoy perfect health nearly everyone has some trouble, an ache, or pain, a weakness, a nerve trouble, something wrong with the stomach and bowels, poor blooch heart disease, or sick headache ; of which are brought on by a lack of nervous energy to enable the differentorgans of the body to perform their respective Work. South American Nervine Tonic, the marvellous nerve food and health give r, is asatisfying swims, a wondrous boon to tired, stoic, and overworked men and women, who have suffered years of discouragement and tried all manner of remedies without benefit. It is a modern a scientific remedy, and in its Wake fo'llows e.bouncling health. It in unlike all other remedies in that it is not designed to act on the different organs affected, but by its direct action on the nerve centres, which are nature's little batteries, it lausee an increased supply of nervous energy to be generated, whioh in its Sold by G. THE FRENCH SHORE TREATY. Royal Commission A ppitin ted 10 Itutinlre 111 to 0110 Slate er Affairs. ;A. despatch from St. JobniseeNflel., sant :-The Colonial Government on Monday received a despatch from Right Iron. Joseph Chemberlain, Secretay of 81ate for the Culottes, stain ihat her Majesty's Government hes decided Lo appoint tt 'Royal Commission to enquire into the state of affairs on 1 he New- foundland 1i'renel3 Teenty shoee, and ee to legislative or other measures en- quired to carry out the treaty. The composition of the commission and the scope of its enquiry are In be settled at once. Relinble local pa- pers, presumtibly duo I.o the inform - Lion brought. by Sir Simms Winter, the Premier, state that the commissioners will. likely be Sir golin I3ramston, PRI" manent Tender-Seeretary of. State eor the Colonies, and. Admiral Eeskine, formerly . In COMMIlltd Of the British North-Am0i'i00.1 dleet. ,, • turn thoroughly oils, as it were, the maohinory of the body, thereby en. abling it to perform perfectly its dif. ferent functions, and without the slightest friction. If you have been reading of the re. markable cures wrought by South American Nervine, accounts of whioh we publish from week to 'week, and are still sceptical, we ask you to in. vestigate them by correspondence, and become convinced that they are true to the letter. Such a course may save you months, perhaps years, of stiffen ing and anxiety. Tho words that follow are strong, but they emanate from the heart, and speak the sentiments of thousands of women in the United States and Can- ada who know, through experience, d the healing virtues of the South American Nervine Tonic. Harriet E. Hall, of Waynetown, prominent and muck respected lady1 writes as follows :- "1 owe my life to the great South American Nervine Tonic. I have been in bed for five months with a scrofulous tumour in my right side, and suffered with indigestion and nervous prostration. Had given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors, with no relief. The first bottle of Nervine Tonio improved me so much that I was able to 'walk about, and a few bottles cured me en- tirely. I believe it is the best medi- cine in the world. I cannot recom- mend it too highly." Tired women, can you do bettew than become acquainted with this truly great remedy A. Deadman. RICH GOLD DISCOVERIES. 1 joined in the first ettsh to the new' - field, anon fortunes there. d hope to duplicate their Yule - All Eidoradolin Pike 4.'reelr, in the lailtc I'llabilli District, 'transit Columbia. A. despatch from Victoria, B. C„ says: -Gold ground that rivals in rich- ness the original properties of lionanze and Eldorado creeks has been necident- ally discovered in Nueth Cassini' cit a point 00 miles from Skagway, on Pike creek, A. Taeoma, butcher there, named Murphy, was the fortunate finder, the luck being brought: to him through the bencl of sheep he was driving in rot' the Klondike turning up several small nuggets with their feet. He pleked those :up, tried a pen of dive and got 23 eelours, Thus encouraged, he went to work, struck bedrock nt five feet, found pay dirt •running from three to six dollars to the pan. He kept his great discovery sooret as long as he could, but was followed back to the creek, when he visited. Skagwey to ex- ehange his dust for supplies. During the past twenty days fully throe thou- sand people have gone to the new field. The towns of Skim -way and Dyea. and Janette being practieally depopulated in the rush, 140 much so that. woinen now take the stemner lines 101180 they • GOLD IN LABRADOR. fellow Dotal owing 11111111111.111e8 Sold 10 F111.0111:1`11 E01111.41. A. despatch from Quebec says :-There is at report that, gold in paying [plan- LitieS has been found neer Pienaukin, on the head waters of the Rivers: Ship-. ihaw and. 13ersiamites. 3.1 has been known for over 50 years past that the Indians of that region possessed gold, for they exchanged it from tine to time for supplies with traders at Chi- coutimi. Until quite lately, when fresh samples turned up, it was not, known where the precious metal was obtained. A. party from Lake St. Xohn, lett .a few days ago for the supposed Labra- dor Klondike, and 6 surveyor from Chicoutimi has set out with another party. A third prospeeting party is pre- paring to leave for Beesiamites. It is said hare that Mr. A. 1'. Low, of the Geological Survey, has openly expressed. the belief that gold would be found in Labrador. etill at DYSElp 410 there are no men there. Pike creek is Sixteen tniles long, and an affluent of A.tlin lake. It is proving uniformly rioI, in gold of so high u standard that it runs from 518 to 41190 to the ounee. Take Oily has been established as the headquarters of Ole diStriet, and when only One week old had a population of, 1,900, doubling the popularity of the new district in the feet that it 18 under British Colum - lite, not Dominion, jurisdiction ; there ere no royaltlos and no reserve claims. Meet's' linenses cast five dollars, and an obtainable on the spot, and. the enairns reeorcled. 100 feet swum. The first golcl from the diggings, whirl are. easily tt enesSible, and in the heart of n well -writ Ned game country, was reeeived here by the. Cottege City last evening. Tide veseel reports 1 lin 1, fully 1.00 outward -bound Klondikers • WAR INDEMNITIES. As to war indemnities: RUSSill de- manded, 5795,000,000 or Tuckey in 1878, but accepted mine 1 erritory tied 5825,- 000,000, still unpin; Pruesla gained territory and $80,000,000 from Austria in 1.8061 Germany took territory and 41,000,000 from Freon in 1871; ...lapan secured 5175,000,000 from Mina in 1804; Turkey obtained territory and 520,000,000 from Greece in 1807. A 71.\31.1) LIVE, Benevolent Lady; to trauip-Here, my poor 711311, nil ell We have left this morning. 1 suppose you have a hard time of it Tramp -Yes, mom 11.'s awful hard, mum, to leave a Mee soft hay 'Mow SO early in the mornin' or Mee git arottaid too late for brettlrfaa', T