HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-8-26, Page 5Auo, 211, 1895 BUSINESS CARDS. M°14" TO LOAN A'L3 5 PER, out. ]!', S. SCOW, 13ru000l8, ^^ DLc01iA0K1M, T r • Iienrel ofala01,ageLieena00. (Aloe at hie Grocery, luru10rly str000, Brussels. N. 13ARRETT, t door 1, rt's • SUo Nox d AV• Tonsorial ,t 1 0 Shop —Next es'a do lldionnhai cut3 hardware0o 0107 PIANO OIt ORGAN, 1 Miss Joan Mc P111111 of O. T. lit, Harris, Musical Doctor, or the ConserV- atoryof Music, Hamilton, Ontarlo, is era. pared to give instructions to pupils on Dither piano or organ. Spada attention given to technic. LOSoODO givou eithor at the 1300106 of pupils or at to0ohola home. 41.3m ROBERT CUNNINGHAM IN8URANCE, FIRE" AND MARINE.. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER 1881i01 of Marriage Licenses, 01 000 AT JEw17LRY 513onn.. t0 'No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public] oto Insurance rends invested and loan.Cllons ade OOrce in Graham's B look, Brussels AUCTIONEERS. 1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- -,.' • nen, will soil for better prices, to hotter mon, iu ens time endless charges than any other Anetio110011 in Last Huron or ho won't charge anything. Dittos and orders sy0013,0 arranged at this 01110e r Personal VETERINARY. '{' D. 'WARWICK, e) • Honor Graduated orf s the treat all ario Veterinary college, is p pe diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Parti( lar attention yPaid to nod t .00100 and Inarmmry Roue doors torthofb O north of bridge '1'iruUorry et., Brussels.. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 'CNT M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTER Y • Soli other, Conveyancer ,Notary Pub - 11o, &0. Omco-3V0001000'0 Block, 1 door north of Central 0000. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. __ GF. GLAIR, BARRISTER • Solicitor, &a. (late of Garrow & Proudloot's 011ie(, Godericb.) 0(110e 03Or GIIIMMooney tolLoan ask, Brussels, 47 MG. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Solt & Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitr, 0oder1011, Ont. 0111oe—Hamilton St., OPPoe100 001 borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D„ 0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Modioal College, Member College of Pity - Moines and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the ]loyal College of Ph sici0us and Licentiate 010.ldMidwifery, tl Rash once, DIMS t1lBrun6 II&lephOne E. T. SNIDER, M. 11„'0. M., successor to Dr. A. Mc101v00, Lloeutiato of Royal protege of Physicians and Surgeons liivgetou ; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases 0f w0m0n and Onlldr010 a specialty, Eight years' experi0000. iS1'01HOe anti r0s- Iiolvoy,Turnberry st tnDet, Brussels. Dr. 5' J. M. ARMSTRONG, M.B., M.D.,.M.O.P.S.O. PHYSIOIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR, ETC. Bimetal attention given to diseases of the Throat and Lungs and diseases al Women and Children. RESIDENCE—WALTON, ONT. DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, 13110810100, 8UR0E0N AND ACOOUOnEUR, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM. BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 1st Ohm Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties ofTrinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and of Trinity Medical Oollege; Fellow of Trinity Medical College and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. P08t Graduate Course in Detroit and Oh lea g0,1800, Specie] attention pail to dis- eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, mud dis- easosof Women. 1-0ousuitation it Eng- lish and German, Telephone at residence, BOARS FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keen for service, bn Lot e, Don.1, Grey, a iiloro' bred improved Torll3hire boar aid a 11oro' bred large Bug - Rah 1100118hire hog, Pedigrees may bo soon on application. Terme, 31.00, ;to be paid at Vivo of service, with privilege of retufnlug 1f necessary. Anteri1310 81IITH, 40.45 Proprietor. PULLS FOR SERVICE.—TRE undersigned will ]coop for service on Lot 10, Con 15, Gray, the there' bred Here- ford bull "Piotu'o," Alan a thoao' bred Dur- ham bull. Both aro 03:003110iaily 31110 au- imale, 'forms, 81,00, to 130 paid 1033.181, 1800., with privilege of returuibg-if necessary. 41.4 OLIVER. TUBNB1,1h, Proprietor. llefn'a. ^After, YPooa's Thosphoaine, The Great English ndtnedy. Sold and r000m.mendod by sl druggists in Canada. Onlyrail able medicine clisoovorod. Stl packaged; fgaral11aed to cure all forme. of Sexual l WiWall effects of abust int ry, or excess, Mental worry,, Pu:nOesivo use of To. ba000, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt Of prloe, one package $1, six, $0. One n4112)1014 lira 3830dcure, Pompio]Ote fro to any address. The Wood Company, wlvudeor, Oak Sold in i1D it Gglst, BaoA. keele At Opt inn, jj, ct f iix.t (41 epi , r.iMt 'Ye el. N t k a The dates of the allow born are Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 20th and 210t, O0r old oitizen, John Riggs, ie now permanently twitted with Corson rC Rae. 1(130. Mies Olive Hells has gone to Drayton to teach, having taken It F00it011 in the Public oohool there. Miss Kells felrnerly taught in Norwioh. The granolithio wallas on Main street Bast as far as Maitland, 01130 on Sarah street, have been oompletod, The pave- ment is now beim; land on Wellington and Aima otreete. A. MoYicar, classical moister in the Listowel High school, has resigned his position here to accept a similar position in the Collegiate Institute at Windsor, et an advanced eatery. Mise Gorden, of Elmo, and bar cousin from Wingham received a bad shaking up by being thrown from the buggy in a runaway while driving home from town one evening last weak. Fortunately no bones were broken. The Woodmen of the World have ro- aently had erected at the wave of their deceased brother, the late James Bug„ in Drayton oemetory, a red granite monument. This is in a00ordanoe with the custom of the Woodmen society. R. T. Hemp of thin town executed the work, which ie done in appropriate d08igi1 and style. ] 1 ,+ 1, i t xx tlo,r -in 1 film t f l u olet n M i R, 0000111 of the bride and Alta+ 1 1uixe iunpr.wi of 1,"od ,, lie. bulbtanem'a 0330.0, 104 0033 603331 party, 1 hry wore followed by the (11!15 maids of honor, Nona Ilninntge, 0 Palmerston, an Itazel J]almltgo, of Newbridge, immune of the bride. The bride 9914000 in on the erne of her un0le, Anson llulmage. After an impressive ceremony the bridal pithy and Rllextl adjourned to the p30rson• l0 a n sulfast ago whore t un1 ut wedding bl I was served The bride looked 1barinitt30 lu white organdie and bridal veil, mut carried a boupuot of cream roses, Mies Dulmago wax gowned in pale green organ- die over plots and carried pink carne,. Hone, Aries Simpson wore white muslin and carried white carnations, The prOeente were beautiful and numerous, In the afternoon timid showers of eon- e ratulatione and good wishes, Mr. end Airs. Simpson took the train for Toronto and Niagara Falls. 1(11'oY-CtwSCli. Quite a number from here took in the Mama at Listowel. Louie Hooey has left for Ardtrea where lie will again resume hie,duties of teach- ing the young idea how to shoot. I Quite a number from thio vicinity at. tended the funeral of Samuel H„ the 17. year-old son of Samuel Nay, of Lakelet, on Tuesday afternoon of last week, Our football team bac received a re. quest from Mildmay to play in that town on Labor Day, and it (e likely the re• quest will be accepted. While working in the furniture fnotory John Walkey had the misfortune to bring his right hand in contact with a running saw. The second and third fingers each received a nasty nub. There were fifteen tickets issued at this etution on Toeeday morning of last week for Manitoba. Among those who took advantage of the cheap exclusion to visit the prairie province were: James Montgomery and wife, Mrs. Thomas Wallace, Misses Christy Johnston and Rae Rin, and Roderick MoLeod, Thomas Downey, Wm. Milne, George Harris, Richard MoOallum, Wm. Dunlop, Robert Wallace, George Topham and Thomas Littlejohn. Hon. D. G. Goggin, of Regina, Minis- ter of Education for the North West Territories, who has been visiting hie brothers, Thoe. and Wm., and sisters, of this village, left on Thursday of last week for home to be present at tbe present nes• Bion of the Legislature. De had been down to Halifax on Educational business for the government. Exeter. The South Huron Fall Show will bo held here on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. nth and 20th. J. A. Stewart and wife left on a pleas- ure trip to Montreal, They will bo away about a month. Mark Meakins lost another Dalt from the effects of a dose of poison adminis- tered by some unknown person. The Exeter Turf Club are making ar. rangemente for another big day's rapes to be held on Labor Day, Sept. 5hb. Harry Browning, who has been attend• ing the High School at Afarkbam, was successful in passing hie primary exami- nation. Daring the severe eleotrioal storm two valuable horses bolongiug to Barry Rowe, a little South of town, while pasturing in the field, were killed by the lightning. The young lade guilty of throwing rotten eggs at the Mitchell lacrosse team while on their road home, were brought before Chas. Snell, J, P., and fined $125 or three days in jail. John Daunoey and David Mills, who were delegates to the High Court of the I. G. 0. at Chatham returned lost week. While there Mr. Daunoey wets Bloated one of the representatives to the Supreme Court, which meets in Toronto this week. The firemen were palled ont to an in. oipienb fire at Wm, Hoskin's stable, Exeter North, the other evening, but luckily their services were not required. It seems Emma small boys were robbing a bees' nest, and in order to destroy the bees, very thoughtlessly put a matoh to some straw in the stable. A few paths of water extinguished the blaze. :Senior tit . About 50 left here on the harvest ex- cursion to Manitoba on Tuesday horn• fag of last week. Thoe, E. Hayti has sold to C. Dale, of Mullett, 40 bead of stook steers for which he reooived $44.75 apiece all round. The Eleotrio Light Company are ex. tending the wires and poles to Harpur- bey with the view of lighting the resi- dence of Mr. Holmeebedd there. James McMichael a hem i ula nda having his rest - dance lightedt db 3)l otrieitY. • arced 01 rlseon second eon of Chas. Clarkson, , Clarkson, head master of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, left bore on Tues- day for Fort McLeod, Alberta, where he has mound the position of principal of the Public school at a salary of $1,000 per year. Mr. Clarkson has been princi- pal of the Drumbo Publi0 6oilool for some years. BIIIP0ON—Rv80NLL.-038 of those pleasing eveute of interest 1.0 all tools plaoo at the 500101 th Methodist church on Tuesday, Aug. 10th, being the mar- riage of Mise Louie F. D. Russell, dough. ter of the ofiloiating clergyman, Rev. A. L. Russell, M. A., pastor of the church, to Mr. Frederick G. Simpson, of1Loxdon. The d000ratione, which ooneieted of palms, ferns and many beautiful flowers, contributed by different members of the congregation, had been put in plaoo by the young people of the 0ku10(1, whose kindness on this 000asinn will not soon be forgotten by the pastor and hie family. Promptly Pcom tl at 1 0bloo c 1 the guests assembled, an appreciative audi- ence having already gathered. As Mise Wilson, the organist, played the bean0(• ful Lobengein March, the bridegroom, attended by his brother, B. 71', Simpson, of Chicago, and Dr. Geo. A. Russell, of London, the brido'e brother, took their plaoea at the altar, The bridoelnaids, Luckuocv. The Luoknow Caledonian games are to be held on Wednesday, August 31st. A large number went to Kinoardine on Monday of last week to see the (hens, or enjoy the day at the lake. At a 81)00181 meeting of the village council Samuel Barber was appointed engineer of the waterworks plant. Confirmation services will be held in the Catholic ohnroh in 11110 village, by Bishop O'Connor, on Sunday, Sept, 4th. Miss Gracile and Master Morley Tre- leaven, of Brantford, are the gueote of their oouefu, Gertio Treleaven, of this village. Mrs. D. E. Cameron and eon Bruce, of New York, who have been visiting friends in the village for the past month, have returned home. G. A. and Mro. Siddall have arrived home from a month's trip on the lakes to Detroit, Cleveland, Duluth and other American cities. At the meeting of the High Court of the I. 0. P„ hold in Chatham, 11. D. Cameron, of Luoknow, was cleated Junior Woodward, G. P. and Mrs. Tennyson and Mies Lizzie Tennyson, loft on Tuesday of last week for 1?ortoge•la-Prairie, where they intend marring their future home. Fon horses belonging to a man named Montgomery, of the 12th con. of Huron township, were killed on the railway track between Luoknow and Ripley by the late train. Harry Holmes, who has been in the Luoknow branch of the Bank of Hamil- ton for nearly five years, has been trans. (erred to the head office of the bank in the city of Hamilton, and left for his new position on Wednesday of last week. Several loads of new wheat have been delivered at the mills here and the sam• plc is pronounced by Treleaven Bros. to be the finest they have reooived in many years. The grain is plump and well fill- ed and averages in weight from 00 to 65 pounds per bushel. Winne TIMM'S lima TUEBE'S SoAi.—In years past the gallantry and chivalry of the officers of the Caledonian 000iety in- spired them to hold archery contests for the special interest and benefit of the ladies. Allay Robinson, an old time friend of the Luoknow games, and we presume, of the ladies, has induced the proprietors of the Comfort Soap bo offer prizes for the following competition, open to any lady : Ladies Comfort Soap Race—Ladies to run 10 yds. and pink up 1 bar of Gormand pub in an apron, run another 10 yds , pick up another bar and so an until 100 yds. is run. The ten bare must be oarried to the finish without dropping any. Each competitor will be provided with an apron and will keep the soap. We are not speaking with author• sty but rumor bas it that an offer of marriage oleo awaits the winner of this competition. G o tie a'ieha. S. J. Reid, dealer in dry goods, oloth• ing, etc., has assigned to Hobert G. Hooter, of Toronto. The estate is ex- pected to pay 100 Dente on the dollar. Jonathan Miller, proprietor of the Hotel Bedford, was charged last week by Inspector Paisley with selling liquor on Sunday. At police court on Friday a fine of $40 and omits was imposed, it being a second offenoe. Monday afternoon two young ladies were in the 2.80 train ah the station 'chatting with a departing friend and failed to heed the conductor's warning "all aboard." They realized too late that the train was moving, and made a compulsory journey to Clinton. One of the young ladies was without her puree, hut fortunately the oonduotor was as good as a bank. Thomas Sturdy, of Sturdy Bros., met with an unfortunate mishap on Saturday evening. While going to harness hie horse, it is supposed the animal was startled at his sudden approach in the dark, and vioiously kinked, the blow striking Mr. Sturdy on the fare. The oork of the shoe penetrated the cheek and serious injuries were inflicted about the nose and mouth. The blow was of such eruehing force that the injured man did not regain c0usoiou0ness till Sunday afternoon. MEN 01' 131111 D,m. Leet Saturday's Globe says :--J, T. Garrow, Q. C., whose speeches on the constitutional questions before the Legislature have been among the beet delivered there, and have, indeed, been admirable has been n member of the House em oelthe general eleotion of 1890. He was born at Chippewa, in the County of Welland, Maroli 11, 1848. He was educated in the Common Schools of Waterloo and Heron Counties and in the Goderich Iligh School. He was Reeve of Goderioh for seven years, and has filled the office of Warden of Huron. Ex-SIs3AIrs Glnnoss DEAD. — Robb. Gibbons, ex•Sheriff, passed away to hie eternal rest on Friday evening at 8 (Moak at the ripe age of 87 years. Hie name oo0upie0 a prominent place hi the ppoliti• cal and municipal history of Huron County, He wits of Snotoh origin, hav- ing been born in Glasgow on De00tnber 24, 1811. In 1882 he emigrated to Can- ada and on the 1615 of May in that year arrived at Godsrioh, then a village of less than .250 inhabitants, Here he launched into basinees and at an early age took s loading part in municipal affairs, subsequently serving several terms as Mayor of Goderioh and was aleo Reeve and Warden o 0th e County. Mr. Gibbons wits °looted to represent South Huron in the ifretParliament of Ontario, and four years later, in 1871, was re. °looted to the Legiolabure, each time as the Candidate of the Liberal party, whose do°trinee he effectually advocated. After awing in that on aoity during two terms ca the mond Parliament he resigned his 0 T1.{jla 13RUSuc';'�Ling sent to accept the 8llrieyalty of Huron County, whirl office he auoeptably tilled until about a year 3)330, whsle 110 . 0(4110 that big advancing age inuapa0it0ted him from the active duties of hie oflioe. P100111UCl'10:i 17) NORWAY. Bitter attnnke aro being made by the a (boor favoring preen upon • Norwegian g a prohibition. An attempt 10 made to chow that wince the Parliament has given the people the privilege of local proibi. Hon, drunkenness has inoreased, and that lately the votes of the people have shown Ices favor for prohibition. Some of tho facts of the ease are generally suppressed, end statietioo aro quoted that in themselves might lead to wrong °onciueione unless fairly explained. As a matter of fact Norway was at one time an exoeediigly drunken country. Legielation was enaebed prohibiting the unregulated distillation and sale of spirits, and providing for the establish• mens of the Company system. Under this legislation a great many disbilleriee were suppressed. The Company System was adopted in many places, and eon. viatioo0 for drunkenness fell off greatly. In 1891 an Aot tvae passed authorizing a general vote as to whether the Com- pany system should be in force in differ• ant localities, or should be replaced by prohibition. In 1890 18 towns voted, 14 of them doolaring for prohibition. In 1807 15 towns voted and 10 of them de. dared for prohibition. In 1808 already 11 bowno have voted and 7 have gone for prohibition. None of the towns that voted for prohibition have gone book to the Company system. In foot they can- not go back for 5 years, The law which provided for this vot- ing, also enjoined the pollee authorities to arrest every apparently intoxioated person. Aaoordingly offenders of this kind are now much more strictly dealt with. Arrests for drunkenness are there- fore increased. There have been in• 0100000 in towns that voted prohibition, and also groat inoreaseo in towns which remain under that Company system, It is argued that failure of prohibition is shown by fewer towns voting for prohi- bition recently, and an increase in the number of arrests. Fewer towns have voted because there are fewer to vote. Arrests have increased becanss the polios are more vigilant. It must be borne in mind that neither the local prohibition of Norway nor the Company system iot4erferee with the free sale of fermented liquor oon0ainiog under 22 per Dent. of alcohol. This liquor, with the change in law enforce- ment, sufficiently accounts for the drunkenness that is reported. 'Temper- ance people are simply agitating for looal option power to prohibit other forme of Heiner as well as ardent epirite. They have not changed their views. They have not reversed their notion, Carey Council Meeting. Connell met at the Township Hall on Aug. 13th, pursuant to the call of the Reeve. Members were all present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. W. C. Stevenson ap- plied for aid to Jas. Maker and family, who are in destitute °iroumatenoee. Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded by Robb. Dilworth that the euro of $15 00 be granted—Carried. Moved by Robb. Livingston, seconded by Robt. Dilworth that the Clerk be inetrocted to notify the Road Inspector of the W. G. & B. Divis- ion of the G. T. R. that this Council anepia his estimate of $175.00 to deepen the culvert on the railway land at lot 8, eon. 9th—Carried, By-laws Nos. 124, 125 and 126 were read and passed. The following accounts were presented, viz ; —Munioipal World, 2 Collector's Rolle and blank forme, $3,65 : Thos. Davidson, gravel, $25.76 ; Thos. Davidson, filling in waehout at Botz bridge, con. 12, $2.00 ; John Ansley, inspecting Botz bridge, lot 4 con. 12, $4.00 •; Donald B. McNeil, tile drain across road at lot 24, 000.14,$1.66 ; Neil McNair, culvert and epikee, lot 20, eon. 14, $3,60 ; David Brown, oleaning award drain, boundary Grey and Elms.,$11.75 ; Hartwell Speiran, gravelling at lot 80, con. 10, $30.21; Chas. Cleaver, gravelling at lot 30, eon. 10, $16.64 ; Hartwell Speiran, gravel, $8.00 ; Wm, Cook, repairing culvert, lots 10 and 11, eon. 4, $1.60 ; J. M. Govenioak, the for drain, con. 16 and 16, $5.50 ; Russell Porterfield, balance for gravelling, at lot 15, eon. 7, $7.55 ; Jae. Laird, oovsring oulvert at lot 25, eon. 8. $1.00 ; Wm. Stevenson, °leering loge off road at lot 86, eon. 7, $2.00.; Robt. Coohrane, gravel- ling at lots 20 and 21, Done. 4 and 5, $15.27 ; John Vodden, grading at lots 25 and 21, con. 4, $1.30 ; John Vodden, clearing timber off road lots 40 and 41, con. 1, $24.00 ; John Beirnes, culvert at lot 24, con. 6, $4.00 ; Robt, Lang, gravel- ling at los 26, eon. 8, $9.50 ; John Dil. ling, cutting brush at lot 15, con. 10, $6.50 ; R. Porterfield, gravel, $86.24 ; John Hanna, gravel, $10.08 ; Wm. Pol. lard, gravel, $18,06 ; Wm. Taylor, grad. ing ditch on road, lot 10, eon. 16, $4.00 ; Wm. Riley, culvert at lot 5, eon. 8, $11.70 James Oakley, gravel, $5.76 ; John Mitobell, gravel, $13.76 ; Thos. Al000k, gravel, $5.04 ; Henry Ward, gravelling on boundary Grey and Elma, $8.72 ; Wm. McKay; grading on bound- ary Grey and Elmo, $4.46 ; Jas. Greig, atter, makingroad ravel NAG W.Ir n $ g to gravel pit,lott 20, con. 11, $10.00 Jae. Maker Y $ Y charity, 16.00 ; Henry Bateman gravel, 618.80 ; Thoe. Steven- son, °leaning out 2 culverts at lot 27, con. 10, $8.25 ; J. W. Rose, gravel, $8.00. Council then adjourned to meet again at Long's Hotel, Oranbrook, on Saturday, the 17th day of Seytember 1898. WE. Srmla0E, Clerk James Martin, a meohanio, committed euioide by asphyxiation in his workshop on Ductless :treat, Toronto. Mr. ()lute, Q. C., is at Winnipeg in- vestigating the death of two Crow's Nest Railway employees. The new offices of the Grand Trunk in Montreal, plane of which have been com- pleted, will be the biggest railway offices in the world. Chicago and Ogdonebitrg shippers pro. pose to ask the Quebec conference to take action for the removal of tolls on the We11anii Canal. The George E. Tnoltett 'dr Son Com - pony, of Hamilton, are building a five• storey fnotory, to ba used in manufactur- ing Canadian toba0co. The Mo0artbyitss of North Simooe will bold a convention at Stayner on August 30th to nominate a candidate for the Commons in succession to the late D'Alton McCarthy. OST ON 35 Cts THE POST Will be sent to any address in the Dominion of Canada or the United States for the balance of 1898 for the small slue of 35 Cts. IN ADVANCE, Don't be without the news when you may have it for tbe above price. THE POST makes a specialty of Auction Sale Bills, Advertising Strayed Stock, Farms for Sale, tic. We give special prominence to Local and District news. 56 Columns in TEE POST every week. Don't borrow any longer but order for yourself. .A. word of recommendation is always of great benefit to us and is greatly appreciated. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. PICOSI W111 melte, a well ma12 of YO'v a 3)10091 r1100199e63 T;0 40070 3080100 rN 703R WREN& P1009I cum an Nervone Ltesaea0, ineepl.880 00as. 1300105 Memory. Nightly M0134080, e$erms. Lorain.; lmpolonoy, ata., oaneed by past m uaw given vigor and el= to shrunken organ, meq queferly but sural rooter0E LOST Malni0ae 10 01 and 00337 U11la I a o aband tr y 15011 1,, ry plain strong 1 caeu rried In vett 3)o 1od, prion, a1. aaupaatage�wi o41ettor, address ell either 1 to J. "oil. or 0nloul t( W000010Ca, ONT., dgent for the NEW nidher Shop 1 The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMALL BLOO81 BRVSSELS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage'��'jea�i 1 11 solicited. Sr VM� iCE111. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. ll 'O s13 Pao YOB HoDlu % No Lottery. There are no feblanks'( in 13 "Slater Shoes." Every pair is a C►4 JO prize, Every pair is a real bar- gain argain in that you get roe cents worth of Shoe for every dollar. No " bargain table " losses to be added to regular selling prices ; shoe worth guaranteed and price 113.00, $$4.0o and $$;oo per pair stamped on the Goodyear Welted sole by `"r"LOGeL FREE. The Slater Shoe Makers. i Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent. SHINGLES British Columbia, Red Cedar Shingles AND. -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Ells Also Doors and Sash of all Pat tern; on band or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, McLEOD'S System Renovator —AND oTEEn— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplesenees,,Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near - Algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, 6t. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERiCH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold b Jo*, Fox. Drug tai, Brussels. OUR SILVER JUBILEE, Western Fair, - London. September 8th to I7th, 1898. Entries alone 7th September. Space allotted on receipt of entry. Our attractions will be grand, and exhibits unsurpassed. You Dan see all that others can show, and to better advantage. Royal Dragoons, Prince O'Kabe'o Jape, Sie Hassan Ben Ali's Ruffin and many other specials, the best in the country. Fireworks each evening, "Blowing up the Maine," aasisted by all the ring and stage attractions. Special excursion trains leave London at 10 p. m. and after, so you can stay to the fireworks. Auction Sale of Booths and Privileges, Wednesday, August 17011, on the grounds at 2 p. m. Prize Lists, Programmes, etc., apply to LT. -00L. W. M. GARTSHORE, THOS. A. BROWNE, PRESIDENT. 6Ea99TARY, SPECIAL CUTS in all Summer Goods such as Croquet Sets, Children's Wagons, Balls, Bats, Gardening Tools, &c, BIG VALUE In a fine Line of Bibles. ALBUMS. -4-- A - A job lot, will be sold below ori- ginal cost to clear out. SCHOOL. . S1.•rPPLIES Ready for Opening Days. OUT IN TOYS. To clear out our stock of Toys we will reduce the price to COST during the month of August. See our Rocking Horses—Shoo Fly Breed— warranted not to balk, run away or kick. No baby should be without a pair. It will lighten the mother's cares and a good team will do a whole family. "POST" Bootore.