HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-8-19, Page 8SCHOOL
And we are ready with
a large stook of School .Books,
School Bags, Slates and evory-
thing for use in schools. We
will lee pleased to supply you.
Diner Baskets.
We have a few covered Bas-
kets at 15c. and 20c. each, Which
we offer at 10c. and 15c. each.
Just the thing for carrying a
lunch or dinner in.
We have them in great
variety from lc. to 5c. each.
Never bettor value.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
Trains leave Brueeels Station, North
and South, as follows
Bxuress 7:10 am. Mail 210 p.m
Limed 0:96 a.m. Express 10:10 p.m
Komi N,e s Nitrn .
A. ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
A. 0.11. W. on Friday evening of this
BRUSSELS factory cheese was shipped
this week.
Footers Division Oourt on Tuesday of
next week, 23rd inst.
JNo. G. SEENE has a beautiful Bermuda
lily in Itis store window.
R. LEATRERDALE is booming the piano
and organ branch of his business.
BRUSSELS sent quite a contingent to
Main's circus at Listowel on Tuesday of
this week.
Tars atone work for the new rectory for
St. John's church is being pushed ahead
by A. J. Lowry.
A. BASE BALL match between the junior
team of Brussels and Wingham was play-
layed in Wingham on Thursday.
Tunes oars of heading were shipped by
P. Amens during this week. One went
to Brumfield and two to Montreal.
WEDNESDAY of this week Messrs.
Backer & Vanstone shipped a oar of hogs
and Messrs. Clegg & Dames 3 oars 06
lambs and cattle.
SEVERAL Brusselites attended the
funeral of the late Thos. Pieroe, a for-
mer resident of Brussels, at Gerrie on
Wedneaday afternoon of this week.
PREMIER HARDY has been invited by
East Huron Agrionitnral Society Direc•
tors to open their Fall Fair in Brussels,
on Oat. 6 and 7. The Fair promisee to
be a bustler.
A Tri' -mor sale of the town debentures,
$22,200, was made this week, a epeoial
meeting of the Oonnoil being held on
Tuesday morning at the Reeve's office,
accepting the highest of four tenders.
S. B. Simae is having the building re-
cently injured by fire rebuilt this week
and the stores will soon be ready for oo•
aupabion again as good as ever. A. Baw-
tinheimer, assisted by S. B., is doing the
A MEETING of the Executive of East
Heron Plebiscite Association will be held
in the Council Chamber, Brussels, on
Saturday of this week, at 10 a. m. The
members of the Executive are the Riding
President, Secretary and Treaeurer and
the Presidents of the various munioipali•
ties in the Riding.
ONE advantage of the slow, poke trains
was experienoed the other day when the
wrong mail bag was thrown off. The
mail carrier brought ib down to the post.
office and unhitched bis team. On the
mistake being noticed a horse was bitch.
ed up and the mail bag taken back to the
train and the necessary exchange made.
Bad ib been the "Flying Dutchman" it
could not have been done• There is evi-
dently always some Sweet with the bitter.
Goon SAMPLE. --Wednesday morning of
this week Tau Pon received through the
mail fins samples of Spring and Fall
wheat from Wm. Harris, J. P„ of Day
Mills, Algoma, formerly of Brussels.
The heads are well filled. Mr. Harris
writes that the crops are good. The
wheat may be seen in the window of Tan
PosT Publishing House. Mr. Harris is
a firm believer in the great future of
Algoma, and grain, such as the sanplea,
is good evidence that his hopes are well
The Clinton Record says : —The Militia
Department has allowed the 88rd Batt.
the use of ton rifles for target praotioe,
The number is limited, to be sure, but if
passed around will give each Company an
opportunity of testing the superiority of
the new arm over any that bas been need.
It boa a longer range and much greater
penetrative power. Then the powder is
Smokeless, or next thing to it. Ws fanoy
that the use of the Lee•Enfteld, too far as
Huron is oonoerned, will for the present
be oonflned to the two Rifle Astooiatione
of the county..
WE notice the following in the last
Workman. It ie certainly very appli-
cable to all oar fraternal lodges. "Don't
expeot the Finanoierto be dunning you
all over the village 12 times a year. Cali
on him and pay promptly or be euepond•
ed. If you pay promptly your Lodge
has not to provide Panda to pay it fob you
on the 5th Of every month. Don't expeot
yourPinanoler to perform for you the
office of his own memory, end if he does
Gob do so, bring down upon his head a
mighty storm of indignation because you
have been enspended as the result of
your own oarelboeness, le many cases
this of0oer
Rerveg without pay and Serves
faithfully too, He is not supposed to
make bones to house visitations
jaat prior bo the 8011i, to warn deliognent
and forgetful mstnbeel that their assess•
manta ate doe, tie dont expect it'
A r5W oases of whooping cough ar
reported in town,
Tun Bohol Board did nob meet las
Friday—no quorum.
A, MaLAueulao i5 now a 00, Constable
being sworn in this week.
TEs Grand Trunk will run Harem
Exoursions to Manitoba, the Northwest
Minnesota and Deltoid, on Aug. 30 and
Sept. 18, good to return on Oot. 20 and
Nov. P2. Return faro, $28,00,
IT is biuted that the Cotonou Estate
will build a new salt bleak here and the
looation will likely be near the G. T. R,
to save drayage. The brine would be
pumped from the present excellent well.
THE Enterprise Saib Works ebipped 6
oars of salt to various points this week.
They average about a oar a day, their
dairy and table salt being in epeoial de.
mand. One oar this week went to Car•
berry, Manitoba.
Tuan is a pale colored oow with bangs
on her forehead that is a "corker" to
open gates and ransack gardens. If her
owner don't keep her home she rune a
good chance of wearing bangs on another
part of her anatomy, iu addition to bring
ing up in the village Pound.
WE are pleased to congratulate Miss
Myrtle Nott on the success of her ex-
amination, in which She took honors.
Frank, son of Jno, R. Smith, of Brussels,
ie also in bbe list of successful candidates.
Both pupils are deserving of the positions
won and we wish them continued suaoess,
MAOISrRATE'9 COURT.—Friday afternoon
the Reeve held court in which a charge
was preferred by Chas. Switzer, of Grey,
against Chas. Bothwell, of the same
township, for acing profane and abneive
language. After several witnesses had
been examined, the defendant among the
number, Bothwell was fined $1,00 and
scabs, amounting to $3.65 in all.
Rearm IN SONO AND STORY. -011 Mon.
day evening, 20th inst., Mies Ethel
Webb, elocutionist, and Graham Hodson,
tenor vocalist, will give s program in the
Town Hall, Brossele, oommenoing at 8
o'clock. Admission 25 and 35 Cents.
The entertainment is under the ouspioes
of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
oboroh. Plan of Hall at Fox's drag
TRAvouosas.—The following passen-
gers were ticketed by T. Farrow, C. P.
R. agent, for Tuesday's exoursioo to
points in Manitoba and the 'Territories :
Miss Dobson, D. D, Lamont, Mrs. Wm.
McArber, Alex. MoArter, Frank Selly,
Fred. Parr, Mrs. Slemmon, Andrew
Sharp, Rioh. Bielby, Alex. Forrest, Jos.
Smith, Aire. Thos. Danford, Mies Jessie
MOOras, Jos. Shaw, John Bishop, Sam.
Orerar, C Jno. MoGavin, Jas. Beattie,
Jacob Gramme, John Smith, Theo Hol•
land, T. F. Rattan, wife and son, John
McRae was also ticketed to Vancouver,
B. 0.
evening of next week, at 8 o'olook a pub-
lio meeting will be held in the Council
Chamber, to consider the advisability of
arranging for a serine of four or five good
entertainments for the ooming Fwll and
Winter, in the line of oencerts, eleootion•
ary entertainments, leotnres, &o. It is
proposed that a season ticket be sold at a
low figure and the proceeds, over expen•
see, be devoted to a thorough renovation
of the Town Hall se as to put it in first-
class shape for entertainments. All in•
terested are asked to tend the light of
their oonntenance on the evening above
TEMooiANCE,—Last Monday evening
a Temperance meeting was held in the
Methodist church school room under the
auspices of the Epworth League. Miss
Minnie MoNangbton occupied the chair.
The program was as follows, after devo-
tional exercises :—Solo, "Vote as you
pray,' Miss Ella Ainley ; leading, "Too
strong for the rummies," Mise Carrie
Hingeton; duebb, Misses Moore treading,
"The pries of a drink," Mise M. Rozell ;
address, S. B. Wilson, of Paris ; bymn i
reading, "Jeremiah's logia,' Mise Bell
Bawtinheimer ; trio, "Drifting," Misses
Lizzie Sample and Minnie Moore and
Rev. S. J. , Arlin ; reading, "Rum and
revenue," Miss Minnie MoNangbton ;
address, by Rev. R. Paul ; hymn ; Bene•
diotion by Rev. W. Norton. The pro-
gram was interesting and instructive.
notice by Honolulu papers that Chas. H.
Watson, the husband of Miss Maggie
Campbell, eldest daughter of John Camp.
bell, a once well-known resident of Brus-
sels, and a niece of Mrs. Alexander
Davidson, of Seaforth, died at Honolulu
on the 201.h of July, when on hie way
from San Franoisoo to Meadia with the
American troops. Mr. Watson eon.
treated typhoid fever before leaving San
Frsnoisoo, and was removed from the
trauaport steamer on reaching Honolulu
and placed in the hospital there where
be died and where the remains were in.
tetrad. He was a resident of Minneapo•
lis and was bandmaster of the Thirteenth
Minnesota regiment. He was only 84
years of age, The Honolulu Advertiser,
from whish we gathered these psrtion•
Ian, adds :—"Deoeased was one of the
best musicians in the West, He was
leader of the best band in Minneapolis
and organized the Thirteenth Minnesota
Band for the Manilla expedition. He
was well known in sevsral Western States
and in British Colombia, His wife,
with the abildren, is now with her father,
John Campbell, a merobanb of New
Westminster. Mr. Watson was well
°ennacted and highly respeoted every-
regular meeting of the Huron Medioal
Association was held in the Connell
Chamber, Clinton, on Wednesday, Aug.
3rd, at 1.80 o'olook. Members present
were Drs. Gann, Shaw, Turnbull, and
McCallum, of Clinton ; Drs. Bethune
and MoGinnis, of Seaforth ; Drs. Taylor
and Hunter, of Goderich ; Dr, Mogen•
zie, of Monkton ; Drs. Agnew and Wal.
ker, of Londesboro', In the absence of
the president, Dr, Staobury, the vice.
president, Dr, 119:oKenzie, took the chair,
and the following interesting eases were
presented by Dr, MoGianle; one of ob-
scure affection of the knee joint and two
of spinal curvature, these oases were die•
cussed by most of the members prseenb,
An interesting :madmen of fibro cystic
tumor of the Uterus, which was removed
by hysterectomy, was shown by Do. Mo.
Kenzie and an intending history of the
case given. A communication was read,
from the Seoretary of the Toronto Medi.
cal Society, with regard to the free treat•
meat of indoor pabients in our publio
hospitals, The subject will Dome up for
disoaseion at the next regular meeting.
The natio: of motion given by Dr. Shaw,
as to amendment to the constitution was
oleo laid over until next meeting, A.I.
though the abtendanoe wag below the
usual average, yet the meeting was an in.
cresting and profitable one.
e Mee Exam Wimp, who appears in
Bnlssols 011 Aug. 29tb, is a gold medalist
t of Toronto Oonseuvabory of Mnaio.
AN early morning wadding tools piece
, at the Methodist Parsonage last Monday,
The oonbraoting parties were Mr. Tem
t nano and Aries Findlay, of Wingham.
A Oow BY-LAW is one of the require•
manta of Brussels asked foe. It was not
always Gluon and nmyaus who championed
the Iden VMS oft0u 1351 down 135 a m enit,
The world moves.
Toon are live phases of the moon in
Angaet, two of them being full moons,
The first fall moon.000urred on the ftreb
day of the month, and the second on the
last day. New moon came iu on the
17th, following eight days after the
gnartering, while the phrase of last quer.
ter 000025 on the 24th,
A POPULAR Ootiiin. — The Central
amines College of Stratford, Ont,, is
one of the most progressive %Oleo's in
pito Dominion. It re opens for the Fall
term on Sept. lab. W. J. Elliott is the
I3000sELS Publics school students who
were successful at the recent exam. are
Hattie Downing, May Deadman, W.
Ainley and Ivan Crooke, W. E. Arm-
strong also passed the examination he
wrote on.
FATAL AomDENT.—Wm. C0011e2, oon-
tractor, of Clinton, while on the soaffold
of Mr, Maliinnon'e new residence, Dlns•
ley ebreeb, Blyth, Monday morning, fell
about thirty feet and died in about twenty
minutes afterwards, Mr. Cooper was
one of the best known men in the County
of Huron and very highly respected. Ole
leaves a widow and family,
MATCHED RACE.—A mstahed horse race
which will ornate considerable interest
well be held on the Wingham race track
on Friday, Aug. 19th. Beattie Bros,
have a nine little wager with T. Bell &
Son. The wager is that Beattie:, with
their horse, "Selina" are to abut out
Bell's borne "Tony." The race will be
best 8 in 0, and will take place in the
new Cyclorama, Jerusalem on the day of
the oraoiflxion, is drawing large numbers
of visitors daily, who all express them•
selves as greatly pleased with the megni•
Scent and instructive view, Everybody
going to Toronto should avail themselves
of the opportunity of seeing "Jerusalem"
at the Cyclerama. Open daily from 8 a.
m. to 7 p. m. Prioee of admission,
adults, 25 cents; children, underly years,
10 conte, Next South West corner Front
and York etreet5.
IdET Us BE Yoott BANKER, DAN. — An
Ottawa scribe says : —The Government
has awarded the contract for the oom-
pletion of the Goderioh harbor works to
Dan. MaGilliouddy, editor of the Huron
Signal. This work was undertaken by
Loire Madigan some years ago for $50,000.
After spending considerable money on ib
he threw up the contract. New tenders
were recently called for. Mr. MnGilli.
cuddy received the oontraot at $58,000, an
amount in excess of the Stab oontraot, on
which at least $10,000 was expended.
Tont B. Wox.—The matched race
between S. Beattie's Topsy B., of Clinton,
and Skylark, owned by O'Gri°g, of Col.
borne, was run off on the Goderich track
on Tuesday afternoon of last week, and
resulted in an easy victory in two
straights for the little mare. She was
ridden by Jaok Moffat, who for a 13-
year•old, bandies a runner well. Topsy
13. is now 18 years old, and has been out
of racing for six years, but before that
campaigned for three or four years, and
was considered one of the gamiest race
horses in this pati of the Province. Her
beat time was 49 seoonds for the half
mile, made on the New Hamburg track.
Mr. Beattie was delighted with Topsy's
victory and so were the 25 Olintonians
who went up to witness the race. Lack
Kennedy was starter -and judge.
People We Know.
Mies May Skene was vieibing ab Listo.
Jno. Fulton has gone to Manitoba on a
IL W Farrow Sundayed in town.
Jae, Fox and wife Sundayed in Wrest.
Harry James spent a few days in To
Mise Annie Slemmon is visiting at
Miss Ella Ainley is spending a week in
Rev. W. Rigsby, of Blyth, was iu town
on Monday.
Jas. Beattie has gone to the West on s
prospecting tour.
Miss Close, of Woodstook, is visiting
Mrs. W. F, Stewart.
R. Dasa, of Stratford, was iu town on
Monday of this week.
Mrs. Patland, of Blnevale spent a few
days in town last week,
Mies Maniac, of Port Huron, is viaib-
ing Miss Clara Crawford.
Klee G. MoOormiok, of Pelee Island, is
visiting Mrs, (Dr.) Snider.
Mies Nellie Pntland, of Blnevale, is
visiting relatives in town.
Miss Kate Wilson has gone to Toronto
to attend the Normal eahool.
R. R. Farrow, of Ottawa, is visiting
his father, Postmaster Farrow.
Miss M. Bricker, of Toronto, is the
gneet of Mrs. Jane Walker this week,
Mrs. J. J. Gilpin and Fred. were visit-
ing at Atwood and Listowel this week.
Geo. Halliday, wife and baby were
visiting relatives and friends at Beneath
Miss Alice Campbell has returned to
London. Mies Ethel a000mpaniod her.
Mrs, Rothwell and daughter, Hazel, of
Port Huron. are the guests of Mrs. D. 0.
Mrs. S. Slemmon has gone on a holi-
day visit to relatives and Mende in Man-
Will. Hingeton hoe readied Dawson
0ity safe and sound. This is his second
Mrs. Murdy McLennan, of London, is
renewing old friendships in Brussels and
Leon Jaokeon is back from the Old
Country and is visiting at Toronto and
Mise George, who was vieiting in
Bennie, bas reburned to her home in
Port Elgin.
Fred. Wllecn is away on a wheeling
tont, visiting at Stratford, Guelph and
other places.
Mise Lizzie Ferguson is enjoying a
holiday costing ea Toronto, Hamilton and
Grimeby Parti,
Mts. Ounningham and Mies Jennie
Cunningham, of Streetaville, ars the
guests of MSS. (Dr,) Davidson,
Miasea Dora and Vera, daughters of
Chao. Kneolibel, of Wingham, are Visit-
ing at their grandparents', Brussels,
i3 tt9 it 8 .Eo O 81'
Mre, Jacobs, cd London, is visiting at
St. John's rectory.
Miss Ida Frail, of Detroit, ie enjoying
a alslb in Brussels.
Alfred Denny., of Buffalo, is here on a
Visit. to lois mother,
111, Al. Brent 1i,ited SLontivllle for a
fewidays this week.
Rev. G. J. Any wag visiting his eider
in Brantford blue ween.
A. A1af5trong, of Miltml, was is visitor
ab Mrs, Jae, Wilson's, Elizabeth street,
Mrs. A, Brum, of Blnevale, has gone to
Visit relative; ab Swan Lake, Manitoba,
Mies Edith Eastman and Mies 0, B.
Keating were visiting at Blyth last week,
Mrs, Musgrove, of Blnevale, was
smelting Mrs, T, Farrow daring the past
Harold Creighton, of Hamilton, is
holidaying uncle: the parental roof in
MTS. Thos, Gordon and Miss Maggie,
of St. Marys, were Visiting Mrs. I. O.
Jas. Irwin, of bbe Lunen San, and
daughter Nellie were in town for a foto
days last week.
Mrs. Carter, of Myth, daughter of
Robb. Burne, left this week for a visit to
relatives in Manitoba,
W. FI. Patton, who kept a restaurant in
Brussels, is Baia to be engaged in orange
cultivation now in California.
Jno. Halliday and wife, of London,
were renewing old friendships in Bras•
sale for a law days this week.
George Donaldson, whole shrr•p riulob•
ing in Montana, was visiting hill brother,
•John Donaldson, in Brussels.
Jno, Moline, druggist, left rn Monday
for Vancouver where he has accepted a
position in a drug house in that „ity.
Fred. Hayoroft and harry Downing
were in Goderich fora few days enjoying
the lake breezes and seeing "Dewey."
Rev. W. T. CloS, wife and children, of
Thorndale, are visiting with John D.
Ronald mad family and other old friends.
Mrs. Thos. Danford and Mies Jessie
MoOrae left this week on a toile to rela-
tives. and friends in Manitoba and Dakota.
Mrs. Angus Smith, of Wiarton, and
Mr;, Alex. L. Stewart, of Detroit, are
making a holiday visit at Daniel Stew-
Miss Maggie I3aeksr has been ill bat
we hope sire will soon be fully restored to
health. Inflammatory rheumatism is the
trefoil Ie.
G. A. Deadman and son Roger are
away on a wheeling tour to Loudon,
Delaware, Chatham, Detroit and other
places for a week.
Bert, Ferguson, of Teeswater, was boli•
Baying here this week. He passed the
junior matriculation examination at
Walkerton this Summer.
Orme, eldest daughter of N. F. Gerry,
had the misfortune to fall on a rusty nail
whiob pierced her hip rendering the at-
tendance of a physician necessary,
E. B. Rotten, wife and son left Brus-
sels for Alexander, Man., on Thursday of
Ghia week. They purpose making their
hone in the West, at lent for a time.
ID. J. Hartley, formerly of Brussels,
and son of Rev. A. Y. Hartley, at one
time pastor of the Blusvale Presbyterian
church, is now editor of the Qu' Appalls
Mr. Wegenast, Manager of the Ontario
Mutual Insurance 0o., Waterloo, Was in
Brussels on it business trip last Monday.
He is a level headed man and is connected
with a caret -class Company.
We are sorry to state that station
Agent Kendall is laid up with the old
trouble in one of his loge with whiob he
antlered so much last Winter. We hope
he will soon he all right again. Relieving
agent Sutton is taking his place at the
TEE POST welcomes Public School Its.
spector ltobb to Brussels as a resident.
He is making his home at the residence
of J. 0. Took, Turnberry street. Mr.
Robb has just returned from a holiday
trip to the East and will comments° the
duties of his ofoe for the Fall term in
the course of another week. Trustees
are expeoted to be present at their respec-
ted eohoola now on the occasion of the
Inspector's visit, This is a good ides.
Rev. Mr. Abey's texts last Sabbath
were Epbesians 1.14 and St. Luke 4-40.
Rev. Mr. (Joanna, of Auburn la spend.
ing a few weeks at Clifton Springs Sant.
Last Sabbath Rev, Mr. Arlin preaohed
on "Elisba" in the morning and "Heart
religion" in the evening,
Rev. S. J. Arlin attended the District
meeting of the Methodist ohuroh, at
Wingham, on Tuesday of this week.
Methodist ohuroh service; on Sonday
next at 10.80 a. m. and 7 p. m. by the
plater. Sunday school at 2,80 p. on,
Evening subjeob, "Oonversion." A wet.
Dome to all.
Bev. W. T. Cioff, of Tborndale has re-
oeived an unanimous request from the
church in Strabbroy to euooesd Rev. Mr..
Newton who has gone to Warwick.
Strathroy can't do better as Rev. Mr.
Olnff is a famous worker.
Next Sabbath evening will be the reg•
ular monthly Consecration service in
aoune:Aion with the Epworth League. A
oollootiou will be taken at the gloss to
aid in the proserution of the Plebiscite
oanpaign in eupplying literature, &o.
In the annual report of Brussels Meth.
odist church for last year, just published,
we observe that the total amount raised
for all purposee was $1,903,08, The
paying of pew rent has been dropped for
this year.
The Young People's? Mapper of Sb.
John's Chants have issued an interesting
program for the coming term. The
officers are Rev. G. J. Abey, Hon. -Pres. ;
Miss Watt, President ; G. S. Rogers,
Viae Pres. ; D. Kendall, Elea, ; Miss
Hewitt, Treat, ; 11, Johnston, Oar. Seo. ;
Meg Esstmau, organist.
Yokohama advioes say that Misses
Simmons ane Allen, missionaries of the
American board, were killed in the bar'
box after bidding goodbye to some
friends who were about to sail on a
gammen, They were going ashore in a
launch when a junk oollidsd with it.
The junk's bowsprit struck Miss Sim•
mons, killing her instantly. Mie; Allan
also died tuts same day.
Miss M, S. Wallace, M. D., of Essex
Centro, reoently appointed a missionary
to Henan, China, left Toronto for Van.
°ouver Monday, She was joined at
Myrtle by Miss K, Cameron, who bas
been eppointed to e position in bbs Indian
sobool at Albsrbin, B= 0. Miss Cameron
will a000mprny hor as far acs Viotoria.
Mrs. (Rev.) Murdock Maolionzio, whose
husband went bank to Minket Autumn,
will also accompany her from Winnipeg
to her destination,
BT', L?YD,-12i.Z)N.fi OF C>lt c.42).4,
o~nx.A TIKL.MZ:BEE;xlz-
ASSETS, (Seven piiliion Dollars) , $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Anthorizod) • - . 82,000,000
Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Arena tabs, United Ste tea rd England.
Ose/ s...dtJOG A' ,zaxem.
A General Banking 13usinnss Transacted, Farmers' Notes Disoou1110,1,
Drafts Iesmd and Collections made on all pointe.
Interest allowed on deposite of $1,00 andsupwarde from dab of deposit Lo date o
witbdrawal and oompoundod half yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietanao.
Business Locals. •
Tittorur Reed at Backer & Venets/ne't,
Now carrots, beets and potatoes at Mu.
WnsELe from $40 up to $100 at A,
VE=T epeoial bargains in bioyoles, A.
M. MaKaa & 00.
SEE our naw stook of Japanoso ohina,
H. L. Jaokeon, jeweller.
A. Couszov handles everything that is
used by a bioyole rider.
Dm you see the Gendron bike in A.
Ooneley's window ? It's a dandy.
100731Y & Qo. are agents for the White
awing machine. Call and gee them,
CLEVELAND wheels are great seller's,
Six Bold since Jan. 1st, 1898. A. Conley,
E. & D. bearings are guaranteed for
three years. Come in and see them, A.
WANTED -200 tubs choice Dairy Butter,
14o.• Ale) 50 oaeee eggs weekly. G. E.
King, Wingbam. •
17 DIrsEsENr designs in Japanese cups
and sau0ere—beautiful goods, H. L.
Jackson, jeweller.
WE have just opened out a ;large stook
of ohina—direct from Japan, Ohenp I
cheap. H. L. Jackson, jeweller,
ANYONE needing lawn mowers put iu
proper shape or sharpened had better
see Saw -filer McGregor as be is likely to
do the work all right. T. McGann,
Queen et., East, Brussels.
Hiro DRESSING.— Mrs. Taylor wishes to
inform the ladies of Brussels and vicinity
that ebe will be here for the next two
weeks doing up hair out of the hair comb-
ings, also shampooing. Hours from 5 to
8 p. m. Satisfaction guaranteed. A Dail
solicited. All orders left at Mrs• E.
Rogers' millinery shop will be promptly
attended to. MRS. Taxan.
A Pntosoies DlsioyERS.—"Soak and
Swab" is an infallible, painless and nett,
poisonous remedy for the ours of Cancer,
Cartilaginous Uloers, Sore Throat and a
variety of skin diseases. It cures cancer
in any part of the body where the liquid,
eau reach it. Send for circular giving
instructions how to apply the lignid.
Sold at 000. per pint and 30o. per half
pint bottle. MoLEoo'a LABORATORY, Gode-
riob. K-OrSold by Jas• Fox, Druggist,
Brussels. 6-tf
HoliEeEExERE' .Cx0URsiolv;.—On the
first and third Tuesdays in Jun, 1898,
the Ohioago, Milwaukee & St, Pant Rail-
way will sell round-trip excursion tickets
(good for 21 days) bo a great many points
nl South and North Dakota and other
Western and Southwestern states, at
praotioally one fare for the round trip.
Take a trip West and see what an amount
of good land oan be purohased for vary
little money. Further information as to
rates, routes, prices of farm lands, eta„
may be obtained on applioatiou to any
coupon ticket agent or by addressing A.
J. Taylor, Onnadian Passenger Agent, 2
King street, East, Toronto, Ont,
Crtna,c1ia.n New:at.
A petition is in circulation in Wood.
stook asking for Governmental inspection
of the town's books.(
Elliott & Mitchell shipped a carload,
221 barrels, of apples, of Database
variety, to the American market on Aub.
8th, from Olinton. More will fallow
right along hereafter.
A praotioe indulged in by a number of
young men in Wingham is going up the
river on Sunday with a keg of beer and
spending the day in drinking it and in
kindred amusements.
The Provincial Department of Agri.
culture Saturday notified Immigration
Agent Scott at Toronto that 8,600 extra
harvest hands would be required to gar.
net 14Ianitoba's big harvest,
A daring highway robbery took plane
near Thamesville, when Memories Caste
and Julius Steber were relieved of $77 be-
tween them, and Mr. Steber, who attemp.
ted to resist, got a bullet through his bat,
M. E. Twineham, the Leamingtan
peach king, made his first shipment on
Saturday to Montreal. Mr. Twineham's
orop this year will be only hall the aver.
age. It will amount to about 20,000
The following nominations have been
made for '99 officers in the Independent
Order of Odd fellows :—Grand Meter,
Dr. Jas. MoLurg, Woodatook ; Deputy
Grand Master, 0. L. LOVAS, Chatham ;
Grand Warden, C. 0. Lyman, Brook.
villa ; Rev. A. L. Green, Belleville ; R B
Cowen, London ; Wm, Ames, Hamil-
ton ; Alfred Coyle, Toronto ; Alex. Mo.
Farlane, Otberville ; F, H, Gieborne,
Ottawa ; W. 8.6 Johnston, 'Toronto ;
Isnaa Unsworth, Florence ; Geo, Geddes,
Markham ; R. Bonen, Ottawa ; II. Mow -
land, Ingersoll ; D. B. Brown, Orange.
ville ; W. J. Hamilton, Oobonrg ; J. A.
Morton, Wingham ; W. H. Given, Mill.
brook ; J- B. Turner, Hamilton ; Rev.
W. 8, Saunders, Belleville ; and W. Ih
Ryall, Leamington,
TENNANT-0n001o. In Brussels, on Mon.
day, August 15th, by Rev. S. J.
Allis, Mr, Riohard Tennant to Mies
Emily Finlay, both of Wingham.
Roosks,—In Wingham, on Augnst 1.561,
the wife of Mr. Ralph Rogers, of a
OUTnDEnxsox.—In Atwood, on Aug. 7th,
the wife of Mr. George Outhbsrteon,
of a son.
Gnxu0LDRY,—In Druessle, on Aug. 16th,
the wife of Mr, Chris. Grimoldby, of
a 50n.
BALt0NTYN0, •.- Iu Brneeels, on August
18111, the wife of Mr, Jas. Ballantyne,
groom, of e. son,
Ross. ---In Blyth, on August 5th, the wife
of Mr. 3, M. Ross, of a son,
HANNA,—Ab Midway, Manitoba, on July
27th, Bella Hanna, formerly of Mor•
ria township, aged 22 years.
Ousic,—In Grey, on August 13th, IIerbie,
youngest son of James Outdo, aged
11 months.
Prenoi.—In Gorrie, on Aug. 14th, Thos,
Pierce, formerly of Bruesols, aged 119
1:'A.S.,x, FATiun.
Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 29 to Sept, 10.
Western, London, Sept. 8 to 17.
Wellesley, Wellesley, Sept, 18, 14.
Northern, Walkerton, Sept, 14, 15.
Bontbern, Brantford, Sept. 17 to 22.
North Waterloo, Berlin, Sept. 20, 21.
Owen Sound, Sept. 20, 21.
North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 22, 28.
Elms, Atwood, Oct. 4, 5.
East Huron, Brussels, Oot. 0, 7.
XS:224 Vr.M:0)12 2.iAxv'='E'r' ,
Fall Wheat 05 66
Barley 30 85
Peas 40 47
oats 22 23
Butter, tubs and rune 12 13
Eggs per dozen ... 9 10
Flour per barrel5 00 5 00
Potatoes (per bus.) 80 1 00
Hay per ton 4 60 5 00
Hides trimmed 54 5;<
Hides rough. 5 6
Salt per bbl., retail"1 00 60
Sheep skins, each 40 40
Lamb skins eaoh 25 26
Hogs, Live 5 00 5 50
Wool 10 17
Apples (per bag) 50 50
JAS. WALT0BR, B russels.
Apply to J. N. KENDALL, Brussels.
Salo or to rent in North Brussels. im-
mediate possession. Apply to BABRISTBR
open to fill engagements for pia -nice,
garden parties, celebration,, &e. at reason-
able rates. Good music. L. JACKSON, Sec-
retary; 3.FDL'1ON'President,
ED to me are requested to settle be-
fore August 25th, as after that date mud -
God claims will be placed in Court. Ac-
counts due by me will be paid on presenta-
tion, 1t. L. TAYLOR,
on roniNT,—Tho undersigned offers
for sale or to rent that 14 story frame house
on Turnberry street, North of the Terrass,
lately °coupled by S. H. Jackeon, Por par-
ticulars apply to W, H. 0err,or the owner,
J. HOAI I,,Auburn P. 0. 60.12
'/ Who has bad 25 years experience as an
Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to ill
health, ling again taken out license mud is
preparers to conduct salon at reasonable
terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates may
be arranged at TGE POST Publishing Hens,
JAS. 5T1119TT0N,
Tenders Wanted.
Wonders will be received by the under-
signed, till September lab, for the building
of combined oloeote, at S. B. No, 8, Grey,
either solid brisk or frame, stone founda-
tion. Dimensions -18 ft, long, 8 ft. wide auti
7 feet high, Contractor tofornish material,
Plane and specifications may be seen by ap-
plying to Malcolm Lamont, Jacob Keller or
john 2Butama JOf2N StoINT0313, Secretary.
HIot and Cold Baths.
The proprietor at Brussels Itlectric Light
Works how fitted, up very comfortable and
well arranged shower baths, where either
hob or cold water may be used, The after-
noons reservers for Ladies when Mrs, l4falu-
prioe will be in charge, The foe is only 6
°ante a bath when the ibather supplies the
talent, ar 10 °ante otherwise, A Dail solicited
and satisfaction asearod,
2-9 11OB'1'. MAINPM013, Prcprletor.
Notice is beroby given that a Bysaw was
passed by tiro Municipal Conon. or the Oor•
porntlon °fJlrues ole on the 26th day of J sly,
A. 12„1808 providing for the Josue of deben-
tures to the amount of 022,200,00 for thepur•
nose of redeeming debentures failing due
for like amount during Augueb ana Bvpbom-
ber, which W0/0 18111102 by order of Bylaws
No. 8 and 8, A, D. 1878. And Stat such By.
Iaw wee registered in the registry 01100 of
Sas county of Huron on the third day of
August, A.11,1898.
Any mottolgl to quash 01, sot aside the eamo
or soy part thereof Imaeb be =ado within
three mouths from ono date .02 rogisbrattoo
and cannot bo made thereafter.
Dated the 0th day of Aagnet,1898.
6.8 P. 8. BOOTS', Olork,
1. nmonoNnn has severed good harms for
sato and to rout, may tonne in Town:hips
ofIOIorrisandGrey, F 0, BO OTT,Brussoia
LotO, Oar, 4, Morris, containing 100
aoreg, Gooa brick roSidouoa, barns, orobard,
well homed, 110. Only i nolo 10 Bolgrave
station and 11 miles from same village. lm-
�mediate Deemoeeion, Pot toolbar Parti n-
aR es to prboo tonna, &o., apply on the
minim or if iby lettol to BOlgrOVe P.0,
81 11033 03, Anallea1tONq, Prop,
G. 1898
Fox's Drug, Stere.
Cansietlug of the Routh 4 and Bantlt 1
of the North 4 of Lot 30, Coo .2, I9ast Wawe-
uosh, Mhz is an excellent stook farm ,bolug
well supplied with good spring water. It to
oibunterl about 9 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blybb . Alargo part of it is under
grass. Builiiings and femme are in a fair
state of ropnfr. Busy terms of payment win
be gine, For n11 information apply to
11-tf G, P. BLAI11, Barrister, Brussels,
nsnsooNEn offers his 100 acro farm for
sale, beingl,ot 02, N 4 Con.'7, :north:, Thera
are 70 acres cleared and under arop, balance
hardwood bush. There le a good frame
bongo, with kitchen, woodshed and nailer
complete; bank barn with stone etabliug
srsbard, wells and all other conveniences,
Only 4 of a mile from school and 8 miles
from Brussels. Possession would bo given
at ono°. For price and terms apply on the
protniaos or to Brussels P. O., to
12.11 SIMON FORSYTH, Proprietor.
RENT.—The undeleiguod offers his
eligible 14nem ia'si for Fele or to
rout, Poing South part of Lot 5, O0000s•
emu 12, Grey, Alt wider oeltivation,wall
watered. and well fenced. There is a good
stone house, bank barn, orchard, wells, 0,,
on the premises, Also a splendid atone
quarry from whiob a goal revenue is 280110 -
ed. Only 21 miles from Brussels. Terme
reasonable. F01 further particulars 05 to
price, r20.,apply t0
JOHN ki1120HBLL, Proprietor,
96.11 Brussels P. 0.
The ltndereigned offer two 200 acre
:arms for sale at reasonable price&, The tote
are Nos. 10 and 11, Oen, 0 (Sunshine), the
sidoroad between them, Good brick bones
and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 barns on.
lot 10, Orchards and all 1100eesery eotnven-
iences, Weil watered and suitable for grain
or grazing, 100 aeras now in groes. Will be
sold either separate or togetbor to suit pur-
Maser. Torras of payment reasonable,
mae11ritatt-0epO;H nO FluBbuesrsplaPbi. a0lIamrr
Bp,2DICIIIN8011, Barrister, Wingbam. .11-
All Stations In Ontario and Quebec, via
Chicago mud Et, Paul, to
Winnipeg, 1'ot4,ige 111
1.1,01 1.10, 11riu141011 and
ocher 114111340 Da 1f011lIS
and Minnesota and
North Dakota f Bound trip 1010
Going August 80th, returning until October
29111, 1808. Going September 18th, re-
turning until Nov, 12th, 1898.
Ticket MISS and information from
J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels.
GEO. HEYD, " Ethel.
Fall Term begins Sep,1
Circulars Frcc.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
The nudereigned will keep for scream 021
Lot 20, Oml, 0, Morris, the tboro'-trod Im-
prOVal Yorkshire Boar, 'Oak Lodge Long-
fellow," No. 2480, brad by 7.73, Bretbous, Bur-
fora, to whiob a limited number of sows will
bo taken. Tarma, $1,00, to be paid at time
of service with privilege of returning 11 nee.
A number of ahoioe young Rowe for sale for
broodlugbo sniOut trttbomseta imwh96,ich will be sold at
21- 14013T. 05101200, Proprietor,
Brussels Cider Mill and
Apple Butter Factory, Mill
street, has been overhauled
and is now ready for oper-
Fetch oh your Apples.
Terms .Corms ll;oasonlable.
, Satisfaction Guaranteed,
U Edwards, • Prop,