HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-8-19, Page 5Auc. 15,1898
cent, F.fi. NoO'rT,Brussels.
• fewer of Marriage Llu0use0. Chios
tit his Orooa]'y,'Luluilorry, street, Brussels.
� • Tonsorial tet Shop -Next door
i Ar i
south of A,hi McKay k Co's hardware store,
Ludles'a nd oh Barone hair cutting a 01)001alty
Miss Joan McLanchlln, p 11 11 of (3, L.
N. Harris, hineleai Doctor, of the °omerY-
pa ed of to give ii]nL 0011010 GOntario,
n pile o0 01112er
piano or organ. Special attention given
to timbale, Lemieux given 0(1hei' at Lila
SIon100 of pupils or at Wearers home, 41.9m
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
00000E AT Jawsure STOna"
II'No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
Clerk of the Fourth. Division Cour
Co. Amon. Conveyancer, Notary Public
(nvnostedoand and
1000. nCollections made
Chine in Graham's Block, Brussels
.L • MCI, will sell for better prices, to
better.. men, in ons time and loss. charges
than any other Auctioneer in Dost 1111000
or bo won't charge anything. Dates and
orders onal applbe icatioull'od nt this cillos
r by pers
el • Donor Graduate of the 00101.10
of Comestlonted annuals In to a nom
potent manner. 1001Y1eular attention promptly
teneveterinaryn Chico anti Irtfu'marY alls rFOUt' 00ors
north of bridge 'l'urub orgy et„ Brussels.
• Solicitor,U00 031anaor BA,Notary Pub-
Ila, &o. Otllee•-Vaf0tone's Block, 1 door
north of Central Dote • Soltaitor for the
Standard Bank.
• Solicitor, &o, (late of Garrow &
ProndfooBO Oaiae, G000010h.) Ofllao over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. ,17
Money to Loan. 17
• (Formerly of Oameran, Holt &
Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, 'Federici),
Ont. 0111oc-Hamilton St., Opposite 001
borne Hotel,
1a tai t iffetvo,
r[?x wlartil;.;tn.
Blies Freeland, of Pnlmerlton, is visit•
ink ut G. W. imitates, 0hea00•malfer.
Miss Sarah Code, who has been living
B nes has returned to Trowbridge.
u os b
t r 1
W. W. Gibson
n dru g
et of Toronto,
MS a goad at Widths Jackson'o loo
Mies Flcrenee Farrell and brother,
Bon., of Detroit, ere visiting at 1V. 1'2Ie•
Rev. J, Kenner has gone on a trip to
Hamilton, Niagara and other planes for
reoreatioo. 11, J, McCormick moll
charge of the Blethodlot °berth services
last Sabbath,
A pleasing event took place when Wes.
ley Code, of Trowbridge, was united in
marriage to a lady of Hanover. They
are spending part of their houeymoou
with relablvice here.
Mies Minnie Robinson, teacher, of near
London, returned home last week after
spending a few weeks with friend') hero
and at Liebowel. During her visit she
1000(ed a vary pleasing report of her
school ao follows: -Out of live sunt uplfoe
entrance to the High eohool, four wore
euooeesful ; two for Public School Leav-
ing, both paeeing taking second and third
highest marks at the exam., and ono pass.
ed for a 8rd oleos certificate,
M. D,. O. M., Trinity Uuivereity, Fellow Trio-
ity 1]fedieal College, Member College of Phy-
f the
Iloya1 Cand ollegeey of Physio ane and 7 icentiate
010.14.dResideu Edinburgh.
M. D„O.IvI., gnnoessor to Dr. A. McKelvey,
Licentiate of 1Loyal College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Diseases of women and children a specialty.
Eight years' experience, i '0111ao and res-
idence that formerly 00onpied by Dr. Ma.
Kelvey, Turnberry street, Bruseele. 00•
M.B.. M.D., M, C. P. S. O.
Special attention give]] to diseases of the
Throat and Lungs and diseases of Women
old Children.
r13YS101AN, SURe2ON AND 1000II01111Dn,,
10:01000 Bonet- Graduate of the Universi-
ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston),
and of Trinity Medical 0otiose ; Fellow of
Trinity Medical College and member of the
College of'PhyOioian0 and Sur eons of Outer -
10. lost Graduate Course in Detroit and
Waage, MU. Special attention paid to dis-
eases of Eye, Ear,Noee aid Throat, and dis-
lieh and German. Te phone atiresidenoe.g-
li. C. Coleman, Mrs. C]lemau, owl twit
little daughter,' are rlvlidayiug with
friends in Warsaw N. P.
Mayor Gunn has reeeiverl nn iuvita•
blah from Ohantaugna, N. Y., to be
present at that plaoe and deliver an ad-
dress on Municipal Day, Ang. 27th.
Wm. M. Gray has removed his family
to Toronto. For some months Mr. Gray
(tonneau! hes been
neo ed with an m
company there and he finds it somewhat
i110Onv001Ont to 0olltlnne his residence
here while hie headquarters are 111 the
oily. Mr. Gray had beoome ono of Sea.
forth's oldest resident!) and was one of
011e most enterprising business ]nen.
Ile has for roan taken a moot prominent
part in pnll1ioal, mnnioiptll and °buret)
efloirs, where hie earnest labors and good
buniuose ability enabled him to render
the most ellioiont and valuable service.
For many years he was a large employer
of labor, being one of the largest Balt
tnauufaetwrers in the Huron dietriot.
Tho salt business having, however, given
out, and as bo had all hie capital invest.
ed in it, he was forced to seek some other
ephere fur his Matinees abilities.
J. Ransford sailed for the old oountry
on Aug. 10th.
Choir Sunday in Ontario street church
on Aug. 20th,
Geo. Swallow was at Chatham, a dele-
gate to the High Court 1. 0. F.
Jacob Taylor attended the Grand Lodge
meeting of the I. 0. 0. F. at Galt.
Rev. Mr, Murdock has entered upon
hie pastorale of the Baptist 'Mural,.
Will. Keine, son of Jae. Maine, of town,
has been heard from at Porto Rico, where
be is a member of the American army ;
he is in good health and spirits.
The following are delegates to the
mon by W. O. T. U. Convection at Gode-
rioh on Aug. 25th and 20th :-Mrs.
Oriel), Mrs. W. S. Harland, • Mrs. Sea.
wand, Mrs. D. Stevenson and Mrs. H.
At a meeting of the Public School
Board applications were considered for a
toucher during the Model term, and
that of Elliott Richmond, of East
wawanosh, accepted at 16125. J. A.
Reeder, Detroit, was second choice, and
W. F. Fyfe, Kincardine, third.
A young boy named Dodeworlh, about
14 years of age, met with a bad acoident
recently. He was in the new barn of
Will. Robinson, and while abasing a
swallow, fell from the granary to the
floor below, and putting out his bands to
save himself, broke one wrist and frac-
tured the other.
Mies Ivieon, of Kippen, who is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Potter, at Porter's Hill,
sustained a peculiar and painful dieloca•
tion of her thumb on Friday last. She
was milking a cow in rather cramped
quarters, when the cow kinked, otriking
her thumb and knocking it out of joint.
It was some time before the doctors
could get it into place again, the pain
being intense.
undersigned will keep for service, on
Lot 0, Con. 0, Grey, a thorn' bract improved
Y'orkebire boar and a thorn' bred largo Eng-
lish Berkshire hog. Pedigrees may bo seen
on appliea11on. Terns, 81.00,.to be paid at
time of service, with privilege of retaruing
if 1100000011.0
0ditTAUlt Proprietor.
undersigned will keep for service ou
forllb lll�Piot ku Grey,,' Also a there' brad
bred Dour-
haur bull. Both are oxeoptloiallY floe an”
Inlets, Terms, 81.00, to be Paid Jan, let,
1800, with priv111000 of roturnihs If u00e00ary.
41.4 0LIV1111t TTJ10NBULL,Propvletor.
241.(1rd. Anel'. Wood's pliosphodino,
.4'I10 Groat English Ramey.
Sold and reecen20011d021 by of
druggists in Canada. Only roll
able meediohlo disooVorod, Ail
a00a al g0ar'anfcrd to Dore al,
of ahem
.".m ,..Sextial 1 if ata d
for )es , Ment l Worry, n1 e 0
Dr arsons, Mental worry, plxeossiVo use of To,
1)0800, Opium or Stinudants. Mailed on rooelpl
Of price, one paokago 51, six, 90. One tatllVasa
Ifrotpfldours. Pamphlets free toan ad2reoo,
The Wood Company, wivndoorl Onto
Dci rtgiAlYBoot eo1110 E& Opt 'ion,
T4EL R i-SSPtLS P0$paummadeauvaiummusuicutAaumiGulweastuAmosoeutmi.jr_soummuluft
Mex Simpson. Div. No. 8 -Pres, S S
Bothwell , See., T MoOouloy, No. 4 --
Pres., Hugh Ltiohmoud; Bee,. Samuel
Wherry. No, 5 -Pros., Samuel JtloAl-
lletcr ; 17300., Jas Dieksotl.; No. 0 -
Pres.' Itobt Smith ; Foo., J F Irwin.
No, 7 --Pros„ S Boyle ; Soo„ Geo Poolil't,
No. 1l-Proe., Robb Anderson ; Sem, W
R Erokioe, ft ie the intention of the
-tie tarrange for
''s a uml e o
. eo.nbivo 0
t' the
1.a While meetings s f ooh of
rove 1 ] m u e
above polling oub•divieione and to dig.
tribute an ample supply of inotruotive
literature among the vatora, All the
above officers constitute the Executive
The following aro the offioore.eloot of
the 1'lpwor114 League of Christian En-
deavor for the ensuing 0 m0Ut120 :-lion.
Pres., Rev. B. A Fear ; Pres., R. 13,
Hamilton ; let Vice., If• Peters ; 2nd
Vine., Mary Adams ; 3rd Vice., Mary
Collins; 4th Vice., Minnie Boyd ; See.,
Ernest Turnbull •, Trees., Mary Graham ;
organiet, Lottie Adams ; editors of the
Lantern, Rev. E. A. Fear and Ida Park-
er.; Christian Endeavor oom., H. Patera,
Rev. E. A. Fear and Maggie Thompson ;
Religious Work oom., Mary Adams,
Alice Turnbull and Maggie Tindall ;
Literary oom., Mary 00111 e, Lrva Haat.
Inge and Edith Harris; Social cons.,
Minnie Boyd, Maud Berrie and Fanny
Couocoo M9u'riNu.-The Municipal
Council of Elma, met in the Agricultural
Hall on the 8th day of August, 1808 (
members all present. Minutes of last
meeting read and adopted. Moved by
Mr. MoMane, seconded by Mr. Rothwell
that F. Sobooloff, S. Mo0ourt, R. Hance
he eitob paid $1,50, and 0. Bitter 75
Dents, aerating Engineer on the 14111
eon. drain survey -Carried. Moved by
Mr. Rothwell, seconded by Mr. Smith
Ibat G. Long be paid $10, the amount of
hie dootor's account for attendance for
injury remind at bridge sideroad lots 80
and 31, con. 7, while new bridge was
under construction' --Carried. Moved by
Mr. Rothwell, seconded by Mr. Shearer
that By-laws 883, 384 and 385, as read •a
third time, be finally passed -Carried.
(Under two of these By-laws rates and
school rates were levied ; rates aro sumo
as last year.) Moved by Mr. MoMane,
eeoonded by Mr. Smith that the Clerk
notify J. W. Lambert to have their fence
removed off road allowance between lot
31, cons. 14 and 15, blind line, within 30
days from date -Carried. Moved by
Mr. MoMane, seconded by Mr. Smith
that By-law No. 330 be provisionally
adopted and be printed and served in
manner set out in the 5th paragraph of
the enacting portion of said By-law, (14th
con. drain)-Oarried. Moved by Mr.
Smith, seconded by Mr. MoMane that
the Clerk notify all parties assessed in
the Silver Corners' drain of the amount
of their assessment and that ' the report
will be read and considered on the 32nd
Inst at 2.30 p, m. -Carried. Moved by
Mr. Shearer, seconded by Mr. MoMane,
that in reference to the Dross drain or
new branch from Maitland drain on
whioh the Collodi were interviewed to-
day by the Reeve and Clerk of Ellice
that it is the intention of this Council to
take action in this matter ae soon as we
are sure that the cleaning out of the
river, being the outlet for said drain can
be cleaned out. After passing a number
of accounts Council adjourned to meet
on Aug. 22nd.
131 -visa.
Reovo Wilford has proolaimod Friday,
Angust 10tH, our civic holiday.
A nor of roofing slate has arrived for D.
B. 110E1n110n'e Dew residence.
Wm. Coiloton, wife and family have re.
turned to their home in Manitoba.
F. W. Tanner, of Strathroy, was in
town for a couple of days last week.
Jolla Bainton and two ohildron, of Ply.
mouth, Pennsylvania, were visiting Blyth
relatives last week.
Frank Metcalf was attending the Ifigh
Court of the Iodopendout Order of For-
esters at Chatham last week.
John T. Carter is going into the raising
of fancy poultry and is at present meting
a largo and modern hen house.
Watson & Emigh shipped from Blyth
station on Monday of last week three oars
of cattle for export to Montreal. They
also shipped two oars from Clinton on
the 0am0 day.
Mrs, Nation left on Tuesday morning
of last week for Mount Iron, Minnesota,
where she has accepted a lucrative posi-
tion in the store and post office kept by
our former townsman, M. A. MoNaugh-
Dlrn.-James and Charles Magee re.
ceived word on Tuesday of last week of
the death of their mother, which sad
event took place near Edmonton, N. W.
T., on July 25111, Dropsy of the heart,
from which she had been very i11 for the
LAM Diw0 months, was the cause of death.
Deceased went to Edmonton nearly three
years ago, and for many years previous
to removing West had been a muoh re-
spected resident of Blyth, being the
widow of the late James Magee. She
was in her 84th year.
SAD ACCIDNNT.-A very distressing 00'
oidont happened in Elam Livingston's
saw mill on Monday afternoon of last
week about three o'clock when a :12 -year-
old lad named James IIaggitb lost his
right arm. He had only commenced
work for the first time in the mill in the
morning and his duty was to receive the
hoops as they came from the planing
knives of the hoop planer and after
sharpening the ends put them in a pile.
While working he noticed a pilo of shay
ings on the planer and passing around to
the side 'of the machine attempted to
throw them off. While in t110 act of do.
ing this the planing. knives caught his
right arm and dragging it down severed
It in two just below the elbow. He was
carried to a dootor'e office where the
wounded arm was dressed and 11e is pro.
grassing very favorably.
List tow el -
Miss J. M. Green, head milliner in a
loading dry goods house in Brandon,
Man., is home on her holidays. '
F. R. Biewett attended the meeting of
the Grand Lodge I. 0. 0. 11., in Galt as
representative of Listowel Lodge.
Sohn E. Alien represented Court
Lietowel at the annual meeting of the
High Court, Independent Order Forest.
ere, at Chatham last week.
Canon & MoKee are opening a store in
Mitohell, where they are taking posses•
0fon of the store Instil recently occupied
by Mr, Murphy. Mr. McKee, we under.
eland, takes charge of the Mitohell store,
and purposes removing to that town.
At a meeting of the Publio School
Board Miss Ella E. Kidd was appointed
teaoher of the 8th Department of the
Public School, in the plaoe of Miss God-
dard, resigned. Mies E.idd has been
teaoher for several years in the Orange.
villa Public School and is ooneidered an
excellent teacher.
John Sutton, son of Richard Sutton,
Trowbridge, left! last ween for Wilming.
ton, Delaware, where he goes to .take a
position in the shipping yards of the
Amerioan navy. Mr. Sutton has been
engaged in the ship building business for
a number of years at Bay City, Mich,
The Standard Bays: -For the past
week or two Listowel has been praolioal-
ly without a water supply, the well at
the intake having almost given out, and
the water being eo•lo2v in the river as to
prevent any adequate supply being
brought into the intake well from that
quarter. The private servioe drinking
water system has also given out, the
well at Meyer's mill which furnished the
supply evidently having been depleted by
the intake well. Suliioieot water is yet
available for street sprinkling, but should
a fire 000ur during the present dry sea-
son the waterworks would be praotioally
aselee5. Whether the fire engine would
be available in such an emergency would
depend upon the location.
Hurry Bullard has secured a situation
in Paris.
Mee. Brownell and four of her family
left on Tuesday for Hartney, Man.
J. Wesley Beattie shipped a oar load of
baled hey to Glasgow on Tuesday of
last week.
1VIies Nettie Johnston, nurse of the
Buffalo Hospital, daughter of Wm.
Johnston, Centre street, is at the present
time nursing her sister, Mrs, Robt.
Beattie, of Harloek, who ie very ill.
Robt. Winter had a valuable cow killed
on the railway trach on Monday evening
of last week. The animal 121'0110 out Of a
field on Mr. Wilson's farm and strayed
out on the track and was etruok by the
The 0000nd annual floral exhibition
will be heli in the central store, Ontdno's
blook, on Thursday, friday and Satur-
day, Aug. 212h, 20th trod 27th, under the
aue'pioes of the Seafcrth Hortionitural
Sootpublic from 10 a In, etThe to 10 p. will be m
n to
the oeaoli
The Grand Trunk Railway Company
int the mo
mo t
o of
its e
tt' es of v
Ira) n
efficient and trustworthy employees in
0. Bethune and Jas. Graig, whoeo places
at the depot have been filled with A. L',
Phillips, as station agent, and W. Mid-
dleton as operator. The latter ie tem-
porarily relieving until tllo regular
employe010 placed.
The flax mill oommonood manufaotur-
ing the 1808 crop Wednesday.
The ditohere on the Fianna drain are
working at present in the neighborhood
of Spring Creek.
Sam. Skalitzy, for the past two years
with B. lialbileiooh,general merchant,
has accepted a similar situation in
Mitchell and left for that town.
Mrs, Campbell and daughter, of Aber-
deen, Scotland, are guests of Mrs. For-
rest, or., 14tH oon, They purpose re-
maining until October, visiting in the
iaterval relatives and friends in Elena
and Grey towuebipe and New York city.
The visitor to Elma township must be
favorably impressed by the number and
ohmmeter of the new residences being
erected this Summer, Following is a
partial list :-J. C.f, Thompson, 5112 con.,
new briolc residence ; Wm. Porterfieli
and' Jae. Stewart, 51h con., briok reef,
denoee ; Thos, 5101.diug, Wm. Brook and
Wm. Hargreaves, 4th oon„ brick houses ;
Messrs. Mayberry, two briok reeidenoee ;
Adam Gray and ex Reeve James Diokeon,
10111 con., brick residence ; 0. H. Metry-
field, Monkton, briok residence, and
Wm. Dickson, 8th eon., lost three
valuable mfloh nova last week from a
dieeage known ae anthrax. This disease
le not new to veterinary eoienoe bat rare
in this country. It is peouliar on low,
marshy lands which have been flooded
during the Spring, end subsequently
baking and breaking open emitting to
poisonous germ shown as baooillia
anthriais, whioh o0me0 up with the dew
or the nights and drops upon the grass,
Animals feeding upon this grass take
these germs into the system and death
results invariably #than 2 to 24 hours
Thos. Hueter, lith con", on Monday of
last week staggered, and wonl(i have fal-
len on the sidewalk had not some by -
standees caught him and carried him
into Ballantyne's tailor shop, where
medical aid was speedily summoned.
Heart failure was the trouble of which
dieeaoe Mr. Bunter is subject to. He
lay upon the floor for considerable time
Wows rallying auffioiently to be removed
to W. R. Erskille's. residence, where he
oontinuod to improve and woe later
taken home. He is an old man, nob very
rugged at beet, and having had eoveral
preview) attache more or less severe, hie
friends have reason to fear any repot" -
tion of the dreaded symptoms.
A public meeting was held in the
Presbyterian ohuroh Monday evening of
last W00(1 for the purpose of organizing
the township of Elm foe the approaoh•
ing Prohibition Plebiscite campaign.
The atbendanoo was representative and
fairly large, anti much interest mani-
fested in the ultimate triumph of the
Temperanoo Cause. Nev.Mr, McLeod,
pastor of the church, presided. Who fol-
lowing allure wore appointed ;-Presi-
dent of the township of Elms, organiza-
tion, J A Turnbull ; Vice -Pees., R B
Hamilton ; Seo.-Troao,, D G Anderson.
Polling Sub•Divieion No.1-Pros., J R
(dodo' Secretary] Johnston MoOormfolk,
Div, leo, 2-I'reeidont,17 Parker ; Seo„
Mrs. Dao. Manley, formerly Anua
Leeming, died last Saturday night. We
have as yet no further particulars.
The threshing firm of Smith & Hum-
phries have done some work around
here. They are hustlers.
Mies Eliza MoLaoghlin is laid up at
present with a complication of ailments.
We expect she will soon recover.
What an intelleotuel farming line the
14th is. No lees than 5 teachers and
ex-teaohera are helping to horse the
Wm. Rae has gone to Chicago. Bob.
Malleo, Geo. Wiltaie, Isaac Glees and
others from this part went to the wild and
woolly West on Tuesday.
John Stafford and daughter were at
Gerrie this week attending the funeral of
Mr. Stafford's father-in-law, Thos.
Pierce, who died last Sunday,
Miss Emma Jane Glass, of Leadbory,
was married last Wednesday. She was
raised around here, but has been away
for some years connected with Salvation
Army work. We extend to her our beet
35 Cts
Will be sent to any address in
the Dominion of Canada or the
Tinted States for the balance of
1898 for the small sum of
35 Cts.
Don't be without the news
when you may have it for the
above price.
Tun Pon makes a specialty
of Auction Sale Bills, Advertising
Strayed Stock, Farms for Sale,
We give special prominence
to Local and District news. 56
Columns in Tun POST every week.
Don't borrow any longer but
order for yourself.
A. word of recommendation
is always of great benefit to us
and is greatly appreciated.
Andrew Murdoch left ou Tuesday of
last week for Scotland.
Wm. Miller has taken over the tailoring
business formerly carried on by G.
There is a vaoanoy at the Guelph Agri-
cultural College for a Bruce county
G. Smart and wife have left for Seattle,
Washington Territory, where they intend
making their future home.
R.D. Cameron was in Chatham at-
tending the Grand Lodge of the Inde-
pendent Order of Foresters.
The large posters advertising the Luck.
now Caledonian games on August 81st,
have been completed and distributed.
Peter Scott, of Ashfield, was attending
the Grand Lodge meeting of Odd Fellows
iu Galt last week ae representative from
the Lucknow lodge.
The members of the Ohoeon Friends
a together with their
in the village, g , g
triennia hold a pianio at the Black Horse
lake on Monday.
Theo. McLean made another large
shipment of fat cattle from the Lucknow
station on Wednesday of last week for
the Old Country markets. The boob
inoluded 180 head.
R. Graham 18 the recipient of an ale.
gantly engraved gold watch and chain
from the Imperial Silverware Go., of
Canada, for honorable dealing and ability
while in the company's employ as their
general agent.
The annual meeting of the W. O. T. U.
was held in the Odd Fellows' Hall on
Wednesday afternoon of last week. The
report for the year allowed an tumour.
aging linnet° in members, and a grow-
ing interest in the work. After the routine
business was disposed of, the President
asked the Vioe•Presinent, Mrs. Mary
Somerville, to take the chair. The Prost•
dont then gave her annual address, after
1 "1c1 the election of o
1Tiasra took
r .
WW1 the following result : P es ,
L. Bryan (1.o elected) , 1st Vice -Pres",
Mre, Mary Somerville ; 2nd Vioo•i're8.,
Mrs, A. M. Berry; Cor.•Sec., Mrs. Susie
Bower ; Boo. -800., Mrs. Annie Somer.
vino ; Trees„ Mise S. Burgon ; Delo.
gate to Convention, Mrs. et, M. Arm-
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Will matte,
a well man
of YOU' 1
mon PM/Mon TIM 0732022
aaa07.Te iN TOM W,aoKo. _.
PI0090 ewes all Nervone Diseaan0soe, Sleepless.
0,0(0. Failing Memory, Nightly Monotone,
IOrrboo0. Impotoney, eta, oaueod by rase u.e.
gives vigor and ice to ehrunke0 organs, an
qui.klybutoorolyyre6:oree IQeTlertro00. 10 0l
eanir C. neo 020000 a00 you .1.W grow 011.000
Bed happy nnggale, e d . from
mobs e1. aLbn wrapper
sad onre27 0,0100. Rom e, 41 le lloa Irma►
carried to voet neoket. Pito,, 01. a park 020
torte. ODed money in either ordinary or ter.
od letter. Address A000000 Bib lettere to J, T,, IMP Ina,
Canute.��' qNT., ascot for the DO
iliclior Mg
r 1 There are no ilblanks " in
"Slater Shoes." Ever' pair is a
prize. Everypair Is a real bar-
gain in that you get loo cents worth of Shoe
for every dollar. No "bargain table" losses to be
added to regular selling prices ; shoe worth guaranteed
and price $g.00, $4.00 and $g.00 per pair stamped
on the Goodyear Welted sole by
CATALOGUE The Slater Shoe Makers.
Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND- —r
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Saab of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Hetimatee Furniebed for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
System, Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeenese,,Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near -
algia, LOBO of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gell Stones, Jaundice, Sidney
and Urinary Diseaeee, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. end Manufacturer.
Sold b Sax, Fox, Druggist, Rrnoeelo,
Western Fair, e London.
September 8th to 17th, 1898.
Entries close 7th September. Space allotted on receipt of entry.
Our attractions will be grand, and exhibits unsurpassed. You can see all that
others can chow, and to better advantage. Royal Dragoons, Prince O'Habe's Saps,
Ole Hassan Ben Ali's Ruffin') and many other specials, the beet in the country.
Fireworks each evening, 'Blowing up the Maine," assisted by all the ring and stage
Speoial excursion trains leave London at 10 p. m. and after, so you eau stay to
the fireworks.
Auction Sale of Booths and Privileges, Wednesday, August 17th, on the grounds
at 2 p. m. Prize Lists, Programmes, etc., apply to
P1101ENT. SEOsxrazv.
The undersigned has open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
where he will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Beat Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of publiclpatronage solicited,
S. i1V itLalGRled'eala6Vir
Meat delivered to all parts
of the town.
'd+1sn PAID FOl'. HIDEO.
in all Summer Goods
such as
Croquet Sets, Children's Wagons,
Balls, Bats, Gardening Tools, &oe
In a fine Line of Bibles,
ALBUMS. --4+-
A. job lot, will be sold below ori-
ginal cost to clear out.
. U®pL.
Ready for Opening Days.
To clear out our stock of Toys we will
reduce the price to COST during the month of
See our Booking Horses—Shoo Fly Breed—
warranted not to balk, run away or kick. No baby
should be without a pair. It will lighten the
mother's. carps and a good team will do a whole
"POST" Bookslore.