HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-8-12, Page 8VARAILWAyi
We have a preparabiou that will pos-
itively ours this troublesome thing,
141°3 Rheumatism ?
We have something that will relieve
or cure you,
Qu° !Dyspepsia ?
We have a mixture made e8pOoielly
for this.
1,1X a Headaches ?
We have Powdere that I will guarae•
tee to remove them,
y°,. Kidney Troubles ?
We have a medicine that will Der.
tainly help you,
oua Pimples, .'ivc. ?
We have a Sareaparilla that will
purify your blood.
We have or can supply anything in
Medicines and we aim to hoop the best.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
Trains leave Brunets - Station, North
and Southas follows:
Gone 0OnT$
ls 4:10 n.m,. Mail 0.1013
flxed , 9:46 a.m. Ezpreee 10:70 p.m
rota! 11.et14 Items.
A ohief's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
RAIN is badly needed,
A. LOT of poor Fall wheat.
Bonet schools reopen next Monday.
Mine's °irons next Tuesday at Listo-
Smoot Board will meet Friday even-
ing of this week.
WILL the apple evaporator run this
season is a gaestion often asked 9
BLnEveLE cheese featory eold their last
half of June make of cheese et 7 13/16c
to Mr. Booth.
HARRY BREWER ie having a verandah
built at his neat residence, corner of
Turnberry and Qneen streets.
TERRE were 164 applications received
at the last meeting of Howfah Mutual
Direetore for insurance, covering about
Mormon Messrs. Beaker & Vanetone
and Messrs. Clegg & Dames shipped a
double decked car of hogs each frorn
Brussels station yard.
WEDNESDAY was proclaimed Civic Holi-
day by the Reeve in response to a requi.
anion signed by a large majority of the
business men of Brussels.
A own= of Brassele Foresters attend•
ed service at Atwood last Sunday after.
noon, High Chaplain MoRobbie preaoh•
ed an interesting dieoonrse.
Pane of the officers for this quarter
were installed on Thursday evening of
last week at the Odd Fellows Lodge, by
Deputy District Master Matey. Several
of the coming 000upante of the chairs
were not able to be present.
Funi Taboret -a' Excursion to Manitoba
next Tuesday per G. T. R. Outgoing
fare only $10 with an $18 rate return,
good to come back tip to Nov. 10. Ask
Iver. Kendall, G. T. R. agent, for further
partioalare if not found in their advt.
SAMPLE Boos. have bean painting the
exterior wood work on Melville church
and will also put a new dress on the in.
tarter. In 000segnenoe of this there will
be no preaching service held until the let
Sabbath in September when the pastor
will oEciate.
MONDAY several Brueaelitee went to
Wisgbam and witneaeed a good game of
foot ball between the "Riversides," of
Toronto, and the town club. The reeuit
was a draw although the visitors played
the better ball. Wingham pat up a
strong game and are a hard team to beat.
Axone those who visited Berlin on
Wednesday from Brussels ware W. H.
McOracken, A. Coualey, Jno. Ament,
Mre. Ament, Geo. Beaker, Mille Dolly
Beaker, N. F. Gerry, M.111. Brent, W. J.
Stewart, R. Williams, S. H. Jackeon, C.
Zilliax, Mre. Zilliax, J. Jackeon and
Frank Stratton.
HARVEST Excarsion to Manitoba and
the West on Tuesday of next week, 16th
inst. $10.00 out and $18.00 back. Tickets
good until Nov. 10th. Quite a number
will go as the harvest f0 about over here
and crops are good in the Weat. Adver•
tieemente of both G. T. R. and 0. P. R.
may be read in Tun POST. Additional
information from ]coal agents,
Goon BALL.—Aa neat a game of ball at
has been played here for many a day
took place on Victoria Park on Wednee.
day when the Wroxeter janiore played a
return match with the juniors of Bras.
eels. The home team rattled out 6 runs
in the let inninga and again in the 5th
they scored 5, running up a big snore, but
outside of these the score was kept well
in hand and sharp play with few 081010
were the interesting features of the match.
Wroxeter wall kalsomined four times and
Brussels twine. The batteries did good
work, that for the home nine being Jae.
Thomson and Deno. MoLanchlin, and for
the 'visitors Art. Robinson and Jaok
Brawn. A lot of nimble and pretty
fielding was done. The wore wee at
Tlomeon, p ,,,•,. 4 0 McLennan, es.... 1 2
Gerry, 1b 8 3 3.13rawn, c 1 8
A11in, 2b 4 2 A. Rae, lib 8 2
110Lauehlin,4 .., 4 2 11. Brawn 28 1 1
Rooke, es ti 2 W, nae, of 0 s
Wake, of 1 4 Robinson, p 0 8
Gtlptn,Sb 2 1 Kaake, If 0 4
Downing,lf 0 5 98011, • 1 8
Hayeroft, M 0 0 Walker, lb ,,, .,.., 0 4
21 27 7 27
Brussels 8 1 0 2 6 8 9 1 0-21
Wroxeter 8 0 1 0 1
D, 0. Roes oflioiated 05 umpire and not
one of hie decisions were objected to
throughout the genie, A very friendly $
relation exists between the ball players of 1
Wroxeter and Brunetti and the result of
the games mattes very little difference,
Thio le an it should be. The 'Wroxeter
boys emoted at the "Queen'e✓1
1, 0, Biontltne has puroheeed an up.
right Newcombe piano.
Tug e7cavation for the cellar of St.
John's Beotory is being made thie week.
T1111114 wall a nice little ehower, with.
the accent on the little, on Thursday
340. Jenne, Brussels Bandmaster, all•
slated the Liebowsl Band at Berlin on
B. G1n0T Is putting a moment walk at
his Welchem, Mill street, Title ie the
morning walk and no doubt about It,
81111Alt lhe'lvee have bean paying noo-
tarual visits to W. II, AlaCraoken'e
garden during this Sommer, and were
observed on Saturday and Monday even•
lugs just past by comm of the citizens.
As they are known to the owner of lite
garden absence of body in the future
would be more to their interest than
presence of mind.
postal note eysbem was inaugurated last
week. The notes ooneiet of 16 danorni•
nations, ranging from 25 oente to 06.00.
The Government's oommission will be at
the rate of 2 cents on notes up to 02.50,
and do on the $5 notes. These postal
notes will be issued by postmasters
throught the country similarly to post
office orders, excepting that you buy a
postal note the same as it was a stamp or
postal eard, These must beoaehed with-
in three months of the date of their
PLEnlscrrl CAS1rnI0N.--A slimly at.
tended meeting was held in the school
room of the Methodist church on Tues-
day evening to 8rgenize for the Plebiscite
campaign. The following offioere were
chosen :—President, Rev. R. Paul ; Viae
Pres., Alex. Stewart ; Seo., Eli Smith ;
Committee—Div. No. 1—T. Farrow, A.
M. McKay and G. A. Deadman; Div.
No. 2—B. Gerry, Rev, S. J. Alien and
Jae. Fox • Div. No. 8—Rev. Joe.
B. A. Rev. Mr. Norton and Jno Ma
After a general obat over litera-
ture, polling day, meetings, &c., the
company separated.
Totemic—The Blyth Standard gives
the following report of a tennis match in
that village :—In years gone by Blyth
had a coterie of tennis players that
could defeat anything in Western On-
tario, but during the past three years the
game has been allowed to die out for the
want of some one to take an interest in
it. During the present eeeeen an effort
has been made to revive the old time
interest and an invitation was sent the
Drnesels club to Dome here last Friday
and play a friendly game. The invita-
tion was aooepted, and the playing took
place on John Blue's lawn in the after-
noon, but resulted very disastrously for
the Jlyth players. The sooree of the
matoh were as follows :—Brent and
Sinclair (Brussels) beat Milne and Cook
(Blyth), b•0, 0.2 ; Brent beat Coolie, 6 1,
11.9 ; Sinclair beat Milne, 6.1, 6-1 ; Tait
(Blyth) beat Halliday (Brussels), 0 3, 6.4.
Doubles were oommenoed by Stewart
and Halliday (Brussels) and Tait and
Cooke (Blyth) ; but owing to darkness it
wee decided in a draw, the wore being
4.6, 6 4, 6.6,
Foot BILL.—The first foot ball match
of the season was played en Victoria
Park, Brussels, on Tuesday evening, a
combination team from Cranbrook and
Ethel kindly acoeptiog an invitation to
give cue club a good mediae game.
They did it too and for a time it looked
as if victory was to belong to the visitors
who put up a strong game from start to
finish. Play was to have continued for
an hour but it got so dark before the
finish that Referee Dobeon called the
game 10 or 20 minutes before the expiry
of the hour. The wore was 3 to 2 in favor
of the town team but the boys were fairly
evenly matched and the play throughout
was fast and on the whole, good, conoid•
ering that it is eo early in the eeaeoa.
The teams lined up a8 follows
RRnsesLe. Coonenoos,
McNaughton Goal Routley
Ferguson t
Duncan Baaka Cole
Wake Rapp
Danford 1 Backs Oster
MoLauchlln Lindsay
I. Gerry Centre..... McRae
B. Gerry
MaXay } L, Wing { Striae
Thomson R
tt , Win Sao. Brown
Stewart f g { Caber
Tony Sample, Brnssele beet bank, was
out of town. Lunch was served to the
visitors at Crioh'e restaurant after the
game. Our boys will play a return
matoh with the combined club in the
BIommmes AND BREs.--The Atwood Bee
says :—We were favored with a call Sat.
urday from G. A. Deadman and son,
Roger, of Brneeels. They name over on
their tandem. Roger is only eight years
old, but be is, nevertheless, a plucky
little fellow and a good cyclist, while his
father was the first to ride a bioyole in
Brussels, some fifteen or sixteen years
ago. In those days considerable fame
was attached to the feat of riding a
bioyole, to eay nothing of the looal pres•
tige it gave the owner of a wheel. Alae 1
those early sky -scrapers with their bard
tires and comfortless seats carried with
them all the elements of danger and none
of comfort, and yet the few who oould
afford the luxary of owing one talked of
the "delight" and "pleasure" and owe.
parative "ease" they experienced riding
them, just as people nowadays talk who
enjoy all the added improvements of
fifteen years—pueumatio tires, spring
saddles, ball bearings, etc. Ae a matter
of fact the so called "delight" riding one
of those primitive machinee was more
imaginary than real as many a poor
fellow has proven to hie sorrow, With
all the modern improvemente all cycliets
know, and a few of n8 are honest enough
to admit that it is right down bard work
covering any considerable distance in a
day ender favorable oiroumstaooes. It
is nevertheleee true oyoling has its coni.
teeneati113 joys, and is possessed of an
irresistible fascination peculiarly ite own,
Mr. Deadman is not only a cycle enthue.
fast of the old school bet also devotee
considerable of hie attention to raising
thoroughbred Jersey cattle and bee.
keeping. Of the former be has at pres.
ant 18 head and of the latter 8omo 275
colonies, whioh at an average estimate of
80,000 bees to a colony would give him a
total of 8,250,000 busy workers, a formid-
able army indeed. To feed this vee*
army over Winter requires about 8,000
lbs. of honey, so Mr. Deadman informs
08. When the weather ie favorable and
neotar plentiful these 276 colonies make
for their owner $100 worth of honey per
day. The recent hard frost and cold
days aoeompenying it proved a lose of
500 to Mr. bondman, He avers as a
result of this froet and subsequent
drought the yield of honey will not exceed
half a crop this sweet. Good weather
means more:to the beekeeper than to
moat people.
A SIMALL number went from 13ruseele
to Bartle ou Wednesday to attend the
PAX ttaaeroet Base Bali team luny play
the return match in Smartie next Wed
eeeday afternoon,
M, M. BRNNT, of the Standard Balk,
has brought hie horse and rig from
Stouffvilie, Ile has a neat driver,
A Nuninga of people have been compel]
ed to haul water from the Maitland ow
ing to cisterns and wane going dry,
PoerrsaeTER Demme, of Fealorth has
held that office for the past 83 yettr8, Ile
env he Ilan handled a good many love
lettere in that time and thinks he he
seen a few 6nn8. We second the motion
TitnlrlmANCE PlloulIAbl.—Next Afoeday
exalting, in nonuection with the Epworth
League, a Temperauos program will be
presented, in the form of =Moat cud
literary selections. There 84onid be a
large attendance more particularly as
the Plebisoite vote comae so Boom.
Ma, PATTERSON, of Lucknow, was in
town last Friday asking the eo.operatiou
of Bruseelites in making their Caledon-
ian games, to be held on Wedpesday,
filet inat., a euoaeee. The Higble.nders
Band will be there from Toronto and
Lord and Lady Aberdeen have been in
vited to attend,
Haar Dn oesnte,— Mrs. Taylor wishes to
inform the ladies of Brussels and vicinity
that she will be here for the next two
weeks doing up hair out of the hair comb-
ings, also shampooing. Hours from 6 to
8 p. m, Setisfaotion guaranteed. A call
solicited. All orders left at Mre. E,
Rogers' millinery shop will be promptly
attended to. MRS. TAYLOR,
1i'8ou DADDEIN.—R. C. Sperling, for-
merly of Brussels, writes Ton POST :—
Times are improving in the Dauphin
District and this has bean a splendid
season for crops. Farmers are busy
now and wheat will be ready 1
10 days or 2 weeks. From present ap-
pearances there will be a yield of at least
20 bushels to the acre. There has been
a barge immigration to the Swans River
this Summer whioh is reported to be as
good as the Dauphin country, but it has
not been tested yet for wheat growing.
There has been no bail nor frost here bo
do any harm and if it keeps away until
the orop is enved times will be good.
Muer 00 STOrrro.—At the Brueeele—
Blyth base ball match and again in con-
nection with the foot ball game on Tues.
day evening. a most objeotional feature
was the yelling, howling and °hatter of a
grist of young lads, which was kept up
almost incessantly until stopped by
Oonatable MoLanohlin, Cheers and ap
plause are all right in their plaoe, but
"tippy" interferenoe with the players is
neither ooarteotte nor even mannerly.
The' names of a few of the ringleaders
are in hand and a prompt ejectment from
the grounds may be expected if it ie at.
tempted again. The members of the
various local clubs can aid in the matter
of good behaviour toward visiting teams
by silencing those who have not sense
enough to know that their actions are
lowing chanter has been issued by the
Education Department and sent out to
all Public School Inspectors :—In fram-
iog regulation 87, as found in the revised
regulations of 1896, the object wall to
meet the different conditions of various
parte of the Province. In a few inspect-.
torates some difficulty was experienced
in securing a anffioient number of proper-
ly qualified teachers, while in other
localities the number of teachars appear-
ed to be in excess of the demand. It is
desirable that all successful teaobers hav-
ing junior leaving standing should be
encouraged to obtain 2nd.class oertifl.
Gates, It is found that in many counties
the supply of teaohere has warranted
the Board of Examiners in refusing to
grant renewals of any kind, while in
other places renewals have been granted
only to those holding junior leaving
standing, and who bane proved them-
selves euooeasfel teachers. Ae an out-
come of this action, the number of appli.
Dante for admission to the Normal
schools is greater than can at present be
a000mmodated. Under these dream.
genus the County Board might fairly
consider the propriety of granting a re.
newel, under regulation 87, to teaohere
holding expired 8rd.olase certificates, who
have the ue008sary junior leaving stand.
fug, provided evidence is given that they
were unable, on application, to gain ad-
mission into either Normal School.
This would protect them against the
oonsec]uenee of a ooudition in whioh they
may find themselves from no fault on
their part. Yours truly, Geo. W. Roes,
Minister of Education.
IT WAS A "DILLY,"—One of those "to•
be•oontinued•in-our-next" genies of—we
will gall it base ball for a better name—
wae played on Victoria Park last Friday
evening. Part of the audience arrived
early in the afternoon and eat it out un.
til nearly dark, the start being delayed
waiting' for a few of tba "stars" from
Blyth who have not pot in au appear.
awe yet. In their absence Will Griffith,
Cleve. Allen and Percy Aebplant were
loaned to the visitor0 and did their part
well. Brussels went to bat that and 9
long innings were played. The home
team was not blanked in any part of the
game and scored all many a0 9 rune in an
innings, so it is not be wondered at when
we state that the delicate score of 82 woe
readied before the battle ceased. Blyth
also did 'Borne stick work and hammer.
ed out 25 rune, one of their innings net•
ting them 7 complete eironite of the
bases. It is hat our Intention to dissect
the play only teeny that there were a few
passed ball, a few mutes, a few bases ou
bells, a few strike -outs, a few over
throws, and a few other 10910,110es in
which oombinatione of all these troubles
were' worked in. At times there was
some very clean ball played and taking it
all in all it i0 doubtful if eo much
sport bas been given for the money in
many a day on the Park, The snore was
as follows :—
BnnesEns. R 0 Stern, 7t 0
Kendall ¢ ..,,,,, 8 9 Morel p.,.. ,,, 8 8
Grewar p 7 1 1ie11y b 4 4
Goueley,lb G 3 Chamberlain, 00, 4 2
Thomson, 2b 8 2 Watson, 8b 8 1
Gerry, 8b 8 8 Allen, se 4 2
Roche, se 'L 2 Gr1Eith 1f , 2 8
Wake, rt 2 0 Me0onoeil lb , II 8
Dewniegg 1t ..,, 2 4 Aahplant,2b„,,,, 1 e
Hayoroft, of .,, 8 4 Carter, 01 1 4
II2 27 26 27
Brussels 3 8 1 1 0 3 4 4 4-92
Blyth 6 0 0 0 3 0 7 1 8-36
Epb. Downing, now of Blyth, earned his
salary as umpire and although in a hot
box more than once in doing his duty to
the two ninoe struck to hie work like a
briolf and 071017 piloted the game to a
finish. Sam. Smote was official scorer
for Brneeels.
Afre, S, Pearson, who Iota been vieiting
at Port Huron for some months, arrived
home We week. She was a0oompauisd
by her daughter, Afre, F. Pelton, who
will holiday here for a fete weelte, Aire.
Peer8011 wa0 quite ill while away but is
lnnoh improved now.
Iloomi a1, it ',Vona Natexa—Adam
Nioholoon, who 100ently went through
an operation, has euflloiontly r000vored
to go to hie home in Motillop.—Micblael
1111oCartliy, from the township of Stephen
arrived on Tneeday of fast week ; he is
66 yeare of age and blind. -.-Jae, 1tfoGib.
hnoy felt able to earn his own living and
left for that pnrpo8e on Monday morning
or teat week,—In the house there are
three blind women and three blind mon.
INe'i'RAD 0f having the annual Civic
lloliday as e, sort of hit•and.miss event,
we believe it would be infinitely hotter
for the Council to select a date in some
suitable season of the year, and announce
it ray a month in advance. This would
allow ample time to arrange for special
rates on the railways ; the getting up of
local pic.uic0, domonetrntions, &o., and
would more generally conserve the
interests of the public than the phut
usually followed.
ClIti RellTC11111l6' .
Rev. R. Paul preached at Ethel last
Sabbath (Waning.
"Helping other's” will be the topic of
the Epworth League next Sabha ,h even.
Regular preaching serVlOee 1•1 'Melville
dhareh are wfthdrawu Until riabbatb,
Sept. 4th,
The Shunammite'e eon" is Ile topio
01 nextSebbath's Sunday ech•wl 100800,
Do you attend 8. S. ?
It is likely that Rev. Mr. Newton, who
has resigned et Strathroy, will be up.
pointed re't r of
4 o Warwick, to sumaeed
Rev. Mr. Thomas, removed to Lucian.
General Conference of the Methodist
church of Canada will commence its see -
oleos on Thursday, Sept. let, in the city
of Toronto. W. II. Kerr, of Brussels, is
a member of it.
On Sunday ntsrniug next Rev. S. J.
Allen will preach on the "Character of
Elisha," and will also preach a ten min.
ole sermon 10 chiidreu. Evening sub-
ject "heart Religion."
At the meeting of the Oficial Board of
the Methodist church, hold on Monday
evening, Rebore Maunders was licensed
as a foul preacher. Poatmaeter Farrow
was elected delegate to the District meet.
Wingbam District meeting will be held
in the leletbodiet °harsh, Wingham, on
Toesday of next week. Postmaster Far-
row will be associated with Rev. S. 3'.
Allen in representing Brussels Methodist
The Salvation Army, doting their last
"Self•Denial Week," extending over the
world, raised 0165,000 to were, on their
work among the lowly and negleoted.
This is an increase of $40,000 over the
amount of last year. The Army is avid-
ently not losing ground.
Last Sabbath the quarterly Com-
munion was observed in the Methodist
ohuroh. The pastor praaohed, taking
"Beware 01 the leaven of the Pharisees,"
as hie morning text and "See that thou
make all things according to the pattern
tbat I showed thee," in the evening.
Thursday evening of last weelr n very
enjoyable time was spent at St. Johne
Beotory, it being the social evening of
the Young Peoples' Chapter, A program
of music, recitations, games, eto., wee
euuoesefully carried out. Rev. Mr. Abey
and good lady made admirable host and
Last Sunday the rector was in his own
pulpit in St. John's oburoh and preaohed
'from Rev. 92 and 17 in the morning, the
words being "And let him that is athirst
owes." At the evening service the text
was II Cor. 4-11, "That the life also of
Desna might be made manifest in our
mortal flesh"
Rev. John Skene, of Hillsdale, occupied
the pulpit of Melville church for the past
two Sabbaths with umpteen to the
congregations. Last Sabbath morning
his text was St. John 12 and 24 and in
the evening "God forbid that I should
glory save in the erose of our Lord Jesus
Christ," Gal. 614. Mr. Shone will
preaoh at Orangeville next Sabbath. He
is a cousin to John Skene, merchant, of
Oonncil met in Jonea' Hall, Leadbury,
on Monday, Aug. 8111 ; members all
present except Daniel Manley, who was
aboeat on 00000111 of sioknees iu the
Enmity. By-law was paeeed for levying
County, Township, Drainage and Sobool
rates. Amounts were passed and paid
for gravelling, gravel and lumber,
amounting to $425. As the last session
of Parliament did away with wards,
which only effeote MoKillop and'Osborne
in this Coanty, also Deputy Reeves, it
would be well if they would do away
with School Sections and have Township
Boards. Bach Section has a balance
each year, and one balance would do for
e township, and Trustees will not apply
to Councils in time to levy Sobool rates,
nor notify Clarke who Trustees, Score.
tory or teaohere, with address, are. Out
of 10 Bodices' in McKillop, only 9 have
ormplied with the Act.
Jou C. MORRISON, Clerk.
Business Locals.
Nrw carrots, boote and potatoes at Me.
Tint livolieet shopin 8 Counties, King's
'store, Wing ham.
Omt butter and eggs go to King's July
and August sale, Wingbem.
1117Enrno11 8008 to Wingham ; King's
July and August cele le on.
Din you see the Gendron bike in A.
Cousley's window ? It's a dandy.
G000, dry American oorn, the beet for
feeding purposoe, for ante at Roes' mill,
C eurtmeNn wbeele are great eellere.
Six sold eine° Jan, let, 1808, A. Cowley.
EATON not in it. Wo give you a Bale
and take your trade. G. B. King, Wing.
WANTED—Bettor, not lower 12o. Cash
for best Dairy Tube, G. E, King, Wing.
E. & D. beeriuge are guaranteed for
three years. Come in and see them, A..
WRLLANDVALE Bi0310180 away down in
priori for the baianne of the season. Mo.
Kay R Co., Brueeole.
ANYONE needing lawn mowers put in
proper shape or sharpened hed bolter
see Saw• ller McGregor as be he likely to
do the work all right. T. MoGnueois,
Queen st., I'laet, Brn000lo,
AUG, 12, 1898
STt1 ND51.TR.D .BC1.N'.!i OF Ch1 AU al,
=sTA,T-3s•x10 -sme n 1673.
ASSETS, (Seven Affiliou Dollars)
CAPITAL (Authorized) .
- 52,000,000
Ayenofee in all principal pointe 111 Ontario, Quebec, Matliloba, United States (0 Ptt9Knnd,
edurdt'��ilf,°db6' 11 ' .fvam.
A General Bemiring Busier -es Trann0t08. Partnere' Notes P100011 111.0d.
Draibe IeSnod and (lolleationo made on all pointe,
Interest allowed on depoeite of $1,00 and npwarde from dot of 661.0814 to elate c
Withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe.
M. M. BRENT, Matreon 1.
A. 00D8bl;Y handles everything that ie
used by a bioyole rider.
Hoarsen cane' Exonnarons,—On the
first and third Tuesdays in June, 1898,
the Chiongo, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail.
way will sell round•trip exoarsion tickets
(good for 21 days) to a great many pointe
in South and North Dakota and other
Weateru and Southwestern states, at
t raotioally one fare for the round trip.
lake a trip West and See what an amount
of good land can be purohased for very
little money. Further information as to
rates, routes, prices of farm lands, eto.,
may be obtained on application to any
coupon ticket agent or by addressing A.
J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 2
King street, East, Toronto, Ont.
CLARE.—In Grey,Aug. on Ap Ord, the wile
of Mr. Enoch Clark of a eon,
Moons,—In MoKillop, on Aug. 4th, the
wife of Mr. Bobt. J. Moore of a eon.
elcAnrnun,—In Morris, on Aug. 011, the
wife of Mr, Peter 111eArtbur of a son,
D000nerre.—In Mcliillop, on Aug. Oth,
the wife of Mr. John Dougherty of a
ATcLenonr,IN.—On the 9th eon, of Howiok
on Aug. Ord, the wife of Ur, Alex,
McLaughlin of a daughter.
Mose.—In Fordwich, on July 21e1, the
wife of Mr. J. 0. Mose of n eon.
OmsoN.—On the 411E ooa, Lbowiok, 011
Aug. 2ud, the wife of Mr. Jae. Gib-
son of a 000.
BoTnwELL.—In Listowel, on July 22nd,
the wife of Mr. Benjamin Rothwell
of a daughter.
VINE(.—In Elms, on July 28rd, the wile
of Mr. John Vines -of a eon.
McDowente—In Listowel, on July 28011,
the wife of Mr. Frank AfoDowell of
a daughter.
OLEALAND.—In Elma, on Aug. 8rd, the
wife of Mr. Robt. Olealand of a son.
FIDLER—SrENOB.-0n August std, in the
°lurch of England, Fordwioh, by
Rev. A. B. Farney, Mr. A. D. Fidler,
of Manitoba, to Mies Susie, dangly.
ter of Mr. Wm. Spence, of the 4th
FoneunaneON.—In Morrie, on August
11th, Charlotte Brown, relict of the
late Thomas Farquharson, aged 02
years. Funeral will take place Sat•
urday at 1.30, service at 1 o'clock.
1TSS}I n, 3vrst.R33 TS,
Fall Wheat
Batter, tubs and rolls ..,
Eggs per dozen .
Flour par barrel., .......
Potatoes (per bue.)
Hay per ton......... ,
Hides trimmed
Hides rough
Salt per bbl., retail
Sheep skins, each
Lamb skins eaoh
Hogs, Live
Apples (per bag)
65 66
80 85
50 52
25 26
11 19
9 10
5 00 5 00
80 1 00
4 00 5 00
' 06
1 00 60
40 40
25 25
5 50 5 60
36 17
50 50
DERoratin hoe several good Farms for
Salo and to rent, easy terms, is Townships
of aforrie arta Grey. F 8. SOOTT.Bruesels
LotO con. 4, Morrie, containing 100
norm Good brick reeidenoe, barns, orchard,
Well fenced, &0, Only $ mile to Belgravo
station and 11 miles from same village, Im-
mediate poseeosion. For further particu-
lars as to price, terms, ,to., KKarrpply on the
pro8t4ees or if by 04033TeAR STIRONG, P.
• Consisting of tie South t• mud South 1
0f the North 8 of Lot 80, Oon.2, East Wawa -
nosh. This is an oxaellent stook farm , bath g
well supplied with good spring water. Itis
situated about 9 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Myth. A largo part of Itis under
grass. Buildings and fences are in a tact
state of repail'. Easy terms of payment will
be given. For all information apply to
1115 0,E. BLAI1t, 13arrieter, Brussels,
nn11aI0NIen offers his 100 &ore farm for
Sale, being Lot 20, N1 Con. 7, Morris. There
aro 70 name Cleared and under crop, balance
hardwood bush, There is a good frame
hones with kitchen, woodshed and collar
complete ; bank barn with atone stabling
orchard, weils, and all Other oonvenieu0o0.
Only i! of a mile from school and 8. miles
from Brueeole, Possession would be given
at ones. For pride and terms apply on the
promises orto
T01ISX1.1I{ Proprietor,
▪ RENT,—Tho ndersigned offer's his
eligible 04 care 'farm for side or to
unit, being South part of Lot 0, Conoco.
(lou 12 Grey. All tinder cultivation, tvobl
Waterer( and well tensed. There is a good
stone house, bank barn, orchard, walla, &o„
on the promises. Also a splendid steno
titters, from 37111011 a geed revenue is roans -
0d, only 21 miles from Bruesele. '40101
reasonable, For further partioulave as to
11r100, &c., apply to
9r,•tf Brnasslelj, 0.
G col) FARMS FOR SAL75,--
The undersigned Offer two 100 acre
farms for sale at1'Oasonable primps, The lote
are etas, 10 and 11eon, 0 (B00abinel, the
eideroad between thorn. Good brink house
and barn on lot 11, and bouso and 2 barns on
lot 1c, Orchards and all noa088ary OOntron.
taboos. Well watered and suitable tor grain
or grekteg. 100 acres now in grass. Wilt be
Sold tither separate or together to suit put-
ebas0r, Tering of payment renewable, 5,m
mornate lloeooe0100. y�orfurther par4loulars
ter 083001115(3113 0L15GG, Brueeole P, 0)„ or
10,L.1)1011IN80N,Barri0tor,OVIugliap, 318
Apply to J, N. RENDALL, Brueeole,
open to all ougagemonto for pie-ni0s,
garden parties, celebrations, &0„nt reason-
able rates. Good musi0, L. JACKSON, Seo
rotary] J.PULTON , President,
on To n431W. Tho undersigned offers
for sale or to rent that 11 story triune house
on l'urnbal'ry street, North 0f the Terme,
lately occupied by 8. H. Jnok son. For par,
dollars apply to w, F. Kamer the owner,
J, 140A1tb, , Auburn P. 0. 30 -if
The undersigned alas for offers to August
'1 th, for 52..n,.n
50, 20 year dabantur particulars
4 per cont„ payable yearly, Pp
or articulars
write F. S. SCOTT,
Village Clerk, Brussels,
B rnesode, Ta13-56h,]896.
Wbo has had 07 years experien ea as an
Auotionoer, but who had to quit owing to ill
health, has again taken out license and is
prepared to 000(1008 sales at reasonable
terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates may
be arranged at TEE Poem Publishing House.
1 •tf Auotioneer,
blot and Cold Baths.
The proprietor of Brussels Electric Light
Works hoe fitted up very comfortable and
well arranged shower baths, where Dither
hob or cold water may be used. The after-
noons re0or'vedfor Ladles whey Mre.lnain-
price will be iu charge. Tho foe is only 5
Dents a bath when the :bather supplies the
towel, or 10 cents otherwise, . A call solicited
and satisfaction assured.
2-e - 1001T, MAINP13T,OE, Proprietor.
Notioe is hereby given that a 13 plow was
passed b y the Municipal Council of the Oor•
iteration of Brussels on the 255th day of J uly,
A. 3.,1808, providing for the tame of deben-
tures to the amount of 522,200,00 for the pur-
pose of redeeming debenter0e falling due
for like amount during August and Septem-
ber, which wore issued by order of By-laws
No. 8 and 0, A. D. 1878. And that such By-
law was registered iu the registry Om00 of
the Ooluty of Heron on the third day of
August, A. D.1808.
Any motion to quash or set aside the mune
or support thereof Imust bo made within
three months from the date of registration
and cannot be made thereafter.
Dated the Gth day of August, 1808.
5-8 P. S. SCOTT, Olorlr.
Don't get
Out of Hot
'Nllon there is sickness in
1ho llonso a hot application is
often worth more than a dose of
medicine if you have the proper
means t0 111a1i0 It effectivejust
ellen it would do the most good,
and the fact that a
Hot water Bag
is the vel'y best thing for all
sorts of cramps and other com-
plaints so prevalent in hot weath-
er suggests the necessity of al-
ways.having one on hand.
We have them
Fox's Drug Store.
1epi l
Fall TerTermbegins
.f� I�
Atoll ri..Ont
cur, salmon.
ren tars 1+ree.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Farm Laborers'
Winnipeg, Brandon,
Portage La Pr'air'ie
said Other Manitoba pointe,
Good going from stations Peron- AL1a l_6
to and West iu Ontario
Good going from glaciate Boot Aug.'s
of Toronto 10 Tiiugoron
On surrender of standard certificates on
or before November 10, return 1lokets will be
issued for 813.00.
The route is over the Grand Trunk and
connections via Mileage and St. Pan].
Ticket rates and information from
J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels.
GEO. HEYD, " Ethel.
We take no second place
for First-class
V are
Lamps, &a
Our Tinware Department
Is Complete.
Eavetroughing a Specialty.
Call and see us.