HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-8-12, Page 5Aucl, 12, 1898 BUSINESS CARDS. ONBY TO LOAN AT fi i'ER emit, F.R. BOOTY, Brussels, �I�/T II. NIuOi A(Kb1N� Y t • 1eel11oo a f Marriage r400lI1100, 011100 at 11(0 0000003', Tuenborry street, 13reesel0, 14 N. BAIU ETT, • Tons011111 Artist.. Shop—Next door south of A, 141, Mel{ ay & 00's hardware storm, Ladles' and olllklroll a hair witting it spe0lalty i)IA1110 pit Olt GAN. Miss Sean M0(au0blin, pupil of 0. L, 10, Harris, Musical Doctor, or the Oopriory. atoll, of Music, Hamilton, Ontario, le pre. pared to giro instructions t0 /Arils ca either piano or organ. fipeeial aittention. given to tec1»l0, Lessons given either at the homes of pupils or at tette 10rs home, 4.4.11m ROBERT CUNNINGHAM I minte)0113, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, ,issue! of Marriage Cleanses, 0rg'IOE AT JEwELEY &TOUR. r -'No Witness Required. T. FLETOIVER, Brussels A LEX. IiUNTT;B, t� Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co, Huron. Oouvoyaneer, Notary Public Land, Loan mud Insurance Agent. Puede invested1e Goaba 'en look, Brussels made AUCTIONEERS. .4 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- . 113711, will soli for bettor prices, to bother mon iu ase time and loss charges orlt110 wont elm Auctioneer tanything East DtHuron s nu 1 orders can!always he arranged at this 011100 or by VETERINARY. e) D. WARWICK, • Honor Graduate of 600 0010,1'0 Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all 41.000.808 03 doesticatedals In Et com- potent manner., Partiicularattention paid to veterinary dentistry. Cabs promptly at- northlof bridge Office Infirmary—Pour doors LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. NNT Ili, SINOLAIJi, BARRISTER `1 7 • Solicited• 00nveguneer,NoturyPub- lie, &e. O(il.ee—'Vauet000'0 Block, l door north of central Hots. Solicitor for the Standard Dank.. F. ELAIP, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o, (Late of Carrow & Proni1f006's 011100, (1o,10ri011,) 011100 over Gilboa & Smith's 13cult, 13rnssels, l7 Money to Loan. 1Vi• G. OAMERON, (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & 0u1. Ot111cen Hamilr ton 6t ,nCOppossiteo 001' borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., 0. M„ Trinity University, Fellow Trin- ity Medical College, Member Collage of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Itoyal Co11000 or Physicians and Licentiate of Mitlwlfolyy, Edinburgh. 1-Teloph0ue No.10, 11eaidtnloe, Mill St., Brussels, E. T, SNIDER, M. D„ 0. kf„ 0uc000000 to Dr. A. McIIolvoy, Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, l{ingstou ; Member of the 001 - lege of. Pbysi0mns and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of womou mud children a ep001011y. Eight years' oxperienee. 181'otlice and res- 8 formerly,eDr. 6a- dIo100y,"nrn1orry 0113russlO. 2 . M. ARMSTRONG, m. B.,. M.D., M.C.P.S.O. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AC00UGHEUR, E10. Special attention given to diseases of the Throat and Lungs and diseases of Women a1111 0111111100. 1Es1DENCE—WALTON, 00;13. DR, F. H. KALDFLEISCH, PnY010IAN, 01.1110E030 AND 1100011010EUn, SUCCESSOR TO OR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 1st class Goner Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), queen's (Riess ton), and of Trinity Medical College ; Fellow of Trinity Medical College and member of the College of P1yeialans and Surgeons of.Ontar- io. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and Ohioago,1003. 400101 attention paid to 11ie- 00000 e:f Eye, Eur,lvose and Throat, and tbs. oases of Women. It 0ousultatiou in lgug- ltab and Gorman, Telephone at residence. r 1 —T -E 1 II BOARS gnedin keep on i undersigned will keep for service, on Lot 0, Con. 0, Grey, a there' bred improved Yorkshire boar ouch a there' bred large Eng- lish Berkshire hog, Pedigrees may be seen on application. Terms 81.00, to bopaid at time of se'vloo, with privilege of returning it necessary. ARTHUR 8t1IT:i{ 40.4* Proprietor, "nULLS FOR SERVIOB.—TRE x111[181%10 04 win hoop for service ou Lot 10, Oo11.10, Grey, the thorn' bred non. ford hull "Picture; Also a thoro' bred Dur- ham bell, Both aro exceptionally ane an- imals. Terme, $1.00, to to paid Jan. let, 1800, with privile a of ram:tiilag if 0eees0ary. 41.4. OLIVER TU11*13ULL, Proprietor. .14''''a. Agar. 'oo8.'o Pltosphoa ue, .The Great 11'g)ish Remedy. Sohl and recommended by al druggists h1 Canada. Only ren able hnedieine diseover03. Sia .33aoktt0as guaranteed to 00re alt forms of Sexual W06111000, all effects of alma! or ozces0, Mental Worry, Excessive 0100 of To, bacon, Opi111n or Stlmulants. Mailed on receipt (iCf price, one package 11, six, $0. One loin, p0ease, ;ft wilt Ore. Pahnphlets free to 011y address, Tho Wood Company, wlndsor, 0nte Bold 3u 13rue0010 by G. A. DEADMAN, 3') rtlggist,1100110011414 t Optielan, i5ti' ct t4'tr ol$, 1..t)rl•i./t. Arthtir Mason, of Toronto, is the gneet of Rev. J. 'W, Uollln, at "Maple Villa." john Gilpin, of 0011110, is a4 present visiting Monde iu and around Gorrio. Mies F. Tm(1Uaw, of Caledonia, was the [411006 00 her cousins, T. 1), Edgar and wife, in town, Bort. lieeell, of Chicago, fll , was hl town shaking Thuds with old Mende. He come over on his wheel. Wo are pleased to learn that Mrs, (Rev.) A. 13. 1f arney's father, John Clark, 101mvale, w110 was Very ill, le improved in health. Wm. Palmer had it very en010000ul day's threshing on Monday, having threshed 1100 bushels of wheat before 6 o'olook i0 the evening, at Peter Torrifl's, Delmore. Snider, Brioker r2 Co., of Hawkosville, have been drilling wells in this vioinity. They put one down 40 feet at the Anglo. American Hotel. They also sunk one for Edward James and are at present drill- ing one on the farm of Philip Zimmer- man, a few miles South of this village. leicerovvel. Bert. Binning is home from Toronto holidaying, Work on the graholithIO eidewalke ie now in full swing. Bev. Dr. Williams delivered an ad• drees on Sabbath evening on "Bismarck, the men of blood and iron." 7, K. Brioker has bought out the stock of 0. Hendry, general store at Stirbon, at 00}o on the dollar. Joseph Large hag removed with his family to Manitoba, P. Renohler has purchased Mr. Large'e cottage on 101101 - man street East. Abort 15 new members have been added to Rob Roy Tent K. 0. T. M., as a result of Deputy Supreme Commander G. A. Maloney's recent visit to this town. There was no service in Christ church on Sunday, the seats having been re- moved to permit of the hardwood floor being finished in oil. Rev. Mr. Jsanes, the rector, and Mrs. Jeanes are spending it week or two with friends atDangannon and Godericb. The advertising oar of Main's ohms and menagerie attracted considerable attention while here 011 Wednesday of last week, It is 70 feet long, and fitted up to aeaommodate quite an army of ad• VOnee men and tone of advertising mat- ter. The exterior is handsomely decor. eted and the windows are fitted with cathedral glass. Listowel post offioo has been removed to the premises formerly 00oupied by Hay ce Uoohill, in McDonald's block one door West of the building 000upied up to the present. The new office is being furnished with new fittings, including Yale boxes, and will be a marked im- provement on the old office. Every Dominion Government office in town is now located in McDonald's block. Clinton. Tho rate for this year is the same as the rate for last year, viz., 21 mill on the dollar. The other day Ern Devine, while riding on the bumper of a oar, hadhisbare foot caught and considerably jalned. Taking Clinton as a centre it is said that in a melba of 16 square miles there are no less than 36 blacksmith shops. There are 110 names ou the July pay roll at the Doherty Organ Factory and some of the departments are not yet run- ning full bleat. The ebony season is now over, and during the time it,,0revailed Cantolon Bros. handled in 'Etre neighborhood of 1600 baskets 0f fruit. A little son of George Rogers recently met with an accident at the p10•ni0, be- ing struck in the face with a swing board, and rendered unconscious, in which con. dition be remained for some time. It is not right to say that the special session of the. Provincial Assembly has been called to give effect to the Clinton by-law, granting a loan of 626,000 to the Doherty Organ Co., but itis likely to do so all the same. Miss Edna Manning, daughter of Mrs. A. 11. Manning, of town, we believe re- ceived a higher number of marks at the recent Entrance Examination than any other pupil in the county, she making considerably over 000. For a girl not yet 14 years of age, this is a pretty good record. Will. 3. Foster, an employee in the Mitchell foundry, is now nursing it very sore hand through a 00ratah of a rusty nail. He didn't pay muoh attention to the wound and blood poisoning sot in. A doctor is attending to his hand, and under his skilful treatment no clanger is antioi. pitted. He is a son of John Foster, of town, and is spending his enforced boli• days here. John Orooks, who has been °larking in Smallman Ss Ingram's store, London, for some time, has accepted a position with Iiodgons Bros., where he was for- merly employed. Before leaving London his fellow-018r1s made him the recipient of a handsome gold -headed cane as a mark of esteem. Dimiomo DEm.-When the announce• mont reached Clinton on Monday morn- ing of last week that Rev. John Gray had it few minutes before dropped dead in hie news was te 3110 tv mo at New Sarum, , re- ceived with unfeigned 0olrow and our. d two eer- undo. he w pries. On Sunday preached mons, as usual, his morning text being the words "Where is he that is born King of the Jews," Matt. 2g2, and his evening text was "My kingdom is not of We world," John 18;80. Monday morning he arose early and seemed bo•be in the best of health and epieits. He partook of breakfast, conducted family worship, and casually asked Mrs. Gray to bring hon a glass of milk. She stepped into the kitchen to get it for him, and when she a moment later returned ho was leaning off the chair. She stepped forward and caught him and he (hod in her arms, death being presmnably from heart fail- ure. Doomed was born in Scotland in 1820, and came to this country in 1,060, locating at Ejmondvillo, at which place and Radgervillo he lived until 1872, carry- ing on the bleckemithing business. Everywhere Mo. Gray w0.8 hold in t130 very highest esteem, nob alone by those of ins own denomination, but all who enjoyed his acquaintance. 110 was broadminded, genial and of etorlfng ohmmeter ; an uncompromising opponent of wrong doing, and had the honor of being a Molitor in the temperance move. mont. He was a well•bnilt man, without OM kid] of superfluous flesh, with mug - eke like steel, and though he did not loolt THE BRIJ 811 LS POST like a heavy man, would turn the make at 2111 lie, Many Our Mutes aro lol,i con. firming hie display of ntrougtll 111 his younger days, as lie wan a I1rlu believer 1n what might be termed "muscular ehridtiauity." A true man, who did not believe in external adorumeub to the sac• riil00 of nobler principles, he lived a life that is worthy of emulation end one in complete harmony with the principles he taught. Jillxcf r.ter, Clivi° Uuliday Aug. 17611. Ed. Christie, parameter, hue disposed of hie livery business to Wm. Buell, Norman Phail', an employee at 1t. Itno's furniture elm, out a severe gash In his wrist while tieing a ahiseI, At the lust meeting of the Town (3 ,un• rill Goo. Bisoatt wee appointed Clark of the village of Exeter, M. Eaorett having resigned. An address, together with a puree con- taining a oheque for 650 leas presented to I3lr. Enorott, the retiring Clerk, by the Reeve. At a meeting of the Sunday school workers of the Jd0100 street Methodist ohoroh, it was decided to ('un an excur- sion to Goderioh for the benefit of the Sunday school children on Wednesday, Aug. 17th. Mr. Afyon, of Barrie, who was here a few days since looking at the store recent• ly vacated by Messrs. Straith ce Manning with a view to opening out a general store here, has decided to come provided he earl secure e, residence. The firemen were very unexpectedly Dulled to duty on Wednesday evening of last week abort 7,20 o'olook. Robert Howe, Inspector of the Fire Under- writer's Aseooiation, ordered the fire alarm to be rung in order to test the ef- ficiency of the brigade. The firemen turned out promptly end made an ex- ceptionally good showing ae to speed, the engine throwing hunter in seven minutes after the bell rang, but the con. dition of the hose was very bud, it burst- ing three times during the test, with not 100 pounds pressure. Atwo0al. Misses Aruetta Kmlbfleisoh and Addie Robertson wheeled to Berlin where they will spend a few weeks with friends. Dr. A, 5, Langrill has left for New York city to attend 111e Post Graduate Hospital. His brother, Dr. W. F. Lang. rill, of Hamilton, will take charge of the dootor's office during his absence. Following are the officers of the Atwood Baseball Club for the present season :— Captain, 3. A. Mitchell ; See.-Treas., D. G. Anderson ; Managing Committee, B. Denton, J. Corrie and A. Ioerger. J. S. Hamilton received a bad knock in the head the other day while endeavoring to get in his buggy, stunning him for a little while. Ho was on his way to the Atwood station to meet his nieoe from Toronto. Oneac,E BLesscars.—At the home of the bride's father, Thos. J. Knox, Reeve of Elmo, on Tuesday morning, August 2nd, at 11 o'clock, his second daughter, Miss Minnie E. Knox, was United in marriage to Thos. Balliugall, of Burnb Island, Edinburgh, Scotland, now resident of Chicago, Ill. Rev. J. Ward, of Maysville, assisted by Rev. W. V. McMillan, B. A., of Milverton, performed the ceremony in the presence of a few near friends and relatives. The bridesmaids were Mies Wornum, of Toronto, and Miss Lizzie MacLennan, of Elmo. The groom was supported by A. L. Knox, barrister, of Toronto, brother of the bride. The bride looked very pretty attired in white or. gandio, and carried an exquisite shower bognet of bridal roses and maiden Hair fere. The bridesmaids were attired in becoming gowns of pale green organdie and carried boquebs of mess. After the ceremony the guests sat down to a sump - Mous wedding breakfast in the dining room svhieh was prettily decorated with swept peas, ferns and roses. Many beau- tiful and costly presents testified to the widespread popularity of the winsome and talented young bride, who will be muoh missed in °hutch and musical cholas, and as organist of the Elm E is- oopal church for many years, her place will indeed be difficult to fill. Mr. and Mrs. Balliugall left on Tuesday evening on their bridal trip to Niagara, Green- port, L. I„ and New York city, before taking up their residenoe in Chicago, 886 Turner Ave.,.where they will be ab home. f3Lvtlx. John W. Bell was appointed Collector of taxes for 1808. Mies Annie Hamilton is hone from St. Joseph's college, Toronto. Geo. Brownlee has left for London, where he has secured a situation. There were 424 pieces of baggage handled at Blyth station during July. Mies Ethel Tait, of St. Thomas, is visiting at the residenoe of bee brother, Dr. Tait. Dr. Oook and Wm. Moser paid a visit to friends at Hamilton, Grimsby Park and Burlington Beaoh. Geo. Dellis, an old Blyth boy, now .eonducting a tailoring 1110100se at Sault Ste. Marie, was renewing acquaintances here. ADDRESS 0113) P0EOEN'3ATI0N.-011 Satnr• day evening, Silly 80111, the. Orangemen of Morris district, met in ;the Orange Hall, Blyth, with Jas. Russell, District *riot of the Master, in the chair. The ) h in a tangible man. show in was t0 w meeting g a net ra • the high and the Orangemen of a g the Morrie district have for Rev. T. E. Higley, who is about to remove to Blen- heim. After tilling the meeting to order and stating the object for whiob it WOO called, the District Magee sent for Rev. Mr. Higley, who, when he reached the Hall, was presented with a purse of gold and the following address ;— To the Beth T.L. Higley ;— DnAa Stn AND BnoTnon,--The members of the several Loyal Orange Lodges, Dom• ',rifled in the district of Morris in the county of North Huron, having hoard of your contemplated removal from this plane, cannot permit yon to depart with- out testifying to you some expression of their esteem and regard. During the 7 years residenoe amongst them yon have by your earnest and sealome labors as a minister of the Gospel won the esteem and respe01 of all your parishioners, As a member 0f our beloved Order you have always been untiring in your efforto to further its interests and t0 advent% the sphere of its usefulness. Your annual sermons preached to the brethren were able, earnest, and replete with words of hope, eneouragoment and oomfort. In the dieehargee of vine dutie0 ae an of. float of Dur Lodge you have ever been faithful, and we feel deeply the loss wo are about to Lundahl in (hie reeved, That you and your esteemed wife and family linty ;creeper in your new lleld of labor ie the earliest wish of us all, Rud we trust and hope that you may long be spared to the ohurch and to the Order, the termite of which you aro 011011 16 worthy exponent. As a slight token of 0113• esteem, please swept from us this eddre00 and the aa0olnp0071183) eocvonir, Again wieh(11g you farewell, we 0111400rib0 ourselves on behalf of the District Lodge, As. 13es0a11,, District Master t W. 11. McCune, District Secretary ; 30111 Wn,renu, County Master. Mr, Russell, District blaster, made the pre0entation and Matt. Mains, Past DIet1)03t Master, read the address. Mr. Higley, who was completely taken by surprise, made a feeling reply, thanking his brethren for eo kindly remembering 13 it'll, and briefly reviewed his residenoe among them during the past seven years, which had been spent pleasantly and happily. Short addressee were delivered by Reeve Wilford, of Blyth, County Master of North Huron ; John Scarlett, County Master of South Huron, and several othere, Godet'1CI1, Annie Cox has left the employ of Mo• Gillivray, Grant & Go. and intends to go soon to Chiolgo. Mrs. Hopkins has gone to Paterson, N. 7„ to take a course of traiui mg as nurse in the hospital there. E6. Tilt made a century run under the C. W. A. regulations. The route was by Bayfield to Stratford and return. Two Toronto men have been in town taking photographic views for a souvenir of Goderioh which is to be published. The Goderioh baseball club has lost the eervioee of Clem. Pennington, who has pitched many a game for the boys. Olom. has left for London where he has a position as telegraph operator. John Straiton, sou of the on orgeno G. T. R. agent at this station, is steadily ad. teaming in the G. T. R. service. He is now agent of the system at Hagereville, being promoted thereto from St. George, where he had been for some years. R. S. Chilton, the well-known repro• sentive of the United States in this die• tr(et, has returned from Daneville, New York, It is pleasing to be able to record that his visit to the Jackson Sanitorium, at Daneville, has resulted in his restor- ation to health and that he is again able to occupy himself in the performance of his eoneular duties. Tom (Milton, son of the United Status consul at Goderioh, who at the outbreak of the war with Speirs volunteered for 000Vi0e in Unole Sam's navy, is on the cruiser Yankee and hoe been under fire on several occasions. The Yankee was one of the ships detailed to make the con. templated attack upon Spain under Ad• miral Watson, but as things look now it may not be neoessary to curry the war across the Atlantic. Mies Skelton was given leave of absence for one year, while ebe attends the Nor. mal College at Hamilton. Mise Lizzie M. Trodeeon was appointed to a position on the Model school staff for the Fall term, the vacancy being paused by Miss Rusk's taking the position of principal's oesietant while the "modeliles" are at- tending the school. Leaalbarc-. (Too late for last week,) Thos. Roe of the 4111 line, was visiting his eons for a few days last week. Herb. Morrison, of Carberry, Man., is home on a visit. Ho purposes returning to the Prairie Province shortly. As we announced some time ago Alfred Stafford is having 1,000 copies of hie poems struck off and we expect they will be out this week. The rare pleasure has been accorded 110 of reading over, in manusorip, a number of these incompar- able poems, and the cam say without any hesitation that•tbis volume is the most important contribution that has been made to Canadian literature for years. Thus a true native bard has arisen at last, who here on a rugged soil, and in a rugged climate, is gathering the flowers of Parnassus. Why should Oanada not yet hake, among modern nations, the place of classic Greene of ancient days ? 0131T0AnY.—We have this week to re- cord the death of Mrs, Wm. Drager, who departed this life on Wednesday, 27th ult., at the age of 52 years. Deoeased had been ill for some time, and of late bad been suffering from a complication of Iroubles. Mrs, Drager was a native of Germany, and she, with her husband immigrated to this country about 30 years ago. After a short residence in Perth ooenly the family settled on the farm on the 12th line, where she continued to re- side till the time of her demise. Mrs. Drager 3000 an industrious woman, of an unassuming, compassionate nature, and was beloved and esteemed by all. From childhood she had been a faithful mem. bar of the Lutheran church. To mourn her loss she leaves a husband and a family of 6 sons and 8 daughters, nearly all of whom have attained to manhood and womanhood, and to them the sym• pathy of the oommunity is extended in this their hoer of tribulation. The funeral, which V711 El one of the largest ever seen in this section took place on Friday, interment being made in Brod. began cemetery. Another event of this kind which we must make mention of is the death of Emanuel Hulley, who also paid the debt of Nature on WednesdaydaY of haat week. 4'. Hung had gone some- what e me•what beyond the span allotted by the Psalmist, having reached the mature age of 82 years. Of late he had been living with Ms son, Aaron, of MoIiillop. As further partioalars oonoornfng him are not ab hand, we are obliged to curtail our remarks. IDER mai Brussels Cider Mill and Apple Butter Factory, Mill street, has been overhauled and is now ready for oper- ation. Fetch on your Apples, Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Geo. Edwards, • Prop. WOO 1) "The Juvenile." A. boy's shoe, Built to protect growing feet against distor(iol1. 111u,.t foot.illsare acquired by wearing i11 -shaped shoes in youth. Laced and Oxfords; in f ll.ipcs "Foot -form" and "Dandy"; widths, D & E. Boys' sizes, 3 to 514; Youths', 73 to 2 ; Little en's, 8 to 12X; Goodyear welted; Stamped on the soles $2.00 and $2.5o per pair, THE POST CAVALOOUO F1100, 66The Slater Shoe.,:, Will be sent to any address in the Dominion of Canada or the Unitech States for the balance of 1898 for the small sum of 35 Cts. IN ADVANCE, Don't be without the 110w8 when you may have it for the . above price. THE POST makes a specialty of Auction Sale Bills, Advertising Strayed Stock, Farms for Sale, '&o. We give special prominence to Local and District news. 56 Columns in THE POST every week. Don't borrow any longer but order for yourself. A word of recommendation is always of great benefit to us -and is greatly appreciated. i1iONEB TO LOAN. Auy Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly, Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. 8® Wil ma,f2.,9 a well math of YOU MOON P80031000 THE 10080 00001.133 Ia rOU0 vaunts. PI0000 curse an Nervous Dlsoasoe. 0(0op1esa. nose, Wiling Memory, Nightly Emlaslona Soma's gives vigoorrp0 10 also oshrunka organ% an past dt quiok1y but aural yy reeteree Los. hLoraoun. In cid or young. Usl PIOOOI and you will grow Barone and happy again. sent by mall In plain wrapper and securely scaled. from observation. Focht (serried in vest poo0o1 Prim, et a package, erg 0000,0000100 ¢liber ordinnty 0r 5003 0 . od letter, Ad4,00all (ether. 0011 T. PEPPIDn. Drypgist, W000000010, ONT„ Asset0011 110 110n mimeo of MAT ®mEW uidlier Shop The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMILE BLOCK, BRUSSELS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. S. WrEL1P11. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. II CAsn' PAID FOR limns. Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND - — North Shore Pine and Cedar FOB SALE AT THE Brussels Planing bills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinde of Buildings. Workman- obip and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, McLEOD'S System Renovator —AND OT1000--- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronohitie, Con- sumption, Ga(1 Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Dance, Female Irrsgnlarities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GDDERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Bold b Jae, Fox, Druggist, Brussels. 0 UE SILVER JUBILEE. Western Fair, - London. September 8th to I7th, 1898. Entries close 7th September. Space allotted on receipt of entry. Our attractions will be grand, and exhibits unsurpassed. You can see all that others can show, and to better advantage. Royal Dragoons, Prince O'Kabe's Jape, Elie Hassan Ben Ali's Boffins and many other specials, the best in the country. Fireworks each evening, "Blowing up the Maine," assisted by all the ring and stage attractions. Special excursion trains leave London at 10 p. m. and after, so you can stay to the fireworks. Auction Sale of Booths and Privileges, Wednesday, August 171h, on the grounds at 2 p. m. Prize Lists, Programmes, etc., apply to LT..COL. W. M. GARTSHORE, THOS. A. BROWNE, PoE0m13NT. SEOBETAlI. To Clear Out Odd Lines of Summer Goods we will make Special Reductions in price. ALL LINES OF 12ic. Light and Fancy Prints reduced to 110 ; the l0c range to 820, and the 9c for 6,''c, —o— Fancy Colored Muslins at Reduced Prices. All new Goods. —0— Only a few Shirt Waists left, to be Sold at a Bargain. Sun Hats and all lines of Straw Hats going Cheap. A. STRACHAN DON'T READ THIS AO Ati then throw awaythis paper before yen o n oInde yen are losingsing good ud monsY by not buying y ourDAIRY SUPPLIES ns We are 1 ere with D prepared to supply every on w t Daley Cans O Pails, Milk Pane and Tinware off all kinds at prices according to quality. ,„,,i,Graniteware of all kinds, HARDWARE. Having put in a stook of Spades, Shovels Perko, &o., of the beet quality wo solid your Patronage. Paint Your House with the best weather and water. proof Paint in the market. We Sell it. Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order. The best line of Cook Stoves to choose from. Eavetroud himg aizd Repair'in.1 promptly attended to,r,- ► N. B.—Wait for our wagon, it will call on you for your truck in it few days. Wilton &'Turnbull