HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-8-5, Page 8$
'sou••,ate 80IATiOA
We have a preparation that will pos.
itiVely cure this troublesome thing,
Maya Rheumatism
We have sotnatbing that will relieve
or cure you.
a4i ° Dyspepsia ?
We have a mixture made especially
for this,
1,101;" Headaches ?
We have Powders that I will guaran-
tee to remove them.
• atle Kidney Troubles ?
We have a medicine throb will oar.
tainly help you.
for Pimples, 84e.
We have a Sarsaparilla that will
purify your blood.
We have or can supply anything in
Medicines and we aim to keep the best,
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
Trains leave Brnesels Station, North
and South, as follows;
Gotae-Sonme. GOING NORTR:.
8xpre00 7:16 a.m. I Mail 0•10 p.m
tttsed,9;40 a.m. Bxprese • 10:16 p.m
rug Ream Mems,
A chide amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Gavot corn,
Loma news is scarce.
Scaoor Board Friday evening of next
Toeseae, August 23rd, Fourth Division
35 °nem, in advance, gets TUE POST
for the balance of 1898.
A. ?Metall from this locality talk of
visiting Manitoba this Fall.
PLANT your Fall advertisement. One
new customer eeoored might pay for a
year's advertising.
Taos. CURRY has improved the ap.
pearanoe of hie cottage, Queen street, by
a dress of paint.
BLTTR base ball team is expected here
Friday afternoon of this week to play a
return match with our nine.
Messes. Clegg & Dames shipped a car
of tattle on Monday. Mr. Dames ac•
companied the shipment to Toronto.
A COWAN'S of Gipsies have been oamp-
ing near Brussels during the past week.
They had some very neat little horses.
Coo eam000 LEATHERfALE dispoeed of a
fine walnut cased upright Bell piano, cast
week, to Alex. Bryan, near Jamestown.
Tun eohool yards ere receiving a good
coating of gravel so as to be in shape for
the re -opening of school on September
GEO. EDWARDS has kis cider mill and
apple butter factory refitted and ready
for business. It is located on Mill street,
INSPEcmoa HowE, of the Underwriters'
Association, made hie mutual visit to
Brussels on Wednesday and had an offi•
oial teet of our fire appliances.
Mies Ronaren has opened out her
millinery stock in the Graham block and
Jae. Davis will occupy quarters in the
Smale brick blook adjoining S. Walk er'e
botcher shop.
THE Grand Lodge of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows will be held in Galt
oe Wednesday of next week, Wm, 0.
Smith, P. N. G., will represent Western
Star Lodge, Brussels.
SOMEBODY is going to get into trouble,
short off too, if they don't cease orna•
menting brink walls with their initiate
and names. The matter be being ioquir••
ed into at the present time.
Ix the three funerals oondmoted by
Mears. Walker & Cardiff during the past
week, the aggregate ages of the deoeased
was 237 years, viz.: Mre. Anderson, 65;
Mr. ul ey, 82 ; and Mr. Frain, 80.
BRUSSELS Band boasts of the youngest
bandsman in the country in the person
of Homer, the 6-year.old eon of R. N.
Barrett. The young lad playa the tri-
angle with the soonraey of an old timer.
He is a bright little boy,
TUESDAY Mr. Brown, of Montreal, rep-
resenting the Guardian Insurance Go.,
bone to Brussels and adjusted the Mahn
of Mise Reddiok for bar loss by fire last
Saturday morning, She received the
sum of $318. The Guardian deserves
credit for the prompt and satisfactory
PLEBiscaxa.—Next Tuesday evening a
meeting of all Temperanoe people in
Brussels will be held in the eohool room
of the Methodist ohnrch, at 8 o'clock, to
organize for the Plebiscite campaign.
As the voting takes plaoe on Sept. 29tb
theltime will be short, If you're a friend
of the cause attend on Tuesday.
GARDEN PARTY.—A, very pleasant time
was enjoyed at the garden party at the
residence of Mrs. Jatnee Wilson, Eliza.
beth street, last Friday evening, nnder
the animists', of the Young People's' Chap
ter of St. John's church. The grounds
Were illuminated by Chinese lanterns
and scattered here and there ware re-
freshment booths where the 1niuries
were served at a small coat, In addition
to the town Band the following choice
program was presented :—Addrese, Rev.
Mr, Abey ; quartette, Messrs. Strachan,
Jones, Hawkins and Rose ; piano solo,
Mies Bowles ; solo, Miae Eva Doge ;
duet, Mime Rosalind Slemmon ; chorus,
choir assisted ; reoitation, Little Muriel
Clark; duet, Mame. IIawkiaeand Rose;
Bolo, Miss Ethel Campbell ; violin and
piano, Mr, Jackson and Mies MoLauch•
lin ; solo, Mre. Harry ifenlee ; duet,
Rev, Mr. Ahoy and G.S. Ro era ; chortle,
choir breaded. Rev. Mr. Abey, inenm.
bent, presided and the various parlor.
mem acquitted themselves in f,rst•olass
style. The proceeds amounted to $33.00
which will he applied to the new rectory
fund. Mre, Wiieon and family left nbth.
ing undone that would toad be the enjoy,
rant of theta attending.
Mme's oirone is to be at Iliueardine on
Auguet 15th,
limes Standard lied not room for the
base ball score last week.
Gauss r,s Foresters go to Atwood for
next Sunday morning's aervioe.
GARDENERS have bad a big time Lhis
season carrying water to heap their gar-
den saes from ..wizeling" ap.
JAS. O'LtEARY, formerly of Brasserie,
has pavobased a hotel in Wingbant and
will take pantomime next Fall.
A roma secretary and desk, with rolling
front, has been placed in the private of.
floe of Manager Brent, of the Standard
Bow would it d0 to esttablisb a market
day in Brnesels for each weak similar to
that adopted by many other pines in the
oonntry ?
IT tries bard to rain these days but a
very email dribble is about the best result
so far in this locality. In surrounding
emotions heavy showers have fallen.
Mase 1 sr.tt.soa, owned by Gus. Goebel,
of Mitchell, formerly of Brussels, took
seoond money in bbe 2.19 trot and 2.20
paoa at Orangeville Tuesday, the beet
time made was 2,24i.
THE contract for the new rectory in
connection with St. John's church was
let to Thos. Newsome for about 81,400.
There were three tenders. Work will be
oommenned at once.
Mrs. Joo. 0. Halliday is nob snaking
improvement as her friende would desire
since the accident, 20 weeks•ago, whereby
ebe broke her thigh. She has been con.
fined to bed ever since.
IT is reported that J. D. Ronald has
parohased the Fire Engine Works from
E. H. Tbomas, of Norwich, and will set
them to work in building the celebrated
Ronald steamers. We wish him success.
Tan Methodist Sabbath eohool pio•nio
wee held laet Friday afternoon in the
Davidson grove. As the weather was
delightful an enjoyable time was spent
and all arrived beakto town about 6.80
p. m.
Ax interesting communication from
the versatile pen of R. M. Dickson, bar.
rioter, Detroit, ie to hand, recounting
in a most entertaining manner his trip
to the Pacific coast. It will appear next
HARVEST excursion to Manitoba on
Tuesday, Aug. 16. The fare out will be
910, and on production of a oertffi iate
the return fare will be $18.00,more, the
home ooming to be begun on or before
Nov. 16th 1898.
Tae juvenile base bailers have been
waging a fierce warfare for several days
on Viotoria Park to decide the suprem-
aoy between the ball tossers North and
South of the Maitland, Up to the
present the glory is divided.
LisTOWEL people are getting a "hump"
on them relative to the conning of the
night train from London on the L. H. &
B. on to Palmerston instead of holding it
at Wingham all night. Be careful, dear
brethren, for Manager Hays says every-
body is satisfied with the present ar-
Tato Postmaster -General of Canada
desires to impreae upon the miode of the
public the great advantage to be derived
to them by having them place upon all
mail matter posted by them the name
and address of the sender with the re•
quest that the artiole or letter so posted
may be returned if not delivered.
lade took a jaunt to Palmerston on Wed-
nesday to show that junction town how
to piey a game called base ball. Owing
to a hole in the bat the score was 6 to
30 in favor of the bome nine. The soore
card is not to hand so we oannot give
particulars, but when you come to Brus-
sels to play the return match, Paimera.
ton. we hope to return the compliment.
A few lovers of the musical art serenaded
our ballfete on the arrival of the night
Mrs. Mungo Wallace was 72 years of
age last Sunday. The old lady °ailed on
THE POST on Monday and received our
oongratulabione. She had with her the
marriage line she received from Rev.
Robs. Auld, of Ayr, Scotland, certifying
to the fact that on April 10th, 1846,
Mango Wallace, of the Parish of Oche!.
tree, and Elizabeth Simpson, of the
Parish of Irvin, were united in marriage.
Geo. Paulin's name is subscribed as
vestry clerk. Luncheon was served in
Wallace Tower after the ceremony.
Huron County Women's Christian Tem.
peranoe Union will (D. V.) meet with the
Union in Godericli on the 25th and 26th
of August to bold their annual aooven-
tion. The annual reports of looal and
oounty superintendents of the various de-
partments will be given. Local superin-
tendents of departments are kindly re.
quested to be prompt in seeding in their
reports. Each local union in the oounty
is cordially requested to send as many
delegates and visitors as possible. Mre.
Thorniy, President of the Provincial W.
0. T. U., bag consented to be pres-
ent to address the public plat•
form meeting on the evening of the 25tb,
and to oonduot at the school of methods
on the afternoon of the 26th, when she
wilt also give a "parliamentary drill." A
silver medal contest will be held in the
evening, Mrs. Thorniy will present the
medal to the best reciter. Further par.
Maulers will be given later.
Frain—Saturday morning, about 2
o'clock, the fire alarm routed nob our
oitizene by hie noisy clanging and goon
ensued the rush and flurry consequent
on that oondition of affairs. The fire was
in the attic of the frame part of the
Smale block and bad a good start before
water was thrown, but as soon as the
fluid from the Maitland was turned on
the devouring element was soon brought
M to Balt, not, however, before the roof
was burned off and the interior scorched
badly. Miss Roddick occupied one of
the shops with her millinery stook and
the other was tenanted by Jas. Davis,
shoemaker. When the fire was discover.
ed willing bands resisted fn the removal
of the contents, the millinery stook being
taken to one of the waiting rooms in the
Central Hotel opposite. There was no
insurance on the building. $250 had
been tarried but expired in 1893, Mies
Roddick was insured fob 9000. The
building was owned by Hondy Smale, of
Waterford. As to whether it wi.ilbe
repaired or rebuilt in the neat future we
have not beard, but ae the location ie a
desirable one and usually tenanted it will
probably be rebuilt. There is nit much
doubt but that the fire was an incendiary
roe there bad been no fire about the poem.
fees and starting upstairs where it did
the flame goon got to the roof making
the destcuobion of the building a eertainby.
Had it not been a mild morning the ad'
joining brick bloake would have been
eadaugered but ate it wee little damage
was donna
The Epworth League Bert/fee will he
withdrawn nest Sabbath evening owing
to the sacrament zervice.
The Provinaial Sunday School °moven.
tion 01 Ontario will be held in Peterbaro'
on Oat. 25th, 20th and 27th.
Last Sabbath Rev, Mr. Abey's text in
the morning was Aots 4th chapter and
12th verse, and in the evening St. John
4 and 50,
Next Sabbath the quarterly commun-
ion serviette will be held In the Methodist
church. The pastor will preach morning
and evening. l sllowehip meeting at the
oonolusion of the morning serviee and
eaurametlt after preaching in the evening.
Bev. 31. Douglas Fraser, M. A„ 000-
vener of the General Assombly'e oom.
tnittee on Young Peoples' Societies, has
been appointed as editor sad business
manager of the Sunday school publica-
tions for the Preebyterian church in Can-
Last Sunday evening Archbishop
Waleh, of Toronto, died very suddenly,
aged 68 yeaas. Ile was bald in very
high esteem by the Roman Catholic
people, while not a few Protestants saw
many pointe in his character worthy of
commendation and emulation.
Mrs. Largehas been appointed W. C.
T. U. missionary in Japan by Lady
Henry Somerset. Title lady has been
doing a good work in Japan for many
years, under the auspioee of the Metho-
dist eburob, and her appointment at the
hands of W. C. T. U. will be pleasing to
all those engaged iu missionary work,
Rev. Mr. Rogers, of Bluevale, preached
a profitable dfecoarae last Sabbath
morning in the Methodist obureh on the
eubjeot of "Jacob." It ie about 20 years
sinae the reverend gentleman was sta-
tioned here as a junior pastor, and be
has many warm friende in Brussels and
locality. Rev, Mr. Oaten, of 13elgrave,
occupied the pulpit in the availing, tali.
ing "Prayer" as the topio of his address.
His services were appreciated,
Rev. John A. MoBayden, M. A., B. Be
of Glasgow, who was reoenbly named by
Knox College Board of Trustees as its
choice for the chair of Old Testament
Literature and Exegesis, has accepted
the position. Rev. Profe. Coven and
MaoLaren reoently proceeded to the Old
Country to inform him of his appoint.
ment. To these gentlemen be tendered
his acceptance, and will Bail for Canada
about the middle of September to be
ready for work.
An uuueual and very enjoyable service
was held at the Methodist church last
Sunday morning, says the Milford Times,
The Epworth League bad planned for an
old people's service by sending out neat
invitations to the most aged in the vil-
lage and near country, together with an
offer of carriage -to those who were with-
out conveyance. Thirty-eight accepted
the invitation and were tenderly eeoorted
M the front pews. Old and familiar
bymns were selected, eo that all might
join once more in singing their old time
songs. The ages of the thirty.eight
ranged from 60 to 94 years, the average
being 71 years and the aggregate 2,698
People We Talk About.
Miss Lizzie Downing is holidaying at
Mise Norton was visiting at Stratford
this week.
J. T. Ross and wife Sundayed at Mr.
McClure's, McKillop,
Mrs. Jas. Wilson spent Saturday with
friende in Listowel.
Miss Jennie Murray, of Seaforth, ie
visiting Mrs. A. Cousley.
Mise Hannah Hewitt ie holidaying
with friende in Seaforth,
Mrs. Rutherford, of Detroit, is visiting
her eater, Mre. Peebles.
Miss Jean Ross, of Guelph, is visiting
the family of Wm. Ross.
Mr. Peebles left on Tuesday on a proa-
peoting tour to Manitoba.
Mrs. Snider and Eva accompanied the
Dr. to Ringabonlast week.
Mies B. Keating, of Oil City, is visiting
her slater, Mrs. (Rev.) Abey.
Tom Bloomfield is baok from the 01d
Country. He is quite a salt,
Mise Winnie Turnbull is visiting at
James Turnbuli's, 4th con., Grey.
Mrs. S. Haggard and little daughter
are visiting relatives in Seaforth.
Mies Edith Inman has returned to
Guelph after an enjoyable holiday.
Misses Dolly Banker and Ella Ainley
were visiting at Wingham last week.
George and Gertie Ross are holidaying
at their uncle's, Jos. Ames, in Grey,
Mies Mand Peebles, of Detroit, is en.
joying a well earned vacation at home.
Miss Mabel Oliver and Miee Olive
Scott are visiting Miss Lizzie Ritchie.
Mre. Forester and eon, of London, are
visiting Mre. N. F. Gerry, King street.
Mise ThumGerry is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Willis, at Seaforth this week.
Robb. MoAlpine, of Toronto, was call.
ing on old friends in Brunie this week.
Misses Luella Ross and Hazel Johnston
were visiting at Ethel during the past
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harris, of Pe.
trolia, are visiting at W. J. Miller's,
Mrs, Taylor and daughter, of Seaforth,
are visiting at Mrs. Watson Ainley'e
John street.
Miseee Pearl and Laura Leatherdale
are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Londsboro',
of Seaforth,
Chester Hogg, of Wingham, is vatting
his cousin, Frank Stratton, jr., at the
Q neon's hotel.
Leon Jackson was beard from teat week
from Liverpool. He expeoted to sail for
home this week.
Perot' Ashplant, of Leedou, is visiting
at the parsonage this week. Be is a
nephew to Mrs, S. J. Allis.
Miss Annie Brook, a former resident of
Brussels, now of Montreal, was in town
visiting old friende this week,
Misses May and Edith Watkins, of
Toronto, are spending their vacation at
their unole'g, W. F. Stewart,
Dr. MoDooald, M. P,, East Huron, and
Jno. MaMiilan, M. P., Sith Huron,
were in town Iaet Saturday.
Mise Edith Walker is epending a few
days with Mise Susie Raynard and Mize
Pearl Jaoksou in Grey this week,
Rev. Joo. Ross, Mrs, Ross and daught.
ere have gone to Bayfield to visit for a
few weeks on the banks of Lake Huron,
Mre. M, G. Riohardson hag eeburned
after a visit among friends in Blnevale,
We ars sorry to say not meth improved
in health,
Mise Rate Wilson will attend the nest
Beeston of the Normal School at Toronto
and thereby Monte her professional '2nd
class bertiSoate.
Jae, Thomson Suulbayed at Walkerton.
Mies Lizsie Sample spent laet Sunday
with friends at Walkerton.
Rev. B. J. Allis and Cleve arrived
home from their (tavola tour on Thurs.
Afies Maggie Annset ie visiting her
little friend, ((lien Beattie Davidson, in
Grey tewusltip thin weep.
T. A, 1 ergttson, of Red Lodge, Mon„ be
visiting friends in and around Brnesels,
He arrived in town on Wednesday of title
Ootlnoiiiot'Thermion 1e away on at well
teamed holiday. lie will visit Hamilton,
Galt, Toronto and perhaps Montreal be.
fore be reborn.
Jno. Schafer, wife and children, of
Milverton, ware visiting at Joaspb Mut'r'e,
Brusualg. Mrs. Schafer is it daughter to
Mr, and Mre. Murr'e,
Mre. I.1lingswood, of St. Thomas, wars
here for a few days thio weak. Sbs name
to attend the funeral of her grandfather,
the late Joseph Frain, of Grey.
Mre. Letter and daughter, of Ypsilanti,
and Mrs. Coats and daughter, of Loudon,
were visiting Mrs, Jno. Ameut. The
ladies are eaters of Mr. Ament.
Miss Sara Oode bee oloaed up her dress•
making bnsinees in Brussels and will re.
tarn to her home in Trowbridge. She
bae bean a reeideot of this pleoe for about
four years and has a large oirolo of
Mrs. Fred. Johnston and nhild'en, of
Wingham, and Mre. Oavaua::h and
children, of Eagle River, Mich., are visit.
ing Mrs, Zilltax, Mrs. Joha-tmi is a
sister to Mrs. Zilliax and Mrs. (;..vanagh
a sister to Mr. Zillias.
Perth County.
Miss Amy Wheeler, formerly of Milver-
ton, employed as a domesbio in the fam•
ily of Mr. Coon at London, stet with an
accident on Saturday evening, whereby
she lost her foot. At Lbs Maitland
street stressing of the G. T. 11, a freight
stood in the way for some minutes, until
Miss Wheeler, in her anxiety to return
bome, attempted to cross between the
etaoding oars. Just ae she had climbed
on to the buffers, however, the cars were
jerked forward, opening the drawheads
and jarring her so that she almost fell
between the ears, where she would
probably have been hilted, The plucky
girl succeeded in retaining her hold of
the oar, but one of her feet became
taught between the drawheads and was
terribly crushed. She held on until the
train was stopped, and then jumped to
the ground. A dootor was called and
the young woman was removed to the
city hospital, where the foot was ampu•
sated at the ankle.
Business Locals.
New carrots, beets and potatoes at Mc•
Tnto liveliest shop in 8 Counties, King's
store, Wingbam.
A. COULEE handles everything that ie
used by a bioyote rider.
OUR batter and eggs go to King's July
and August sate, Windham,
Evnnroonr goes to'kvingbam ; King's
July and August Bale is on,
Dm you see the Gendron bike in A.
Coosley'e window ? it's a dandy.
GomD, dry American corn, the hest for
feeding purposes, for sale at Ross' mill.
CLEVELAND wheels are great sellers.
Six Bold eines Jan. 1st, 1898. A. Cousley.
EATON not In it. We give you a sale
and take your trade. G. B. King, Wing.
S2.4N' ,l7ZD .4,1X 01? al
ASSETS, (Bevan Million Dollars) • $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Anthorized) • . - . $2,000,000
Apneas in all principal pointsin Ontario,
Qtir00tre`a,,, Jltos�Uoba, UnI h',l ,Statex rt Rnpiottrt•
fl 8ok,ya 14 .t?'8tifrw,'.
A General Banking nutmeat "rransaotod, Farmers' Notes Dismounted,
Smite Lem d and collections made on all palette,
Iutereat allowed on deposits of 01,00 and upwards from slat of deposit to date o
withdrawal and oompouudod half yearly.
Every facility afforded Cusbomere living at to diebana°.
Waxen—Butter, nob lower 12c. (lath
for best Dairy Tubs. G. E. Xing, Wing•
D, & D. bearings are guaranteed for
three years. Come in and sea them. A.
WELLANDVALE Bioyoiea away down in
price for the balance of the aeaeon. M0 -
Kay & Co„ Brussels.
ANYONE needing lawn mowers pub in
proper shape or sharpened bad better
tee Saw -filer McGregor as he is likely to
do the work all right. T. McGnaeon,
Queen sb„ Eaeb, Brussels.
SoDVExm QUINA.—Another consignment
of obina imported direot from Germany,
With views of Melville church, Public
school and Main street, Brussels, just to
band. Beautiful goods. See them at T.
HoanESEEzeae' Excoasaoxe.—On the
first and third Tuesdays in June, 1.898,
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail.
way will sell round•trip excursion tickets
(good for 21 days) to a great many points
in South and North Dakota and other
Western and Southwestern states, at
practically one fare foB the round trip.
Take a trip West and see what au amount
of good land oan be purchased for very
little money. Further information ae to
rates, routes, prions of farm lands, elm,
may be obtained on application to any
coupon ticket agent or by addressing A.
J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 2
Ring street, East, Toronto, Ont.
BlsaoP.—In Grey, on duly 301b, the wife
of Mr. Abram Bishop, of a daughter.
DExnow,—In Morris, on July 30th, the
wife of Mr. Robert Denbow, of a son.
XNRORTEL.—In McKillop, ion August 3rd,
the wife of Mr. Wm, Kneobtel of a
Tvor,.—In Gorrie, on July 23ib, the wife
of Dr. J. A. Tuok, of a son.
Waattsn.—In Pordwioh, on Saturday,
July 23rd, the wife of Mr. Thomas
Wheiler of a daughter.
Ross.—Io Cbeeley, on July 31st, the wife
of Mr. Thos. Rose of a daughter.
MoPannsot.—Itl Binsoarth, Man., on
July 26th, the wife of Mr. F. R. Mo -
Pherson of a eon.
McAtnlsran.—In Grey, on August 34,
the wife of Mr. Alex. McAllister, of a
Neocum,—In East Wawanosb, ou July
28tb, Ann, relict of the late Walter
E. Niooll, aged 06 years and 7
We take no second place
for First-class__,®..
Shelf Goods
... lamps, &Ce
Dur Tinware Department
-a1-'Ts Complete,
Eavetroughing a Specialty.
Call and see us.
LtATNERLAND,—Xn Seaforth, nn July 25th,
Amy A. Townsend, wife of James
Leatherlend, aged 00 years.
FtArN.--In Gray, on July 30th, Joseph
Frain, aged 80 years, 8 months and 8
Apply to J. N. H111MALL, Brussels.
vale or to tent in NorthBruessle, Im-
medlatepossession. Apply to BAR1tISTEIb
BLAI1b or NY. PE, I113)030,
open to 1111 engagements for pis -vias,
Lltlosio,o:A0.yrates. God muLL00JSee-
rotary ; J.1''IILTON, President.
on To ntNT,—Tho undersigned offers
for Bale or to rent that 1k story frame house
on Turnberr • street, North of the Terrace,
lately occupied bye. 1i. Jackson. For par-
ticulars apply to W.33. Kerr, OT the owner,
J. HOARE , Auburn P. 0, 30.1f
The undersigned asks for offore to August
16th, for $22,200, 20 year debentures, bearing
I per cent, payable yyearly. For particulars
write k•. S. SCOTT,
Village Clerk, Brussels.
Brussels, July 260h,1802.
NJ Who has had 25 years experionee as an
Auctioneer, but who had to quit owing to ill
health, has again taken out license and is
terms. Satlefaotion guaranteed. reasonable
be arranged at Ton POST PubliehioF House,
1-11 Auctioneer.
yiot and Cold Baths.
The proprietor of Brussels 1•llootric Light
Works has fitted up very comfortable and
well arranged shower baths, where either
hot or cold water may be used. The after-
noons reserved/or Ladies when Mrs.Main•
price win be in charge. The fee is only 6
cents a bath when the ;bather supplies the
tOwol, or 10 cents otherwise, , A °all solicited
and Satisfaotlon assured.
2.9 11013T. ISAINPRICE, Proprietor.
Don't get
Out of, Hot
Water !
1Vllon there is. sickness in
the house a (lot application is
often worth more than a dose of
medicine if you have the proper
means to make it effective just
when it would do the most good, •
and the fact that a
Hot Water Bag
is the very bust thing for all
sorts of cramps and other com-
plaints 60 prevalent in hot weath-
er suggests the necessity of al-
ways having one on hand.
We have them
Fox's Drugs Btoro„
Fall Term begins Uepr 1
JJGria Git1=?,.v7thi„
CIAL S01100L.
Circulars Free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
VOTERS' LIST. --!898.
Municipality of the Village of Brussels,
County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that 1 have trana-
or delivered to Eh omention-
eed ins Sestloe 0 and 5 of thepersons Ontario voters'
List Act, 1900, the copies required by said
Sections to be so transmitted or delivered,
of the list made pursqquant to said Ant, of all
tenement Roll of satrl lliunleipaiityt Revised
o en-
titled to veto iu said Municipality at sleo-
tiongfor members of the Legislative As-
sontbiy and at Municipal elections, and that
amid list was first posted up at my Moe to
Brunets on the 27th day of July, 1E305, and re-
mains there for inspection. Blasters are
paned upon to examine the said list, and, if
any omission or any other errors are found
therein, to take immediate proceedings to
have the said errors corrected a5oordieg to
law. F. 8, SCOTT, Clerk.
Bated the 29th day of Jtily,19a9.
Strictly One Price,
Alcvazis .Z eliabZo.
Making Room with Low Prices
For our large Fall importations of Dress Goods,
Silks, Mantles, etc, All Summer Goods are marked so low
in price that every intending purchaser should secure a
share of the bargains offered in every department.
20 only fine Cambric and Muslin Shirt Waists, in stripes and
figured patterns, fast colors, white collars and cutis, regular price
84 Clearing price 550.
15 only Printed Muslin Shirt Waists, point yoke and pleated
back, white detachable collar and cuffs, real value $1.35, Clearing
price 95c.
at 40A. line of good patterns and fast,eolors, regular price 5c, selling
1 case 82 inch wide, extra heavy, all good patterns, in light
colors, worth 7c, Special at 5c.
15 pieces best quality Angolo Flannelette, all good patterns,
regular price 14c., Special at 110
28 inch heavy Oxford Shirting, nice patterns and fast colors,
new goods, regular 12i•c,, Special at 10c.
80 inch best quality Cotton Shirting, a complete range of pat-
terns and warranted fast colors, Special at 11c.
27 in. extra heavy Cottonades, regular price 20c, Special at 17c.
10 oz, bust made Cottonades, new patterns and worth regular
28c., Special at 22c.
10 oz. Oottonade Tweed, a new lino, extra heavy, worth 28e.,
Special at 22e.
50 pairs only 10/4 Flitnnelette Blankets in whits and grey,
extra heavy, worth regular 75e., Special at 55c.
11a'See what Bargains we are offering in Dross Goods before
you decide in buying elsewhere.
Dry G