HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-8-5, Page 5Aua, 5, 1898
' OcNo EX TO LOAN A9.' $ Pi�R
.L cont, 01.600'1'11, Bruosolo,
T ir. nioOR4 OKE ,
1 Y • JoonIerol0fnrringOLloouaen, Otrla9
at 1,10 Grocery, 1'nruberry street, lirun0o111,
• 'ronoorial Artist. Shop -Next door
south of A, M, Molfay & CO's hardware store,
Ladleo'aud ulrlldrous hair cutting a opocialty
Jl Miss Joan MoLanchlhl,Pnpllof O.L.
Al, Harris, Musical Doctor, of the Conserv-
atory of 0insie, lieu(iltou, Ontario, le pre.
pared to giro iln0truetlons to nlpils 011 either
piano or organ. Special a1Vuitton given
to toohnio. Lessons given either at the
homes or peens or at teaolloro home, 41.1,0
issue, of Marriage Licenses,
O1,1,r011 AT JZWELas STORn.
IL"No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
.0 Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
Go. MECO. conveyancer, Notary Public
t. Funds
invested Loan and
Ito Insurance
000. uCollectins made
0111ce in Graham's Block, Brussels.
JL. • urn, will sell for better prides, to
better men, in ase time aud less chargee
than any other Auctioneer iu East Huron
or he wont charge anything. -Dotes and
orders can 'always be arranged at this ollice
or by personal application.
el• Boner Graduate of the Onto Ho
Veterinary College, ie prepared to treat ell
diseasee of potent manner. Particulacated r attention paid
to votorinaryy dentistry. halls pronreLly at-
tended to, OBico and Infirmary -Pour doors
north of bridge 'l'oruborry et,. Bruneeie.
• Solicitor, Conveyancer ,Notary Pub-
lic, do. ONee-Vnneto0e's Block, 1 door
north of central Rote Bonet for for the
S tan lain Bank,
Solicitor, &o. (into of Garrew &
Pr'oudioot's 011100, Goderiob.) 011ce over
Giltios.& Smith's l3 auk, Brussels. 47
Money to Loan.
• (Formerly of Cameron, 01o11 &
Out. er Office-Unmiltenl St.,loOppossiteo0 1'
borne Hotel.
M.D., 0. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trin-
ity College,
e Member Phy-
sicians au1irgeOnt. Lentiate of
Royal college of Phyeiciaea and Licentiate
of Midwifery,Edinburgh, 1.a'Tolophouo
N014. Resilnce, Alin St., Brussels.
M.D., 0. M„ successor to Dr. A. McKelvey,
Licentiate of Royal college of Physicians
and Surgeons Kingston ; Member or the Col-
lege of Physicians and Burgeons of Ontario,
Diseases of women mud children a specialty.
Night years' experience, fat -Wilco and res-
idence that formerly 000upied by Dr. Me-
ltalvey, l'nrnUerry etreat, Brussels. 25-
M.B., M.D.. M.C.P.S. O.
Spacial attention given to diseases of the
Throat and Lungs and diseases of Women
and Children.
1013[0I00AN, 8011000N AND A00000IIE0R,
let Mesa Honor Graduate of the Universi-
ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston),
and of Trinity Medical College; Peltow of
• Trinity Medical Collage and member of the
colloga of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. Yost Graduate Course in Detroit and
Chicago, 1800. Spaeth.) attention paid to die•
oases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and dis-
eases of Women, ra'0ousultatlon in Eng.
Huh and German, Telephone at residence,
FOR t i _. �
uodorsignodill keen for eervlco on
Lot 5, con. 5, Groy, d there' bred improved
Yorkshire boar and a there' bred largo Eng -
Rah Berkshire 1100, Pedigrees may be seen
0u application. Tame, 81,00,:to be paid ab
Elmo of sorviao, with 77n'ivilege of returning
It necessary. ABTEUlt S0IITII,
40.4+' Proprietor.
undersigned will keep for 0orvloo on
tot 10, Con. 15, Om, the thorn' bred Here-
ford bull •'Picture; Alen a thorn' bred Dur-
ham bull, Both arc exae1,tiouany lino an-
imals, Terms, 51.00, to be paid Jan. 101,
1800, with p1iv110gg0 of rotm'n1Ug if necessary.
Nerals 4ftar, Food's Phosp'hodine,
,77(0 Snot 20r170011 Remedy.
86111 and recommended by aI
druggitte in Canada, Only roll
tos able modioino discovered. S
A s0 ^,• packages 3uarao(tcc11 to dura 1111
forms of Sexual W01101000 all effects of abu&(
or osoese, Mental Worry, j;xeossiv0 nee of To.
baeoo, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt
of pride oto package 31, elk, 30. oi01)1048 b
in0 tofi1 dne w
ung. Pamphlets free to an bddroe0.
?Clio Wood Company, Windsor, Out,
Sold iu Brusaolc by O. A, DEAD11tAN,
t 17rugglat, I800l(eoilor di Opti'ci an•
A 1111111ber of town oitizpnn are looking
forward to the appointment of Augnat
70th an Liotowol'a Civic holiday to her.
An eaoureion under 1118 auspices of
Courtvo't u
Mi1 a C,.' 1f
lI t
0 o Listowel
Niagara Palle on Monday, August 1st,
at ha, m,
Mrs, (Rev.) Livingstone, of Windsor,
arrived in town to attend her daughter,
Lula, who islyiugsiolrwith inilauuuation
DA the home of W. 1111. Bruce.
J'ho Cricket Park line born put into
shape and looks 1011111 hatter than it did
before the hay crop 0801 ronlovo,L
Orielt00 practice is going on every evening
and frequently in the afternoons,
4,A team of jnv00(108 challenged four of
the regular players of the Listowel Bowl-
ing Club for e. matched game on Monday
night of last week on Mr. Meyers' lawn
and unexpectedly administered a bad beat.
Mg to the seniors,
Richard Somers ie our now chief of
Wm. Sims has purchased J. B. Kelly's
house on Mill street.
Mies Amy Elder left for a lengthy visit
with friends at different pointe in York
Jobe S. McKinnon left on Monday
morning of last week for a two weeks'
holiday outing in Muskoka.
D.B. MoKinnon's new residence is
progressing rapidly. The bricklayers
have finished their portion of the work,
Mrs. Jae: Oomming and baby, of
Flint, Mich., and Miss Bessie Fluker, of
Clinton, are vleitors at the home of
Samuel Pinker. •
The Canadian Order of Foresters will
attend church in a body on Sunday, Aug.
7111, et 4.10 p. m. The sermon will be
preached by Rev. Bro. T. E. Higley.
Tho late Chief Davie was a member of
the Blyth Tent of, the Knights of the
Maccabees, and parried $1,000 life Insur-
ance. On Itlonday of taut week Mrs.
Davis received a cheque for the full
amount, This is very prompt work.
Blyth 1 Public school did remarkably
well et the repent Entrance and Public
School Leaving examinatione. Eleven
scholars wrote on the Entrance and 10
passed, and 6 wrote on the Public School
Le ruing and three passed. This show-
ing npeaks volumes for Principal Plum.
mer rte a teacher.
t'r'unk Collins hag left for Manitoba.
Mise M. Watts, of Tileonburg, ie the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Doig.
Mesers. Strong & Roe shipped throe
cars of horses to Manitoba recently.
R. J. M. Perkins, B. A„ lett for
Omomee for his Summer vacation and
to conduct services there.
John Kafue, teacher, of Sault Ste.
Marie, Ont., is spending the vacation
with hie father, Major Koine.
Asseseo1 Geo. Padfield received a tele.
gram oonveying the sad news that his
son, James, had been drowned in Lake
John W. Toner went to Mount Forest
where be has secured a position rte
stenographer in the office of Zoeliuer c1)
Co.'s furniture fnotory.
The remains of the late John Harvey,
who died in the House of Refuge, were
brought to town, and interred in the
Baleolava cemetery near Mildmay.
A couple of little lads got some matches
and set fire to some straw in Lawyer
Irwin'o stable. The fire wag discovered
before it had got much headway, and by'
bard work was put out, but not until a
pig and a cutter had been alightly scorch-
Peter James met with an aooident
which might Lave proved a great deal
more serious than it did. He was nn.
loading hay with a hay fork, and step.
ping back while the fork was lifting, he
fell between the horses, (musing them to
run away, the wagon passing over We
ankles. A Dr. was at once sent for, and
on arriving, found that although no
bones were broken, ho had received some
severe bruises that will lay him off work
for some time.
' ariealortln.
Thursday, Aug. 4th, was Seaforth's
Civic Holiday.
Mr. Phillips, of Stratford, Sae been
appointed agent of the Grand Trunk
Railway at Seaforth.
Mrs, Walter Willis and little daughter
Muriel left for Detroit, where they will
visit Mrs. Willie' brother.
Thomas McMillan, of Hullett, left here
on Wednesday of last week on a trip to
the old country for his health.
The Bank of Commerce bleak has re.
calved a new coat of plot which greatly
improves the outside appearance.
While Tom Murphy, son of John
Murphy, of this town, was engaged in
pitching hay at John Scott's, be bad the
misfortune to break one of the small
bones in the forearm.
The first load of new wheat was de.
livered in town at Ogilvie's milia on
Thursday morning of last week, by Hugh
Campbell, of Hallett, near Constance.
It tested 60 pounds to the bushel and
brought 68 Dente per bushel.
Barry Willis has gone quite extensively
into the wholesale manufacture of leather
leggings, sy and
,as se
veral Sonde employed
steadily in this line
of work. We trust
Mt Willis will find it a remunerative
line, as his enterprise doterves 0000000,
Tho direotorate of the '1'ockeremith
Agricultural Society have decided not to
join the Hullett Society in the holding of
0 joint exhibition in Clinton this Fall,
but instead will devote their energy to a
one -day, out -door, all stoolc Foie, The
date selected teal Friday, Sept. 23rd.
A young child of Thomas G. Scott mat
with a painful accident. The child, who
is only a little over a year old, fell out of
the up -stairs window to the ground, a
distanoe of about sixteen feet. Arlin re.
suit its ooilar bone was broken, and it
wag only a miracle that the child 80110
not killed.
The steamer Roanoke, direct from the
Yukon gold country, arrived at Seattle on
the 20th July, and had with it rte paenen'
gers many returned miners tvho had gold
duet valued at over $3,000,000. The re-
port says : "Among the ]poky passengers
on the Roanoke was William Sloan,
Nannimo, avho, with $176,000, was the
rfoheet man on with
Mr. Sloan 10 a
son of Mrs. Sloan, of thio town, and is an
old Soaforth boy. Thie it his teoond trip
to the Klondike. IIs returned last yens
and brought a large sum of money with
0 The Christian 'Endeavor of the first
Presbyterian nhnr011 held ii,, annual
t,0011liu•1),nio to hayfield on Wednesday of last
ltobb IirOS., who hare carried on a
einem:A nl g100ary bnaines0 here for many
years, have disported of their stook and
bneinees to J. S'l, MuOabo, lately of To.
r0 0.
On Monday morning of lest week
AnaY A, neon
To beloved to of wife his.
w d Ue uvo 1
L rtt
ori nEJohn street, joined the
silent majority wf1(011 await the seller
rection, The deceased lady had been ill
for some months, having had n paralytic.
stroke early in the Spring, bub from, this
she rallied, and her Many friends hoped
to see Mar around again. Mrs. Lenther.
land was a quiet, retiring woman, and
only those who knew her well woo
acquainted with her Christian qualities.
She waa 0 consistent member of the
Methodist Ouch, A grown up family
of two suns and one daughter and her
life partner, are lett to mourn her lose..
The sympathy of the community is ex-
tended to the bereaved onee, and 0epe0i.
ally to Miss J ulia, who has boon her
mother's constant companion, and who
yerformed the arduous duties of mire°
during Mrs. Leatherland'e long illness.
Tho funeral took place on Tueeday after-
noon to the Maitland Bank cemetery,
where the remains were laid to rest, Rev.
Mr. Russell conducting the servfue.
Lan <A taow.
Robb. McNabb, of 11111101, 10 visiting
friends in town.
The G. T. R. will put in the switch for
the now elevator.
Preparations for Caledonian Day go on
apace and there is every indication that
we will have an old time gathering.
J, W. Armstrong, jeweler, has purohas•
el the Bower property at the corner of
Havelock and Hamilton streets in this
J. C. Lyons, the great poultry breeder
at Lnoknow, will have at least 10 entries
for the coming G. N. W. fall. Show at
The Central Furniture Factory was
sold to Button & Trevitt, of Teeswater,
and the.new firm will commence opera.
Hous in -a few days or weeks at latest.
Inet,oator Howe, of the Underwriters'
Association, inopeoted the waterworks,
and other fire appliances in the village on
Wednesday of last week, and found every-
thing in first-class shape.
At a special meeting of the Village
Oounoil a motion was passed extending a
hearty invitation to both Lord and Lady
Aberdeen to visit our village on the oc.
casion of the holding of the Great North-
ern Caledonian gathering here on the 31st
of August.
The following interesting figures are
taken from the Assessment Roll of the
Township of Ashfield for the years 1897
and 1808
Amount of assessment in '97, $1,098,930
'98, 1,000,130
Persons entered in col 20 in '97.... 3,440
08.,,. 3,350
No. of cattle in the year '07 7,244
'98 7,200
sheep " '1(7
" hogs '97
" horses '97
n 4,„ 198
Mrs. Logan has assumed the duties of
her position of organist of Knox church.
Major Varaoo has gone to Toronto to
take a course in equitation at Stanley
J. T. Garrow, 112. P. P. and Miss Car-
row have returned from their trip to the
Atlantio Coast.
The dog by-law seems to be forgotten,
judged by the canines ono may see daily
without it medal,
Theyoung boy named Porter, who
came up with the Clinton excursion two
weeks ago and while here had an attack
of sunstroke, has 0111Ce recovered.
Fred. J. ',lumbar, of Stratford, has
challenged our fast rider, Alex. McLeod,
to a bicycle oonteet, in Goderich, any die.
tame from half a mile to five mites. •
We observe upon the list of artists en-
gaged to take special parte in the great
musical festival at Berlin this month the
mane of Miss Laura Acheson, of this
On Sunday the female cook on a vessel
in harbor, wan riding on the deck with a
recently purchased biopic), and making a
slip she fell off the wheel into the hold.
The fall did not cause serious injury.
Jahn Mitchell, who for a great many
years followed the tailoring trade in
Goderich, has left for Scotland. His
daughter, Miss Mitohell, leaves this week
for Toronto, whore she will reside in
Chas. Chisholm has secured a new
market for his raspberries in Montreal, to
which place he is making shipments, re.
gularly. He is quite pleased with the re•
turns from the fruit he has sent there,
which has sold at 7 and 71 eta. a box.
A. M. Polley's trotter, "Lottie P.,”
entered for the state trotting purse et
Rome, N. Y., and won first place. Lottie
lowered her record from 2.221 to 2.16j;,
and it is thought she will trot the mile iu
2,12 before the season, of 1808 oloses.
Thos. McGillicuddy and daughter,
Miss Nellie, of Toronto, are the guests of
the Misses McGillicuddy, Wellaley street,
Mr. McGillicuddy is not in the best of
health, and is trying the effect of the
Ureozosftorl old IIaron' c
Huron's broad ex-
Wm. E. Clegg, a well known former
resident of Goderi001, died at Los Angeles,
California, on the 24th of Jun. The dee
ceaead was boom in this town and wan
employed for many years on the staff of
the Signal. Heart failure wits the cause
of hie death, which mane very suddenly.
Me. Clegg was 60 years of age,
There died recently iu Toronto one who
was Dime a.ptominnt tigers iu Goderich,
in the peeso0 of P. H. Carter, who some.
what more thea score of years ago was
G. 1.'. IL agent hove. Tho deceased lead
been in ra,ilraacl life for a period of 43
yoars,and wee reputed to be the oldest
employee of the Grand Trunk Railway.
Tho following is a statement of the
reoeipt0 and expenditures in connection
with rho Godfrey Bed comfort given
ender the auspices of the Goderich Musi-
cal Society on Juno 20111 last -:
Total reoeiptsfrom sale of ti0ltots $972 00
Godfroy'e band received. ,$709 75
Rink rent, seating etc, . , 42 71
rootage, telephone, tele -
78 86
graph and incidentals., 27 00
9858 85
Balancete G. M. 118 05
-•-- 972 00
Firs InspectorRoht, Howe was In town
on Tuesday of last week and had the lire
brigade oohed out.
At the last regular meeting of the local
lodge of the Independent Foresters the
fulluwing were sleeted officers for the
present term ; — Court Deputy, Wm,
Proudfoot ; C. R , F. J. Pridham ; V. It,,
W. A. Ross ; Seoretary, W, A. IL Cull' ;
Senior Woodman, James Yates ; Junior
Woodman J. Beattie ; Chaplain, i
B t1Won len W. J
Downing. The secretary, f
(, 1 scar t y, W A, Ii. Cuff,
was elected delegate to the High Court
of Ontario, which moats in Chatham on
the 911) prox,
Shortly after 1 o'clock Thursday after.
noon, neighbors notified that the kitchen
attachment to L, 1:, Damoey's dwelling on
]East street was on fire, and an alarm was
sent in front the G. T. 1t, depot by tele.
phone. The brigade was soon on hand,
end having a powerful stream of water
the fire was out in a few minutes. The
back part of the house was considerably
damaged, and the furniture suffered from
fire, water and removal. The fire appears
to have started somewhere around or
near the kitchen stove, but"how ft actually
originated no one knows.
Mrs. Posblewaite, sr., was brought be-
fore Police Magistrate Seager on two
charges of larceny. The chargee were
for stealing a pair of lace curtains, the
property of Mrs. Tunget, and stealing a
pair of lace curtain, some knives, glass-
ware, oto., the property of Mrs. Shane.
horn. Both offences are said to have
been committed in April, 1896. The
prosecutrix in each case gave evidence,
Mrs. 'Punnet positively swearing that the
ourtaine produced were her property in
1896, and Mrs. Shonshon, who is a laugh.
ter of Mrs. Tungeb, also testified that the
several items produced were her property
in 1896. The defendant declared her in-
nooenm and said that the property be-
longed to her, and in the and asked that
the cavo be submitted to a jury, so that
the trial will take place at the Fall As-
sizes next September. E. N. Lewis
prosecuted on behalf of the orowo and
Earnest Heaton defended Mrs. Pestle.
waite. The defendant was admitted to
bail, her son being her security.
Win .-,11 Etna .
Bares.—Wingham races opened on
Wednesday of last week with fine weather
and the track in good condition, and all
the beat horses entered, all the races being
filled. Tho attendance was about fifteen
hundred. Summaries :-
2 80 pace and 820 trot :-
Zelda, W Burnside 'Kinoardiee..,...... 1 1 1
Baby Boy, Robert Scott, :Durham 2 2 2
D/label, IL E Robertson, London 4 8 8
Allan Line, Goo Buxton, Guelph 8 4 4
Fred II., J L Doherty Clinton dr
Congo Roy, H Oargllf, Cargill Ells
Harry Cr., Listowel Brewery Stable
Listowel die
Time, 2.243, 220, 2,82.
2:24 pace and 2.20 trot: -
Sir Allem-II A O'Neil, Luoan 4 0 1 1 1
Grace M.,W A Howell, Jerrie1 1 2 2 9
Harry K., JY Welsh, Coiling -
wood 3 5 4 8 2
FleetwIugs, F, Johnston, St,
Thomas 8 2 3 5 4
Lisbon, H Wilkins, Owen Sound 5 4 5 4
Bay Frank, 1,7 L Doherty, Olin -
ton - 2 8 0 0 0
Time 2211, 2.28, 2.21, 2 29.1, 2,211.
2120 pane and 2:18 trot :-
Lon H., J A Johnston, Petrolea ,.,..,... 1 1 1
Paddy 11„ J Roche, Stratford 2 2 4
Diol( French, Ed Jackson, Bedford
Park 9 a 9
Mies Delm ?im 110 Gee l,0 Stratford... 4 4 2
Winghan's second day's races opened
with fine weather. The shower on the
previous night made the track in fine
condition, but in the last heat a shower
came on which made the track heavy.
Attendance 2,500. Summaries
0017 pace and 2:24 trot
Kitty ]t„ J Palmer, Richmond 1 1 1
Chicago Belle, H Overmeyer, 8t,
Thomas 8 2 4
Hal Forest, Jae Hine Markdale 2 8 7
Bobt. H., A Beata Delaware 0 4
Texas Minnie, 0 3(Pollakwsby, Mit-
chell 5 7 3
Little Meek, T Ball tt Son, Winglram 8 0 10
Nellie Walker, H 0 Walker, Bothwell 0 5 0
Millie A., W IBshrelly, Simone 10 8 8
Brown Richmond, J Matheson, Chats
worth 4 9 0
Johnston, H N Fowler, Brantford 7 10 8
Virginia, J Miner, Goderich lis
Ti to e.125,2:2 t1, 2:243.
Three-miuuto trot :-
Flora McDonald, J 8 Brown,
London 2 1 2 1 1
Gertrude W„ F Dalmage, Wing -
ham 1 2 1 0 2
Pavonia, H -Cargill es Son, Oar -
gill 4 3 8 2 8
Salina, Beattie tiros, Wingham, 8 4 4 4 4
Time Mei, 2:88, 2883,2;84 2:821.
Free-for-all :-
Arline Wilkes, J P :Welsh, Coiling-
wood1 1 1
Prince H„ J A Johnston, Petrolea .2 2 2
BIInitoy , Morgan, J T Hetherington, die
Captain Hueter A Maloy,Branbtord, 1111
Dick French,Ed Jackson, Bedford
Park Ar
Time, 2:11334;19, 9.271.
Friday, August 6th, a aivio holiday.
Inspector Robb will dispose of hie
household furniture on August 0th, and
thereafter reside at Brussels.
Chas. Ovorberry is also one of those en-
titled to a medal for military eervioee
rendered in 1865-6, and has sent in his
olaim papers.
Mise Hattie Irwin, who was injured
somewhat by the overturning of a carry-
all, is improving nioely, but is yet suffer-
ing from the sprain to her ankle.
Constable Wheatley was called upon to
follow aun
vo anan who had left un-
paid hoard bill ab one of the hotels, and
he succeeded in securing the full amount
of the bill.
Wilbur Manning, the efficient and
affable manager of the Doherty Organ
Factory, has left on a holiday trip to Que-
bec, taking boat at Torouto, being ac-
companied by his wife.
On Monday the Rev. A. Stewart, of
Willis church, completed hie 20th year of
service in Clinton. Ou the 80th of July,
1878, ha was inducted into the pastorate
of his present congregation.
Forty applications were received for
the vacancy en the teaching staff of the
Collegiate, that of Mies Edith Parise, of
St. Thomas, being aooepted, at 9600 per
year. She wee the only Commercial
Specialist in the entire list of applicants.
The two Epworth Leagues of town—
Ontario and Rattenbury street— are co-
operating with the Leagues of Godarioh
to hold a union piranha at Bayfield on
AnguetOth. An excellent program ie be.
ing prepared, and e. good time is expect.
The Ontario 8t. Methodist choir in.
tends holding . its song service) Sunday
evening, Aug, 2181, when a 0)10ioe pro.
grana will be rendered. In. the morning
Rev, B. Clamant will deliver e, discourse
on Sacred Mueto, and the evening will be
pnraly nnteiaat service,
'35 Cts.
Will be sent to any address in
the Dominion of Canada or the
United States for the balance of
1808 for the small sum of
35 its.
Don't be without the news
when you may have it for the
above price.
THE POST snakes a specialty
of Auction Sale Bills, Advertising
Strayed Stock, Farms for Sale,
We give special prominence
to Local and District news. 56.
Columns in THE POST every week.
Don't borrow any longer but
order for yourself.
A word of recommendation
is always of great benefit to us
and is greatly appreciated.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Will make,
swell marl
of YOU!
010081P00Dn000 THE 19000
MSULTe [11 0000 w0000.
PICOBI aures all Nervone Dlaoltaut Bleaploe4.
nese, Fe(llns Memory, Nightly Emloolooe, firm. Imp0to0oy, oto„ *nom] by pact •Deem •
given vlgor anlds etre to hrunkoo r••nc, cod
or young.0 Coo PI 00I and 1100 0 growr,troowa
and happy again. dont by mall to plan( wrapper
and e,onroly coaled. from obeorvenoo Essay
carried in vest pookot Prloe, /. a pati; ago •1*
for 00. Bend monoy to anhor ordinary r 0001,ter.
al 10810,0,, Ad4rose 011 totters to J.T. PEIPPPaR,
Droggllnion ot, (Ronda.0100070, ON0, A8001 for 0110 ire.
�i�Ver Silop!
The undersigned has .open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
where he will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patronage solicited.
Meat delivered to all parts
of the town,
A talkative tag.
The tag on every pair of "Slater Shoes"
tells the 1 lE',ther,
its wear, service
oris tr,l01 It w he.
p t .shoe is mads how
to mare for It Anil the factory number, by
v.lmcli any faults may be traced to the
operative. This tag is good for five
cents on a bottle of Slater Shoe Polish.
Goodyear Welted and stamped on
the sole by the makers, $3,00, $4.00
and $s.0u per pair.
"The Slater Shoe."
Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND • —
North Shore*
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Ells
Also Doors and Smell of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notioe.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinda of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed,
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyepepeie, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver complaint, Neur•
Ogle, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitas' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold is Jan, Fox, Druggist, Brussels,
Western Fair, _ - London.
September 8th to 17th, 1898,
Entries close 7th September. Space allotted on receipt of entry.
Our attractions will be grand, and exhibits unsurpassed, You can see all that
others can chow, and to better advantage, Royal Dragoons, Prince O'Kabe'e Japs,
Sie Hassan Ben Ali's Ruffins and many other specials, the best in the country.
Fireworks each evening, "Blowing up the Maine," assisted by all the ring and stage
Special excursion trains leave London at 10 p. m. and after, so you can stay to
the fireworks.
Auction Sale of Booths and Privileges, Wednesday, August 17th, on the grounds
at 2 p. m. Prize Lists, Programmes, etc., apply to
To Clear Out
Odd Lines of Summer Goods we will
make Special Reductions in price.
12je. Light and Fancy Prints reduced to 11c ;
the 10c range to 8io, and the 9c for bee,
Fancy Colored Muslims
at Reduced Prices. All new Goods.
Only a few Shirt Waists
left, to be Sold at a Bargain.
Sun Hats and all 1111es of Straw Hats going Chea,r•1�
and then throw away this paper before yen conclude 1 de
you are loeip
good money byn
not buying your
DAIRYfrom us, We are
prepared to supply every person ' with Dairy Cane
Pails, Milk Pane and Tinware off all kinds at prioee aeoordiag to quality.
Graniteware of all kinds.
Having pot in a stook of Spades, Shovels
Forks, &a., of the boat quality we solea
your Patronage,
Paint Your House with the best weather and water.
proof Paint in the market. We sell it,
Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order.
The best lino of Cook Stoves to choose from.
.Eavetrou.shin. and Reairin u
p s
promptly attended to.—
N. B.—Wait for our wagon, it will call on you for your truck in a
few days.
Wilton & Turnbull