HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-7-29, Page 8ONE BICYCLE ! We have One BiOyele to dispose of, o1 thin eaaeon's purchases, None better for the money and very few better at any prior, It is the Ores. cent, game make am I ride and which I do in preference to all others, Thee who know them beat say most in their praise. Repair men would be noaraer if only Crescent Bloyolee were gold. They ere fully goaran. toed. $10 Cash and $9 a month for three menthe will take this wheel, or will rent it lot the balance of 804aon for $10,00. This ie a bargain. G. A. Deadman, - Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SonmaERN EXTENSION W. a. & R. Trains leave Bruesele Station, North and South, as follows: GOING Sov,H. GOINGNORTH. semen 7;10 a.m. I Mail 2:10 p.m taxed. 4:95 &. m. IIs pteee .,....10:10 p.m rug gelU• Pats. A ohiel'e amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. New wheat. HARVEST apples. War freigbt ie lively, GARDEN Party Friday evening. A 1310 trade is expected next Fall. Poona Divleion Court n ABIG Concert e talked of ht e latter part of Angust. BRneELO Oonnoil next Monday even. ing at 8 o'clock, A on of hogs was shipped on Wednes. day by Backer & Vanetone. Do Tae POST a favor by banding in the name of your vieiting friend. Too output of salt continues about as lively as eves at the Enterprise Works. Masan. BARRER & V.NsToNE shipped a oar of hogs on Tuesday from Brussels station. Rom.honZamora; e fora Slnderittradeds , trotter peeing bis ma at Londeeboro'. Two oars of cattle were shipped by Clegg & Dames on Thursday of lest week, They were a fine lot. Tao rush of harvest is well large share of Fall wheat being safely housed or etacked in good eoudition. BRUSSELS will supply the bride for a Miohigander tide Fall, it ie said. He couldn't do better than take one of onr girls. Taj brink veneering of the new resi. demo of the Misses Kelly was oompieted this week and the balance of the work will now be pushed along. WrNoatat horse noes on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Quite a number of Bruaselitee attended. There were no horses entered from here. Vlatoam Park presents it very lively Beene these evenings between base ball and foot ball practices. The warm weather does not appear to be a deter- rent. AN exoureion le being arranged in con. •neation with the Canadian Preen Associ- ation to Dulnth on the 10th of August. It will no doubttprove an enjoyable out- ing for ibe hard` worked editors. Janet Fineman, late of the Welling- ton, Grey & Brune division, bag been traneferrtake the place of JohnWeir/alley, resign- ed. Conductor Balpenny suaneede Con- ductor Fitzgerald on thle ren. I'rilnA r evening of 1111 8 weal r e Young t hro Peoples' Chapter of 8t. John's churc will give a garden party ou Mrs. James Wilson's lawn, Elizabeth street. Pro. coeds will go to the new Reotory fund. A good program will be provided and an enjoyable time aeeured. BEST local talent in vocal and instru. mental seleotione, the town Band, &o•, have been secured for the Garden Party at Mrs. Jas. Wilson's Ibis (Friday) even- ing. Ground& will be iBnminated with Chinese lanterns. Good bill of fare in the refreabmeut line. Dunrza the past week the old cattle guard that stood out at the G. T. R. crossing on Turnberry street to the in- eonvemdoe and threatened danger of pedestrians has cement tile draitl Ssubstitn uted and ngood job was done and the Cour-toil talk of (m0 - tinning it by putting in tile and covering in the big ditch as far as Maple street. This would obviate the possibility of ao• oident, Foot B,ua.-Thursday evening of last week Brussels Foot Ball team was organ - /zed for the Fall. Tbe following officers were sleeted : - President, J. H. Cameron Manager, T. A. MoLaaohlin ; Seo-Treas., Bert. Gerry ; Capt, James Thomson ; Managing Com., Capt, Mana- ger and Seo"l reae. Membership fee WAS planet) at 50 Dente. The club Will be open to play friendly matches with the teams of surrounding towns and villages. Dmoeale has the material for a oreeking good club and we expeot to hear of many Victoria Won by than. Baerde' meeting zaar, Twas heldp lust Monday morning at which the Reeve and all the Councillors were present. 13y.Iaw No. 0, 1808, authorizing the inning of $22,. 200 in debonturoo to run 20 yeare, ab 4 per oent,, interest payable annually, was passed to meet 02,200 meaning on August 5th and $20,000 on September let. of. fere are asked for the purchase of these ditthe debt on Bea:te 1aeonly 1380,700l,with 04,045 to the edit of the Sinking fund, preeenta Gret,olaee ueonrity that ehould find ready takers, The now debentures will be honed after Aug. 15th, Money will bo borrowed for a month from Standard Bank to cover prat amount. A saw s£ga bas been placed before the Queen'e Hotel. Buerxaea hae been quiet durfag harvest exaepting in the evenings. Lamle and fgardene have eelfered by the long oantlnned drought. ANaTasn quire of paper was a Tao Post circulation last week, NEXT Monday ie Emanoipatl and is generally observed by the n Jso. Foxe fountain and frogs .tg traotton is to go of next n. Scott at St. prizes. es this so G. ood au. n," on e Scott course, tbeir at half t made again rg oon- ghters nearly e Wee Island The had orlr, a good end a' Sab_ on to Mo. eh on batch even and Tend - 11 be has alter mall• 1, of sea• repair ball otor- ex• were Were 75 ower ex• Saha aka mer the the rip. es• of his n'e THE 131BUSS.ELS POST Tao first new wheat was griated at Ross' mill ou Thursday by Jamee Bol. ger, Morrie township, right pinna of ler 3owmtan Isla dmake, and tided to haMebbocliet3 in hie Sabbath sieobool Kingstreet. on rnoon of this week in the on Day I DoFrtvdeonteGrove, on the bank of the egroee, Maitland. in hie Tara faunal of bus late Thos. Taylor, of Grey, permed through Bruseela on Thureday afternoon of the week to the oemetry here, A ROWER of Brueaelites drove over to and save the r laorosee team rta last ytroafternoon noe a a Toronto club, It a'aii a fast game, Ix Bruseela voters list for 1898 there are 252 names in No, 1 Divielon •, I31 in No, 2 ; and 45 in No. 5, a total of 420, 1)7 are qualified to serve as Jurors. W. J, STEwART arrived home from hie vacation on t some Ilos cep oimefie of peeks d abs nt ale from a trout pond near Stouff villa. One anglers are talking about them yet, Tao Post regrets to hear ado decease of Harold, youngest son of E. R. and Louie Grundy, of Detroit, formerly of Brussels. The bright little boy died on July 1.2th after a brief illness, aged 2 have the eympat ears. y of their r. and mauyrold friends here in tbeir loss. Can or the family of Athe late o airs,tnAnderso rs , tho the many frienwish to ds wressho so kindly thanksur Glacier° lent their aid during oar mother's illneee and our recent bereavement. We trust that the Great Ruler of all, the Father of the fatberleas and the Friend of the widow will abundantly reward their kind deeds. BABY TO TAICa,-"The Brussele POST was 27 years old last week, and contrary to the Sawa of nature, it grows stronger, thriftier and better looking the older it n. gate,-gtwood Bee. - "xtle Bruseela Post was 27 years old last week. Tao Pont is an excellent weekly and we wish Bro. Kerr and Tan POST may see many more birthdays" -- Winghgm Times. - The Brussels POST celebrated its 27111 birthday renently. THE Post is a well oondnoted journal and deserves the suo- oeea it hae attained. Bro. Kerr has a good field and works it well."-Wingham Advance. Tao Clinton New Era says :-Fred. Rumball has bought the jewellery busi- ness letely conducted by his son, and the same will be continued in the old stand. Harry Hewitt, eon of William Hewitt and brother to Jno. Hewitt, of Brussels, who baa been aesooiated with the busi- ness for some time, will be in charge, and being a thoroughly practical workman, the business will not antler under his di- rection. The health of J. 13. Rumball has been precarious for some time, and he will devote his attention to the tele. phone agency only, thee having an ap- portnnity to recuperate, of last week Mrs.Tio Saturday ag da eon me, old and esteemed resident of Brussels, passed away to the great Beyond at the age of 66 yearn and 21 days. Deceased had been ill for about three monthe with heart trouble, and though every atten- tion was paid by physician and friends her usually rugged constitution finally yielded to the repeated attacks. The subject of this notice was born in York Co., Ontario, in 1883, and in 1851 she was united in marriage to Thomas Anderson, who pre•deoeaeed her some 19 years ago. They removed, after a residence of three years in Brampton, to Auburn, where they lived for 20 years, and then name to. Brunie, where she hae resided np to bar decease. Out of a family of 18 children 5 are left to mourn the They ars:-ibSof a seD and Kennedy, Blythd r; Thoe, Anderson, of Lindsay ; Mrs. Geo, e and Robert, off Brueels.s. erTb subjeotrof Ibis notice was a member of the Ohnroh of England, being united with that body for mann the blessedyears, a assand urance ofhis thetfe full re. ward in the life that is Morns/. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon and was largely attended, the remains being laid in their last earthly reefing plaoe in Brussels cemetery. The very impressive service was oonduced by Rev, G. J. Abey and Rev. R. Paul. Tbe pall -bearers were ; Geo, Moliilan, Jno. Wynn, J...1. Gilpin, B. Gerry, W. 11. Moberg ved family have the aoken and Geo. esympathy of the community in the lova of their dear one, of whom they may eel with deepest meaning, A leader one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled ; The plane now vacant in our home Can never more be filled. Among the relatives and friends who attended from a distance were Thos. Anderson, of Lindeay ; Mrs, Gahnm, of Blyth ; Wm. Grabam, (a brother), and Mie Ella, of Stanley tp. ; Mrs, Brown, D. Kennedy and family and F. Van Norman and wife, of Blyth, re window have been an at during the past week. Bnuoe ,e Base Ball team ex pa to 1almeroton on Wednesday week to play the club of that tow TM:I MLAY of last week W, 1' took part in Caledonian games Marys and captured a number of Tia result of the work of the be season will be about half a "orop A. Deadman says, and be is g thority, Too Allan steamer "Pariade which Misses Jeanet and Maggi sailed, reaohed Liverpool in due making a speedy ran. Baton's cheese factory sold Jane make of cheese. For the fir they received 7 E cents, and for Ilia in the last half 7a oente per pound Tao Ronald foundry is running to compete the fire engines uncle struotion. There ere three fire 5 on the way, two of which are finished, A LOAD of seoond•hand buggie shipped this week to Manitoulin from Jas. Walker's yard. Th been taken as part pay for new w number of them being in fairly repair. BErsssr.s 0. 0. F. Court will e bath,00d aApg delegation3.b, to the annual serm heir brethren there. Rev. Mr Robbie, High Chaplain, will prea bat occasion, Tam tenders for St, John's a eatery were opened last Monday ng, but were considered too high onsequently were not accepted, rs are being asked for again, and wi opened next Wednesday, Aug. Ord. DURING the past week A. Causley isposed of Cleveland bioyoles to W arrest, 2nd con„ Morrie ; Wm, 8 on, Oranbrook, and Robert Bel ray township. Tbe long dry on hae kept Mr. Coneley's hop on the rosh, sensations a orae wheels at a time there for do g. THERE Was a big turn.one to the ration to Goderioh last Friday. ecial train was run, and when all oard some 1,100 passengers anted, many of them obildren, ate were sold at Brussels. List nd, 22 strong, accompanied the reion. The Meryboro' Township th Bobool Association would m me money out of the trip. A stet Goderioh ran excursion tripe into e. It was nearly 11 p. m. when in reaohed Braseels on the return t T. JonN's Lopez, A. F. & y evening John Barnard, P. M., aster, installed the officers for t m in connection with St. Joh dge, Brussels. They are as follows A. Conley, P. M, ; Geo. Halliday, W.' M. ; Peter J. Bishop, B. W. ; G. F. Blair, J. W. ; Jas. Fos, Treasurer; J. A. Creighton, Secretary ; Jno. Wright, Obaplaio ; John Hewitt, B. D. ; J. H. Cameron, J. D, ; Jas. Ballantyne, 8. S. ; Silas Jackson, J. S. ; Geo, Dunlop, I. G. ; J. Y. S. Kirk, Tyler. 1113 wicked editor of the Atwood Bee e his brother-in•law in the following nor over the arrival of a baby dangpb- -"al ereon willgthe occupybhoei timeePain:operfecting w kind or an alarm olook which he invented. It possesses several res of special note, 510,3 -It Te- es no winding up and is sore to "go generally at 11, 12 midnight, and at tiler intervals until morning, but part of iia meohaniem requires rating, whiab D. G. is working on. ekes a variety of noiaeo, such ace •agco, r•r-r•rab, r•r•r-tab, m-a.a•a, r.a.h, eto. Mr. Anderson will not patented however, Fuller partion• n another column, Air Dravre2n.---Leet Tuesday a Musson held a Court in the Oman. amber, Brussels, to hear the f E. H. Thomas against hie amen - of $8,000 on real estate and $1,000 pis pproperty. The appellant, J. oald, R. Watt and F. S. Scott were coed, and the case thoroughly gone after which Mr. Brown, Mr. aand ern Siololairr' of for then corporation, seed the ed the evidsnoe ae. nd dismissed brieflyie honor th i, Personally, we are glad he did, as,hbut mole people desire ohavtithe idea he local Court of Revision is a very stoat body who render peculiar be. The above deal ' ear e faot that Conrte of tRevieiloobare swear boy ed will do f their 'duty to the bet r ability, said in the one beard the of the Court was proven to be t before an outside authority. r a d F d in ou e ab 00 tiok Ba en ba e0 at lak Ira da Wro ter Lo joke man ter And a ne has feats quir off," irreg thio regal m a -goo 0.00. get it tars i Ai Judg ail Oh peal o ment on D. o =am into Thom Lawy addre review not appe w Tbom that t whim Verdio out th compos that t of tbei aotion correct BASE BALL.-.Broeeela Junior Base Ball Olub went to Blyth on Wednesday aftet- noon and played a game with the Club of that village. Some good ball was played, the visitore winning by a score of 19 to 10 and an inninge to spare. Frank Bobs pitched the first and Remand in- ningo and then gave plane to Ted. Grower, who ratbr egrptised the home team, Duna. MaLaohlin did very good work behind Ike bat. The battery was well supported and every chance offered ao- °opted. Siam was in the box for Blyth and Ballantyne oatoher. Blyth teak a good lead up to the 4th innings and from that out had hard worts to get their men aarose the llama plate. Tbey were blank. ed in the 7th, 8th and 9th innings. The 5oore was as follows i- BnnsaELs, 110 11055 . 00 0 Kendall, 20 1 8 MoOoune11, lb ... 0 2 Grawar p 8 S Ohambrlahi, a, 1 C MoLauohnn, o .,, S 2 Slme, p 1 2 Boobs, ea 2 0 00abkirk, as 8 0 lfayoroft,rf ,,,..,2 1 holly, 2b 8 8 Gerry, ib 1 8 Moser,11 0 4 WGilpin, 8b lceof ,•.....•,•, 1 8 Tait, 813 , o , 1 A Downing, lf•......., 2 2 Cook, 1f 1 1 10 2t 10 27 Rlueois 2 4 1 1 8 0 8 0 *.45 Blyth 2 5 a i 2 1 0 0 0-10 Robb. Downing, of Brusele, umpired the game satisfaceriy. A return match will be played, it ;e expected, in Brunetti on friday aftornoen of next week, Cif ORM CRIMES. Methodist 8. B. pio•nio on Friday after. noon of this week. Rev. Mr. Skene, of Hillsdale, will preaoh in Melville ouroh next •Babbath. "The Temple of the body" will be the topio at the League next Sabbath evening. Bev. R. Paul will take it. • Last Sabbath Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., dieooursed morning and evening on the text "Epistles of Christ," II Car. 2:8. He dealt with the materials in tbo morn• ing and the writings at the evening ear. vice. Daniel, 6011 ohaptet and 10th vane, was the Soripture aeleeled last Sabbath morning by Rev. Mr, Absy as the found- ation for his sermon, In the evening his text wag "Galifo oared for none of these things," Acte 188g117. R. of Toronto, conducted the serviae0ninathe Methodist chore's here Last Sabbath. In the morning he spoke on "Peter's denial" and in the evening he gaving o the Mr. Ra tenberglife, lecturedMonday "Toven. e Jews," showing the wonderful manner in which their destiny was being worked oat. Bernie Rautenberg, the 10 year old eon of the lecturer, sang a number of aoloe in sxoellent form. His eeloatioto were "Heavenly Song," "Cockle and Mueels," "Babylon," and "Sleep little Baby of mine," by Mae, Donee. 13oroie has a pate, clear voice of unusual sweet - nee. .lIe did his part excellently, and is destined to talto a front place among the vodeliate, D•liss Notion presided as accompanist, Itov, It. Paui, in the ala - aeon of the pastor, occupied the (hair. There W08 a fair aadlona° considering the great boat, The Wingham District meting of the ham ontTueeday, August 10411, be told tat f10na,. m. Cove assignedehf of nextto$n,bbeth Le eveningpio at Melville lama o"r• It will be taken by &lila Dora Smith and prise Jennie Forbes, Next Sabbath morning rev, la, Rogers, of Blusvae, a former pastor, will preach in the Methodist obnroh, Breeeole, Rev, Mr, Oaten, of Bolgrave, will ooaupy the pulpit in the evening, Both gentlemen aro good preaolors, stook, has esuedlaasmall' D pamphlo ofof d' 0 pages, netting forth the leading arguments against the licensing of the liquor traffic, and impressing on all prohibltionista the duty of organizing for the plebiscite, Rev, Dr. Smith, pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian churub, Guelph, who had been lying seriously ill for months, and whose death was not unexpected, passed away Monday afternoon at 8 o'olook, The deceased clergyman was a sturdy champion of the faith, an eminent scholar, and personally one of the most popular of man. 1'l;11SOSA-L PARAGRAPHS., Albert Thome is book to town. George Peebles ie working at Tiverton. Jno. Ament was in London on Saber. day. ev, Jno, Roes, B. A„ is v;,; ing at Elora this week. P. H. Thomas, of Norwich, was in town on Tuesday, Mre, G. F. Blair and Wilfr; 1 are 11011- laying at Go0erich. Mrs, Wm. Cornish was vii ing at Bluevele last week, Miss Polly Sample visited in 3caforth for a few days ilia weak, Mise Annie Ross was holidaying at Kincardine a fort few Mise Wynn, of f31uevale, was visibiog relatives in Brussels this week. • Jno. Donaldson and wife were visiting at Goderioh daring the past week, Misses Homphili aol Harrier, of Wroxe• tel', were visiting Mise Lida Crooke, at- tended awv ddinggn atand Jno. Ha over lastttweek. Mrs, T. F. Rattan and Harry are away to Kingston and Bath an a holiday visit. Miss Ida Price, of fronto, is visiting her oonein, Miss Rills Hunter, Mise Annie aloliioley, of Alton, ie vieiting her sister, Mrs, Chris, Grimold- by.W. F. Stewart and wife left fast Tees - day on a holiday outing to Toronto and Rochester. Dire. Bretbour nod daughter, May, of Wroxeter, are visiting at J. Simmons', John street, James O'Leary, of Petrolia, formerly of Brussels, was In town for a few days this week. Jno, darter and wife, of Goderioh, spent last 8nutlay iu lirassels, returning on Monday. Frank Dennis, of Chatham, is vieiting his grandparents and other old friends in Brussels and looality. Robb. Watt, who is travelling for the Waterous firm, of Brantford, was home for a few days this week, Mrs, Jno, Diokson and Miss Jean Jaolrson, of Wingham, were visiting at Melville manse last week, Mrs, Alfred Bratty, of Deer Park, Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs, George Rogers, Frederick street. Mrs. McLean and daughter, Mho Mabel, of Hensen, spent Sunday at Jas. tie's, The ladies are sisters. m. Smith assisted the Listowel B Friday on the excursion trip Ba Beat W last Goderioh, Billy knows how to blow b born, de Bank, B usse a, expecterto leave of the on n S urday of this week for a oomph 00 wee holidays, Mississ Alma, Clara Hunter, onf town area span ing the weir at Mr, Moore's, 'Oro bridge. Mise Ida Stewart, of St. Thomas, vieiting Alias Maggie Stewart, Quo street, and other relatives in Brussels a looality, F. nese tip beforen e algone ving 4or ust oMnitob where he is engaged to meroantile pa state at Alexander, W. W. Harris, cheese buyer, was loom for a day or two during the past wee His work is evidently agreeing with hi judging bya i,ear g nncea. Mrs. 8. 13, M2orbes, of Wingham, ape a week with Mrs. J. R. Smith, Mre. Joh Walker and other old frfende. She r turned home nn Wednesday, Mies Elva Laird, of Ingersoll, is visi ing with Mrs. Will. Ainley. Miss Glndy Oonatabie, of Settforth, was also holiday ing at Mr. Aioly's last week. Reuben Hindeo, of the Listowo Standard staff, was holidaying in Ilii locality during the past week. Tb Standard was taking its annual holiday Misses Stella and Beatrice Smith, n Brandon, Man„ daughters of Jno. E Smith, a former mrohanb of Brussels are vieiting Mies„ g ate Smith h at 'Map! Shade," Brussels. p T, Norton, of Listowel, was calling o Brunie friends this week. He tarot fora 1st -alae Teachets' oortilioato Mil Summer, We expeot to see hie name f the list of euooeseful oandidatee, Mrs. (Rev.) Paul was nailed away o Friday to Laurel, Out„ to attend th funeral of her neige, Mrs. George Gordon who died early that morniug and was burled Saturday afternoon. A baby 10 days old is left to the pare of relatives. Jame Ballantyne, grocer, and Jno. Smith, carriage builder, are away for a holiday outing to Griffin and other Northern points. Sono say Jack may not come beak single but it le hardly likely that he will go and gat married without melting our advioe. Mrs. A. L. Struthers, Cburob street, Stratford, formerly of Braseele, reeived who isrennroute to the Fakonfrom r eon, f a states that the party have passed the Whibs horse Rapids, a dangerous point, and tbat they aro well and making good pro. gross, The Stratford Hotel() of last tvlonday says of a former Brusaolite :-Mise Ethel Powell, who assisted in the minion' ser- vice in the Central Methodist church last evening, has developed into a most promising ginger, She is a daughter of George A. Powell, formerly of Stratford, who removed to Toronto some six yam ago. Study under ompoenb inetraotors has revealed a soprano voice of rich quality and nitwit power sod 0ompase. It may be oonildontly predicted on behalf oP out former townswoman that she will be hoard from prominently in the musi- cal World in the future, 30 is rd at. k0 nd d. tv • is en nd si• a r- e k. m nt e• t - e a e e n e ST 1,711. ),I RD AIWA" OF O01 X4 D,1, 1473, HEAD OFF108, - TORONTO ASSETS, CAPITAL (Authorized) (Hoven^Atililon Dallare) . $7,000,000 • $2,000,000 Agencies to all principal points iiMO./SAS nn. Ontario, ytle. QltebeolI , Ianilobo, uniteded Mateses d Rnphtnd, Vit ,V• O A//A1 �'i sal . A (lateral Banking Bu0i lose ir'raneaoed, 1)o arts Ienn,.1 and Uole0lione trade onFartall points. s Disclaim ted, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Intermit al/moil on deposits of $1;00 and upwards from dat of deposit to data o withdrawal and compounded half yearly, BrzotAL ATTENTION elvlu; TO TRE Oo1,11tOTo0N 05 FAnona' BAr,E NOTRE, Every facility afforded Cueomere living at dietnnca. DI. M. BR1,N:1', MANAOEa, Wm. Deubow was on the sitar this BLAmrnnouan,-In Anaconda, Montana, on weep, k let Sam, Carter and wife, of Walton, Sun. Blaokbrou tb, the wifely lyIr, J. t dayed in town, g formerly of Last Barrister Sinclair was in the Co. Wont Gonitlx,-In Moiillop on Julyy 0th, the on Wednesday.towife of Mr, Albert Godkin, of a Mrs, J. D. Warwick and son aro visit. daughter, ing relatives in Morrie,, Oalurr,--In Grey, on July 15th, the wife Mrs. Thee. Thomson and Muir were holidaying bare last week. of Mr, Jas, Oakley, of a eon and dauMies Holmes, of (Minton, is visiting died. liter, One of the, obildren has Miss 17dith Inman, Bruseela, Cuozron,-In Mo.l'i,illop, on July 21st, the Rebt, Wynn and Mrs. D. McCullough wife of Mr, john Crozier, lath 040,, returned to Detroit on Thursday. of a daughter, Robbie McKenzie and sisters are boli• Hana.-Io Dloliillop, on July 5111, the Baying with relatives near Guelph, wife of Mr. George Hearn, 8th coo., Miss Ferguson, of Galt, is visiting Mrs. of a daughter, (Dr.) Kelbllefects at "Fair Mount. J. Eddie Grimoldby le "rgebioabing" on _Ma.o~,rxp;n, bile abates of Lake Heron at. Goderioh, EVANB- NEwooat5E,-Ab the maiden:e of Bartle Campbell, of Grey townehip,tfs the bride's father, Clinton, on July visiting at Jean Wilbee's, Elizabeth 20111, by Rev. H, Newcombe, father etreeb, of the bride, assisted by Rev. W. G Mies May Shaw, of Teeswater, is visit. Evens, brotber of the groom, Mr, ing relatives in Brussels and Grey town. John S. Evnne, V. 8., of Tiverton, to Miss Annie Gertrude, seooud laugh. Thoe. Anderson, of Lindsay, was here for of Rev. If, Newcombe, formerly this week attending the funeral of hie of Ethel, mother, SA 1. Scott will Ottawa urday to take part in a program of millet. io sports, Mre.Robt. Wlieon, of Denver, Color. ado, was visiting Aire. (Rev.) Ferguson Exca1m_ GEDNDL.-In Detroit, on July 12th, Harold, youngeat eon of E. R. Grundy, formerly of Brussels, aged 2 yam. weak. Mies E. Slagbt, of Brantford, was the AanMary Ann Graham, on July 23rd, guest of the Misses Madras for a few Thos. Anderson. aged e066 of the late and days this week. 22 days. Years and I, C. Richards and eons were enjoying FAnnow,-In Hullett, on July 10t11, the lake breezes at Bayfield for a few Henry Farrow, aged 60 years. leas this Week, Henry Grey, on July 17111, Mise Jim Grimoldby, of Owen Sound, wheel- Lottie Duke, aged 25 years, 6 months ed here last Monday to spend his vacation and 8 days. with relatives and old friends. LANaLItx,•-In Wingham, on July 240b, Inc. Duncan is home from Toronto, Mary Eupitemia, only child of James where he has been tailoring for several Langley, egad one year. months, for a few weeks holidays. Tarrson. -In Goderioh, on July 26, Thos. Dr, Snider has gone to Kingston for a Taylor, formerly of Grey, aged 73 few days, Dr. McKelvey is takiug charge years, of his practice during his absence. Hermon. -At Olinton, an July 27th, Em - Mrs. 8. Gerry and Mrs. N. B. Gerry manual Hulley, of McKillop, aged 82 visit to Chicago, Kankakee and Paw Paw and daogltter, arrived home frotn their 1 years, on Wednesday afternoon. John Robb, who was away to Dakota I THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN on a visit to relatives and friends, arrived home as week. He bed an enjoyable time and was benefitted by hia trip. Mrs. Frank Gillotti, of Durango, Ool,,' is visiting her eiater, Mrs, (Dr.) Mo - Naughton. Dire. Giilobti's health baa nob been extra good but we hope the pure Canadian air will aid in her complete oonvalesoenoe. Business Locals. Now oarrote, beets and potatoes at Ma. Oraokeu's, TIM liveliest shop in 3 Counties, King's store, Wingham, A. Coosa=Y handles everything that is used by a bicycle rider. OUn butter and eggs go to King's July and August sole, Wingham. BvonSRonr goon to Wingham ; King's July and August sale is on. Do you tree the Gendron bike in A. Consiey'e window 7 Ib's a dandy. Goon, dry American corn, the best for feeding purposes, for sale at Ross' mill. ODEvanasn wheels are great sellers. Six Bold since San. let, 1898. A. dough -v. EATON not 1n it. We give you a sale and take your trade, 0. E. icing, Wing. ham WANT EDt Bu ter, not lower 12o, Cash for best Dairy Tubs. G. E. King, Wing - ham. 77. & D. bearings are guaranteed for three years. Oome in and neo them. A. Oousley, Witarprice fora the balan a auvan of the season, les away dowuMo. Kay & Go„ Braseele. 8ouvesm OarNa.-Aootbsr consignment of china imported direct with views ofMely llecbo from Germany, sobool and Main street, Btuesele, just to band. Beautiful goods, See them at T. Fletoher's, Nolan a BUT TIE BEST, - Philip Ame nturoh seed from of Brussels, a new light Chattbam won, wlaran aunt y undetawhinioorder rt wag sold puttest t on a load of over 8,000 feet of green elm which was drawn with 01188, They then loaded it with over 8,500 feet, making a gross weight of over 6 tone. This enor• moue to theowagon not even the paintrfecb in the joints showing the least crack. There have been a large number of these wagons sold by Walker & Smith during the past eight years and they have al- ways given the bet of satisfaction, This, however, is what might justly be expect. ed as the material is always goof and boiled in oil, rendering them very dara- ble, and capable of enduring a great deal of exposure, Walker & Smith are bard to beat when it Somas to supplying lint - clan rigs, and this fact is emphasized by 1101 and Coli Baths. a sale of over 75 new riga this aean00 al. ready, PULL OALF FOR SALE,- _Apply to J. N. SIONDALL, Brussels. TWO GOOD YOUNG MILK cows for sale cheap. Ayrshire breed. 1• R. LL•`ATil1':JODAL.IO. C 0nrnoRTABLE ROUSE FOR Im- mediate possession t Apply to BARRISTER BLAIR or W, 13. IKERR, OST, -ON MONDAY, 181'H, 1 as umbrella, between James Balian- tyne's grocery and Joan MaOrae'a, Finder will please leave at lino Poso Publishing Rouse, MRS. 5, 1055011/E, // ILLINERY BUSINESS owned b Miss Roddick for sale. the store or writing to obtained Possession could be given at ouoo. Good reasooe for selling, PRUSSELS TOWN BAND IS open to dB engagements for pia -nice, garden parties, celebrations, &e. at reason. able rates, Good lnusio. L. JAC1ISON, Soo - rotary ; J.1tt1L'l ON, President, TTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on TO nn NT, -r be undersigned nod g afore for sale or to tone that 1 story he Terrace, house is filly 0000pyy street, Noah of the 00pt- 3. ticuiay oc p plyd by 8, If. Ja Barr, or For par, MOAs i,p,. to w.13, 3f0rr,oi the owner, J, Ii0AR10, Auburn P. 0. 80 -if DEBENTURES FOR SALE, The undersigned ages for afore to August 10th, for $22,200, 20 year debentures, bearing 4 Per cont,, yearly, Por particulars write F. 8. SOOTT, Village Clark, Brussels. Bonssols, July 25th, 1808. WANTED 1 Planteror to pile the planter ou walls in bi171er's house on 0yprosa Street. Brussels, in fireb'olass condition ; also a carpenter to shingle the roof of kitchen audifx tato floor is the house. Apply to R.11, $ANl830itSDN, Room 118, Confederation Life Building, To- ronto. (APT. J, STRETTON, Auctioneer, r hbuhad whoahali bo alt, o wing to ill health, hae again taken out license and Is ]li1mpanel to conduct sales at reasonable terms. Sablsfaotlwt RRuaraubsed. Dates may be arranged at Trio Nom Publishing Bella%, i •tP 318, STRATTON, Auctioneer, 1.1ARl-I FOR SALE, 73EING• Lot O, Oon, 4, Morris, containing 100 acres. Good 1101013 test/toneo, barns, orohard, tvoll foneed, &o, Only ,p mile to 13etgrnvo station and 113 miles fromcarne village, lro. Mediatepossetsion, For farther partion.' ]ars as to prion terms, &c„ apNiY ou Luo promises or if by letter to BO]grave P. 0, 04 RORT, ARMSTRONG, Prop,.. moR0V'_ JonasxoN,-113 Jamestown, ou July 20tH, the wife of Mr, Rot, Sobtlston, mer- otlallt, of a son. Enivtane,-In Bruseela, on July 10th, the wife of Mr, George Edwards, 0f a 0010, C,t0 naLn.-In Atwood, on July 15011, the wife of Mr, Robert Campbell, of a daughter. ANDEnsog,-in Atwood, on July lRtlt, the wife of Mr, D. G. Aolersou, of a daughter. WILLousnnx.--Iu Trowbridge, on July 11th, the wife of Mr.Robb, Willough. hv, of a daughter. Mowns.-'.Sn Wingbum, on July 20th, the wife of Mr, lino, IYlowat, of a eon, urhsfit0eetlmieiguwia proprietor pyy 000rtabl1 well arranged shower baths, where either hot or owe Water may be used, The after- noons re0orv,dfor Lofts when Mrs. Main. price will be iu charge, The foe 10 only 0 001100 a bath shun the !bather supplies the towel, or 10 onto otherwise., A call Solicited and BaatlsinR013ionT MAINPR1ci33, Proprietor, ,....,+•.-..vim;., ✓. M. ARiVISTRONG, PHYSICIAN, BURGEON, A000UOIbUSUR, 8110. 8pooiaittttanti0n given to diseasee of the Throat and Lunge and dieoaeos of Woman and Cblllltan, RESID]aN017--wAIiT011, ONT, JULY 29, 1898 Don't get Out of Hot Water ! When there ig sickness in the house a hot application 15 oftoil worth more than a dose of medicine if you have the proper means to nlakc 11 effective just when 11 would tlo the most good, and the fact that It Hot Water Bag is the very best thing for all sorts of clamps and other com- plaints so prevalent in hot weath- er suggests the necessity of al- ways having one on hand. We have them A Fez's Drug Rare. CENTRAL •j 11 Commercial School of the high. est grade -none better in the Dominion. ENTER AT ANY TIME. catalogue Ileo. W. 3'. ELLIOTT, Principal. VOTERS' LIST. --/898. Illauicipaiili/ of the Tillage of Drrtssels, County of Maros. Notice ie hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to th e p Dramas mention- ed in Section 0 and 0 of the Ontario Voters' Lieou'to nsinoe'Setisbe sotranmttedrdlivere of the list made pursuant to said Aot, of all persons appearing by the last Revised As- sessment Roll of said Municipality to be en- titled to vote in said Municipality at elee- tiona for members of the Legislative As- sombiy and at Murst nicipal elections, and that saiBrusselils on the 27th day 01 .July, 800 ndre- mains 01)011 to for mine the said list, 0111, ii any omission or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate n1rro0edings to have the said errors oortooted according to law. F, S, 80055, 01ork. Anted the 28th dayof .7121y, 1808, TSF POST Will be sant to any address in tho Dominion of Canada of the United States for the balance of 1898 for the small sum of 35 IN ADVANCE. Don't be without the news when you may have it for the above price. IIID Pon Makes a specialty of Auction Sale Bills, Advertising Strayed Stock, Farms for Sale, &e. We give special prominence to Local and District news, 59 Columns in Tun Pose every week. Don't borrow any longer but order for yourself. A word of recommendation is always of great benefit to us ,and is greatly appreciated.