HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-7-29, Page 66
JuLY[129, 1898
111 HS IN iliS1111„
inters:setae Items About Our Own Counts
u. (ter ot the dtatic ion the night the United
In efilwankee there Is a full brass
band composed exelu.sively of police-
Miele'. William G. Mimeo, for the past
12 years superintendent of police at
Washington. is dead.
Mrs. Martha M. Plane of New York
connoted of nutrilerillg her atep-daugh-
ter, has been senteneed to rho
elect etc ehuir.
y, Lieut. John 3, Illandin, who vas offi-
Groat Britain, the Cotten States, Ta
Nut States battleship Maine 511E blown up
its Havana uarbr, died in a Ranh:neve
The steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der
Grosse has again broken the record he;
66 lween Sandy Hoek and the Needles, hav-
ing covered 3146 knots in five days.
(1 nineteen luntrs end- thirty-five min-
utes. an average speed of 22,50 knots.
a ' Mrs. George M. Pulliam le in Iteeotel-
mute with her intention expreesedl some
e IhItIS mi.)111S2 bILS filf'd 11) ths Probate
Court at Chicago, her formal ,'enuneitt-
• lien of benefits under her late Mis-
1/5110'S Will. This is preliminary to
making claim to her share of the estate
under her dower rights.
h -
An Parts of the globe, Candonsts
Asiorted for Busy Reading,
Bishop Lafleelte is dead (tt. Thr
A. Monition citizen has invented
smoke consumer.
Hamilton is already talking of Eh
next :textuary mayoralty contest.
Bush fires are doing considerabl
damage in the vieinity of ;Belleville.
The Manitoloi temperaiwe per( y
raise ,$19,099 for the plebiscite can
John Midwinter, of Hamilton, eig
teen years old, was !redly crushed i
a gravel pit.
W 11. Dailey; of limikport, has bee
appointed bursar of the 13rockvill
As a result of the visit of warship
0 naval brigade is being formed, local
Ly at ;Vencouver.
The C.P.R. has granted northwester
farmers the welcome boon of loaclin
Ca CS direct from waggons.
Ernest Donaghy, an Ottawa lad, diet
frotn injuries received by being rut
over by an ex.presa waggoo.
The R. t. 0. Navigation Comeau
will build it sister ship to the Toronto
The Bertrams have the contract.
Major Comte Ferdinand lesterhazy,
e tit Dreyfus ease faine, :mot his mistress
',•:„ are under arrest at Paris.
It is reported from Shanghai that a
s ; French priest has been captured by
brigands at Shuin-Claing-Fu, who de-
, xuand a heavy ransom for his release.
Two shipwrecked French fishermen
11 arrived at St. john's, Nfld., baying
g been adrift for 22 days in a dory on
the Grand Banks, 14 days witbout food.
1 ; Prince Ahmed Safeddin of Egypt has
been sentenced to seven years'
SOttUleIlt for trying to murder Prince
3' Faad. Re has been ordered besides to
• pay over e9,000 for the victim's doc-
tors' hill.
Witliam Atkinson, a • fourteen -year
old London bey, Met rt leg at Chatham,
while steeling a ride on the C.P.R.
Traek-layers on the Crow's Nest Pas
Railway have reached the crossing o
the Elk River, 150 miles from 31.01..eod
M. CI:maybe the barber Deputy of
the last Parliament who failed to be
re-elected, has excited surprise in Paris
s by going back to his trade and setting
top a barber shop in the Tivoli passage,
. where he Chaves and cuts hair himself.
The Hamilton School Board bus de
dried to disitontinue the teaching 0
domestic science in the Public Schools
A vein of rich gold -bearing quarto
his been discovered on Seymour Creek
near Vancouver. It assays 8.107 to
the tun.
Capt. McLean, who acted as A.D.C.
tu Major-General Goseoigne, has been
appointed to the permanent corps at
W. J. Colemm, the St. Catharines
iceman whose head was run over by
his waggon died on Fria:1y, lockjaw
taring set in, •
There is en unconfirmed report of
the drowning of Re.v. Walter 1.. Lyon
the First Church of England in1330 on-
ary to the Klondike.
George Moore was sent to prison tor
four,' mouths at Toronto on Monday,
having been c'onvic'ted on a charge of
picking pockets.
' Aid. Grant of Ottawa has very little
doult but that that city will be chosen
as the headquarters of the 10th Regi-
ment Rival Canadians.
The British warship Columbine eerie-
r ed at St. jaah.n's, Nfld., on Wednesday
from a fishery protection cruise along
the French shore, and reports that
• there is no friction just now between
the French and English fishermen on
that coast.
• Mrs. Judge !Bosse, of Quebec' was
killed at River du Loup through her
horses running away and the carriage
colliding with. a telegraph pole.
For repairing a railway bridge near
Ottawa on Sunday a number of labor-
ers were summoned, One was fined
§10, and the case will be appealed.
The first shipment nf 250 tons of gal-
ena ore passed through Ottawa en route
to Belgiuul yesterday. Fourteen ears
were required to transport it.
The Hebrew residents of tower
town, Ottawa, have complained to lbe
Chief of Police, because they are abus-
ed by their French /speaking neigh -
The discovery of a genuine placer is
announced from the llichlpicoten ais-
trier. It is said to be located on the
shores of one of the many lakes in Ibe
diet riet.
The United States ship Lake Lemem
reported lust. has arrived at Vancou-
ver from Panama, She was seventy-
three days at sea without sighting any
W. II. Bertram, solicitor, London,
hoe sworn out information against
judge 'Edward Elliott. charging him
with having disobeyed an act of the
Legislature in a Divielon Court case.
A shipment of galena from Calumet
Island to Belgium assayed $12 itt the
1 05. Tlfle the mine 'tuners antieipate
will yield them a good profit. They will
sthip'10110 tons to ;Mgt= at an early
The Ontario Government nos sent Mr.
1'. 13. Speighle T.L.S., to explore that
seetion of Algoma. running from the
head waters of the Soulais river to the
line of the C. P. R. It is about 100
miles in extent,.
the Toronto City Council has adopted
it by -15.1T providing that hereafter all
bread offered for sale in the, city must
153 in loaves of from one and (1 half
pounds to three pounds in weight, Of
emerge this does not restrict the menu-
faceurers of biscuits, buns, fancy
bread, etc.
'rho laboratory stuff et the Expert-
men tal rtn, Ottawa, are now engaged
sending. out quantities of luberenline
to the various Government veterinary
exatitinere throughout the Dominiou,
there ere no special outbreaks of
tuberculosis, but there is always a
tit for tuberculins for test pier- •
l'be English artillery team eannot,
visit Canada this year.
Fifty thousand dollars toward the
1101111)11 1)001)0)1 bH
y 'the London ospital
n ere mixed by the recent bazaar 1100
',y number of the London journals,
A new type of fest torpedo-boat de -
51111315' has been ordered of the Fair-
field Company at Glasgow by the Brit-
ish Admiralty, 11 1 \ it 1 .1in vs 0.311150 of
33 knobs, like the lexpreme, but will
have forty tens m
fess displaceent, 1
A entice' sumgleal operaLlen W/le POT..
formed in London on Erin/1y morning
upon reedy Salisbury, wine of the Prime
Illinieter, The operation was success-
ful. Six 2001(1014i18sisted, including
Sit' William IL Broadbent, phyttietan in
31(11112103' to the Prince of Wattle, and'
Dr; Charles Thethlore Williams, phy-,
'Milan extraordinary to the Queen.
lady Sillishu:y has 'Ong been afflieted
with dropsy. The Queen was imme-
diately informed of the ;result of the
teem non.
1".N 1 TED STATES, 1
Fifteen 10113 were killed by a New
Jersey pi/leder Mill explosion.
The British cruiser Cordelia, Commo-
dore Bourke, sailed from $t, John's,
Newfoundland, for the French shore to
settle a series of disputes bet ween 1 he
owners of British and F meth lobster
factories. A number of British settlers
'lave had their bine torn down by the
(mews of warships far illicitly packing
Bulgaria is going to take effective
rnatillS to increase its population. For
every son born beyond a minimum
number 20 francs will be paid not only
to the father, but to the mother also.
A soldier showing a dozen sons will re-
ceive a pension large enough to sup-
port him. and besides a decoration,
The mune reward will go to his wife.
Paris Is emulating Chicago. The
horse ear running from the Champ
Elysees to Vauves was held up just j s
outside the city gates by a gang of six;
men, who, rater taking the conductor's '
money-, started itt. to rob the passen-
g They Jests ei and 0o men
were shot. The pollee sacemeded in
arresting four of, the robbersmho were
all boys of eighteen years of ege.
When it is Given the Fortists WlU Rise to
11 MM,
IThe Madrid correspondent of the Lon
don Daily Mail says: -"It is well known
here that for sone time post the Car
lists have been secretly placing stores, .,11
arms, unit ammunition in many of the s
snuffler towns along the French side 0
of the frontier. When the signal for tit
u. Carlist rising is given the taking of a
these supplies and munitions of wan c
acmes the frontier will occupy at the A
11 single night., as the 1111311 are ,11,
ready and know where they must goe
to receive Wine and Equipment. The t
Basque Provinees aeeru very quiet, but 11
this is explained by the fact that the 111
orders of Don Carlos are most string- r
ens in the sense that nothing must be, 1
attempted until he gives the signal,: 8
11h1"11 the rising is to be general,. 1
"The Government hits Increased xnea-1 t
sures of precaution to nip in the Ilea; f
Ile TellN the Story or the 1teehere-8('
taill011411 1110.1'0101010•01K.
A deepatell trout Manchester, N. B.
yis:-It has transpired that George E.
Pare, the man %tint wart recently Il
rested here upon the (harp of Inuacla
bang the Oontinion Bank al Napane
Canada, in August last, made a eon
pieta confession before being talc(
across the line for trial in Ontarl
where the offence was 0nmni iteti. T
stop), of hove his eonneetion with
ease eiee discovered has not, yet be
publiehed_ and in of exceeding interes
There are a large nuather of Frene
Canadian residents itt this city, al
they naturally. gravitate towards wan
is known us the French-Canadian se
Him 1,3 the city, 'rile first discover
of the fasi thai a number of unsigne
bank bills which were stolen from 11
batik were in circulation was mad
here. Upon inquiry it was found th
they had passed through thu hands
a merchant wheels engaged: in lover
ing pot atoes from Lhe Province of Qu
bee. Three of thew bills had come into
his bends, the signatures of (23'. Baines
having been forged, before they were
passed. This led to inquiries bein
made among the dealers who ha
bought polatoem from him antl wiz
were chiefly twittett in the French
CIA nadhin section. The matter tva
brought to the attention of the Man
chestur detectives, and Pie's poeyiuu
record and the fact that he had bee
for some time residing in the cit' Inc
rnediately caused Gunn to ltttitlleel tha
he knew something about it. Alphos
the first retail merchant interviesvec
furnished a elute ter one of the uusign
ed series was found in his possession
He was inroreasil ehat the bill Watt 11
good, much to Ida surprise, but ho 5.50
advised to hold 11 and to say nothing
about it, as it would be madeall right
and a mark wes 1)1100(1 upon it, by
white' it could be again identified.
When asked 'there ho got. it he imme-
diately recollected and told the officer.
After warning him not to say anything
about it the ("Meet left, but the man
apparently became alarmed and trent
to the party from ewhom Ilu had obtain-
ed it. This man informed Pare that the
hill he had given him was bad. Pat'e
very quietly repliede-"Olve it co me,
them and I wilt give you another one."
The 1311 was then handed to Pare in
return for a genuine bill. It is
aid that thin bill had been
called by Pare to 0friend
vho was behind in his grocery till 1 to
sum was in the vault. On inc occasion
Lite signal wits given, but when Pare
aSeertaIned all the ciretunslances thiel
existed ou that partieular night, an(
width at first eight. would Appear par
titularly favorable for the purpose
robbery, he decided 1 ba t muspielun must
inevitably fall mein Pantie' lf the job
was done that night, end, therefore, Ile
Insisted upon waiting for a more fervor
able opportuutty. On the night when
the rohl teas ee tea ly ("ontrui teed
Pare end Holden entered t he bank
leevatg einekie outside nu guard. Jus
bout the lime they were through wit 1
e, their work Mackie gave the danger sig
nel by pulling On the string, and 'Li
the same time they pulled to signal bin
that 1 hey were through and coming out
0. This broke the string and camounte fot
he the ball of t wine being left In timbale]
7beria it was found the next morning
021 (!ilhiee&tdamtehopilltentillsndWiibya Stfmttlre
t., vomit, width they entered tbrough the
windinv after climbing over the roo
1,1 • AL the trial a vionon who hail mom
, over Penton% 100111 gave evidence nett
" site hazed voicee and noises in Penton's
0- roam; on the. eight of the robbery, but
'3' her evidence was not believed by
O the Megastrate. Pare says thet (hey
; "at Into Ponton's room, WIWI/ ths
15 lotioeY was divided. According to
O agreement Ponton's shill*, which
at ! aMounted to about 85,000, was wrapped
ee 1 in oilcloth, placed, in a lin biscuit box
and was buried by the side of the
111.1 15113, track by Pere, who marked the
seat flats precaution was token lay the
others to prevent Penton's detection,
which might hero occurred had the
money been entrustred to his care.
when aceoriling, to itgreement, Para
11 The re it remained until April laht•
O and holden met in Belleville; they
bought tickets for Peatronto, where
1 hey got off the train and walked down
the reilavey trunk to the spot. where
s the stolen mhoey had been buried in
_ order to avoid any suspicion. The mon-
rtYanC01.:1 ctr't:t!'"?%\"onton there were some
ip, but before was
n scores to settle.
t When the confederates saw in the
t pres.e the elatement, of the amount ae-
1 tunny taken trom the bank some of
them figured that they had not reeetv-
- ed their full share and amused each
• other of 'having. been guilty of breach
o of faith in taking a larger sum than
eacb was entitled lo. All denied having
done so, with the exception of Pon -
:torn who had not been spoken to.
, When they met him to hand over the
money the others' charged him wilt
having taken the missing bills, but he
.s1(.'911.ie,d (1st 1-1(1)17Tz.f
i t El 11 11
fined him: 82,000 of the unsigned hills,
which Pare and Holden divided be-
tween themselves.
Pare says that the gang narrowly
escaped detection on the night that the
robbery:took Mem. As they were leav-
ing Ponton's room one or them knoek-
ed down a shutter, which Made a clat-
tering noise, and then the.y heard some-
one walk across a room. Two of them
just had time to get. into the shed. and
they peeped. out afterwards end sew a
weman looking 01/b one of the Win-
dows on the top flat. They lay quoit
for a while until. they beard her go
back again, end then all eves still and
they got away. The string which they
used as an olarm appears to heve been
rotten, aryl this, too, an (Inc occasion
nearly caused their undoing. On one
occasion whilst Parc and Holden were
working in the. vault, Mackie suddenly
found that there wee danger and wive
the. signal with such vigor that he
broke. the string. S01310 party flame
along, hut apparently thought that the
men In the bank were clerks working
there, ond took no further notice. The
biscuit box with the money in it MS
buried a the particular spot to which
reference has been made becatiee there
is a heavy grade there, and the men
could. with greater readiness jump on
and get away.
Pore's confession is thoroughly believ-
ed. by the officers who have been work-
ing on the 011.Se, u.nd the report that'
the box in whieh 341121 deposited part of
the stolen money has leen found neer
Na pan ee. where he i 11(111)11 ted It would
le fennel, gives confidence' in Lim re-
mainder of his atory, It may he, how-
ever. 1 hat his statements regarding
Penton have been nettle to shield
himiele and, if possible, secure his
safety by swearing against the other
enable hioa to square up. The clue
e as followed up, audit 511,3 found that
quite a number of these bills has been
easied itz the ierench-Canattian seetion,
and many of them were traced toPa.re,
About the stune time news catne that
some oe the series heel also got into
circulation in Montreal. It was dis-
eocered that Pare's sister had recently,
left 'Manchester and gone to Mont-
real to live, and. the officers Imre rea-
lized that they were an the track of
t :Meet one of the burglars. and Para
srue placed under arrest. He con-
ulted his attorney, and atter some
onsideration, finding himself in the
• imide a clean breast of the svhole
ffair. Ills story reeds rather like
novel than like a chapter in the
Online' annals or our 030)1 country:
ceording to his story, upon which the
unwritten will rely to fill in the links
hieh were wanting in the chichi of
eidence al the former trial, the plot
o rob thebank was made long before
tt rums upon the scene. His state.
e nts with regard to the preliminary
teps in the conepiracy to eonewit the
obbery are. of course, hearsay and are
mended upon information which. be
aye. he received frornhis confederates,
o ne!ginalle' concocted the plot was
art impated in by quite a number and
he scheme evas of a11 entirely dif-
event nature to that which was ulli-
athly carried out. The card patties
I the bank were a part of the eche=
ordm' to divert suspicion and at -
oat an opportunity of accomplishing
heir design. Sums time passed and
o favorable opportunity was af forded
r those engaged in the coospiracy be -
IMO frightened and the Numbers
n incited d03011. Up tu this period
21011 51)4 not o»plicateul in tele seheme,
ecording, to his story he heat became
tterested owing to the receipt by hint
a letter from Mackie, He had as
iterview with him and egreed to un-
ertake the job. He, however, refused
o proceed any farther with the schema
hich they had than in contemplation,
ad from this lima was the Leading
pint in the direction of affairs. He
eeided that the party must, be reduced
1 number, and tbaL the mailed to he
flopits1 must be that widen was sub-
equently with succesa.
/ft Alockie, lloidett, himself and Peri -
on in the gitme.
They obtaieed Ilie emnbination or tbe
vault. from Poteton, who kept them poet -
1 es to the eiintents of the sae, For
number or nights they oblidned ito-
1403 the bank by means 01 Iowa,
nd Pare, who is 00 expert manipulator
r eombinations, worked on the ine
e Lion, Everything west got.
readiness so auft they could et any
the when they desired enter the sae,
'id favorable opportunity Was welt -
I. While Pare and Holden Wel'e work -
g ineide it was Mackie's duty. Lo ro-
an outside and warn them it &tiger
muld arise. This warning was given
y means EA a teal of Levine, which Limy
rried inside the building with them,
made rettehting Dee end in his hed,
el pulling it as a signel. Para end
olden kept 1)01(if. the way during the
tythne end are the two Clamps eshe
ere tamped just 110151(18 the ((11111 end
twerdm when) suepteion Wile di 11/01351
1 Lu'e.
time., They waited pet holt ly Tr
011131111 Penton 15118 to give Illoyn
m. bridge when a largo
any attempt of the kind, During the en
last COW days more troops have arrive le
ed at netts°. and Vergara, two points ie
of strategic importanee in the last eivit,
Wet. 'MN signal for the rising wilt t
probably be given in the euuntry be-
tween Catalonia and Valeneitt, the
"lelaestrazzo eountry," and in leavare' 01
re, where Don Canoe has his most fan -1 il
a teal To/towers. The Basque provin-I .„
cm would follow when the garrisons! 1e
there shall have keen at eakened by hi
the necessity of Fending troops to fight
the Carlists in Navarre." 1 it
"f have also information that, the (1
Repulaicans, especially diose of Val- t
envie and Andalusite, are buying arms.l 51
General Weyler is TenOTted 10 be in a
communimetion with both the Carlisle 6
and. the. Repulideane. lel Impareial
accuses President McKinley of delib-
erately prolonging the war in order to 11
ea rry into Spain, to enable Englend,
in the final settlement, to derive (eerie b
tenial advantages at Gibraltar, or 1
the Canaries," p
Five .11.0101.1S/01 Soldiers wimp stieeiteteeti 55
110' 1)144,11.0.. I IL
A despateh from Washington, 0. 00
sayst-Reports which reached the War o
Department ,how that there has been n
Inline mortitlity among the yellow fey. '
01' 0115115 with SillIftel°8 1111133'.This. „
however, has been slight, /LS it ill said, e,
Mitt up to the present time hut five in
oases have resulted. fetidly. If any na111
port of additional SWISS wee received on sl
Thureday oftielels declined to make b
111(1)11110, ea
Meanwhile Surgeon -General Sterne 71
berg ie necking errengements to fief"- al
element; the working force of immune I/
physicians and Intl Thee at Santiago. He tit
nemounced that on Mond/1,y a vessel w
would leant New "York. carrying on ati-
ditionttl number of this Maas of work- at
era and rt bergs ewe-ligamenlu of hos- 1.1
pital supplies, ft
People 1181411Allielterl b,y 11110 S01.10104
TO it lug Nary.
despatch from Madrid says
P1501180 Saglesta on Monday everting
summed. up the situation in the fol-
lowing words:-"Politleally there is
complete calm. We have a Cabinet
Comical at six o'clock."
Asked whether peace would be dis-
cussed, he seid;-" We shall see."
quote this especially as showing
the absolute calm existing in the Spire-
ish 131 1 Ina ati IL 1110111011T when events so
serious 1,11 the ennui ry are taking place.
What itt startlingly striking and ine
00111n1ehenSiblE" TO everyone is the tib -
solute Antrim iliepheyed by the Span-
ish Ministry. Its debates are carried
on as though the times were normal,
and there was no urgency ;regarding
immediate notion.
Thie fatalisnt is only equalled by that
of the Turk. It is the most powerful
weapon of Spanish etatesmanshlp, and.
one which upsets all the beet -laid
achentes of either diplomacy or eoer..
Mon, It is elastic, and has a remist-
ance, however, against, wide') no or-
dinary pressure has substantial forte.
A bull'et teat will pierce thl'011gb
itsltiittth roll plate is effectively stop-
ped by 0 loosely -hung blanket. This
metaphor is suggested by the preset
sittut non in politics.
Matt, liaison, Sunday eveiiing,-Can't
you go to prayer meeting with me to-
Mr. BillsOn-Impossible, my dear,
promised Jimson that I would go with
him 10 neared coneert..
Well, go there with you.
TIM -T believe ladies are net admitt-
ed. ,
Teacher ---Now, can any of you give
any proofs of your own ehat; the world
is not flat?
Little Tommy -Please, sir, 11 11 was
you meld see the North Pole with a
ON1113011l'h V1111114141." Mega 21. 4.14
Golden Text, Exott, 151, 17,
Verse 4. Ills bonse. Peoleibly al Sa-
marine PO4sibly the "ivory house" of
1 kings •22.3.9 and. .Arnee 3. 15. Heavy
and displeased. That is, sullen and
angry. Naboth. Form his reference to
Jehovah (verse 8) he WU probebly, one
of 1 he $1)11C11 thousand faithful (nave
(1 flings 59. 18). Had said. His refusal
was based upon the divine taw (Num,
30. 7). He refused beennee 11. SS wrong.
His bed, The couch upon which he re -
&ins(' at the table, He lay down flat,
turned riway front the bible, and
would not; eat, Such a manifestation
of ill -temper is even now characteristic
of oriental monarchs.
5, jezebel his avife. Her eheracter. an
EL strong, unscrupulous, and ambiti-
ous woman is clearly brought out in
this narrative. "A priniene Wire is
from the Lord" (Pony. I!). 14), but Ahab
did not. teak Ids from that mouree. His
marriage was one of hie great sins (1
Ringo 10. 31),
ti. Give me Ahab had offered the
ful value in money, or a. better vine-
yard for Naboth's. He could not le -
gaily take 11 by force. (See Beek. 46,
18e His avaricious beart could not
see why another should not do wrong
for gain, and his petulance was part-
tty chagrin at Naboth's implied re-
7. Dost thou not govern, jezebel's
contempt for her weak husband is evi-
dent. Educated under a more despotic
rule than even Ahab dare assume, she
has no sympathy for his want of spirit.
I will give. Quick to conceive a plan,
and knowing her pcover, she hesitates
at no wickedness to accomplish her pur-
8, Wrote letters, These had all the
authority of the king. The impress
of his seal upon them, not to seal up,
was by his permission, and thus the
memo WAS shared by him. Seal. Sig-
net rings ere very ancient, as shown
by Egyptian and Chaldean remains.
Pha.raoh's ring, Gen. 41. 42, Wile one
judah's is mentioned in Gen. 38, 18,
The impression was probably made le
May. See Job 38, 14. Elders .
nobles. Doubtless the city trilnuaal,
Dent,. 16, 18. His city. Naboth was
an inhabitant of Jezreel, the letters
were written from Samaria. See 1,
Kings 20, 43.
9. A fast. To atone. for some 501) -
posed disgeace, and thus create e, pre-
eadice against Naboth when he is ace
eu,eed. It is also a religious cloak to
cover crime, not used alone by Jezebel.
On high. Not in honor, but; in the
sight of the people, to be tried for
10. Two men, Two Witnesses were ne-
cessary to eonvict, Sons ot Minh He-
brew, Beligaal. Not a proper name,
but signifies worthlessness, lawless-
nees-lience "0, worthless, lawless fel-
low." In the New Testament LL appears
as a name for Satan, or all that is bad
Cor. 6. 55. Blasphemed God. Jezebel
knew the people would not stone Na -
1)001 for blaspheming .Baal. _Elven in
their idolatry they respected Om hon-
ored Name, and would punish the con-
victed blasphemer with death, The
king. . So that his possessions, as those
at a, ;traitor, might. be forfeited to the
king, veeses 15, le, 19 and 2 Sam. 10,
11. Elders and . . . nobles . . .
did. Their alacrity in tarrying out
the infamous designs of their wicked
queen sbutes how low they had. fallen.
Like king, like people." Oriental jus-
tice is little -better at the present
time, Ilow much 1110113 noble the Ohne-
tem standard, " We ought; to obey God
rather than 11105." Acts 5, 29.
13. There came twol men. Satan is id..
151135 ready with toolO when they are
needed by hte, workmen, So when
Christ must be convicted Matt. 20. 11,
and Stephen WITS TO he stoned 11LOTS
le. Carried him forth out, of the 0 ty.
C1.111115,1 punishareent always took place
out or the Mese See Acts 7,29; Lev.
24,14, Stoned. hien. A. punishment oona-
mon with snobs lexod. 8. 25; NOM 14.
10, etc„ and made; the lawful mode of
executing blasphemers, sacrificers to
Moloch, wizards, Sulaatathreakers, ide-
lo tors and en t lee rs to icl I-
atry, Mbellious sona, and adnItorera.
Acatiriling to 2 NNW 0.211 his sou suf-
fered with him, OS was not unoonamen
Josh. 24.
14, Sent to Jezebel. Having imbued.
their hemde in 'flood leo please her, they
hasten to send her word, hoping to re-
ceive HMIS reward.. Their readiness to
commit the 01131111 and, 10 85101(1 herr word,
her manner of reoeleing 11; and. telling
Abab, Ann his in 'proosoding immediate-
ly to profit hy ie all show an utter
reekle.senees end bardnees of heart, the
direct (tide:nem of the. infamous and (tee
hosing. idolatry she bed intro-
dueed, le deed. In verse 19 the murder is
ehargttd upon Ahab, lle, his hou,e, and
ja_ebel were eonilemniiil for the
(TT' Ms, He was guilty benuie Inc apos-
tasy from the 'Lord opened a way for
the crime; he ;mold hove prevented 11
and did not ; he willingly lea hie au-
thority to it, sod he. gladly emended
tile result.
15, TkIke posseesion of the v ineyerd.
lemjny the tweets of grime. Which he
refuseet to give Iluae. 100 money. The
hitter epinit of Ine tyrant 'le einem in
this sneer, Naboth 15 2,11; slivo but
deed. 'Slur is as enntemptuous Of her
huellemil He of the poor femme of
16, Ahab rose up, l'he Septuagint,
the oneient Greek version which we
hem i,1 reedy quoted says Unit Willi5
thenewe of Nehoth's mender was
brought to Ahab be huu'st Dot into bur-
rm. futtl vemorse. II; wee from lbie
that he "roes 1111,'' gn down to 1,11e
vi [espied. of Naboth. No one can :study
this Meson ant donnection without
remembering that, as the elturiotsof
Math and his iloslyguitrdis des
/wended 114-' :dopes between Semeritt
end Jeoreel there were in he com-
pany jelm and, Dinar Who heard bit"
awful oropliet irrimatmnin doom will,'"
those two men were destined to Map
carry out,
firs- 01? EiN UO ti
41..12E.405EN Ninvc>zazaa317.
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A. Deadman.
The lettintegge 4 Hard Ono -11tIllealltes to
Contend Milo Very (Oral, Itat
MIMIC:10 Trooas Whored llolloally
A despatch from before the tatty of
Santiago, says:-Geneval Shunter bears
hie honours modestly. 'Iro a coreespon-
dent a the AssocIatedi PTOSS he said: -
"Tim enemy has surreedered all the
lerritore end troops east of Swain°,
The terms wore dictated from Witehlug-
ington, 31 1105 bean t Mud eampalgatone
of the hitedest Inver slaw, The diffloul-
tine to contend with were very great,
Never during our civil wee were more
troublesome problems solved,, The
character of the °aural's, and the roads
Made 111 seem alumati impossible to ad-
venee in the face of the enemy. Tile
1 ea occultation .VT01110111 was hard., but
all the difficulties have bean alltleSU-
(1111)' :.uraltaillte.(1., 0111' troops hero be -
hayed gallantly ; [bey /ought like
heroes. and I am proud to hove teen-
inanded them. Daring 01 the hard.
shies they have suffered they have
shown reaolution mid spirit, They de-
serve to eonquer.
A WORTHY.' :11011MAN,
resistanee of the enemy lute
been exeeedingly st'ub'born. Generic'
Total has proved himself a Amman
worthy of any nutees steel. The liege
nations whim' etunanoted in the mire
render a General !feral have been
dragging on for ten dive, with the in-
t 61711 ISSi 011 of Senility and Montly,
when our hal Lelqes 0111(1I Nos) bombard-
ed the entony's JIlO lens. Throughout
11 :am periode of i rum General Trio] has
shrewdly played for them, always de-
lioing 1 in 11 'rl!011101'une,onclitimmily
3 rid falling haele, ween hard pressed,
upen the ittaternette thict he 41114 Simply
sulenelinitte and pnwerle 14 to agree
o 11e pis posels without the sanetion
his superiors except under penalty of
being eourt-marttatied. At the same
time, he seemed to intimate that, per-
sonally, 1m thought it useless to hold
out any longer. But ho and his garri-
son were soldiers, be said, and could
die it neeessary, obeying orders."
General Shafter has issued an order
absolutely roeltidelbag anyone, soldier
OT 131VMM% from going into the Spanish
lines, The refugees ere to be
permitted to return to their homes, but
neither the United States troops nor
the Cuban auxiliaries attest° be permit-
ted, to enter the oily at moment. The
order as to Cubans is .very Hewitt°.
They have atlisposiLion Le loot
everything and any place. But they
are not to have the privilege of ghat.
big their appetiteti"for plunder in Sanaa
ago. A guard is to he maintained
about the oily and, the camps of the
American soldiers are to he removed
just to the front' or to the rear of the
lines, as individual 00585 10 most prac-
ticable. The change of camp sites
will mettle:dewily improve the. health of
the (mope. The. whole purpose at the
AMSTICen commander now is to protect
the health of the army, especially horn
the (treaded eontegion. It le °tainted
there is no fever in Santiago, but •the
Lily to full of fillet and sitench and 11
the United States soldiers are allowod
to go in, it will undoubte.illy become
a pest hole.
Cowie states thiniu.l
tteiii4.1sue.x.iiis alteit .1(185
The Bottle Kong eurreepondeut of the
London rm 1.1y Mail says ;-"tbil tett
States Consul Wilchuan informs me
that as the German cruiser Irene was
passing Mariveles, off Mantle, the one-
nr dn:Vi the United States geni*
Hugh MeCulloch VMS 8001 a ft er 111)14 10
aslt her to 'One, As the Irene refuseci
tu obeY, a shell was setae nevem her
bows, end a small boat wont TO di$001'.-
e1' what, she doin;s. The German
admiral protested, and insisted that,
GIV111.1.n allies had ,s right. to 021100 1135
harbour without being ewe relied, a
claim which Admiral Done' declined
to' recogniee,"