HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-7-29, Page 5JULY 2J, 1898
1e'J'ON]i,Y TO LOAN AT G i.'ER
.LP.L eon L. 1r, S. 80031"P, 13000112.
W .
bearer of Alarriage Mumma. 001 oe
at y ads areeo lurullorry street, i3ru000Ia,
. louf A. 1,Mo(oyArtist' Shop—Nextdoor
eolith ds and oL lirOnallai 0314,2121 0000are (2101 (5
li3IAN O
Alias Joan nl lin,
of 0. L.
at, Harris, Musical Doctor,
or the OooeOre-
1104011 Of tluof1( Il 00(1000 out3)110 ie pre -
11 mail to give Lnstruatlone to unpile on either
Plano or organ, Specie) attant1012 given
to technic, LedsOlnf given 016110r at 0110
12011300 of pupils or at (eaoher0 hone. 41114
issue, of Marriage Licenses,
WAo Witness Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussel°
Werk -of the Fourth D!vision Cour
00, Huron. Oonveyanoor, Notary Public
investedoand to lound am 00110urance utions mane
01100111 Granata % B look,B ruseols
•L' • nun, will soll for batter prions, to
batter men in Liss time and less chargee
than any other Auctioneer in least Huron
or 110 won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can 'always be arranged at this oillco
or by personal applioatIOU.
3.3 • 5001101 Gradna(0 of the Ontario
Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all
diseases of dennatlolted animals lu a 00m -
potent manner. Pnrtyll0ehtr attention yypaid
to vdert . Ofn0000 donand 111flrinarCallsY NP0011100 e
tended to. OO
north of bridge 'Purnberry at., Brus6ei e.
�)�• Solloitor t1onveyauoar,NotaryPub-
lic, Co. Otllco—tVauetone's Bloch, 1 door
north of Central Dote Solicitor for the,
Standard Bank.
VI • Solicitor, CO. (late of Garrow &
]?100211000'O 01110o, Goderich.) Ogino over
Giltio0 C Smith's Bank, Brussels. 17
Money to Loan.
M • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt C
Cam orou,) Barrister and Belief tor, 01011011 ll,
Out, 050c0—Ilamilt0n St., Opposite Col
borne Hotel.
M.D., 0.M., Trinity University, Follow Trin-
ity Mediae' Collage, Member College of Phy-
sicians and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the
Royal College of Physicians and Licentiate
o1 Midwifery, Edinburgh, o Tolophooe
140.14, Residence, Mill St., 13ruasels.
M. D,; 0. 110., successor to Dr, A. MaKelveY,
Licentiate o1 Royal College of Phyeici000
and Surgeons Kingston ; Member of the Col-
lege of Pbysiolaus and Surgeons of Ontario.
Diseases of womou and children a specialty.
blight years' ex101101(00, aW'011100 and res-
idence that formerly occupied by Dr. Mc-
Kelvoy, Turuborry street, Brussels. 2G.
1I150I0TAN, 013500052 AND A00013010i111,
let Class Honor Graduate of the Univerei-
Lt000f Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston),,
and of Trinity medical College; Fellow of
Trinity Medical Collage and member of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. 13 oat Graduate Comae 111 Detroit and
Chicago, 1800. Speolal attention paid to dis-
eases of Eye, liar, Ernie and Throat, and dia.
ea000of Women, r13'Oonanitation in Eng-
lish and German. Teiep11one at residence,
undo'etggued will keep for B01,7100, on
Lot G, Con. 5, Grey, a thorn' bred improved
Yorkshire boar and a thoio' bred largo Eng-
lish Berkshire hog, Pedigrees may bo 00011
on application. Terms, 51,00,:to be paid at
ifmno000000yioo, wi A1RTHUl 01111TFl uruing
dad* Proprietor.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 10, Ona 10, Grory, t
bo thorn bred H
tare ball, Both
Also aa ttiona bred Dur-
n • exceptionally clue an-
dull Both is Y
I Jan. tat
0o bo laid
180 , terms . B1 A0, 1
' ib if u000eear
1900, Wtlit privilege OLIVERof UR 0 Y
41.4 Llelt TURNI3Prop
.J1r°r°' err°r' Wood's phoaphoaine,
The dreat 1ngof°it Remedy.
Sold and reeomreended by aI
druggists in Canada. Only roll
able medicine discovered. Sia
p30113(71.2 guaranteed to cure all
forms of. Sexual 'weakness, all effects of &bunt
er excess, Mental Worry, 10 0Osaiv0 use of To.
baoco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
Of prloo, one p0oka •e $t, 0tx, *G. One 103111300010,
Ifutotliouro, Pamphlets free to any address.
'0Ao Wood Company, Windsor, Onb
00121 to 121'11 taol0 by G. A. DEADIWAN,
D tuggiat, 130ok0oilor 21 Optielau,
The ul det'sigilodwill keep for 0000100 on
Lob 26, Oon 0 Morrie, the thorol-broil 1m-
3)1.OYetl Yorjtahire 7300r, 'Oak Lodge Long-
fellow," No. 2480, Brod by J.111,}400(110110, Bur-
ford, to which a Blithed m,mber of flows will
be taken. Tering, 01,00, 10 bepald at timo
of sorviee with privilege of returning if nee.
A number 01 oholo0oung sows for sale for
brooding p1113p00ea w1ii0h will be sold at
vetoes to gust 14p0137,o1ii0100L,Proprietor.
..wamo,.«. �,,,-,-r..,.,. .
Seto ,
(ig 1ro'i(..
Chester McLaughlin bee left for Dam,
phis, Man,
Mro. White and children were visiting
to Palmerston
Mies Marshall of Ilauover, is vioiting
Mrs, W. G Strong,
Mie0e8 Lang, of Ifarristan, have been
vi*ILing;frdondo in town.
Mrs. igge 1 (laughter, f Beane,
1t ( 1 0 l J
q 0.13x1 ul 1 0
Mese., are the masts of Alexander Sml(h,
Mies Nettie Anderson anti her brother
Harold, of Detroit, are the guests of Wm,
and Mrs. Dane,
Mrs. Samuel Peel and nhlldren, of
Sault Ste. Marie, 1111011„ are %deicing her
parents, Ino. mud Mrs, Alclell,
John Farrow and Cr, Morrison, tmooln•
paniod by 11Ire. Yarrow, of London, and
Mee. W. H, McDonald, of Wingintln,
palled on friends in town,
Mannon J. Coodbeart, a oonvorted
Russian Jew, 0001131021 the pulpit in St,
Stephen's church on Sunday, July 24bh.
On the following evening he delivered
one of his leobaroe in the same ohnro11,
I31.v tit .
Miss Curtis holidaying atria is holicta i❑ in 'Muskoka,
Richard Somers e been appointed
noxi0u8 weeds' inspector.
James Davie has disposed of his
butchering business to Heffron Bros.
Mrs. Jones, of Leadbury, and Mrs.
Murray and baby, of Blake, were vieitore
at the Commercial.
Rev. T.E. Higley has deoided to go to
Blenheim and will remove hie family
eometilne in August.
McKinnon Ja Co., of the Mammoth
Rouse, Blyth, announce that they have
commenced a monster building sale.
Their bueinese has inoteaeed to each an
extent that their present store Imo be.
come too small to accommodate their
many customers and they have decided
to matte extensive alterations that will
give them one-third more selling woe
than at present.
The Blyth Standard offers the follow-
ing without any charge : — Manager
James, Allow this great family journal to
inform you that tate umpire )lad nothing
whatever to do with your defeat ; it was
the good article of baseball put up by the
Wingbam ball tossers. Dr. Tait wits the
umpire of (bat great game of baseball ;
he is a muoh respected Oitizen of tbis
amara little town, and in the estimation
of the baseball cranks here gave fair de•
cieion0 between the two competing towns.
When the Brussels ball tomes accuse him
of any unfairness in the matter, they do so
malignantly. Now then, dear Manager
James, if yon are really in earnest and
want to play Wingbam for $100 a side,
the citizens of Blyth will put up a puree
of 325, to be given to the winning team if
the game is played here. Think it over,
ye Brussels and Wingbam leathers hun-
ters, and let us hear from you.
i ea1ortll.
Rev, Dr. MoDonald loft on Wednesday
of last week for Muskoka where he in-
tends to spend hie holidays.
Mies Alberta Doble, sister of Mrs. W.
D. Bright, left here this week for Ger-
many, where she goes 103000eether mud -
cal education.
The voters' list for the town of Seafortb
has been posted up in the clerk's office,
and from it we learn that there are 887
names on the list.
Dr. Burrows has pnrahased the pro•
party of 3amt•e Beattie, on Goderioh
etreeb, and intends removing the present
building and erecting a residence and
Mies on the site.
Rev. Mr. Shtiw left on Tuesday morn-
ing of last week for Manitoba and the
Northwest, where ho intends to spend his
holidays. He expects to be away Ove
Mr. Moore, librarian at the L1'1'eohanioe'
Institute, left on Wednesday for a three
weeks' holiday. During his abeenoe the
library will be closed, and will not
re -open until the 17th of August.
George Murdie's heifers were shipped
from here on Monday of last week.
There were 40 head, and they averaged
1,808 pounds each, and were sold for 4,,
Dents. They were generally admitted to
be as fine a lot as has been shipped from
here this season.
W. W. Ogilvie, proprietor of aha flour-
ing mills here, through his manager, T.
0. Kemp, has subsoribed the nam of 325
to aid in purohaoing a town clock, in the
event of a olook with a wooden dial being
purohased, but if a oloolc with an illnmi•
hated dial is proeured he will give 350.
We are sorry to record that one of our
most esteemed citizens in the person of
A. S. Strome, is at present very ill with
an 06taok of fever.
All parties are forbidden to go in
bathing above the dam, as the agitation
of the water washes away the loose gravel
around the abutments.
Robert L. Cook, who lune home
spending hie holidays, left for Grand
Ropide, Mich., where be expecte t0
enter upon a good situation.
Jae. MoDermid, Meese factory in•
epeotor, of Alpena, Mich., spent the fore
part of last week visiting hie parents and
other relatives and friends in the village.
The members of the Select Degree of
T, Jubilee Council R. I, of T. held a meet•
ing on,,Tuesday evening of Iaet week, and
other business emanated eleoted
the following officers :—P. 0., Dr. Spence ;
S. 0„ Wm. Watters ; Ben. S. C., 3. M.
Thompson ; Bon, Tread„ Mee. Jas.
Loree ; Prelate, Thou, McLaughlin •,
Steward, Alex. Smith ; Tyler, Frank
Dig our sad duty to ohroniole the
death of one of Orange Hill's most
promising young men, in the parson of
Win. Sanders, jr., who departed this
lite on Wednesday morning about 8 o'-
elook. Deoeaeed had been eiok but abort
three days, havinig, overheated himself in
the clay -field, whiolt resulted in his
death. The funeral took place from hie
father's residence at Orange HL11, on
Friday afternoon to the Pordwich
oemetery. The Orange Young Britons
of the district attended in a body and
paid their loot r08p00te to a departed
MATOISIONIAT.:.—July 7121 wan the scene
of a very interesting and pleasant event
at the residence of Jamas and 1'0rs. Roe,
of the 4t11 con., it being the marriage of
their daughter Mary to John A. Strong,
About 150 guests wereresent to witness
the tying of the nuptial knot, At 0:80
o'olook the groom, with his 00si0tant,
John Worrell, entered the parlor, from
an opposite entr'anoe 00tn0 the bride,
rltend0,1 by her sister, DI 199 Letitia, and
her tt010e0 Irene tl1001121 and Lila Roe.
Rev. J. S. Flutter, of Lambeth, aeolsted
by Rev. R. f0, Garbett, L. f.. D„ of Cor.
tie, made do happy OOl1l210 one, The
bride looked eharminl, prettily ,1CChe
in oremc, trimmed with Olem0 satin, lane,
011111011 and a sash. 3110 WOr0 a bridal
11 ortg I e i
with L of n e Mc/monis,
veil 19i { 1 wreath 1 11
and ottrrfed 0 shower bouquet of Madame
Most roses, The bridesmaid wore a pale
blue dress trimmed with ribbon, lace and
a 80011, She carried a shower bouquet
of pink carnations. The flower girls
were drneapd in dotted Swiss nulelin
trlmmnd" with valennenis !nee and
eluded 0linWer 1101ugn8ts of white renes
and pi11k otrnaLione. The wedding
marsh was played by Jed. Adams, of
Drayton. After the usual congratnla•
Hone were over the mete repaired to the
dining room stud eat down to a 0amptn-
oue repeat.
1t�Tc 1 LIlop.
Winthrop theme factory so'd last half
of June cheese for over 7o. They paid
Patrons over 4o Por gallon for May and
first half of Juno.
Council meets on the 8th of August at
Loadbury. School trneteee are requoeted
not to forget to have their applications fn
a week before that time.
The driving horses, belonging to Win.
throe, pasturing on the highways have
berkod shade trees, on the road opposite
Robert Adame' premises.
All patbmaetere, who Have not out
thistles and weeds on the rondo, will
likely be fined as the statute state, the
oonnoil shall see that it is done.
John Kerr, son of Mrs, James Kerr, of
MoKillop, is just now home on a visit
from Vancouver, British Columbia. Mr.
Kerr has been a resident of Vancouver
for seven mire, and is in love with the
oily and country.
The injury done in MoKillop by frost
ealoulating ft ab 3100 to each 100 sores
will amount to 340,000 and farmers think
that le nob half, In moot aasee wheat,
oats and poae are all injured and Dorn
and potatoes are of no use in many cases.
The Grey council passed a resolution
at the Last meeting , that they would
gravel part of one of their eideroado if
MoKillop would help. That i0 two one-
sided as MoKillop 110e'mede nearly all the
beoundary lino and Grey bas not done one
doy's statute labor on it in thirty five
years and now expecte McKillop to do
work in Grey. It is the cheekiest thing
on record in munioip0l matters.
The County Council is doing well
with Industrial Homo and other expendi-
ture, The County rate is not half what
it was in days of yore. In 1808 it was
$5,260,50 ; 1878 it was $3,018.06 ; 1888 it
was $8,1625.74 ; 1808 it is 32,207,28, the
lowest of any record shown in the town-
ship. These amounts do not include
municipal school grants in any of those
OBIT.—The following are additional
paederasts concerning the late Anthony
Boyd to whom we referred last week :—
Deceased was a native of the county of
Sligo, Ireland. He emigrated to this
country when quite young, and had re-
sided in this section of McKillop for up-
wards of 40 years, and by industry and
good sense had become one of the most
wealthy farmers of the township. Mr.
Boyd was a generous and honorable man
and one who at all times was prepared to
look down upon everything of a mean,
false or dishonest nature. In religion he
was a Methodist, and in politics an
active and enthusiastic Conservative. He
was likewise an Orangeman, and had
been a member of Loyal Orange Lodge
818, Winthrop, for about 40 years, 26
years of which be held the offioe of
treasurer, The funeral on Sunday was
the largest ever seen in (hie seotion, the
prooe0sion to Meitlandbank cemetery be-
ing nearly two miles iu length. After
the minister had concluded, about 100
members of the Orange moiety, in a
oirole around the grave paid their last
reepeobs to their departed friend, the
beautiful ritual of the Order being quite
impree0ive, Mr. Boyd was 00 years of
age, and besides his partner in life, leaves
a family of -ten, Ove 80130 and five daugh-
ters, to mourn his loss.
rL.Woo' ood.
S. Peter entertained the Atwood Braes
Bond and a large number of friends on
Wednesday night of last week to a sherry
Flax pulling ie in full swing. The
acreage grown in thio section is consider.
ably lase than that of last year owing to
the depression of the market.
7.13. Howard, a clover young etadent
of Huron College, London, will hence-
forth carry on the work on the Atwood
mission in the English church,
Mies Molheral, dressmaker, has given
up business in Atwood and removed to
Buffalo, N. Y., where site has the promise
of something better. She will be missed
by the Methodist choir, of which ehe was
a valued member.
The eevoral Sabbath 00110010 in town
joined in a onion Pic.nio on Tuesday
afternoon of laeb wook, which pleasant
affair was bold in Young Ooulter'e grove.
Tho oltildreu marohed to the grove head-
ed by the Band, and presented a pleasing
and animated epootaolo.
James Linoleum has disposed of hie
100 core -farm, the homestead farm, lot
10, eon. 11, Ehna, to Alex. Loohhead, his
brotber•in-law, for $1,500. Possession
will be
given Mare
b lot 1800. A
the ,axe is rented along with the adjoin-
d cin•ing hundred acres to Dave Bell.
v n n t
After an absence of over e and a half
years with his eon John, ab Okobock8,
(butter known as Dewdney) N, W. T.,
Thomas Lineham returned home last
week to renew old friendships and look
after his property here He expects to
return to the West in a few weeks, where
be has deoided to make his home. Ins
1 t '-in-la Mrs. m. Linehta
dung h et w, W ,
and, two children, will spend some time
here with friends. James Lineham,
another son, is ongtged in the cattle
ranobing business, and owns a good
bunoh of cattle which he is preparing for
the export market. Be is doing well.
Emmanuel Pearson, a former well
known resident of the township of Elmo
and of Liotowel, and who foe 2L yearn
has boon an invalid, diad at the Home
for I00arab100 in Toronto on Saturday,
10th iuet„ in the 84th year of his age.
Mr. Pearson lived for many years on the
farm still belonging to them on tbo town
line West, the hast lot in the township of
Elmo, w131011 plum he cleared up. About
20 years ago be beoamo nflioted with a
disease of the nerves whieh rendered him
unfit for work and for the loot few yearn
has been a resident of the Homo of In.
parables. Hig wife survives him with a
family of four daughters, t1v0 of whom
are married,
John Gray, or eon, 8, Elma, Jho well
known hnr8e breeder, has dfepnsod of hie
three year old imported heavy draught
stallion, "Hent Heat," to Mr. McCartney,
of Molooworth, for the handsome sunt of
$810, probably the highest price paid in
this 313(1101 for n three year old, Mr,
McCartney wilt travel the horse next
season in kli011i'an
01 {,
Ou August 7th, Rev, G.13, MuItobbie,
of Knox oher011, Shelburne, and High
Chaplain of the C. 0, k'., will preach in
the Presbyterian church, Atwood, at 2:80
p. ,n, Tho membere of Court Lane,
inwu0 will neat at heirball, at '2 p, 131
and march to the o11ureb, The muds
from Ethel, Br11e9o14 and Liotowel are
cordially invited to meet the Atimed
brethren at the hall in time to join the
On July 101h, while Michael Little was
engaged unloading hey with a boy fork,
his little three year old dengbter Hannah,
who was playing on the barn floor, got
oaaght in the rope drawn by the horses,
with the result that her hands were fear-
fully lacerated, Tim two first fingers of
the right hand were torn off at the mond
joint, and the left hand soraped to the
bone, Tho poor little thing suffered
terribly before the mangled hands could
be dressed by the dotter.
WrQxe ter.
Blies Turnbull, of Grey, was the guest
of Mise Tena Smith.
Albert Hobbs, of Toronto, is at preeent
the guest of hie Mater, Mrs. Paulin.
Mies VanEvery, of Chicago, is at
preeent the guest of 11'Ire, F. Diokeon.
Misses May and Ellie Elliott are the
guests of their aunt, Mre, Henry Smith.
Wm. Smith, of Hamilton, who has
been visiting friends here, has returned
W. Brown, of St. Mary's wee the guest
of his son Andrew, of Io1vn for a few
Arthur and Robb. Crozier, of Bruseele,
were visiting et the home of Thoo,
F. V. Diokeon is having the recede.
tion for a new house built on his proper.
ty on Howiok street.
A union pit-nio of the three Sunday
schools of town was held :in Dr. Senate's
grove on Tuesday afternoon.
David Myles has had a new fence
erected in front of his residence which
adcle greatly to its appearan0e.
Mr. and Mrs. MaTavieh, who live
jeer North of the village, and Mrs. Robb.
Gibson, of Maitland Brae, left here for
Manitoba where they will spend a couple
of months visiting relatives and friends.
The young child of John Gibson got
hold of a bottle of carbolic acid, and
swallowed a small quantity of the poison.
Fortunately the aooident was immediate-
ly noticed and a doctor Bent for and the
Mild is now doing as well as can be ex.
Mise Annie Allen and her sister, Mrs,
McIntosh, of Cleveland, Ohio, are at
present visiting at their home here. We
understand that Mies Annie Inteude re-
maining, bet Mra, McIntosh will return
shortly, accompanied by her youngest
sister, Sarah.
Li (towel.
The Standard will take its ousbdmary
Summer holiday this week.
The oheesemakers oonvention will be
held here on Feb. lot and 2nd, 1800.
Fred. Coleman hoe opened a now
grocery and provision store on Wallace
next to the old Royal hotel.
A new shoe store for ordered and re.
pair work has been opened in town by W.
J. Klemmer, formerly of Cbeeloy.
The family of John Alexander, town,
have gone to Ingersoll, where Mr. Alex-
ander is employed in the screw works.
Wm. McKeever returned to town on
Monday of last week from London, Eng.
land, whither he had gone on a business
Isaac Allen, baker for J. S. Huston, is
leaving town, having aaoepted a more
lucrative situation 00 fancy cake baker
for a St. Catharines firm.
Chas. Sohlimm, who has been in the
employ of the Brinker Hardware Co. for
a number of years, left for Woodotook
where he has taken a situation with a
At 0 meetiu3 of the High school Board
the present staff was re.engaged at the
following salaries : W. A. Phillips, prin.
oipal, $1,000 ; A. MoVioer and W.
Nichol, assistants, $700 eaoh.
R. G. Roberts, Clerk of Wallace, hue
been re -appointed deputy returning
officer for District No. 1, which includes
Wallace and Listowel, for the eleotion of
County Councillors at the end of the
present term.
In 0oneequenee of Chief Ranger Isaac
Allen's departure from town, his resigna-
tion was accepted at a special meeting of
Court Liotowel No. 510, I. 0. F. B.
Witter, vice chief, was elected Chief
Ranger, and R. Stainton was given the
vice chair.
J. W. and Mra. Soott, of this town ; J.
A. and Mee. Halsted, Mktg Mabel Hal-
sted and Jan. and Mrs. McMullen, of
Mb. Forest, and Mrs. (Dr,) Barr, of Sbel.
borne, purpose forming a party and tak-
ing a trip down the St. Lawrence and
around the Atlantic coast by Halifax and
..St. John to Boston and New York.
The Htiron Central will hold it0 Fall
S0 onSept,20
Show S ep t and 21st.-
J. C. Emerson, o former resident of
this section, died a few days since at
Pickford, Mich., aged (16 years.
The law firm of Soott tar McKenzie
have opened a branch aloe at Bayfield,
which plane they will vigil every Thurs.
It is a good deal to the credit of the
Clinton Publio sobool that out of 82
pupils who wrote at the Entrance exam-
ination, the entire number passed.
At the last meeting of the Rattenbury
street W. M. S. Auxiliary, one of the
members whose silver wedding occurred
recently, sent to the Treasurer an envel-
ope containing $0.20, a thankoffering of a
silver quarter for eaoh year of their
married life.
A 20 year old boy, who gave his name
Joe Brown, of New York city, was arrest-
ed by Constable Wheatley, charged with
vagrancy and fraud. Ile had hid right
arm neatly lioancl np in opliute and ear.
rigid in a sling, and wag soliciting oharity
on the plea that his arm was brollen. In.
voetigation revealed the faeb that the
arnl was porfootly sound, and that his
pileao for sympathy were fraudulent.
IIs plead to be let oft, as this wag his
fleet offence, but the Mayor thought he
0heuld be taught a isogon, and as a warn.
ing to others, Omni him $10 and watt, or
80 days Ill jails 1-10 took Ibo latter,
Principal W. R. Lough, of the Publio
0011001, Ea one of the veterans of I800 who
are entitled to a military medal for tier-
vieee during the Fenian invasion at that
tante, and Ilea ball 1110 ueoea0ary papers
forwarded to tine Mini0ler or Militia to
0.e0nr0 the same, Wm• Sperling, of
town, is also entitled to the acme Vonore.
Chief Wheatley, ever on the alert for
such fellows, pulled 0 young
man who
wee going around ulaimultobo suffering
from a burnt leg ; a doctor who examin.
ed 111e limb gave as hie opinion that the
injury had been soli-inflioLed 00 00 10
h e the men had only
s m nL but a a
t Y p Y,
been begging for something to eat, and
had not eolicited help in any other way,
he was notified to get out.
While a load of jolly Monickers own,
priei0g the members of Willis choir,
were on their way to Bayfield, one of the
bolts holding the tongue came out, allow•
ing the front wheels to awing around un -
dor the rig and upset it Fortunately no
one was seriously hurt, although one of
the young ladies suffered more than the
others did, and ea they were 1101 far from
town, the injury to the rig wa8 soon re.
The books of the Grand Reoorder Dud
Treasurer of the Order of Chosen Friends
are being audited at Hamilton.
o adian re r
A donferenoe of C eenla• n p e
tives in London and members of the Im•
perial Parliament was held on Tuesday
to consider oolonialintereste.
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near.
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronobitie, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diesaeee, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold b Jan, Fox. Drng¢lst, 101081310.
%. G. Richardson
Iii prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
( Shop in Garfield Block.
Real Estate 85 Loan
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire d Life Insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
001100 over Deadnhan'e Drug Stora,
utdlier Shop 1
The undersigned has open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
where lie will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patronage solicited,
Meat delivered to all parts
of the town.
I 'OASII PAID 5011 Itbbl8,
E mail free, to all who write for it, a
handsomely Illustrated Catalogue of
our vast army of Goodyear•Wellted Shoes
iafor Y
o menand boys. It describes a n emu.
ingvariety of different styles and sizes, all
of "Slater"quality, ranging ing in price from
for �.n to $2,$2.50 for boys'
and youths' foot gear. We have striven to
make this catalogue well worth your sending
Jno. Downing,
- Sole Local Agent.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice,
Estimates Furnished for ail
kinde of Buildioge. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
I with to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have pur-
chased the Pump Businese of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prime.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
11 -Orders taken for the Digging of
Wells and Oieterne.
Gomer Green,
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Ie successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ledlee. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
druggist0,00 Co
ok•a Colton Root Com-
inand. Take no other, as nllMizturoa, pills and
mitations are dangerous. Prise, No. 1, 11per
box) No. 0, I0 degreeo stronger, 88 per box. 110.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of pride and two 0-eent
stamps, The Ooolc OanompanyWind000 Ont,
reOnsible Druggists inOenadamouded by al
Nos. 1 and 2 sold in Brn00els by
Druggist, Bookseller .0 Optloiau.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6k Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Cleric, Brussels.
Will make'
a well math
of 'YOU!
P1003110102)1=0 Tale 400011
x0800'!91/1 00010 W6000.
PI0001 ouree all Normae Lleceaee, 6leeplea,.
0000. Faa1110 Memory, N1Rh0y nm1,0100,. Open..
torrloea, Tmpot0007, oto., emend by poet a00800'
given vigor and eine to ehrunko0 organa. awl
Quickly but enrelyy reetor00 0.081 MANHOOD In Old
or young. Uso PI0081 and you will grow strong
end happy again. Seat by mail 1,1 plain wrapper
andrare11 eoaled,from obeerrad02. Emla,
cried In vest peokot Price, 11. a paokego as
for 'a. Send money 1n either 0,4(00rry or reficfater.
ed Dralatter.
B , wnener0010,aONT.,tters 140001 COS mott10 D0.
min100 o 010000.
Tia Clear Out
Odd Lines of Sumnzer Goods we will
make Special Reductions in price.
122c. Light and Fancy Prints reduced to 11c ;
the lOc range to 8Tl,y.c, and the 9c for 6, -.roc,
Fancy Colored Muslins
at Reduced Prices. All new Goods,
—0 -
Only a few Shirt Waists
left, to be Sold at a Bargain.
Sun Hats and all lines of Straw Flats going Cheap.
awaythis paper before o 0
throwu ono de you are ,nein
And thenlu
pn Y 1;
good money by not buying your DAIRY Y
SUPPLIES no, We are
prepared to supply every person with Dairy Cans
Pails, Milk Pane and Tinware off all kinds at prio00 according to quality.
— Graniteware of all kinds._
p ''7,''�11 Having put in a stook of Spades, Shovels
LLB B L • Forks dia., of the best quality we Rollo
HA WA q y
your Patronage.
Paint Your House with the best 'weather and water.
proof Paint in the market. We sell it.
Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order.
'.rho best line of Cook Stoves to choose from.
Eavetrauji2inj and .Repairing
promptly attended to..
N.B.—Wait for our wagon, it will call on you for your truck in 1G
few days.
Wilton & Turnbull