HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-7-22, Page 8ONE BICYCLE! We have one Bioyale to diettOee of, of Bale Beneon'e purobssee. None better for the money and very few better at any prioe. I ia the °o0. cent, earns make as I ride and whioh I do in preference to all others. Then who know them best say most in their praise. Repair men would be Emmet if only Orenent Bioyolea were Bold. They are fully gueran. teed. $10 Cash and 49 a month for three months will take this wheel, or will rent it for the balance of season for 410.00, This is a bargain. G. A. Deadman, Druggiet, Optician & Bookeeller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOISTRZItil XXT11NS1011 W. G. & S. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Dome SonTn, Gorriei Nonni, 13 Xeress 7:10 am, I Mail 2.10 p.m trisect 0:9S a.m. I Express 10:10 pma Taal reivs bins. A °islet's among ye takinnotes, An' faith he'll prent it. Rana ie badly needed. Tun weather bas been hot. Tao Maitland river ie very low. Busse Voters' list will be oat next week. WE welcome items of news. Band them in. Dcal'T miss Mr. Rantenberg's lecture on "The Jews." HAND US in the n ams of your visitor and we'll do the rest. .A. Miami matob is talked of with Kin- cardine racquet ;yielders. Some small boys caught a live musk rat in the river Ian Saturday. ConTitAoTon Ansnow starts hauling gravel for the corporation next week. GEOnon BEST has invested itt a family umbrella and the girls say "It is ont of eight" ISCInintr. Virr,ToN is away ab Toronto this week attending the Masonic Grand Lodge. Eton Huron Fall Fair will be held at Brussels on Thareday and Friday, Oob. Gth and 7th. Mos. A, Coaund has ripe tomatoes already in her garden. Her oollection of flowers is also Worthy of note. A. Lanes pone of glace was broken in the North show window of A. Strachan'e stote last Saturday evening. Tile meeting (lolled for Monday even- ing to arrange for a day's sport in Brus. seta was a fizzle. Cause—no turn out. (alias a number of young people attend- ed the Presbyterian garden party at Bine- vale on Friday evening last and report a good time. Tonsorr one of the plate glass windows in the vacant store in the Graham block was broken. The plate was insured and will be replaced shortly. Bins PAMLINE JoemsTON, the Indian poebees and reciter, may give an enter., taintnent in Brum/els in the near Ware. She is smell worth bearing. Minute Cartrarr & BibsT have engaged the services of Jonathan Kirkby, of Blorrie, to help in setting up and regulat- ing binders. Ha's a good man. A. row complainte are made about neighboring pig peng. These plane must be kept clean and free from bad odors or the Board of Health will have to enforce the law. A mutants exchange gaye that recently upon the death of a deilnquent subeorib- er the postmaster returned the paper marked "deceased ; use asbestos and change the address," Ton town bell was not rang for 0 couple of days this week owing to the low con- dition of Mrs. Anderson, who livee near the Town Hall. At the time of writing Mrs. Anderson is no better. H. R. Bnowne, artist, has removed the old fence from in front of his residence and is not going to pat upanother, we understand. The premises certainly look better without the faun. SAIntArn Sehool excursion from Alma to Goderioh Friday of this week. Spacial train leaves Brussels at 8t80 a, m, and returning starts from Godetioll at 6 ;o'. cloak. Return fare 80 cents for adults and 40 cents for children, Tom Clinton Record says in speaking of Myth Orange celebration :—Brussels Lodge had the only fife and drain band in the procession, and it was a good one. It was aboat a note strong and rendered Orange music in a snappy and spirited manner. TIMBRo will be received for the naw rectory to be erected for St. John's ()Much to next Monday evening, 25th ingt„ np to 7 o'olook. Plane and apecifi- cations may bs dean at Beaker & 'Van. stone's office. The building will be a solid brick. Tenn is no recent change in the place] law regarding holidays in rural municipalities, as some soppose. In rural municipalities school closed this year on rune 80th, and will open on Monthly, Aug. lath, In oities, towns and villages they °need on juin 30th and will open on Thursday, Sept. let. Dom—Lost Friday evening I:Immo, youngest daughter of the late Edward Vanes, forreetly of Brunets, passed away to her eternal home, aged 17 years and 9 dayt. Mise Veto° lived in Sault Ste. Marie, 17. S. She had been poorly for grime time Mat was Only oonfined to bed for 7 weeks. Cause of death paraly- gie. Fianna died in a happy 000e01000. nen of going to dwell with her Saviour. She was a member of the Baptiet church. Panetta took piece en Sunday. It ie threl, gears since the Miens Vareoe re - MOM trawl limeade, Itanatmaron of °Moen in °mine:anon with St. John's Lodge, A. F. & A.. 81,, Braesele, will take plan next Tuesday evening. Tile blackboards at the Brinson Publics whop, have all been restated by Welker, of London, with his blackboard com- pound, and are now lo aplendid condi. non, Gamut Rilwennfi will convert hie oicler men building, 81 111 enact, into a eat 111111 as goon aft the apple Seafinn is over next Fall. Ile hits purchased an outfit for sawing. To test a new wagon 0i torn of dry Hemlook lumber was put on one load at P. Ament's yard on Wednesday morn- ing and hauled to the G. T. R., where it woe loaded. Lannas may be anoommodeted with hot or oold water bathe at the Eleatrio Light Works on any afternoon. Bits. Main. prioe will be in oharge. See Advt. in another colamn, Bensons Base Bali team hes been asked to play at Kincardine on Tuesday, Aug. 2nd. If they go their opponents will likely be the Cargill nine who de. feinted them at Wroxeter. Tan Amherstburg Bobo nye :—The Brassele Herald has ceased publioation. It has been straggling for some time. Bro. Kerr, of Too POST, is left the field. Two papers in a onemaper town cannot be snacesefillly oonduoted. NEXT Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'- alook, the Exeoutive of East Huron Liberal Association will meet in G. F. Blair's ofidoe, Brunets. As business of importance is to be transacted every member is asked to attend. Tho PosT regrets to learn of the death of Sanet Hamilton, infant daughter of Geo. and Agnes Olver, aged 3 weeks. The parents are deeply sympathised within their bereavement. The little girl died on Thuredity of last week. Gore Brian= Agricultural Society will clear over 0150.00 as their (Mare of the recent excursion to the Model Farm at Guelph. .A. dose of that kind of medioine is not bad to take, no one has to hold your nose to pt you to consent either. Mrs. Thos. Smith and Airs. Andrew Nicoll, of Newark, N. J., are visiting at Robed Henderson. The ladies are eie• tars of Mrs. Henderson and daughters of Jno. McCallum. It is 10 years eines Mrs. Smith was in Brunets. They will be here for a few weeks. Tan 920,000 Ronald bonus falls due in $118 0001SO of e, few months as does 92,- 200 os Front street debentures. New de• bentures will be issued forthwitb, to cover the amount, with this difference that instead of paying 7% we 43940t to get the money at about 4%. Fon. Tham.—Thursday evening of this week at 8 o'clock in the Council Chem. her, a meeting was called for the purpose of reorganizing Brussels Foot Ball team or the Pall oempaign. There is a lot of very likely material in town for a good nub and a rallying of the forces is asked nd expected. A. math will probably be hayed next week with Listowel ea an opening shot for this season. AlSONO Grand Trunk shipments this week were 4 care of lumbar for P. Anlent ; oars of salt from Enterprise Works ; 028 00 cattle and a oar of bogs by Clegg & omect ; a oar of hogs by Saner & 'Van - tone, and other way freight. In the nooroing goods was a car of agrioultural mplemente for Cardiff & Beet; a oar of orn for W01. Rose ; a oar of cement for erry Bros., and a oar of shingles for P. meat. a 5 A Bonn TrinOAT LotsT STY1x.--The medioal men report the prevalence of a peculiar epidemic of a nature of sore throat and oolci ,in the heed. The dis- ease seems to get bold upon the bones and nerves too, and makes the victim feel worn oat and debilitated. In the country the malady seems to have e wider hold upon the people than in the town. Oftentimes the complainant bee Heves he is taking diphtheria. It is not a serious malady, however, but like la grippe, should be attended to at onoe arid carefully watched until every traoe of it vanishes. Goon REOORD.—In the reoent Public School Leaving examinations Brunets sobool sent up 12 pupils, and notwith• standing the extreme difficulty of the Arithmetio, 9 of the number maned. The successful candidates were :—Oleve. Garf. Beaker, Mary Friendship, Willie Grieve, Mabel Hayoroft, Alice Kendall, Marion McKenzie, Milton Maguire and Rate Smith. Names are arranged alphabetioelly. For Entrance 12 wrote and the following 11passed :— Georgia Ross, Tansy Sinclair, Norma Vanstone, Ida Zillion Arthur Alli, Clarke Allin, John R. donaley, Willie J. Good, Geo. McMillan, Bassett G. Taylor, and Charlie Zillion, Principal Cameron and the pupils are to be congratulated on maintaining the good record of Brunets school. RIG SWEEF.—The mail clerks on the railways have exams. to pass every 6 months of a very practical character. A catte with pigeon boles ie placed before them and a package of perhaps 1,200 oards with poetoftioe addresses printed on them banded to the candidate. Hie business is to make the best distribution of these oarde in the aforementioned nee with ire various labelled hence. The examiner ht present noting the time no. copied in the work and maxim are given as to best distribution. When it is taken into ancient that there are 66 lines of railway in Ontario, with separate parcels for cities and big towns, about 90 eepar. ations in all it is no easy task. A. week or go H. W. Farrow faced the made and at the olon had his marks handed him as 90 1/12 per cent, Mr. Farrow is a first-olacs hand and will no doubt work to the front as he has both (mead and acouracy in hie vvork. ClittIZESIOn To Win:BUIL—The follow. ing appeared is Tueedityn; Mail and speaks for itself 1—Sir,—Was mph stir - prised to read in yout spotting whoring the muoll heralded victory of Wingham bags ball team ageing Brussels 0.0 Blyth on July 12th. We admit defeat on that occasion by a sour° of 16 to 13, but we will nob permit them to think it was their playing that did it, but through the ignorance of the umpire, who knows ag little of the rules of base boll as any poem who ever occupied that position. We admit we bad on Parry, bat there are others* who do the amnia triek, not leaving oat Wingluarn. We are also of the opin. ion that we can beat the same team that played for Witigliam with the same bop; that playecilror Brawn on July lath, We are also prepared to bock our opinion with any pert of 4100, and would name GOderioh as the town and July 22nd ag the date of match, the umpire to be a disinterested pOrty, Youre, oto. Hama :wee, Monaget Brtleeella TAU BRUSSULS jtykr 22. 189$ People We Talk About. Joey Good le visiting at Toronto. Mies Jeanet McKay is visiting is town. Thos. Ross, of Obegley, is bolidayiug lte. Mies Francis is book from bee visit to Port Dover. Postmaster Marrow was in Toronto on Wedneedey, MVO. &MISS, 111',2 is visiting reIntiven in Grey township. Miss Lily Kendall is home from De- troit on a visit, Thos. Bradwell, of CO ,ril, Wag in town Ian Friday. Reeve Wilford, of Blyth, was in town on Wednesday. Mrs. A. Good and children are holi- daying at Ripley. Hilton Hunter, has taken a position on the "Bee" stuff, Atwood. John Forbes, of Stratford, is visiting the Arisen Forbes, Albert anon. Jno. McRae is behind the counter in FOX'S drug store for a few weeke. Miss Lizzie Wooke, of Belmote, ie visiting her EliSiar, WM C. Zillian, Jno, Leckie, of Toronto, was in town this week while en route to Chatbain. Blis. Carter, of 13lyth, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Robt. Burns, of Brunets. Chas. Wilson, of Berlin peatoffice, and wife were visiting in Brussels this week, Jim. Thetford, of Toronto,.is hada}, hag at J. A. Oreighton's, Princess street. Mies Alma 13rooke, of Exeter, ie visit- ing the Blinn Hunter Alexander street. W. Stewart wheeled to Woodstock with his eousin, Jas. Close, last Satur- day. D. Curry, of Woodstock, was visiting Thos.Curry, Brunets, during the past week, Miss Diary BloLouchlin, of Stratford, is enjoying a holiday under the parental roof. Mrs. Andrew McKee, of Molesworth, is visiting at Mrs. John Sinclair'e, Prinoess street. Miss Mand and Howard Horny, of Seoforth, are visiting old friends in the locality. H. W. Farrow, mail olerk, is erijOylog a well earned holiday for a week in this looality. Miss Maggie Smith is home from her millinery position at Wiarton for her holidays. Mite Myrtle Nett is here from Fergus for her vacation. She came home on Tuesday. Mies Mary Ross, John street, is visit. ing her cousin, Bliss Mary McClure, of Molt illop. Dr. Luna, McCullough and Robert Wynn, of Detroit, are visiting under the perinatal roof. Robb. Henderson was off work for a few days last week from an attack of oholera mortine. Miss Mamie Sample, of Toronto, is en- joying a holiday visit with relatives and friends in town. Bliss McClennan, of tbe Goderiob 001. leginte staff, was vieiting Miss Teenie Sinolair this week. Miss Lizzie Leatherdale left last Tuesday for a visit with relatives in Galt, Elora and Fergus. Mies Bowles, of Chicago, is the guest of ber sister, Mrs. Robb. Jobnston, Turn - berry atheist, Brussele. Prank Smith arrived home from Sea - for th Collegiate on Saturday. He wrote ab the exam. Male Summer. E. 0. and Dirs. Lowry, who have been visiting their SODS in London for eome montba, arrived home last week. Robt. Ross, of Kincardine, was in town for a few days owing to the serious 111 - nese of bio daughter with erysipelos. Ira Gerry is home for hie holidays from Setaforth Collegiate. He says the reosnt examinations were pretty stiff. Mrs. J. N. Kendall has been quite poorly with inflammatory catarrh bub we hope the remedies used will prove ef- ficacious. 0. Zillion, wife and children, went to Belmore last Sabbath. The boyo remained for a holiday visit with their grandparenta. Mr. Button, of Button & Fitzpatrick, has not been having the beet of health for the past montb, but we hope be will soon be fatly restored. Rev. R. Pani was nailed to Goderloh on Tuesday on business (mourning the mak. ing of the will of Thos. Taylor, a former Ethelite, who is quite ill, Biro. 3 R. Grant, of Winnipeg, was summoned to Newton, Kansas, owing to the ill health of her mother, Mrs, Hum- ble, formally of Brussels. Jno. Downing was celled away to Scngog to see hie mother who was re. potted quite ill. As the old lady is over 90 years of ego there is not ninth expo- tation of reoovery, Dr. Davidson and bride arrived home from their wedding tour on Thursday night of Met week ad will soon be com- fortably settled in their new home. May their joys and comforts be many. George Pipe had his right eye injured one day last week by a flying chip from a stone he wen squaring for Jno. Broad. foot's barn foundation, It was the cause of ooneiderable pain to George, Miss Jean Wilson arrived from Elora on Monday evening, Miss Helen George, of Pert Elgin, and Min Muriel Clark: of Elora, actoompanied her and will visit at "Hawthorne Place" for a time. fire. James Oliver, of town ; Mts. P. D. MoKinnon and daughter, Annioe, of Winnipeg; and Mee. Hugh IllaKinnon, of Grey, have gone on a trip to Mackinac and Thenalon. Mrs. W. A. Dantean, daughter of Dire. Oliver, lives et the tatter place, After the holidays W. A. MoLeraohlin of this place will anima the Principal- ship of one or the Sault Ste. Marie soboole in athlete are four nowhere. He will do web and the Board is to be con- gretulotell on securing his servine. School will re -open on September 1st, The Pails Star-Traneeript says of S. Y. Taylor, formerly of this legality t— The showing of the Paris Pablio School ig exceptionally good, in fact, the best in the history of that inetitution. The number of marks obtained by three oan- didates averaged between 70 and 76 per cent, while many others etood well up in this iiot. This refiebte much credit upon the Principal, S. Y. Taylor. J2213. BloAlpine, of Wingham, was Oslo' tog his wife and daughter, Jean, to a, main 011 the 10611 con., of Rost Wawa. nosh, on Dominion day, when the horn peace too close to an embankment, nue. mg one side of the vehicle to rise up, Oohing out Mrs. McAlpine and dough. ter, The young lady named with very engin injury, but her mother fored worse, having her tight ehinthier blade awaked and her left OM broken near the Wriet. aim Ohae. Sager and clatlehter lett Galt on Friday of Ian week where bb purpose authing their borne. Wo wi them prosperity. Barrister Blair and Droned Fox 10 on Wednesday of ON week Mr a bond eating to 1 arra' S eind. They will away two weelcs. Mr. Fox has engaged jno. McRae, a repent graduate, to supply his plane in the drug norm Look out for tail fish Morton when the witiiilarere re. ST,I.ArD.4.70 OP O1iVYiD.4. s1 '.Ltu.00ttnxsir B.C7ft„ ft HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ay ASSFati, (Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000 be CAPITAL (Authorized) • • 62,000,000 Fon Ilitoreyndae.—The Forgug Reword nye of a lady well known in Brussels and locality :—Mise Kate Itiehardeen, of Nereus, has been appointed Commer. offal teacher in Brookville Collegiate In- stituto, her babies oonanienoing lob Sep. toolbar, Miss Riehardson is well known in Formai, having taught in the Fergus Eligb sobool for two years. She resigned her position in Fergon to farther pursue Iter studies, in Mahal she was ea stmeese. fat as to obtain a Comineroial Specialist's Certificate. We oongratulate Mies Richardson on her snooeSS, and, wo also congratulate Brookville in enuring one oi the best teachers wo ever had in Fen gas. CHURCH IN. Conseorration service in • connentinn with the Epworth League next Sabbath evening. Spain spends only 40,6000,000 ell told on education annually. Tltsoie y, how- ever receive 98,100,000 out of MI public, puree. The individual oolnmUnion onp is conquering 144 way. A "(tidied States manufaaturer sold 1,000 of these sets last year, A. number of churches in a crowded section of New York have combined to provide play grounds for the children of the district. "How to have a happy home" will be the topio at Melville Endeavor, next Sabbath evening, lo be taken by Miss Mary Ross and Fred. Wilson, Last Sunday morning Rev. G. J. Abey preaohed in St. John's °Mitch from the text 'He that babb Been Me bath seen the Father," St. John 14:0. "The oleans• ing of the Leper,'' St. Mark 1:40, was the evening topic. The financial distriot meeting of the Methodist church in the Stretford dis- triot will bo bald at Milverton on Tan - day, August 16th, commenoing at 10 a. m., and the distriot Sabbath sobool oon. vention takes place at 3 p. m. on the same day. The headquarters staff of the Salva- tion Army has been re-organined. Brigadier Complin editor of the War Cry, has been made general Secretory, Brie,. Gaskin, who formerly held that of. doe, takingcommand of the Control Ontario division, and Bleier Frederick is the naw editor of the War Cry, with the rank of Brigadier. Rev, Wm, Norton preached in the Methodist °beech Int Sabbath morning. His text was Acts 4.12, "Nor is there salvation in any otber.'' Rev. It, Paul occupied the pulpit in the evening, grounding his rernarke on johnai Gospel, 8.36. These two veterans are able to demonstrate the Truth with vigor, even if they have paseed their three score and ten mile post, Neat Sabbath B. Itsubenberg, a con- verted Sew, will (indent the servioes in the Methodist (Mort% et 10.30 a. tn. and 7 p. m. On Monday evening he will give an historical lecture in the same church on the subject "The Jews," from the standpoint of a Sew. He will be as. sided ou Monday evening by his son, Bernie, a youth of 10 years of age, who is a splendid vocalist. Lecture at 8 o'olook. IVIr. Daniel, a native Persian, who is in this country attending Knox College, Toronto, to qualify him to preaoh the Gospel in bis own land, addressed two large congregations in Melville oburoh Ian Sabbath in an interesting manner. He also spoke to the Endeavor Society in the evening. Blr. Daniel has another objeot in living in Canada for a time, viz, that he may become a British eiti• zen, as ha finds out, as many others have, that iiitizensbip from a Brinell standpoint means a great deal in foreign lands, and is a safeguard in Persia not obtainable otherwise. car Fall wheat will yield well. Miss Isabel Deane, of Galt is analog at Pare. T. Calder's. Raspberry pickers have been about as plentiful as the burin. The thresbers are getting their mach. Ines ready to begin work. Bliss Annie MoQuarrie is home from Toronto on a holiday visit, Mies Cassie Mollierthern, of Herriston, is visiting at Duncan bieLauahlin'e. Miss Mary Mitchell left this week for Yorkton, Assiniboia. She went by boat from Owen Sound. A. obange of hounkeepers is mooted 012 the 1.6th oon. next Vail but it is too early to mention names yet. Mrs. Henry Taylor, South of Brussels, is in failing health bat we hope a change for the better will soon set in. Daring the past week John Jones, an old time resident of Grey, has been laid up with a badly ewollen lace resulting from 510 Moor tooth. Allan Lamont is home horn the Bea. Meth Collegiate whore he has been for the past year. He is a alever young man and stood well in the school. Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. 5no, Ross, B, A., and B. Gerry, of Brunets, will visit the Union Sabbath sobool meeting in Smith's sobool borne. A large quantity of Fall wheat has been cut this week and is in most plane a good drop, The recent frost did a great deal of damage, to the pea orop portico. tarty. Andrew Turnbull and wife, Ifith oon., left this week for a holiday trip with relatives and Mende in Manitoba, and the West. We wish them a pleasant time. Ag the parties who took the parcel oh' the milk nand on the 16th eon. last Sat- urday night, are well known, they would do well to return them before tuatara notion is taken. Five out of seven of the pupils who wrote from S. S. No, 1 at the recent examinations Public; School leaving and Entrance at Brussels, passed. We oompliment norther Stewart and the pupin on their mines& Among those who hoeci returned elter writing et the recent examinatione are Miss Tessio Switzer from Lietowol ; Minn B. 0010170.0 and M. Corday from Seafottla ; and W. Bielby from Olinten, We hope soon to be able to nongretulate them on palming sunegeful enema, 4 gender fit all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba , United States Pm gland, Arerrs,.wirks Roaxem. it General Banking Business Trammelled. Farmers' Rota Dieeonnted. Drafts Ieen' 4 and Generational made on alt volute. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, interest allowed on deposits of 41,00 and upwards; from dat of deposit to date o withdrawal and oomponnded half yearly. Seeman A.TTBSTION OWEN To Tato COMISOTIon Or FAltiannfil' fiArdi Every facility afforded Customers living at a Mebane°. M. BI, BRENT, The briok work of — Sander's and P. Robertson's new residences 12248 been completed and the carpenters are now pushing their department of work, Monday of this week Bilge Belle Smith left for Wilhesport, Lambbon Co., Where she will preside over the destinieg of the Methodist parsonage. Her brother, Rev. W. A. Stalith, B. D., is stationed there and although ordained last Conference has not followed the customary rule of getting married shortly atter. Otto os THE PION/WM—The old people are leaving us rapidly and soon those 1V120 pioneered this notion will be no more. In the above number we chron- icle the demise of Mary McLeod, relict of the late Angus McMillian, who was called away ab 7 p. m. Tharsday of last week, aged 78 yeare. Mrs. MoVillan had been an invalid for the past 20 yeare, asthma and afterward dropsy being her aihnent. For over a year the had been considerably worse. She was born in Pictou 0o„ Nova Sootia, and, olong with her faintly, moved to Tuokersmith township, where she met het husband to whom elm was married sbob 40 yeare ago. He pre. deceased her 14 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan moved into Grey in 1855, taking up loud on the 18th oon., where they sojourned for many years, in fact bhe family only loft this farm a year ago and moved morose the road into BloKillop. Mrs. McMillan held to the Presbyterian ohurob and Rev. Mr, Forrest oonducted an appropriate service on Saturday after- noon, interment being made at Btussele cemetery. The surviving ohildren are Kra. 11. Huffman, of Port Finlay, Algo- ma ; laugh, of Washington ; Mrs. A, Raupp, of Detroit; Mise Georgina and Daniel, on the farm. Mrs. McMillan was a faithful wife, a good mother and one of the best of neighbors who enjoyed the favor of a large circle of friends. Business Locals, Waninas from 440 up to 4100 at A. Ch'Nufwelg ca'r.rote, beets and potatoes at Mo. Craoken's. TEE liveliest shop in 8 Oounties, Kin,g'e store, Wiogbam. A. COMDEX handles everything that is used by a bicycle rider. Oun butter and eggs go to King's July and August sale, Winghatn. EvEurnonr goes to Wingham ; King's July and August sale is on. Din yen Bee the Gendron bike in A. Congleyai window 2 It's a dandy. GOOD, dry Amer/cicala corn, the beet for feeding purposes, for sale at Rose' mill. CLEVELAND wheels are great sellers. Six sold mince Jan, lob, 1898, A. Conley. Dam( not in it. We give you 0 sale and take your trade. G. E. King, Wing. hanc. WANTIM—Butter, not lower 12o. Oash for best Dairy Tubs. G. D. King, Wing - ham. n, & D. bearings are guaranteed for three years. Come in and see them. A. CI°A.11neoYiv.n needing lawn mowers pat in proper shape or sharpened had better see Saw -filer McGregor as be is likely to do the work all right. T. MaGazeon, Q110011 et., East, Brunie. Soren= Omma.—Another consignment of aline, imported direct frotn Germany, with views of Melville churob, Public gohool and Main Oren, Brunetti, jest to hand. Beautiful goods. See tbein at T. Fletober's. Hottgentilinsie Exorreeness.—On the first and third Tuesdays in June, 1898, the Chicago, Milavoukee & St. Paul Roil. way will sell round-trip antiunion tickets (good for 21 days) to a great many points in South and North Dakota and other Western and Southwestern stotes, at practically one fare for the mond trip. Take a trip West and see what an amount of good land own be purobased for very little money. Farther information ae to rates, routes, prices of farm lands, etc., may be obtained on application to any coupon tioket agent or by addressing A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 2 Ring street, East, Toronto, Ont, NODDING BET TAN BEST. — Philip Ament purchased from Walker & Smith, of Brussels, a new light Chatham wagon, Gaunt gear, and in order to test the warranty under which it was sold pat on a load of over 8,000 feet of green elm which was drawn with nee. They then loaded it with 0052 5500 feet, malting a grolle weight of over 6 tons. This amain moas load was drawn with period safety to the wagon not even the paint in the joints showing the least oraok. There have been a large number of then avagone oold by Walker & Smith during the poet eight years and they have al. ways given the beat of eatisfaotion. This, however, is what might justly be expect- ed as the Material is always good and boiled ID oil, rendering them very Mira. bis, and oaptable of enduring a great deal of expoeure. Walker & Smith are hard to best when it comes to supplying firet- oralaitsedy. rigs, and this fact ie emphasized by a sale of over 75 new tip this Benson al - Lieut. Sutton, of Winnipeg, for emote pure connected with the Royal Canadian Dampen% has been transferred to Totem to, The Barrio Town Eamon bas decided to submit a by-law to tho property- holdere for the praline Of a civic trio lighting plant. sisOltd./. Stom—I0 Myth, on July 18t1,, ibo wife of Mr, W. W. Sloan, of a son, Ttio0maxtua—In Benumb', on July 10th, the wife of Fred, MoCraoken, of a can, Mandolin. the Mann, lluoleville, on July 1st, the wife of Rev. A., Mem Vine of a daughter, TOTTLI1.—in Listowel, on July 101,11, the wife of Itir. W. A. Tuttle of a daugh- ter. MoBain.—In Atwood, on July 1301, the wife of Mr, J. A. Itioliain of a son. Ilasruzeon.—In Irenfryn, on June 27th, the wife of Mr, Mae, Hamilton of a daughter. — • STRONG —Iton.—A.t the residence of the bride's father, on July 7th, by Bev. J, S. Fisher, of Lambeth, assisted by Rev. R. J. Garbutt, L. L. B., of Gorrie, Mr, John Strong to Mies Blau Roe, both of Howlok. auTomm. Bre1VART.—A.b the residence of Iter son.in. law, W. H. McElroy, 74, Gladstoos Ave., Toronto, the beloved wife of Edward Stewart, of Listowel. aloKillop, on July 14013, Mary McLeod, r allot of the late Angus BloMillau, aged 78 yeare. 11Inran,—In Listowel, on July 12th, John Ellin Millar, aged 8 years, 8 months and 8 days. Srarianx.—In Lisbowel, on July Otto, Leonard Stanley, aged 80 years, Fonuner.--In Atwood, on JO ly Oth, Susan Farrell, beloved wife of Robb. Forrest, aged 70 years. Vancom—In Sault Ste. Marie, on Jnly 15th, Emma, youngest daughter of the late Edward Varcoe and sister to John and Adam Varooe, aged 17 years and 8 days. MoKnnutt.--In Walton, on Wednesday, Jnly 20th, Thos. MoKibbin, aged 76 years and 2 months. Wingliona, on Bator.. day, July letb, Charles Alexander, .infant son of Mr, and Mrs, Wallis. bet, aged 8 months and 26 days. Slarirows.—In Wingham, on Monday, July 18th, Rachel Ellen, infant daughter of A. E, and Mu. Sim- mons, aged 18 days... 1:sn"CvS13S..,S Pall Wheat Barley, Peas Oats Batter, tubs and rolls,., Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes (per bus.) Hay per ton Miles brimmed Hides rougla Salt per bbl., retail Sheep shine, each Lamb :skins oaoh Hogs, Live Wool Apples (per bag) 75 80 80 86 46 50 26 28 10 11 10 5 00 5 00 80 1 00 4 50 5 00 11 6 1 00 60 40 40 26 25 4 80 4 80 10 17 50 50 114E PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TWO GOOD YOUNG MILK cloys for sale Cheap. Ayrshire breed. 1- 00. LIBAl001E18DaL11. (p-wo GOOD YOUNG COWS -L. for solo cheap. Apply to ' 2-1 B. NY, FOGAL,Ethel, C OMFORTABLE ROUSE FOR sale or to rent in North finitude, Im- mediate poseession. Apply to BARRISTER BLAIR or W,Ia SENN, OST.—ON MONDAY, 18TH, an umbrella, between James Balion- byns'o grocery and 'John ktoOrae's, Finder will please leave at Tun Poo Publishing Nouse. 001179.1'. liTTON IL, ILLINEBY BUSINESS owned by Miss Itoddick for sale. P artioulare may be obtained by mining at the store or writing to Bras sale. Possession could be given at me. Good reasons for selling, 'MUSSELS TOWN BAND IS even to 1111 engagements for plamieei garden parbibS, esiebratiOns, &O., at ret21205- able rates. Good 10000o, L. attOKOON, Noe. rotary; 1.FULTON President. I_ TOT.TSE AND LUT FOR SALE -J, on to narIT.—The undersigned offers for sale Or to rent that 1i story frame house on Turn/Sorry street, Nor h of the Terrace, lately oecuniod by 8, la, jaelteen. For par. oculars apply toV, orr , or the atelier, I. ROANE , Auburn P. O. 80'lf ClAPT. 3. STRETTON, Who hag had 25 years experienee as en AuCtioneer, but wilt had to quit owing to ill health, has again taken out Intense and is prepared to oontluelt reales at seasonable tame. Satisfaction suarenteed. Bates may bo arranged at TEE l'oeT Publishing House, ' 2-bf JAS. STRIMA'Turidneor. VOTERS' L1ST.-1898. Municipality ofLe 2'otonsalp of Grey, County of Harem Notice 15 hereby given that I beet) trans. witted or delivered to the parsons mention.. SS 10 iteetion 0 and 0 of the Ontario Vetere' List Act, 1800, the copies required by said ItteetiOne 00 be to transmitted' or delivered, of the list tootle imrsUant 00 said Mt, of all persons 0(70,000109 0,3' the last Revised As. Rosemont Roll of said Municipality to be en- titled to vote in said Munleipality at eke, Monti fOr members of tho Legislative A0' nimbly end at Municipal elections, and that bold list was firsi booted up at tUy Moe in Ethel on the 10th day of July, 1000, unit Pe. Maine there 'for lefeteetiOn. Bloaters aro called 00,010 00 a/famine the Said UM, ond,It 01:5: onneton or ntiy other errors are found0boo0l, hove the errors onteetea iteoording to t therein, o•take immediate proandinge to oold Inay. wnr, OPINION, ()lea, mato the 16111 (layer Juty,ases. Don't get Out of Hot Water ! When there is sickness in the house0 hot application is often worth wore than a dose of medicine if yon have the proper means to make it effective jest when it would do the most good, and t he fact that a Hot Water Bag is the very best thing for 011 sorts of cramps and other com- plaints 80 prevalent in hot weath- er suggests the necessity of al- ways having ono on hand. Wo have tbom AT Ivoz's Drag Store, REAL ESTATE. T1ARMS FOR SA.LE,—THE 1317. DERSTEINED tan several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in 'Pownshipe 01 blerrie and Grey. S. SOOTT„Brussola 00111FORTA.13LE DWELLING V FOIL SALII.—The undersigned offers his briolc residence, situate on Park lot 33., Mary street, Brussels, for sale. There are 11 aora$ ofloucl, arelamd, well, stable, collar, &e. Possession could be given at once. THOS. BNA.DWAILL11- , 011itortl, O. 1.71ARM FOR SALE. -150 AGEE S 1. Consisting of the South 1 and South of the 10ni1 4 of Lot 00, (2,0 .2, MOSS WOWS- nosb. 701>10 18 an excellent stock farm, bele well supplied with good spring water. Otto situated abont a milee from tlio thriving Vil- lage of Illyth. A largo part of it is under grase. Buildings and femme are in a fair state of repair. Easy terms ot payment; will be given. For all information apply bo 114f 08.21', BLAIR, Barrister, 13ruSsele, 17.11A11111 FOR SALE.—THE UN. nauszonno offers his 100 Sere /min for sale, being Lot 02, N 0 Oen. 7, Morris. Elliero are 70 eons cleared and under erop, balance hardwood bush. There is ft good frame house, with kitchen, woodshed and cellar complete beim barn vlth stoue stabling orchard, welle, and all other convenieuees. Only 9 of a mile from school and 3 Suites from Brussels. Possession would 'bo given at ouee. For price and terms apply on biro premises or to Brussels P. 0. to 01-tf 8/M020 FONSWIT Proprietor. 1:11A.RM FOR SALE 0I0 TO 41.M.—The undersigned offers hie eligible 01 item faros for sale or to rent, being South part of Lot 5, Corms - Elton 12, Grey. All under oultlyationovell 'watered and well leveed. There Is good 4b0oo houee, bank barn, orobard, W011o, &c., ou bbs premises. Also a splendid stone quarry from width a good revenue Is realiz- ed. Only 24 miles from Bruseels. Terms reasonable. 8or further partioulare as to price, 560., apply to JOHN MIT0HELL, Proprietor, 30.00 Brussele P. 0. GOOD FARMS FOR SALE.— The undersigned offer two 200 Lore /arms for sale atreasonable prices. The lots aro Nos, 10 and 11, Con. 0 (Sunehine), the sideroad between them Good brick house and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 10058 001 lot 10, Orchards and an necessary conven- iences. 0V00 watered and suitable for Rritin or grazing, 100 acres now in 4r446, 70111 bo soid either separate or together to suit pur- chaser. Torms of payment reasonable. Im- edin,to nosseeeiou. For litrtl>oo particulars apply to JO dE P OLEGG, 11>1000018 1', 0., or L. L. DIOXIN SON, Barrister, Wiugham. 101 A Commercial School of the high- est grade—none better in the Dominion. ENTER AT ANY TINIE, Catalogue Free. W. 3. ELLIOTT, Principal. Judge's Court of Appeal. lu the matter of appeal from the Court, of Revision of the Village of Brussels, 211.010. Thomas, appellant, arid Village Of Senesele, respondents. A 0ourf for the above muse will bo bold by the Judge of the Comity Court of the Ocunty of Huron, on Tuesday, the 20th day of July, in the °moll Ohain. bet*, Bruseels, at Eleven o'eleak in the fere- noon. 8, 9007070, Clerk of Village, Dated July 11011,1898, furs Hit 61WAY, Ilome-Seekers' Ezoursiono-----mr Crow,toti Mallow] 112 021111,10 t� WInnipag, Portage la Prairie and Brandon, Man, RETURN PARE, $28.00. Also to Points Oti GREAT NORTHERN to NORTHERN PACIFiO RYE. Staplog, Verges Palle, and West In Min- ndeeta, and /vilest, Illitutlant and East In North Dakota. Tickets geed 'gong July 1100, raiitaning 105,011 Soptienber10611, 1010, Tickets 'good going July 1000, returning uuti.1 September. 17t1 Ti keit ate valid retttnoug via Malmo mud PIC Paul, the popular route to the Prairie Provinee, "Ask tor tleircts over MIS route," Wiekot rates and informatiot from 3. N. RENDALt, Agent, nrusBom, ono, nEYD, "