HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-7-22, Page 51JRU LtYr [� 22, rr.1. 8fg9r.SCe BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY '1'0 LOAN AT 5 PE1t aunt, i'' H. 8001P, Brusuele, V T 11. MoO11A0KEN, • Iesurur of Alarringal'400nses, Ulnae at hie Ornery, 1'ttrnholry street, 13fnenit, i 3 N, I3AIU UTT, 11). Tonsorial Artist' Hhop—Next door 11o11,41i of A. cf. Matey & own hardware store, Ladios'anduhildrouu halo cutting a specialty )IANO ON ORGAN. J_ {dies Joan MOLnuobllu, pupII of 0, L. M. Harris, Ttnsleil Doctor, of the Conserv- atory of A'touto, ilumiltou, ntOntario,. 10 pro - Pared to give inotrttottmis to ells ou either piano or organ. Special attenttou given t0 technic, Lessons given either al Oho Denten of pupils or at teachers hound. 41.3in ROBERT CU`NNINGHAM I0C8n11AN0n, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, T. PLETCHER; lescei of Marriage Licenses, 01 i1ICR A'C J71%YNLIty 6'ibR11. I No 1Vitnees Required, T. FLETCIIER, Brussels A HUNTJU , OIerk of the fourth Division Cour Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Publia Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collections mode 0111ao in Graham's Bleak, Breason° AUCTIONEERS. IS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - .L'• ren, will soil for better prlco0,to butter men, in ass time and lase charges thou any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he wont charge anything. Dates acid orders Dan 'always be arranged at this DMus or by personal npplioation. VETERINARY, TD.WARNYtOIt, el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary of College, an final sind to a peon,. Potent manner, Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls 000 10113' at - 10. d00nIn re north of bridge ruuerry 01,. EruesOln. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Y-fT' M. SINCLAIR, BARRISTPR -ccsiv . U Solietto0 onveyanoer,NotaryPnb- 11c, &a. 0n1ce—'Vcustone's Block, l floor north of Central Bete Solicitor for 1,110 S tnodaad Bank. ('1F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, VI• Solicitor, &a. pato of Gamow & Prondloot's 011100, (iodorion.) Oliiee over Winos & Smith's Bank, Brussels, 47 Mousy to LOW. A/1 G-. OAMERON, • (formerly of Cameron, Holt & Out. 01 Ofilce-111003lItou 8t,, 009008110 0 1' borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M.0., 0, M., Trinity University, Follow Trin- ity Modloal 0oiloge, Member Cojieg0 of Phy- &clung and surgeons, Ont. Liooutiato of the Raya1 college of Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh. t..Telephoue 140,14. Residence, Millet„ Brussels. E. T. SNIDER, at. 0.; 0. M., successor to Dr, A. McKelvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and children a specialty. Eight years' oxporiouoe, ta'Onice and res- ideuee teat formerly occupied by Dr. M0- Kolvey,Turnberry 310001,13russols, Se - DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, Plil'aIOLIN,. 001(0110N AND A0000C1In0B, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS. - ONTARIO. 1st 01.rum Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and of Trinity Modloal college; Follow of Trinity Medical college and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. .Post Graduate course in Detroit and Oh of'EBye, Dar0. , Nose aeeial nd Throation t, and dto is - eases of Women, fps- •Consultation ill Eng- lish and. German. Telephone at residence. BOARS FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will keep for service, on Lot 5,00n.0, Grey, a thorn' bred improved Yorkshire boar and a thorn' bred large Eng- lish Berkshire hog, Pedigrees may be soon oil application. Terme Et1,00,;to be paid at time of service, with privilege of returning if n0000aary, Alt THUG stomp ,slot. 10.4 BULLS FOR SERVIOE.—TRE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 10, Con. 16 Grey, the thorn b red Here- ford bull Pi toro Also aBunn' bred Dur- ham ballBoth are oxce ionail y line al • imnle. Torme '+1 00, to be paid Jon. 101, 1800, with privilege or returning if necessary. 41.4 OLIV1411 TU1t 413U:r.L, Proprietor. Before. After. Wood's Phosphodins, y'ttd Grant English Remedy. Sold and reoormended by aI druggists in Canada. Only rell able medicine dl0acvered. Sfd packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To. been, Opium or Stimulants. Tfalled on rooeipl of price, one package 21, six, 90. One wilt please, 11411411 caro, Pamphlets free to any address, Who "Wood Company, Wlodsor, Ont, Bold In 13 reseals by G. A. DEA1)MAN, D runlet, Bookseller & Optician. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR POi? SERVICE. Tno tmde'slguedwill troop for 0orviee on Let 16, Oen, 6 Morris, the thoro'•bod iln- movud Yorkoltiee Boar, "Oak Lodge LBDg' follow," No. 3400, bred by J.E. 13rcthoa0, Bur. ford, to wbiolt a limited number of 00198 will be titian], Terme, 81.00, to be paid at talc of gervie0 with privilegeof returning IP Dee.' mouthy, A nnmbor of choice young eow0 for Bale dor breoding 90rpo008 10111811 0111 be Bold at prla01 t0 attic 17.10131 N o,I01104, Proprietor, 15t.blct r` 4tUGa 't *'0Xt1C0t1•. M(0e Jean D1video11 hoe returned from horioh. John Wnnlnao, of "Toronto, O, 1', R. inoprotnr, paid the lawn a vini 1, H. Hamilton, IL Morrloon, 11. Film. mons anti G. liudorwood wrote au their 3rd elites exams, in Uarrietou, There have been soma changes in the O, P, R. amnion men here, The place of J, Giileepie lute been Laken by J. Ilio Lead, and John Ardell, of Gerrie, is out. of the staff which has boon tautened, On Monday evening of hast week Bea, McKay, D, M., of 1301100030, paid a fro, Weal visit to Montana Lodge, No, 177, T, 0. 0. F., and initiated the following oMoore 3—P. G.J. Douglas • N. G., , Il, Thompson ; D. G„ Jae. Paulin ; lt. 6„ J. A. Barnard ; '1.'Peas., G. Barnard ; Warden, Geo, Bpottoo ; 0. 0,, A. Brown; L (1., A. Thompson ; R. S. N. G„ R. S. Gibson ; 11. S. V. G., G. Leckie, 1 x.ett;1'. 130 tiohotn were sold at this station for [Tongan on 130121h, The heavy (root did oonoidorablo dam- age to vegetabtna, oto.,'in Stephen, A meeting of the Exeter Turf Olub was held when a dividend of $2 23 was de - eland, Rev. 'D. M. Ramsay, wife and family, of Ottawa, are visiting friends and rola. lives in town. A, Q. Bobier has had a new boiler house erected at the oreamery and a new boiler planed therein. The market weigh softies which have been conduoted by Mr. Zinger for some years will in future barna by Mr. Cobble• dick, the owner. At the instance of David Russel, Sem- mel Bradt, of Exeter North, was brought before Magistrates Snell and Clark to answer to the charge of injuring plantiff'e oow to the extent that the injuries re• stilted in her death. After hearing Dorm• sal for both parties, the evidence of the witnesses in behalf of each party, the ease was dismissed. 1A os (Awl eh. The town was very quiet on the 12th. A number of the stores were closed and quite a few Hags wore up. Geo. Leighton, of Harriston, who has 'the contract for rebuilding the dam here has the work well under way. The water le shut off now and it will not be long be. ford our millers will again be able to run their mill by water power. A large crowd from here went to Walkerton on the 12th of July. A few went on the train, but the majority drove. L. 0. L. No. 612, 0. Y. B. No. 4, and Red Cross Temple, R. B. P., No. 335, represented Fordwicb in the Orange pro. oeeston in Walkerton that day. ' The Orangemen and Young Britons of town, accompanied by many visiting brethren from other lodges, attended divine service in the Methodist church on Sabbath afternoon, 10111 inst., when the Rev. Hoskins preached a very nppropri• ate sermon. There was a large number of Orangemen present and the oburbh was crowded to its utmost capacity. Rev. J. W. Mahood, of Rook Rapids ; R. J., of Marshalltown ; and D. G., of Webster City, Iowa, spent the past week visiting at the home of their parents in town. They left on Wednesday morning for home, going via the upper lakes for a pleasure trip. Mise L. Mahood acoom• ponied them as far ae Owen Sound. She will spend a few days visiting friends in Dundalk. .Listowel. Listowel Band was aleading attraction at the Orange celebration in Ripley on the 12111. The members of Bernard Lodge A. F. and A. M., aro arranging for an exclusion and pio•nic to Elora on or about the 2811 Inst. Mr. Fleming, chairman of the Board of Works, is deserving of the thanks of every bioyolist in town for having had the loose stones re•rnoved from theistreet, J. H. Gunther has so far recovered from his recent aooident as to be able to attend to his business again, though not able to move about without the aid of crutches. A boy named Beatou, on the town line East, met with a serious accident while driving a mower on Tuesday of last week. Io some way he fell and was struck on the head by one of the prongs of the mower. His skull woe fraotared and he also sustained other injuries. The Departmental examinations which have been in progress at the High school last week finished on Monday. Thorn were 14 candidates %vetting for Form 1 ; 97 for Form 2 ; 26 for Form 3 ; and 1 for Form 4. W. D. Spence, of St. Moi'ys', W. G. Adams, of Stratford, and Geo. Tbompoon, of Millbank, had charge of the examinations. Oboe. P. Smith , the genial and oblig. ing aocountant of the Bank of Hamilton hero, returned to town last week bringing with him his bride, nee Mien Mabel Kent, of Wingbnm. The happy couple were united in the bonds of matrimony on the 2nd inet., at Sb. Matthew'6 church, Toronto, Rev, Me. Maoklem, rector, being the offhointiog olergyman. a number of friends of the bride and groom from Wingham and other pointe witnessed the interestingceremony. Y The newly mauled couple subsequently took n trip down the St.La %vronoe. Ex,tluNATIo00,—Diet of au000saful oanditiatee at the Entrance and Publio school leaving examinations at Listowel : Entrance—Gir1e.—Gwendolen, Aahbery, 843 ; Mary Baker, 718 ; Ethel Baptise, 6571 Effie Buohanan, 021 ; Ida Dan. brook, 629 ; Irene Campbell, 778 ; Beat. rioe Olimie, 708 ; Mary Coulter, 677 ; Mary Cuthboetsoe, 621 ;; Ida Danbrook, 620 ; Myrtle Ferguson, 690 ; Mena Gabel, 661 ; Edith Godfrey, 708 ; Emma Hawkins, 783 ; Beatrice Heard, 669 Gertrude Happier, 676 ; Annie Hemp. hill, 552 ; Gertrude Ingram, 600 ; Ada Kidd, 600 ; Daisy Landorkin, 668 ; flan. tall Leslie, 086 ; Mabel McNichol, 007 Orillio Meyore, 000 ; Roxey Poole, 682 Lily Rapp, 016; Edna llouleton, 600 ; Guard° Torbene, 692 ; Lizzie Tomlinson, 794 ; Ag ie Thompson, 768 ; Ethel Van. atone, 06'1; Olive Watson, 029 ; Mary White, 69.4 ; Minnie Zilliax, 071. Boys, —Wm, Anderson, 703 ; Benin Arm. strong, 683 1 Thomas Butt, 702 1 Edwin Bricker, 728 ; Oliver Barber, 720 ; Ar. Hutt Brook, 091 ; John 3. Bnohanan, 750 ; Robert Binning, 720; Warren Fal - lie, 079 ; Molbourn Gee, 598 ; George ; Edward Creon, 089 ;Goo. Gabel 862 I2eroman, 660 ; John lleinbeoke', 070 ; Albert Hammond, 087 ; Elwyn Ilaok. 11ey, (12 , Thos. 'leant, 11.3 i Coo. limy, (,.53 ; John Jnhnotuu 504 ; Garry Koch, 703 ; • Shhi,<y 4.14,0, 704 ; Adam 51u. Keever, 030 ; Iturh„rt MnLonuan, Glia ; Frank McDonald, 713 ; Buy Patterson, 1117 ; Cyrus Riggs, '108 ; Donald D. Sharpe, 825 ; Hurtle Soobt, 757 ; Wil. Ilam Simpson, 011 ; Edwin Smith, 710 ; John Sttibbe, 669 ; Fred, Torrance, 010 ; Gustave Witter, SOI ; Wm. Walsh, 650. Public Hotfoot Leaving Girla,— Maggio I3rimnstone, 010 ; Mary Cameron, 62.3 ; Noll 1'eer, 788 ; ]flora Smith, 050 1 Pauline Vines, 0)11. BoysAndrew lluobanan, 013 ; Arthur Douglass, 688 ; Anthony holt, 623 ; Wilbur gMoBowell, 82)1 ; John Nesbitt, 619 ; Geo, Smith, 1120 ; John Snyder, 014. Obtained Entrance oel'tilioatou on Public) school leaving examinations 1—Jean Cleland, Lulu Edmunds ; Mande 1.1,erf, Jennie Mandel, Minnie Mol!'arlane, Beatrice McFarlane, Maggie Oppor, Florence PertorIuld, Lizzie Wilson, GIooe'ite- Most of the people from hereaelobrated the 12111 in Walkerton this year. The Preebyterian Sabbath school hold a pic•niu in Maitland grove on July 12th. Mies Clarissa Coleman, of tvfurkdale, is the guest of her sister, Aire, Wm. Hammond, •Ohoster McLaughlin left on Wednes- ciay morning of Met week for Dauphin, Man„ to seek his fortune in the Prairle Province. P1nooItOTA'TloN.—On Friday evening, July 11th, a large oompaay, representing the Howlett and Turnberry Oongrega• tional oburohes, met at the home of Rev. J, W. Collin and presented him and Mrs. Gatlin with a beautiful buggy, duster and whip, together with an epproprlate address. Mr. Golan, in replying to the address, expressed himself as more than pleased with so useful and timely a gilt. They could not, ho considered, have chosen a more suitable way of conveying their regards. It was a most beautiful gift and ono that both himself and Mrs. Coffin would especially appreoiale eines 0o many hours of their time had of neoessity to be spent on the road. The address too, was exceedingly kind. They did not, however, need even the kind worde, pleasing ae they were, to as. sure them of the friendly foaling existing between them. They had all along been assured of these from the uniform good will and hospitality received at the hands of all the friends. He fully reciprocated the wishes expressed in the address, and hoped that under the blessing of God they might be abundantly realized. Mrs. Goffin also added a few words of bhaul(e, and Rev. A'Ir, Garbutt, L. L. B., of Gerrie, epoke briefly in oongratula• tion. After a brief program of music, vocal and instrumental, taken part in by Mrs. (Rev.) Brown, Howiok ; Mrs. Cof- fin, 0. W. Andrews and others, the oompany took refreshments, and later their way home having spent a very pleasant evening. .19.two Del. Atwood Frill Fair is on Tuesday and Wednesday, 001. 4th and 5th. The Baptist people are asking for tenders for re-ehiugling the Atwood Baptist church. T. M. Wilson, B. A., of the Simcoe High Sohool teaching staff, is home for his Summer vacation. H. Y. Hoar is the delegate from Court Atwood No. 782, L 0. I., to the High Court of Western Ontario, which meets in Chatham on Ang. 9th, 1808. B. W. Zieman, as High A'Ieessnger, will also at- tend from Atwood. Of the three candidates who wrote from the Atwood Publio school at the recent Entrance examinations, all were successful viz :—Gwendolen Asbury, 848 ; Myrtle Ferguson, 636 ; Mary Outh- berteon, 321, Marks required to pass, 560. Mrs. A. H. Wynn, Welland Wynn and Miss Sarah Rowe left Newry for Neepa• wa on the 12th inst., to visit relatives. They will be away for some weeks. Mr. and Mrs, 0. W. Herreil, of Neepawa, will meet them at Winnipeg. Mrs. Her- rell, is Mrs. Wynn's daughter. R. M. Ballantyne and Robt. Anderson have had their stores] removed prepara- tory to erecting brick etruotures. The removal of the old furniture store obliter• atee an old land marls in Atwood. The building was erected in 1877. D. Cole, of Ethel, had charge of the work of re- moval Robb. Woods, 8111 eon., narrowly escaped death by lightning. He was stunned by the flash whioh struck his born, and it Was some time before he rallied, but he was not much hurt. Two rafters, one ventilator and some shingles of the barn were splintered and the building filled with smoke as a result of Hie Hash, otherwise none the worse. It was a close call nevertheless. The prop- erty ie insured in the Perth Mutual, At the anneal meeting of the Ontario Farmers' Flax Manufacturing Go. the following officers were re•eloated for the ensuing year ;—President, •Jno, Hanna ; Directors John Graham, Wm. Blair, Jno. A. 'Turnbull and J. A. Klump ; Soo.-Treas., J. W. MaBafn. The finan- cial statement of last year was read and adopted. The (someone of opinion among the shareholders proeent was in favor of immediate sale of the 1807 orop even at a reduced prioe, to clear it out, PAS01ilb AWAY.—The community were o the death of Susan sieved to hoar of g. Farrell, b 1 ved vire of our respected townsman,Robb. Forrest, after a brief lineae. Demand was brn in the county of Donegal, Ireland, about 1828. She emigrated to Canada with her parents in 1862, looating in Wellesley, Waterloo Co. Out., where they resided a short time and thea removed to the neighboring township of North Easthope, There her father and mother died, On the way up the 51. Lawrence, a short distance above Quebec city, the ship took fire and was totally destroyed, the paeseogors barely escaping with their Iivee, the For - roll family included. All the personal and household effoote of the family were ooneotnod, including the family records, whioh accounts for the family not being able to give the exact age of the deceased, On Sept, 24th, 1857, tho subject of thie notice wee married to Mr. Forrest and together they braved the hardships and privations of pioneer life in the thou sparsely settled country. They took up their residence at Mueselhns'g, Morning. ton township, and assumed the mown. Unities of life with the oheerfui willing. nese, pers0veranee and enterprising seal that is invariably crowned with enocess. Tor several years Mr. Forrest followed his trade as carpenter and bridge builder, and evidences of his skilled work man0hip ars stili to be soon in different THE BRU/SSgt, parts of Perth 00111113'. He finally drift. ed into fanning ae a more remunerative occupation, and after a residence of nine veers at 111uoselburg, they moved into Elmo, township in 1800, puehaeing lob l2 on the 6411 00n., known ae the Porter. Hall farm, whore they resided for 7 years, They sold thio property to Jae, Porterfield and pnrohased a farm in Maryboro, on which they resided only 1 year, and then moved back to i'.lmo, buy ing lot 22, Dan. 7. !fere they erected a line large brink holies and bank barn and made other improvements in peeping with Mr, Forreot's progressive nature. But the long years of tail and the extol,. Mee of time began to wear open their naturally rugged oonstibntione, and they dsoided to retire from farming and spend the remainder of their days in quiet and peace in Atwood. In oonoegnenee of t1i0 deoleioo they disposed of their farm in 1802 to It, S. Ballantyne, and moved in- to the village, where they oontinued to reside, worthy and reepeuted citizen0, until the wbite.wiogod messenger entered their home and snapped asunder the adored tie which honed them together in love and duty for over 40 years. Four ohildren were born ,to them, one of whom (Fanny) is dead. The 'survivors are *— Km Jas. Edgar, ilowielc ; Mrs. Wm. Aitoheeon, Spokane, Wash„ and Win. 1., of Atwood Tho familyare all well. to•do and an honorto their parents. We know of no family more devotedly at- tached to one another. Mrs. Aitobeeon travelled over 3,000 miles, occupying over 5 days and 5 nights in the hope of seeing her mother before she entered into that long sleep from which there is no awaken- ing in this life.. But Fate ruled other. wise and the daughter was not permitted to oat -run the swift messenger of death. 13Lvlit. John Denholm is chipping 12 care of hay to Liverpool this week. The Grand Tennis brought 050 passen- gers to Blyth on the 121111. Maete' George Campbell left op Mon- day of last week for Winnipeg. Mrs. Belfry and Mies Clara, of Mont- real, are spending a month with Blyth fr iende. Rev. T. E. Higley, of Blylb, has ac- cepted the appointment to the parish of Blenheim and Owry. Fred. Toll, of East Wawanosh, left on Monday morning of last week for {tow• land, Manitoba, where he will spend one month. Dr. J. N. Perdue is at present on a business and pleasure trip to the North• west. Elie brother, Dr. Albert Perdue ie attending to his practice in his absence. Arrangements have already oommenoed for a baseball tournament at Blyth at an early date. The clubs from Brussels, Kincardine, Walkerton, Cargill and Wingham will be asked to compete. Goderich. The steamer, Oity of London took two hundred passengers on the Orange exour• cion to Port Huron on the 12th. The employees of the Goderich Knit- ting Co. are working overtime in an effort to keep up with the work on band. Rev, Father west has returned from Sandwiob, where he had been attending a retreat at L'Assomption College. Alex. McLeod is nursing a broken col- lar bone, the result of a fall while bi. cycling on the Agricultural Park traok. Godorich Marble Works shipped a large load of 0i11e, corner pieces, etc., to the new Presbyterian ohuroh at St, Helene. A special sermon to the men engaged on the elevator will be preached in North street Methodist ohuroh some Sunday not far distant. A row of apilea has been driven for the proteotion of the G. T. R. traok at the foot of the bank just South of the site of the new elevator. The Weal) Huron and South Huron election protest cases have been set for trial at Goderioh on October 27111 and Ootober 31st, respectively. The :Sigual says :—Three days have boon allowed for the West Huron eleotion trial. To bear the yappers yap one would think that it would take about three years to finish the trial instead of three days. While shooting spar rows one day last week Henry Halstead, of Tipling's grocery store, met with a painful ao- oident. When he had filed several shote the gun became hot, and when he put in another obarge of powder it ignited, ex- ploding right in his face. All the hair and akin was removed, from his chin to his forehead, and the great wonder is that his eyesight was not ruined. PB 000wooBY,—The regular meeting of the Presbytery of Huron woe held in Knox ohuroh on Tuesday of last week, the following members were present : Revs, Colin Fletcher, Thames Road ; A. Mo. Lean, Blyth ; S. Acheson, Kippen ; Dr. McDonald, Seaforth ; J. A. Hamilton, Londesboro ; Mr. Musgrave, Winthrop ; Jae. Hamilton, Goderioh ; D, M. Martin, Exeter ; Mr. Oarriere, Grand Bend ; Mr. Graham, Bayfield ; J. A. MoDonald, Varna ; and Jas. A. Anderson, B. A., town ; elders, Peter MoEwan, Goderioh, and Mr. Thompson, Varna. Those ab• sent, Alex. Stewart, Clinton ; Neil Shaw, Egmondville ; J. S. Henderson, Hensel{, end Robert Henderson, Auburn, Rev. Samuel Aoheson'e term as moderator having expired, Rev. Colin Fletcher, M. A., whose name came next in order, was appointed ae his snowier. The Dom• 'tE who attended the General As. ml ee eemblY n at Montreal presented their dill. genas. The oonvenere of committees were appointed as follows : Home mie. sions, Rev. B. Aabeson ; foreign missions, Rev. Dr, McDonald, Seaforth ; superin- tendence of students, Rev. Stewart, Clin- ton.; finance, Rev. Neil Show, Egmond• villa ; C. E., Rev. J. S. Henderson, Hen- gall ; church life and work, Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A, ; augmentation, Rev. A. MoLean, Blytb. A000rding to the cue. tom of the Presbytery, students within 1118 bounds are required to appear before the court, and deliver sermons on texts previously given them. Mr. Mathewson, supplying for Rev. Walter Moir, of Brueefield, (who is on a visit to the Old Country), appeared and delivered a dieaouree on Romano 1-17. The Pres. bytery unanimously agreed to recon. mend that he continue as a student at Knox College. Rev. Mr. Diokie, aegis• tont to Rev. Dr. McDonald, of Seaforth, appeared and oomploted his trial of leo. tures, and was duly licensed by too Pres- bytory to preaoi% the gospel. The next meeting will bo held at Clinton on the e000nd Tuesday in September. The 0. P. R. hoe'granted Northwestern farmore the wolaomo boon of loading oars direct them wagons, POST The bean Drop Li Item promised to be exceptionally good. There are five Dallas of smallpox now among the lamb butoh of Galloiano at Winnipeg. Tbs oonstruution of a oottag0 hospital in connection with Upper Canada College has been dsoided upon, Jostiee MacLennan has been appoint. ed an additional judge on the rota for the trial of Provincial election petitione. The Newfoundland delegates wire that the conferonoe with Hoo. Joeeph Oham. berlain, imperial secretary for the colo- nies, wore most eatiofaotory, W.11, Bartram, solicitor, London, has sworn oat information against Judge Ed. ward Elliott, oherging him with having disobeyed an aot of the Legislature in a Division Court ease. Daring Tbureday night the back win- dow of the Wellandport p001ofi100 was broken open and the office burglarized. About $40 in stamps and 38 in money taken. The burglars overlooked several registered letters. Mise Millie Dawson, who was eo ter• ribly injured by a Wellington oar, while crossing Richmond etreet, London. on the afternoon of Juno 2511i, has instruct- ed her eoliaitore, Messrs, Gunn dt iltu'. vey, to issue a writ against the etneet railway company, claiming damages for 0 ] the lose of her leg and juries. The amont is notrnanent in. named in the writ, bet the sum Bought is understood to be large. McLEOD'S System Renovator AND OTDEB TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeenese, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint,Ne0r. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Zidney end Urinary Diseases, 6t. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold b Jas. Fax, llrugglot, Brussels. TAILORING! M. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. "Shop in Garfield Block. A. COUSLEY Real Estate 86 Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire 113 Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. Aa COUSLEY, Office over Deodman'e Drug Store, BRUSSELS. NEW ui�Ver Slio The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMILE BLDCK BRIMS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable,, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. LYY .A.L"rtkiil ER. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. 1 'GA81 X'AID POlt ki1DIa6. Every day a bargain dm. .may Int Saes when you need them, o net for waiting 111111 " 11 ig aim" day to buy theta ut a fair price if you wear "Slater Shoes." Always name 1r<'t—•proportion of leather, war mans tip and profit, lie!- form year in, year out. No pre1n- i IMA to pay—no out prices to wait t'ui, only steady, -dependable .6 znoney'owortli,atraight and aboveboard,. guaranteed by the makers. Goodyear welted, lame and pipce, $3,00, $4.00 and 75.00per pair staii1 1 on sole. "The .Slater Shoe." Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent. SHINGLES British Columbia {ted Cedar Shingles AND- — Nortlt Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notioe. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings, Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. A 1YJ. E T BRUSSELS PIIIP WORKS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business. of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S chop will be promptly looked after. I Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Gomer Green MILL STREET, • BRUSSELS. Cook's Cotton Root Compound, Ie successfully used monthly byover �10,000Ladies, Safe, effeobual. Ladis ask your druggist for Cook's Cation Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations ate dangerous. Prise, No. 1, 01 per box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, 40 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two &gent Stamps. The Oook Compaayiwindaor, Ont 1*-NoO. 1 and 2. sold and recommended by all reeponeible Drngg101010 Canada, Noe. 1 and 2 sold in Brussels by G, A. DBADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Parm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. PICOSI Will mala' a well matt of YOtt Man P0000000 ear An00a BOOM m mon 100000. nee.. Parlbr0 Memory Nightly MaoismcsoMelaka,. '341.1.;:i;10 torrhooa,impotonoy, em., caused by past gfvas visor and alae to shrunken organs, and quickly bat euroliyreetoroe hoer MA3r0000 So, old or Deno. Use 11 0000 and you a plain etr000 end happy salgy se rent by mobs 18 plain w0rpper sad d mealy sealed. from Price, /0 a Pon. ltse8y naiad in volt ney in„ herrdt. a packe¢e, .ix far sot send money In letter o tters to3 01. or PDFP M'. D. ed letteAddreso all r, Neeeer001,eONT., Agent tor t e Do. minion 01 Canada. Who MakesYour Clothes? --WHY Y E. C. DUNFORD, THE ONLY High Class Tailor and Furnisher in Brussels. LEADER IN Worsteds, Sages, Cheviots and Fine W000lene. HATS for boys and men at popular priori, from 00o to $2.60. NECKWEAR—All the newest effects in Knots, Derbye, Bowe and Flowing Ends. SUSPENDERS that will hold you forever. In fact everything that Dan be found in s Hrot•olass Tailoring and Furnishing Establishment can be found here at prices to snit the times. .a• E. 0. DUNFORD. DON'T READ THIS AD And then throw away this paper before you oonolude yon are losing good money by not buYtngY oneDAIRY SUPPLIES n0.W ear e prepared to supplever3' parson with Dairy Cane Pails, Milk Pane and Tinware off all kinds at prices a000rding to quality. Graniteware of all kinds, _ HARDWARE F aviag rat in a stoop of Spades, Shovels, . Forge,&o., of the beet quality we eolioit your Patronage. Paint Your House with the best weather and water proof Paint in the market. We eon it. Screen Doors and windows on hand and made to order. Tho best line of Cook Stoves to choose from. Eavetrrou china and .Z a airin o promptly attended to,„,;i` it for wagon, it will call on you for your truck in a N. B.—Wait 1 our � g , y few days. Wilton &TurnbuYl