The Brussels Post, 1898-7-8, Page 8POISOIED.
This is what happens
the Potato Blip when our
Beat English Paris Green is
used. Same old price,
26 Ots per ab.
If You Want to ',goop Cool
and enjoy life treat yourself
to one of our Fano, We
have them at
Everything to kill Flies at
our Drug Store.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Dooms Solna. GOING Soutar.
Ramose 7:10 a.m. I Mail ono pan
Nixed 9:45 a.m. EXpreae 10:10 p.m
rind Reivs Plus,
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it,
HoT weather.
NEw potatoes.
R. GRAN= shipped a car of oats this
L. McDonald, of Walton, shipped a oar
of lumber.
Bann will play this (Friday) evaniug,
weather permitting.
A nut of hogs was forwarded (.from
Brussels by Clegg & Dames,
A LARGE quantity of salt has been
shipped during the past week.
TNR stable of Ooanoilior Baeker has
been treated to a dress of brown paint,
Mums. Baeker & Vanatone shipped a
double deck of hogs from Brussels on
Tori strayed pig advertised in Tics
PoeT last week was claimed by its owner
on Saturday.
Mres Max SNEER presented TAE Pore
with an elegant hand boquet of sweet
peas this week. They were beauties.
Hearn Seekers' Exoarsion per G. T. R.
to Manitoba next Monday and again on
the 19th. Return fare $28.00, tickets
good for 60 days.
Coxnnoron Cox has the run on the W.
G. & B. formerly taken by Oonduotor
Quirk between Kincardine and Palmer.
emu. Mr. Quirk is on the L. H. & B.
LARGE quantities of gravel are being
hauled every day Southward on the W.
G. & B. from Lnoknow. It is expected
that 40 oar loads will be put in the eta -
tion yard here.
Tag town of Bowmanville hae pantiles -
ed one of J. D. Ronald's largest double
pump file engines, paying $3,450 and
turn over their smaller Ronald Engine
which they bought some years ago.
IN001mi0 freight at the G. T. R. has
been heavy and in addition to looal way
freight ooneiated of a oar of oorn for
Roderick Rose ; a oar of glace for N. &
N. Gerry ; and a car of glass for A. M.
McKay & Co.
AUCTION SALE OF Hellenism Fount.
runt,—On Saturday, July 9th, at 2
o'olook, 1'. S. Scott, Auctioneer, will Bell
the household furniture, stove wood, &c,,
of the Misses Scott, at their reeidenoe,
Frederiok street.
HratENEAL• — On Wednesday of this
week Jno. Heist, of Brussels, and Miss
Maud, dangbter of Jaoob Barrows, of
McKillop, were united in marriage at the
bride's father. Rev. A, Cl. Tiffin, of
Walton, spoke the magic words that
made them husband and wife. May the
sunshine of prosperity beam on their
pathway through life.
Chrome OP DATE.—Owing to next reg.
alar meeting of Brussels 0. 0. F. Doming
on July 12th the Court deoided to meet
on Monday evening, 11th inst. As baei.
nees of a financial aharaoter, important
to all, will be disoaesed, every member of
the Omni is asked to attend without fail.
Will the brethren make this change as
widely known as possible.
BEATTIE BROS.' 'bus team ran away in
the station yard on Tuesday evening
with a load of trunks. Joe Arden was
driving at the time and was thrown off
in front of the wagon, which passed over
hi8 right arm, injuring it so as to lay him
off work for a few days. He was lanky
to get off without being seriously hurt.
The trunks were scattered along the road
and the wagon sons ewhat damaged f
NomraE, To lamina11mr.—SInoe the open- w
ing of the season for base fishing when it 2
was decided by the lemma of the fishing h
re erve to allow the publio acme to the re
fishing pound, it has some to the know- ly
ledge of the lessees that blank bass are bb
being taken from the river under the 11
limit (10 Mabee) Notioe is therefore b
given that if any portion or psreone are D
found violating the provisions of the aot fr
roepeotiag bags fishing, they will be pro- y
hibitod from hereafter fishing on the u
said reserve and further will be prose. F
fluted to the fullest extent of the law.
By order of the Leseees, th
LEAviNo Tom—Next Monday Wm. a
Grower experts to leave Brussels for S
Deioraine, Manitoba, where he has se- w
cured a good position as baker and he of
will also take the leadership Of the brags go
Band of that plane. Mr. Greyer ie a 031
good baker and is en extra good bands. fa
malt, beinn able to handle any brass in. w
strut -mot An good style and hag Bruseele D
Band in tiptop Ootidition, 13y the re- w
swivel of "Billy," at be is familiarly to
called the
town Band will lose ite loader T
and the baee bail team its pitahar, and fn br
both peeitiono 110 cuts a wide swath, St
Slaking it eomewhat difficult to eupply et
hie plate. We wish him 8n00ees in the wi
Went and expect before Very long he will th
mate bailie 10 Bruesele, get married and an
Wittig down as a permanent rooi(1ent, , bW
JULY 8, 1598
Salmon Board friday evening of this
lutes RODDIOI0 purposes Belling ant her
entire stools of millinery.
Mars & Co, have already sold 10 tone
of binding twine 11118 Beason,
TIM MARS of the Entrau00 Examine.
Non will probably appear next week.
Incluse lost off watal, guard, Elder
will greatly oblige by leaving it at TEE
Llano us in the name and reeidenoe of
your visitor, pfeaee, anti have 001 than
for the Inver,
Government school grant, amounting to
0140,00, last weep.
Gnome Ilstaanaa is a (wets. Congee.
bulatious, We've been there and realm
ber how proud we were ton.
NEXT Tueeday will be the memorable
"12111," There will be a large turnout
from Brussels Ana locality to Blyth,
EasT B;num Fall Fair will be held et
Brussels on Thursday and Friday, Oat,
0 and 7. It will be s sweeper this year.
Doi'T forget the auction sale of furni.
tore, &o., belonging to the Misses Soott,
Saturday afternoon of this week, ab 2
Watson AINLRr intends moving the
house he bought from Mrs. Good to the
rear and South of his lot where be will
fit it up for a stable next Fall.
Jae, Suaw out hie barn in two, enlarged
and raised it on Taeeday of this week
and has atone stabling put ander it, mak.
ing thereby a big improvement.
THE portrait of R, W. Jewitt, of Erus.
eels, was given in connection with the
Ottawa Normal school Foot Ball team in
the Toronto Globe of last Saturday.
LAST Saturday afternoon R. Leather•
dale's team took a little run to them-
selves while the driver wan closing the
gate. Very little damage was done.
MoLVILLE S. S. held their annual pia.
ntc ab Davidson's grove on Teetday
afternoon of this week. There were five
loads beside private f
e ate r
v s and bicycles.
0011E members of Brussels Odd Fel.
lows' Lodge will go to Wingham on the
14th inet,to join with the brethren of
that town in their annual deooration
ONE of the gime globes oft the aro
lamp, corner of Turnberry and Tbomes
streets, was broken on Saturday by being
struck by a ball with wbioh some youths
were playing.
FINED,—G. ,Brown and R. F. White,
hotel.keepers in Gorrie, were fined $20.00
and costs eaah, this week, for selling
liquor on Sunday. Inspector J.11. Miller
was the proeeator.
Samurai was largely represented at
Wroxeter on Dominion Day. A few
drove over to Seaforth and witnessed the
laorosee match with the St, Oatharinee
team. The home olub won.
Tux town Band play at the Blaevale
Presbyterian io• i
n o on Fridayof this
week. y No institution makes aistake
in engaging Bruesele Band as they play
a fine and varied program and are no
way penurious about it either.
Dm you see the meteor that was skir-
mishing around about 8:30 o'clock Tues-
day evening? It was an unusually bril-
liant one and was accompanied by a
whistling sound. This heavenly body
travelled quite a distance and was visible
in a number of places in Ontario,
'PEE Kincardine Review says :—The
Victoria Baseball Club went down to
Brussels on Friday last and played ball.
They suffered a ebooking defeat. The
soore—well, we'd prefer not mentioning
it. However, we promise to not have it
000nr again, The boys report having a
very good time, being well treated and
Om Volunteer 00. arrived home from
Camp at London on Saturday about 1
o'clock, per epeoial train. There were
21 in No. 5, and from Clinton, where
Capt. MoTaggart and Lieut. Grant got
off, were under the command of Color
Sergi. Simpson. Some of the boys say
drilling is first•rate but others don't care
to repeat the operation,
PRINOIPaL Masanove, of Wingham, is
is town this week as presiding examiner
in the examinations now in progress for
Form II. in Bruesele wheel. There are
14 candidates equally divided as to sex.
10 of the number are taking Part I. of
Form II., and the other 4 the whole
exam. The candidates will be busy um
MI Saturday at 4 o'clock.
ONANOE0 IN TAE 33Rn.—The Official
Gazette of Saturday had the following
notices : Capt. Ohae. E. William is per-
mitted to resign hie commission, and
Lieut. Alex. Johnston, of No. 9 Co., takes
his plane.—Lieut. Malcolm D. MoTag•
gart, of No. 4 Co., has been appointed
captain io place of R. 0. Hays, No. 5 Co.,
who bakes F. Jordan's plane as paymaster.
—Wm, H• Gundry is appointed and lieut.
provisionally of No. 1 Company, Thos.
0. Brune of No. 4, and John R. Bone of
No. 0.
01i U11011 Uif1,MF;.S.
St, John's S. S. plo•uin on Fride
afternoon of this weak,
Next Sabbath eveuing'o eul,jeut at the
Epworth League will be "liainbow of
Ohriebian aharaotor,"
Pen you ever read "ln fiis steps," by
Charles M, Sheldon 1 Every madam and
ohureh member should carefully perneo
Rev. J. S. Henderson, or Mansell, hue
ks left for Nashville, Tenn„ to attend the
big International 0. E, Convention being
Mrs. Alex, Hunter and son, Millon
Sundayed ab Trowbridge,
y Ittrs. T. Ilayeroft and Mabel oro vital.
mg old friends near Londeeboro',
Mee Jennie Grieve has gone to Turon•
to where she lute taken a position,
A118. James ;11fluor, 4 i)elaroino, Man ,
wad visiting at bits. A, Good's, Brussels,
Charlie Kendall wits home from To.
rent) for t holiday (tiring the peat week.
Wm, and George Watt, of Toronto,
were visiting ab their home hero for a
few days.
Ira Gerry and Frank Smith have 50.
rived Monte from Seafoeth Collegiate for
their holidays.
Naito Fitzpatrick spent Dominion Day
in Galorioh. lie made therun there and
beak on his wheel,
W, H. Kerr attended the Provincial
Temperance Convention at Toronto 0n
Tuesday of this week,
Mr, Cliffs, of Toronto, epent a few days
in town, He ean1e to visit his wife and
baby who were visiting here.
Mrs. Brooke and Mies Jessie Hay, of
Listowel, were visiting Mrs, (Dr.) Kalb-
doteob fora few days last week.
Mrs. Funston and Ella left last Satur-
day for Willow Creek, Bruce Co., where
they will visit for a couple of months.
Will. James was home from Toronto
for a few days during the pant week. IIs
returned to the Queen City on Monday,
Mies Jean ROSS, who hue been visit.
ing in town for some weeks, went to Sea -
forth and Hensel! to visit relatives for a
few weeks,
Bev. Mr, Yelland end Mi..; Yellaud
visited ab the Parsonage on V.,rbaeedes,
on their way to Ethel, their h,w home,
from Orediton.
Rev, L. G. Wood, of the efts of \Vaeh-
ington, spent a day with Rev. and Mrs.
Abey last week. He was formerly rector
of St. Paul's ohnrob, Wingham.
Duncan and Tho.+. Stewart, of Strat-
ford, wore visiting the families of Mre, J.
Sinclair, Princess street, and Elder
Stewart, Queen street, Brussels.
W. G. Murphy has decided to give up
business in Mitchell and remove lo Car-
berry, Man., where a new shore 80x855 is
being erected for him by his brother.
Mrs. Cliff and sou, Harold, of Toronto,
who have been visiting Mre. James, John
street, left on Wedneedoy morning far
Godorioh where they will visit an annb,
We were glad to see Mrs, ltobt. Ar,n-
strong, 4th line, Mortis, in town on
Saturday after her long and severe ill-
ness, Her many friends hope she will
oontinue to improve in health.
Mise Eva Degge, of Chatham, is visit-
ing her grandparents, Capt. and Mrs.
Stratton, uncles at the Queen's hotel, and
other relatives and frisuda. Miss Degge
will enjoy a mouth or so of her holidays
in this locality. She is a wsloome visi-
Joe. T.Sarvis,lately eel employed y o p eyed in A.
Strachao'e store here, is now firing on a
locomotive relining on the Crow's Neat
Pass railway, with headquarters at Mac-
leod, Alba. He says the building of the
new road is being pushed ahead as rapid.
ly as possible and when completed will
aid very materially in the development of
that part of the country,
Misses Jennie and Maggie Scott will
leave Brussels next Wednesday for
Montreal from which port they will sail
per Allan steamship "Parisian" for
Liverpool. Misses Scott will visit their
brother and other relatives ab Edinburgh.
They were ticketed by W. H. Kerr, of
TNS PoeT, We wish the Indies a safe
voyage and a pleasant stay in the land of
their birth.
The Lueknow Sentinel says :—Harry
Matheson, of Palatka, Fla„ accompanied
by his wife and children, arrived home
on Tuesday of last week, after an absence
of o years, most of which he has spent in
the S anhnrn States where he wen en.
gaged in lOteotrioal work in the employ
of the Westinghouse Electric, Co. He is
now engaged in Eleotrio Engineering in
partnership with his brother Dune.
Harry says he will take a much needed
the Ontario game department bas been
flooded with inquiries about the English
eparrotve, and the beat way of getting rid
of them. The game warden has invee•
tigated, and has reported that the most
eueoeesiol way of getting rid of the peat
is to kill the birds and eat them. The
birds are just as good as game birds for
food. Tbey matte the best kind of dump.
ling, and are eaten with great relish in
Great Britain,
TORONTO ExnrnrTloly,—Tho prize list
or the Toronto Industrial Exhibition,
blob is to be held this year from the
9th of Anguet to the 10111 of September,
as been maned, a copy of which we have
eeived. The exhibition is to be formal -
opened by the Goveruor•General and
e Countess of Aberdeen on Tuesday,
to BOth August, and this will probably
e their last official pabiie sot in the
minion previous to their departure
om our shores. The Exhibition Ibis
ear promisee to be more interesting than
anal on amount of Great Britain and
range each sending exhibits.
MATnI tonisa.—On Monday evening of
ie week Dr. D. Davidson, of Brussels,
nd Miss Lizzie A, Cunningham, of
treetaville, neioe to Mrs. J, G. Skene,
ere united in marriage at the residence
the bride's =then by Rev. G. C. l'if3.
on, 13, A. The wedding was a quiet
s owing to the regent deatbe in the
roily, A very booming costar/se of
kite organdie was worn by the bride.
r, and Mrs, Davidson are taking a
adding tonoto Mackinac and will return
Broseele an Wednesday of next week,
hey will take up their resident% in the
iok resideree lately vacated by 3, A,
mart, tuner of Tarnberry and (laden
reefs, and will be a000rdod the good
ghee Of many foe a emoobh evil over
e matrimonial sea. Tlio PosT throws
editorial slipper after the happy
bold there,
Rev, R, Paul and A. M. OfolCay will
address the Sabbath sohools of hoe's and
Meachan's appointments next Sabbath
morning and afternoon.
Annual meeting of Bruesele Methodist
Sabbath sehool on Friday evaniug of this
week at 8:30 o'clock. Election of ollloere
and other important business.
"Our three Home Miesionary Super-
intendents and their fields" will bo the
topic at Melville Endeavor next Sabbath
evening, G. F. Blair will introduce it,
Reports to the Huron Synod showed
that the total contributions received
amounted to 025,416, or an inoreaee of
over $1,000. 1,040 persona were confirm•
ed in the diocese during the year.
"Elijah the Tisbbite"i will be the
morning subject in the Methodist ohuroh
on Sunday next. In the evening the
pastor will preaoh the first of two special
sermons on the question of "Prohibition
and the Plebisoite." Service only one
hoar, M. Aloin invitee quosbions ; and
cordially invites those who opposed to
Prohibition to attend theme meetings.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Allis
preached a very appropriate disoonrse on
the subject "Our Heritage." The text
was Psalm 10.6, "The lines are fallen un•
to me in pleasant plane ; yea, I have a
goodly heritage." The discourse bad to
do with the Dominion of Canada and in
it the speaker pointed out the following
incontrovertible evi [
b da loss of the correct-
ness of lbs application of the text :--
(1) The extent of our Dominion ; (2) Its
resouroee ; (8) Its healthful and fruitful
climate ; (4) Our civil and religions ad-
vantages ; (5) Common interests with
our neighbors. Rev, Mr. Algin preached
in Melville thumb in the evening,
Last Sabbath Rev. W. T. Hall, of Bel -
grave, and Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels,
presented the claim of the Sabbath
school to the congregation of Melville
ohuroh of 11 a. in., and the Methodist
church at 7 p. re, The first named
gentleman addressed the children and
younger people and showed seven
essentials in n true life as follows :—(1)
industry ; (9) good temper ; (3) cheer.
fulness ; (4) truth ; (5) obedience ; (0)
humility ; (7) love. It wag a predicted
theme. lis text was "Evan little child-
ren are ttnown bytheirdoings."
Paul's text was Pharoah's daughter's corn.
mend to the mother of Moses, "Take
this child owayand nurse it for me and
I will pay thee thy wages," Ex. 2.0. His
address was to parents and be subdivid-
ed it as follows :—(1) The object of our
attention and oars, "tills child," as it re-
lates to body, mind and area ; (2) The
command ; (8) The wages.
Rev, D.I. McDowell, Methodist minis.
ter, died at his residence in Bowmanville
on Sunday, July 3rd, after a brief illness
from paralysis. He was 75 years of age,
and entered the ministry in 1840, being
superannuated eight years ago. Since
then he had resided in Bowmanville. He
led a very active and useful life, was
honored by his brethren by several re.
sponsibls positions and was highly re.
enacted by all favored with his acquaint.
aooe. His widow and seven children
survive him. They are Dr. E. 0. Ma -
Dowell, Norway, Mioh. ; F. M. Mo.
Dowell, Toronto ; Mrs. (Rev,) J. J. Here,
of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby ; Mrs.
T. D. Higginbotham and Wee A. Me -
Dowell, Bowmanville; Mrs, (Dr.) Leitch,
Toronto ; Mrs. T. 0. Nichols, Uxbridge.
The funeral took pinoe on Toeeday after-
noon. Rev. Mr. MoDowell was Chair.
mac of the Wingham District at one
People We Talk About.
Robb. Ellis is in Michigan.
Will. Griffith wheeled to Blyth 0n
Miss Annie Rosa was visiting at Guelph
and Toronto.
Mise Dora Smith is enjoyiug her vo•
nation in Brussels.
Mrs. Geo. Baeker was ou the sink list
during the past week.
Mies Kate Wilson is home from Mar -
mora for bee vacation.
Mrs. (Dr.) Kalbfleisob is renewing old
friendebips in Listowel.
Rev. Mr. Oaten, Ph. B., Belgrave was
in town on Wednesday.
Reuben Jewitt is visiting Rev. George
Jewitt, bis brother, at Elimville.
Leon Jackson has gone across the
"briny" with Thome Bloomfield.
Miss Maude Paul is visiting her grand.
parents at Victoria Cottage tbie week.
Mee. Carlisle, of Hensen, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Halliday, for a
few weeks.
Alex. McKellar and wife and Miss
Todd, of Blyth, visited Wanda in town on
Dominion Day.
Mieeea Eva and Allis Simmons, of
Wingham, are visiting their oonsin, Mise
Winnie MoGaire.
Mies Braden, a former teacher, epent
two or three days last week visiting with
old friends in town.
Mica Lizzie Ferguson attended the
Littered of Geo. W Perkins at Gorrie on
Tbureday of this week.
Alva I. 0, Richards, Charlie and Percy
wbeeled to Auburn on Wednesday where
they will visit fora few days.
Postmaster and Mrs. yarrow attended
the funeral of the late Geo. Perking ab
Gorrie on Thursday of this week.
Mra. H. J. Morden returned to her
borne at Sion/villa on Tuseday of this
week after a visit with her mother.
Mrs. P. D. McKinnon and ohildren, of
Winnipeg, and Miss Mary Oliver, of
Bruesele, ars visiting Dirs. A. Brune, of
Bluevale, this week.
Mrs, J. L. Kerr and Mies Kerr, who
have been visiting at Guelph, are now
holidaying at Owen Sound with Mrs.
(Dr,) Cavanagh and other friends.
Mies Maggie Kay, of Galt, who was
vieibiug Mrs. W. H. Kerr' last Fail galled
for the 01d Country on the Allan steam.
er "Numidian" from Montreal, on
Thursday of 'tide week She will be
away all Summer,
Mrs. S. Hindeo and Mien 11lary Hindes,
of White River and Sohrieber, mimeo -
lively, are renewing old friendships in
and around Brussels. They like North.
ern Ontario Where the family is doing
well, we ere pleased to boar,
Business Locals.
Wilms from $40 up to $100 at A,
NEw carrots, bents and potatoes nt Mo.
Turmas rind satchels cheaper then ever.
I 0. Richarde,
Tun liveliest shop in 3 Counties, King's
store, Wingbam.
Tao the safe 0000 ; see the crowd. G.
E. King, Wingham.
BALANCE of our dusters at reduced
prices. I. 0. Richards.
A. Cousnnr handles everything that is
used by a bioyole rider.
Ona butter and eggs go to Ring's Ally
and August sale, Wingham.
EVERs0001 goes to W ingllnln ; King's
July and August sale is on.
Dm you see the Gendron bike in A.
Oousley's window ? It's o dandy.
RgrAme in harness, boots and shoes
promptly attended to, I. C. Biohards.
Goon, dry American eorn, the beat for
feeding purposes, for Bale at the
CL1avm ,o3D wheels are great sellers,
Six gold in e
1 e o Jan, 1st
1808, A. Cougley,
See our single harness ; a ni0e assort-
ment and prices very low, I. 0, Blob -
EATON not in it. We give you a sale
and take your trade. G. E, King, Wing.
E, & D. bearings are gnaranteed for
three years. Game in and see them. 'A.
Buaorns 1 Bosoms ll --Walker & Smith
has sold 56 new wheeled rigs 11110 Spring
and to make the 100 sales they have re•
dnoed the price $1,00 00 eaoh buggy from
now to the end of the season. The beat
will sell. We have sold 12 buggies in
13ruee5le right where they are best known.
We buy in oar loads and get the beet
nearly on cheap AS the cheapest. We sell
close to cost and depend more on the
quantity we sell than the big profit on a
few antes. We ottani be undersold on
good work, WAL1tion & 011111, Brneeels,
Hoollssursis' Ex005810N11.—On the
first and third Tuesdays in Juno, 1898,
the Cihioagb, Milwaukee IS St. Paul Rail.
was, will call ronnd•trip excursion tickets
(good for 21 days) to a great many points
in South and North Dakota and other
Western and Southwestern states, at
practically one fare for the round trip,
Slake a trip West and see what au amount
of good land Dan be 'purchased for very
little money, Further information as to
rates, routes, prices of farm lands, etc.,
may he obtained on application to any
coupon tfoket agent or by addressing A,
J. Taylor, Oanadian Passenger Agent, 2
Ring street, East, Toronto, Out,
It i8 reported that Dr, Rookie, Conger.
Vatfve M, P. for Marquette, will retire.
ST,iXD.1 ii -.D .1344X 0? CJJV'01 D,1,
0000'1:.331-,:CGZI.Z'.1.7 .0E7.1 -
ASSET/4, • (Fbevon Million Dollars) - 1)7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) - - 52,000,0DO
Agencies i11all let•inelpafpoints inOntdtrie,Ourbos,Manihiki. mum sinlrar5Teglana,
S :ldrs&"l;c4kcS' b*i,;Pdb'a..
A General Banking llaeinose Trawl/toted, Farmers' Notes .1)1no0nnt011,
Drafts Teem .,l and Oolloetiono made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dot of depoeib iodate 0
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
013130ILL ATTENTION GIVEN To THE 00LLgorros Or b',tnlmoe' SALE NOTES,
Every fooiliby afforded Customers 1101ng at a distance.
M. 11I. BIRENT, 14IANanttn.
The orops look maguilloeut.
LMiss Jennie McNair was visiting 01
is towel.
Miss Lizzie McRae is home from To.
routo for her holidays.
Mrs. Slemmon, of Brussels, wile visit•
ing here for a few days,
R. 2. Colgrove, of Loudon, is visiting
at Postmaster McNair's.
Rev. Perris, of Wingham, is spending
some of his holidays here.
We are glad to say that Mrs. M, Steele,
who was quite iii, is improving.
Rev. R. F. Cameron, of Shaireepeare,
was visiting his parents here this week.
Miss Lib. McLachlan is borne (eons her
millinery position at Orangeville for her
W. J. Cameron is writing on an exam.
at Stratford and Toni McRae at taste.
wet. We with the boys saooeea.
Iahe absence bee,
tee cE Rev. Mr. Yelland,
the newly appointed pastor of the Metho-
dist ohureh, Robt. Maliay preached in
the Methodist church last Sabbath after.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. D. Perrie,
of Wingham, preached in Knox church
here. His many old friende were pleased
bo see and hear him again. Rev, Mr.
McRae officiated in Wingham,
T. E. Rowe, it Central Ontario brake•
man, fell from a gravel train near Tren-
ton and was killed,
It has been decided to restore the pro.
vision appropriating $50,000 for a cons
mission to adjust the differences between
the United States and Canada.
The body of Wm. Herman, of Hamil.
ton, who disappeared on Tuesday was
found iu the Beach canal. He was de.
s 0ldent over
financial lame.
The storm caused au ed n ,yacht containing
five persona to capsize off Mitnioo. Three
were rescued, and Aubrey Conniff and
William Anderson, of Toronto, were
James Spafford, of Cherry Valley,
while handling a revolver, accidentally
shot his little daughter, the ballet passing
through the body at the left breast. Her.
recovery is doubtful.
MaLaucnLiN.—In Brussels, on Jnly 3rd,
the wife of Mr. Neil S. MoLauohlin,
of Grey, of a son.
HaLLmoE—In Brussels, on July 8rd, the
wife of Mr, Geo, Halliday, merchant,
of a son.
HAIST—BARRows.—At the residence of
the bride's parents, 12111 eons Mc-
Killop, on July 0th, by Rev. A. O.
Tiffin, of Walton, Mr. John Haiat, of
to Mies Mand, daughter of
Mr. Jaoob Barrows,
FEnausort—DALES,—At the residence of
the bride's father, E. Wawonoeh, on
Wednesday, June 29th, by Rev. F. J.
Oaten, Ph. B., Mr, John J. Ferguson
to Mise Mary P., eldest daughter of
Mr. Geo. Daley.
P0LL0nx—G13180N.--.Ab the residenoe of
the bride's mother, Morris, on June
201b, by Rev. Mr. Anderson, of
Wroxeter, lbIr, Andrew Pollock, of
Grey, to Mise Jane Matilda, eldest
daughter of the late Matthew Gibeot,,
of Morris.
DAVIDeoie— OUNNINGWor. —At the resi-
dence of the bride's mother, on Mon-
day, July 4th, by Rev. G. 0. Pid•
goon, B. A., Mr. Donald Davidson,
L. D. S., of Brussels, to Miss Lizzie
A. Cunningham, of ftreetsville.
RA:I0,\Y-33ELL,-00 Wednesday, June
29111, Mr. David Ramsay, of West-
field, to Mies Bell, of East Wawan-
PERrtINe.—In Gorrie, on July 5th, George,
eon of Hairy Perkins, Postmaster,
in his 30th year.
DAVIS.—In Blyth, on Jane 20th, James
Davis, aged 58 years.
TANNEn.—In Blyth, on June 27011, Mrs.
B. L. Tanner, relict of the late John
Tanner, aged 67 years and 5 months.
SNrn1Gn.—In Colorado, Friday, June 24111,
from heart disease, Dr, H. M. Soy.
der, oouein of the late Dr. H. M,
Snyder, of Merino, well known
throughout Ontario, aged 80 yenta
and 2 months.
Fall Wheat
Batter, tubs and rolls
liI5gg per dozen
Flour per barrel 5 00 5 00
Potatoes (per bag) ,..,60 75
Hay per ton.....,....., 4 00 5 00
Hides trimmed 54 64
Hides' rough , 5 5
Salt per 11b1., retail...,, 1 00 00
Shoop elcina, eaoh 40 40
Lomb skins eaoh 25 25
Hogs, Live 4 80 4 85
Wool 10 17
Apples (per bug) ........ 50 60
75 80
80 65
45 50
25 20
10 ' 12
8 0
c0111T1010TA13LE HOUSE FOR
gale or to rent in North Ballotage, In1-
mod fateponses0lon, apply to 13A1t14I8Tilllt
BLAI10 or W.15,1 1101104.
owned by atlas Iloddiek for sato,
i'artianlara may be obtained by calling a1
the stow or writing to Bruasots. Possosslou
acid( be given at ou00, Good reasons for
open to fill engagemeuta 'far Ipic•uta0,
garden parties, celebration r, &o.,at reason.
able 1'atee. (1nod Lundie. L. 3401(SON, Soo'
rotary; J.FUL'TON , k resident.
Olt To 1111x13.—Tho undersigned offers
for sale Or to rout that Li story flume dense
on Turuborry street, North of the Torrase,
lotely occupied by S, II. Jackson, Per par-
ticulars apply to 1w, IT, lien, Or the owner,
J, 10041t13, Auburn P. O. 50-1,1
DER0IONMD lode ee1al'al good Feo'n:s for
solo nqd ho rout, Quay terms, in .tunnies
of aporia and Grey. 1? 8, SOOTT,Brussels
V F030 SALE. --The 'undersigned' offers
Ms brick residence, situate on Peril lot 10„
Mary street, Brussels, for sato, 2'hore aro It
aeras of land, orellard, well, .stable, cellar,
130, Possession could be given at ou0o.
41- 011ltord, 1y, 0,
• Consisting of the South 1 and South 5
of the North k of Lot 30, Oen .2, Peat Wawa -
nosh. This is au excellent stock farm, being
well supplied with good spring water, Itis
situated about 3 guiles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. 4 largo part of it is under
glass. Buildings and femme aro in a fair
state of repair. Posy terms of payment will
be givou. For all information apply to
114f G. P. BL AIR, Barrister, 13russels,
murex= offers his 100 aolo farm for
sale, being Lot 32, N k Oen, 7, Morris, There
are 70 acres (geared and under orop, balance
hardwood bush. There is a area frame
house, with
complete • bank barn stone steeling
oOnlyrchard, vette, and all other 00ndo ea mild from school and 9 giils5001ru s. Possession would given
at once, Far price and terms apply 0n the
Premises or to 3ruaselaP. O.ita
34.0E S1004R
Proplie tor.
.1. RENT.—The undersigned offers his
eligible 04 sere farm for sale or to
rant, boiug South part of Lot 5, Ooueea•
sion 12, Grey. All under cultivation, well
watered and well fenced. There is a good
stone house, bank barn, 0robal•d, wells, 00,,
o11 the premises. Also a splendid atone
quarry from Whish a good revenue to realie-
ioasouabls, 21
Fo111 further paarttoulare unto
prIoe, 00•5.
UpPlY 1 N 101IT00ELL, Pro
Bruseols P, 0.
If you only drop in and
got ono of our Vans, and
why not koop cool when you
can got
Palm Leaf Fans
2 for 6 Cents.
Paula Greed I
We aro selling the best
English Paris Green at 250,
per pound
FOE'S Drib Stereo
0IIALP; Tr3Dr1 30 nddreoee4 to tits m1•
dersigned, and endorsed Tender for
eeinp1otlon of Godorirh Works," will be re-
ceived at this elude until Friday, 11311, July
next, inclusively, for completing the harbor
end river WOriC5 in course of 00netl•110tie11 at
Cloderieh, Huron County, Mt tarso, tteoordt ng
to a filth and 10 is t
1 t c Cn fou to soon at the
03]100 of the Town Clerk, Godmer bob l the
odiee of M 1', It. 4. Gray, Resident Engineer
Oonfederarion Life 333ufldiug, Toronto, and
at the.Dopar1of Publle works, Ottawa,
Tenders will11 nob be considerer{ unless
outdo on the form supplied and signed With
the actual eiguatures of tandems.
An accepted batik (hrone, payable to the
order of the minister of Publlo Works, for
the suet of nye thousand Boilers (5,000) must
aaoompany comb tender. 'PLUS chequo will
be forfeited if the party decline the contract
or fall to complete the work contracted for,
and will be returned in case of non-ao00p t-
undo of tender,
The Department does not bind itself to
accept the lowest or any bonder.
• By order,
14.)?, E. ROY,
Department of 011 olio Works, l Suntory.
Ottawa, Juno 15Eh,1323.;; i
A Commercial School of the high-
est grade—none better in the
Catalogue Free.
W. 3'. ELLIOTT, Principal.
is being revived as an out door pastime Bald will soon re-
gain its old time popularity.
A Choice Selection of 4, 8 and 8 Ball
Sets at
W' ail ._• r'': - i' ii' t+l�'n u i. 40133. I
P00EES' Top -p
at close Prices. Bay a set and have a good time.
Wealth can only be accumulated by practicing economy. Econ.
.cloy can be practiced by buying your merchandise at this store.
It's worth repeating that this business is conducted on a Clash
basis—Evorytlling bought for Omsh, everything solei for Cash.
Every article advertised by this store is to be found bore if
you come at once but we cannot guarantee to have the same goods
in two weeks.
Special Line Lace Curtains, 3„t yds,
long, taped, at (Al 00
This is a new lino lust addoa and
is extra value,
]adios' Taffeta Gloves 15, 20 & 25
Men's Union Sox, special, 2 pre. for 25
Oxford Shirting, good patterns, fast
colors 08
Twilled Sheeting, two yards wide,
regular 20o,, for 16
Circular Pillow Cotton, splendid
quality 15
Wide Pillow Cotton 12
White Cotton 86 inches wido OS
Tweed for Boys' or Mens wear,
good patterns, worth 85o, for ., 25
Special number Blue Serge, just the
thing for boys 80
Mon's Strainer Underwear, good
line, Suit for 50cs better qua].
Wes at 75&100
Heavy all wool Cheek Flannel, sold
oVery piano at 80e., for 28
We have just opened up a case of
Mon's Plow Boots in hoe or
buokle at 1 00
Fine assortment of the Williams Patent Plow Boot for men, sizes 0 to 10.
Matte this store your ]headquarters, Leave your wraps and parcels
here, we will take Dare of them,