HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-7-8, Page 7JULY 8, 1998,
When, I'nnl Left Tins World -A Sntm'"am
ITh; F800-S(lr('et er 01Ei
that withered hand just launch the
Infamorholt. of the popple upon Lhnot
Infamous soldiers, No) ie ,i was not
going to interfere with his own con-
°nation, Ile was too glad to go. 1
see him looking up in the tura of his
executioner, and 'Le the grim official
draws the sword, Paul celmlY sa;ys: "1
now ready to be offered, and the
time hand," But
1 have an immeaeureahle curiosity to' WHY ANGLO-SAXONS WIN,
know what }L ls, ,loci keno LI is n e en „ nesLward II0," Chtlrles }sings-E
Lei Lind thio a is, a tit, and shall we
shudder t) go out on a mime of dis- i ley'a story oL the Elizabethan wars
covery which shall raven) a vaster and with Spain, he explains w1y the Eng-
more br•illient cuunLry? John b`raiik- lisp so often got the better of l:he
lin riakttl lav life to tin() a Arasenge be-
teem icebergs, and shall we dread to' Slleuisb, when the odds were against
find a passage to eternal summer? them• He claims the superiority of
Men in Seel tzerland travel ui) the ' their ships, their letter gunnery and
r� r. �oHaste r
4b fl P 0
And suffer at leisure. When your
abased stomach con no longer 0110er-
fully and properly perform its duties,
11, few doses of Hoods SareapariUa are
•Like freak water to a withered plant,
this medicine tapes the sCouluch, re-
stores digestive strength, creates au
A'titboritics say that crinoline Is
again comiug Into favor. This Baser-
tion is made so frequently that those
who dislike the idea of the fashion be-
Doming really esLublished feel that it
be only a nail of "wolf," and do not
foam the establishment of so ugly a
R,e Underta
Is Pure, healthful
Sete 110 AIX 01100018,
ee, 30, 10, 60
TA Pease �
YOU, QC Rptttrn Your fAone}Y
["T /'�
`d►■ 6
In J�.J oN
and Delicious,
In Lead Paoketeonip,
and No per pound,
00300tl Joy On
of my delytrinl'e is at
MaILernhorn with al- the agility
opPetite andwith a little care in
So More EPItend501Heaven Then Dere
-niirleslty 10 Knoll' 1That 1s Beyond
77,15 Aims uy'Ierminus,
r sive:-
A despatch from w ashinglon fl Ja
1 put. my hand over ply eyes, 1 want
not to see that last struggle, One
sharp, .keen stroke, and 'Paul does go
to (be banquet, and Paul does dine
heights of the greater weight of metal;
Pine -stock and guides. and rockets, and , with which they could be =naked, be-
ropes, and getting half -way up, stem-- cause of their rig, but be counts us
buy and fall down in a burrible mule - 'the distinctive advantage the finer
to Bay they I the Each, he says,>.:
diet the patient is soon in perfect
health. Try it and you'll believe in 11.
r ' �a Y3c71-
A Good Corn Sheller for 280.
A marvel of cheapness, of efficac and
l Y.
of promptitude bode 19 iu a homtle
W Mile, Mut• A wwlel,
to Wosler Bld a,IUole
set mond MtW„')Comate.
Its 7'udningr, preached from the follow-
text; "The time of lay departure is at
with the Kin g ..
What a tiansltlon it wail From the
7m,llaria of Rome to Ibe finest• c mate
snare, They juin wanted quality of men.
had been an the lops of those high , "fought for himself, with the self-help
Peaks, And shill) we fear to go out I find self-xespeut of a Yankee ran or,
{3 , b -d'
a�1 IIIA
Greatest taloa 5l; etxfar 56.
of trot, funu etenied Put.nanl's Pain-ottle
remedy, Put
less Corn I.xtractor. 11 oes 1i rht. to
g 6
the trouble, teem
hand," -2 Tito. IV. O.
" d
Tile this as s
In all the universe -the sone of elt
nal beauty and health. His aches were
for the «sc•ent of the elelrral hills, and once burden to do his work was
which start a thousand miles beyond , trusted to carry it out by his own
Ltood"e 8.1110 Duro eonstlpatlan. 2d 00019.
the room of acts
quickly but no painlessly that nothing
•; Easy put up and taken down. Can
basleanad,nondtake dput own. nyin
way out of world
blocker) up with coffin, and hearse,
undertaker's spade, and spew -striver,
put in l:he catacombs of Rnme, but In
one moment the air of heaven bath-
where stop the h,ghest peaks of the
Alps, and when in that ascent Ther°
is no peril t A man, doomed to die,
bt ea beat he could, In one word, 1 e
was a free man•
of the Southwest, will sit hours in Lhe
Janmovable, Without
is known of its o elat.lun un111 the Coln
is shelled, 13ew'are of substitutes of-
feted for Putnam's Painless Corn Ex-
namratnpaca. Ask spurdonlorPtor
Ghee, Manufactured by
the Christen can hardly think as
act from his sould the last ache, From
from dungeon, from the
stepped on the and said, in
Bun, perfectly
doubt, her sun baths groat physio
the and,v teat by
tract or -safe, sure and painless. Sold at
- ;ITO t63 Adelaide St, W, Toronto
he ought of the most cheerful passim°
in all ]lis history. We hang black in-
biting pexin of the elm -wood rods, from
biting pain
the sharp sword of the hsadsmatl, be
11x told,
joy: "Now In I.en minutes !will know
alter greet the vital UJ func�ti ms mtnute 0008-
vigor are as its
cause and effect.
w, P. E. 926.
-,e(�� ° le....
stead of white over the p1i100 where
Rha good man g«Cs his hiBL victory, \i'e
stand weeping over a heap of chains
which the freed soul has shaken off,
ghees of t heaven, ae skint brilliant a k agls,
mult.itndes of the sainthood amongushing
out and stretching forth hands of
welcome; for I do really think that
ed, the 111(10 child tknt, diad last
night knew more than Jonathan tide
ante or SI. Paul himself before 'they
died. Friends, the exit from this
world,or death, ifyou to call
rhe 111 Tit its f 1) St yIlitinDee,tl(ls 113)1 Wporlc w s
Mashed St7ih feta y
1'rorn the Bridgewater Enterprise.
Air, is known
farmhouse, OD )aur ,hens teas°built fa ono cif
the summer hoarders, a high pen, In-
to it sale turned several 1itCle tots for
an hour's la every mornin The
play Y g.
�� �T
ro�g AND ESTATES bought, sold &
FAR Pi S exchanged, Terms mailed
free, B. M. SIMPSON, Real Estate and
`”` "'' '�'
Iron Turning Lathe, sixteen inch swing,
six foot bed, rod and guar full, counter -
as new, VERY
shaft complete, goo w R
and we say: "Poor man I What a
pity it was he had to cootie to 1118.
(tome to what? ley the time people
haus bled at the obsequies, that
us on the right bend of God is Christ,
AO on the right hand of Christ i6'Paul,
the. second great he heaven.
Ile Oban ed kings likewise. Before
the hour of deathg end upto the last
u a
moment, be was Nero, the thick-
. tian is, glorious explan1t
i t, f:D the Curia
tion. It is demonstration. le is ilium-
maim.. it is sunburst. 11 is the op-
ening 01 all the windows. 1t L5 shut
tin u the mist:hism of douleta and t
Austin luny a well
blacksmith livioc at Baker Settlement
a balolet about ten miles from Bridge-
water, N.S. Mr. Fanny is well known
in the locality in w1teh he lives, He
scoran then ees,
clothing was removed and hung op on
t he side, and in the Siio1mer menthe
these three children grew litre the
plants, the corn, tbo vines, From feeble,
pale children they became rosy muerte,
bust is to br. a
_ __ .
0316 ro 03 of on eta
PAINT so CHEAP gl;lo,, rogfn or aides of
buildings. -Used 22 years. Willa good sprayer yea Dan
taint,°, Intro
nlaaotlfafntls rite.us r Dire scene
the Company, E7e Queen Wed, TgrUtto•
CHEAP. Apply,
73 to 81 Adelaide Bt. W., Toronto.
man has been three stays so happy that
138 be
unrolling of all the 8010115 of positive lth}latids lo tbeopopuletlar lc
g one with LUasprsa
all the joyof earth accumulated would
bo wretchedness beside it; and he might
bettor. weep over you because you have
to stay, than you weep over him be-
necked, the cruel -eyed, the filthy -lip-
pet).; the scut tured features of that
main bringingpdown Go us, to this very
day', the horrible possibilities of his
nature -seated as be was amid Pio
and accurate information. instead of
standing at the $sot oC i;lao ladder and
looking up, it is standing at the top
of the ladder and lookingdawn. It is
the last mystery taken out of botany,
of Dr. \Villlnma' Pink Pills, Air, Haney
related his story of illness and renewed
health to are otter of the Enterprise,
as follows: -'•.During the last winter,n��11(INI<ty^r
•owing, I suppose, to overwork and lin-
her example fello\ved by several admit-
ing friends with city -Dorn children to
Cl Oto
!( D1Q;
l' 1,
ti „
ilA '
STIs it At ;4 LES
cause he hos to ga, It is a fortunate
thing that a good man does not have
to wait to see his own obsequies, they
would be so discordant with his own
lured marbles et Egypt, under ti
roof adorned with mother-o'pearl, in
a dining -room which by machinery was
kept whirling day and night with most
bewitching magnificence; his horses
standing in stalls of solid gold, and
and geology, and astronomy, and the-
ology, 0, will 11 not lxsigrtt•nd to have
all ll rluraeuhnrirs tns\rarnterrtrire 110 -point
Y 6 g
changed for the mark of exclamation.
pure blood, I became very much re-
daced be flesh, and had severe pains
en the muscles all over my body. T
Celt tired all the time, had no apps
lite, and often felt so low spirited that
11 is commonly said that a sprained
joint is worse than a broken bone, and
this is often true, Lor in a severe, •sprain
taking up Ouents tolrall p rttoularmon s°oto apDlt
033,100, u3 Yt)rv0 s ST., TORONTO.
Sun parlor 800 feet loo
ocean fid besets esplanade overlooking
experience. IL the Israelites should go
back to Egypt and mourn over the
brittle -kilns they encu left, they would
not be any more silly than that Chris-
tion who should forsake, heaven and
the grounds around his palace lighted
at night by his victims, who had, been
bedaubed with tar and pitch and then
VII on tine Lo itJumiue the darkness.my
'('httt wa8 Paul's king, :13u1 "3°1 nest
All riddles solved. Who will tear to
gni out on that discovery, when till the
oj,ue i been are
scu o irngdeoide ourd ht lives?
Who shall not Clap his panda in the
anticipation of that blessed country, if
I wished. thyself in another world.
Some of
tuthe time, e, a 1Jl:tlp worcanteen-
Ulacksm].t}1 shop, but I was not
fit for it, and after doing the job,
would have to lie down; indeed Iof-
the injury is really greater than in a
simple fracture.
The ankle is perhaps the most fru
quently sprained oE all the joints,
though the knee, elbow and wrist are
Fence, F®Ci„0-"awcuo n 1,,h ltrl898 Penes we claim
a hare the boob and moat practical fence on
earth. Four mil a of lG in ase at the enp art•
menta] Farm, Giioluh, tint. Send Por prl 08,
Address Toronto Pfotcet Wit° Feaoe °°,
221R1vorSt, Toronto, Ont.
eteam keelson system. Elevator to
salt watera inIIalland
b W. cold, freshor o
Roo en
suite, battle attached.
3AIMIEg B. REILLY, Owner and Prop
down because be had
moment he goes into the re0m
Him is lova, and whose
it be nu better than through holy cur-
ten felt like fainting. I was advised
also very liable to be injured, in falls
scale and mourn
to leave this world.
Now, departure implies a starling-
place, and a place of detitinal.ion. When
Paul lett int '\\°o14d, what was the
starting -point 1t was a scene of
great phyaieal distress. !t was t1C
Tu11J.anuln„ the lower dungeon of the
M,tmertine prison. The top dungeon
whose reign
courts are paved with Jove, and wbose
throne IS set on pillars of lova, and
\, lose sceptre is adorned with jewels
of love, and wila.56 palace is lighted
with love, and whose Lifetime is an
eternity of love. When Paul was
f the
)seeing so much an Chis misiden so much
pillar Of martyrdom tog
on 0110 ollicr side, do you \+-ender at--
the cheerful valedictory of the text:
iosity ? crying: The time of my de-
,parture is 0•t band."
I remark again; we ought to have the
joy of the text, because leaving this
world we move into the bast crowd
of CUe universe. You see 0 greatcrowd
people an some street„a`hat uene -
"Who is passing there? g
al, ',Phot prince, 19 10;e1 up t.lhet•e?"f
"Well, I see a great throng in heaven.
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and
after using a coupe of taxes, 1 teltta
deeded relief, 1110 pn}nS began n
abate, and Ifelt again as though life
was not all dreariness. 13 the time I
had used six boxes I was as well as
ever, and able to do shard day's work
at the forge without fatigue and those
who know anything about a black-
smiths work, will know what this
These notwell.i
A sprain of the joint varies greatly
in severity; it may consist of a simple
\\'ren0h, without the tearing of any of
tUa 1}gamonts, or Lt may be a more ex-
tonsivo injury, stopping just short of
a dislocation.
In the treatment of a sprain the first
p. {, n
ed ar Orosn. SLATE RLACKDOARUa (we Sup Ply
1ubaq aa0High aahocl,.Torancol. RooaugFelt,Pttoh,
S el Tar, oto, ROOFING elle Moja 6i4,Duild•
ntestarnisfirm).Metal r work oCallings, Cor.
Iseb eoaugolidone by mTV
1ppsEarrnls sblppad tunny rnrtnfthe ooun0011 Yhono1for
1•DD7HlE&90Ns, Adolalda&Widmer Bte.,Toranto.
-- ----- --- ---------- -
d'P s 03333 00,
� '
er^• '`)
I i.
r ""t"�
I Qi
1 �!'.
' ;,,
1w' 1V'•
ri ”:
K ,E ,
>, ;t
{ y
' _ {, ;
* iii„ee
wooden bone for 1paelarepairinqq
' boots,
boots, ruhhere harneesonQ
r bbe Ei her oolrw
tui lalzadaadpmgVHca1,no;
meta toys. Fall alroetion
sic 0500ymonemelt out Hun
dredn of thousands now la
ace Delivered 5 0ico ilei �i
§ radium of 500 milds of
Montreal, A•1oe82.76; Bend
os. a rot rides of our Bond
mg mor prig, wind
WaS bad enough -it having no means of
''The time of. my departure is at
I soy: "Who is the fame of all that
1 Who is the Dentia of
mistake o ire
g U
to be aimed at, is to relieve
inflammation, then to fav-
,,:.^ , ,a mal.
p�, Are i namna, ns., harmilry
4e tohaB, do.
ingress ore cess but through an open-
R g 6 I
ing in the top. Through that the ori-
NOW, why cannot all the old people
that glittering company ?” It is
Jesust the champion of all worlds, the
through the medium of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills,
and prevent
or healing of the torn structure and
EYE,EAR, tll6ya7E
�PIrn R,
,1 y The Salley Donaldean Oq
. ' lsaPeter at.,htontrBat.
soner was lowered, and through that
hol y3'lea 15 the caged mon hod? Cbixr
favourite of alt •ages. Do you know
is the first the soul will
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. cure by
going t0 t•he root of the disease. They
after that to restore the use of the
puma all the food, and air, and light
received. 1t was a terrible plass, ,:bat
u i
upper dungeon; but the `Cullianune was
I p g
the lower dull icon, and that was still
more wretched, the one). light, and the
only air coming through the foot, and
that the. flour the upper dun-
les L, when he was combing his head,
found a grey Nair, and fie sent it to
the Queen as a great joke; but old
ago is really no joke at all. ko the
Hist forty years you kava been dread-
ing that which ought to have been en
eshilaratinn. You say you most fear
the struggle at the moment the sou]
what question
ask when it canoes throeh the gale
of heaven? I think the Hest question
will be: "Where to Jesus, the Saviour
that ardoned m =sin; that •carried m
sorrows; that fought lay battles; th1
won my vietorles?" 0 radiant OneW*1lLums'
how I would like to see:'lhee: Thou of
Lin humtlLa.
renew and build uP th0 blood, end
the. nerves, thus driving
disease from the system, Avoid imbta-
tions by insisting that everybox you
purchase is enrgosed in 31 wrapper
bearing the ,full Crede mark, "Dr.
P' k P}lis for Pale Pea le"
The first of these objects is accom-
pushed by absolute rest of the injured
part, the limb Bain raised and some
to al application being applied; bathing
in hot •w'atat 19 excellent.
Swelling is prevented in a measure,
and pain is sometimes relieved by firm
": %„
?r. TA ` �ti
Only institution ,
a Oeery nlyI haemo i 1
in remota, 3010.
'' CIiURC8 p ADTU.vocE
0 Pembroke
M !llddRE d
, Cunndn for the curd e
C detect. ]the sureof
para guaranteed.
at., Toronto, oanada.
r+ e 1r iz
� �t' •
'I ..,,.
d i�
°` ^piny. eat awards ut tog
'' a Wert e'n Nair 13115,
a�,,.. have met with
such universal fa
roof of
goon. That was Paul's last earthly
and hod part. BuL millions have
that moment, and w1ry mai'
the manger, but without
then; Thou of Lha cross, but withoutI:
bandaging with a flannel bandage
When the swelling„ heat and slain are
ver, that elks:
residence. It was a dungeon just six
feet and a half high. It was a doleful
place. It had the chill of long Can-
nut we as well. They qot Lbrough with
it, and so can we. Besides this, all
medical men agree in saying that
no struggle at all
tie pangs; thou Of the grave but without
its darkness. The Bible intimates that Health Department.
We will talk with Jas us in ]leaven just (?
! P N
as a brother talks with a brother. l
gone, the limb should not be used too
soon. but should be brought gradual) Y
back to health by Colts douching, dry
rubbing -in a. direction toward the
Dominion Line Steamships.
AlosIreat ins crebeoteamshiooimSummar. Largo
and toot twin fierce steamships 'Labrador; Vnn•
u crier "Dominion
on for First Cabin, SSeo•
>t"< (
mit xle
r' aro now making
inferior imitati,
t° Insist onhavia0
•' the Ooaboy make
tulles of dampness, If same skillful
surgeon should go into that dungeon
there is probably
at the last moment, -nob •so Lando pain
Its the prick of a phi, the seeming signs
what will you ask Hien first? f do not
know. I can think what I would ask SUNLIGHT AND HEALTH.
Pau] first if 1 saw him in heaven. I to labor under
body -and passive motion.
It is sametimea necessary in very se-
vele cases to treat the sprain, by means
and Sabin and Steerage passengers. Rates ofA'
passage -First Cabin, 552.so; Oecood teblo,
$31 • Steerage 022.50 and urards according to
•`1� as imitations aril
0''S }'fir ,. the 51' 00 God
where Paul is incarcerated, we might
find out what are the prospects of
of distress being altogether
tater.' But you say: " Tt is the unci-
titinty. alt he future:' NOW, child, of
Man • persons appear
think I would like to hear hire) describe 3 P Pp
the storm flet •came upon. the ship the delus1�on 'that it is necessary to
when there were two hundred and see- for fear of spoiling the
of splints. exactl • as if it were a frac-
tura or dislocation.
to Lacr and berth. Fora 1 information apply
to Local Agents or Davin Tomwxoa tr Co,
,- �,
J !, LLA lis LI k'.?i E
Paul's living through the rough
prisonment, 1n the first place, he is
an old loan, only two years short of
seventy. At that very time when he
•nsost needs the warmth, and the sun-
light, and the fresh air, he is shut out
from the sun.
What nrn those 80008 of his ankles'?
Why, those were gotten when be was
[fist, lois feet in the stocks. Every
God, do not play the infidel, After
God has filled the Bible till it can
bold no more with stories of the good
things ahead, )better not talk about
uncertainties. But you say: 1 eau-
not dear ro think of. panting from
friends here" If you are old, you
have mora friends in heaven them
here. Just take the census, .lake same
large sliest .of paper and begin to
avoid sunlight
enty-five souls o1 the vessel, 'Paul, be -
complexion, while, as a matter of fact,
ing the only man en' hoard cool enough ry to
to describe the storm. 'neve is a fns- the sun's rays are very necessa
einalion 01tout, a ship and the sea that give it the delicate tinting of beauty
I never shall get over, and I think 1 and health.
would like to hoar him Calk about that Air is necessary to the first inspire-
first. But when I meet my LordJesus tion and the last expiration of our
Christ, of whet shall I first delight to
bear Him speak? Now ! )kink what lives, but the purity and activity of the
First Swell -Hare comes Lunnout, the
tailor. He looks as 11 he intended to
speak to us.
Second Swell, nervously l L'et's turn
into this side -street and hide in this al-
ley -way. I don't like to assoaiatewith
people in trade. •
Fri;t, Ez, t4®da, 6�.
And other Produce to
PAID UP CAPITAL, - - • 830,600.
Rubber stamps and S ripping ,, Tor �Ruato
plied. Correspondence invited.
Royal H��� to nIS�19�) Vee A
Montreal to Liverpool.
Steamers sail from Montrealeve• Thursdag
morning on arrival of trninsfrom Toronto and
thew est abouG9o'aloa7c.
time he turned, the flesh on his ankles
started. What are those scars on his
backf You know he was whipped hoe
times, each time getting thirty-nine
strokea-one hundred and ninety-five
00 the buck, count them! ,made by the
Jews with rods of elm wood, each one
of the. one hundred and ninety-five
strokes bringing the blood. Look at
Paul's foes noel look at his arms. Where
record the names of those wbo have
emigrated to the other shore; the
ponhDunions of your school days, your
511 t'J y' bisinom 'issueial:e5, the friends
of Mid-life, end those who more
recently went away, Cam it
be that they have been gone so long
area do not cure any mora about them,
find TJl do not wanC their society? O
'There have been days when you
it is. I shall first wont to hear atmosphere depends upon (:110 warming
tragedy of IDS last bours; and then rays of the sun, end our bodies require
Luke's account of the uruulfixion, and light for their healthy atimulu5.
Mark's account OC the CruCiflx10k1, and
John's account of the crucifixion will It is well understood 'that without
be nothing, while from the .living lips solar )neat there can be no proper veg-
of Christ the story shall be told tif the et.able growth, and it is equal) acres-
darkness that fell, and the devils th,o1 8apy for the beauty and perfection of
arose, anti the fact Chat upon His en-
durance depended the memo ufl a race, animal development,
Take Istvan reBromoQuinine Tablets, All Drug-W.G.ARRIS
gist, refund the money if it falls to Cure. 25e.
A slulemtiker says we wear away
quite two inches of shoe leather in a
year. A pair of boots that would "last
a lifetime," would consequently have
t!� y
�° 9 Toronto o
Pays the
Price for
Cabin 858.60 and upwards; Second Cabin
931 and and 536.25: Steerage to Liverpool
London, Gla ggrow, Belfast, Londonderry or
QAreductii seed and70000.
Aroduotion 050' $23.51. is allowed on
round 3115 flrst and aeoondcabin 'tlokete. For
sailings of streamers or other information apply
to any authorized agent.
R, 8our11or, 1 Ring St, W. Toronto,
or E. & A Alias, MW. Tor
did he get those bruises? I think it
whir h0 struggling aslioce
have felt that you touts' not endure it
away from their bless-
All heaven will stop to listen until the It behooves us, therefore, to see
story is done, and every harp will be our homes are open to the sun's rays
to be provided with soles from eight to
nine feet thick.
when was
amici the shivered timbers of the ship-
Wreck. I see a gash in Pa.uL's side.
Where did he get that? I think he
got that in the tassel with highway-
men, for he had been in peril, of rob-
bets, and he had money of his Own. He
was n mechanic as well as an apostle,
and.1 think the tents he made were as
gond as his sermons. There is a Wen-
eves about Petal's looks. What makes
that? I think a art of that came from
the fact that he was for twenty-four+
koros in the Mediterranean
another moment
ed companionship, 'L'hey kava gond. You
say you would nut like to bring them
back to this world of trouble even if
you had the power. It would not d0
trust you. God Would not give you
resurrection power. Before Lo-mo•.ruw
morning you would, be rattling at the
gates of the cemetery, crying to the
departed: "Coma back to the cradle
where you slept come bank to me hall
where you 118811 to play t coma back
to the table ,there you used to sit I'
Put down and 58.017 lip r.lpsed, and all and are made as bright and cheerful
eyes fixed upon the Divine narrator,
doth the story is clone; and then, et as possible, and they ought to freely
the tarp of the baton, the eternal or- adanit the sunlight.
Chests well rtes up, Linger on staring It is \volt known Iba,t disease which
0,1 harp and lips to, the mouth of trum- has baffled the skill of the physbeieu
pet, and there shall roll forth the prat-
olio of the Messiah: ''Worthy is the has been known to yield, when the pa -
Lamb that was slain, to receive bless- tients were removed from dark rooms
Ln and r, ounit holohr nail glor g
B y to lig ht anti cheerful apartments. Light
and power, world without end!"
Ls especially neoas5ary for the henllhp
\\'hn,t He endured, 0 wine can tell, growth •of children. Too much nam not
A piaster made with "Quidecure„
spread on Denton flannel, linen or cod
1 tole d o give more prompt relief from
croup, than eampllorated oil, or mus
Johnny -What's :s a o poohondriao?
Palm -He's a roan luta suffers ter-
retie from things that don't ail him.
t ak,;.
°" t
FI .;qi• -ow.
. l
B°®G ii
I tt 1 i, CHI '`,` °®
Established 1572
TNi9 IS 000 VIM -
Clothe year family from head
to foot with our
®0® Mi ONEY L51AKEli
q. pa
Prices only $ll�y $�® ,P�brp
on a Hank
Sea, suffering terribly, before he was
And there would. be a, great
God will not trust
To sari. our souls from death and the "sun bath."
be said in favor
5 yAw
rescued; for he says positively: I woe
1t night and a day in the deep." O,
worn-out, emaciated Old meen, Surely
you must ho melancholy. No epnstitu-CNL
in heaven. No, no.
you \vith resurrection power; but He
compromises the null ler end soya;
" You cannot bring them where you
but can go where they are.'
From an exchange we elip the follow-
When there was between Paul and ing on this subject:
that ma nificent peremiags only the She arose in the m010h11 with the
thinness of the sha•r+lt edge of the
' �
p do_
154P a wu4
#t I NET
QQ�{gg����tg�ttgg �gqgqaa�I�j� (��v Georgetown,Ont.
Y1lZ1,A�PiA111iiitlY BROS., �L�T �ib®i��'�7 QIC .
1 cheerful
Hon could endure this and be '
but 1 press my way through the prison
art., you
They are more lovely now than ever.
easy beautiful here, they are
sword of the exeeutiou°r. do you wood- weary feeling women often have
wanted o? Om Lor
er that g Y necessary overtaxing of souls and A good listener possesses amost sub-
-' - .. .
mail .f acne up close to whore be is,
more beautiful there,
t o
Jesus, let ane wave of that glory roll, "odies, "I will go and sit in the stun,,, tie power of, flattery.
r?'5,,.:iy'M fc, -„ :=77,7;i;".tlr-.<a-,,r;;•,,:»i r. .:•!. _, e.
uud by the faint tight l:haf. st,eumB
through the opening L. see on his face a
supernatural joy, and 1 how' before
him and I say: -"Aged plan, bow can
I revnark again; all those ought to
Lees 'o of the text who have a,
feel e o iL to luoov what 1s beyond
Holy curiosity
this etlrtUly Lerrninvs. And who bus
over this anslLl:ory -night. iInrk..L •
]Lear the wedding pelta of hetvvso ring- she said and after that half hour, slot- Judge C. Pn,net Angers, Queben,
ing 11000. '('11e marring° of the Lamb en 'maybe from work that had to be writes:-"'Quicltatre has always giv-
hits come, ante the bride has made bot -i
ready. i wish I could take that dans, she grew blithe and cheel'Lul• on relief to my elks),)."
„i� ^'
°�., ,;,
Ixl �� �4aj `,�
you keep cheerful amid all ibis gloom?"
His voice startles the darkness of the
dace n he cries out: "I um now ready5uppoae,
Lb be offered, and the time of my cl
lsau•ture is at hand." Ilarkl what is
that 'shuffling of Feet in the dungeon?
Why, Paul has an ing 10 dm to a tau-
,tact, and he is going to cline to -day
not any curiosay. about 11'1 taus, T
hail the most satisfactory view
of heaven, and he says: 11; doth IIKe
appear what we stall be,"It is 1
looking through a broken Lelaresldy.:
"Now we see Lhrou6lk a glass darkly,"
Can you tell me atnythit about that
word "cleat))" and grind it. to pieces, 1'n the einengt:iune the body needs
and substitute Lu its plate "clepurture' sunshine. .It means 3trengtb, b cels Cooking• wtan8fl8 of aluminum, Ln-
_"departure," •Che word is just its anti beauty. We saw a woman trans- the Fteael rench arm f tin, are coming into vogue in
appropriate fur the sinner as it. is far Lormed in two months. How? By Y
the Christian. O sinner, when do you, •'-- --
go for what will yawl depart? .11 can- throwing physic. to the dogs. living "Quiokoure" cures toothache, andall
net be up the way Paul went, unless out of doors, and never missing a Oily pain," ,
U ,.' 6 L
"- '
45 E,M
+,„ da a1+
i ..",
quet the king. That 1t the tread
oC the exeautianers. they come and
,bay cry ((008.30 through the hole of the
dungeon: ")harry up, old mon- Come
yourself ready." Why, Paul
)lace? YOU ask me a thousand. qut:s----
trona about it that I CanriOt ansWsr,
I ask you a thousand questiols about
11 that you cannot ansmrer. And do you
wonder that Paui ;WW1 soh glad wheal
10 go
yea Have Pant's Saviour. Ilov long sou bath, Great health homes and hoe- ----
will your journey ho? At what'. house
will you stop? In what soeiet:y will ue11y at elle forsook° housa0 fid the B1lf1ZIIr MOT]IRVING COLORS.
you. ntinglai Whatt: will be Your des- " p Scarlet. is the mourning color for
Listen I listen I A sin 1 hear "sun bath in ono of these is a dally unmarried women in Brazil.
3 g pr• riptlon, The talking of one of
p ,prk- d .:. .. ._
l. `'+Veer 2100 rade lisseinN it hp kiamilt® J. tt
,1 '6e brine? 1000 isg 'lietaA' to g2.a A.,®xptillOsita
was ready. He had nothing to pack
up. He hail no baggage to talcs. He
had been ready a good while. I see
him rising 09, and Straightening his
stiffened limbs, and pushing bark his
White hair from his crevice,). forehead,
and see him looking up through the
hole in the 'reef of the dungeon
lnt:b the face of his axeantl0n-
er, ant, hear him Say: "I am
now ready to be offered, and the time
of my ctepltn'Luro is at hand." `Then they
lift him out of the dungeon, and; they
start: with him (;o the place of extou-
martyrdom gave him e. chance
ever and make tlisanveries in i:hat bless-
ed country 0er
J. hope some day. by the grace of. Gad,
to go over and sea for myself., but n01
now, No well man, n0 prospered man,
1 think, wants to go nov. But the
time nvl1L come, I think, When I shall
go Over. I-. •1Vapnt to ice Whet they do
there, and I want t0 see how they do
it. filo not went to be looking through
tuna gales. ajar foo aver, I want them
to seeing wide open. There are Len
thousand things I want explained;
the hells ringing; lout it is n fire: lien these baths, as •g•ven at these places,
t011L;ng Lor tee conflagration Lural: neo- is •a revelation of the influence of light Beware Of Ointments for Catarrh
goes out. .1 hear the drums beating; and warmth upon the human body. If that contain Mercury.
but it: is the 'funeral morph of aSoul. one ever felt, literally, in 0ammun100 60 msroary will surely destroy tion 6onso el
"And ,hers shall bo weeping and wail- with nature, It is when atone In One emelt and anmpletely demo °Lha whole eye-
ing and gnashing of toed,.' of the small, glass -roofed roo.me wtt1 tom when entering it throe gii the mucosa sot•
A )nolo in the, area was Wally in- J locos. Binh articles should never be used ex-
nD COmlpanlO' 5s.\°0 the art tee do y, p6pt 011 prescriptions from reputable physic -
(need, and was carried into' the nearest wnbich Brains as a living 90880100, 500th- im1Pas the damage they will do is ton fold LO
11oUs0. He says: '1. have often heard img,'0 Ian' 'rg and invigorating one. the good y000 can possibly derive from them.-
of people who die unprepared. but I If no bettor sun 1 th pan be taken [ ara Catarrh ., Cure, ,manontahtr no by 11`. J.
never thought]: would be °roof. them. tbo example pf un la,lmea wire, wino antlisaalconlnternallynat[ngdireotlyvpovtlia
Wlut.t mus(, I d,tl 1'•o be saved ?" T3ut bc- did oat• want to 1ni55 IMF' dell y "sit ❑p- blood and nonostte nurfaoosef the 5ystam. ,bit
110re the answer came, life ens extinct. an the potter floor.," could be followed, buying MON a Catarrh Cure bo sura you got
Death was departure felt hien tut O1 Ste said oke always faIt better after tilTola�lo,tOhtltblyFlc1.Ohonoylkytlod70eH
in Toledo,a
�! �S Dandruff in ':' fie Week
Cf s ;g q� �,Scalp.
°� � i ' ®�
tc; r :..vents B�'�*"a' i , I, g ®f atlr.
m p�yy rt g1
, ,}. ys•� 66{{ LAW( fling
��Fi Stops d + �118An,g '0.X6614. p7t
Mon. They say: "'Hurry along old
man, or twill feel the weight of
about you, about myself, about
of. this. world, abort God,
far. 1v1ha1 place? Lt, and no doubt she did. The Oalmoeaa
anti dignity of some Indian women 1s Sold by raeggi tN, price Me. per bottle.
. x
lit " `p'
our spear, Burry along." "How far is
i1, says Paul, "we have to travel?"
about everything, We start, in aplain.
path of what we know, and in a min-
- fine. An Indian woman, particularly Ball's r'smnnyPine are hebest
Aa ! li
nf; die cY1.�. r '. „Ml.
�o � lS too
three mule' 0, three miles is a
good way for an old num to travel
after he has been whipper) and crap-
pled with tualtrentment, 13331 they
soon get: to the place of execution-'
'; etturto Salvia -anti Ile is f{istonerl to
Lhe pilhii' of lnariyrtlom. IL sloes not
take any slrenglh to tie him fest. lee
makee no rosi.stante. 0 Paul, why-
not, lift? You
ate come up against a high wall of
what we do not know. I wonder hoe
it leaks over there? Somebody tells ane
it is like a paved c ty=--paved with
gold; and another men tenslt is tree
like a leurltaln, and it is a
and ie is like 33 triumphal mp9omo tont
and. Lha next
it is all figurative, I really want to
knew, after the hotly is resurrected,
w-- N-- - =
The deepest hole in the earth is at
Sehlatle-tach, near Itetschau, Germany. SHIELD
rt is 5,735 feet in depth, and is for
geological reeearah only. The drilling � � � S,
was baguo Ln 18130, and stopped air years t ,
the engineers pe were un -ars YOURSELI' PROM ALL IMPURITIES EY USING
lateWAS igUnbecaill
able with thrix instruments 1p ,go deep- ,ie arc and always the same, toad LUDEL�,A ` e lo�1 Tea
er. This hole wee exponeive,es Its cost !t p 10
s� x,{ Bottle or on
NpalleA�sl of Woo to t
Z �� r,
��uu Mfg
,4; 0�� g, Co,London,
kb ®® ®4
-, 4°Q SURE
ti' �''' .' del.
• ,',• n a, a, +„-W-1.twt+ip,lnlr.s!YrvMY + '''4°, -.• +dal -s; W ,) :'
nOW ,strike .Lor your
have a great moor friends hare. With
what then wear and what: they oat ; and
A a iii. coca
Was ,,58,000. pAokages, s, 4 p 5 i