The Brussels Post, 1898-7-8, Page 5JULY S, 1898 BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER t ole F S. 00'L"L l lunw , ,s cont.11 nail, MoCRACI e" TimmoMarriage Licenses, ic ansas, O Ll1oo a4 his Otoculy,rurubolny Wawa, Broome. RN . 'L'ounoxinl Artiot' fib op—Next door Ladle Wand0l)Udr0nshairouLLiuga ooltlty 'YPIAN 0 OR OItOA.N. 1 rales Joan Matnnol lin,Plt In of 0, L, [, Harris, Musical Doctor, of the Conserv- atory Ua serv- ata•) 00Music, 11 tun llton, Cord ata, i g pro. piano give Li,a to pupils on either tonna 01organ. Special m46eitgiven to 10111110. Lessons given either at 1110 1 h .01 lout es of pupils or at teachers name, 11 ROBERT CUNNINGHAM mattock, • FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETCHER Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT wnL11Y Sronz. t:No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels ALEX. IIUNTP,R, Clerk of the Fourth Division Ooux 00. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and In0urence Agent. Funds OUloe inG to Block,Drtu0selena mode AUCTIONEERS. � S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - A.• 111sn, will sell for bettor prions, to Dotter mon is ass onto and leas charges thou any other Auctioneer in Past Duron or be won't obnlge anything., Doles nod orders can 'always be arranged at title officio Or by personal application. VETERINARY. D. WARWI011, ey • Honor Graduate of the Ontario at diseases of College.01101iatucl nimalsared ainta oom- patent manner. 7001108lar attention paid to veterinary dentistry. cal la pren1.Lly et• tennorted to. th of bridgeC PUlllberlY st ,yBrUSsele0 and Inrmar—Four d001'n LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. VVI M. SINOLAIR, BARRISTER • Solicitor, Convey'ancer,NotaryPub- noiLh of Central Roto oi.o Solicitor 1 door for the Staudanl Bank. (1.F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • VI • solicitor, fin. (late of Gnrrow & Proudloot's 01110e, 0odorich,) 0Mee over Giltlos & Smith's Ban11, Brussels. 41 Money to Loon. xi- G. CAMERON, til• (Formerly of Cameron, Bolt & Cameron,) 13 arrister and Solicitor, Goderioh, Out. Omoo—HOmiltou 6t., Opposite Ool borne Hotel, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, AI, D„ 0. M., Trinity Uniyereity, Fellow Trio - Hy Medical College, Member College of Phy. eioious and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the lioyal College el Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery, led1nbnrgh. 1L -Telephone N o.14. Residence, Mill St., Brussels. E. T. SNIDER, M. D., 0. M„ successor to Dr. A. McKelvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col - logo of Pnysicinns and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and children a spooial1y, Bight yours' experience. f.-011100 and reg. ideue0 that formerly 00cupied by Dr. Me- Xolvoy,'L'urnborry street, Brussels, 20 - DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, PII7SICIAN, MORON AND AC001O1ILIIR, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO, let Oleos Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Torou to), Queen's (Kingston), and of Trinity Medical Collage; Follow of Trinity Medical College and member of the College of Physlciaus and Surgeons of Ontar- io. host Graduate Course in Detroit and Ohleago,1800. 8110110,1 attention paid to dis- eases of Tye, Har, Tose and Throat, and dis- easesof Women. 1.3'oonenitation to 17ug- lisb and Gunton. Telephone at residence. 'BOARS FOR SERVICE.—TIIE undersigned will keep for service, on Lot 5, Oon. 6, Croy, a thoro' bred improved Yorkshire boar and a tboro' bred largo Bug. Bah Berkshire hog. Pedigrees 0119 be aeon on application. Terms 61.00,;to bo paid et time of service, with privilege of returning if mammary. AttT1Ul1 SMITH 10.1* Proprietor. BULLS FOR SERVICE,--TIIE undersigned will hoop for service on L' bred Here- ford 10,bull ° 16 Gee. the thaxo b n fortWore'trod Dur- r ball. P1011, Alan a 11 Der- ham bull. Both are exceptionally paid lino a 1800 privilege lof to be mid Jan, lot, , 6 1 143. wick pliviofETURNB if necessary, 11.1 OLIVERL1TU1tN11Prop Proprietor, Afore. Afton, yr 000'0 Phosphodble, The Great Lcnglfxk 110»0015(/. Sold and recommended by al drnggiste in Canada. Only reli able mediolne discovered. eta packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of shoat or excess, Mental Worry Ii1xoossive use of To, bead, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt 0f 50106, 0110 paokage $1, six, 55. One 0111510500 (1ztaa10011.0, Pamphlets free to any addreet. Tito Wood Companp, Windsor, Ont, Sold in n remote by G, A, DHADMAN, D runlet, 13ookoollen & 01,1101011, IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for sorvioo on Lot 20 Oon. (1 Morris, the tha00'•b1od fin - proved Yorkshire Boar, 'Oak Lodge Long- fellow," No, 8480, bred by X,17, lirethous, Bur. ford, 10 which a Mailed Number Of sows will be Wien. Tories, 81.00, tc bo paid tat time of service with privilege of returning If ma- mmary, eo�0ooyy lcigi1aiorlftbelilg115cieewlw1lod a prl00q0 to snit the Ones. 21` 310137. 1NICI.IOfa Proprietor. i t r tli twirler. Mies Elton liuesoll lufb on 'Tuesday of last week for Dauphin, Man„ Atr0, Thee, Pierce and A'Irs, Mose 15500 1110 gurgle nE friends in Ethel. Rev. R. 7. Garbutt, L. L. 13„ the now Methodist pastor, arrived in town last week. Geo. Barber is oreoting an addition to his residence on Martin and Wellington streets, Jno. W. Toner, who line been at'ond- '0 g the Central Bueino0s (/allege, Strat• ford, boo returned home, 1), L, Morten is enlarging hie mei- deuce on Wellington and Martinareas by the addition of a kitchen. Iiev. (alhmart and (laughter, of (linna4ti, Ohio„ aro at present 111 town, the guests of Postmaster Perkins. J. E. Hunt returned on Monday of last weak, from Manitoba, where the had been with a oar load of horns. Airs, Rev. A. B. Varney left on Wed• needay morning of last week for Elm. vale, to attend the bedside of her aged father, John 0100110. The old gentle- man is very ill, sad as he is over 88 years of age, very alight hopes are enter. tained for his recovery, Rev, Jno. S. Fisher left on Monday of last weak to take his charge ab Lambeth. During their three years' residence at Gerrie the rev. gentleman and his amiable partner mado many lasting frieude, who will always be pleased to hear of their continued prosperity. Riding bioyoles on sidewalks is forbid- den in Blyth. The fine is $5.00. Mrs. 11. S. Hays and children, of Sea - forth, are visiting at the residence of Wm. Shane. Mre, 10. W. Kernngbnn and baby, of Detroit, are visiting at the residence of the formor'e brother, T. •7. Huaketep, Bev. T. E. Higley will preach a ser- mon to the Orangemen in Trinity church, Blyth, on Sunday, July 10th, at 8 p. m. Mrs. Joseph Taman, sr., has returned from n three weeks' visit bo her daugh- ter, Mee. W. 7i. Irwin, at Albion, Mich„ Afire. 11. D. Dunbar, of Hillsboro, Texas, is at present paying to lengthy visit to her parents, Hugh Manuarrie and wife. SUDDEN Dzrrlr.—A sod and sudden death took plane in Blyth on Monday afternoon of last week, about 5 o'clock, when 11[re. B. L. Tanner was called to her heavenly borne without n moment's warning. Deceased, along with her daughter, Mrs. Powell, had only it few minutes before called at the home of the late Chief Davis and was returning to her own home when the sad event hap- pened. She was alone at the time, Mre. Powell having parted with her just a moment before. When Mrs. Tanner ar- rived at the corner opposite her own home she remarked to Thos. Crawford, who was passing, that she bad a terrible pain about her heart. The words were uo sooner uttered when she threw up both hands and sank to the sidewalk —dond. Willing hands soon oarried her home and medical aid was sent for, but the vital epnik bad fled from the body that only a few moments before appear- ed full of life and vigor. The doctors pronounced the cause of death heart failure. Deceased wits in the 08th year of her age, and bad always enjoyed good health for one of her years, and had never made any complaints about her heart troubling her. She was a resident of Blyth for the past ten years and made many friends by her cheery, kindly dis- position. Before ooming to Blyth she resided in Alvinston, and was the widow of the late Jahn Tanner, who died in 1884. She leaves behind to mourn her loss three sons and three daughters, viz ;-0. E. Tanner, Sarnia ; P. W. Tan- ner, Stratbroy ; and Dr. 3. A. Tanner, Blyth ; Mre. Thompson, Attica, Indiana; Mrs. Luoae, Toronto ; and Mre. Powell, Blyth, and several grandchildren. Tee funeral took plane at 3.60 p. m, on Tues- day, from her late home to the G. T. R. station, and from there the body was taken to Warwick, her old home, and buried in the family p101 on Wednesday afternoon. Previous to the funeral leay. ing her home here, Rev. T. E. Higley, rector of Trinity ohuroh, of which de- ceased was an honored member, eon - ducted a short service. Loa cltnovv. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hall and family have left for their new ohargo at the Nile. • The Orangemen at Luakaow and visit. ing brethren will attend service in the English church on Sunday, July 10th, at 11 a. tn. Rev, John Loaroyd, of St. Mary's, the new minister cosigned to the church hero, preached in the Methodist oburch on Sunday. A couple of praobical furniture men were in the village looking over the plant of the Central Lrnrcituro Co. with a view of purchasing the factory. The Odd Fellows' pic•nio to the Black Horse Lake on Friday last was one of the most enjoyable affaire ever hold at this beautiful pleasure resort. 41 pupils from Luoknow and the sur- rounding townships were writing at the Entrance examinations to the High echooi last week eek in the school hare. Mre. Wallwin Rev, I. 13. Wallwin, and M s and children ]eft by the early train on Thursday moriing of last week foe their future home in Leamington. There was a large crowd of Mende at the station to see them off. Walter Stewart, of Luoknpw, has been awarded the contract for erection of the new mann for Rev.11. Fairbairn atiDun• inon. Amount of lding is to be mpletedton Dor I bef butore Nov. let, 1808. A large number of invited friends spent a very pleasant evening at the residence of T. S. and Mre. Reid, Boss street, in this village, on Friday evening, June 21611, it being the anniversary of their .fiver wedding. The happy couple were the r 010(10nt0 of many bonutiful and useful gift0. After partaking of the good things provided, the company ad• journal with beat wishoefoe a long and happy life in years to dome. Tho oornor•etone of the county of Brune House of Refuge was laid at Walkerton on friday, Jae 241h, with attractive military services, Cot. J. EL Scott, oommalder of the 82nd Battalion, paraded hie men for the oo0aeion, Mr. Bland, Warden of the ooutity, briefly ex- plained the pr000adings, nod Rev, D. A. Moir, pastor of •tho Methodist °birth, offered up prayer, flpeeehea woro do. TF(.is BRUSSELS POST �,' Cargill, 141. II, 1, livered by lfut ai I 1•, 13'L'ouno 0x•111 10 I' athe'Warden of the Comity Of Grey , lir. AGu'tiu, of rein• e0rdiue, and utbu gentlemen, throve S. T. Murdoch and (,c,noeillnre A. T. Uavld• son, Yi. Taylor,In1 1). McDonald c and Jno. Brown, of Lnoknow, were present at the i the stone, ceremony array ing W. it Carson line loft town to resume Ilse dialed at the Uallatiu National Bunk, New York, IIerman Large hie left town for Saga. naw. Mich„ where lie will have ohargo of a dotateaaloeto er. dentist'e aloefort ho S t tm , 3. 11. MoDonald has rented the store he menthe purchased from ant. Melia to John Torrance who will 000npy it with his launtrYbnsinsoa. A Cr. llaotedo, who hie been accoun- tant In the Banti of Hamilton hero for 01)010 time, has been promoted to the po. 0iti0n or manager of the Ohosley branch. George Draper, of this town, has eao• ceesfnlly passed hie final examination in taw. Alter he bas been milled to the Bar in September next be intends returning to Listowel to open an Oleo here, Mies Jessie Olimie, B. A., of Windsor Collegiate Institute, has beau granted e year's leave of abeeno wh(oh ape will spend in Germany. Miss Climie goes to Eberewnlde near Berlin where the greater part of the year will be spent. Rev, Dr. Williams went to Flesberton last week to meet his brothers and sisters at their annual gathering which took place thio year at the residence of Mre. Richard Stone in that neighborhood. These family reunions hove followed each other for tunny years, and aro al. ways large and interesting. There were 02 pupils writing at the ex. aminations last week in the High school, of which 24 were for the Public School Leaving and 08 Entrance examinations. This is 10 per cent larger to number writ- ing this year than last. Mr. Philips, Principal of the High school, and Mre. Austin, of the Pnblio school staff, assist. ed by two other teachers, were the pre- siding examiners, Al the regular meeting of the Listowel Dairymen's Board of Trade by it vote of 17 to 5 the report of she special commit - toe appointed to revise the rules was adopted, and the new rule w00 ordered to be incorporated among the rules of the Board. The recotnmendatione of the committee were to the effect that the cheese should be boarded and Bold on the Board by the alo0e call system only, end on Fair day only, and that the salesmen should sign an agreement binding them to observe this rule tinders forfeit of $25, except when an cheese having been sold in the regular way was rejected by the buyer,euoh cheese to be sold at any time and plane. A list of factories to bo included under this rule was drawn up and it was recommended that it include as well all ealesmou who become main. bene of the board and all buyers who operate on the board. The rules will re- main in forge till repealed. The buyers present all voted in favor of adopting the new rules laid the feeling was very gen• oral among the salesmen that some each condition was necessary in order to carry on successfully the business of the Board. Some of the salesmen remained neutral, being quite willing to fall in with the new rule if it be operated sucoesefully, others were doubtful about the wisdom of adopting the rule and five of them voted against i1, some of whom, however, expressed themselves afterwards as being willing to give the matter a fair trial and to accept the benefits derived therefrom, if successful. ,1 tWOOd. Miss Annie Giddine has left for Mani- toba where she will visit her brother Samuel at Souris. John A. Turnbull and deughbor Laura left on Monday of last week on a two month's visit to Manitoba and the West. 101 people from this locality joined the North Perth Farmers' Institute excursion to the Modal Farm Monday morning of last week. !Rev. Mr, Ball and frmily left for Kirk - ton, their new circuit, Wednesday of last week. They drove over, while their household goods went by train. John W. Boyd had two valuable awe killed. They bad wandered on to the railway track and were killed by it pass. ing train. It is it serious las to Mr. Boyd. The members of the Atwood Methodist choir met at James Donaldson's reeidenoe and presented one of their number, Mise Edith Ball, with a handsome Dopy of the Bible and Methodist hymn book, in recoguibiou of her services to the choir during the past three years. Mies May Adams read the address, and Mies Lizzie Switzer made the presentation. Some evil -disposed scamp placed a pump log 001000 the sidewalk opposite Pelton's pump shop Late on Tuesday night of last wook with the object doubt• less of causing a smaob•np to a certain party's bieyolo who was to have passed that way. The plan miscarried ae re- gards the party it was intended for, but Will. Hoar unfortunately ran into the log smashing the front wheel of hie new bicycle, besideelenstainiug a revere fell. Rev. Mr. Fear, the new Methodist pastor, and family arrived with thele household effects from ivlfiverton an Wed- nesday afternoon of lase week. A hearty reception was tendered them at the par- sonage the avenin Mr, Zeal er, sonage in g n ill take u his who resides with Ute eon, w p residence in Atwood in the house lately vacated by 13. W. Zieman and family, the latter having removed to his residence over the store, Tho ladies of the Methodist church did a kindly and deserving at on Monday evening of last week in presenting the first Indy of their congregation, Mre. (Rev.) John Ba11, with a puree, jardiniere and stand, fruit Llish and cheese dish in recognition to her labor of love among them during the past three years. Aire. I. 3. Johnston read the eddeeas, and Mrs, G. F. Thompson made the presentation on behalf or the ladies of the oougregation, to which Mr. Bail made an appeoprlat0 reply in behalf of Mrs. Ball, AOCIDnNT.-0u Wednesday evening of tat week as Rev. Mr. Ball w00 driving out of hie yard, the h0r0e made a spring to one side, the rig striking the gate and ernaahing the wlifiletree, a portion of it ettiking Mr. Ball a terrible blow in the right eye, whleh bled profusely, but eteengs to add the eye wag not put out ar the pupil broken, although the atone of the injury t0 the sight 00111alne to be seen. Notwithstanding the hard May and his eight blurred with blood, he pinokily hold on to the 110011on0 animal until it had cooled down Mnllioiontly to bo unhitched from the volliolo which wa0 more broken, 1) a Uro en A U eeofo at• a tended to the injured oyo and the neon. Bary malting Ilnimente applied tv keep dawn 'dwelling and inllannnatiod. Air. 73a11 elating he oanea out of the eye, . 1sight is net tial 'o prove 4hnt the which gond, but the danger of losing the eight fe r' r great notwithstanding, s0 v sitive le tike organ to the effects o[ygen. n se. are bruise and Inflammation which is liable to follow. 1.`eceter. Broad has taken a drop. 35 tickets were sold here for the 5. 0, 1'. oxoureion to Sarnia. badly A hound owned by S. Fitton leas blly melded by enmeunknown person tBrow• ing hot water an it. n been sobs rnin \ u ale whohas toe r t Wm. Pa ) g Y, Country forth poet tow ear in the Old Oo ua e 1seam, is again shaking hands with old friends, Rev W &tollonagh, of Stratford, will proaoh a epeoial sermon to the Orange. men of Exeter and surrounding oounbry on Sunday, July 10111. Mre. (Dr.) Willoughby, of Regina, is on an extended visit to friends hero. Be. fore returning she:will visit her parents and other relatives in Peterboro'.. Ohne. Tom, of British Columbia, formerly a resident of Exeter, spent a few days with friends in town. 110 is home on a visit to tie father in Ayr who is at present very ill. John Mitchell has purchased ten acres of land from Wm. Bowden situated neer the depot ; also Kr, Bradt purchased five acres of the 00me property. The price paid in each case was $45 au acre. Olin ton. Some person has been mean enough to take a couple of bouquet holders from a grave in the cemetery. The Ontario and Rattenbury street schools will hold a onion pia nfo at Gude. rich on the 14th of July. Chief Wheatley has a rose tree with 200 rosea in bloom and a couple of hum• dyed more to blossom. The Sarnia excursion tuns 1101 as welI patronized as in years past, only 30 tickets being sold here. Arthur Couch has bought oat the inter- est of his partner, Charlie Wilson, in the batohoring business, and will conduct the business himself. At the meeting of Huron Synod J. Raneford was elected a lay delegate to both the General and Provincial Synod, and ileo a member of the Executive Com- mittee. B. Joyner had new potatoes to sell on June 2511, which is exceptionally early. Ide says the crop is not going to be a heavy one, the growth going to tope more than tubers. Among the euooessful students at the filet year examination in the Toronto Conservatory of Music wee Miss Mamie llonston, daughter of Prinoipal Houston, of the Collegiate. The Baptists of Clinton and the base line have extended a call to Rev. Mr. Murdo*k, of Teeswater, which he 00000 - ed, but the change cannot take plane u0• til about the 1st of August, in which ease Mr. P0000k will supply. Sias the oompletion of the granolithio walks at Willis Presbyterian church, the grounds have been levelled and terraced, giving them a pretty appearance ; the property looks much more valuable by the improvements that have been made. Stapleton Salt Works, which has been running fill time for several months, have closed done as the stook on hand is more than eoflioient to supply the de• mond. It is expeoted that the Works will start up again in the course of a month or eo. Through some misunderstanding, the meeting of municipal clerks called for the 2011 and 30tH ulte., resulted in a failure. A few of the clerks turned up in the morning, and finding so few here went home ; and then those who turned up in the afternoon did likewise. J. Seat has effected a change in hie legal business by., the introduntion as a partner of E. H. Mal0enzie, eon of 11, W. McKenzie, merchant, of Goderich. Mr. McKenzie is highly spoken of as an native and capable, young man, who has received la careful framing in; the science and prao1ioe of law in the office of the nvel1 known 'firm of Garrow Sc Prondfoot, where he was for some time managing clerk, and of the Toronto Law School. Donner FAoronv.—George Sage and John Ford have charge of the engine, which is kept running night and day to supply the day kiln, and thus prepare material for the factory when it am - maws to run. When the factory gets under way, the entire etaff will be re- quired to work three hours overtime to apply orders. The oflioe will be remov- ed from the Perrin Block to the oom• mations room especially fitted up in one of the now buildings. A limited staff of hands was put to work on Monday to re• build organs, and already have material ready for one hundred ORM ; the staff will be ineren0011 just as quickly as it is possible to put them to work. • George Qurdman, of Oorintb, was kill- ed at St. Thomas while trying to board a moving train. Samuel Peebles, ex•Reove of Minto, wasseverely injured at a barn raising near Harrietoo. A young woman named Julian, aged 20, of Montreal, was drowned while bat- ing 1)t Highgateh;ate S nriags• The sectionmen of the Canada Allan. tie Railway end Ottawa & Parry Sound Railway to the number of 500 went on 0teille for higher wages. W. tiring, binokemith, Webbwood, Al. goma, and A. Miller celebrated the boll. day by going hunting. Kring mistook Miller for game and shot him dead. Buggies and Wagons Always on hand and away clown in price to suit the times. I can give you a buggy for the next two months, second to none, in the town for either quality, finish or style, for SM. If you want a Buggy yon will find it to your interest to call and see my stock and you will say my statement is correct. LINO. WYNN, CA10I\IA(it7 MAKER. HAVE YOU P9 Looked in ou r Show Window dow Lately ? Have you read my Advertisement 7 !lav you glanced in our store to see the New Dross Goods, New Trimmings, New Prints New Silk and Cotton Lases, Now Gloves Now Parasols Now Shirtings, New Cottonados ? Everything New for Spring. lath Grocery Department You will find everything Frost in Canned Goode and at old Prices. Teas and Coffees a Specialty, Agent for Parker's Dye 1Vorks. J. G. Skene. McLEOD'S System Renovator —AND 01101111 -- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Paipita. tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplaiot, Neur. algin, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con - gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Disease, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. sold by Jag, Fox. Druggist, Brunelle. TAILORINO! M. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. 1 SUop in Barfield Block. A. COUSLEY Real Estate 86 Loan. AGENT, BRUSSELS, Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire cf Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. COUSLEY Moe over Deadman'. Drug Store, BRUSSELS. NEW W utcliell Silop 1 The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the BM BLOCK, 8111111114 where lie will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. S. WALICE11 Meat delivered to all parts of the town. I Cnsg1 PATI) FDA Hans. . — --�' �.. i,•.J 1 , n Q7 r! ..---"_rte i�;i =c......)1...:.:, (�11'tw�i"Lx '�J k+47• �,: 6' , "What's a shoe for?" a T j fji t "To cove the foot?" x , „ that- dill „,� „ „ tfor a mo No cent says '.lin , s1 s I J Foot. Well I not," eltivera (• IV 1f n!EE'� 9 s, 11 ' i guess Cold Feet. "to sell „ chuckles Dealer under its )f nett. PO V'II' o!' Slater Shoe bluntlyputs 7 1 Now'ou =lie,. cries Corny Toe, c'us any size," sings al I3unlon Joint. "Who'd a thought it," whined Bun h txs. Are yon — shoe wearer. Feet littera are the genuine, Goodyear welted, stamped on the sole ;$3.1x1, 54(1(1 and $5.uo per pair. C.1TALOGU "The C P Slater Shoe." /arc. 11 lemouseaseer•.---Tiitiiiiiitobeisiteliatst. toner.. Jno. Dowding, - Sole Local Agent. HINCLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT Tun Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on band or made to order at Short Notioe. Estimates Furnished • for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, BRUSSELS PHIYIP WORKS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and enrrounding district that I have pnr- ohased the Pump Busioees of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. t '0rdere taken for the Diggiug of Wells and Cisterns. Gomer Green, MILL STREET, BRUSSELS. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Coe: a Colton Cool Cum - pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, p1110 and imitations are dangerous. Pelee, No. 1, 11 per box; No. 3,10 degrees stronger, 88 per box. No. Lor 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8•eent stamps. The Ont, nsold and recommended AllreeponolbleDrugglete in Canada, Noe. 1 and 2 sold in Brussels by G. A. DDADaOAN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty et 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. P10081 will make' a well mall of YOU! 011000 010050000'100 00083 RESUME IN POOR moors. P1003I corse an Nervobe Lleoeooa etoapleee. nose. Failing Memory, 0100117 081ealona Oporm0. torrh000. Impotency. ata., awned by poet abaft {• quickly 01 oueodtiN torus Lori t00xu000 00 old or F 006. Cee PI04.114-1,5210.3.91";,=p7 and peppy 0811tH. See and d veolyst .poled cket. .from e, El a p00 Seen; U. en nom pocket Price, di a pn1 106 al,: for ett rend money In letters ethm ordinary 0, tbr, do00101 110000(nli tto J. 1 101 ]S1)0. ed letter. wooDeTOGRq ONT., Aaont for the DO• mlafon of Canada Who MakesYour Clothes? E. V. DU.L`tJ.: ORD, THE ONLY High Class Tailor and Furnisher in Brussels.. LEADER IN Worsteds, Serge., Cheviots and Fine W000lene. HATS for boys and mon at popular prioee, from 50o to $2.50. NECKWEAR—All the newest effects in Knots, Derby., Bowe and Flowing Ends, SUSPENDERS that will bold you forever. In fact everything that can be found in a drsb•olaes Tailoring and Furnishing Establishment can be found here at prime to suit the times. E. C. D U N F O R D. DON'T READ THIS AD and thea throw away this paper before yyou conclude you areloci losing DAIRY SUPPLIES from ns. We are money by not buying Yonr rpersonwith Dair Oane prepared to supply every Y Pails, Mills Pans and Tinware off all kinds at prices aaoording to quality. ,,• LGraniteware of all kinds, FIA RDIVARE Having pot in a etoolt of Spades, Hhavels, �J lJ . Forks, 8ca„ of aha beet gnalfty wo solioft your Patronage. Paint Your House with the best weather and water proof Paint in the market, We bell it. Screen boors and Windows on hand and mado to order. The best line of Cook Stoves to choose from. Eaveirou limy aruZ Repairin1 promptly attended to,,,, N. B.—W'ait for our wagon, it will call on you for your truck its lit- few days. Wilton & Turnbul