HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-7-1, Page 8POISONED.
This is what happens
the Potato Bugs when our
Best English Paris Green is
used. Same old price,
25 Ots per Ib.
1f You Want to Koop Cool
•and enjoy life treat yourself
to one of our Fans. We
have them at
Everything to kill Flies at
our Drug Store.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Express 7:10 a.m. I Mail 2'10 p.m
atxed 0:46 a.m. Express 10:10 p.m
rug Pb3s gums.
A. ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Guam peas.
Smoot, is out.
DOm1NIOx Day.
Faure prospects are fairly good.
ANOTHER wedding is on the program.
S&NOLE fare on the G. T. R. for July
COUNCIL meeting next Monday evening
at 8 o'clock.
BRUsemms will Bend a large delegation
to Wroxeter on Dominion Day.
S. J. Gime has had Page wire fenoe
ereoted in front of his residence.
verandahs at bis residence renewed.
Sone of onr boys at London don't
think camp life is all it is cracked up to
A DISPLAY of beautiful flowering plants
is to be seen in the window of A. Cur-
rie's butcher shop.
A my of sport will probably be given
in Brussels some time in August.
Watch out for the date.
BRUSSELS demands and has a right to
expect better railway connections and
facilities for passenger traffic.
olTHE I. 0. 0. F. District Lodge was
held in the Lodge room of Western Star
on the afternoon of Thursday of last
GEO. Owns disposed of a thorn' bred
jersey cow tad'. F. Nevins, of Blytb, at a
good figure. The cow was delivered on
TROs. BALLANTYNE'S meth prized pug
dog went to dogdom on Tuesday of this
week. The animal is supposed to have
got bold of poison some place.
J. G. SIIENE has a bed 12 foot square of
sweet peas that are beginning to flower
beautifully with a number of the very
prettiest varieties. The geranium in his
store window has attracted the lovers of
the beautiful.
IF anybody notices Geo. IInlliday's
blank eye they need not be afraid to speak
of it as it was from a collision with a
base ball and had nothing to do with his
being a married men or the Master of the
Masonic Lodge.
F. S. Scowl sold lot 11, con. 2, Grey,
for Alex. Ross to John MoBwan, of
Turnberry, for the sum of $8,400, There
was 100 acres in the farm. We would
like to see Mr. Roes and family become
residents of Brussels.
GEORGE ZIomrER writing from Kilma•
neigh, Michigan, in remitting bis sub.
eoription to THE POST Saye :—Our orope
could not look much better. Hay is goad
and some of the farmers are busy nutting.
Corn and potatoes are doing well. A re.
cent heavy rain and wind storm knocked
down a lot of wheat and the probabilities
are that it will not amount to much as
the grain will not rise.
THE Clinton New Era of last week
says :—The Brussels Herald, whioh has
had a straggling existence ever since ft
started, was this week closed up under a
chattle mortgage. There never was any
ocoaeion to start a eeoond paper in Brue•
sole,for there oertainly isn't room for
two in a village of 1,100 population.
The Herald has had four different pro.
prietors in four yeare, an evidence in
itself that the bueinees was not paying.
LleoowEL Banner speaks of our excur-
sion as follows :—The Tarnberry and
East Huron Agriooltieral Societies' ex.
oureion to the Guelph Model L'arm oame
down from Kincardine on Monday morn•
ing last and ooneieted of 26 ooacbee, ten
on the regular and 15 on a epeoial. When
the train reached Guelph there were 2186
passengers on board. The large attend.
antis on these excursions shows the in-
terest which the -farmers are taking in
Ontario's Model Farm and these tripe
not only give the exoureioniete a pleasant
outingbut enable the farmers to follow
with interest the valuable work done on
the Model Farm throughout the year,
BETxnn Titers Spann WANTE0.—Tale
Lietowel Standard of last week says
Lietowel Council is aiding the movement
to have the evening train on the London,
Huron and Bruce Division of the G, T.
R., which now stops over night at Wing.
ham, run through to Palmerston, re.
turning in the morning. This would
give the muob needed accommodation
asked for. As the trains are now run, it
le imposeible to go trona Listowel to At.
wood, Bennis, or any outer point on the
Kincardine or L. 0. & B. branobee North
of the Stratford and Goderioh line and
return the same day. As the change
asked for would not entail any great
additional expense, it is to be hoped that
the 0. T. R. Co. will eon1ttly with it, and
thus remedy a real grtovence of the
travelling public.
BASS fishing.
Sox menthe of 1898 gone elready,
DounoOoN Day will be a Bank holiday.
Tim school teaohere' holidays have be.
Soe000L 130A11D Friday evening of next
Tun Dominion of Canada Is 31 yeare
old today.
A inure coating of gravel is being put
on the road North and South of Brussels.
It needed it.
Seivoatx, Brunets Manahan atteuded
the funeral of Constable Davie at Blytb
on Tuesday afternoon.
Co. Oom 1ISSIONEo AINOLEV was in town
on Wednesday on his way to sae some
bridges and other work in Grey township.
J, O. Tuck is 000k for Co. 6 at London
camp ao if the neoeseary food is provided
the boys should are all right with Jake
as caterer.
Anrxs'r Bentsen photographed the Odd
Fellows' procession RS fl wended its way
to the cemetery Thursday afternoon of
last week.
SEND the looal and district news to
THE Pose, It is always welcome and we
are grateful to those who aid us in this
important matter.
Oui Base Ball team will play Cargill
at Wroxeter on Friday afternoon of this
week. Brussels and Wroxeter have a
set-to on the same afternoon.
Tom BLootxoxoxn leaves this week on
his third trip across the Atlantic this
season. Ole goes with a consignment of
horses for George Turnbull, of Seaforth.
TDRE.—On Saturday, July 9111, at 2
o'clock, F. S. Scott, Aaobioneer, will sell
the household furniture, stove wood, &o.,
of the Misses Scott, at their residence,
Frederick street.
CHANGE OF DATE•—Owingto next reg.
ular meeting of Brussels C. 0. F. coming
on July 12th the Court decided to meet
on Monday evening, llth inst. As busi-
ness of a financial character, important
to all, will be discussed, every member of
the Court is asked to attend without fail.
Will the brethren make this change as
widely known as possible.
Al[ONG the G. T. R. shipments this
week were 2 oars of cattle by Clegg &
Dames ; a car by Scott & Jones ; and a
oar by Koffman ; a car of tow by Living.
sten Bros.; and 6 oars of salt by the
Enterprise Works. No less than 20,•
000 pounds of way freight were unloaded
at Brussels on Monday afternoon. No
wonder the hands bad to work hard and
the train was late. In incoming freight
was a oar of shingles from Port Moody,
B. 0., for P. Ament and a car of tile for
agent Kendall.
ExA]IINATIONs.—Taeeday the Entrance
and Public School Leaving examinations
commenced, Mise Robertson, of Wing.
ham, and Principal Plummer, of Blyth,
presiding at Brunets. In the Entrance
clava there were 46 candidates, 20 girls
and 26 boys. For the Leaving 85 pupils
wrote, 17 of the number being males and
18 females. The papers were medium
difficult. Next week Principal Cameron
will go to Wingbam as presiding exami.
ner for the Primary and Principal Mac -
grove will come to Brussels.
OBITUARY.—About 5 o'clock last Satur•
day morning the spirit of an old Ben.
setae, in the person of Robt. Kerr, pas-
sed away to the great beyond. rarely.
els was the cause of death. Deceased
first saw the light of day in
Harmonook Co., Ireland, about 69 years
ago, and came to this country when gaits
young. He was nnited in marriage 23
years ago to Mrs. Angus McDonald, tnee
Mies Alexina Buchanan, who survives
him with four children. Mr. Kerr was
r mof
for a number of years a member the
L. 0. L. Order. The bereaved family
yave the sympathy of the community in
the loss of hesband end father. Funeral
took plane on Monday afternoon, Rev.
Mr. Abey coadooting the service. The
pall bearers ware W. H. McCracken, Jno.
Wynn, Geo. Beaker, Robt. Graham,
Walter Smith and Thos. Maxwell. D.
McDonald, of Marton, Mrs. Horton and
Robt. Kerr, of Seafortb, and Mr. Mo -
Donald, of Blyth, attended the funeral.
QUER.—Alexander of old linked the whole
creation of his day and then had a crying
bee because there were no other people to
hammer. Brussels Base Ball nine will
soon have to follow Alex's example as
they have defeated Milverton, Blyth,
Wingham, Clifford and Kincardine and
in none of the events were their oppon-
ents hardly a good second. The last
game was played on Viotoria Pack here
with Kinoardine on Friday. After the
oat -hauling they gave onr lads at the lake
shore we were a little dubious of the re•
suit but bad it not been for a substitu-
tion of pitchers in the 6th innings by
whiob the visitors piled up 9 rune it
would have really been a walk -over for
Braseels. Kinoardine plays goad clean
ball and has a cracking good battery in
NoOabe, the one arm piteher, and "our
own" Bob Ross, but at the aloes of the
4th innings the score card showed Brus-
sels 14 ; Kinoardine 8, and after the big
6th the visitors only soored 6 in the re -
maiming 4 innings, totalling them 17 to
Brunets 20 with a half innings to the
good. Neither teams played e, ober game
although there were numerous bright ex•
hibibions whioh evoked hearty applause,
Here is the score :—
Battasme. R 0 TfoloOAuo1NE, R 0
Strebton,9b 4 2 Molntyre eb 5 1
Brawn o 3 3 btoSarqutar, 013, 8 3
Bows, lit 0 4 Fifs,11 1 4
MsOariney, se ... 3 3 Oardnw, so 1 s
Ourrie,11 2 1 Cunningham, sf, 1 3
Scott, of 4 2 4tuaut. rt 2 4
Beaker,rf 1 4 10205,0 1 1
Thomson, 21) 2 2 Bruce, lb 2 4
Grower, p 1 3 McOabe,p 1 4
20 24 17 27
1 2 S 4 0 0 7 e 9
Brussels.,.... ......... G a 1 0 1 1 4 0* -20
Xinoardine ..,.., ,. 1. 1 1 0 9 0 1 3 1-17
"Billy" Grewar can pitch OS good ball
with a stiff neck as the most of fellowe
can without that variety.—MoOabe never
attempt; to ostch a ball with bis left
hand.—Harry James umpires as he
thinks right whether people like it or
lump ib.—Some oft the. old "Clippers"
know how to play ball yet and can catch
either standing up or lying down. If you
want the recipe see Andy Carrie, --,"Re•
member the Maine" boys on Dominion
Day and don't let those Cargill obaps
trounce you. They play a "gassy" game.
—A few more vistoriee and we predict
that J. 8, ROSS, Noble Gerry and a few
more of the old time hangers will be sky-
larking toned the diamond.—Kinoardine
boys area gentlemanly lot and are in
marked content to some of the players
Who visit Brussels.—New suite would get
e •f the did not get to
our fellow up t y g
cooky over their good olothea,—'Ws won't
gay any more until after Friday,
THE interior of Williams' livery barn
received a new dress of wb!tewaeh this
WAI. BMenem has pnrobased a fine
squat's piano whioh 2010 placed in itis
llama last Monday.
THE dates fixed for the Nigh Court
sittinge in Goderioh are:—Jury, Oct,
3rd ; nou•jnry, Nov, 21.
Doubt= Day Bennie post.ofiios will
be open frau) 9.30 to 10 a. u1, ; 2.30 to
8.00 and 0 to 0.30 p. m.
BREAD has dropped to 6 Dente a loaf in
Brussels on account of the fall in the
wheat market, This 10 square on the
part of the bakers.
ROAD MANINa, -Everybody should read
the interesting and instructive article on
road making in this issue of THE POST.
It began last weak.
A NEW Cali board of modern arrange -
men has repined the old one in the
telephone Ohm herq and when the me•
tallio line reaobee Brussels we will bo
able to "hello" to our friends at a die•
tance with neatness and dispatch.
Tunnel: afternoon there was a speed•
ing oontest on the half mile track horses
owned by Smith ea MoLaren, P. Scott
end A. Straohan tatting part. They went
two heats and the result was close finish•
se in the order named above. The track
was in superb shape.
0. P. R. AGENT FARROW ticketed the
following paeeengers to points in Mani-
toba and North West Territories on the
excursion this week ; —airs. Neil Mo -
Lanoline, Mrs. Jtto. Forbes, George
Jackson and wife, Mrs. Henry Jaokeon,
Miss Rebeoon Jackson, Miss Skelton and
Mrs. Wm. Clark,
YoAI 1 YOU 1 1 — Monday morning the
genial George Robb, with "malice"lafore'
thought, brought to Tux POST a box of
strawberries, of the Wilson variety, the
like of which we have not seen this Bea-
son. For curiosity we measured one of
the big fellows and ascertained its 'RO-
tnde to be 511 inches and its longitude Gi
inohes. They were beauties and anybody
who would tura up their nose at fruit
like that should never be allowed to turn
it down again. Mr. Robb has our best
STnawnERRY FESTIVAL. — N0 small
amount of trouble was gone to in the ar-
rangements made for the Strawberry
Festival held at the Personage lawn last
Friday evening. There was a goodly
turn out, the gross receipts being about
540. An abundant supply of refresh.
meats was served in the shape of straw.
berries, bread and butter, ooffee, ice
cream, bauannas, &o. The town land
discoursed a number of ohoioe selections
and in addition the following program
was presented, Rev. S. 0. Alin pre-
siding :—Piano duett, Misses Norton and
MaLaucblin ; solo, Mrs. Dasa, of Strat-
ford ; tableau, "Good Night," by six lit•
tie girls ; solo, Mies Belle Smith ; red.
tation, Frank Lambie ; olub swinging,
Misses L. Sample and T. (Gerry ; solo,
Mrs. Dass ; tableau, "Red Riding Hood" ;
"Lily drill" by 16 young ladies ; tableau,
"Bee Hive." The rain coming on
caused an earlier breaking up of the tom.
o vas anticipated.
An arc elec•
trio laha t
amp illuminated the lawn.
BASEBALL, EH ? — The Wingham Ad•
says "On Friday last
and Brussels baseball teams played a
friendly match on the grounds of the
Brussels teals. After this great exbibi•
tion (7), and the tremendous score rolled
up of 18 to 81 in favor of Brussels, we
regret we poked fan at Brussels last week
and take it all bank. What happened
our boys, we cannot imagine. One in-
terested in the game says be oounted 21
errors. Wingham beat Kincardine on
May 24th, then Kincardine defeated
Wingham ; next, Kinoardine routed
BrOesels, and then Brussels defeated
Wingham, and the scores are getting
larger and longer all the tiros. Come,
Wingham, wake np ; do not let this oo-
our again." The Times of the same
town remarks:—"The Wingbam baseball
club went to Brussels on Friday last and
played a game with the team of that
town. The more was 35 to 18 in favor of
Brussels. This is a large score and
neither team oonld have been any good in
this game. The Wingbam base ball olub
is badly in need of some "fixing" or they
will need to go out of the business. We
have the material in town for a good
club and we would like to see the boys
pull themselves together and do some
I. 0. 0. F. DE000ATloN SlenvroE,—Iu
accordance with the annual custom the
members of Western Star Lodge No. 140,
L 0. O. F., Bennis, held their decor•
ation service on Thursday afternoon of
last week when the cemetery was visited
and the graves of departed brethren te-
waived a floral tribute as a token of kind-
ly remembrance. Shortly after 4 o'olook
the long pro0ession, under the direction
of Marshalls Johnston and Jackson on
horseback, started from the Lodge room,
headed by the town Band, some 80 broth.
ren being in the line. Grand Secretary
King, of Toronto, Reeve Kerr and four
flower girle, Hazel Johnston, Luella Rose,
Millie Grewar and Norma Vanstone, fol.
lowed the prooeeaion in a carriage. On
arrival at the cemetery, and after a short
introductory ceremony, the sed, yet
pleasant duty of planing the beautiful
wreaths and boquete took place in the
following order :—Mrs, 0. M. O'Connor,
Jno. Parker, Geo. Hayoroft, Mrs. Geo,
Hayoroft, Jamas Wilson, Mrs. Leokie,
Wm. Roddick, Wm, Oornisb, A, Hamil-
ton, D. A. Smale, Alex. Stewart, Donald
Scott, Dan. Scott, Mrs. Wm. Smith,
Peter Thompson, Wire. Thompson, and
Alex, Webster. After the grave had
been enoircled, and the announcement of
the name of the deceased, the wreathe
were deposited and an appropriate verse
read. A most interesting innovation
this year was that at the graves of the
ladies mentioned above the four girls
dressed in white, placed the flowers and
than sang a verse of a hymn. Ib was
cleverly done and 'was a most pleasing
part of the oeremony. Short remarks
were made by Noble Grand Maguire,
Chaplain, Rev. 3, L, Stewart ; Grand
Secretary, King ; Boos. Robertson and
Paulin, Mr. Powley and Past Noble
Grand' Kerr, land after singing "The
moot Byo and Bye," the procession re•
formed and rebarned to town. There
was a large attendance of Brueselites in
addition to the Odd Fellows. A number
of visiting brethren were present from
Wingbam and Wroxeter. In the evening
Bros, King and Powley visited bhs Lodge
at wbioh two initiations their plane,
and demonstrated the secret work of the
Order. The decoration service through.
Ont was a marked encase, and was oar.
tied through without a hitch of any kind.
Beautiful and numeroue were the floral
offoringe, and the officers and members
of Western Star return thanks for the
kindling shown in providing the flowers.
AT the Lodge of Instruction held in the )
Masonic Lodge room Thursday of last
Week F ordwiolt Lodge clemoustrated the
est Degree and Bruesele the' dud, Beath.
req were else present from Listowel and
`.l'nutoo metnb.'r3 ,f Princess Alex.
andria Clout, 0. 0. l'., Brussels, drove
to \Viughaoi lent Snuday to join their
brethren of that town in attending
nh11rob. There were 130 in the 'troops.
cion and the amnion wan preached by
Rev. Mr, Congregational minister,
After the servios High Secretary White,
of llrautford ; high Treas. Neelauds, of
\Vinahare ; and 0, Rogers, Bennie, evoke
brielly to the brethren in the Ledge
room, The vieitore were hospitably en-
tertained by the Wingliamites.
IN response to a letter written by the
Reeve to General Manager Hays of the
G. T. Be, relative to running the London
evening train on to Palmerston instead
of holding it at Wingham the following
reply was received on Tuesday after-
noon :—
Den Sm,—I have your Tetter of the
24th lust., oomplaining of aneetisfaotory
train service mud have referred same to
our General Superintendent to have the
matter enquired into fully and see what
can be done towards meeting the wishes
of your people. Yours truly,
Cn,ta, M. HAYS,
General Manager.
Friday evening previous to his It -tying
Stouttville for Brussels to take oh ,, 40 of
the Standard Bank, M. M. Brent, who
had been agent •of the Stouffville branch
for several years, was tendered 1,banquet
at the Mansion House, 63 persons sat
down to an eleganb spread after width an
interesting program of toasts and songs
was entered upon. General regret was
expressed over Mr. Brent's ooutemplated
removal and yet a hearty weloome ex.
tended to 1L, J, 111urdsu, hie successor,
who was also at the banquet, and respond-
ed to the toast "Monetary Iuebitatioue."
—A pleasing feature of the evening's en-
tertainment was the presentation of a
handsome diamond ring to Mr. Brent, by
ex -Warden Sanders, on behalf of the citi-
zens of Sbouflville, Mr. Brent feelingly
responded to the ex-Wardeu'e remarks.
The Stottffville Sentinel Bays :—"As all
know, the occasion of hir. Brent's depnr-
tnre was fraught with much regret and
sorrow, as he had especially endeared
himself to those that knew him well and
intimately, and also to those that came in
contact with him in a business way. He
had a pleasant word and smile for all,
and was still reserved, as becomes a man
in the position he 000upied here in 5touff•
Business Locals.
Wen1SLs from 540 up to $100 at A.
TRDNIce and satchels cheaper than ever.
I 0. Richards.
Tits liveliest shop in 8 Counties, King's
store, Wingham.
TUT the sale once ;
• see the orowd. G.
E. King, Wingham.
BALANCE of our dusters at reduced
prices. I, 0. Richards.
A. OMELET handles everything that is
need by a bioyole rider.
Oun butter and eggs go to King's July
and August sale, Wingham.
EVERYBODY goes to Wingham ; King's
Jolly and August sale is on,
Dm you see the Gendron bike in A.
Oousley'e window ? It's a dandy.
Reeerns in harness, boots and shoes
promptly attended to. I. 0. Richards.
GOOD, dry Amerioan corn, the beet for
feeding pnrpoees, for sale at Pose' mill.
CLEVELAND wheels are great sellers.
Six sold eine Jan. 1st, 1898. A. Coseley.
See our single harness ; a nice assort-
ment and prices very low. I. 0. Rich.
EATON not in it. We give yon a sale
and take your trade. G. E. King, Wing.
E. & D. beariugs are guaranteed for
three years. Come iu and see them. A.
BUocxne ! BU001Es !i—Welker & Smith
bas sold 50 new wheeled rigs this Spring
and to make the 100 sales they have re•
dared the price $1.00 on eaoh buggy from
now to the end of the season, The beet
will sell. We have sold 12 baggies in
Brussels right where they are beet known.
We buy in oar loads and get the best
nearly as °heap as the cheapest. We Bell
close to cost and depend more on the
quantity we sell than the big profit on a
few sales. We can't be undersold on
good work. WALEEn & SttxTH, Brussels.
HOIIESEEEEns' Ex0DnsloNo,—On the
first and third Tuesdays in June, 1808,
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail.
way will sell round-trip excursion tiokebe
(good for 21. days) to a great many pointe
to South and North Dakota and other
Western and Southwestern states, at
practically one fare for the round trip.
Take a trip West and see what an amount
of good land can be purchased for very
little money. Fnrtber information as to
rates, routes, prices of farm lands, oto.,
may be obtained on application to any
coupon ticket agent or by addressing A.
J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 2
King street, East, Toronto, Ont.
Jas. 00,0 end wife were visiting at A.
McDonald's, Cranbrook, this week.
A quiet wedding took place on Wednes.
day of this week, We wish them muoh
Few presents equal the one Mr, and
Mre. Coombe presented to their grand-
daughter, Goditha Coombe, it being an
elegant gold watch and guard, purchased
at T. Fletober's jewelry shore, Brussels.
AV al ban.
Sohoololosed on Thursday.
Samuel and Mrs. Braden, of Kinloss,
were visitors at the Parsonage during the
past week.
Rev. Mr. Tiffin will be one of the
speakers at the Blyth oirouit pia -nit on
Domin ion Day.
We were somewhab sarprieed to hear of
the decease of llobt• Kerr, of Brunelle,
who was well known here.
Leat Tuesday Messrs. Ferguson & Mol
Donald delivered 14 head of 8•yeaf.old
oattl° to Messrs. Scott & Jonee, at Ben-
nie, that would be hard to beat. They
averaged 1150 pounds. It pays to raise
the right kind of stook and it also paste to'
feed them right.
Last Friday evening the Ladies' Guild
of St. George's Atwell bald asuccessful
garden party at the home of Henry Ilam•
Ilton, There wee a good attendance and
an enjoyable In addition to Brus-
sels Vial and Drum Band, who ilisoom'°-
ed some nlioioe mufti°, Mrs. Sago gave
.._,u',T`.carx,,x, xs> :x1 2-E-7774.,
ASSETS, (Seven Million Donors) $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) • . - . • $2,000,000
Amain, in elf prinripni points in Ontario, Quebea,11Innitoba, United Stales tt•.latyland.
A General Banking Bnsinees Transmittal. Farmers' Notoe DIgoo mtLed,
Drafts Issued stud Coliootione muds on all paints,
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date o
withdrawal and oompeutded halt yearly.
Every facility afforded Gnotomoro living at distance.
several selections on the bottles. Re.
freehmeots were served in abundance.
The bbreateting rain caused a haety
olosing up.
Came REvtEw. Leet Sabbath after•
noon the Presbyterian and Methodist
Sabbath sobools joined forces in the
Methodist ohuroh at which service the
lessons of the past quarter were reviewed.
Rev. A. 0. Tiffin presided, Those who
took part were :—George Barrows, Jae.
Smillie, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Forrest, Geo.
Grigg and Alex, Gardiner. Rev. Mr.
Forrest sleo gave a short address, A
union choir lead the service of praise.
There was a large attendance and an en-
joyable time was spent.
0 L's LA. bo oo lc.
Haying is here.
School closed on Thursday.
A number of Oranbrook pupils were
writing at the Entrance exam. at Brus-
sels this week.
Baas fishing is attracting the attention
of anglers. Some fish have been caught
that weighed 4 pounds.
Cranbrook will be represented at the
Township Temperance Convention at
Ethel next Tuesday afternoon.
A good job was made of the road work
done here under the management of A.
Reymann. 260 loads of gravel was haul-
Flax is a small crop iu this locality
this year, not meth more than 100 acres
in all being sown. It is growing well,
some of the Drop measuring 4 feet al.
ready, Dull market is the reason of
email acreage.
Henry Grey, a night watchman for the
Almonte Knitting Oo„ was shot and killed
by burglars.
Jas. Edwin Hughes, of Point Sb,
Charles, drowned himself because of the
failure of a love affair.
Homios.—In Newry, on June 7th, the
wife of Mr. Fred Holmes of a eon.
LINEnem.—In Elma, on June 10th, the
wife of Dir, Jamee Lineham, of a
THORNDYRE.—In Donegal, on June 121h,
the wife of Mr. James Thorndyke, of
a daughter.
Wonsooe.—In Atwood, on June 18411, the
wife of Mr. W. H, Wilson, of a
OAt00110N.—In Ethel, on June 19th, the
wife of Mr. A. Cameron of a daagb•
Horran.—In Morrie, on June 17t19, the
wife of Mr. John Hopper, of tt dough•
SHSEL.—In East Wawanosh, on Some
1G1,h, the wife of Mr, John Shied, of
MoBunxnx.—In East Wawanosh, on
Sane 10th, the wife of Mr, Hugh Mc'
Burney, of a daughter.
Grammme—Arens.—In Atwood, on June
1651, by the Rev. J. Ball, Mr. Oliver
Gtaspell, of Fonelon Falls, to Mies
Harriet Marguerite Willoughby
Ayere, of Atwood.
FLORENCE—BROWN.—Ab the residence of
the bride's father, Grey, on Jun 23,
by Rev. Geo, Ballantyne, of Moles.
worth, Mr. William Florence, of
Toronto, to Miss Wilhelmim Brown,
of the township of Grey. •
Ames—Certmev.—In Winnipeg, on June
21st, by Rev. J. 0. Welker, Mr. John
Ames, of Winnipeg, formerly of
Morris township, Huron Oo„ to Miss
Eva A. B.only daughter of Mr. M.
M. Oardiff,, of Morris township,
VIFOND.—In Elms, on June 10th, Helen
Marjorie, only child of Wm. Vipond,
aged 1 year and 9 months.
KEnn.—In Brussels, on Saturday, Juno
26th, Robert Kerr, aged 09 years and
10 months.
Fall Wheat 76 80
Barley.....".. .......,, 80 85
Peau 45 50
Oats .... 26 20
Butter, tubs and rolls... 10 12
Eggs per dozen 8 0
Flour per barrel5 00 G 00
Potatoes (per bag) 60 75
Hay per ton 4 00 5 00
Hides trimmed 5d 5*
Hides rough 5 5
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep sltine,earth 40 40
Lamb skins each 26 25
Hoge, Live 4 80 4 85
Wool 10 17
Apples (per bag) ........ 50 60
sale or to rent iu North Brussels. Int-
lned late possession. Apply to BAR1t18T1710
0peu to all engagements .for pie-nies,
-gardenarties,celebration e, &0, ab reason•
able ratites. Geed music. L. JAO'AS0N, Seo -
rotary ; S. FULT0N , P resident,
lees of the undeveigned, on Juno 17th,a
small pig. Owoor may haRRve the sumo by
proving property , and
Ititl11a11U8 this
on Tc GENT.—Tito nndorsignod offe00
for sale or to rent timbal Story frame house
on Turnberry St'eet North of the Torrnoo,
lately occupied Street,
Ti ;Mahon, P
a 000 d U tS ofper-
5 ti1104111'.,tAuto buriio 2, 01Im'r, or the oo ifOr,
DEn51a200 has several good Feruts for
WO and to rent, any terms, in Townships
of Morrie and Grey. F 8, SUOTT,Iiruseolo
2014 SALE. --Tho tmdersiguecl otrors
WS brick residence, situate en Park lot D.,
Mary street, eruseols, for sato, There are 11
cores of land orchard, well, stable, cellar,
S0. Possession 0unld bo given et once,
41- 01111ord, P. 0.
•r1AR•M FOR SALE. -150 AORE5
Oonaistlug Of the South 1 and South 1
of the North i of Lot 30, Oou,2, Bast Wawa -
nosh. 0.`hle 1s an expellent stook farm, being
wall supplied with good spring water, It to
situated about 3 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A largo part of It is under
gross. Buildings and tenon are in afair
Maio of repair. Patsy terms of payment will
bo given.. For all Pulormatiou apply to
11-11 G. F, BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels.
muumuu offers his 100 acre farm for
sole, being Lot 22, N 1 0011.7, Morris. There
are 70 acres cleared and under Drop, belaooc
hardwood hush, There is a good frame
house with kitchen, woodshed end cellar
sompleto; bunk barn with stone stabling;
orchard, wells, and all other conveniences.
Only 4 of a mile Srotn school anti $ milds
from Brussels, Possession would be given
at once, For priori and • terms apply on the
premises or to Brussels P. 0, to
54-tf SIMON FORSY11HI,Proprietor.
JULY 1, 1898
as a floor nail will he your
Potato Bugs if you give
them a small quantity of
rare E ig1iel
Paris Greer,
25c. per pound.
non for the Flies
we have
Davis' Fly Pads,
Wilson's Fly Pads,
Insect Powder,
Shoo Fly Pads,
A T---
Fez's Drag Stere.
Q1400111) TDND0ns addressed to the 110•
dc•sigaed, and endorsed Tender fur
completion of Golerich Works." will be re-
ceived at this oaloe until Friday, 10 t11 July
next, inclusively, for completing the harbor
cud river works in course of construction at
Goderioh, Tinton County,On baric, eneording
to a plan and 5peei0oatin to be seen at the
ogles of the Town Clint, Go dori0h, ab the
office of Mr, Ir, A. Gra y Resaleut En ginoor,
Oonfedoration Life Building, Toronto, and
at the Department of Public Works Ottawa,
Tenders will not be considered unless
mads ou the form annulled and signed with
the actual signatures of toudarere.
An accepted bank cheque, payable to the
order of the Minister of Putlio Works, for
the emu of llvo thousand dollars (0,000) meat
accompany cool] tender. This cheque hill
be forfeited if the party decline the contract
or fail to complete the work contracted for,
and will bo returned in case of uou-aceept-
anOe of tender,
The Department does not hind itself to
accept the lowest or auv tender.
By oidor,
E.P. E. ROY,
—Tho undoreiguod offers his DepartmoutofPublic Work s,L
eligible 04 1000e farm for sale or to
rent, being South part of Let 0, Conoco -
Mon 12, Grey. All under cultivation, well
watered and well fended. There is a good
stone house, bank barn, orobard, wells, &e„
ou the premises. Also a splendid stone
quarry from which a good revenue is realiz-
ed. Only 21 milee from Brussels. Terms
reasonable. F'or further particulars as t0
price, dm„apply to
155.51 Brussels P, 0.
Z,f lIFfiremd1oZ.. 91rCENTRA
Al Oomtltel'cicll School of the high-
est grade—none better in the
Catalogue Free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
60 Day
' .
ExcurS cons
To the
North west
Boston .....,,
o .
isBtoeoar evao
Yorktoaw 3
orktou $
Prince AlUerE i $35
Oalgal'y if A /
Edmonton •.,,( $•• 0
CO11114 .lune 28 Returning until .lug.' :7.
(0111Rm1 or 8. $,Alberta.)
Gaing ,h.11' 111
(All Rall)
Cain •la, 14
gg y
S. ,AthaUaaca
Cetng.8011' 19. Returning nut 11 Sept. 77
(All rail or S. S. Alberta)
Return hug until Sept. 10
Foe tlokots app'yy to any Oanndtau Paeiao
Ag ut to t7 I7 aI Pl A t G
e , or . O 1005011, 98 5”.
Paean. Agen b,l litug St. Enet, Toronto,
T. FARROW, Agent, Brussels.
Interesting Prices
For -Thrifty'' People.
- We etudy the requirements of the people. We study this business from all
standpoints. It's our constant aim to give the beet possible value for the lowest
possible price. During the next few weeks—
prices will be particularly interesting. A dollar never went further than at the
present time and at this store.
Profits will Receive a Great Shock.
Look over the prices below, compare with what yon have been paying, and see
if it would not be a good idea to sell your wool for oath and buy your requirements
here. "Your money back if not satisfied."
White Wool Blankets regain pride $0 26 for $1 05
White Wool Blankets " 4 25' " 2 75
Grey Wool Blankets 41 2 50 " 1 76
Cotton Blankets " 1 00 " 75
Checked Wool Flannel " 110 " 28
Grey Flannel " 20 " 14
Woolen Yarn, 2 and 3 ply " 50 " 871
Ootbonade " 16 " 10,.
Cottoned° 20 " 15
Cottooado 25 " 20
Heavy Ameriean Shirting " 14 " 121
Oxford Shirting " 121 " 8
Toweling 5 " 4
Honeycomb Towels 80x18 8 " 5
Shirts and Drawers " 75 " 50
Shirts and Drawers 85 " 25
Flannelette Shirts 25 " 20
Tweeds in grey coloring 85 " 25
Tweeds, special 45 " 85
Cashmere, 38 in, wide, double fold, in blue,
black and brown " 20 " 12
Special lines black and cold Deese Goode, 40 " 80
White Cotton, 86 inane wide " 7 " 5
Lace Curtains, taped, 2} yards long 40 " 25
Summer Corsets 50 " 86
Men's Heavy Union Socks 2 pair for 25
Boys' Heavy Ribbed Hose 2 " 25
Women's Heavy Ribbed Hose 2 26
Wonton'e Fine Plain Hose 4 25
Children's Int Biaok Hose 6 11 26
for Men's Suite ; $8,75, $5, $7,50, $9 and 510. Coats and Voste for warm
days, dark oolors and special prices.
Nora before have we been in a better position to offer good reliable mershandiee
at lower prim. Have you nee bought flrst•alass Yarn in either two or three ply at
3710, or all wool Cheek Flannel at 23o ? The above list will prove interesting read.
ing for otoso earth buyers. Drop in and let us show you what we are doing, even
though you do not buy anything. We aro here for beehtees,